
Anyone got her new OF vid "Hungry Girl Pigs Out On Her Fav Snacks"? The preview looks hawt!
Christ, I needed that massage vid in HD. I’ve only ever seen in in SD
(44 KB, 420x877, R1.jpg)
Holy shit she's gotten big looking at that first pic with the cake. I'd love to see that one.

These 2 vids are much newer than this photo is.

IDK how many times we gotta say it but you cannot use wetransfer
Anybody have the POV giantess chases you video?
If she’s actually the trump voter would be based
People who bring identity politics into their porn are just as bad as fucking BLACKED faggots
based and "get off of my fat fetish board you fucking politifaggots" pilled
Anyone got her newest? Where she’s eating in bed?
Anyone got pov giantess chases you video?
Don’t need to put this shit on blast. We don’t need her finding out.
How does she sleep at night, with that fat neck? I can't believe she actually dares to lay down, because it looks like she'll suffocate?
Jesus she’s perfect
>>46060 100% perfect. Created in a lab to drive us all mad. 500+ pounds of fuckable dough with stepford bimbo face/hair. Insane, bro.
I think she’s said she sleeps on her side

orry to ask but can you reup I missed the window of oppurtunity
Still looking for that new video where she’s eating in bed
(131 KB, 1578x888, funnel.JPG)
Could someone reup her funnel vid please?
I need her more fatter! More fatter than a house or a mountain or the planet or the sun! More fatter than the galaxy!!!! fuck, cumming

But yeah she is kind of fat but so not fat enough
Ass comparisons when?
Anyone got the "hungry girl pigs out on her fav snacks" or the new cake on?:)
Reup? Had another big download taking up space and couldnt get it in time.

Anyone have her “too fat for yoga” video? I used to but I lost it and I miss it

Down already mate

The MAB link is still good.
The links are dead, mathematicman
Thanks for the quick response, but MAB is the only way to do it so it doesn't get taken down so quick. Two days is better than no days.
would anyone happen have the video in which she measures her arms and they're like 30" in circumference? it's an older one and I don't remember the title
many thanks kind anon

Nice. She needs to measure again now that’s she’s thrown on a few more LBs. Best arms in the game now. Can’t even imagine seeing those in real life.
She really should do some slob content.
Anyone able to update her Coomer?
Also - does anyone have the clip of her pigging out in bed?
Does anyone have her biggest loser audition?

Thanks, king
She's been the same for the last 10 years
Do you mean the same size? Because I’m pretty sure she’s gained over 100 pounds in the last decade
Any hero able to update her Coomer page?
I need some new Roxxie in my life.
Her new updates sound so hot. Anyone got them?
stop fucking posting this dood shit
Is it not legit? Or just a poorly operating site?
it doesn't allow you to download the videos
It’s just the cheerleader vid anyway …
I’ll upload it on MAB later
yeah and stay on mab
Damn look at how fat her face has gotten. Love it. New video?
Not her latest post but one of.
She’s testing a chair. 🥵
I said I would, and I back:
Here’s the cheerleader vid + the 500 lb squashing

do you happen to have the video?
(268 KB, 2400x1344, 2.jpg)
Enjoy a bunch of shit from her Onlyfans, haven't seen it for months, but theres a lot in there.
Give it time to upload
>>49135 That would be a "yes" from me, dawg. A "yes, please"
We’re at the cusp of total loss of control. The momentum of which started with the 16 lb gain in a few months….

This will be a normal face in the next 5 years … for fucking sure.
My guy, there was some C4S stuff in there too.
Some I needed for my collection. Thank you.
>>49135 Look at this exhausted, wheezing bimbo hog, absolutely out of control.

