
(34 KB, 640x360, 368.jpg)
Share videos of models who talk about health issues and/or how people react to their massive, obese bodies. This is a special kink for me, and I know that plenty on here agree that this is a fascinating aspect of this fetish.
I'd be glad to if you're offering content since you're starting a new thread.
Id bi glid if i ifiring cintinut sinci yiu stirting i niw triad
Here are some Reeneye Star videos about Health.


Would love to see some of Bonnie's Morbid Videos, Ivy's Morbid vidoes, Summer Marshmallows "Morbid fat chat' and 'unhealthy and unconcerned' videos, Loveadiposed 'Health Update' and would Love Creampuff's newer doctor and health videos.
Who is that? I don't think I've seen her before.
Also, thanks!
Here's a few Bonnie clips and an Adeline video:

Morticia Rose

Some of her stuff is on PH but SDB is a better source for her stuff:
I've got another Adeline clip I forgot I had here:
Got two really morbid clips of Jigglybellysoftheart here:


(They're really degenerate so keep that in mind)
Here are 2 videos related to health issues, one from Creampuff, the other from Jodie. aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWxuSGk5MTdyS0g=
Any chance getting a reup?
Since I've seen this thread ...
Boberry has always shared with people what means to live with a fat models.

Of course it means to spent a lot of money taking care of her, taking a look to chairs, bench and everything she could break ... and I think this depends by the relation you have with them.

I'm kind of curious, about health issues Boberry recently lost weight (but of course Bigcuties tries anything possible to hide it) .. she also has got a car accident in past, what do you think about her body structure?!
Someone wouldn't happen to have a reup of these vids would they?
Does anyone have Destiny's vid about health issues? I know she's lost a bunch and her content is lacking nowadays, but she had an old clip about problems she runs into at her size. She actually tears up a little, and god help me, it does something for me
Extremely disappointing video; don't buy it. Half of the video she's struggling for words, and the rest isn't interesting at all.

Her doctor's scale only goes up to 300 kg (661 lbs), and it errored when they tried to weigh her. Her doctor told her that if she doesn't want to lose weight (she refused gastric bypass and didn't want to diet), he has to drop her as a patient. She now doesn't know what to do, and will try to find a new doctor. She also mentioned in passing that her blood pressure was bad this morning.
You cannot convince me that Lailani weighs 600+ lbs, she looks 400+ to me
Here's Adeline's newer 'Awkward Hospital Stories'


Hoping that some other people can share some stuff
Reupload of Adeline's 'Awkward Hospital Stories' , this time back to MyAirBridge aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vR29KZVdjSUV2

Again, any other newer vids would be cool.
I don't care about whatever weird flirting game you guys are playing with each other, but stop posting private pictures you fucking retards. Only warning.
Does any one have any Jodie and ivy slob and health issues videos.
Posted these in the Ivy thread, but since these are dark or morbid issues, here's the vids posted here

Can we get a reup of the Jigglybellysoftheart vids
Would a kind soul be willing to re up those Caitidee vids? I kept trying to get it to download yesterday and was having computer issues. Thanks in advance!!!
Thanks for this, mate.
Apologies for the wait, here they are

(1.3 MB, 721x898, Summer.PNG)
What's this? New Content!

Here are some of Summer Marshmallow's darker videos


If anyone managed to pick up some of the unshared videos from CreamPuff before she deleted them, or commission some other dark health videos, I'd be ecstatic.
Reup of both here


One of Reenaye Starr's 'assisted living' videos

Gotta keep this thread going. Here's some of Xuitja's dark and health issue based videos
Can we get a reup on that?

Here's Gaining Gatsby's Unhealthy Fat Fantasies


This thread is one of the most active threads of sharing, and let's keep it up. Anyone with some more vids would be poggers to see
a Gaining Gatsbys thread would be epic. shes amazing

I've been looking for some gaining gatsby content for a while, you're a legend

could we get a re-up? originally tried to get these from the vola but the files corrupted on me
Here you go!
In celebration of the new server or whatever here's every health issue video I have. Split into three links because of wetransfer's 2GB limit.



>>8937 any chance you could say what the videos in the zip files are?

some more of ivy in the hospital
Another care package.

Here's two of Ivy's 'destructive fantasy' videos

woops. Here
anyone have msfatbooty's bigcuties pic sets?
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Forgive me lord, because I'm back to sharing shit.

