
(463 KB, 722x528, humanpillow.PNG)
No head shots, but 99.9999% certain this is Colleen. Anyone have access to the private folder with 6 pics contained within and care to share?
isn't this euro betsy? if this is under the private folder then the account is prob a fake.
the first pic for euro betsy...the other 2 are def colleen.
Its Massively Sweet Tina on pic 2 and 3, maybe Op pic too
nah op pic is colleen and so are 2 and 3. pic 1 is def not her though and also def not massivelysweet.
Does someone save the pics from feabie, i saw yesterday 2 pics of her belly but today the profile is gone
Yes please. Until this woman realizes the giant demand for an OF, this is all we have.

Also, look at the background. Definitely CW.
Idk, if lvlynightmare taught us anything, immobility content is overrated.
Disagree, bigger is always better.
(315 KB, 720x340, 1.png) (312 KB, 720x531, 2.png)

here's two that I had open in tabs last night before she deleted
many thank,

thanks god you didnt refresh

we need more of her,and there was another photo of her bare belly
i was afraid that this was a catfish account, but it was using legit CW pics and there are still 6 mysterious private pics, that are probably also CW pics we haven't seen, and hopefully someone here had access to those and can post!
why cant we have nice thing?
I have a very strong memory, and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th pic are quite old and have been floating over the net and boards like these. The first one is new to me. The last one is also old, the one before that one is also new to me
Collen williams from dr oz
Hideous walrus smh
Holy shit ... that's the fattest person I've ever seen that mobile. Fucking incredible
there are many apron bellies around the world and maybe it's just someone with lost media taking advantage of the pictures of colleen or another ussbbw probably to ask for donations
does anyone remberner her facebook?, its something like beegees
OMG. this was the episode where she was meant to have lost weight, and the surprised everyone with gaining past 700lbs when she weighed in

Just gold
Good piggy. Just can't stop stuffing her face.
We need more bare belly pics!
As much as they look like and resemble her belly shape , the OP pics are 100% not Colleen Williams. There were a few belly shots of her floating around years ago
But yeh they aren’t her
The search continues
(1.8 MB, 212x212, MAJORHEFT.gif) (402 KB, 613x824, tumblr.png)
This "GIRL" is probably the same girl who is creating profiles on tumblr, reddit and feabie using photos of this USSBBW with a huge apron belly "lost media" and Majorheft an USSBHM also lost media
(70 KB, 720x533, colllen.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1673x803, collen dr oz.png)
the second and third photo are defenitly collen my a comparation from her oz vid, the op one uses the same backgrounds and the one when she shows her belly
same spots on top her right boob and same background, those are defenitly colleen
(386 KB, 722x528, collen dr oz2.png) (1.1 MB, 1503x879, Sem Título2.png)
also if we compare the op pic from the dr oz colleen same spot in her right arm,

dont forget that this shows was in 2011, she was in her early 30 she has 10 years to put up some pounds
That is most certainly a pretender.
Does anyone has these videos?
i have the dr oz vids, but she doesnt show up anything if you like i can upload
Yeah may you upload them please

thats all ive got from her
Anyone ever meet her at a bash when she used to go?
Well played, idiots
Holy Crap, anybody got anthing else on @MissFeedThePig woman cause I cant find jack
Wow !! Looks like we missed out with this one
I’ve searched and searched seems she had a Reddit profile and posted decent content hi perfect deleted after
Holy fuck yeah I need me summa that
That dog has seen things it shouldn't.
That was a catfish anyways. She's never had the need to hide her face from the public before and as soon as someone identifies the pics as being Coleen, she poofs.
It wasn’t a catfish, we snapchatted back and forth for a bit when she was still on Feabie, got to watch her fuck her huge belly button with a dildo

You must be "her" aren't you?
lmao...i mean that would be hot as all fuck, but let's be real that fantasy never happened nor will it ever. When the REAL Colleen was on feabie she gave every impression of being completely over the fetishizing of her body to get someone's dick wet online. Now, if you were someone that was putting the time in to get to know her, travel to her, looking for an actual relationship with her I have no doubts she would get on cam and do whatever you asked her to do with that massive belly to get you off, but we all know that wasn't the case.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Believe what you want, but we did chat, and we did send each other videos. Don’t know what else to say lol
Drop the videos then
that's not Colleen, and tbf she ain't a ussbbw runway model or anything, but if i were her i'd be insulted if someone was going around claiming or saying that was me lmao
We need more pics/info on @missfeedthepig!
>21 689lbs
My penis hurts from being so hard.
is this a guy? they posted another pic and their body is giving me dude vibes.
Yep, another catfish. The latest picture is of user "Bigboy79" on feabie. I'm always hesitant to believe these 600-700+ "death feedees" with no faces who dive from the top of empire state building into the ussbbw gaining fantasy.
I never understood why people do this. Wtf do they even get out of this?
Guess who's back on feabie under the name FunFattiCake? Yup, "Colleen". I just don't buy that it's her. She posted a weight of 900 pounds which just seems like the ultimate boner inducing fat fantasy weight you can think of. She also says how she lives in a rehab center for her eating disorders, weight, but is always posting about how she's ordering out from every take out joint imaginable lol. Is this another Colleen catfish? You decide!
yes we know the same with celestial, now shut up before both disappeare!
I fully believe that is the real Celestial. I don't buy this is the real Colleen.
I did so forenses work and the photos from this profile and the humanpillow match the dr oz videos, same spots on her body
(1.1 MB, 1682x939, 7.png)
i 100 per cent sure that is cw, look at the last photo from her feabie and this video from dr oz the same 4 spots on the left arm
Tell me you don't know how catfishing works without telling me you don't know how catfishing works.
>>62112 you should get some fresh air bro go outside
This thread is too good to die, so bump
There's a couple of new shots on feabie. All weird b+w closeups, though...
She wrote on feabie that she's considering opening an OF account... I think we should all encourage her to go for it.
I know she’s seriously considering it but has her doubts of it will be worth it. I think once she knows how many subs she will have she will pull the trigger. *fingers crossed*
What's her username on feabie?
Couldn't find Humanpillow there.
Anything new from her feabie?
Has she Onlyfans now (as she was asking on Feabie to get the opinion of the members there) and if so what is her nick there?

She is a bit annoying with the stuff about her girlfriend, which she mentions is every posting and extend this. Although on her profile does she claim to be not into feederism (which seems hypocrite, as this is a feeder/ feedee relationship and she enjoys worshipping her tummy) and want to lose weight. But on the other hand like she get pampered and the fat lifestyle, with delivering to her nursehome.
she's talked about possibly getting an onlyfans...not sure how she can manage updates with her living situation though so it probably won't get off the ground until her long distance gf moves in, if that ever happens.
Any new photos she posted?
Perhaps is it fake: as I stated before there are likely 0 - 3 women currently which weight 400 or more kilogramme (in the world). This is supposed to be a feeder-feedee relationship, but in the profile is maintained that she want to lose weight and get out of the bed (ridden), also did she claim to have not gained this on purpose, but it was the second meet-up with some member of Feabie.
While they spam the whole time about feederism and how thry love each other (after maybe 3 dates)...
I have reported her to the webmaster and hopefully get they both banned soon.
I mean, for this to be fake it would have to be some giant elaborate and time consuming ploy for god only knows what reason other than doing it , and *I* couldn't find that time to waste and just can't see anyone else doing it. There are literally pictures of both of them together. I'm pretty sure that Colleen is real, the relationship is, although vomit inducing with everything they post, very real. Let's just hope we get an OF out of it at some point and we all win.
I think it might be a role-play of her (or them).
Do you belive she is the currently heaviest woman on earth or at least one of (the top) 3?
I mean Echo appears a bit heavier overall, maybe Nikki James (at here heaviest around 8 or 9 years ago) too.
If she would claim to be around 300 kilo, then it would be more trustable (believable).
But men are normalle/ natural heavier than women (as muscles are heavier than fat).

So you really think there are 0-3 women over 400 kg right now in the world because your "Heaviest in the world" list that you just found on Google or in your Guinness Book tells your so...

Let me tell you this. Most of these super morbidly obese people are ashamed and/or do not want anyone to know about their situation. If you want to have a slightly more realistic idea on how many of these people exist just go search on reddit and you will find plenty of nurses, EMTs etc. ranting about their 800, 900 or 1000 lbs patients which are becoming more and more frequent. Hell, I've even seen comments where they mention patients of around 1300 lbs that don't even fit into bariatric ambulances.
Nope I doj't fit into your suitcase assmuptions!

I just know there are not thousands or hundreds of these, as there were only 10 - 20 women in history which weight over 400Kg.
And the heaviest man (human) right now weights between 400 and 450 kilogramme.
There are also less than thousand women which weight over 300Kg (few hundreds at most).

Didn't google it. But I know the 900 pounds club, which is a site that exists since the ninties.
Most of these numbers are far from realistic but obvious and big lies or photoshoped.
Reddit is not suitable as lexika, it is porn with many troyans, because it is illegal, therefore not comparable with Wikipeadia.
Well, given that you're wielding the English language as bad as the moron who was on the renayee thread claiming she isn't even 550 pounds because she didn't pass his eye test of fatness, we can pretty much chalk up everything you're saying as pure and utter nonsense.

Have you seen how big Colleen was when she was on Dr. Oz? She was tipping the scales at over 700 pounds and has done nothing to lose that weight since her time on that show. I saw her at a couple Vegas bashes in 2016/17 and she was absolutely massive. Is it completely out of this realm of reality for her to have put on a couple hundred pounds in, like what, close to a god damn decade?
I don't need (but I have seen the pictures), do you know it is a TV show and not reality? They make everything more dramatic to get more views!
And this is still not 400Kg... with that no human is able to walk. Do you believe you can stay 7 years at that with dying?

