
I like fat girls when they have eyebrows.
just throw 10 dollars at her and you'll get your 'wins"
Don’t waste your money you have to pay extra to see her get bust down by some dude
>>49073 (OP)
This is a white man's forum. There are no 'wins' here.
Also, fuck jannies.
imagine paying for porn
I have never payed a cent in my life for pornography. I have been with many women but I have denied them all my seed.
The first statement makes you look like a cheap asshole. The second makes you look like a degenerative asshole.

Booooo at you.
>>49073 (OP)

She literally lives 4 hours from me. I chat with her daily on SC. She doesn't charge me.

FYI, She is 5'3, with 86" hips and is an L cup
This is Mal Molloy with an extra 100 lbs and living in a trailer.

So then you got some wins you can share? Orrrr
Black mans dream girl πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I dunno, I'd tap.
Imagine being so fucking sickeningly, tragically woke that you need your women with facial hair. You have been rotted from within by the leftist agenda that is the destruction of manhood.
I don't mind peach fuzz on some cute womens or side burns but it's not something I find arousing either. Most women use special methods to get rid of the more delicate unwanted hair so that it doesnt grow back thicker. There are areas I do like hair though but like chin hair na or like hair on the top lip nah
Bruh all he said was he like fat girls with eyebrows.. which is normal cause most females have eyebrows why you so pressed πŸ’€
yeah she's got at least one mystery meat mutt around, personally that kills any boner i could get from how good she looks
my dreams aint this good
Imagine being so tragically in the thrall of white conservatism that you think eyebrows count as β€˜male’ facial hair and that dreds mean that only black men can date her. You do realize you live in a prison of your own making, right?
Imagine being the faggot who typed this out lol
at first reading only the last few comments, this thread was extremely difficult for me to even imagine comprehension, but now that I've read it's entirety I think it's hilarious. My dreams aren't this level of telephone Jerry Springer hilarity
yeah honestly i dunno what's up with that but all white fat girls are always in relationships with niggers

and if they have a kid and are single mothers it's usually from niggers too
The relation lasts until the first kiddo pops.
Then they become the single-mom-warrior that claims to do everything for their kid.
Way to stereot-- oh, wait. It's overwhelmingly true.
that's because niggers can't raise a kid - they just disappear the first second they have to care for anybody but themselves.

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