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Heather posted a new picture on Feabie and daaamn she is huge now! She's starting to give Echo a run for her money. Says she can't even walk now.

Last we knew she was in the lower 600's and still mobile. She's got to be close to 700 pounds now.
This woman a living legend! Look at these cute fingers :) oh and she is like 5.2ft she is just amazing!
Atta girl! She looks good with a nasal cannula.
Her immobility is due to long covid, just for the record. Anyway, she looks the hottest ever!!!
Did she post a personal update about it?
wow she's just a ball of fat these days, good on her, it's wonderful that she'll never be able to walk again, all cos of that gorgeous fat
Does she have a content page other than feabie?
Crazy to see all the love for this woman.

According to, without exception, every single bigcutie I’ve talked to, she’s an evil, manipulative, narcissistic abuser.

I interacted with her briefly at a bash once, I don’t remember anything we talked about but I do recall having a bad taste in my mouth afterwards. Couldn’t put my finger on it at the time, but after hearing what I’ve heard from the models, I realized that she reminds me of my abusive and narcissistic mother.

Heather is an woman
Heather is an evil woman*

Apparantly you've never sought therapy for your childhood trauma. It would have enabled you to perceive the world in a less distorted way.
Punishment from the Gods for what she did to echo
finding one person bad or unpleasant due to a brief personal experience and gossip of other personal experiences isn't unusual nor is it a symptom of childhood trauma. Try not coping as hard next time and maybe you wont so foolishly delude yourself.
I've had a very different experience. I've talked to her several times and every time she's very kind. The few BCs I've had the opportunity to talk with seem to like her, as evidenced by how long some of them have stayed - Ash, Sasha, BoBerry, Echo, Ellie, Jae. As a webmaster and boss she probably can be narcissistic or manipulative at times I'm sure, but that doesn't make her evil.

Also, she's fat as fuck and just keeps gaining, and that makes my dick hard, so that's all I need.
What did she do to echo?
Lotta copium itt, at least the last guy has the self awareness to admit she makes his dick hard LOL. Of course her being fat is hot. Just crazy to me how much of the community is completely unaware of who she really is/ willfully ignoring it for no real reason
I treat it with as much attention as I do any gossip on these forums. I think she's having a hard time keeping girls now because she's straight up immobile and can't actually go around and lend her expertise. Lotta girls have stood by her and plenty have come back after retiring or striking it out on their own.

Of course, that doesn't mean the dozens that left after retiring aren't in the wrong either. They have their stories. I think she plays favorites, especially with the ones that want to plump up. If you ain't gaining, you're not pulling your weight to her. Hell, why else would she still keep Josie around? Anyone else in their right mind would have retired her.
stripes make me look fatter?

I'd imagine OnlyFans is why BigCuties has lost so many models. The Models can literally put out whatever content they want to at whatever pace they want to, plus they can further monetize certain content beyond the subscription fee.

For what it's worth i think it's a shame considering BigCuties sets usually give more content and have more full-body pictures and videos.

Side note i wish Heather would update her own content. I know Covid has made it difficult for her to do much but i wish she'd hire someone to shoot pictures and video of her now that she's at her biggest. If Echo can do it, so can Heather.
Agreed. Clearly we've missed some serious gains since her last real update (the actual last one was a "lost update" from even further back). I'd like any kind of updates on her site, be it images, videos or even simple update videos like Echo does.
Heather being semi-retired on her own site is such a joke. It's painfully obvious she's tricked some fans into a subscription or two by appearing semi-active, since if she was retired no one would see her.
>According to, without exception, every single bigcutie I’ve talked to, she’s an evil, manipulative, narcissistic abuser.
We never interacted with her, we just know she's leading the bigcuties
I leave the drama for people who actually interact with her
She's a personal friend. Yeah she's a boss bitch and has high expectations in business but she is also the kindest most loving and generous person I know. She opens her home to feabian freaks and weirdos. She wants all fa's and feedist's to find their happy fat lives. She's a treasure and I'm blessed to have her in my life.
that post convinced me she's a groomer
I remember her messaging a few younger guys on feabie a few years ago.
Looks like karma for her not taking care for Echo happened.
She didn’t speak to her about her weight and her immobility and now her she is essentially immobile as well.
>>44272 (OP)
Since it’s been nearly 4 years since a set, do we think she blew up like this and then got COVID? (SSBBW models being last people you’d want to catch it)

Or has she gotten to her fattest now after catching COVID?

Crazy to think either way.

