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I can't believe there is no thread for videos with fatties (trying) to exercise. I can't be the only one turned on by watching a massive girl failing to do general exercise?
No one but you two could possibly be turned on by this. It goes against all things decent.

That being said, here's a 5gb grab bag from my collection. Give it some time to load.


Also forgot at the last second I had the set & vid in OP, so here's a link for just that. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZVRkZwVUVWdU1VOW0=
Bump because I wanna see what else y'all have
Most of these fatties are too lazy and big to move their bodies and their exercise videos are just like sitting there waving arms. I would like to see piggy tries her best to move huge ass and do exercise like normal people - fail and keep trying. It is like a kind of humiliation, from gravity. Here are some ones I like
Bombshells workout!
Re-up plox, link got nuked mid-download
Anyone have foxy Roxxie’s too fat for yoga video

I got you: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50b[SheOughtToDoThisAgain]C90LTBXQjBndmsyc3I=

Well I fucked up the double encode but there it is
the encode is pointless now anyway
>>46587 (OP)
I wish more bbw models exercised. I'm really into the strongfat body. They eat so much, they could be both strong and fat if they exercised a bit.
If I wanted muscle girls I'd go on /fit/
it's just hot to see them wheeze and sweat
>If I wanted muscle girls I'd go on /fit/

no, /fit/ is where us architect chads go, you would have better luck on r/fitness or something
>>47323 do you know how unbelievably difficult it is to be strong fat? you have to eat healthy and train and do both constantly. Guess what ssbbw dont do lol
It's also genetics. My wife is strongfat and she hasn't worked out in years.
Best gym video ever of a ssbbw is a Luna one with another fatty in a rooom in which she almost really faint just for running a little bit
Actually, I remember hearing Roxxie say in a video that she lifts weights so she can have enough arm strength to use her arms since they’re so heavy, and it surprised me because it never occurred to me that any of these girls might ever exercise at all. But then if you think about it, it makes complete sense. To remain at all mobile at 500 pounds, of course you would need some kind of strength training, just to support your own weight. I wouldn’t be surprised if many of these girls do some kind of very light exercise behind the scenes.
They are are naturally getting stronger as long as they stay active. If you walk around daily with a 200/300 fatsuit, you'd get stronger too.
There's for sure a point of diminishing returns, but I think it all has to do with what each fatty does as a routine. If you're 600lbs you probably don't want to do too much movement in the first place, hence all the sob stories on My 600lb Life. But Roxxie works out behind the scenes. FatMissT is 700lbs and can still get up off the ground - I used to talk to her and she told me it's because she used to sleep on a mattress close to the ground so she HAD to do that every morning. Meanwhile PleasantlyPlump just showed off getting a mobility scooter.

It def varies - not everyone shows off what they do to stay active since that would contradict their brand.
Yeah its strange seeing chicks like Shannon Marie being able to bounce around and squat down at near 600lbs while the people you see on tv are practically bed ridden blobs. Excercise definitely plays a part in al this despite being antithetical to the fetish for the most part
Fair bit of that is fudging the numbers and genetics too. Not to mention a lot of people on that show have tragic pasts and enablers - these girls are somewhat self-sufficient and adaptable. BoBerry prided herself on being active at her high weight. Vanilla Hippo has said on more than one occasion if she had a feeder she would have completely lost her independence and ability to help herself. So yeah, it's a lot of factors. But you can't really eat yourself to immobility by yourself in the first place, and in Roxxie's case she's been around long enough to see girls outpace her and become helpless, like Ash. Makes me wonder what Jackie's deal is in all this...
Strongfat? eh. strong enough to be able to move around more than a human houseplant. If my partner was extremely obese I'd want her to exercise if only for the super good reason of longer and better lifespan. Oh, and she can keep eating, gaining, whatever for longer. And like, grab the door for me if I'm carrying a box. and and and and and
> Vanilla Hippo has said on more than one occasion if she had a feeder she would have completely lost her independence and ability to help herself.
Feel free to include specific clips of her detailing this hypothetical scenario
Tumblr & Snapchat stories.

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