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Anyone ever pick up “Fat to the Touch”?

Here’s some of my favorites in return:
Dude where tf is that pic from? It’s hot as shit!
Does she have any burping videos on her onlyfans?
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Watching her grow from the bbw she once was to the ssbbw she is now has been nothing short of spectacular. Just look a those fucking hips.
yeaaaa. I gotta say, she's not exactly my style (I like the fat farther up), and while her content leaves a little bit to be desired, it's well produced, good amounts of sexuality etc.

LOL ok, I wrote the above, then I checked my folder full of her content and the only thing about her content that leaves something to be desired has to do with her, and that's a ME problem.

man, I've got a ton of really sexy vids of her. and she is really sexy. Cute. nice ass even though it's wild large. cute arms. nice hair. she's got the bubbly personality thing going on,.

She looks great though, confident, well put together, doesn't live in a hovel. if I were into pears she'd probably be my number one.
I like strawberries, as it were.
but I was inspired to dig some stuff up for jall.
I love tight jeans try ons, and PP has got a lotta those.
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I thank YOU more than God ;)
Thanks for those awesome Oldschool drops, really love them.
>>45960 (OP)
Second of all is no one gonna talk about her hitting 451,6 pounds?
I mean every Plumpprincess Thread ever was a shitstorm about her never gaining weight or reaching any "milestone" numbers, and now here she is and surpased the 450. Why is no one talking about this?
She is in her best shape ever.
Deserves alot more simping.

Well, you dropped something that’s already been posted in this very thread. And I don’t think many people care about 451 because after gaining like … 25+ lbs quickly … she gained 2 … so it’s like … so what?
its just water weight at that point
When she hits 500 then I'll be impressed
Fantastic drop, thank you so much. It really made my day better to look at her new stuff.
Drop giantess shit
She looks virtually ageless in pics, in vids it's hit or miss..
Are her vids from 2008 to 2013 still available at her paysite? If they are i'll drop them here and delete them from my HDD (need space).
I wonder if she will ever make a commitment and get really big. She carries weight so we'll she could be 500+ without issue

Very generous of you to download 3 videos from the DB and upload them to wetransfer.

Don’t bother decoding. It’s all nearly 10 year old content.

Aww I’m sowwy it wasn’t good enough for you :(

PS: not everyone has been jerking to her for a decade+ so some people might appreciate older content.
better than her new C4S vids that keep using Portrait format for some reason...
That logic is why YouTube isn't viable for looking up videos of her. Either the content is outdated, or the video length is too short to be worth watching. Shorter videos are also more likely to be a trick just to troll or have some kind of virus attached to them.
Same applies to most SSBBW models. The only videos that stay for a while are either those, or of women who don't qualify as BBWs (less then 200 pounds).
Wtf are you talking about? Everything you said is literally false, troll. And why are you responding to yourself (your own comment)?
>Wtf are you talking about? Everything you said is literally false, troll.
Humor me then; How many videos of her are on YouTube right now, that are from the sites she's currently associated with and are also from 2022? Most everything on there of her right now are either reuploads of old videos, or have been there for at least two years ago, thus outdated.

>And why are you responding to yourself (your own comment)?
To further elaborate on my point.
Has she gained more weight or no?
Compared to when?
I'd love to see a weigh in comp for her.
Anyone end up getting Fat to the Touch?
That recent masturbation vid?
Any OF updates? Her clips store has been dormant for months now.
She decided to concentrate 100% on getting as big as she can as fast as she can. She’s waiting to post something when she is unrecognizably bigger than she was in her last vid.
Schizoposting continues, this woman has grown steadily and slowly for like a decade she ain't gonna explode now

any chance for reup?
You don’t need to post the link in your reply. Thanks for wasting peoples time decoding an expired link.
Damn…she got big.
She posted a teaser for a new giantess video. Would love to see that or the masturbation video that’s been requested a few times.

If someone has it, what are you demands? Lol
I think we can collectively get it for you.
Anyone got the food court video ?
She put out a new weigh in 🥵

30 fucking dollars? Yeesh
It's her yearly money-grab. Next week she'll drop the $25 measurements vid that'll show almost no change.
You know what? All I been doing this morning is bitchings and not providing anything of values to the conservations.

Here's 6 pretty recent vidjas, including her 450 weigh in.

Based and double wrapped for your enjoyment.

I’ve always wanted to see “Throwing my Weight Around”

She’s in a smaller Star Wars shirt, her belly exposed.