You’ve got her so massive she now can’t walk? (I have heard of some people who can’t walk far after long COVID, so this makes sense). And now Echo has been back in the hospital a few months yet somehow keeps her gargantuan size there? There are fat people then there is this. USSBBWs to the max.
She looks better than ever.
From what I can gather in her previous Feabie photos, it's a little bit of both. She was still gaining some pre-Covid, maybe getting toward 630 lbs, but she's really ballooned since Covid. In particular she seems wider than she did. And as said before, the hands are noticeable. I'm sure immobility and quarantine are a recipe for faster weight gain.
If nothing else I would also like to see her continue giving updates for this reason: she is one of the earliest, if not THE earliest living feedees around. She's been intentionally gaining since the early 1990s and has gone from the 200s to whatever she is now. For purely historical and scientific reasons, she has one of the largest, longest intentional gains we have documented.

The only earlier example I can think of that lasted any amount of time was Betsy, but she went off the radar entirely for years. When she briefly re-emerged before her death, what little we saw of her was gigantic. Heather is close to surpassing that if she hasn't already.
The best fat hands I've seen in a long time.
>>44272 (OP)
Heather, Echo and many more are ghost of past. I think Mercedes BBW , Redhot and many other bbw farm also. Time of portal BigCutie are gone a new model no need someone like agent, impresario or whatever. Webcam and OF accounts that's enough.

Second parth is time. Lots thies model are old. Unattractive granny , aunty so if they are still live. And younger like Becca or Britt? Becca look like e boy and Britt 40+ mom. Who remained from ssbbw? How different is? Another aunties' ?

Younger not need Heather or someone's like that. Let her be...
Holy shit this got more incomprehensible the more I read. Did you have a stroke?
When were the most recent Heather photos or videos besides this one? The last images I think I have even seen were from 2013. Were there any photos between now and that time floating around?
That picture is magnificent. Peak ssbbw. Hope she drops a full set. Reaching her size is a world class achievement and needs to be captured.
Anyone know what she is weighing currently? I thought she had lost some but I guess I was wrong.

I can only guess a range of anywhere from 618-658.

Her Feabie lists her at 581 but that was from 2015. In 2017 she had a weigh in at 613 and for a while her weight on Feabie was that, but then it reverted back to 581.

On FantasyFeeder her weight is listed as 618 and it doesn't say when that was updated. And a month ago she posted a picture that she says is the last picture of her from at a restaurant before being bedridden; she commented it's from 40 pounds ago. So could that mean 40 pounds on top of 618 which puts her at 658? Or 40 pounds on top of 581 which puts her a couple pounds above 618?

The eye test is the only other evidence i have: in her latest picture she looks bigger than she looked in the pictures posted around her 613 weigh in.

To sum it up, if i had to pick one number, my educated guess is around 650 pounds.
>>44272 (OP)
>When you have to be strapped in to your own scooter
Gott dam.
I can’t say I’m shocked. I’m actually happy to see it. She peddles obesity for a living, but she buys into it herself. Good on her.
There's an unbelievable amount of projection, misinformation. coping, misogyny, and feedist self-hatred going on in this thread.

I've known Heather for almost 15 years. You will never find a kinder, more generous, more well intentioned and honest person in your life. She has devoted her life to creating, building, and expanding the community of feedism both online and IRL.

Y'all have NO IDEA what the scene was like before Heather and BigCuties changed it forever. It was janky and gross and an utter mess. She built a commercial empire that was the class of the industry for about a decade, and in doing so certainly endured her share of disputes and conflicts. Every one of them that I'm aware of center around money, more specifically the expectations for output she places on models and the cut of subscription proceeds BC takes. Many of these girls had never seen a contract before, and potentially didn't even read it, and got upset when there turned out to be restrictions on what they could and could not do. As far as I know, Heather has never been accused of doing anything untoward professionally or personally - she simply runs a business.

Did she also use her influence and resources to foster a culture and extended personal/professional family that encouraged and incentivized girls to gain weight? Yeah, she did. You're fucking welcome. Heather was/is a true, earnest believer in feedism and has done more to advance the cause and build community around it than anybody ever. If that bothers you, you're probably in the wrong place.

Somebody here actually wished her death as comeuppance on the basis of "what she did to Echo"? First of all, fuck you on both Echo and Heather's behalf. Second of all, what exactly did she do to Echo? Force her to become 800 pounds? Are you retarded?

Heather built the world of abundant fat fetish content you take for granted. It simply doesn't exist without her.