Here are two of Marzipan's Doctor's Visit videos: aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vQkp4VXVUMndU

(Note: for some reason, Marzipan files are always massive in size. I don't compress the files, so be warned that they are big)

Still on the lookout for some other morbid vids
(325 KB, 588x456, Caitdee.png)
More New videos? Tis the season

Here's 'First doc visit since new weight gain',

Thanks for sharing, Caitidee is one of the best and she’s blowing up this year. Those arms are amazing.

Now this vid is great if you’d like a review of a medical office or different things about her general health. Almost like she’s still onBig Cuties it’s that much a letdown. Not much on the usual health struggle stories.

But you never see Caitidee vids here, so big thanks on the link. Even if the story is boring (which is different from most Caitidee vids), seeing that huge belly and them arms getting enormous makes it worth it.
re-up of those recent marizpan vids?
Uploading to vola
That Bonnie video was insanely hot!
the anglo accent is kino
>anglo accent
Please neck yourself you uncouth yank
Bonnie has the accent of a cockney fish wife. I can't watch any of her content without imagining her bellowing COCKLES AND CLAMS at the top of her lungs at the local market
Picked up one of Casey's doctor's visit videos. Not really that into it, but I think some people here might like it

In my defense, I just found this thread today.
Please let me know...how does it work with these long numbers and codes that must be links...how can I use them?
Thank yoU!!
Perhaps you should read the rules of the board
Hi Andy! people here will probably tell you to read the rules. They will probably call you a filthy namefag and they will probably tell you to go back to where you came you cancer but don't listen to those bullies. To use the links, simply apply the ROT 13 deciphering technique (count 13 from the letter) example, a = n
Try this one out for good practice! - Lbh snttbg
Good to see someone on this website still has an ounce of decency
Been trying to work this out for weeks
Show this man some respect! He’s a legend in the community!
Anyone know if there are models with diabetes, high blood pressure, hearts issues and other obesity-related health issues?
I want this reply framed in my living room
Layla and Jodie have high blood pressure, and Layla has some issue where her heart races I think
Jiggly belly soft Heart has diabetes, Layla also has really high cholesterol levels and BBW Creampuff has pre diabetes
Luna has pre-diabetes and Caitidee has high blood pressure, although it is unknown whether either of those are related to them being fat. Caiti also has some knee problems iirc
>it is unknown whether either of those are related to them being fat

I'm about as open minded as anyone here about HAES, at least from a place of public decency, but come the fuck on.
Luna doesn't not surprise me. She's a massive blob and seems very unhealthy... which is beyond hot.
(6 KB, 225x224, 555.jpg)
>although it is unknown whether either of those are related to them being fat
Yo. I'd be cool if yall could post some content instead of being bitches
Maybe instead of complaining, we could get some content in this thread. Here's some of Ivy's health videos.

Is there a chance for re-up those, please?
Are they worth it?
I'll be honest I'm shocked Luna ONLY has pre diabetes. She looks in terrible health, like, may not even see the next 10 years terrible. I wonder if there is a difference in the health issues these women suffer from vs the body type they have?
There actually is a difference. Apple shaped women with big bellies carry a lot of weight arround their vital organs. Pearl shaped/bottom heavy women on the other hand don't carry as mich weight their, which makes their fat distribution less unhealthy.
To be honest, it's one of the things that turns me most on when it comes to her. She's fucking huge, and she can't stop eating and gaining, giving in to all her glutinous desires. She'll sacrifice her health and life to stuff herself. It's one big, dark fantasy, and she lives it out.
Makes sense. DesignerPastries/SilverRiderBBW has type II diabetes and she's not even that big, but all her fat collects around her waist. Larger pair shaped women's don't seem to have the same health issues
What health issues do Bonnie and Marzipan have?
their issue is that they are too thin.
truer words have never been spoken in this den of skeleton lovers :(
>checks id's
Did you really just come to respond to yourself almost two weeks later?
takes a special kind of aspie to go into details of identifying horny degenerates and their imbecillic word farts on a board for porn hoarders... chapeau bas, good sir.

yes, I thought the initial comment was a bit too spot on for this den of 12 year old simps and LARPers...
"Oh no, I forgot there's a way to track posters on an image board - better bust out the ol' SAT prep so they don't think I'm a complete tard!"
>gets called out for what he could easily claim to be an honest mistake
>doesn’t take the L
>acts like a twat
This is a pure distilled faggotry right here boys. We now all learn more about what not to do on the internet
Ended up buying SexySignatureBBW's Health and Doctors visit video as the sacrificial lamb. I really feel disappointed by the video, but I figure I might as well share it here.


also >>16614 lol just take the L, It's be fine if you did and just said you wanted to bump it kek.