You are either just blended by this abstract numbers and other nonsense (lies) and too green behind the ears or you know it can't be real and you do role-play here as well.

Even that woman of the second season of Family by the tone was below 300Kg, but had the same propotions as Coleen had (even the face was similar, like they could be twins).

It is my opinion that this measurement, which indicat weights like a horse, are not realistic and you won't change this with further lies/ propaganda.
You literally have 3 brain cells. That is your reality.
Why are the mods allowing this inbred kraut to ruin every single thread?
Maybe you've lived and grown up in a place where everyone is severely malnourished (and that appears to have impacted brain development as well), but as someone who lives in a place with lots of people who are quite well fed, and have personally, myself, interacted with people who weigh near to what you think is impossible to exist I can tell you that your a priori assumptions are nonsense.

It's not lies or propaganda that you can't conceive of people this large. Just think of one specific example. You think hospitals in the United States are spending ANY money on bariatric beds and stretchers because they are partnered with media companies to sell people on something? We don't even take care of people who need care, our medical system is sure as hell not investing in perpetuating a myth.

Why are you completely unable to see your willful blindness here?
As long as everyone keeps interacting with him, he will never fuck off. Obviously the mods can't ban him.
He said “Family by the Tone”. It’s a completely different show….

I can understand doubting a dubious profile or an obviously faking model, but this lady is neither. Lots of people have met her in person and know how enormous she is. She’s got a pretty well-known eating disorder. And despite her commitment to curtailing that disorder, she fallen in love with a female feeder, who is encouraging her to put more online.

Honestly, it just seems like one of those “enjoy the moment” before some jackass on here ruins it for the rest of us and this woman passes 1,000 pounds and we never get to see any of it.
Nothing is in any relation of my reply:
You can need easily such bed when you weight 300 or even 200Kg: One guy f my trainee weighted at his heaviest 211 - 217 kilogramme, needed such beds and was much wider than these women here pretending to by 270 or more kilogramme; he could barely walk, as he had a low hang large fat-apron, but his buttocks were similar as big as of these women, just as the hip and the thighs might have been even thicker.

The heaviest verified weight of a woman had Rosaline Bradfort with 570Kg, but that was before 1990. So there are not hundreds of women right now which weight 1300lbs, what the mongolide boy alleged.
And last time you claimed that women with large lower body/ hips & legs are heavier than these which are just in the middle big (as Ellie or Zsalynn), but this woman here is all about belly and nothing else. So you make it suitable to your agenda each time!

Just as is this woman still claiming in on the way to lose weight, so that is contrary to a feeder-relationship and to get deliveries of food. This also wouldn't allow the stuff of her medical home.
It seems pretty much, that this woman is playing games.
I also have doubts about the age; is Coleen really exact 40 years old right now (while on the avatar it looks some years older)?
You have not even one...
Was your argument last time not, that 6 - 7 years are a decade?
Maybe you need some extra lessons in mathematics...!
There is most likely at the moment no human who weight 500Kg or more.
Even the weight of Manuel Uribe was questionable, as it was just estimated and heslf had doubts later if it was correct or if he was maybe 100 - 150 kilogramme lighter at the starting point (as he came down to 380 once).
No, no, it's not my mathematics that's rusty, it's my recollection of when that ep aired which was back in 2011 putting it just over the decade mark. Please don't tell me you went to look this up to try and be witty, but ultimately couldn't do the math yourself with those 3 rusty brain cells to figure out that 2011>2023 is 12 years lmao. Congratulations, you just dunked on yourself you fucking clown.
(489 KB, 1000x750, VegetaItsOver9000-02.jpg)
I have reported her to the webmaster and hopefully get they both banned soon.

Imagine german bro furiously reporting everyone who doesn't pass his weight eye test
Just stop. This is clearly frustrating you because things aren’t lining up they way you want.

I hate to break it to you, but Colleen is immobile and is in a facility where they attend to your medical needs, but don’t have strict rule enforcement about food. Most medical facilities in the US are like that.

She’s really really fat, bro. It’s not rocket science.
You last time claimed she was in 2016 or 2017 on Dr. Oz. That are 6 years in my view.
Maybe you are dement to, when you can not remember this...🤨
How are you certain that this is really Coleen?
It could be some guy who has created several profiles there (Feabie among others), took the pictures from somewhere else and like to do role-play with himself/ an imaginary partner and to trick the other users.

I mean when somebody pretend there are many women which weight over 590Kg (=1300lb) a d alive; this is the weight of a kodiak bear (or very big greezly), a cow or buffalo, outgrown.
Only one human was official measured with that, which was John Minoch (who was also about 2m tall).
So your mathematics along with your comprehension of written language is impacted by your intergalactic learning disability, got it. I said *I* saw her, that's ME, personally, at Vegas bashes a couple years. That has nothing to do with her being on Oz a decade + ago. Just please stop commenting because as hard as it is for you to top your previous display of stupidity, you somehow manage to excel at that very thing.
You try to fool as, but just make a fool of yourself each time, as you seems to be tge top board fool here, attempt to hide your lies by further lies over and over again!

You maintained she appear at Docotor Oz in 2016 and 2017, which shall be one decade ago, I can quote this post here!
So you was at here when she created the profile on Feabie, that you know this it is here, confirmed...🙄
I can do it for you.

"Have you seen how big Colleen was when she was on Dr. Oz? She was tipping the scales at over 700 pounds and has done nothing to lose that weight since her time on that show. I saw her at a couple Vegas bashes in 2016/17 and she was absolutely massive. Is it completely out of this realm of reality for her to have put on a couple hundred pounds in, like what, close to a god damn decade?"

Man, the critical thinking required to conflate that when I was referring to a decade later implied I was talking about the Dr. Oz appearance that was , GASP, over a decade later, and not 2016/2017 must have crippled your mongoloid brain.

I can attest that funfatticake and human pillow are both colleen. Know her in real life, haven't seen her much she started dating her new girl. Yes, she really is 900. She's not hiding it. She's working on being mobile again. I'm shocked this thread hasn't been kiboshed by her, she's got eyes everywhere. Learned that before posting about her in here. Last I posted a crop of a video she sent me, she knew about it. Just let her post photos that she wants to post.
How are you still not aware that it is in fact YOU who is regarded as the "top board fool" here? Everyone despises you. Just fuck off and die.

Well, that's not very nice.
Thanks. Honestly I pera find her fucking gorgeous and I’m glad she’s dating someone that makes her feel that way.
Therefore you wrote:" she attend in 2016 or 2017 on Dr Oz, it is logical that she has since when, what is narrow a decade, gain that much of weight. "
You are a hypcrite liar!

Sheself ad admited (on Feabie) that she has no scale with a limit over 600 pounds. Therefore is the numer shown in her profile there just a guess.
But I would estimate it of 250 - 350Kg, which is still enormous huge and super morbidly obese.
In fact are most people over 300 kilos immobile.
Before reaching 400 kilogramme will die the majority of people (over 99% maybe).

I know you will sell contend of her here


How old are you in real, 15 or younger (perhaps 12)? You can just repeat the same a named you, which is bery poor and weak insulting. You are not competive with me, as you are not smart and I am too clever for you!

>How old are you in real, 15 or younger (perhaps 12)?
It's worse. He just turned 18. He's a baby. A little baby with his poo poo diaper need's to be changed.
It's truly amazing how you can top your imbecilic posts time and time again. Where in anything that I posted did I say she was on Dr. Oz in 2016/2017? A simple google search, which may not be as simple for someone with an impaired brain like yourself, can tell you when the Dr. Oz ep was, where *gasp* SHE WAS FUCKING WEIGHED. Let me blow your troglodyte mind even further by revealing that just because she doesn't have a scale that goes over 600 pounds AT HOME , doesn't mean she hadn't been weighed in the past, like, OH MY GOD, in the Dr. Oz episode! It's almost comical, if it wasn't overwhelmingly sad how fucking dimwitted you are, that you just pound away at your keyboard spouting off numbers like you have empirical data and are a subject matter expert on super obese people of the world lol.

It's a miracle of fucking nature that everyone can agree on something on a 4chan board , but the consensus is clear, everybody here despises you. Please stop posting.
I’m lost. She weighed 700lbs on TV, had an absolutely shit experience with Dr Oz, and many years later is even heavier and living at a facility that weighs her time to time. She’s approximately 900lbs now, dating a female feeder that’s she’s in love with, despite her desire to lose weight. It’s not that fucking hard to process tbh.

I mean, we deal with so much pretend shit in this little world that I can see why it’s hard to process, but I don’t see any reason why we can’t take this at face value and move on.
As we all know on TV is everything always for real...🙄🤨
I can 100% guarantee it’s her and her weight is accurate. That would be a lot of effort to fake those photos.
That's what i'm saying. I thought this was a catfish when she was on feabie as "humanpillow" or w.e because there just wasn't anything to prove otherwise, but the moment she started posting pics with this female feeder she's in love with was pretty much the nail in the coffin that this is legit.

Get in touch with her and convince her to start up an onlyfans 🤣
I know that she’s offered custom content to some people. Shoot your shot. Or message her feeder on feabie. I’ve messaged her before and she seemed cool and talked about Colleen’s belly.
Her profile is not verified and no it took not a lot of effort to steal them, but also very little to do a morph (by Photoshop)...