She's not your fucking mother. Seek therapy.
Goo goo ga mama
First of all what proof do you have that you've known Heather for 15 years? Second, as someone who does remember what the scene was like back in the day I can say things really haven't changed that much, the only real difference is the models of today have learned to embrace the freak show aspect of the fetish, say what you will about the likes Brie Brown, Gwen Dolan, Mandy Blake, Juicylittlefatgirl, and others, but they wouldn't degrade themselves with all this goofy bullshit that isn't even real porn, now please explain to me again how Heather made things better? Now you are right that some of the accusations made towards Heather are money related but not all of them, some the lesser known Bigcuties have come forward and said that Heather tried to manipulate them into gaining weight with the promise they would make more money but these women were quickly silenced due to the pull Heather had at Dims, Fat Forums, and ect. Now lastly, if you can't see that Heather is taking advantage of Echo you're the one who needs therapy, were watching a woman slowly die with each update at this point which basically makes it snuff porn and here's Heather making money off of it which is just sick and wrong.
It made me go check previews on her site. I never noticed she’s had some pretty fat hands for years. Didn’t notice because of her huge belly, great arms, and in later years huge thighs. She’s the OG.

But this photo is like when cartoons show a stupidly fat person. Like may have trouble eating kinda fat hands. But no trouble for her to keep eating, haha.
Wow never thought echo would have a shot to outlive her, heights the name of the game rn
Time for the obligatory reminder that Echo has Lipoedema. The majority of her size is not due to eating, but the above mentioned condition.

Heather is not killing her at all.

Yeah, okay. She can have both lipodema and an eating problem.

This is the biggest White Knight post I've ever seen here...and I've seen a ton of White Knight posts here.
I’ve known Heather for 20 years, on the business side and non-business side. I can say my experience aligns with this post 100%.

(Expect to have people complain that your post isn’t complaining about women though.)
Fuck it, I believe this post more than the ones painting her as this super manipulative boss bitch. I remember what BigCuties was like in its earlier days. Maybe not as its inception, but I remember seeing it feature basically her fat friends. I 100% believe most (if not all) of the ones that complain about her are jealous (no shortage of that in a beauty industry), didn't read their contracts and think they can do better, or aren't used to having someone demand quality from them. Y'all can complain about the content being boring, but I would take what her girls put out over countless sites that never update or take video stills for pics - Mercedes, Bombshells, Royalty, Foxes, OnlyFans sites that update with a selfie once a month, the list goes ON. A good amount of those multi-girl sites are graveyards. Heather is running a business - Jenni's content with BigCuties was probably more effort than the 300 sets she's done on her own and it shows.

I do also believe she's an extreme FFA, probably just as horny as the next coomer here. She knows what sells and told these girls if they put on weight they will see a boost in sales. And she's not wrong. You think any of the non-BC girls that are being slobbered over would still be popular if they didn't pack on the pounds? Roxxie, Jackie, Plump Princess, Adeline, Luna, you think they'd be popular if they didn't reach new weight goals? Why the fuck is that different when Heather tells it like it is? People will continue to obsess over BoBerry reaching 600lbs and praise it along with her overpriced garbage. She could finally show her tits & finger herself on camera and people will bemoan about how it would look better fatter.

As for the white knights coming to avenge Echo? She's not some autist Heather is taking advantage of. She's an adult. At any point she can pull the plug on all this. But she, like others who have eaten themselves to 650+lbs, know she doesn't have much else going on and doesn't want to change their eating habits. Believe me, I'm positive the hospital staff is suggesting surgery every day to her. She's probably more bored than anything and the attention from the site and money that comes in is a bonus. This isn't some badly-written Tumblr erotica where Heather is smuggling enough McDonalds into the hospital to feed a small army. Echo wants to be this size to some degree. We can scoff until the rest of her days that she's not happy but you're still removing her agency from the discussion. Just say she doesn't do it for you and hide her thread - no one was giving you a medal for all the sluts that didn't do it for you before and she is no different.

God this site is such a mistake. Your faggotry over morality on a piracy board is retarded.
What are we doing here?
I was revelling in what an enormous gorgeous immobile blob Heather has become. She has just about tripled her weight since she started modeling.
Okay, there is zero proof that "gaining weight=cash" if anything the it's been proven to be a myth by curvage and it's army of roleplaying skinny fats. Nobody is saying that Heather forced Echo to forced her to get fatter or any such nonsense just that it's real shitty to take advantage of someone in her position, plus if you think anyone likes to be a prisoner in their own body you're being a fool.
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I remember her from the Dimensions days. She was 19 or 20 if I remember correctly. Hard to believe she was this skinny!

