
The girl in the jeans is amazingly cute.
The show ruined the character.
In many parts of Africa, fat women are considered beautiful. Fat is a synonym of prosperity
There are a lot of fatties in Africa, and a decent amount of cultures that are ok with it. Although it IS pretty funny to think about how people can get so big in a continent known for being starving

ya its crazy. only like 1.5 billion people in africa and not all of them have the same lives. could be some real fatties in there.
Northern (Arab) Africa too. BBW ex of mine went to Egypt and was a superstar/harrassment magnet. The novelty wore off quick.
I've long considered Africa to be the last untapped frontier of fat woman enjoyment. Need to visit.

>went to Egypt and was a superstar/harrassment magnet
Is that not just the case for any woman there?
All of you are queens. Here, you dropped these
>Is that not just the case for any woman there?
LOL probably but she doesn't get the same reaction as thinner women in other places where men are repressed sociopaths, like Italy.
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Whats sad is that places like Egypt kind of confirms the manufactured beauty standards theory (at least other countries adopting westernized standards once they enter globalization).
...yet the US is (slowly) normalizing fat women as sexy and attractive so maybe we'll all meet in the middle.

I also prefer normalisation of obesity over covering beauty in those pesky rugs they call hijabs.

Its vital to have people see obese individuals all the time. It gets to be normal and burdens of weightless encouragements are falling.
Especially it is important to have kids view obesity as normality.
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I do have a bit of a hijab/niqab/abaya fetish right now so it works for me. The modesty clashing with the big pear-shaped body.
Ass so fat even Big Mo couldn't oppress it
>he doesn't exercise so he can lift his obese gf
come on guys
The best recruitment tool.
Me too, They stay at home alot getting fat it seems.
There was an Arab family that moved in down the street from me in my teens. They always bought immense amounts of groceries, but I only ever saw one kid, and the wife rarely made an appearance outside. Quickly figured out why when I finally spotted her. She was a god damn land whale. Easily wider than she was tall, with an ass that rivaled DivaSsbbw. Always wore full garb, but you cant hide much when it strained to contain her hips. I swore every time she made an appearance (probably twice a year) she was 50 lbs heavier, and I would day she was already 600+. I moved away and never saw them again, but I can only imagine.
there's something beautiful about developing countries becoming as obese as us
First is a bit... Uhm...
based? Yes I agree.
This sounds fucking amazing
Yes, but only because she had a sub-5 foot frame. Her peak BMI was 250, the highest ever recorded for anybody.
Wow, a realistic story both tragic and arousing. It definitely sounds based on true anecdotes.
what anout bbw african lift and carry guys
That was brilliant
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Holy shit this scratched a part of my brain.

My hard drive died a while back and I lost a whole ass gallery I found on the internet of this woman. Most of what I could find was reverse image search things. But no name, do you by any chance know the model pictured? Sorry, off topic.
You're a saint, thanks.
She's BY FAR the fattest person ever. To describe her as merely the second heaviest woman is extremely disrespectful.
The highest recorded BMI, yes. No contest.
Sorry about the tangent, anon.
Likely no; Carolyne Yager and Roseline Bradfort were heavier. Even the weight of Vanilfla Hippo was competitive.

But Lexxi might have had a comparable obesity (as she was much wider than tall).
She was 4'7 1/2" highest body fat % for sure
I wouldn't be that certain; she also lost a lot and it is not clear if their starting weight was correct estimated or pretended bigger for public (as she was at the end under 300Kg, maybe 250 at most). It is possible that she never weighted over 400 kilos.

But Yager was supposed to have weight around 700Kg; so her BMI was probably over 200 too and the height was not very tall I think (likely not more than 1,70m).
Yeah, from looking at her I never bought the numbers. There was a big PR push to get her from Egypt to India, for a valid reason (WLS to save her life), but as a result I think they hyped it to get worldwide attenion.

Far as I know Yeager's highest weight was estimated, never confirmed on a scale. Pretty sure Maya Rosales is the all-time verified heaviest woman.
No Rosaline Bradfort is the highest I think, as Guiness Book of Record listed her with around 570Kg (although John Minoch might have had more, but was around 2m tall).

The sister of Eman pointed, that the treatment in India was not very well, also also sheself confirmed. That medication didn't work and they did some experiements. While most of the weight was apparently water (of Yager too), and she lost at home or in Dubai something (a lot) too.
Because of the Indian physicans wrong methods (which did promotion for their own medicine to sell it) did she possible die. The doctors there even admited, that it was not so successful as it was published.
I mean the number of Manuel Uribe were not verified too and he weighted maybe always under 500Kg.

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