Maybe is fruttiCake the same guy who is defending that here.

Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Ich bring dich um!
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
I guess I’m the only one who sees the piss pad. This woman is pissing and shitting on herself. Her girlfriend gotta be retarded.
I mean she is immobile.. comes with the territory and common sense. Who’s the dummy now?
I know there’s a lot of autism going around, but that’s a weird flex if I had ever seen one. Is this the girlfriend replying? Only dumbass here is the bitch who keeps paying tickets to fly to a rehabilitation facility to lay in someone’s piss blanket. You keep doing whatever mental gymnastics you got to to think anything about that is okay.
With an attitude like that you better hope you do not live long enough to end up bedridden in your own waste with no one to help you and clean you.
She lives in a facility, she don’t need you. Also becoming 900lbs is quite avoidable.

Again, another flex attempt gone wrong.
Can we just get more pics?
Bruh that room would fucking stink like poo
Does anyone have a way to view the episodes of her on Dr. oz? I can’t find anyways to stream or watch it.
Wenn du Missgeburt tot bist werde ich mich freuen!
(50 KB, 432x240, 2286dccfbeb9495360ef6d92b06df55df584967aca9bc3d7af2f7297d69476b6.jpg) (67 KB, 900x600, ed24534eb2009968f45a9784eb76d9fe02a93bd9527dcdbac6754b3a8a8b7713.jpg) (779 KB, 900x600, 148b37bd12e7fddce95c90eb17d64e7622cc4fba8607258ac4be2b83c2e007ab.png)
Not sure if it’s even still around tbh

But I will say that anyone who looks at her in these episodes and figures she was lying about her weight really ought to watch less fat porn and get out more. This is EXACTLY what 700lbs looks like.
Errrm it was not about that, but about 400+/ 900lb, which was alleged.

But at least you wrote something to contribute; maybe reading next time more accurate before spreading something out, which would be even superior than this stuff🤔🙄

It was never doubt that she could be around 300Kg (was actual fixed that she's between 250 and 350).
I read this 3 times and I don’t know what it says. Maybe try Google Translate?
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Du bist tot! Wenn du nicht sofort deinen Spam hier löschst und dein Profil, stech ich dir die Augen aus und hacke dir deine mongolide Rübe ab!
Maybe go back to school and learn to read?
Halt die, Fresse, Troll!
Maybe actually learn English before bitching about everyone “not knowing how to read”; or at least be open to the possibility that your imperfect English may be hard for native speakers to follow
Ich schlitz dich auch vom Nabel bis zum Kinn, du dummes Schwein!
Or maybe some arrogant Yankee-doodle-dandies just don't want to understand, although it is easily for most peopl.

As Americans are known for their cosmopolitican sense and are in many languages pretty eloquent, when they travel (calling the "capital of Europe", like double-view Bush...)
Post links then or else it is just more nonsense.
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Wenn du das Mobbing nicht unterlässt und bis Ende der Woche deine gesamten Analausdünstungen hier löschst, gebe ich deine Addresse an einige südlänischen Kreise, die an materiellen Dingen interessiert sein könnten...
You learn English because you have to. We don’t learn German, Dutch, etc because we don’t. You’re in no way superior. You cling to “Americans are stupid” as you listen to our music, watch our movies, wear our fashion, use the US-created internet, enjoy freedom and democracy with US military protection, and prosper thanks to the stability of the US dollar as backstop to the Euro, then preach peace and human rights atop a foundation of 500 years of rampant xenophobia, colonialism and brutal oppression.
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
No I didn't have to, I choose to learn it (did it first via evening class from January 2000 to October 2006)..
And I'm in many ways superior, but you won't understand it.
I thought the "Internet" was created in Switzerland (Cern) and possible by a Brit (Bernard Lee).
Do you mean protection like for Iraq, with the infamous biological weapons or rather for oil? Or democracy like in Afghanistan or previous Vietnam? You even supported Saddam when he battled his neighbour Iran in the first golf war.
The Euro is no again stronger the the dollar (on it can be barely seen the numbers, like on the quarter-coin).

You even went only to the first world war in the last couple of months (when Russia quit) and to the second only because Japan whopped your arse.
The human rights were maintained more defined in the Frensh declaration after the storm at the Basti. Movies and music make many countries too, as India, Russia, China, France, Italy, Korea, Japan, Brazil, Germany, Brittain, Canada and Australia among others.
Fashion is in Milan and Paris rather based.
And by the way was found the first functional computer by the German Konrad Zuse, named Z3, in 1943
Wenn du demnächst Besuch bekommst, werden das vielleicht nicht nur Libanesen sein, sondern auch Inkasso Moskau, wenn dir das was sagst.
Dann werden wir sehen wie deine Fresse ausieht, von der nicht mehr viel übrig bleiben wird...!
Waiting to see more content instead of a retarded German troll.
same. We need the promised onlyfans!

>I thought the "Internet" was created in Switzerland (Cern) and possible by a Brit (Bernard Lee).

Du dummer Spast. WWW =/= internet.
Man bist du dumm und geistig zurückgeblieben!
Internet ist sehr viel mehr als Web (nur umgangssprachlich ist es gleich wertig) wie E-Mail, das es schon vor dem Web gab, da dies üner ein anderes Protokoll funktioniert. Browserprogramme gibt es nicht so lange wie das Internet (das gab es schon Ende der 1970er Jahre, das Web seit 1993).
Du wirst bald kastriert und anschließend vielleicht in kleine Streifen geschnitten und an die Unde der Russen verfüttert...☻
Ich wusste es schon immer, dass du ein zurückgebliebener Analphabet ist. Aber dachte ich, dass Deutsche gut in Mathe sind? Weißt du nicht, was "=/=" bedeutet? Es bedeutet "nicht gleich". Du bist zu dumm, zu wissen, dass du ihm stimmtest zu.

Übrigens ist es irre erbärmlich, dass du beiläufig offenbartest, dass du über zwei Jahrzehnte lang Englisch lerntest. Du sprichst die Sprache schlechter als ein Kleinkind. Jetzt wirst du sagen: "Du sprichst Deutsch schlechter als ein Kleinkind". Ach was, Schwuchtel, lernte ich seit nicht einmal zwei Jahren Deutsch. Aber du kannst mich verstehen und dich verlegen fühlen, wenn du das liest. Aber wir können dich nicht verstehen, weil du wirklich ein fucking Schwachkopf bist.

Here's an English idiom for you to learn: "ethered". Lutsch einen Schwanz, Kanake.
Your German is actually pretty good, but you should revisit the aspect distinction between perfect tense and preterite if you want to sound more natural.
Ich weiß mehr als du dir vorstellen magst (z. B. kaufmännische Rechenzeichen: /.)
So 2000 - 2006 sind bei dir also zwei Jahrzehnte?
Du beweist deine Mathelegastheny aufs Neue und das du total bescheuert bist!

Ich habe das LCCI Certificat von der London Chamber of Commerce (dreifach mit Auszeichnung jeweils): DU glaube im Ernst dass du besser Englisch kannst/ verstehst als ich?
Man bist du geistig zurückgeblieben und ein metrosexueller Hermaphrodit...!
Dich sollte man vergassen, du mutierte Missgeburt!
Der wahre Troll hier bist du, das ist offensichtlich!
Maybe because it is whos mother language (at least close enough, if Dutch), but just retarded that it sounds like made by a foreigner...
Do Germans usually use perfect tense in casual writing? I've only written/read German in academic contexts so it's all been preterite.

You clearly misunderstood what "=/=" means, because you argued with that guy. I don't care about formal study; if you've been exposed to English since 2000, you've been learning it for two decades. Your English would still be awful for six years of study though.

Hilarious that you found my German good enough to dispute my English skills and think I had a different first language. Never heard a word of German (or Dutch, Danish, etc.) before eighteen months ago. Sounds like I shouldn't place much trust in LCCI qualifications. Speaking of foreigners, you didn't dispute the Turk remark, interesting...
Even though all too many textbooks use the distinction between formal and casual speech as a marker of tense out of a false understanding of reduction to the essential (the concept of didaktische Reduktion in the fucked-up German didactics), this is actually not at all true.

In reality, the tense depends on the perfective aspect: If you want to make a statement about an accomplished fact which affects the present time in the broadest sense (and this includes any effect on the status quo of whatever you want to tell), you should use the perfect tense, e.g.:

- "Du bist zu dumm zu merken, dass Du ihm zugestimmt hast." --> You stated your agreement with him in the past, and it seems to still be your opinion. --> perfect tense.

- "Du hast beiläufig offenbart, dass Du über zwei Jahrzehnte lang Englisch gelernt hast." --> This past statement of yours is now openly known, and your long-lasting engagement with the English language, while being over, still has an effect on the present tense, even if it only consists in the fact that it amazes me you are still this bad. --> perfect tense in both cases.

In practice, you use the preterite tense only if your statement is not at all connected to the present time (This includes fiction!), e.g.:

- "Ich dachte, dass Deutsche gut in Mathe seien." --> Since I met you, I don't think that anymore. --> preterite tense.

It should also be noted that German normally uses the present tense, where English requires the perfect progressive form:

- "Du lernst seit über zwei Jahrzehnten Englisch." --> You're still learning, albeit according to your own abilities. --> present tense.
- "Ich lerne seit nicht einmal zwei Jahren Deutsch." --> I'm still learning. --> present tense.

And the last thing for today: Did you know that German does not have a future tense? As a standard, in the German language prospective facts are stated in the mere present tense. You only use "werden" + infinitive if you want to stress that you are making an assumption, be it about past, present, or future, e.g.:

- "Jetzt wirst du sagen: 'Du sprichst Deutsch schlechter als ein Kleinkind.'" --> This is an assumption, so "werden" + infinitive is correctly used.

