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Ms Fat Booty has a new weigh in at her clips4sale... anyone got this? I think she deserve more attention. She has gained a lot of weight during her "online-career" and she is a hot ssbbw cougar. What do you think?
Personally I’m not a fan.
She has not aged well, and she has a lot of skin issues. I’m not trying to shame her for it, just not my cup of tea.

Also - it’s a bit disappointing how her body holds weight. I saw her in the MySpace days, where her ass was her best asset. Now she’s gone all Apple-shaped. All belly.

The kinds of fetishes she caters to, are not it for me. I realize they are few and far between … but a fart compilation. Cmon.
I get what you mean. 10 years ago, the BBW version of her had fantastic tits + ass, with minimal belly. As she got much larger it's all become one amorphous blob.
As a fan of blob women, I'm here for it -- but I get why it's not for everyone.
I love how she looks. Yeah, she's not all booty, but not everyone is a boberry. She's shown a willingness to stuff, continually graze, do real funnel feeding and she's gotten bigger than I ever thought she would. If she finds the right person, I'm sure she could get quite a bit bigger.
She's already over 500lbs and over 40. I don't think there's too much "getting bigger" that we would want to see.
That she completely outgrew her model name hnnng. Her upper arms are some of the best around too.
I cum to her fart vid every day
Share it please
I was always a huge fan of hers. I think one of the main problems was she did lose some weight in between a few years. Sometimes that works out against someone’s appearance as far as their figure, skin, etc. goes. When she was completely massive, and bloated, it worked more in her favor.
I'm fine with her gaining another 100-150 lbs. I think she'd look divine!
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I feel like she would have a Goddess Patty look...
Does anyone have some newer content of her? Maybe the mentioned weigh in video or the last doctor visit fat talk? 🙏🏻🔥
I'm down with that!
Just no Patty- bitching, "I did this for you!"
Lisa would 100% turn this back on her fans. She's already resigned to being obese, but the second she becomes blob-sized she'll have no one else to blame but "the fans who wanted this"

Calling it

More background on this plz i haven’t heard this. Sounds pretty hot
Patty used to close some of her videos with a variant of "Don't forget! I'm doing this for YOU!" Sometimes it was a more direct "Keep in mind, guys, that I got this fat for YOU!" if the video required her to exert herself, like walk or get out of bed.
>Now she’s gone all Apple-shaped. All belly.
She tried to make it sound flirty or sexy but it kinda came off as "You made me this way" or ”I'm only doing this because I'm too fat for anything else and you're paying". So she was blaming us.
>She tried to make it sound flirty or sexy
The pack-a-day cigarette voice tended to defeat that aim
Back when she started she had a Myspacr account. I once happens to chat with her…she was 290 at the time and I mentioned her gainz and how I expected them to continue. She said she would starve herself rather than get any bigger and disappeared for about 3 months before returning at around 265.
Oh I am very familiar with this Msfatbooty Lore.
She posted some of my favorite images of her during the MySpace days. The picture of her ass with her in a striped shirt, and the picture of her in the bunny ears. Woooooo.

I remember her saying things very similar to this … and mentioning multiple attempts to eat healthier. Then I’m pretty sure she meet a feedee and started blowing up. I think the guy ended up being a total loser/jerk. But he clearly had an impact.
>>47731Used to know the guy in question - not a loser or a jerk but I think it ended badly after quite a long relationship with the guy making some boneheaded moves. But he completely transformed her from flirty ultrathick bbw to spherical, morbidly obese blob in just a couple of years, so hats off.
What happen to bbw-chan overnight?
Y’all don’t understand that extreme binge eating can do that to your voice. Look at Vanilla Hippo, among others
You sir are a retard. Vanilla hippo is like 6'3" so naturally she has a deep voice and Goddess Patty smoked more than a coal power plant
Gotta wonder what her exit plan is…she’s like gonna turn 50 in the next 10 years and she’s at some unfathomable weight she never planned to be with no marketable skills.
Anyone have her newest weigh-in video, please?
Not the point but I don’t think voice is correlated to height? I’ve met many short women with deep voices lol.
Ya, I have HS and it fucking sucks. I'd give anything to be able to remove every inch of my skin and replace it with clear skin. Thanks so much for not shaming me for it. 👍👍👍
idk how to reply to comments cos I never come here so forgive me. but where did you even get the idea that I would blame my fans for getting fat????? I did this. Me. Lisa. anyway, thought I was already a blob 🙄
ok last one cos you guys really have some wild stuff to say about me. My exit plan??? I have a job? I've been working full time since I was 22? My marketable skills are all listed on my resume? Unfathomable weight? Like what's that even mean? You're weird.
Most people in here probably don’t know what a job is, you might have to explain that one to them…
I honestly say this with only good intentions, but ignore the shit people say on here. It’s not worth getting upset over, there’s a ton of weirdos on here who really resent fat women while still being attracted to them. I also think there’s a lot of teenagers. You’re better off just not looking at this site.
Like if I were a model, I think I’d just not allow myself to visit this place. No matter what you do, someone will always complain about it
I’m (30M) also pretty sure there are a lot of teenagers on here. And I also think you should ignore the losers on BBW Chan.