What must be going through her little pink fat-clogged brain? Probably not much. Roxxie has eaten herself past the last offramp. Oops.
How do you open these files that are being sent? The long strands of letters?
it's base64, newbie. Type that in google and you'll find a decoder.
Then just paste it into there? Will it give me a link or what?
yes, then decode and use the link
sometimes you must decode it twice if it's still a sting on numbers
it's pretty straight forward
Encoding is stupid, it's not like she doesn't know how to do it herself lmao
I’d murder my own mother for a threesome with Roxxie and LisaLou
Can't wait for this piggy bimbo to reach 600lbs.
Anyone have jackie content?
I’d ask for roxxie but I’m tryna jerk not nap
>>49452 that’s an incredibly clean and neat pussy and FUPA for a girl who weighs 516 pounds
I’m always impressed by how clear and smooth her skin is in general. Most women her size have at least some marks and discoloration on their skin, which is totally fine and normal, but Roxxie’s skin is pretty much perfect all over her whole body. It sounds creepy to talk about a woman’s skin like this, but idk man, she’s perfect.
It kinda does but I mean it's true. Some people like all the things that generally come with being a fat woman. To me some of those things are a tad off-putting. I just want a hot woman who just so happens to be 500lbs. She could be able to run a marathon for all I care (an impossible feat I'm sure, but imagine)

You guys realize that discoloration is a resolvable issue, right?
Sure, cosmetologist may charge you extra for more “real estate”. But you can white discoloration out in most situations. Especially knowing that whiter skin complexion of blondes is prone to discoloration. And while you usually can’t do much with cellulite you still have options to significantly improve skin surface health and condition.
Reup? My internet decided to fail me
(377 KB, 1284x1790, E4F177B5-2E9F-483E-B8AF-AECC1C85A806.jpeg)
Looking for some of her C4S videos I don’t have in my collection. Anyone got these?

Here are some offerings in return:
What video is this from
“How I Keep My Skin So Soft And Luscious”
Lotion vid
In the case of ssbbws I dont think its weird at all. Most of the famous ones like Jae and Jackie are covered in sores and discolored blotches. To be surprised by a girl Roxxie's size having spotless clear skin is normal. What is weird however is how quickly random anons on a fetish board shit on eachother if they think it makes them look like they have better social standing than the other.
nah I know what you mean, I unironically love every aspect of obese women.
Roxxie isn't actually blonde but natural blondes are way less prone to skin discoloration than anyone else

Source? Sounds like something you just made up tbh
It would be absolutely great if someone had the latest OF-videos and c4s-videos and could share them.
Actually what would be even better is if you'd go buy them and upload them so all of us poor impatient fuckers can get them sooner rather than later.
Anyone able to update her Coomer? Last update was May 19th.
She’s had some hot AF updates since.
Holy shit the lip injections
She really did just lean full-on into the bimbo look between that and the dyed hair. I love it
I was starting to wonder why her face looks so weird lately
Yeah, the whole phenomenon bums me out. They never look real and are impossible to ignore.
The way her chin jiggles and slaps against her chest fat and tits *chefs kiss*
personally I'm not stoked, I really hate lip injections.

Good thing there's quarter ton of other stuff to look at, though I really did like her face before.
Need someone to upload that cake video please
Omfg. YES! been waiting for these! Holy shit!
Hats off to you man
Seconded on the fart cake vid. I need it.
Those aren't lip injections. Never ending parade of morons on here.

Oh she just gained weight in her lips, did she? She got injections, retard. Deal with it
She herself has said she got injections lol. It’s on her tumblr
LOL lip injections? It's so easy to tell who the incel virgin simps are who have never seen or been with a woman who knows how to put make-up on smh.
He's right. It's called overdrawn lips. Educate yourself
… are we really still debating the injections thing? Like previously said, she LITERALLY SAID she got them. On her tumblr. Ffs you fucking idiots.
>when you forget post IDs exist and have a conversation with yourself as a form of damage control

Lol found the schizo
My nigga just shut the fuck up and go back to lurking no one cares 😂
I think it's fucking sexy. An obese bimbo.

