
(636 KB, 780x929, SpicySet31.jpeg)
her jiggly body drives me wild. here are 4 videos I have of her. anyone know her height and weight or have more of her videos? I dont think there are many out there but a few more at least.
Five videos, four that you’ve already got but I think mine are higher quality, and a good collection of her photos.
I'm so fucking into her and there's so little of her out there. I even subbed to her site an extra month bitd hoping there would be more. Anyone know if she's still active?
She's so sexy. I wish she had shown off her belly more when she was modeling
Unfortunately, I don’t have them but I know she did 1-2 videos with diva that should be on divas site
I'm aware of one, it's in the batch I posted.
Any pic sets?
This is how a thread is supposed to work. Nice teamwork guys. Thanks for filling in on top of the 4 I started the thread with
But it just wouldn't be bbw-chan if some guy didn't chime in with "any picsets?" after we post 33 of them lol.
Pure gold — thanks! Where is this from? I don't think it's from her site.
Is there a way to download that clip from here?

expired...any chance to repost?
I'm on a Mac w/ Firefox, was able to ctrl-click and save it. Should work the same right-clicking it and saving.
Does Diva have picsets with premium bbw?
More please

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