- "Kilotrolls Schaukel wird als Kind zu dicht an der Wand gestanden haben." --> This is an assumption about the past. --> "werden" + infinitive in the perfect tense.

We call this the potential aspect. Mark the difference:

- "Morgen kommt Kilotroll bestimmt wieder." --> This is an established fact. --> mere present tense.

That's all for today. For the next lesson, please write an essay on your thoughts about Kilotroll using all of today's indicative tenses, viz. the present, perfect, and preterite, and make at least two assumptions about Kilotroll's past and present respectively, using "werden" + infinitive.
Whomever this German fuck is, he's derailing every thread and ruining this site. I wish there way a way to get rid of him permanantly.
>>73891 (Cross-thread)

If only he was really German… some American leaning in on Google translate. Just like when a dude was trying be a fake black guy on a now banned thread using Ebonics vocabs
I’m pretty sure those might be hackers trying to mess this website
🖕🏼Fuck you!!!! Hackers! 🖕🏼
Sweet dreams are made of these

That girlfriend is living out my personal dreams honestly
Well you are wrong in most ways here; I maintained I learned it until October 2006.
This is not the sign for ungleich; that is a = with / in the middle (but in opposite direction).

When you don't trust in the British/ English education or commerce system, while the first is claimed to be far superior than the American one and even more than the French one.

Stop saying this, please. It's really irritating.

Can we just get back to discussing this woman?
Endut! Hoch Hech!
what the hell was that
Agreed. Anyone have anything new on this one to share?
Anything new from feabie?
nope. Her and the gf are still a thing, but i don't see the same level of excitement reciprocated from the gf for those mushy gushy posts Coleen puts out there. And not trying to imply they're on the outs or anything because the gf still flys out there to visit which def shows commitment. She needs to hurry up with that OF already 🤣
(43 KB, 720x587, IMG_7607.jpeg)
The most recent of her.
She has put on a few pounds pushing her past 900 pounds now. Let’s hope this continues and and stays bedridden.
The girlfriend needs to do her onlyfans.
(82 KB, 692x623, colleen1.jpg)
A modified version using bodyparts from her other shots.
where is this picture from?
Anything new about biggest ussbw alive?
Anyone have that one picture of her with the big belly, she's on the left, there's a mole on her arm or neck or whatever, blue shirt.. or something blue and the most beautiful enormous belly i've ever seen. Deleted everything at one point, you've all considered it you know the struggle. Well i'm back again. And i want it.
Yo nevermind im a retard just had to scroll up
Hello does anyone have any zip files for Colleen?
Anything new on the greatest blob?
Sad.Anyway, can you still copy them here for history
not know her but wrong thread. u need Who's This thread pinned at top
She’s been posting a lot about eating. Sure doesn’t seem like she’s trying to lose weight to me. I wonder how big she is now?
good...just imagine when we she finally opens an OF ...might just be a pipe dream tho, but one can dream...

She's probably never gonna open an OF. She wrote about it months ago but nothing has happened ever since...
Aaand now her feabie is gone
and her girlfriend also gone.
really hope its wasnt some retard from here asking her to do a of
It was possible a fake, as they spam mainly about relationship, making compliments to each other.
no their had photos of both together her next to cw huge belly
I think we may need to nuke this garbage thread, as all of the last few posts are NOT English and are incredibly questionable what they are even discussing.
I know, but that was possible made by an enigine, as it partly didn't appear natural. Maybe was the feeder real but was immitating the other woman too and owned both profiles.
I wonder if her and her chick broke up. Some of status updates were just unhinged.
I can tell you Colleen's profile is really her. I haven't seen her in a few months, but that really was her.
How do you know; isn't she bedbound in a hospice? So are you a professional caretaker of her and can you prove that?

That was she spread on Feabie was mainly nonsense charming for the other one.

Care centers have things called visiting hours. She's like 10 minutes from me. 🤷🏼‍♂️
>>89248 What's a care center? Is that like the projects? I didn't know they got internet there, but that exolains a lot.
both her and her gf's feabie are gone. I think they broke up and quite honestly I saw it coming because they both posted much less these last two months. At the beginning of their relationship they were constantly posting and liking each others posts and so on...
i feel like Coleen and her gf were legit and not a single person running both profiles lol...who the fuck has time for that? Just look at the pictures of both of them together. We can determine that colossal belly is Coleen's,,,who else has a damn belly that massive? I also think it's something to do with a breakup. Coleen was just kinda going really fucking HARD with the mushy gushy shit. You gotta make sure that other person reciprocates that or that shit gets old FAST. And as shitty as it is to say it...can you imagine a relationship with someone in a care center? That's just a glorified fuck buddy , and yeah, fucking that mountainous belly is prob fun and sexy as hell, but again, that living situation isn't ideal for a relationship. I feel bad for Coleen....
Fucksake yeh both feabies gone
They defo broke up
Now the GF is gone we might not get the onlyfans she discussed before
That belly is unreal and we ain’t seen none of it fully , would be too hard for her to take pics in a care home without a real FA such as her GF to help take pics

She really doesn't like the idea of being photographed in a care facility. So few people see her, so it's not difficult for her to figure out who posted it. She has eyes and ears in here as well. I caught crap from her posting a screenclip of a video she sent me because I was goaded here into proving I know her. So, don't believe me, ain't care. I can give you boys the 411 on her when I get back into town. I hope she is doing okay.
Catfishs have usually a lot of time and get entertained by creating stories to trick people.
Maybe got they banned, because Feabie found out it were fakes.🤔

For the 4848595th time, that was really Colleen. 🤦🏼‍♂️
Of course it was Colleen.
Its sad they broke up. She's probably struggling a lot with the break up right now. On the other hand that's exactly the time when people like her fall completely into their emotional eating habits.

As sad as the situation is, I am convinced that she's gonna deal with it by stuffing herself silly and probably gaining a lot of weight in the next weeks or months.
Its a shame we have no way to follow her on social media.
How do you know it certainly, are you Colleen?
Anyone got any of her old pics/vids? I just discovered this thread and never got to see any of her stuff
there were pictures on Colleen's profile of her and her girlfriend together to make it easy to deduce it wasn't a catfish or fake dual profiles. Literally TWO people...one we know to be Colleen , the other the chick on the profile of the person she was dating...stop being a fucking retard.
why bbwchan have so much retards ? is the catfish guy and the german kg guy, see a a woman the size of a small car "it weights no more 150KG"
Maybe you are more simple minded than I expected; you never have heart about stolen pictures/ identities online (from social media for instance)?
The other girl could be putted in, via photoshop edit or it can be some relative or friend from school days...
This is no verified evidance, mongoloid!
Well you have to know it, as you seems to be the chief of the retards!
Maybe are your cars smaller (than a Smart or Iseta). But here are fat women bigger than just to be plump. Though you trust Lailani to be heavier than Massive Sweets and one and a half times as heavy as Ellie (which shall be thinner than Plump Princess)... everyone whos own!
yea and a lot of those are fairly fucking obvious to anyone that isn't chromosomally deficient such as yourself. Can a mod just fucking ban this troglodyte's IP already
Well it was for me obvious more or less, so you are maybe not one of them, as you haven fallen into the trap.
And you show you have as much knowledge about IT as about fakes; IP adresses change about once in a hour, as these are regulary temporary.
Yes it was us.
No, we did not break up.
Willow doesn’t care that Colleen is in a care center. It’s just geography and temporary.
We are far more than fuck buddies, and yes, the belly is exceptionally fun.
Colleen did gain weight for a few months, but is currently taking it back off. No need to be rude about it.
There will be no OF because frankly things like some of what we read here made it too… yuck.

Suppose that’s it for now! Big Fat Bye Bye!!!
Oh yeah…

The “yuck” factor is why we ended up off Feabie too. For every one cool, respectful, friendly person, there were 3 super gross ones.

It is what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️
>We are far more than fuck buddies, and yes, the belly is exceptionally fun.

you're a wimmin, the only "fucking" your doing is shoving some plastic in her cunt or stirring your hand in it, leave the fucking to the men, real men.

Shit like this makes people be ashamed of being a man. Because of idiots like this.
Speaking of real - you'd better zip it, as you are clearly not one of them. Man up and deal with your hurt ego without trying to offend girls, who actually (and obviously unlike you) fuck each other and are happy about it.

I don't think you are new to idiots and raging incels on the internets like the previous poster... but don't judge everyone in this community by offended yells of someone's hurt ego.

Stay cool and have fun. And of course, thx a lot for paying this polarised place a visit.
Yep, super annoying that the vast majority who remain silent on these sites get lumped in with a few loudmouth voices of people dealing with mental issues or legit psychos
spoken like a true incel
clean your fleshlight virgin lmao
You can go fap in your mom’s basement to the thought of Willow making Colleen cum more than you could ever dream of. I’m sure “wimmin” are lining up at your (your parents?) door to get some action with that little weenie you have there. You are the epitome of an incel, congratulations. Douche.


Plastic or my hand? You forgot my tongue loser. That’s not surprising considering you’re probably still using yours for juice boxes and the sandwiches with the crust cut off your Mom brings to your room. It must be hard to see a bedridden 1000 pound 40 year old woman getting more action than you. You’re a pathetic, homophobic, threatened, weak little boy who needs to find something valuable to say before the next time he speaks.

