
(868 KB, 738x729, #02.PNG) (989 KB, 739x840, #01.PNG) (1.6 MB, 740x889, #03.PNG)
Does anyone have the mega?
How much would you have to hate life itself to find this appealing?
If she had longer hair you wouldn't be saying that. Plenty of the bbws on here are about as attractive as her minus the short hair
Yeah, but she doesn't. And that reflects on her appearance. Poorly.
Surely you have some more important business you can attend to, no?
If she was in my bed I'd surely give her a go.
We're here, what do you think?
she seems to have a mustache in the second picture, and has the hairline of a middle aged man. the amount of cope in this thread is unbelievable
Holy shit it does look like she has a moustache
>>45630 (OP)
OP it's fine if you like her, but you should also recognize that when your tastes stray past a certain point of conventionality, others likely won't share your preference. Getting defensive is only going to further encourage the behaviour you see in this thread

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