
Anyone else think she's lost a bit of weight?
Down already

I think that she is not happy with all that fat on top, it shows that at first she enjoyed eating and gaining weight but over the years I think she is bored and depressed for not even being able to walk, always in a bad mood reporting Instagram accounts, downloading links, getting angry about everything....
You're definitely making a lot of assumptions here.
I follow her on Instagram and that's what it shows>>44130
Actually... Yeah.

heres a torrent of stuff
They got deleted FAST, any chance for a reup?
Anyone got anything relatively recent?
Could someone upload fatbabesoutgrowingthecar? The torrent is giving me all sorts of trouble.

Here's Trying to Walk + Fat Chat:
Can someone reup this on Wetransfer? MAB sucks on mobile.
small luna dump. first time poster long time lurker aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9zRTgxekpJYiNiYTlXU09wdDZ3ZE9Fczh1UjgzOF93
please bro re-up link
Anyone could add her to coomer?
Humble request to load to WeTransfer?

MAB glitches hard on mobile.
it won't last 2 minutes on wetransfer, luna stuff gets DMCA'd lightning fast. that's why it's on mab
You cannot use incognito mode on mobile for a mab download to safe. be sure to keep te page open, best to just leave your phone running for a bit on the download page and not do anything else until it's finished for the download cancels when it's interrupted.
She's seems unhappy in most of her videos and is clearly in a very unhealthy state. Wouldn't mind at all if she did lose weight at this point.
Proof? Literally no videos have given me that vibe.
>>44586 Okay this goes for this thread, the Heather thread the Echo thread the FatMissT thread and others:

If you're coming here saying "I wish [model] would lose weight", you're in the wrong fucking place my guy.

If that's your opinion, fine. Nobody here wants or needs to hear it. You're like a vegan going into a steakhouse and complaining about how unhealthy red meat is. GTFOH.
Needs to losing the fat? No!!! She needs to be in getting at least twice times as the fatter!!!
>>44255 begging for the re-up on this
I can confirm she isn't in a very good mental state. But it's not because of her weight
>>47249 why? someone on every thread says how they "arent in a good mental state" and Im pretty sure its just one dude adding that to everything
people is sick with Jackie thinking about her health when she is not even the size Bobeeey was. The only truly ssbbw at the edge of health problems is our dear Luna
It was my first message here, and I can confirm that. For privacy, I can't say more however
>>47672 source: dude trust me
while I'm not sure I believe someone who comes to this message board and ostensibly reveals SOME private/personal information that had been entrusted to them, but then hits "but I can say no more!.
However, if any of these models say that they're having mental health problems, I'm very inclined to believe them. People involved in nude businesses have crazy comorbidity for mental health stuff. Let the boobies out of the hatch and you might have to go to the boobie hatch.

I never "care" about most of the online models, but I do wish that things go well for Luna. I've enjoyed watching her become a blubbery beach ball and hope that she continues

But to play the speculation game: what COULD even be wrong with her? She's like an overfed aquarium pet.

Ponzi scheme victim. A close relative could be ill/dead. Her boyfriend could be ill/dead, although a breakup is obv much more likely. A pet could be ill/dead. She could be experiencing a major depressive episode, but people that deal with that shit don't treat it like an event with consequences/aftereffects, it's just a terrible state of being. She could have some kind of severe non-mental health issue.
Although that list would cover most peoples "really negative headspace" causes rather well.

alright that's it for now.
Luna, I hope you're as happy and healthy as you can be. Smoke em if you got em girl.
Fuck. I wanted it to say slob, not blob. Did she have her first heart attack or something?
wow she's acually about not reaching her pussy herself anymore

Uao, she was so cute back then T____T
tf you mean? she always looked like a pug

huh? If you really love pugs that is.