Anyone got that?
Meh, dunno why people always make a big deal. Buy it or don’t.

Is her content the best? No.
Do I thoroughly enjoy most of the content? Yes.

She’s got a sexy body.
She knows how to show it off.

Appreciate it for what it is.
Glad to hear she gained any weight at all.
Is there anything different in her new shower video or it is the same as the previous ones?
whatever amount she's gained, she's looking hot af in that black underwear
She's using the oldest trick in the book. If the simps keep paying for the same stuff, why change it?
I would buy it for 30+ if she finally showed off her bush and big nips
Her new cabin video looks so hot. Love the way her fat spreads out.
Anyone able to update her Coomer page?
Is her OF updated with new content lately? I believe in March I was a little dissapointed and quit the OF.
What was the number peeps?
you mean her telephone number my friend?
She has a weigh in video!
At least it looks like she's gaining. Her face has never looked as fat as it does now.
What is the "cabin video"? I don't see it.
On her OF's, she's got one big fupa
Do you mind sharing it?

post that fat pussy my brother 🙏
Hard agree. I need to see that.
Is the new weigh in really 454lbs? $30 for a 4lbs. That’s the difference between a big lunch or a bowel movement
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correction, 2 lbs gain. disappointing as a long time fan but damn does she still look big.
While not impressive, Even 450 was outside of anyone’s imagination. She caught a lot of hate for that multi-year period where she hovered 400.

She does look big, and damn fine.
Nothing but adoration for my Plump Princess.
At this rate we could see 500 by 2035
Can you share the video?
We'll see 500 sooner, she's make another big jump or two in weight. At this point it's clear that she's indulgent and doesn't hold herself back.
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my theory is that she's scared of getting to the tipping point where all the excess weight in her legs will start to hurt for real and only surgery can relieve the pain so she wants to keep hovering around 450.
>We'll see 500 sooner
The absolute state of PP fans.
We won't see 460 let alone 500
Not even a PP fan, I just think we could see it by 2030. However, she might be scared of that excess leg weight indeed. She doesn't have the best leg shape for gaining and she doesn't look like the reckless glutton JJ is.
Anyone got the cabin vid? Or the masturbation one requested earlier?
Meeting Bigcutie Summer when she was in early twenties and seeing how out of control her own lipedema can become I believe put the fear of god in her when it comes to gaining.
Anyone willing to share it?
Anyone got the weigh in vid then?
What do we need to do in order to get the Weigh In, the Cabin Vid, Coomer Updated or the Masturbation vid posted here today? Whoever got it, what are your requests. We can collectively get this shit done.
>She doesn't have the best leg shape for gaining
she used to

I like her leg shape. Though with her bigger weight I do start noticing how one lower leg is bigger than the other more than before
Anyone got anything new?
Finding a new video of plump p that has not been posted here before is like finding 20 dollar bill. It could happen but you don’t look on the ground all the time because it’s not likely.
Big women are usually not symmetrical.

Come on someone give us something new
Can someone share some older c4s vids?

That I know. It's just that the difference is getting bigger?
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She's well underway :) Not sure if she's at a tipping point though.

Interesting shape. Her hips are a little different left to right, same as legs. No ones perfect I guess.

Meanwhile she's looking pretty chunky
Wow seeing her fat go over her knees like that is super fucking hot. She’s been getting big recently.
For fuck's sakes - she's finally getting big. I wonder what actually has made the difference for her? Hope it keeps going!

She's still one of the best looking BBW's after all those years. OH MAN! I brought so much money into her paysite, back in the days. She was amazing in her vids

Summer was just an ultra glutton. That girl could EAT. And her health was bad. Some times her hair was very thin.and you could see her head through, other times it was better. Her legs and belly really needed more attention and care, but she just lived life to it's fullest. The sweet girl sadly died young
A belly ring try on video would be so hot
Ding dong, she's got a new BF. I've counted already 4 different guys in her Instagram. Definitely she's got a loose screw. Why these chicks always end with losers? LOL
Lmao - what a fucking shitty take. Why does it matter if she’s casually dating? How do you know the dude is a loser?

What an absolute incel thought process.
Go fuck yourself lmao.
>>50889 She's one of the most normal, social, and well adjusted very fat chicks I've ever met. She's got an artist's temperament and aesthetic but aside from that she's normal as hell. Don't project your weird insecurities onto a girl you've never met.