You know how I know? I read your comment.
Thank you for the support and kindness. This community has been good to me over the years but has also caused a lot of strife. I still adore it though! XOXO -C
Wait hold up all arguments aside everyone!! Colleen you weighed 1,000?

Man I wish people didn’t have to drove you guys away. If we all just behaved and was respectful, you probably would’ve shown us or stayed a little longer. I’m sorry on their behalf because we know they don’t see that they’re the problem. I hope you and Willow keep enjoying life and most importantly focus on each other. It’s sad to see you guys leave, but smart move if that means you will no longer have to see people hate on you guys for absolutely no reason. I will miss you guys dearly and I loved your guy’s feabies. You guys take care and enjoy y’all selves. Thank you for everything!!

Do you really expect they would admit it is a lie and concede to weight much less, even if that are the real persons what they're passing for?

To the newsfeed of Feabie it is not a big lose, as they were mainly worshipping each other on it (mostly the Collen profile to the other one).
Bro who got you so mad? Calm down dude
I am relaxed, how do you come to the clue I would be upset?
I just gave you a hint, that your question was not sensible and these profiles on Feabie, if fake or real (doesn't matter) did rather spam, but didn't post a lot what was interesting for the random members (community). It appeared like role-play to me.
Easy, bro, easy. All of this is fishy, dumb, bait. Nothing of value has been gained or lost in this thread. She’s never going to post any meaningful content anyway, but even if she does she doesn’t weight 1000 lbs
There’s nothing negative in that message. What’s wrong with it?
How can she be 1000lbs? Wasn't Vanilla Hippo confirmed 970 with a bigger belly and like 8 inches taller?
It's a shame that there's a vast majority of degenerates who always ruin everything for the minority.
It was nice to see you for a bit Colleen and enjoy what you and your girlfriend have.
I hope one day you can share that again with the people who aren't degenerate creeps.
Can confirm she’s over 1000. And her belly is much bigger than vanilla’s. Sorry you’re upset you don’t get to enjoy it and have to convince yourself it isn’t true. Anyway. Ya’ll have fun.

Source: I’m Willow.
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Hey guys! She confirmed it! That's all we needed!

This thread is dead without content.
>Anonymous poster claiming to be willow posts confirmation that colleen is over 1000lbs. >Provides no proof.
>"Her belly is much bigger than vanilla's"
>Has almost never saw Vanilla in person.
>Is seemingly unable to take a picture of Colleen's belly
I believe her.
(406 KB, 686x588, 20230525_195039.jpg)
My post was removed calling out a bluff so i'm just gonna say it again. Proof or larp. Anon types like a dude from this place. X to doubt
Both are faked, neither's that heavy: Vanilla Hippo has normal sized legs, so she may be around 300Kg, but with 400Kg would she have been total,y bedbound and had lymphoedems like Manuel Uribe. Even her arms were never fat, so it was just her middle part, which is just a bit larger than Ellie. She most likely weighted never more than 350Kg.
Colleen possible had also weighted around 300 kilogramme, but not much more, as she was close to her peak still able to walk.
400Kg did weight this Mexican woman which was accused to have killed her nephew by sitting on him, as heaviest woman alive. But she had a lot of water in the body and lypedeamia.
And with >>90183 I consider this thread complete.
Please slit your own throat, wrists, or preferably both to ensure the job is done.
1. Willow lives over 1000 miles away so our time together is limited, and we tend to focus on us and not playing photographer for you.

2. I was last mobile 100’s of pounds ago, so perhaps you shouldn’t speak about what you don’t know

3. I’m Colleen and I approve this message:

(Link good for 7 days)

the proverbial cherry on top of the cake
If you weighed 1040lbs you're only 60lbs off the highest 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘯 recorded weight of any woman in history. Seems a weird time to decide that you're turning the ship around.
This really is an interesting thread now.
Again, believe what you want. I didn’t gain to set a record. I didn’t gain for fun or because I wanted to. I did gain however, and since I am the type of person to enjoy life as it comes and make the best of everything, I make the most of every day as a USSBBW. Bottom line is whether I am 1040 or 140, I am a woman. I want to feel sexy and wanted and want to be able to enjoy and embrace myself without shame. It took so much work to be comfortable in my own skin and now that I am, my size is not a factor. I intend to turn myself and my partner on no matter how big or small because I deserve a life full of pleasure, love, and orgasms!

The weight loss is about my health and prolonging that full and happy life. If you can’t get your mind around that, your priorities may need reviewing.

As someone who is in the silent majority, I wanted speak up and say thank you for your calm, precise statement to this digital jungle of a site and best of luck in your journey.
You people are the reason we can’t have nice things in this community

What a sad sad loss

Another beautiful USSBBW has been driven away
Best of luck Colleen what ever your plans are going forward
And a woman with a fine taste for cartoon references.
Too bad for us that there's no OF or content, but good luck to you and your partner Colleen
You can't drive away someone who never stuck around to begin with. Honestly, we weren't going to get more than we already saw.

But good on her for understanding the assignment and providing proof. It just took some teeth pulling. Best of luck to her and her partner.
Hey Colleen thanks for posting the video and at the same time I’m sad that you had to do that just to prove that you’re in fact real.
I hope that you are doing okay and your partner, as someone that has been single for almost ten years now it’s refreshing to see albeit briefly a couple so into each other and enjoying life.
I never had the chance to speak to you but if you ever came back to the community (not this cess pit website) I’d like to help you in some way.
Hey Colleen,
Adding my voice to the pile. Remember the golden rule of internet posting (and life in general): people will enjoy silently and complain loudly.
It's nice to see you in good spirits, and I do hope that you and Willow got at least some happiness out of hearing that number--it's arguably the biggest milestone anyone in this community can hit!
I do sincerely hope that you and Willow can spend more time together in the future, it does sound like you're happy together and that's what's really important.

One last thing, though: you may want to re-upload the video. At least for me, the sound was pretty fucked. Only heard the intro and a couple of choice words properly.

Still nice to hear from you, and good luck on your journey at whatever weight makes you (and your partner) happiest.
I wish you many years of happy life and love with your honey! Thanks for sharing your beauty with us.
If I have to guess, I would estimate Vanilla Hippo at her peak of 260 - 340Kg and Collen about 10 - 30Kg less than her (maybe 250 - 330 kilogramme). Neither of them had on the lower body (legs) lymph oedems and it is questionable, if any women has right now more than 400Kg (there are just 1 - 3 men which have that at the moment), as Mary Rosales was maybe the last one, before losing most of it, which was by elephantiasis/ lypedimia, so a sickness not direct connected to her llifestyle.
It's incredible how kilofag will dispute a half-ton woman literally saying it from her hospital bed in a video straight to us.

Godspeed Kilofag, may you one day find out how bleach tastes.
Simpeldon you don't get it when you get tricked?
Had she any proof on being at this weight, apart of alleging it?
She would be literally the heaviest woman on earth now, if this would be true, so very unlikely...

And by the way there exist a filter that you can look like anyone (you can make yourself to be Putin and Trump); so it is not even clear, if it is a catfish, if this was made by a woman or man.
This programme I have already seen last year in TV and it got used by scams via video phone.
Can everyone please just mass report every one of this retard's posts so we don't have to lose fucking brain cells reading them
Dude, it's really her, she's really that big. Source: know her IRL.

Whatever weight she is, that's a person. She maybe the largest living person, she might not be. Who tf cares?

You are seriously the reason society thinks of us and mouthbreathing fetishists. Put your lederhosen on go touch some grass. Christ on a cracker.
thanks for posting here, and thanks for the video!
Glad to see you gals doing alright.
Mad props for dealing with the bullshit. Keep on doing what makes you happy!
>If you weighed 1040lbs you're only 60lbs off the highest 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘯 recorded weight of any woman in history. Seems a weird time to decide that you're turning the ship around.
Some would call that a wake up call but idk I guess shame apparently wasn’t a part of the decision so *shrugs*
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Colleen should choose better. stay away from low class loser boyfriends.
Well it should be a wake-up call for the people here; as everyone who has some human scence would be sceptical here and get doubts, as that is most likely impossible and she would be far more in the focus of general (casual) media, if it would be narrowly true and not a role-play. There would be frequently camera teams and reporters at her residence and pay her to attend (like Rosaline Bradfort or Caroline Yager).
This seem more like Caroline Owens...
Go to the nursing subreddit and search 'bariatric' or 'heaviest'. There are way more 900+ pound people than you might think.
I know these maybe longer than you are outgrown (adult); but they are mainly either not allive or not at that weight anymore (some are both; had lost most weight before death), as i pointed before current time was meant.

I know there were in history maybe twenty people proven (that from the 19. cenury and before are possible less verified). But right now are maybe very few men around 400Kg (not more than 5 perhaps) and it is questionable if any woman keeps such high number at the moment.
But that what is claimed here is even another level, it shall be over 470Kg, what most likely nobody has in present (no men let alone women). That is the weight of a bear.
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she's a phenomenal girl, and i wish she'd be ready to earn some money with an OF or similar. i'd subscribe to that majestic belly wonder in an instant.

but it's her life and her decision, of course.
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You guys are complaining so hard lol over what? She's mid as hell, consider it a blessing she's not making content. This isnt attractive lmao especially with the gray hair and rotting teeth. There's tons of huge women that look better than her haha like fr no one's paying for this shit.
Speak for yourself, bud. For many of us, this woman is the GOAT. I don't know why you're spouting off that nonsense, it's almost like insulting strangers on the internet makes you feel better about your life. I've got some bad news for you, doing that will only bring you more unhappiness.
bro she weighs over half a TON...that's over ONE THOUSAND POUNDS...nobody else is close to this lol
You are two time wrong in one sentence; a half tone are 500Kg so over 1100lb and she doesn't weight either of it by a certain...
It is as a matter of fact! Have you one visited trie schools?
1000Kg are 1t
10dt are 1 t
100Kg are 1dt
1000g are 1Kg
metric ton and imperial ton aren't the same btw you have autism, aktion T4 scheduled
So it understands that a ton is 2000 of SOME unit, ergo 1000 is HALF of a ton. I think it literally doesn't want to accept that lbs is used more in this fetish than kg, because I refuse to believe someone can be this retarded. It's like if it understands that red and yellow can mix to make orange, but will stare at you dumbfounded if you ask what color would ou get if you mixed yellow and red.