She was always top of the notch one. Exceptionally cute and all that fat just made her better.
I'd like to see some of her between-sizes tbh
>FINALLY we get the hospital visit video
Damn. So sexy.
>>44023 (OP)
Anyone have this video or any of her in a car
Reup? I missed out
Anyone got anything somewhat recent? Can’t find her stuff anywhere
That heart attack is coming sooner than later! Fuck that's hot.
I wish bbwaltswitch would take pics of where she is enjoying her meals so much and would also grow to their size.
Who’s other chick ? Silver rider ?
is that a morph??
The fuck is wrong with you?
I wish I could unread that description

Nah, that's Luna's old mundane but still somewhat cute friend, called Passion.
>>54169 for someone who named herself passion she sure was boring
This was the hottest set she ever did, imho

Okay, that and the padding one where she role played getting around the house at 700lbs
Of course it was - she straight up drank KFC gravy and ate fried chicken skin with Mac & cheese rolled into it. It was the fattest thing I have ever seen anyone do.
please share the vid bros...
I'm begging here

I think it's this clip that I just randomly came across unless they filmed more vids in the same car with these outfits. I don't know why they delisted some vids but I don't even care to know, Passion is that boring lol.
All whilst watching a sporting event nonetheless. Two vasty opposing feats of human achievement yet both equally admirable.
das a no good transfer already
Woah, wait, what? What padding video? Need sauce
well I was going to, but the demanding all caps and lack of spell check has totally killed my mood.
this is the lamest shit you can do on this degen ass board. you’re already dwelling on this site like the rest of us and now you’re telling me that one retard typing in caps is what pushed you over the edge. get a grip
Imagine taking such obvious bait
(762 KB, 673x691, luna1.png)
She's losing weight. Good for her
she's just going supernova, she's shrinking a bit so she can explode in weight later
hope so hope she reaches 1000+ ponds i hate skinny bitches
Source: I made it the fuck up.
>>56248 Source: dude trust me
You mean Minnesota? The land of a thousand lakes?
lol i love this idea. i wish it were actually feedee slang
can anyone reupload this? i can't find it anywhere
She’s getting WLS. It’s over.
citation needed
She died from the WLS. It's over.
She's being raised from the dead after WLS. There's a chance!
Denial. Look at her face.
Isn't it rather Finnland (or Canada)?🤔
>>56426 is anything on this thread even real
(16 KB, 199x149, 1408769866103.gif)
>Okay, that and the padding one where she role played getting around the house at 700lbs

Damn, what video was that? Because a huge girl pretending to be absolutely massive sounds hot as hell.
Where’d you hear that?
It’s on YouTube somewhere with “sad” music playing. Kinda hot in a dark way
She's carrying a pillow under her dress, isn't she? Her belly looks somehow unnatural to me.
yes, it's a bit old. But now it's as wide as that video, but now she can't walk so much
Could we get a reup of chugging gravy & the chugging melted ice cream vids
People keep paying for the same repetitive low-angle shots.
She's definitely up there with Violet James in terms of content production laziness.
Luna's videos used to be pretty good, and models bigger than her have produced better content, so there isn't really a good excuse.
looks hot bump for anything like this that hasn't been shared

With passion? ooh I'd love to see her again.

Passion's body shape is incredible
can we get a reup?
Bit the bullet and bought "Blobification + Extra Pleasure" and "SSBBW Sweet Orgasm"


Probably a waste because of how fast these get taken down, but I'll share it anyways
Why do the shares expire so quickly?
Homie! there still up. keep trying!
Yep! Still up as of this post
Can we get a reup??