I'm partial to them for the same reasons, she pulls it off well. has she gone through a couple rounds of injections? kinda looks like it from some pictures but I don't keep up with this sort of stuff
hey man, sage goes in the email field in order to be effective. it's hidden under 'extra' below the captcha
ah shit, i missed it
yo, could you re-up that vid? I'll upload the roxxie shit i got in return, it'll be up for ten days
(177 KB, 1024x838, aaaa.jpg)
Anyone have this video???


uploading now

already gone lmao
No it's not lol
people are stupid.

It's there.

Please stop encoding. It just confuses the stupid and causes them to post dumb things. Roxx knows how to decode so it's totally pointless to keep doing it. You're just wasting time
I think at this point people just encode to gate keep idiots that dont read
Where’s this from?
New video at OF.
I seriously would love for her to do a video about her health. At that size, she is bound to have quite a few issues.
Brother in Christ, you MUST upload this new video.. If you do I'll upload some of her vids from a few weeks ago for the boys. I just don't wanna resub again so soon
Yall out here tryna trade man keep that shit for giga tribe just bless us with that cake video and bed stuffing video and move along with your day. Homie will drop the new vid I believe.

If anyone has it, I would love rewatch an old vid of her in gym, it was a period she had black hair and a orange shirt.
I used to watch it a lot but never found ita again, it would be really appreciated :(

Here is the Cake vid + latest funnel vid

Can we please get some new material or update Coomer?! I’m dying.
i have Seen one over a decade ago where she did sit-ups and said she could do 68 in a minute, when sehe was 13, which was record of her class.
Wow she could do 68 in a minute! LOL! And a decade ago, no way! LOL!
I just read Roxxie passed away, can anyone confirm or deny this?
She was posting on social media as of yesterday.

Why do people always post stupid rumors like this and never bother to mention where they heard it lol.
Where’d you read that piece? Guessing in the New York Times.
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What an incredibly sexy mountain of lard, she's apparently eating herself into a giant, downright spherical ball of fat!
Love how the blubber of her back and shoulders 'swallows' her head more and more!!
No when she was a teenager at school (like grade 6); so it might be around two decades ago now.
But she tried to do some about one decade ago, when she was already very fat (on the belly) and she did the hard (long) ones, not the easy crunches.
LOL! Crunches are better for you than the hard long ones but whatever. The only she crunches these days are calories LOL!
We can't be certain, as maybe is the double-belly caused by muscles.
When she did this sometime between 2011 and 2015, her tummy was already really big.

Though I am not sure, if she did this within one minute. But 68 would have been for me a lot at that age (12 - 16) and I was happy if I accomplished over 30 in one minute.
Can we stop talking about an odd comment she made in a (damn near) decade old video at this point?
Anybody have that bathtub wg shake video
Been over two months since the last Coomer update. Major content draught. No one subbed anymore?
Be the change you wish to see in the world
Nope. Not subbed. I thought you were going to sub.
What happened? Why didn't you come through for us?
Bought it the other day, still trying to figure out how to upload it. If anyone wants to help me figure it out, I'd be more than happy to post hers and another model's, but I'm having trouble doing so through the session ID and cookies thing they have
Can someone please reupload a vid from Roxxie where she is funnel fed by her bf while he grabs her belly? If i recall properly, in the vid she is sitting in a chair and is wearing a blue tank top or bra.
Yes! That one. Thank you very much.
I’m no expert, but what is tripping you up?
When italians became racists against BIG lips and never think about CBT wizard watching them, please make me laught!
>>51873 So, essentially when I’m putting in the session ID from the cookies i’m getting this error message “401” that’s saying the session is invalid but there’s not really any reason for it to be if I’m on the model’s OF. So it’s been a little confusing but I have it ready to upload, it’s just a matter of how.
Hungry Girl Pigging Out in Bed
Does anyone have the Obesity Struggles video?
Anyone able to help? We need the goods