Thank you, and yea it was a bit underwhelming, but appreciate it anyway.
Enjoy the new drop form Ivy, one of the better health videos I've seen in a long while

What health issues does she have?
Being morbidly obese
(282 KB, 1920x1080, fat.jpg)
Thanks for the upload friend, it's appreciated. Gotta love all the stuff in there where she complains about them trying to put her on a diet because "I'm not here because I'm fat, I'm here because I had an infection".

Yes I'm sure the two are totally unrelated. Tons of 35 year old women who don't have a BMI of 102 get bilateral cellulitis.
Is she one of these models that's in denial about her size causing health issues? I'd have thought she'd be one of the ones that embraces it
That puts her over 600 pounds. Is that legit?
Right? This might sound crazy, but there is no way she’s 611 lbs

She's been claiming for a while now that she's over 600, but like y'all I've been skeptical the whole time. Who knows: maybe she's just tall! But idk.
FYI 66" = 5'6" so average-height.
unless she has magically learned how to manipulate her scale in real time in the video i've seen, then, yes, she is over 600 lbs.
No way she's over 600, i'd put her around 500 - 550

The print out reading 614 looked legit, especially with her folding pages and blurring it to hide identifying information.
Ivy's playing a character, y'all. She puts enough effort into her productions that drafting up a fake medical document isn't out of the question. That's not to say that she isn't a depraved fat fetisihist like all of us, but she plays certain aspects of it up for the content, obviously.
Wait why are people saying she's not over 600? She has been since last year.
To me (and I'm not totally into Ivy) it just seems like the kind of thing she would play up to sell content. That being said, she looks noticeably fatter and she IS tall... I guess it's not out of the realm of possibility. Not like Lailani.

Decided to pick up two older, but pretty decent RP vids about people being out of shape. Hope it's something y'all enjoy.

Also yeah, if someone could post those now deleted CreamPuff Morbid/Health videos, 'What My Doctor Said, My Dark, Twisted Fantasy, Morbid Coming Out, The Heaviest Girl' and the other morbid videos which HAVEN'T been shared, that'd be great

Picked up Chloe's newest Doctor's Visit video. Pretty disappointing I must say.
Super disappointing not even her weight ..
Ps I believe she's 340

Thanks. I enjoyed her earnest denial, while sharing the laundry list of red flags for a young woman:

seeking an enabling doctor, not fitting at the office, losing her gall bladder, getting winded easily and carrying over 200lbs of fat.

The straight faced "perfectly healthy" is fantastic. Better than admitting her trajectory.
Can i get a reup >>18610 my internets slow, but I could get the crmpuff ones later

here they are, enjoy
Decided to pick up Ivy's newest 'My Darkest Fantasy'


Still looking for some of those deleted CreamPuff Morbid/Health videos mentioned here. Also maybe 'Assisted Living Part 4: Morbid Health Details' from Reenay Starr (I know not everyone's cup of tea, but I like the dark stuff)
(368 KB, 2560x1920, 23t42v19arb61.jpg)

I think an unshared dark health video from 'jigglybellysoftheart'
I'm still gonna download this, ngl, but come on guys... Chromie is a total sweetheart. Just look at her tumblr. I'd hate to see her stop making content. can we please refrain from spreading her stuff? I feel bad about it bc she seems genuinely into it and isn't just doing it for the money
"Can we please stop pirating this model's content?" he asked on a piracy website, whilst pirating said content.
(527 KB, 1536x2048, E8De71wUYAg5SP3.jpg)

Caitedee's most recent doctor's visit video.

And yeah, I won't share any more Chromie vids, I mostly shared it only because it had been a while since the vid was posted.

But yeah, if we could get those Creampuff vids that were deleted, that'd be great.
Do you have any more caitidee vids?

That’s both hot (like every recent Caitidee vid since she blew up) and funny. He did not tell me he was diagnosing me with obesity, lol. And a lot of things are wrongly connected to weight, but pretty damn sure her knees would be better if she didn’t weigh as much as two fat chicks.

I love the attitude. She is so round in this vid. Second best arms, behind Roxie. Total babe.
> And a lot of things are wrongly connected to weight
Lol they all day that
Bump also does anyone have fattened to death by chromie, I've got the other one but I like the harder shit
Everybody hates Boberry because she lost weight, everybody hates Roxxie because she's into furries, everybody ban me because I am the shitposter and I should fuck off.