I’m sorry you have HS. Also, was the guy you dated really a bad guy?
ya, I know I shouldn't check here, but curiosity got the best of me. I'm not upset by anything, just find it so odd that someone is questioning my marketable skills or thinks I'm gonna blame you guys for making me fat or points out something super obvious about me, that many other fat girls deal with, just hope they all renew their OF subscription 😉

And nah, he wasn't a bad guy during the relationship, just a heartless fuck at the end 😊
You should check out /gen it's where smart people hang-out.

And lol, is anyone really living off of this? even Ms. `Berry has a job.
Never recommend /gen/. It's the site's cesspool.

And the vast majority of models have this as a side gig. Hustle money. Even Berry, though I'm reasonably certain she might be making more money with her overpriced site than her job.
If it makes you feel any better, now that you're at your largest and sexiest I bet the dude is eating his heart out lmao. Glad to see you're becoming active again, you know since you're posting old photos you ever think about doing some kind of throwback comparison video?
each board is equally cesspool-y in their own way, it's just different flavors of the same shit
know where i can find all of them?
This isn’t even close to true. Ivy makes a killing from porn and is full time, and caitidee has said multiple times she’s been full time for years and is very successful. Also you really think the really unstable ones like Jae, Leighton and Brianna can hold down a full time job? No way in hell. They are probably all have little part time jobs and are making ends meet as they can or they are just broke and living life with no money or in Jae’s case just keep coming back to porn whenever they run out of money. ThAt said I’m happy msfatbooty that you have a job for the last 20 years and are a happy life.
ya my damn hard drive lol
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Lisa, you really shouldn't linger. This isn't a place anyone wins or gets told. Nothing said on BBWchan is ever taken seriously by within the community. This is all a bunch of bitter ramblings by people with a chip on their shoulder to everyone they coom to.

The only ones who intervene do so when their personal lives are brought up, which is a line that never should be crossed in the first place. Really, don't stay long. For your own sake.
It's amazing this community. We worship these idols, their bodies, lets face it. I bet every model drops by out of curiousity or for market research. No where else can our goddesses drop by and talk to us. You like johnny depp or amber heard? Do you think they would drop by some hollywood bulletin board and talk to their fans? No, this is the greatest. What a time to be alive!
What the fuck are you talking about. Nobody worships these bitches, nor are they viewed as idols. They just make our dicks hard, is all.
honestly stroking it to some online bitch is pretty close to idol worship
Maybe to your insecure ass
Literally all the Models check the chan. Hell. Some of them probably even comment in it. I know Leighton used to have a comment from her thread as her background on Twitter. I’d guess partially for market research, partially to try and take links down, (or in Adeline’s case, message the mods to do it for her, why in god’s name they do that for her we’ll never know) and partially just out of curiosity to see what’s being said about them. Recently Caitidee made a reference on her Instagram to her looking like John Candy which people were talking about on here and also recently LisaLou posted on her feabie about how people on here were saying she looked like a morph. Hell one time Thiccy2thicc or whatever her name is posted her own ID in her thread to prove her age lol. That was wild. They always know what we’re saying about them.
They always know what we're saying, yes. It's not a good look when they overstay their welcome.
10/10 troll post
yeah, if you've never seen it before you must be new i've spotted thebigassbbw, reenaye, jae, gingerbunny, jazz and mamahorker only this year. PP wrote a whole ass blogpost about this place once (https://plump-princess.livejournal.com/3650.html) and mercedes drobbed by because anons kept saying super pear had died a couple years ago.
>>48142 Has there ever been a positive model interaction on here? Like even one? Its always the model being super snarky on their own thread (rightfully so we're all stealing shit here) OR people being complete dicks/trolls when they realize they're talking to the real deal
I’m fairly confident that mochii posted in hers and it was always positive but I haven’t checked in a while
Mochii's threads were weird in concept. She would pretty much feed old videos to the board in an attempt to discourage piracy. More often than not people would beg for the latest right after she posted anyway.

It sounded like a business tactic that reads good on paper.
I think they way she did it was positive. She was fully aware of what was going on with piracy and gave links to old videos. If it was a brand new video she wouldn't be making as much money (in theory). Plus if the interaction with the fanbase was good, then people would be more inclined to buy the content.

Seems pretty based if you ask me.
Of yeah also Udderly Adorable dropped by her thread on /bbw/ recently and dropped some old stuff that some people were requesting. And once again she was fully aware that people were pirating and was cool about it.
All the models are way cooler than chan fans. Just the way it is.
Is say the majority have other jobs, and most of those are full time.

Boberry, Sasha, Casey, Trysta just to go off the top of my head.
Same. It seemed like a decent compromise tbh
99% of 42 yr old women die their hair and 99.9% don’t have fart fetishes.

Msfatbooty also used to have nice tan skin.

Her face would look young for her age if she died or hair and wore a little makeup.

She could still be pretty if she wanted to.

Such a shame.
Hey everyone it’s me Msfatbooty. It’s really me because I’m listing my username as Msfatbooty. I like to chat with all the people who share all my paid content for free.

Trust me, it’s really me
>>48183 she's a real one for this honestly thats so cool
Any news here? New Videos, other content... please 🙏🏻
The autism on this thread is outrageous.
Did she do much masturbation/hardcore stuff??
Binge eating will do that to your voice over years

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