Also, maybe stop counting the guys who appear in her IG like a serial killer.
She's a single mother divorced (after like 1 year), porn fetish model.

I don't know what measurement Americans have for 'normal' but this is a fucking trash tier CV.
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Has anyone got the week long weight-gain shake videos?
Lol, this isn’t a cultural problem. Clearly you have a misogynistic problem. Really a draconic outlook that being divorced means she’s a bad person, and also dogging her for being a fetish model? MY BROTHER IN CHRIST, YOU ARE ON A PORN SITE. Sit your judgmental ass down and reflect on your fucking dumb ass.
Damn she was hot. I didn’t know PP met. There’s an early Ash set where Ash is tiny next to Summer, now Ash is around Summer size.

I need to find an old laptop that has lots of Summer content. Combo of her low hanging stomach and legs were something else. While she didn’t talk about gaining, her vids always made it seem like she’d be 650+ and was never gonna change.
We really need a thread for porn-surfing moral watchdogs like yourself to trade suicide tips.
Need latest weigh in.
My brother in Christ, where better to spread the good news of Our Lord than to the people who need it most?

Your liberal world view is the most retarded world view ever. Crafted for you in big think tanks and sold to you as the 'accepted' world view.
I'll give you a reading list if you really want to sort yourself out or you can continue aimless wondering in the dark with only your own ego to keep you company.

The very first video Summer uploaded at BIgCuties was having her weighing in at 656, with the words ´Definately more than last time´. I´ve always wondered what her highest weight would have been, because she grew alot after that first video and later lost weight again. But I remember het personal sites and blogs, in where she was almost always eating. People who knew her admit she could eat a tall stack of pancakes like it was nothing
>>50889 BREAKING NEWS: Local woman tries causal dating
Bruh you're preaching about christ and shit on a porn site. I guarantee you get no pussy. Which is why you spend time doing ridiculous shit like this on a fat women porn site.
She so slow on videos. I think it’s like every 4 months she does a really short video and one longer one. Every 8 months she does quick half shown pussy flash. I wonder if she has callender is doing this strategicly to create demand?
Here's a link to a XXX site I found with a search engine, can I has expensive content now?
No new videos ever.
Screw the new vids my boys, she just jumped on the fat girl bandwagon and reinked herself... at this point we need a full sleeve and another fake masturbation batched with a 1.75 lb weight gain vid!!!!!
Anyone got the new PPV off her onlyfans? She's blocked me so I can't buy
>she blocked me
ok make another account and buy us something
You have a better chance of finding gas for $2.30 a gal than finding new videos of her here.
Nice pic, thanks.
We have before. I don’t see why its any different now
Coomer uploaded and quite recent vid aHR0cHM6Ly9zdHVmZmVyZGIuY29tL3BpY3R1cmUucGhwPy80MTc3NzAvY2F0ZWdvcnkvNTE4MA
You really did that to a stufferdb link. Fuckin amateurs
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Thank god content has actually been shared in this thread this is very good have a 5 star rating
shut the fuck up
did you reup the coomer?
be grateful faggot
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Thanks! Been looking for this one for a while. Would love to see more Plump Princess pregnancy content if anyone has any.

Came up with this rough timeline for her pregnancy (on her site).
I joined her OF to buy her ppv, 2 weeks later she still ignores my requests to purchase. So, she's a cunt, clearly makes too much money n doesn't give a fuck
How many fans does she have at. How much a month? We can figure out how much she makes a month.
Anyone got her latest ppv? I can't get a reply off her to buy it
Still seems super lazy and bitchy to me
Not lazy in the hot way lazy in the obnoxious way
When she hits 500 I’ll check back in
Lol see you in 20 years
peak GG still looks bigger to me tbh, though she stopped gaining after 400lbs right?
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Lots of chat about the numbers but she seems to be growing a deliciously fat face. Proof:
That's a huge turn on for me, how PP was much smaller than GG and now is much bigger. I'd love to see some pics of them together now. It's like PP looked at her back in the day and thought "Oh, you might be bigger than me now, but just you wait. I'm going to be much, MUCH, BIGGER!" and then she actually did it.
Does anybody have the naked dancing for boyfriend PPV vid?
Her face is the only thing that's noticeably changed about her this year, because her weight hasn't changed much. Where did you find these two pics?
They're cropped screenshots from two of her recent videos. The first's from OF, and the second's from her latest weigh-in video (which she posted an extended preview of on OF).
Wow, going to that page I can tell she really doesn't want people to repost her stuff. No wonder her stuff rarely gets posted elsewhere. Thanks for sharing those pics, her face has been filling out in all the right ways.
Does anyone know how much she weighed in the vid?
Too bad, the normal face suited her better,
i thought that was exactly what made her so special. This lard would have been better off somewhere else.
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Watching her slowly grow a fat girl face over the years has been so hot. Imagine if Courtney's younger self could see her now.
>That's a huge turn on for me, how PP was much smaller than GG and now is much bigger.
>much bigger.
>"Nikki would eventually reach approximately 450 pounds before she and her husband broke up."
>that's no more than a 4 pound difference between them (which took PP a half year) lmao the wishful thinking.
The fat face suits her.
GG is taller so yeah, it's a noticeable difference. Also, I'm talking about what GG must look like now vs. PP now. How much did GG lose? 100 lbs? 150? 200? That would mean whatever GG has lost PP is now bigger than her by that amount, which would indeed be "much bigger".
Either those face shots are doctored, or she is systematically altering her face on ever single Instagram post she puts up.