Agreed. This is one of the least attractive people I’ve ever seen. And what’s up with that weird little girl voice you’re using in this video Colleen? I met you at a community event once and you don’t sound like that at all.

Can confirm she is huge though. She was easily the fattest person there. So big she couldn’t even get off her scooter. She just sat in it by the pool, wearing baggy clothes that completely hid her body, looking miserable, and talking shit about everyone else. She’s loud, aggressive, and rude. A personality that likely developed after being made fun of her entire life, but still very unpleasant to be around.

That’s not her buddy.
no shit sherlock

Clearly, after reading that, you are the gold standard for being pleasant. 🙄

Go back to whatever greasy hole you slithered out of.

Oh, and learn to breathe our of your nose.
Jup you uneducated bum, one exist, the other not (is imaginary).
No 2000 is never any unit, it are always round numbers, as a 1 with 0s, otherwise can be also a 3750 some unit/ tone.🙄.
Fuck the haters, I’m interested
If you’re Willow … thank you for chiming in!
Yeah, it's no wonder neither of them want to be on here or Feabie anymore. Between barely-comprehensible kg dumbass, the people engaging with kg dumbass, the "omg she's ugly" assholes, and god knows who else, it's a no-brainer.
We’re not going to see anything anyway, so who cares. I’m not one of the haters who chimed in, but she’s made it pretty clear it’s a closed channel. Let people voice their opinions on her attractiveness and roast her then, for all I care.

So because she doesn’t want to put her self on OF or whatever it’s ok for people to be abusive dicks? She’s still a fucking person dude.
Bro are you really down bad for a fugly bitch lol even echo is hotter than this chick, colleen looks like she's fucking 70 lmao she's not attractive. Adeline and sadie and bo berry are popular because at least they are cute, this chick isnt at all.
Agreed. Some people, I swear
You were about to see a thousand pound belly, and you’re sitting here bitching about her hair being prematurely gray?

I think she’s perfectly attractive for her age, given she recorded the “proof” video without makeup or hair die.

Also, when I heard the word “ten forty” I almost lost my shit. I’ve never heard anyone report weight as a pair of double digit numbers before. Like a year. It’s another level and it kind of amazing tbh
Again, loser, you’re never going to see any if it. Why are you white knights coming out in spades to say how “she’s not that ugly, guys she’s over a thousand pounds.” Okay?… she’s still ugly. Part of bbw is beautiful. If they look like trash they aren’t a big , BEAUTIFUL, woman. Have some goddamn standards, people.
(54 KB, 560x846, [g]_weight_table.png)
"The U.S., Myanmar and Liberia are the only countries that still use the imperial system..." ;-)
(170 KB, 795x1123, [g]_weight_table.png)
updated version.
- kg (metric, international)
- lbs/pounds (US)
- stones/lbs/ozs (UK?)
- metric tons (metric, international)
- short tons (US)

some day, maybe, we can all talk metric instead of imperialistic furlong-feet-ounce-gallon-inchy. :-)
So do we still have no proof on her size? Does a photo exist showing her belly? Or just the super close up ones from feabie? I'm not buying 1040lbs from the close ups. Maybe high 700s. But 1040 is adding an entire ssbbw to that number lol.
Agree she could weight over 300Kg, but anything close to 400 is more than unlikely. Maybe is that contend made by some AI.
Fuck off you KG moron. She’s bedridden, 1000+ pounds.
If you think she’s 600lbs you’re mentally retarded.
No that are you and I am not the only one who don't believe that she is the heaviest human alive!
You can be easily bedbound with less than 250Kg, as on My 600lb Life was that Petty with 240Kg.

You are either just a kid or or promote here contend, because you earn money in selling contend (for that reason was possible this forum created).

If this 1,65m woman weights 470kg, then she would be heavier than a 3m tall tiger...

Go the fuck away already.
I know you are working with these models together and you are looking for customers here, so you make these number-lies...

I think my favorite part about this moron is coming back to threads and seeing all their posts as >> Not Found

Nobody wants your idiotic kilogram weight underestimates. Please stop posting.
Well to fall into your trap of exaggerated numbers, you have to have a pretty low IQ; I exposed you as seller of BBW contend who just do here promotion (with these riddiculous, partly impossible numbers); live with it!
the woman in this thread you're talking about doesn't even sell content you fucking idiot
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Again, not that I owe anyone anything, but I pride myself on being vigorously honest so …

Remember when I said I was 1040 in the hospital? Well the paperwork for discharge has BMI in lieu of weight, but I am 5’5” (or 65 in) and my BMI is 173. If you do the math, that means I weighed 1039.7226173541962 at the time.

Attached is a redacted page from my discharge papers from the hospital. Since I’m never gonna weigh that ever again, and because Willow & I know my truth and that’s what ultimately counts, believe it or don’t. 😊
9/10 people here believe you lol...it's literally the kilotard (if you know you know) that randomly swoops in with his chromosomally deficient ramblings that make no sense...belly literally takes up a whole hospital bed and he'll say some dumb shit like "no more than 300 kgs at highest wait"
Colleen why were you in hospital sweetheart..all well?
thank you Colleen.

you've seen that there's always a few "special cases" out there.

but i think most real admirers will believe you, and would absolutely LOVE to see more of you. well, i'll keep up the hope. :-D

take care!
Discharge papers!?

Are you moving in willow!??!

Discharge from my overnight hospital stay, not the rehab place I live at. We do have a plan to live together, but it’s a long ways off. And totally worth the wait. :)
If that weight won't ever happen again why not show us a pic? Can't believe 1040. No I'm not the kilo troll. Your weight is all stomach right?

Good luck to you both. Do hope you'll check in from time to time, and that you both did get some enjoyment from hearing and seeing that magic number!
you are what you are and i adore all you are!
Just to let you know Colleen, if you reached that weight, then you add yourself to the “List of Heaviest People” on Wikipedia - you’d already be like 14th on that list
The stupid posts here won't reflect the dedicated subscribers to an OF. VanillaHippo still has her OF, since there's a dedicated following that actually prove their interest in a way that counts. I think ManyVids gets overlooked, but even a clothed video could work there.

Yeah I really wanna see this belly, regardless if you're at 800 or 600 pounds going forward. Those clips and screencaps from your appearances on Dr Oz are still nut-worthy. The few images of your body since then, it's like seeing a dream.
There is something about Colleen being at 1040 that is this magnificent “fuck you” to Dr Oz.
What the hell is going on in this thread?? I want to see a fat belly blob too!!
I don’t who you are, but I want to be your friend. Thanks for the chuckle 😂.

NO ONE deserves a bigger fuck off than him. Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for the few positive takeaways I had from that time, but that was by far one of the most traumatic and soul-crushing experiences I ever had. I don’t talk about it, and have never said so publicly, but maybe I’ll tell the true BTS story someday.

Instead of an OF, a paid Snap has been suggested. I think I’m boring as hell, but I suppose I could do posts, and paid personalized/custom messages…

No promises, but thoughts?
Personally, I couldn't care less about explicitly sexy/erotic content. Much happier just seeing updates on how you're doing. I know you're losing for totally valid health reasons, but there's very little "day in the life" content from people your size (I mean, there's basically nobody your size, period) that I and I'm sure at least some others would want to see.
Well you could make money with that, even more maybe as book (with a ghost writer, like Pirnce Harry) as other people did about crimes they had done.
To be honest I don’t really about about onlyfans I rather just see that big old belleh and hearing you rant about things. Specially these creepy idiots on here.
Total sidebar but my birthday is 3 weeks from Sunday and even though I’m stuck in this bed in this place, I wanna do something fun… time to get creative I guess!
(21 KB, 250x250, cudleen.jpg)
yay :-D
now, there's a reason to celebrate (soon)!
Did the doctors comment at all on that number?
I'll chime in and say a thank you to Colleen for engaging with us here. You are gracious to share, and though it was sad to hear that you had terrible experiences with the Dr. Oz show, I have to say that it jibes with the feeling I have had that he comes pretty close to huckster territory with his predatory show, his glib smile, and his "health" pill selling for which he has been fined. I hope that in time you might feel free to share more. What is it like being your size, and what was it like along the way? I think it would be fun to hear Willow's perspective of a female Fat Admirer. (By the way, the tattoo she drew on you with pen that you posted back when you were on Feabie was very cute. She is very talented.)
Happy early birthday! There are some jerks here but most everyone is cool. Hope there’s some way we can contribute to your celebration.
gotta say, this is probably the most elaborate LARP I've ever seen
LARP? What's that?
I think it would be great to hear about your experience. As a feeder, it’d be nice to hear about some of the stuff my girl might experience as she gains.
Girls like these makes me want to just give up on real women entirely.
So we got a face video. A edited piece of paper and pics from 12 years ago? Seems weird to not see a current pic
Ha! You’re welcome. Fuck that guy.