Why? What is wrong?!
Am I smiling?!
Spanking. How old are you?
tbf to him that's some fairly heavy bruising. he probably is underage tho lmao
this is from three years ago, my dude. this isn't anything recent.
I never spanked a girl so hard that her entire ass looked like purple. That’s pretty brutal. It covers 1/3 of her entire booty.
>I've never spanked a girl

End sentence.
It doesnt even look like hand marks
Might I be so bold as to ask for a re-up?
Either that or it's brown & they were doing stuff with nutella or chocolate?
they usually smear food all over themselves for whoevers into that.
It does however look like a whip/flogger
Sure, hete's a reup

btw yeah those marks on rRse are from a while ago as bruising. It's pretty big, but not all too surprising.
Hello people
SSBBW Brianna's Newest Doctors/Health issues Videos.

>>28559 this is legitimately one of the best doctor/health videos I've ever seen.

Deadly serious issues, but not performative. Realistic but sexy as well. Deathfeedism Cinema Verite.
>Deathfeedism Cinema Verite.

fucking l m a o
Love her attitude towards gaining. Pretty fucking hot she doesn’t care about her health and just wants to have fun. Wish I could be her doctor and listen to her heart racing.
Man, does anyone still have these to give? I'm really in the mood for some proper dark shit.
What are the issues she's having?
>>28869 alllll the good ones
any chance of a Brianna reup?
Can we get a reup please just missed it
Was it the doctor visit one?
oops, here's the file info:
bumping, gimme more unhealthy slobs!
Anyone got any they can re-up?
Begging for any eating to death hardcore stuff!
>>34237 my recommendation is that you download the "Dolce" video from the comp thread. Excellent death stuff.

How do I get the videos from codes like this
Use a base64 decoder.
However, the link you posted has expired.

Thin, fit women also get sweaty doing porn my dude. Physical activity often causes people to sweat.

But BBWs getting sweaty from sitting down and eating? That’s what I want to see.
Absolutely! Exhausting themselves by doing what makes them even fatter!
I really hope one of these fat blobs do a video faking a heart attack. Who's most likely to do it of Jackie, Luna and Roxxie?

Just watch Sanford and Son and rub one out.
>>35159 Jackie won’t do it. She’s a HAAS adherent, though that fact becomes increasingly hot as she balloons to terminal obesity.

Luna’s fucked up enough to do it, but also paradoxically is too lazy, which is also hot.

Roxxie seems to have been exploring a genuine deathfeedism fetish and is creative/enterprising enough to try it… but it’d still be a big step as her brand is fat hottie next door / fantasy feedee wife. It would be a stretch for her.

Creampuff has already done one. I could easily see Ivy doing one and I’m frankly shocked she hasn’t. I think the person to go in this direction will be some enterprising up and comer who wants to disrupt the market.

It is *insane* that things have escalated so much recently that there’s a thriving market for simulated obesity snuff films. A girl could clean up.
Asstronomy did that, check out ManyVids (she does pretend to be dead at the end tho so if you aint into that, this is a warning)
I’m waiting for a model to merge the SSBBW and Heartbeat ASMR worlds together. AFAIK, no one has done it. Something different would be welcomed.
There is a video of Lailani in which she recorded her hearbeat while going up and down the stairs. It was a while ago and the copy that circulated was low res.
Never say never. We finally got a struggles video out of her - maybe after she clocks in at 600 she might do SOMETHING with being out of shape and unhealthy, and be very clear about it being roleplay.

But I can totally see Luna and Roxxie doing it. Surprised they haven't looked into it.
I know Layla's done some health issue videos, one quite recently. There's nothing hotter than someone gaining despite their health deteriorating.