We need more vids from her here
>she is systematically altering her face on ever single Instagram post she puts up.
That's an obvious filter shading her cheeks and chin(s).
She doesn't. She is just hoping the threat of being banned will scare of a few people from trying it.
“Yes your honor. He broke the terms and conditions by downloading and sharing my $50 weigh in video, as you can see I am the victim here!”
Weird. Surely the whole point of paying for such services online is that you're going to have some content to download once you've handed your cash over.
Has anybody the new paid video with the breast paly from onoyfans ? Does it worth or it's fail?
Can you share it ?
Boy, leaks from her have completely dried up. It’s too bad,
I updated the coomer. Enjoy retards.
hey do you folks remember her video where we got a glimpse of her asshole?

Thanks King Ding-A-Ling.
that's a hell of a hole!
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Can anyone share any of the videos pictured above?
Does someone has the mcdonalds video?
Could it be possible to have a link for this video ? Many thanks !
God damn it she looks so fucking hot in that McDonald’s eating pic. Look at that double chin 😍😍😍
One of the best to do it, still hoping she's goes full nude and hits 500
A 500lb PP 😋
That would be a dream come true. I just wish she would do more videos of her going up stairs, fitting in her car and just talking about the struggles of being that fat. That shit turns me on
C’mon Courtney.. be a good girl and yield to needs of your fans 500lbs 👑
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Anyone got recent vids of her? She’s looking fatter in those pics with the gray two piece. Guessing those r more recent vids.
sooo are you willing to upload the latest weigh in ? I have hundreds of her C4S clips and all paysite content if you need something to sweeten the deal (don´t request before uploading), be fast cuz i´m gonna take a break from this site.
What about her little arc where she’s trying to get fatter then her ex boyfriend’s new girlfriend? I’d like a compilation of that
Absolutely love how fat her face is getting
has that never been uploaded?
No. We were told the results but the most recent weight in, as well as the recent masturbation vid have not been shared anywhere. I’ve been pretty vigilant.
Can't believe I'm saying it, but she's looking absolutely HUGE in most of these pics.
Yeah let's be real, she's a big big girl. Aside from all the comments of people wanting her to be 500lbs, if you were dating her, you'd be mad not to look at her and think 'damn, she's one big sexy gal'
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Dude, I love these screenshots.
The preggo ones are wild, using your unborn kid as a prop to look fatter for your fetish videos. Chicks are nuts.
Does anyone have the weight gain challenge videos from her paysite?
I hope she can get over 500 pounds once and for all
Please share the video. Can anyone share any of the other videos which we got screenshots for?
>>58703 damn those first 2 pics in blue bikini, are they recent? Would love to see the vid her calves seem quite big in them :O
alright, enough with the screenshots
She has been 450 to 455 for a year. If she was 460 she would do a weigh in.

Yeah, let's all get back to complaining about the price of her video and her slow gain, without sharing anything. Jesus Christ.

most of the screenshots are from videos that are several years old
She is most likely below 150 kilo, for everyone who can see and recognize.
can you finally fuck off you stupid retard

do you unironically believe that every single fat chick on the earth manipulates her scale (for whatever reason they should do it)?
We just let you think it is how you suppose...
I mean you cant know if you never had a big girl, so you got no reference xD
fking retard
Not every you primitive scumbag, as I pointed and gave examples.