As far as the “content” question, I’d genuinely pay just to learn more about life at over 1,000 pounds. Like access to food, logistics, surprises you had as you got bigger. I’d echo other that point out that it’s rare enough for someone to be that size that what is “boring” to you might actually be fascinating to us.

Willow probably knows what I mean!
Don’t listen to this guy, please. This is the problem with ssbbw content. If you can’t do more than talk, do not charge for content
. If you just talk than it isn’t worth paying for.

On the contrary, don't listen to this guy, because the golden rule of any sort of content on the internet is "put it out there, if there's an audience they'll find it."
I’m glad you can speak for yourself, but speak yourself.

I’d rather have the type of content described than none at all. Besides, I’m not sure what type of sexual acrobatics you’re expecting from a thousand pound woman…
Cool, not saying you can’t pay to see nothing. Just saying I won’t pay to see nothing
You call a 1000+ lbs woman “nothing”?
1000lb or even "just" 400Kg means simple to be almost dead (have a life-expectation of clearly less than one year).
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Oh shut the fuck up with that shit again. Wasn't the last 50 times you said that enough?
always the damn shitbulls
Du bist behindert, Dorftrottel!
So has anyone seen anything? Everyone saying they know her but nothing is ever posted?
Agree! That spam what they spread on Feabie was just role-play where she was charming/ making compliments to her so called (maybe imaginary) girlfriend and nothing intersting for anybody apart of them. Though the people there were too polite to call it out.
Possibly were even the pictures made by photoshop or an AI.🤔
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Just out of curiosity, what enjoyment do you get out of posting here? Nobody likes you. Nobody believes you. You are the laughingstock of an anonymous fetish board online, and you waste hours posting here only to be made fun and have your posts get deleted.

Nobody wants you here. Nobody enjoys your presence. Your presence is a net negative that only serves to lower the level of discussion.

Why are you here?
We're are not interested in your night dreams...
She's literally talking about the current subject. I honestly don't know what else you need for proof when it's actually her. Go back to whacking it to hentai on Deviant Art, weeb.
Man, guys can y’all just stop with all the going back n forth tryna prove a point BS and just post some content that’s what we are really here for
Its colleen birthday month lets see what surprise she gives to her fans
happy birthday Cuddleen :-D
(i hope my pocket calculator got the date correct)
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday Colleen!!
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Thank you for the birthday wishes! It was one of the absolute best birthday weekends I have ever had and of course my Willow being here was 1000% why! (Of course we didn’t break up you knuckleheads) Tons of time with family, friends and unbelievably good food! Willow got me a fantastic colorful cake, everything was perfect!
Ok so if that pic wasn't stolen are you going to be doing paid onlyfans etc? And why do no pics exist showing 1040 is real? If you said you were 600 in that pic I'd be like oh ok.

Thank you for your post, anlways entertaining to hear from a true Anonymous Tough-Talker. Thank you for reminding me exactly why I have come so close to an OF or paid Snap and backed down every time. I’ve even created an account and done nothing with it because of this very feed and posters like you.

I don’t have to provide proof of anything, just like I didn’t have to share anything to begin with. I thought it would be fun to engage with a group of people who seemed to send mostly positive energy my direction, but oh how simple minded I was. Demanding photo proof of my size when I gave you a hospital document with my contact info redacted that I never had to, posted other photos, and I SAID SO… and my word is as honest and golden as they come. Why would I lie? I’m not in business, I’m not trying to catch a partner. Honestly, you can believe it or don’t, IDGAF anymore.

As for those who HAVE been positive and fun and friendly and kind and even supportive… It hasn’t gone unnoticed and I genuinely thank you. You more than likely won’t be hearing from me again, but thanks for being so damn cool. I appreciate your kindness and support. You’re the best! 😘
Fucking moron. wp...
oh you fucking jackass look what you did. Post your addy I’m coming to beat your ass boy
Apologies for this guy. He thinks that if he pretends not to believe you, you’ll post more, and he’ll get the privilege of getting more content from someone he’s attracted to.

Glad you had a great birthday weekend! You two are INSANELY cute together.
yea lol pay no mind to the chromosomally deficient troglodyte that is probably wanking it to your bare arms in that pic or some shit while hoping you'll drop an entire set in response to his blithering idiocy lol
Well 1000% is mathematical Impossible, as 100 is the maximum...
Weeks like you are now Bella 300Kg (maybe around 250) guess...🤔
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Wenn ich dich gefunden habe, Fresse-Troll, dann drücke ich dir die Augäpfel nach innen mit meinen Daumen!
Congratulation for losing 150 kilogramme within 3 months...

wtf what are you even talking about?
thank you. you're looking sweeter than a cake in that picture. :-D

yes, there are some disturbed characters on this board and 'out there', but they'll not define our lives, their opinions are irrelevant.

maybe you'll not stick around here (sniff), but your presence was delightful. take care! <3
Looking good ladies ;)
I hate women.
That it is fraud, a lot of that are fakes.
ooh, unlike all braindead zillenials here, you don't believe that these teary-eyed videos are real? what would it take to convince you, you heartless monster? /s 😂
She’s back on feabie under ContrastCouple.
This is the closest I have seen to a "gift from the heavens" on this site, Colleen! I don't think I will be the only one here worshiping your magnificently large image like a goddess among women from now on. Some people idolize the champions of deadly sports like rock climbing and skydiving, but as far as I am concerned, having a your weight represented by a four-digit number is unironically just as much an accomplishment.

What you choose to do with it is up to you, but maybe you can throw your weight around a little. If you chose to actually do modeling you would be the heaviest model OF ALL TIME. If you can still stand on your own two feet that would also be super impressive, like a bodybuilder that can lift a thousand pounds. These are just a few ideas, but if you get creative you can probably argue for multiple entries in the Guiness Book of World Records, including ones that don't exist yet.

Be mindful of the risks and the difficulty, but don't let a single "Dr. Oz" tell you that climbing that mountain is off limits or not worth the view for anybody.

I wish you the best best meals for your insatiable hunger.
delusion in this "community" rivals that of George Dillman's disciples 😂 2-3 random fake photos, and everyone's all excited. don't forget to send in your hard earned money to these scammers. Nigerian GDP won't raise itself, and crack isn't getting any cheaper either.
Colleen and I love sitting in FaceTime reading these comments. We are flattered you think we are fake. Yes, we have a new combined feabie account. No, we haven’t accepted any money from anyone. Yes, we are sorry to hear about your crack problem. There are plenty of resources out there to assist you with that.
I don’t understand why you guys keep coming here to argue with these random anons. Who cares if they don’t believe it’s really you or whatever? You’re not selling anything. Why does it even matter?
What else is a 1000lb woman who can't do 99% of normal activities going to do? It's entertainment.
I get that, I guess, and to be clear that’s not a shot at Colleen or Willow. I just think, for me, it would be more annoying than entertaining
Well, obviously you are not like them at all, since they find it entertaining. 🙄
I don't get why most of the comments have to be annoying or pure hate. You are here because you like girls like Colleen, right? If not, go anywhere else to spread your shit.
FWIW, I don’t think any of this is fake. I think it’s comical that A) People can’t tell the difference, and B) they care so much as to argue about it.

Kudos to you Willow, you’ve got yourself a dreamboat.
Colleen here. Man, some of y’all are such a trip. Thanks to all of you who are so kind, cool, and supportive! You’re the best! We just added a couple pics to the new Feabie account and just wanted to wish everyone a nice holiday weekend!
and what is this new account name???
and what is this new account name???
I was with vanilla at her peak. It’s actually laughable you think that your woman has a bigger belly.. You’re delusional. Hippo was much bigger in person literally like 5.5 feet wide and that’s not measuring her around that’s just her belly. She was 850-900 pounds. That belly is no where near wide or as big as vanillas. I’m 6’3 260lbs and I was able to lay sideways and fuck her bellybutton. I don’t even want to hear it.
She was also as wide as a whole queen size bed and almost took up a whole large 3 chair couch that I was able to lay and sleep in just by sitting down facing the camera. You will never be as fat as Vanilla. You don’t show anything either. So. You can’t make that claim without any proof. We saw some awful pictures. You are not 1000 pounds lmao. Vanilla was 940lbs when she was basically bed ridden in the hospital.
My dick could literally fit inside her belly button like 5-6 inches deep. Her Fupa was bigger than my head. She was also a tall woman. So she was 6’2 and 850/900 pounds.
It’s Colleen here and I have ZERO idea why I am even bothering to reply, so I’ll keep it short.

First, for calling me a liar, believe what you want. As someone who has NEVER intentionally gained it serves no purpose for me to lie. I’m not in the BBW business so your accusations of BS are themselves unfounded BS.

What’s actually laughable is that you think either of us give a fuck about some imaginary competition you’ve created between Vanilla and I. I’m not sure why some people think it’s necessary to pit women against each other all the time, but I am not one of them. I was rooting for her back in the day, and I am rooting for her now, wherever she may be on her journey. I believe women need to lift up and empower one another because there are too many people out there hosting these bullshit imaginary battles where someone always has to come out a loser. How about everyone just wishes each other well, puts positive energy out there, and we all win? That sounds a hell of a lot better to me.