Anyone got the Brianna they can re-up?
how 2 force obesity on gf/wife when she hates her fat w/o braking laws???
Make her feel comfortable about it, if she feels like you genuinely don't care and you love her for it, she'll swell like a prize pig.
i tell her i love fat and her fat and how even more fat can make her love her even more and more fat than that even more again but she say i am killin her wit food and fat and if i love her to die with that much fat i tell her no i dont want her to die just gain much fatter but she is going to doctor for gastrics by pass but i dont want that n fact it makes me not love her i ven told her and she said she wants more to be skinny then have me love her fat so ya its hard i picked her cus she was so fat to start with but she isnot geting any fatter
This is some silence of the lambs shit
This is creepy bro don’t force it on her. Find a new gf who’s into it if you have to. I feel like if you’re asking how to do something to your wife without breaking laws that’s a sign you should just stop.
This is very true. It seems there's a hedonistic fatass waiting to come out in more women than you'd expect. Personal tip; some antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds have weight gain as a side effect. My wife got her doctor to switch her up to a combo that helped her put on about 75 pounds in a year and a half.
I live fat as much as the next guy, but c’mon dude. My girl is 400+ lbs and doesn’t try to lose any cause she likes her body and I make sure she knows that I’m attracted to her everyday. If you are considering trying to force her to gain against her will, rather than just getting her to love herself you shouldn’t be in a relationship with anyone but your hand
can someone please reup briannas health issues vid?
i swear to god sometimes it feels like this site is half populated by 12 year olds
A lot of them are niggers, the avg IQ is 70 in multiple African countries. People wonder why Africa can't feed itself, it's because they are literally too dumb to farm. So when you see posts like that understand that there is some mouth-breathing darky typing it.
You stupid racist cunt some of the earliest evidence of farming was along the banks of the Nile
Are people like you ever capable of having any type of social interaction without bringing race up?
go farm some bitches bro damn
You understand that over thousands of years people move around, right?

Have you worked in Africa? I have, look up key hole technology, faggot. If you've not been there it's difficult to grasp just how retarded they are.

Someone asked a question, I gave them the answer, the person obviously wasn't a 12 year old, it was one of the lower races that we are blessed to be burdened with.
Brianna's doc visit video was beyond hot! She's so out of breath just sitting there talking too.
>You understand that over thousands of years people move around, right?

so you're kinda saying we wuz kings?
Anyone have/know where to find this supposed Creampuff vid? I've looked around with no luck
This is probably too dark or untoward for some, but who do we think might be the next active model(s) to join the big hog trough in the sky?

Can't guess Echo or FatMissT- too easy.

I think the smart money is on Jackie or Adeline. They've gotten point-of-no-return massive. Both in their mid/late 30s and both so huge that it's really just a luck of the draw / anything can happen at this point.

Would anybody be interested in discussing this on Discord or elsewhere?
Reenaye Starr. Just based on age (in her 40s). Lots of miles on that body. I don't think she's actively gaining.
>>37541 Good call. She's a big one. Somehow strikes me as sturdier and more able to carry the weight? But you could be right. I'm not as familiar with her lifestyle, whereas I know that Jackie and Adeline both *punish* themselves with absolute junk food on an ongoing basis (which is partly why they're actively gaining).

Another one is Pleasantly Plump, who looks like she's just gotten way, way too fat for her frame and also seems to have an off-the-rails relationship to food IRL.

Another one to watch who I forgot to mention is Luna. She's gotten remorselessly massive and has precisely the kind of visceral, hard fat distribution that doctors say leads to heart and organ problems.

Also forgot to mention Ash, but if I were running betting parlor I wouldn't allow wagers on her - she's in the FatMissT/Echo "No Bets Accepted" category.
Smart money is not Adeline - she's huge but she's not even 30 yet. Youth is working overtime to keep her going.

I'd go with Luna or MassivelySweet.
>>37546 I was under the distinct impression that Adeline was within the same age range as Roxxie/Boberry/PlumpPrincess/Jae/Jackie, but if she's really gotten to 600 pounds before 30, hats off.

Hard agree on Luna. MassivelySweet is a good bet but she's another one I wouldn't give you odds on. Not only catastrophically obese but an antivaxxer apparently.
I'd put MassivelySweet in the same category as Ash and Echo. They are so fat they could drop dead tomorrow and no one would be shocked.
I wonder if in her case anti-vaxx is just an excuse to not haul herself out to a vaccine clinic. It would be an ordeal at her size.
IIRC Adeline was born in either 1992/1993. Still in her 20s.

How old is Roxxie again?
>>37564 Roxxie is 33 (today is her birthday). She's been on a gaining rampage the last year. She seems among the healthier models but she's getting to the size where she's in the deathfat conversation.

BoBerry is 36 (which may be a lie since I know some of her HS classmates who are 38/39) but we all know she's now on a journey of weight loss and Instagram influencing.

Jae, PlumpPrincess, Caitidee and Jackie are all early to mid-30s.

Chloe is 28, KittyPiggy is 25.
>>37555 Sort of to my point, nobody would be shocked if Echo, Ash, MassivelySweet, FatMissT, etc., dropped dead at any second.

HOWEVER, we have probably overnormalized the size of the rest of the models, those who haven't already developed an active deathrattle in their wheezing, as healthier than they are.

