
(1.8 MB, 320x184, Sammee Matthews [380p].mp4) (1.9 MB, 480x270, tumblr_p2sjebzwa81wvmwma.mp4) (212 KB, 736x1045, tumblr_plzxnmgxbw1sh6cp8o1_1280.jpg) (87 KB, 512x794, tumblr_plzxnmgxbw1sh6cp8o2_540.jpg) (94 KB, 750x583, tumblr_plzxnmgxbw1sh6cp8o4_1280.jpg)
Haven't seen her mentioned here. This is all I have, unfortunately, and I've been unsuccessful at finding any legitimate source of her content.

Anyone have more of her stuff?
All the vids I have of her

Some pics of her changing clothes

Kill yourself. Please and thank you.
What’s your problem? Worried you didn’t learn how to read too good?
get the fuck out of here
Even if you don't have anything from the model you're requesting content from you can upload something.
>>48514 (OP)

Sammee Matthews isn't the same from what she used to be. She has these cuts on her now that look indicative of drug use. Idk.
begging for a reup, she's one of my favorites of all times :(
>>49660 seconding this. Reup please she’s such a great hog
Her ass is so fat that it developed a smaller ass
the more the merrier

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