can we get a reup of the cake vid?
Anyone know what her weight was back in March when she did a new weigh in video?
516 lbs
What an incredible photograph. We need more of whatever this angle is
Hey, does anyone have the most recent video on her OF? The one about her bathing tool? Cause that sounds… amazing
The dude trying to update her Coomer might. But nobody is helping him troubleshoot.
Roxxie really washing herself with a rag on a stick
We got someone waiting to upload content. Anyone able to help the Coomer Guy get her page updated?
Clearly not my boy. Give it a rest
Lmao - is the purpose of this board not for content? We’re allowing content to just slip away?
>>52853 part of why she is literally the greatest of all time.
Yes, indeed. I admire her Rock'n Roll attitude.
She the goat STILL. It’s fuckin 2022 I been jerkin off to pictures of her on timblr for ten damn years and she been the hottest one in the game THE WHOLE TIME. Ten years straight of fire bro. fuckin legendary. And she’s only getting bigger so u KNOW she’s into it. Does anyone know if she has kids
>>52908 loving your enthusiasm for the obese bimbo deathfeedee GOAT bro. No she does not have kids. Hard to imagine a body that’d be more fun to knock up though.
Any reup with her bests vids?
Yeah her not having kids is insane because if I was her husband I would cum in on and over this bimbo until she gained 200+ pounds from just being fucking pregnant

Ik this is the roxxie thread you got any gigi or caitidiee stuffing you could share in return it would be much appreciated
>>52982 Yeah same of course but this way she has more money for food and more time to be a spoiled airhead pig.
would you happen to also have the full vid of her bathing w/ that "rag on a stick", good sir?
The thing is if she actually had kids there’d be no time for a hot sexy feedist lifestyle
And I would like to second this request

I dont have it, sorry. Hopefully someone else will post
It’s on her coomer
No, that’s just the preview. It was sent to subscriber inboxes.
I don't understand this DM practice, would I get all DM vids automatically if I were to subscribe or would I need to ask her for them?
It’s essentially to combat Coomer as well as reward consistent subs. If you miss the initial release, you pay for it later.
Was there a video with "I can't believe I let myself get this fucking fat"?
Does anyone have the videos where she breaks the plastic chairs? And the one where she breaks the recliner?
Check my link maybe you can find some
Thanks for vids
Any reup for c4s videos?
What video is this?
Most likely her latest post. Caption is about table belly drops.
Can anyone reup the 'Obese out of shape hog wants a snack' & 'Hungry Girl Pigging Out in Bed'
(2.4 MB, 4724x2320, 2 Year Comparison.jpg)
Here it is in a bundle with other 'premium' videos she's uploaded to OF, aka not available on Coomer. All dated for when they were released.
Here's a link of previews of videos I'm looking for, also dated for when they were released. Appreciate anything you guys can scrounge up.

Here's a comparison I made as well.
Ight gd lookin out bro, but do u happen to also have the 'obese out of shape hog wants a snack' because the file had the Hungey girl pigging out what I wanted but not the other 1, idk if u forgot to put it in it not?
Here are Tricked into Gaining, My Family Hates You, and Out of Shape Hog.

He obviously would've shared it if he had, how about you share something yourself.
oops, I din't realize you shared Tricked into Gaining and My Family Hates You already.
I would but idk what roxxie vids yall are lookin for and I'm new here but if I see anyone mention a vid I have, I'll upload it to here, bc I have more of her older stuff and I also have all of her onlyfans vids but it'll be pointless uploading them since ya'll can just download them off coomer
Do you have her JOI video?
do u have the bariatric bathing tool full video? there´s only the preview
Thank you very much!
Her fat naked soft wet body is just breathtakingly sexy.
Can someone re upload the eating snacks in bed video
Does anyone happen to have some of Roxxies pre-2012 stuff or any C4S Clips whats not on her OF?
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>>56010 Jesus Christ look at her face. That collar of neck blubber. The way her lower belly is starting to sag and droop. She’s turning a corner from cute SSBBW model to wheezing hog drowning in lard. Amazing.
can someone please upload the recent bathing tool video? I am too late to the party as it was already taken down from reddit
Is these from a vid? Anyone have it?
>>56050 the perfect reference
Let’s see Paul Allen’s SSBBW Porn Collection
why ARE THIS BITCH'S loosing more fat???
bathing tool reup:
Anyone able to update Coomer? Or got the new chair test?
Gone. Reupload please.
Does anyone know the earliest year Roxxie posted stuff?
'73. it was a good yea