We WOULD be surprised if we found out that Jae or Adeline or Juicy Jackie's heart popped. We shouldn't be.

I see your darkness, and I plunge into the void. Are there any good health scare/related videos by former models who have already passed into the big hog trough in the sky?
>>37571 I fear we’re already violating the content-over-chatter spirit of this board, but now that you mention it there’s another thread here for comp videos- I would LOVE to see a comp solely dedicated to heavenly hogs.
>>37578 anyone who wants to discuss this message me on discord- blubbershaker1#2274

Damn that’s crazy. I hadn’t really paid attention to her then that pool video showed up here. She’s walking with skill and speed of an 80 year old she’s so damn fat. And now I know she’s just approaching 30.

I hope she can make it to a high school reunion, haha.
she moves slowly, yet elegantly, like one of those old giant classic ships
>>37566 I think roxxie will be the first one to lose weight in everyone you mentioned. She's been doing content since like 2010 how long can you really go before its literally lose weight or die. Thats a long time in this biz
Have any BBW models already died?
What pool vid please? Missed it
>>37599 Over the years a lot of them, yeah.

Juliet Summers
Goddess Patty
BigCutie Ariel
BigCutie Delilah
BigCutie Wendy

And many others- I'm sure I'm missing some. There were also BigCutie Deidrababe, HugeNHot, Lexi, Madison Aikers, CindyG and still others, but they were all a long time ago.

It's a high risk business.
Goddess Patty got relatively old, there are plenty of 'healthy' looking people (w/ underlying diseases) who pass out at the same age.

There's one you didn't mention whose entries on the BBW wiki were suspiciously deleted when she died.

>We WOULD be surprised if we found out that Jae or Adeline or Juicy Jackie's heart popped. We shouldn't be.

I expect all the models who primarily cary their fat on the legs to outlive all the ones who are fat in all dimensions. I often seen elderly women with lipedema legs.
>>37630 Yeah GoddessPatty did get quite old- and she also got WLS, as did Jiggly. The rest of those listed died at or near their peak weight - and all fairly recently.

I am putting together a new deathfeedist discord- I'm very disappointed by the ones already in existence.

Message me at blubbershaker1#2274 for an invite to degrade and objectify the deathpigs.
Wow didn't realize big cutie Ariel and Big Cutie Wendy moved to heaven.
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Summer. You're talking about Bigcutie Summer. It was endlessly aggravating that "her husband" kept demanding the wiki take down her entry and erase the fact that this massive woman sold pics and vids of herself being fat for cash.

Too bad the Internet never forgets. Thank goodness for that too - she was always a favorite.
Indeed. I'm pretty sure the clotshot took them out. People with extra stress on their hearts--whether from excess weight or extreme athleticism--are dying left and right.
How old is Brianna? She has a bunch of health issues going on, and she doesn't seem to care.

Ahh yes, the "clotshot" which has a 1/100,000 chance to cause heart effects compared to Covid, which has a 1/1,000 chance.

Eaten a lot of boogers today, have you?
>>37684 Summer died in 2016 or 2017, if I recall. Long before COVID. I don’t know her cause of death, but…. probably something to do with being 700+ pounds.

New deathfeedist discord up and running- message me at blubbershaker1#2274 for an invite
speaking of summer, does anyone have her last couple of sets 160 - 189?
(305 KB, 1920x1080, 2kigla.jpg)
Buddy, you're the one assuming a safe vaccine killed everyone years before COVID was even a thing. You're retarded.
You fucks can get the shot if you want. Don't shit on anyone who doesn't want it. Literally none of you business.

Not to mention that the "plandemic" is over.
You mind taking your Antifa, Qanon, /pol/witter, bullshit to the regular chans. We're here to jackoff not bark at each other because you think your Beltway overlords will bump up your non-existent social credit score if you show how much you love sucking them off.