Can we reup on MAB so it stays up for 3 days instead of 3 hours please.
Damn. Any chance of a re-up?
pls reup for blob woman
oooh dude you should bring them new vids to gigatribe. me and the fellas always flush up with more bytes than a lot of the peasants here can munch on.
Whatever the most emphatic level of requesting is -begging, imploring, whatever- that's what I'm doing for whoever has those two vids.
Here's a vid themed alike to what I desire.
Because you dumb asses keep using wetransfer and mab lol those aren't meant for porn.
Try using gofile, anon files or mega in the worst case. And quit using useless base64 shit.
(45 KB, 680x510, vixen carlyle - lush.jpg)

the anonfile thing never occurred to me. I'll be following your direction regarding that.
However, I like the base64 system. at the very least it creates some kind of a competence test to get to the files. and it prevents automating something to submit takedowns to any urls on the page

To draw more attention to this thread (and my pitiful begging to the wind regarding the blobification and orgasm vids), here's another link to something that I don't believe has ever been posted before. A clip that I think is sexy AF

Bots can read base64 as well, and also remove shit from double encoding and check again. All you need is some regexes
>>64940 it hasnt been posted here because its a luna thread not a random bbw thread
Or you could just upload it to coomer party directly
Fuck off with your Coomer.
Fuck on with your coomer upload or you ain't a kang.
>We all kangz.
Yeah some one must share this for the culture
shitts.. there's a corrupted version of the blobification vid on SDB and I tried everything I could with a few video tools and all I've got is one damn frame.

I still want the blobification plus clip real bad. it's an ironic dilemma, It's one that I'd buy, but now that's the last thing I wanna do since I feel like once I have, it will be freely broadcast like AM radio

here's a different one
It's strange on one hand Luna looks bigger yet smaller at the same time, like her arms and legs don't look as thick as they use to be, could this be due to muscle atrophy perhaps.
No that's her belly that's looking deflated, especially when she is standing up.
that pale skin hasn't seen the sun in a looonnng time.
she probably literally sits and eats sugary junk all day
i'm new to this site so is there any possiblilty anybody could send me a collection of luna loves stuff
>>44023 (OP)
I'm looking for a video where Luna dance harder better faster stronger, anyone pleaseee
Updated coomer
can i get this please
Yes please share this x
Does anyone have any luna mega file?
Give me the lore why is she so hated
She file takedown speed is legendary.
Is there a way for anyone to get me a link to all of her videos from her website before she went to Only Fans??? Even a torrent link???
yep. show me the "giving up" new video and I'll start sending the hundreds of vids- which I've started to re-encode to HEVC which makes them wonderfully compact to the tune of ten percent their original size with no real loss in quality (I gauge that by comparative discernment of her stretchmarks).
>>80752 Can I ask you an honest question? Do you even care about ssbbws? Because you sound like exacyly the type of dude that even the most humblest and nicest bbw would not want to touch.
The vids from her former site are already compressed, further compression is going to be somewhat noticeable. Also nice trade attempt.
By downloading Gigatribe on my desktop will I be able to find all if not most of her previous photos/videos from her former website???
Yo G, I'm on gigatribe
(231 KB, 933x1400, DSC_0032.JPG) (258 KB, 933x1400, DSC_0036.JPG) (228 KB, 933x1400, DSC_0052.JPG) (325 KB, 1400x933, DSC_0067.JPG) (406 KB, 1400x1050, DSCF8326.JPG) (390 KB, 1050x1400, DSCF7651.JPG)
porcelain is in my top 3. sharing a batch of some classics, and some you don't see around very often. looking for more belly videos and squashing:

>>83797 (Cross-thread)
She’s done those they are just REALLY shitty angles which essentially make them a waste.
I wish she wouldn't film every video from this low down angle, getting Creampuff vibes; trying to make herself look bigger with the camera angle.
She don't have to try. she big.
I agree about the angle. Needs other angles too.

Beyond blob looks amazing
yea it does, as does fat princess and giving up. I might have to buy one of those if I don't see any of them up in the near future.
I feel like the potential ranking for the best of those vids is blob, princess then giving up.
Sometimes it's a crap shoot though. I bought a creampuff video recently that I thought I'd really like and it took me about twenty seconds of actual playback to determine it was not at all what I envisioned it to be.

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