But these where it is for everybody obvious, who want to recognize this and have eyes in the head, as it is here a matter of fact:

If Courtney would weight around 200Kg, then this would be 3 - 4 times as much as a random (normal) woman, as most weight between 50 and 70 kilogramme I suppose.

So try your scaming on othe places/ subject, I know you just want to promote contend to sell it...
Sure are some retards in this thread. Or maybe you just don't get out much, or ever meet any women in person.

I've met her. She's tall af and every bit the size the scale says.
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Ich komm vorbei und dann sag das mir ins Gesicht, feige Sau!

Anhand der IP bekomme ich deinen Wohnsitz heraus!! Das haben in Großbritannien schon Boxer mit solchen Trolls (Hatern) wie dir getan...
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Those screenshots are nuts! How is her walking at this weight? Her thighs and calves have really ballooned, I'm wondering if she's waddling at this point
Das kommt vom Richtigen, Troll trifft auf dich am besten zu!
Ich komme bei dir vorbei und lasse mir das nicht von so einem Dreikäsehoch gefallen, der wahrscheinlich noch schulpflichtig ist!
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Would anyone happen to have a archive they'd be willing to share?
If a girl weighs 500 pounds this guy will say she is 125 kilo . If she 600 he will say 200kilo. I know it’s obvious but someone always gets upset. Report him to the mods and he will get banned just don’t fight with him because he wants that more than even looking at naked girls.
Arschloch halts Maul, du wirst dir in die Hose kacken, spätestens wenn ich vor deiner Haustür stehe!
You might be stupid as hell, not only that you believe the numbers what women pretend, without having any credibility, but lighter women looking much heavier. But it is impossible to ban me here, as I am not registrated at all and this is not a normal forum, to do so...

For instance Elli claims to weight between 187 and 199 kilogramme, this seems legit to me. But Lailani allege to be 100Kg heavier than her and Plump Princess that she is at the same weight (or even 10Kg heavier) which are obvious fakes, for anyone who is a mature adult (have some experience).
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Fascinating debate, guys. Keep it up. I'm sure you'll be able to change each other's minds.

Meanwhile, here's some screenshots.
I've been here for years and this place has always been a cesspool of fucking degenerates, but recently even more so than usual. Every single thread is flooded by mentally challenged virgins talking about how absolute enormous landwhales can't be over 100kg/220lbs. These nerds clearly have never been with a woman and should shut the fuck up.

Then there's these fucking krauts talking in German in every motherfucking single thread.

Someone ban these fuckers already.
Please share the weigh-in if you have it?If you won't for what reason are you teasing it??
get out of here stupid nazis!
Does anyone have the full video from her OF with Sasha?
Just cancel those retards.
Bist du ein Papagei?
Wiederholen Sie immer die gleichen Wörter.

The fact that they are German does not mean that they are necessarily Nazis, we do not fall into the usual clichés please.

Apparently there are 2 Germans who are insulting each other, there are strange people in here lol
Do you do me a great courtesy?
I want to see photos or videos showing her boobs very well.
There are so many videos where you can see her nice fat ass and all her fat but I have never seen stuff with her big tits, share her tits please.
Damn,her tits are big and soft,beautiful.
Thank you very much Gentleman.
Does anyone know where I can find the “next day weigh in” video? I think it is from 2019- she was smaller then.
Why would want something that old? Shouldn't you be living in the now?
Idk she just seems a little more interested in actually gaining weight in that video than compared to the others.
Is PP the highest earner in the game?
she was def hotter in the 2000s
This. Even though she was half the size, her attitude and look were way sexier. Fun/flirty college girl > fat Lana del Rey.
Her content was better, she had themes and topics. Now she just sits and plays with her belly, stands and plays with her belly, turns round and jiggles her ass, sits down, same again next week.

I want to see her jam a big black dildo in her ass
Sad but true. This is one of my ATF sets of hers — wish it had a video but the premise is great. She's supposed to be a fat celebrity caught binging by a paparazzo.