In that spirit, best wishes to you sad aggressive little internet troll. Happy holidays!
It was your girlfriend that compared you to vanilla hippo. Sorry, didn’t mean to make you so butthurt. Just pointing out simple facts. You definitely are not as fat as she was and probably never will be. Good luck on your journey. Whatever that may be.
The only sick people here are you. Arguing with people online. You enjoy your relationship and want to keep it private then do so. But you choose to come on here and talk too and argue with “aggressive trolls” when you seem to be one yourself lmao. The only reasons the comparisons bother me is because if you ever choose to make an onlyfans or some kind of content then comparing yourself to Vanilla is like cheating. You would lie and have tons of people sign up telling them you’re bigger than hippo when in reality you’re like half her size. I think that’s sad. Why do you have to compare yourself to one of the greatest Ussbbws that ever existed. Can’t build your own reputation? Gotta meantion that you’re bigger than hippo when you aren’t? Who’s the troll?
Yo disrespectfully shut the fuck up. Stop bitching!! If you want to date a ssbbw that bad then date one my god. You’re literally getting mad at a couple for being happy. Take your depress, jealous and sorry ass on somewhere
LOL this is the most retarded whining I have ever seen on these boards, except for maybe the demonstrably autistic KiloTroll
What happened to missfeedthepig?

I was subscribing, but she stopped posting, I ended my subscription, and the last post I saw was from August; it said “came home from hospital, had some issues and I’ll post as soon as I can! I’m sorry guys ♥️”

I’m guessing that’s the last we’ll hear from her, sadly.
as mentioned alredy many times up here, you've been rickrolled by a cosplayer catfish, congrats!
where was it mentioned missfeedthepig was a catfish? is this the same way how Colleen was/is a catfish when it's painstakingly obvious she isnt ?
I missed this drama. How?
There is some random guy who swears Colleen is a catfish, even though it’s probably one of the most cut-and-dried obvious cases it’s not. At this point I just figure he’s trolling us.
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a wild Coleen simp appears! Nigerian GDP doubles!
is someone gonna post the new Colleen pics already 😅
OMG ! I find it such a shame that she doesn't make content on Onlyfans I could spend thousands of dollars to see that belly
Thousands of dollars? Damn, maybe I should reconsider! 😂😂😂

Just dropping in to say Happy Holidays on behalf of Willow and myself! I hope you are all well, even the little bitch ass trolls who have no life, because you need the good juju most of all. Something’s gotta counteract the BS you put into the world!

The source of the pic shared was from a new joint Feabie profile Willow & I have together. Feel free to take a peek. There’s not a ton of stuff and probably won’t update much, but we love this community and are grateful for people who understand us and our vibe!

Big fat hugs! 🐝
It’d be helpful to give you the name I suppose, Duh! 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️

We are ContrastCouple 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏼👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏼👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏼
you have no idea how many people would instantly subscribe to your OF...we still have our fingers crossed lol 😅
(525 KB, 1999x1500, RDT_20231117_2259518664644377470257670.jpg)
Id actually pay for an onlyfans even though I never did before. Its just soemthing special. Doesnt even have to be sexual or anything. belly pics with a bit of detail would be a treasure, absolutely worth it.
Yall don't know how much we all just want a peak into the fantasy of upclose caring for someone like colleen, but it being actually real.
There are a total of 0 ussbbws who are actually bedbound making content only pretend fantasy stuff. Its like im trying to do a sales pitch here my bad, but yall are sitting on a mountain of gold.
Guys, if I did an OF I’d have taxes on anything over $600 and I’d likely lose my benefits, which I had to fight like hell to get. I just can’t do that. I’m not comfortable asking someone else to put it in their name either. Willow and I have talked about some things but ultimately I can’t risk my healthcare or other benefits. 🤷🏻‍♀️

If you have an idea, post here or slide in our Feabie DMs and I promise I’ll consider it.

Your income would outweigh your benefits. Or get your GF to set it up.
Due to the fact that OnlyFans requires a release form for anyone other than the main account individual to appear, it wouldn't take someone investigating much to determine Colleen was benefiting from an OF via their partner. Honestly, I just wouldn't fuck with it. I know enough people on benefits that do wild financial shit to stay in their position. The system really does punish you if you try to do anything for yourself.
Cool, so no OF. It’s over then, just stop posting on this thread and let it be buried. There’s no content, period. Let it die now.
(290 KB, 400x225, c812c656-18f0-4dda-bda1-eb01d60413db_text.gif)
ooooh, so nothing tangible materialized 😂 I'm shocked, shocked 🤣 presumably OF does not allow Nigerian bank accounts and selling of random, cropped stolen photos, half of them of men? 😁
You are abusing and killing this woman. She has oxygen tubes in her nose and you give her a false sense of companionship because she is willing to kill herself for it. She is probably on the slower side and you relish in this fact. When you’re cleaning her shit up and clogging her arteries, your stinky pussy tingles. Instead of nurturing the best in her, you are murdering her.
Burn in hell you ugly dyke. You look like a character model for an animated rat.
It’s annoying that this one nasty comment is what weighs the majority of positivity. Yuck

Can't Willow create the account?

I don't know how much you get per month from the help but I think that all the FAs would go crazy to see you on these platforms just to move your belly, to make belly button videos, to get up for a few seconds if it's is still possible? There are not really any models of your size at the moment you have a monopoly and an extremely rare body promote Onlyfans by posting small teaser photos on the Reddit USSBBW / SSBBW and you will very quickly have thousands of subscribers then you obviously have to think about filling the account with regular content and keeping constant quality I think you could become a millionaire Onlyfans brings in a lot of money lol
Nice wine aunt meme. She will keep killing this sweet dumb girl, she will cling to her for companionship and be repaid with an early grave while you masturbate to it you fucking animal. This girl has parents and people who love her. It’s sad to see the less cognitively able to fall for a trap like this. What a nasty dyke bitch.
You want me to go to CVS and buy some more diapers for you, piss baby? It seems like yours is full and its making baby cwanky

Damn, it has been a while since I have seen jealousy this blatant and moronic. Are you ok? There are professionals that can help you if you are not.
I’ve been thinking all day about how to reply or whether to at all, but there is no way I can just let a cocky little troll spew such cruel ignorance and not speak on it. Neither I nor my incredible, beautiful fiancé need to justify ANYTHING to anyone, but I do want to get a few things straight.

1. I weighed this amount long before Willow crossed my path. And even if I hadn’t, I don’t do ANYTHING I don’t want to do. I am independent and stubborn to a fault. There is NO ONE responsible for my size and condition but me.

2. Willow is an incredible human. I will not devise details about her personal life to convince you, because you’re not going to be able to see anything with your head so far up your ass anyway. What I will say is she brilliant, kind, funny, beautiful and sexy as fuck. She’s strong, determined, powerful, and deserves the utmost respect. Instead, we get some opinionated little weasel who obviously has no idea what the fuck he’s talking about coming here to not only judge but say cruel things to and about her. You are the nasty clumped up shit on a prison toilet and she is the hour of sunshine they get a day. She’s superior to you in every way, so you would be well advised to pipe down before you sound even more ignorant and stupid than you already do you pathetic sad little shit troll.

2. I’m not slow or mentally disabled in any way. In fact I am quite bright and even in my physical condition, am a resource for many people on many things. I also worked successfully in a professional, full time job in corporate America for 14 years with great pay and benefits up until just 2 years ago. Yes, even at nearly 1000 lbs. This is just more of the BS assumptions people make that all fat people are stupid and lazy, They make you sound like the mentally stunted one, not me.

3. You have no idea what turns any of us on. You have had zero glimpse into our love life, and you never will. The bottom line is it’s not your bedroom and not your business. There is no one more invested in my success at my goals than my love. Without me there is no us, so why would she do anything to encourage me to do something that is going to have a drastic impact on my health? That doesn’t even make sense you uninformed fool.

If you really held the concerns you are spouting off, you would have said them in a way that showed that. You would have asked questions or made statements that encourage people to think or expand their views. Instead you threw a tantrum and attacked people for being different than you. You’re embarrassing yourself. Go back to Mom’s basement now, we’ve heard enough.

P.S. Dyke is an ugly, anti LGBTQIA+ hate term. You are a sorry excuse for man, let alone functioning member of society.
(137 KB, 1241x1189, 20230801_035214.jpg)
You really fuck us all over here. We're trying to do something good for all of us and your dumbass get on here to piss your pants in public.

I think with the massive FA support we can figure something out but it isn't going to be here on this shit platform. Its better if the ContrastCouple for all our sakes stays out of here and communicates with supportive people on feabie and let us do our degenerate posting here. In isolation.

Fighting this is a unwinnable battle. Don't even try and get outta here for all our sakes.
There's helpful folks that will help you out but it's not here. Some of us have good intentions, ill even say most of us. But the nature of the anonymous shit posting board you cannot circumvent.
Don't even waste your time responding to these weirdos they can't do anything to you behind their shabby keyboard your life will only be better if you ignore them, don't give them the slightest importance you all have my support Willow and you are a beautiful and passionate couple.

PS. It was me who said that I would be willing to put thousands of dollars if you had an Onlyfans it was said as a joke at first I didn't think you would respond but actually I'm serious lol I would put a lot of money for see your beautiful belly if one day it happens.
What the fuck is this autistic livejournal? I'm here to jerk off, can we not simply jerk off in peace? Mods: please nuke this thread back to the stone age, and then pour salt and concrete over the graves.
if you can't comport yourself in a way that doesn't flag you as a chromosomally deficient troglodyte, please go away.
How do I eyeroll loud enough for you to hear it?
Seriously. What an absolute nothing-burger of a thread. Please remove it, it’s nothing but a bunch of sperging
You know how to find us… Let’s talk.

This is why I don’t use my phone for this shit. 🙄😂

Anyway, you know where to find us. 😉✌🏼
Does this mean you're going to do an Onlyfans ? :o

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