
>>46243 (OP) all of them are pretty good. But someone know where I can find more of the third one?
>>46243 (OP)
>third pic
Her hand is missing or what?
Amputee ssbbws, that's next level content, we should have a thread for that.
(2.5 MB, 1067x1600, Showtime.png)
Who is she?
I believe she has her hand in her jeans pocket.
A German model. Has a few youtube videos.
This 3rd picture is such a shame. She was sitting right there beside doctor Oz, she could've easily eaten him, and yet she didn't.

looks like amputee to me
It is Nicole Jäger, which has at that time actually lost half of her weight, to 170Kg (now less).
She is since few years a German stand-up comedian.
I’ve always wished we had footage of her at her max weight. 340 kg (750lbs) what a whopper!

If there are no photos, does she at least talk about that?!
There exist one photo where she is apparently at her heighest weight, but just the head, arms and dekolteé are visible, as she was laying in bed on it.

But I doubt that her claim is correct, particular as she likely didn't weight herself. She was always mobile and very young (below 30), but had a relationship back when. So I assume she was probably under 300 kilos and possible not higher than 250, That she got half of herself seems rather promoting/ advertisments for her books and courses. I think she had lost less than 100Kg at that point, but she is now under 150, as I noticed.
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(217 KB, 1176x662, nj.jpeg)
(98 KB, 466x820, Contramundi's photos (2157).jpg) (181 KB, 453x527, Contramundi's photos (2816).jpg)
Long time lurker coming on to say the 10,000 pics in the last post are like a trip down memory lane. I haven’t seen some of them in decades and I thought they were lost to history (like Miss Stacie with her peek-a-boo belly hang before her panniculectomy). I’ve flipped through about 5K which is only half of them, and can only say WOW! (is that B&W shot of Jiggly Janie before she gained another 500lbs?) What a haul. Thanks a million!
>Jiggly Janie

Holy shit, she was thin at one point?

Also, I remember there being a fake(?) article about her being a sex addict. Anyone know where to find it?
To the best of my knowledge, these are just random photos, but if you do see anything significant, do let us know.
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>13,574 images
>bash pics going back to the mid-1990s

You magnificent bastard.
>>47093 I'm more interested in the left one that is about to explode
I thought that was a more recent post-WLS picture of her. She was thin at one point in her youth, though. I recall one video where she mentions having taken ballet classes as a teenager.
Bloody hell, I only just noticed they're sitting on someone! As for who she is, I've got no idea.
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This entire zipfile is a mindfuck.

For you Zoomers reading this, this is what we fapped to in the 90s and early 2000s before Big Cuties and cell phones and streaming video. Grainy 70kb JPEGs of bash photos and random strangers' personal Myspace candids. Sad older women and bleak domestic scenes. And yet what strikes me now is how innocent it all seems, now that social media gender wars and 24/7 coomer stimulus have fried everyone's brains (mine included).

I'm a bash scene oldfag and some of these were taken at events I went to. More than one non-model woman I dated back in the day is in these photos, and I keep expecting to scroll to the next pic and see myself in the background. Hasn't happened yet but I've got approximately 9,500 images to go, kek.

Some of these are also taken from dating sites, I recognize one woman I used to chat with on OKCupid who wasn't involved in organized BBW stuff as far as I know.

As a fellow data hoarding autist, I'm impressed but also more than a bit frightened of the dedication it took to compile this over a lifetime and then just drop it randomly in the middle of a thread.
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Please share this, I really liked the picture especially the picture they sat on the guy on the couch. I wish you would share more of these. I wish there were more.As many crushed pictures with clothes from social situations it is amazing and blessed.
Goddamn I love fat black women
Literally made for tall white dudes.
Also apparently the only ones with the confidence to dress the way they do.
>>47485 who is the first one?

That 5th picture looks like Bigcutie Kennedy. Wonder when that was taken because she looks big.
Do you have more of the first one?
Carla Denhartog died a while back. I wish that there were more pics of her at her largest. Does anyone know the cause of death?
who is the first one and the last one

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