Any reup??
It was a really old video so you didn’t miss anything.
Send it
It doesn't matter how old is it
I really wanna see pu$$y video
Did someone have this video
is there a pussy video?
Actually a lot
You can find it on clip4sale
by "pussy video" you mean the eagle spread or just the "bare" shit she's dumping over the years?
Afaik there are three where you can see it: bent over, hard shake and wicked white pantyhose, but these videos are more like glimpses
there is a file from sauna vid on stuffd can someone upload it here or update the coomer?
think i'll pass on $20 6-minute video from a model who looks more post-prime than most women several years her senior.
Thanks for the info. I'm guessing she'll do okay without you.
Her latest video she talks about gaining and being 500lbs. It's probably bullshit that she'll ever get that big but we can dream
I would be surprised if she stays over 450. She could and that would great. Skylar has remained at 290 for a 1.5 years. She went up to 300 at the start of the year. I would say she dropped 10 to 20 pounds since then. When you are that big you can hide 10 pounds. It annoying the cat and mouse game. I hope Princess doesn’t do that and gains. What do you think?
Her latest posts are looking 🥵🥵🥵🥵

Anyone able to update Coomer?
What’s her latest posts?
Seriously, any info? I hate how she and most creators won't at least show what kind of posts they are making before subscribing. As in seeing what the post says without showing the video or image. If it's a bunch of fat chat, eating, and loving how she keeps growing shit is almost an instant subscribe for me.
If you got access to all this, do you mind sharing or updating her Coomer?
No he won’t because it’s kinda like bragging to him…” look at what videos I have and you don’t” kinda thing. or “this pizza is so hot and good” and post a picture of eating it. It’s to post to make others feel bad and if he had links to the videos it wouldn’t work for him.
If we ignore the fact this guy is bein a bitch and won’t update the coomer, she is looking pretty huge in these pics especially more in the face and legs.
all the videos are on her coomer since more than 2 month. i think you 3 are little Bitches!
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These are not on her coomer and are the only ones I really care about. Tbqf, I was expecting for better areolas, not the nasty oreos, but considering her figure, shape and weight, we can't be so picky, right?
This link is fucked up. try gofile

its a spam link
Gawd, for what she charges in her OF, she could have a decent 4K HD camera.
Even if she filmed with a 4K camera, OF would still compress the clips.
>the clip screenshotted in 2nd pic can be found thre
Trust me, it's not. I searched that place more than 3 times for her tits and twat.
She’s finally given up and is going to grow to 600 minimum. Echo land for the princess. It took long enough.
ahh it never gets old
BC mollie ang gingerbunny will hit 600 before she even nears 500.
nope…Courtney is the next 600… Dhecjust told me.
That screenshot only means you have the vid, not that it's on her c00mer's page.
Too much whinning my lads... wake me up when she's being mercylessly piped down by some random well hung nigger.
The date at the top of the pic is the submission date on OF/Coomer. The .m4v format indicates it's from coomer. You simply didn't look good enough, I reckon you clicked each individual link when you could've just DLed in bulk.
GingerBunny for fucking sure - she's already 21 and 550lbs with a tall built figure to carry it all. If we're going with her AND Mollie, I'm not so sure - Mollie's got a great body but I don't know if blobbing out completely is in the cards for her.

Still, I'd put money on that over Courtney getting to 600. There's no damn way.
Courtney started out at 320 and has gained over 130 pounds….and now her metabolism is slowing down and she’s moving less than before…you can see that she’s going to get much fatter…she just can’t lay off the ring dings
Na….I just went on coomer and the guy posted vid shots that are new and not on coomer. So the guy who said “why are we upset just go on coomer “ is not informed.
How do you Bulk DLed from coomer?
You realize that after some point putting on weight is an effort if lifestyle remains consistent? Like she actually has to want to become a full on blob which is totally against how she sees herself as like some Lana Del Rey wannabe. So unless someone fucking brainwashes her, 600 lbs aint happening

What I know is a fact: I see screen shots from new videos…the new videos have not been shown here or on Coomer.

What bothers me: people saying these new screen shots are videos on coomer when they are not. Then this…. (each individual link when you could've just DLed in bulk) I would rather have no video than misinformation or false hope.
Anyone able to update Coomer?? If you’re holding out for something, just say what you’re looking for.
Just for the sake of giving some content in hopes of something new, here's a little 2GB-ish dump. Hoping we get Coomer updated, or at least some new C4S videos (such as the weight in)

Can we get a reup of the “next day weigh in” video?
She looking bigger in some her new c4s previews.!
I am glad I've lived long enough to actually see her gaining weight.

Here is some Contend just to celebrate her fine ass being on the internet.

She announced a pre holiday weigh in for today on OF.
Bigger than ever, apparently
She's 458lbs
Share it
anybody has the dildo sucking vid?
reupload this many times you fucks

Real test is going to be post Holiday.
She gained a lot of her “bad reputation” for the several years of “pre-holiday weigh in” and then something happening cussing her to lose weight.

