
Where is this firts photo from? She was the hidden dimond in the ssbbw world. Allmost no good videos or pics from her in good qualaty… (sorrry for my bad english)
From a chapter of her book when she was immobile and cast aside by the BBW/FA community.
Anyone know how much she weight at her highest?
800 something lbs
Do you mean that as a figure of speech or does she actually have a book
I need her book fr
as much as I love fat women no part of my body wants to read an entire book about it
So I normally never post in here but several years ago before she actually started her boutique and shit. I'd met her at a bash. I was sitting there with my wife and 2 random guys when she came huffing in the banquet hall because she had to leave her scooter outside the doors. She sat at our table and proceeded to yell at the 2 gentleman at the table about how they just abandoned her in her room and no one was there to help her get ready because she was to big.
Was it a bitchy, lazy, spoiled, obnoxious, and entitled kind of yelling because she expected everything done for her? Or did the guys actually abandon her
tbh, this actually sounds interesting enough for me to buy it and not jerk off to it. Jaimie seems pretty good at entrepreneurship, too bad there's no onlyfans
I’m still convinced this is a man , idk I just get drag vibes from Jamie
Also All the years and we still ain’t seen no titties or arse, bigggest waste of 700lb
This, her wannabe music career, and her general online presence gave me the impression her ego was the only thing that was bigger than her. I'm sure it's easy to feel "abandoned" when you're expecting a harem of men to cater to your goddess body, when in actuality she probably was insufferable to be around if you weren't adoring her.
Diaper in the first pic lol
How is she now?
I bought her book for $7 on Amazon and read it in about an hour. Not the best writing, but hey, I didn’t have high expectations.

Basically the book is a confession that she tried to hide the fact she was getting so big, and wound up effectively bedbound. She was ashamed and lied about all sorts of things in order to keep people from realizing how fat she was. She ran the salon from bed using cameras and her laptop. But without her there, it ran into the ground. She was stuck at home and some skezzy people started squatting in her house, but she hadn’t realized it because she was bedbound. Police came, she moved out, got WLS, and wrote a book apologizing for lying to everyone and having abandonment issues (she also talks about her shitty childhood with parents divorcing her and neither wanting her).

Short on fappability, poorly written, but kind of a trip to read.

Only Trans things wear that much makeup or bimbos.

He/she is blobbed shaped, so no way to tell if a man or woman.

The uncertainty is a Boner killer

That’s right, I’m a Transphobe and fucking proud of it
She looked better when she was big.

Did you know she used to model as Babydoll Bombshell? I think she looked more feminine then. I don't think she is trans, just ridiculous with her makeup.

One of the strangest things about Jamie is that she still pretends to be 800 lbs. on her Feabie profile.
There was a Micky Flanagan short (British TV show, called Thinking Aloud, iirc) with some pretty spectacular comparison shots. Unfortunately, I don’t have it and it’s nearly impossible to find the entire episode.
lol the person who was feeding her while she was bedbound did not realise there were other people in the house?
There is a new doc about here salon coming out in the states, check Lardi Bs insta....
could you upload the book, or at least the most interesting parts ?
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Full disclosure, I was a tremenduous fan. Exactly because she was so grotesquely tarty. Sort of my guilty pleasure. Here's what I have of her Bombshells content:
And misc content from social media, including a teaser from that programme she did with Micky Flanagan mentiones above:
you don't have to be attracted to trans people to accept them you melt?
Thank you! She’s a bit less over the top in her early days
She doesn’t really get into how she kept eating while stuck in her room, other than that she ordered food online
lmao the funny part is anon probably thought he was being a total badass by saying that last part. No one cares dude we're all here to jerk off to women too fat to walk.
Which doesn't surprise me. Frankly you don't get that big by admitting you have a problem and cutting it out when you've gone too far.
I know, I dowloaded two years ago few videos of it, for instance in the jacuzzy. But partly looked she like a dragqueen in these too.
So either it are actual two different persons (one imitating her) or it is a hermaphrodit.
Anyway she is pretending to have lost more weight than she did. She was never over 250Kg. At her time on Bombshells was she around 180Kg, when she was also on Myspace (it was around 2006). She didn't lose 200Kg in one year, but rather 50.
That one was tricking money from people already in the past and her beauty-saloon appears very expensive (on the strip of Las Vegas). Now allege she to be on a weight-lose journey, to sell Kinea and her story.
Oh 100% she's a grifter in that sense. I wouldn't be surprised if she played up "being immobile" for the book and two photos. Like some have said earlier, she's a business woman - that includes lying to get her product pushed. She lies to the community, to the public, to herself. It's all a fantasy in the end.
Jup and he/ she covered already in the mid of that decade a lot of make-up (orange), but looked not only bigger just also taller than Misty (like 1,80m).
When the age was supposed to be about 20. But possibly was that also faked and who is already in the fourties.
Anyway first was promoted the plus-size community and called to be embarrassed by the treatment and that the chair broke, now is promoted the weight-lose, which appears opposite.
By the way had this one a profile on Feabie.
When I send the flirt belly-rubs; when she was open for it,few years ago (maybe around 2018).
Anyone interested in a deepish dive into her book, I wrote a review at the beginning of the year:


tl;dr: An absolute mess from a writing standpoint — from cringe to incoherent — but kinda fascinating as a rare confession from a true USBBW.

Biggest takeaway (that somehow I didn't manage to cram into my main review) was that in a book about "honesty" she never mentions being a paysite model.

This is my favorite clip of her. Not only does she walk unaided, but you really get a sense of her size (unless the interviewer is 3' tall): https://we.tl/t-BYN8D56Sl2
OK..that first pic I'm quite sure is one of the GluttonGirlz...
Do you have a pdf or epub you can share?
Post the pdf bruh
First pic is not Jamie Lopez.

