
(123 KB, 349x590, les1.jpg)
How tf this black bitch dates this white bitch
this will obv get deleted

opposites attract, it's the same for lesbians.

sometimes I wonder if female homosexuality is even a thing, gay men come across a feminine but I can't say the same for gay women.
this is prob gonna get trolled because im giving a normal answer on a chan board but:

as a bi person, i can say that queer people grow up perceiving the "normal" world as something that rejects them in a lot of ways, and so a lot rebels against the habitual social norms.

so gay guys have a tendency to reinforce their feminine side, where as gay girls reinforce their masculine side. that's obviously not always the case (i know super masculine gay guys and super feminine lesbians), but it's a good measure of how it goes.

regarding the two girls posted: they both look hot too me lol
Good luck to them. It's no one's business, but theirs.
>>47159 (OP)
I don't think people are as adverse to race mixing as people online make it out to be. Additionally you got any sauce, preferably a video of the skinny one feeding the fatty?
The logic would be that they find each other hot, genius.
>>47159 (OP)
Bro you probably find the fat one hot, and you're just jealous as fuck. And her being straight wouldn't mean that she would bang you lmao
>>47159 (OP)
Why are you posting Thick girls in ssbbw?
Can you read?

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