Honestly - any gains are a good thing. For as long as she sat around 400 … gaining that 50 lbs so quickly, and now continuing to gain. Even little by little - it’s a positive.

500 would be such a dream. Hopefully possible in the next few years.
She showed us that it wasn't really that hard to gain if she actually tried and all of that was mostly to recover from whatever lost she incurred when she lost weight. There's also her lipedema and her kid too so I don't blame her trying not to let her weight get out of hand.
To her credit she was sick for most of October and looked like she even lost some weight during that time (she was looking really big before then) so the fact that she was able to gain anything at all is just about the second best thing we can get. I still doubt she'd be able to gain any serious weight in the next month of 2 (when it's post-holiday) assuming she doesn't get sick this time but at the very least she should be able to break 460 by then.
Does she actually get sick though or is it just a cop out to generate some quick money for the holidays. Like someone said, she's done this before and after holiday gain about 7 times and never followed through
well, she's gotta get that bread to buy presents for her kid
I think it's a cop out, possibly some type of family influence where they dont let her contsantly stuff her face?
Password protected??
Honestly I actually do believe that she does get sick. All of these models who are committed to being huge, ie. being a massive blob (chubbychiquita, lisalou, reiinapop, even roxxie) has all the incentive to gain or at the very least maintain their weight and no incentive at all to lose weight until health or other factors become a problem so when they do lose it that's probably why. They're already getting nasty comments even when they're gaining (ex. not gaining fast enough) so they probably don't want to deal with even nastier ones if they ever lose those pounds.

What more often than not infuriate fans is the constant disappointment over the years on both her gains and her videos, especially in relation to the (increased) price over the past few years which only punishes her more loyal, sickly addicted, fans and most likely hurt her bottom line more. Something pretty stupid to do but people can be stubborn and their way. Despite that, strangely enough, I don't believe that she'd lie about getting sick

She's also one of the few models I can think of who does weigh ins even when they were losing weight instead of just shying away from it altogether like so many other models out there so there's that
her holiday weight gains, hear me out could be because of water weight. She put on eight pounds recently, people can swing 5 lbs with water weight, this in conjunction with eating 2 maybe 3 lbs of food right before a weigh in could solely cause a manufactured weight gain which would thus be why she appears to "lose" weight when really she never gained the weight she supposedly lost in the first place
(1.3 MB, 1920x1080, 53.png) (1.5 MB, 1920x1080, 16904.png) (1.5 MB, 1920x1080, 9769.png) (1.4 MB, 1920x1080, 0684031.png) (1.4 MB, 1920x1080, 74762149.png)
it's been a month or 2 since she got sick, say she went back to 450, that's plenty of time for her to gain 8 actual lbs of fat. some of it may be water weight but i'd bet most of it is fat. if she maintains and gains some weight along the way she'll look bigger than ever when her fat starts to redistribute which she would've had an opportunity to if she didn't get sick. imo she definitely looks fatter than ever, evident from her face, but not by as much as we'd hope
You have this measuring video?
Looks like those pounds went straight to her face, i love it!
oof, this and a coomer update would be hella clutch
If nothing else she certainly owes it to herself and her fans to pass Gaining Goddesses top weight of 470. She needs to go for it now…before she’s too fucking old.
Yea that’s been around everywhere for years. Mabey someone else likes videos that are old and up everywhere.
you mean the one she added to her C4S this month?
My bad I thought it was the eggnog from when she is in front of the fridge from a few years back.
This is new you are great!
thanks for sharing content man and merry Christmas to you and your family
Anyone have the recent vids where she’s too fat for the sauna/office chair?
fuck, man, of course out of all the videos teased in the latest Coomer update, the eggnog chug is the only video she actually shared in its entirety. should've just waited the 4 extra days or whatever. :L
thanks for..nothing new.
The hell do you mean, she posted this two weeks ago, it hasn't been shared yet (to my knowledge), and it isn't up on Coomer. Check yourself asshole.
Didn't know she was back up to 450. She looks great though. I wonder how much more weight she should try to gain.
Is it just me or does it look like her makeup comes from clowns-r-us? She used to be so pretty, but that looks just terrible on her.

yeah only a preview on the coomer update, thanks for the drop. pretty sure there's a bunch of videos in that 2 month period that weren't updated.
Weigh in was actually shared previously, that was correct. It’s on the DB as well.