I believe it was 2008.
Does anyone have the "my recent visit to the doctor & weight update" from 2012? Oldie but a goodie.
Does anyone have "my recent visit to the doctor & weight update" from 2012? It's an oldie but a goodie!
Here’s that reup: https://mab.to/0pjZf95Ga

Can we get a Coomer update? Her latest updates are looking good
Pretty likely this is user error but I can never get mab downloads to work for me. What am I doing wrong?
What kind of phone you on?
Could soneone reup the 'Obese out of shape hog wants a snack? Thanks in advance!
On an Android
(2.5 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_4964.jpg) (2.3 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_4965.jpg) (3.1 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4962.jpg)
It was actually even earlier - 2006. Here are a few of the pics (I got the BODacious magazine at the time; thought she was cute, but never realized how tremendously hot she would eventually get).
(3.4 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4963.jpg) (2.7 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4961.jpg)
Had to do this in two posts as they were too large for bbw-chan.
Amazing that this classy fat pinup girl became a feeder's wet dream, a food-addicted obese pleasure hog
You need to use Chrome
>>54820 (Cross-thread)
here's a torrent
(≖_≖ )
403 Forbidden
any chance for a re up?
Has she still 5 years in her?
Update commer
Something new?

Why don't you ask again in another minute?
I don’t have those but I do have several of her recent videos from this year if there’s one you’d like in exchange for your American pig video
I have all recent vids, i'm only missing the two I linked, BBW Revenge - Deep Tissue Crushing with SSBBWs Foxy Roxxie and Nicole & BBW Foxy Roxxie and Nicole Benoit facesit skinny girl on a sunny day from 2012 onwards.
I’m on iPhone, but what worked for me was requesting the desktop site. Never had an issue with mab since I started doing that.
Anyone have the vid of Roxxie squashing Odette? Solo, not the one of Roxxie and DirtyLittleDiva.

Was on her website back in the day
Anybody got her biggest loser auditon? Thanks a lot
Anyone has "Good Piggy Finishes Her Fattening Shake"? Was on previous subreddit I think
For a split second, I thought I was gonna see one last attempt to turn back and lose weight. Is it weird I was hoping to see her get emotional for the camera?
>>57689 not at all. I’d love to see that too. Real fear and regret and panic.
The new clip, "Tinker Bell really let herself go", anyone?
God what a sexy pig! And that neck!
How much did she weigh back then?
I think she’s said she was around 280 when she started gaining
does anyone have Big Fat Bully from 2017? Thank you
I do but do u have any other C4S vids of her u can share in exchange?
Oy Vey!! Give me! Give me! Give me!
Could anyone reup the bariatric showering tool video?
You’re a king for this
Anybody got her sweet revenge or her JOI video?
Bump for the mirror, mirror vid
Really random but I think theres a video of her trying on pink yoga pants from when she was in high school and just ripping right through them. I saw the video 5+ years ago and still wish I could find it.
The one that I wish I could see again was a video of her on Dailymotion in short shorts too small to button up playing with her belly in a sofa chair.
THIS!!! can someone plz upload "Tinker Bell Really Let Herself Go"?!
anyone have “POV: Fat Giantess Chases You” and “Flattening an Intruder”
(7 KB, 300x168, download.jpg)
i gotchu on fat giantess chases you plus a few other unrelated vids while im at it.


