
(8 KB, 168x300, images.jpeg.jpg)
She looks like a fucking auschwitz prisoner holy fucking shit. She looks emaciated.
>>49313 (OP)
Oh fuck, Vanilla Hippo looks like the Crypt Keeper now
this is why you don't lose weight after going hardcore into the lifestyle. You're fucked for life. Might as well enjoy it and look good while you're at it
Any pics of her body now? I am brutally curious.
It’s funny to read “she looks emaciated” when she probably can’t be under 600 pounds at this point considering her starting weight
Look hot as fuck bro

I think women just shoudnt cross the 600lb limit
Anyone have a site-rip, i'd be content with all pre-my 600lbs life updates.
I think women should cross the 600lb limit, and never lose a single pound afterwards.
>>49313 (OP)
This looks like some FaceApp fuckery, source?
(178 KB, 700x800, VanillaUpdate79.jpg)
The source is from her tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vanillahippo?lang=en

It's still relatively insane how thin her face has been when she was 800+ pounds, the fact that it's clear that she lost a hefty amount of weight is apparent but she still has that balloon gut of hers due to the excess skin, albeit deflated
proof obesity is good with age
proof we must ensure weight loss is reduced
So much suffering for this?? He's still a giant ball of butter, and according to his eating habits I'm sure that balloon will inflate again, he's started making videos again, soon he'll start eating for the camera once again I'm sure.
>>49313 (OP)
Probably language barrier.
But on his defense, she looks like an old male rockstar.
should have stayed huge, then she'd look better
obesity is literally the cure to old age in girls
She looks fucking revolting, once you have surgery to remove skin and excess fat the weight never accumulates properly again.
She looked fantastic at 900 pounds but if she got that fat again she'd look like a freakshow.
I wouldn't pay 1 pence for access to her onlyfans.
Take it out back behind the barn. Jesus. She’s ruined.
Say what you want about the fat acceptance movement, they're making sure this doesn't happen.
The worst part is what is inside her head.
It used to be filled with the beautiful gluttony, self indulgence and laziness, now it's just empty.
Someone filled her head with fatphobic shit, and now she’s a husk of what she used to be. A woman’s brain being so pliable is the best and worst thing.
the greatest ussbbw goddess so far
until now I suppose
god only knows where's the limit for a girl like this to go without shame in a non fatphobic world.
she was a thing of beaty at almoust 1000 lbs, she is the weight o a Renault Twizy!!
I have a hard time picturing you guys influencing women into doing anything but cringing tbh
why are you here then
He’s probably the kind of closeted FA who has a skinny girlfriend. All the while, he’s got some whale he DMs for nudes while he swears to her that he’s single.
Congratulations, they’re triggered now.
Maybe she just didn't want to make her daughter orphan
And however I didn't like her even before. Now she's... Hum... Let's say when you're probably 900 lbs, your skin loses every elasticity it has, so when you lose weight, you become an horrible thing to watch
I hate feminists but damn when I look at this thread I can't disagree with them, men are actually trash lmao
I watched something where she talked about waking up in her own piss nearly every night and being too fat to do anything about it. I'd rather look like a zombie in that case. She had a decent run.
Come on now. It’s not fatphobic to want to be able to like, walk around on your own and live past 45. She’s an adult who made a decision for her health and quality of life.
i like fat women as much as the next guy, but man, she weighed almost half a ton... i'm surprised (although i guess i probably shouldn't be) by the amount of you saying she should've stayed anywhere close to that weight
This thread is making me realize how full of cringy faggots the FA community is. This fetish has warped your brains
This, niggas acting like she's property
She's a fucking traitor.

It's obvious that Vanilla Hippo was never mentally well. It's part of the territory, I mean, to begin with majority of fat fetishists at least online aren't usually NPCs. When you're committed, especially as a model you go all the way
This backstabbing whore got to live the DREAM of all indulgent women out there. She sat on her crusty colossal ass for Years just fattening herself up, eating eating eating like a gross hog and broken machine, bloating her gut into a horrific cyst of lard. A sideshow exhibit, a tub of undulating blubber. She gained to be a literal HALFTON. And for what? To betray HER fans she made so much money off of, after her cows to get into this life. She owes us. She owes her fans, instead of giving into this fat phobic insanity and deflating that disgustingly beautiful Behemoth of a body she rocked, to be fished out of the gluttonous abyss into transformation into this eldritch bastard of Ozzy Osbourne and Nancy Pelosi. That's the toll she pays for her successful imitation of Judas though I guess. She had her fun in the fat life, and now can live the rest of her decrepit hag days crying off boxed wine and munching celery instead of Swiss Rolls until her scarred still yellowed heart bursts from a vaccine blood clot.

Vanilla Hippo? More like Vanilla Whore. Vanilla Hitler.

i need you to go to a therapist and show them this post
At what point do yall stop caring about what a woman does with her body? Like are you guys really weeping in agony when ex-model decides to get WLS when she's a grandma?

Also can we get a site-rip please?
>>49493 it was the Hitler part where I realized this was performance art
Really people here is so out of reality?
I clapped, honestly.
But then again, I always clap for Hitler.
This Amanda from the second season of Family by thd Ton appears even older, like have aged twenty years to their late fifties.
She is now even working as personal trainer.
I think that is the climax of hypocrite, when for instance former canidates of The Biggest Loser become fitness coach and health eating experts , to double-crap the money.
When they orginal were practicising the opposite lifestyle and partly even praising it (like these erotic model, which are sometime even fake-feedees).
Sorry boys but I kinda dig the deflated look
Mate your so funny, I really enjoyed reading that.
lol literal schizo shit, kind of based but in reality, and I always say this, I see gainers and the like in the same way as athletes, they do their shit for a while make money then fuck off on to something else, just enjoy them for the now and when they're gone oh well another will come along.
The entirety of this fetish is warped and fucked, and you are essentially condeming you are with to a worse lifestyle than if they weren't morbidly obese, usually filled with various diseases, bodily pains, mental distress and earlier death. There is literally nothing normal about anyone who is on here especially, the thing is 99% of FAs tend to be pretty retarded or sadistic shizos like me. Just go look at any comment section under bbws, gainers, feedees, ssbbws etc you get to see what most of this group comprises of. The trick is to not let your fetish dominate your life, nor get attatched to people you'll literally never meet or form a bond with, just find their videos (literally never ever pay for porn, only retarded coomers do that) fap and then move one with your life. But most are too retarded to do even that and then get asshurt when their favorite that they shoveled hundreds of dollars too decide they want to live past 40 and start losing weight (Just look at all the Boberry threads for an example)
Yet you still pay with attention. You could've just said you don't care enough for "porn" to pay it. If you are wealthy or use money intelligently a few dollars spent on erotic material (is it fair to call the stuff we clamor for porn?) isn't a big deal. I started buying content sometimes because the stuff I want didn't get shared here and there's always the impending risk of data becoming memory holed.
I like big women but some of you people need help. Getting mad because a woman loss weight and can no longer full fill your sick fantasy is disturbing
you can always leave
OR, you can get help and talk to a shrink. You're unhinged
It's the internet no one cares you fucking angel of holiness, Go fill potholes in the road if you care that much.

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