Yeah, Coomer update was not thorough.
We’re missing posts in October/December - which should have the two videos where she’s too fat for the sauna and too fat for the chair.
As well as - “Pink Satin Show Off” “My Sexy, Fat, Beautiful Soft Body Turns Me On..” “This Will Make Me So Fat” and I believe “Fat from Head to Toe”
pray to god she releases a video that's like at least 6 mins or long where she straddles her boyfriend with her fat squishy, jiggly belly in his face and he's just kneading and squeezing it all, while she dirty talks the entire time. would be unbelievably hot
All we need is for her to remake those facesitting videos
Can we get a reup on the eggnog chug please?
What's the DB?
either or. i wanna hear her dirty talk more. that shit gets me goin, especially when she does it. she's so sexy and fat in all the right places.
for this
this, i would literally pay whatever she prices... srsly remember her only 2 squashing/facesitting" videos? right thats the shit she needs to do more.
Not as many girls wanted to look like they had giant lips in the 2000s.
Shes offering custom vids, again, that she never delivered on previously. I wonder if we'll get a new year's weigh in or she'll just ignore it like she has every year
can anyone fix this corrupted file? It's Fitting Room Fitness wear. and does anyone have her first facesitting vid?
here the 2nd facesitting vid. I know the
first one is on porn sites, but i'd like it in higher quality.
Both of what you’re looking for is on the DB.
I’m fairly certain this is the first. The 2nd one was more ambitious with the closer camera angle … and a lot more face sitting.
can anyone fix this corrupted file? It's Fitting Room Fitness wear. and does anyone have her first facesitting vid?
broken files are not repaired
Both of those vids are on the DB. Don’t be lazy.
She reads this thread confirmed.
Not the only place people talk about her.
I’ve been talking about those videos for ages.
30 bucks for 7 min? oof
and she believes in communism
This little Princess was always on the more expensive side when it come to her C4s videos...
say what you want but she delivers
>this, i would literally pay whatever she prices

will you be a man of your word and share with us?
I love how we’re into mid January and she still hasn’t done a post Christmas weigh in. Probably because she hasn’t gained any weight.
those small advent chocolates ain't cutting it
Will take the time to update her coomer if someone shares newest face sitting from c4s
This is a win win here folks. Someone be a hero.
She’s also posted a new groping video. Really getting back to her hottest content.
Anyone have this?? Her facesitting videos were by far her best.
Go fuck yourself with your bargaining. Update her coomer or fuck off.
Surprise surprise she's sick again and no updated weigh in after Xmas. As expected 🤣
Yeah, I get that is so disappointing and typical. But at least she’s making the content we’ve been asking for again.

Ok “hero” do your thing. Otherwise shut the hell up and enjoy this case study for socialism
Every year sick and then loses 30 pounds.
The community should just fuck her off. She’s such a fraud.
Whilst he should indeed shut up, talking about free porn as a win for socialism is the cringiest fucking thing.
Lol. Translation: I really like her, but am bitter cos I can't afford her videos.
pretty sure this one's on her stufferdb page, just scroll back a bit
It's not man. One of the only ones that doesn't work lmao.
she got a POV squashing video now gdamn
Thanks you so much!
ive been waiting for a vid like this from her since 2008
can you share this video?
seriously, it's annoying when they share screenshots just to tease us
when i see screenshots im assume poster wants somebody to buy it
im looking for stuck in sauna
Very solid drop. Thx for the groping vid
also i offer this treat
we don't care about your stuff, those recent OF vids you talk about will find their way to Coomer in no time. at least provide something of equal value when you want to trade against the rules.
Ok if you don't care don't download them
but because im in good mood enjoy the facesitting
You are real hero man, thank youuuu
Coomer Update Bro better hold up his end of the bargain.
She puts a recent vid on clips4. Someone has it?
Compared to most posts your a god.
Goat^^^ also free wunna free top G free healthcare
Did anyone manage to download from this link? I tried on several browsers, and it doesnt seem to prompt to select where the file might be downloaded.
Lmfao - you think it’ll last any longer on WT? MAB is a guaranteed 2 days.
Please god can you reup ? Pls pls pls
i gotchu
Bump for her new smothering vids
Add here new masturbation video with glass dildo

Come on lets share some new stuff
Anyone have any of her content from stufferdb?
Ah that's been taken down I see. Surprised it stayed up so long.

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