anyone got the video for the attached image? thought i had it once but not anymore i guess
You've got to upload it on mab!!! WeTransfer gets DMCAed!
The mirror mirror vid vid wasn't working fsr, it only had the audio
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The amount of abdominal fat is spellbinding. I just hope it keeps on growing. Imagine her in another five years time.
and the armsssss. really everything. and she's all cute and bubbly to boot.
I'd almost certainly go down on that woman, sight unseen (as it were)
I'm not sure how to intergrate my love for fat women getting fatter and wanting her to live long enough to keep giving us content until a good replacement shows up.
Calm down. She seems to be pretty healthy for her size.
Anyone follow her tumblr. Someone asked if she was on a break from OF. Her reply: "
Kind of, I’ve been going through some things that made me step away from my OF and social media for a bit, but I’m posting a new video asap ☺️"
What can she mean?
Husband posted they’ve had a death in the family.
does anyone have the broking couch video? Thanks
Somebody made a Roxxie burping compilation a while ago, does anyone have it?
Sorry lads but can I get a re-up on the doctor visit video from 2012?
Here you go, brother:
Fucking ripper legend, mate
does anyone have the fit girlfriend thinks I should get in shape? thx
Bumping for new workout vid. Some legend updated her coomer but that video is only the preview. She fat.
Bro holy shit that arm is HUGE
Her arms have to be bigger than the arms of most bodybuilders

Would love to imagine her being unbeatable in armwrestling
That workout vid looks so good. Almost can’t believe she did one considering most models don’t do them much after 500lbs
If anyone decides to buy that workout video… please post it here, damn. I’m impressed she’s even expending the energy to do one at this point.
I think she has a video in which she lost an armwrestle to a bbw who was much smaller than her.
It's hard to tell if she has gained from her last weigh in, as she was already very big then, this might be coz of a lower angle...
she has an older video with arm measurements. iirc they're around 30-32 inches in circumference, which is larger than the waist of most thin people. hopefully she releases a similar video at her current size
Thanks a lot :-), what do you guys think has she gained from her last weigh in or just maintained?
Does anyone have a handbraked or otherwise compressed version of this? 1.1gb is insane
My humble contribution, her "American girl" video
>about to be 2023
>can't handle a single gig
Throw that potato away
Handbraked version

Gimme a few hours and I'll reup
Do videos from the BODacious days still exist somewhere? If someone has some and shares them, that would be gigantic.
Ight preciate it
i just wanna press my face into it bruh, ffs
This this from a video or picset?
picset is on the coomer
Some fast takedowns here. Can someone reup on MAB? At least that stays up a bit longer.
of course it is.
here's the new workout vid along with some other newer vids
where can i paste this link to? or how can i download it?


there is always one smh...

read the rules dumbass
You paste the link to base64
There’s always one entitled snob who’s unwilling to help another out. We’ve all been there. When I first found this site, I didn’t know where the fuck the rules page was, somebody helped me, like many others
Base64. copy the code, paste it into Base64, decode, you'll get a link. sorry no one else wanted to be helpful
I missed this :( could anyone reup?
Anyone got nature waddle?
Thank you for posting.
any chance for a re up?
Anyone got Fatty Voyeur Cam: Bursting Out of My Clothes, it's an old vid
and the last two from OF?
News from this sexy girl?
Thank you!
Has anyone the newest OnlyFriends vids?
This is the best news in the history of feederism
Aww they are so cute together. <3
Could you imagine being out to eat and those 2 just randomly walk in?
Damn, Lisalou doesn’t look that much smaller than Roxxie. And Roxxie is enormous. LisaLou has been pouring on the fat. Her before photos of her tiny show the work.
Can we get a reup? Please and greatly appreciated
It would ruin my life just knowing I'll never witness anything this attractive ever again.
I wonder how many plates they collectively ran through? I mean they capfuls do some serious damage together.
I got too high and now roxxies belly button freaks me out
It's low... and weirdly stretched
I cant unsee it