The rest are, which happens to be the transvestite Jamie Lopez.

You’re all jerking to a man

Happy Pride month LoL!!!
Can we get this diaper beast thread removed 🤢
low effort bait
is she a tranny or nah
No, but when she has a lot of makeup on, she kinda looks like a drag queen. Dude is just making sure we all know he’s transphobic and is hijacking this thread in hopes of triggering someone.

She’s female by birth (it’s pretty obvious in her early photos) but has a pretty over-the-top sense of style that definitely makes you want to do research to verify
What’s so bad about being transphobic?

Go jerk off to Trannies all you want. I don’t care.

Just stop posting threads of trannies on a forum for Big Beautiful *Women*

Trannies are not women, no matter how bad you want them to be.

Do you even know what a woman is anyways?
If you have to ask, then chances are, it’s probably a tranny
Because she IS a woman? It's like you've never seen a hispanic chick with too much makeup before.

I don't care how you feel about trans men/women, but you're wrong. Mald that this thread exists, I guess?
Nope. You ain’t fooling me.

Go back to your transsexual porn forums
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So you are into mentally ill fat guys larping as women, you should consider suicide
What a virgin way to be. It's like you have one character trait. No wonder no one will ever fuck you
Dude who cares
Out there in the real world most people think we're mentally deranged for being into 400 lb girls
Like it or not, we're not really on solid ground to call other people's tastes weird
This memes actually fucking hilarious. I remember when the fad was gaining traction and id see so many people like mid transition trudging around like mutants with pained looks on their faces as if they were fucking deformed science experiments. Trans shit is gross and im tired of people trying to pretend that its not.
Trannies are a pathetic mockery of life and biology (that is the science of life).

They are grotesque and worst sufferers of mental illness. Much of it self-inflicted by narcisist behavior (the old saying, "i think therefore i am"), they turned to this mutilation as a means of escaping themselves, only to be confronted by what they have done to themselves.

So much rotten ego. May they all burn up in the fires of the Sun.
you sound like a middle schooler lmao
He’s actually got a point

Has she left you again? Inbox me, hun.
If you want proof of demonic possession then look no further than trannies and the wards who protect them. A disgusting abomination, a defilement of life.
People disagree with you because they're confused why you're devoting so much time and energy hating people you will never meet instead of not caring and moving on.

You come off as an involuntary celibate, man. Go outside, enjoy some of the nice weather we've been having lately.
People disagree with you because they're confused why you're devoting so much time and energy hating people you will never meet instead of not caring and moving on.

You come off as an involuntary celibate, man. Like you have nothing to show for yourself other than how you can rephrase the same thing. Go outside, enjoy some of the nice weather we've been having lately.
The attitude of 'not caring' is exactly why western civilization has obscene levels of suicide - never experienced in human history before. You're wrong, and need to correct your attitude. Abominations need to be called out wherever they raise their ugly disfigured heads, so that others don't follow their path to self destruction.
>>48601 People suicide for many reasons. Do you want us to believe that the proper authorities don't know the reason why most suicides happen?
Rates of suicide are much higher in South Korea, Russia, and many sub-Saharan African countries - societies that place tremendous emphasis on caring about norms, fitting in, and not being degenerate - than in the West.

You sound like a 17-year-old who discovered /pol/ for the first time last week but hasn't bothered double-checking the actual data underlying any of their statements yet.
Who cares if it’s a tranny or not, it has a diaper on in the first pic of the thread
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Literally no argument just pure cope "why do you even care about the mentally ill people whos lobbying groups are taking over your society and pushing sick perverted pesudo science gender theory on children and encouraging them to decapitate their own genitals and pump themselves full of drugs
Trannies have the highest suicide rates on the planet dumbass almost 50% of them kill themselves
Buddy, you're the one coping about how the trannies are somehow killing society. You are desperate for others to be mad too.

I'm sure freshman year was tough on you. Relax, you're home now. Life doesn't get much easier though but no one is counting on anyone so young and fresh-faced to do anything about it.
This is the definition of hypocrisy.

Typical liberal

Because of fuckers like you, I have trans sex popping up on ads on the side of my screen when on Coomer.

So us all a favor and cut your dick off and join the tranny movement.
Transphobes full on SEETHING in this thread lmao

Imagine getting so upset by something different you feel compelled to complain on a piracy board
You sound like unhappy hateful person. If you are secure in your own sex and life you wouldn’t care about a hating Jews or Trans or blacks. You made me feel lucky I don’t carry around that heavy hate. I came here to look sexy curvy women, Let’s focus on that.
“Because of fuckers like you, I have trans sex popping up on ads on the side of my screen when on Coomer. “

If you are unconsciously attracted to women with dicks. This could make you very upset because to point where you have to tell people about your anger. I don’t see that because if I am on Coomer I am looking at girls.
We get it. You like jerking it to trannies. Stop being so compelled to tell us how it’s perfectly normal.

Next you’ll be dressing up as one and going to kindergarten classes telling kids how normal it is to like trannys
A girl to you could be many different things. You don’t even know what a girl is.

All you liberal trolls need to keep it to Reddit and Twitter
People are complaint about trannys on a piracy board because of the fact that there are pictures of trannys being posted on this piracy board.

A separate tranny board needs to be made for fuckers like you.

Just like tranny sports leagues need to be made to save women sports
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You're literally the one who doesn't know what a woman looks like lmfao you are shrieking over OP having too much makeup.

There's no trannies being posted here. Take your insecurities somewhere else.
Oh, there have very definitely been trannies posted in here, along with lectures about accepting trannies as "genuine women". A separate board for shemales is in order.

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