By the way, what personally got you /anons/ into this subfetish? Anything in particular or just the a fat fetish reaching its natural extreme?
>>37701 can you guys shut the hell up for once and stop derailing. Not everything needs to be a covid war
Summer died of other issues YEARS before COVID. Goddess Patty died about a year or so after WLS
(996 KB, 500x270, giphy.gif)
Who'll do a remake of this? Luna or Jackie, perhaps?
I hate, and I repeat, hate, that if this scene was a girl I'd cum buckets.
IVY! she would do that in a heartbeat
if it was a girl it would be prime jack off material
there was this shitty version with some spanish chick but it wasn't good enough
Hate to beg here but anyone got any of creampuff's morbid rp videos? Since they're no longer for sale I've looked high and low for any of them with no luck
Wait, wanna upload that video? I’ve never seen it but I’m intrigued
Triple wrapped for extra goodness, enjoy. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlhSeVlXNXpabVZ5TG1OdmJTOWtiM2R1Ykc5aFpITXYoU29tZSB2aWRzKU5qQXlNREptTVRBMFpHRTVaREV5TTJFMk9EZ3lOamRsWldWalpHRXlNell5TURJeU1ESXhPREF6TURVd05pODNOakF6T0dWa05XSmhaRE5tT0dGak5tWXdOVFZpWkdOaFltUmtZekprTVRJd01qSXdNakU0TURNd05UUXhMekF6WlRJeU9BPT0=
Who are the two of the first video?
Got a reup? I missed it lol
Up high, down low, whoops too slow
Does anyone have Luscious's doctor visit?
Is there a chance of re-up? Or any of MsFatBooty's doctor's visit videos? Please
This is fucking hot. You are exactly right to do this. Pamper her. Spoil her rotten. Fuck her like it’s your last fuck and feed her like it’s her last meal. Just constantly do things for her and encourage her laziness and gluttony. You should also add appetite stimulants in her coffee; do some research and pick some up at the pharmacy. Full fat whenever possible.

Don’t listen to the naysayers. She is YOUR PIGGY. Do with her what you will. ;)
Easy there, Hannibal
Ya'll claiming this is creepy, when in reality it's just some pajeet chatting shit on the internet. Nobody this dumb has any kind of relationship.
Wow sucks to be that guy. If my girlfriend would rahher be skinny than be with me I would feels like a loser. Then I would dump her skinny ass like a pile of bricks.

She did you a favor, dude. She freed you from your chains. She proved to you that she didn't love you. That means you still have time to find the right woman.
Any roxxie?
Any Msfatbooty doctor visit talk? 🙏🏻

pls anyone?! 🙏🏻
upload of FattyFreya's last Doctor's Visit Video. Requesting Bonnie's newest doctors visit video, as well as TheBigAssBBW's doctor's visit, and any more outright darker stuff
Does anyone happen to have the video of SSBBW Ivy being fed by her doctor?
(1.5 MB, 854x480, prev_24171225.mp4)
Any Msfatbooty Lisa doctor visit/talk clips?
Gonna have Jackie in here real soon with tlc episodes
Keep it in the Jackie thread

Oh wait, your weird fixation keeps getting pruned. Oh well, nothing of value lost. Here's her latest health-centric video though. Not as morbid as you're hoping but maybe this will give you a chubby.

Just a reminder to the sickos that the Hog Hospice deathfeedist server is popping off on Discord. Message me at blubbershaker1#2274 for an invitation. Feeders only, so as to cultivate as toxic an environment as possible. 18+ obvs.
(469 KB, 717x717, image-01.png)
Long shot but
Saw this briefly in a health-issue themed video in the comp thread and was wondering if anyone has this/knows what vid this is from?

Not too much of a long shot I hope. Unfortunately not super HD, but given the Video isn't online anymore (as with most of Creampuff's older videos pre 2021) Would love her other videos mentioned here before, but I'm pretty sure those are lost until either someone who did scoop the deleted ones show up again or Creampuff re-releases them (doubt).
Could we get a reup of this please?
Feelin generous tonight, so sure

Again if anyone has any luck on those like old af creampuff vids that'd be great.
Hot damn you're a lifesaver, thanks a bunch, I'm grateful to see this at all, regardless of video quality! Yeah big doubt on them being rereleased, but it'd be amazing to see her others uploaded again.

picked up one of rosiemariefeedee's 'dark feedist' videos.

And yeah, obligatory "Anyone still got some of those repeated requested vids here in this thread".. Thanks!
(190 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_b48609015b749fea88afba6142accf00_9e1e7afc_1280.jpg)
Picked up fatsaturday/rachhole's "Extreme body tour" that has quite a few health stuff mentioned here, as well as general fat chat/exploration for those who like that.

Would like Luna's Hospital visit video, or Reenay Starr's hospital vid too. Any of the other request ones too would be a delight.