Now it just looks like a shaved cats butthole to me
Like it would suction onto glass or something
*snap* *snap* *snap*
Anybody have a reup on the girlfriend trying to make her fit video?
>>64577 she's literally the most conventionally gorgeous 500 pounder out there with impeccable proportions and pristine, flawless fat. She's a wide-eyes, impossibly symmetrical blonde bimbo who's eating herself housebound. She's practically AI. Whatever drugs you're doing that make you fixate on her belly button (which is completely normal wtf are you talking about) and liken it to a cat's asshole, you should stop taking immediately. Unless cat buttholes do it for you, in which case do you.
Anyone know how tall she is?
Hero pls?
I heard she’s 5’4”. She looks short to me
Overall, I think she might be all time number 1
very cute attitude, good mix of content. She's got a great ass and a great belly. Tits aren't anything to sneer at either.
Her oiling herself vid has been in heavy rotation for me lately
woah I can't believe I missed this picture.
notice that roxxies table is pushed farther out cause she needs more room for that belly and those hips 'n ass.
God if I walked in some place and saw them eating... I'd be worried about involuntary inappropriate behavior. Honestly, I'd probably just go up to them and say "look, I know who you are- sorry that I keep looking over at you two."
then I'd be waiting for the next time they go to eat in my area.
Yeah… fyi, for what it’s worth given 80% of you are incels and will disregard this and the remaining 20% are redpills who will get triggered by the idea of treating women like human beings and freak out and thus ignore my point anyways, that would make them EXTREMELY uncomfortable. Like that is predatory and abusive behavior. Treating them as not human beings but living breathing exhibits to walk up to and inspect. I can guarantee all of you that if you see a model in a restaurant, going up to them will 100% chance creep them the fuck out and you will just seem like a fucking insane psycho. Cue the one guy who’s gona be like “oh well but I saw x model at y place and said hi and she was nice” - she was counting the seconds until you left I promise you. Do not be that creep
lol are you the 80% or the 20%?
It would be creepy and weird to approach them in public when they’re just trying to enjoy their dinner, but I don’t really see how it’s predatory or abusive. It’s not like this person said he’d try to pressure them into sex or something lol
Anyone got hang out with me video or any from 2017
Does anyone have any of Roxxie's crossovers onto BigCuties? Looking for:

Caitidee Photo Sets 07, 11 & 15

Caitidee Video 22

Marilyn Photo Set 89

Sadie Photo Set 49
She’s 5’4”
Speaking for myself here but i'm not going to look for specific sets in 3 of my folders for someone who only begs
She just posted a Fupa-centered vid. Sent out to subs only. Anyone got it? Sounds hot as fuck.

PP masturbation vid as tribute:
The last time she did a fupa centered video was like a year or two ago, finally we get a new one
Anyone willing to share anything of
Where can find/ download her content these days
Cheers genius
Is there a video with the two beauties together?
Could we get a reup for mirror mirror 🙏🙏
Any other video requests before I reup?
Have u got hang out with me or the couch one
(I hope I encoded it right lol)
Mirror, mirror and a couple of others
Can you reup this?
Bump for fupa
can you reup please?
I hasn't even been 5 days and the vid is gone lol
But can anyone reup the videos that have been posted here please?
Merry Christmas Everybody!

Who's gonna be Santa here and share some of Roxxie's content with us?

Thanks in advance.
Anyone got hang out with me or the couch one (merry Christmas to all)
Hey if we're in the sharing holidays spirit, does anybody have her burping compilation? :)

Long ass list of requests but absolutely shared content. It makes me laugh how many people request shit and not sharing but to have this massive list of requests is even funnier.
Be like the rest of us lurkers who don’t request anything cause we don’t post anything
Solid point tbh
Got one for you
Anyone got any of her content from like 2015-17
Got some of her content from 2014-17 including the shake video

Could someone upload hang out with me or the couch stuffing vid
Wrong shake vid my bad
More to come btw just give me time
does anyone have the hungriest hippo video? Thanks
Coomer update, please.
We really need one now. That plane-squeeze video sounds so hot 🥵
I can’t wait to see her take up two seats …
Does anyone have that plane video from her OF? It sounds… amazing
and the other new OnlyFans videos? That would be extremely great!
Someone have pls the new airplane squeeze pls ?🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵

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