>By it's army of roleplaying skinny fats

Yeah you're right. But the girls that Heather had for the most part put on significant weight. Also, they're still getting talked about. Some people like the fantasy and they can go enjoy the Curvage group. Some people want to see girls blow up. If a girl gains weight consistently over long periods of time then she's usually compensated well for it.
I didn't say she was happy. I said she was bored and not changing her habits. You're still removing her agency by saying she's being taken advantage of.
The thing is though we are seeing a serious decline in ssbbws in comparison to roleplaying skinny fats, if being a ssbbw model was as lucrative as it's been made out to be over the years we be seeing more super sized girls out there but were not, it's been the same group of girls pretty much for the past ten years or so, meanwhile girls that are not even half the size of Jae, Roxxie or Boberry have proven not only can they be just as popular but probably are making more money too.
One of the first fatties I tugged it to, probably 20 years ago. I think I googled "sexy fat girls" or something like that.
>>44459 white knight when man say woman not evil bitch
The idea of Heather coercing models into gaining tons of weight while not paying them so that she could eat more herself is so perfectly
Hot to me, especially now that she’s immobile. Can we get a screenshot of that feabie post?
Let’s be real: these women are starved for attention. Say someone like Echo doesn’t like being big. She probably also is starved for touch and will go for whatever she can get. These girls get what they want one way or another.

“Agency”. This is feedism, dude.
Don't be that simple minded: many of these numbers are fakes, as most didn't gain that much. For instance Lailani, Plump Princess and Heather herself. The first two were/ are always way under 200 kilos, as anybody who want can see. Also is Mary Boberry not that heavy, she was not even close to 250Kg. Heather pretend to have the same weight as Summer, already a decade ago, but she was a lot taller (like 1,80m/ two heads), I rather think she had around the weight of Candy (same size as her) which would be 220 kilo at most (rather 200 - 210).

And as someone pointed Echo has lymphoedems and possible lypedema too. Her favourite dish is sushi, which is not regarded as that unhealthy food.
>>44272 (OP)
Not gonna lie.
I want to shag her.
I could almost care less that she is an evil bitch.
She’s not evil. She just understands the transactional nature of the community. If she’s evil, then so am I for keeping my kitchen stocked for my girl.

Don’t get me wrong, we have some shitty people in the scene, and there are genuine connections to be made, too. That said, no one has a gun to Echo’s head. BoBerry will never have to work hard to get a guy. Women have their pick of partners if they play along and accept how things are. Subsequently, it’s not a man’s fault when one of these girls ends up so big that she needs to be buried in a piano crate.
>>44561 Wtf are you saying? You're both evil. Most likely, anyway. Now stfu and go back to your witchcraft, you ugly transgender, I mean Canadian.
Were your parents cousins?
>>44564 I hope so, but what does that have to do with neighbors that perform witchcraft, gay transgenders, and demons that try to assault you in your dreams? I have had many a strange dreams, and I have even been personally warned about the future, but only recently have I seen pure evil at work, bothering me in my sleep. The cowards. I laughed it off but one day I hope to have my way with these vermin. Whoever/whatever they are. God willing, I will hang them from the trees. Like monkeys.
Thread over, the schizo racist found this thread and now no "meaningful" discussion can happen. It's been real.
>>44571 You are usually wrong about most things I've heard you speak on. I tell you to stfu, only for you to become more annoying. I tell you to go home and you instead seek out my location and invade my town. Your lifestyle is meaningless. You are an insuferrable insect. May God have mercy on your soul, but given the chance on you I will not be so kind. I patiently await the day you and your buddies are finally dissapeared from my life.
Eat my shit and hair. Log off.
>>44574 You f disgust me, nigger. I will gladly log off in due time.
>64 posts
>2 images
Fucking fuck.
Did you think this was actually going to be a thread about Heather? She's updated like twice in the past 8 years.
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Wow, that escalated quickly...

Anyway, here are some semi recent images that were posted of Heather over last year or two.

That side belly at the table. *chef's kiss*
She’s on her way to being the next kelligrl
Fr, I don’t mind the usual back and forth on here and it’s actually entertaining sometimes, but this guy just doesn’t belong here I wish he’d go back to planning the next Jan 6 on Facebook and leave bbw chan alone
>>44608 cringe thinker that Jan 6 was a terrorist event
Right? Racists have tried to up and ruin everything else, why not bbw-chan lol
1. I have had some interactions with Heather as well and she was nothing but lovely and warm and a total delight.
2. However, I have heard through the grapevine at bashes and such that, yes, some people in the community do not think as highly of her. In particular, the Echo stuff was being gossiped about a few years ago (obviously haven't been to a bash lately because covid, etc) - there are people who think she's not all there mentally and her presence on BC while she's clearly in bad health is exploitative. Do I care? Not particularly, everyone's an adult here.
3. Touch grass once. All of you. Please.
4. I'm gonna go jerk myself into the next dimension over Heather's feabie post about not being able to walk anymore. Lord she's the size of a fucking house now. I know she browses this place so consider this my "please let me pay for legitimate immobility content" plea.
Never met Echo, but she definitely comes across as half-retarded in her videos. A simple girl.

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