She looks gorgeous in a mobility scooter.
And they told me to get my pills to heal my schizo, I wonder why they always ban me and later regret everything (probably a moaning mod from discord dipping inside my jealous nuts)
Reupload please

Reyo here, and doubling my suggestion for Marshmallow's health update, or Adelines newest health video.
I realize this is an old discussion, but as much as it pains me to say it, I feel like Jenni has got to be in the “could drop at any moment category”. 500+ at ~ 53 y.o. is a decidedly unhealthy place to be.
>>50903 any of the older models are in the category by default. Being 500+ pounds of blubber at 50+ years old sort of demands it. There's a reason you don't see as many supersized elderly people (though they do exist).

That said, Jenni seems to be in decent health. The mega pear shaped girls always seem to fare better with age. LargenLovely, Heather, and some of the other apple-shaped old guard are another story.

What sort of health issues does Rachhole have?
Well she’s fat af bruh take a guess
I'm quite sure he has Lipodemia, the same as PlumpPrincess, BigCutie Echo, Beccabae and others.

The fucking huge hips and legs are usually a giveaway, but the condition seems to have its varieties as above.

What this means is, their size isn't usually a indicator of their weight, and therefore not quite a indicator of their health.
Fuck forgot the vids lol aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXdjOTA5MkIwZlE=
Where did you go dude?
Someone hook me up with the invite FatRancher#1893
Got nuked, I'm afraid. There's been a couple of attempts at making another server but they're all dead. :(
Any chance of a re-up?
Anyone have Destiny's "Realities of Being SSBBW" video? It might be one of my favorite clips from her. Genuine emotion that sort of heightens the whole thing.
king shit. I love that she chose to share something like this. You'd think she'd be horrified into turning her back on the scene, but instead she educates. I know she yoyos her weight, but still, this girl's a workhorse for feedism.
Does anyone have Nadya's latest doctor visit video?
Does anyone have Msfatbooty Lisas latest doctor visit video?
>>56990 possible to get a reup?
Third's time the charm, could we get a reup on this?
(115 KB, 498x640, 20201118192506-f7a164f1-me.jpg) (213 KB, 712x856, 20210201065259-0329e143-la.jpg)
Here are two of Creampuff's newer videos, including 'Unhealthy Snack" and "Out of Control - Health and Weight up"

Looking for either Luna's Blob Girl Hospital Visit or some of Reenay Star's newer hosptial/health videos
You forgot your link.
Ah fuck, sorry about that.

Here's the link to the two vids. aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVI0WVBVR0V4VWs=
damn those creampuff videos were good, thanks!
>>64503 she may be nuts by reputation (i've never seen any evidence of it) but she serves some of the best deathfeedist content around. A pioneer, you might say.

This actually might be the right place to ask this. Anyone know of any good dark/morbid/deathfeedist discords? There was one a while back but it went away. Would love any recommendations you fellas could provide.
Fuck I forgot to link the video again fml
Is this Porcelain Fox? And can anyone share this video?

Thanks! Porcelain Fox is so much prettier when she minimizes the makeup. Would love to see her put on a few hundred pounds and get super huge.
Here's a few of Creampuff's darker heart attack roleplays.

Also threw in a couple other health-issue/heart ones, including an older one from Breanna and a couple models I honestly don't remember the names of.

What the name of that beautiful redhead with the "heartbeat customvid"?
(749 KB, 600x338, ezgif-5-b8e48cf4e3.webm)
Here's Olivia Jade's Dark Feedee Desires. Pretty good, but would appreciate some more health centric commentry here.

Maybe some of Reenaye Starr's hosital visits would be nice?

You posted the wrong vid, my guy.
Whoops, sorry I forgot that they were both titled the same. smh will try and check next time.
thanks for the heads up tho, here's the Olivia Jade video (which had the wrong vid title smh)
Are we able to get a re-up on this please?
(1.2 MB, 516x488, Doctor not happy OF clips.webm)
Looking for Bonnie's new "My Doctor isn't happy"

Here's one of Bonnie's other health videos, aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXBiRnVOcXVDbEI=
There’s a Bonnie thread in the BBW category
Hey buddy.
Okay so here are the steps but I’m just going to say it now. Those codes are expired and will get you noting
>Step one: copy code
>step two: go to base64 decoder
>step three: paste code into base 64
>step four: if you get a code copy that code and put it back into the translator.
Other then that you should get a link which has the video. Most of the time they’re set to expire after a certain time to not get into legal trouble
Thank you so so much for being so kind and sharing this! I’ve been trying to figure out how to decode these codes for almost a year now!
a year? and you didn't think to check the rules thread?
When I first joined this site, Ik I couldn’t find the rules thread. Maybe these guys struggled as well.
yeah can we get a reup on these
bump, please I need these

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