
holly shit!!! she had a huge belly and a big ass, its like a vanilla plus echo ussbbw dear lord!!
>>40816 (OP)
wtf, she gained so much freaking weigh since I last saw her. Damn, she makes an OF or content maybe she can get that new bed
She opened a thread on her ig recently asking if people would pay for an OF. I would!
Where can i see it?
I also would, Tara has been the most active ussbbw since hippo stopped, we need more blobs!
we defenitly need moore picture of her now
Everything that exists of her is on her Instagram.
Not a model. Just a widow with some major lipedema.
Bitch only likes cuck white guys. She can get her freaking new bed from joggers.
Aye you mad lol
you sound hurt bro
she has the most boring instagram i've ever seen, you guys are horny for literally anything
mooore, where did you get this from?
big belly and huge ass in 1 in a lifetime
I never thought she would consider modeling but I'll definitely pay for her stuff.
Wow, she is amazing. She absolute has to model. Hope more comes soon.
Looks like she smells like the underside of a dumpster 10/10 would hit
Stop posting this shit please. We don’t all share your fetish for disgusting smells. That’s some other board.
is there more nudes?
Whatever bum clear clearly you’ve never been with a bariatric Queen otherwise you’d understand the grind
Nah man you’re just weird
Well you’re here on her thread for a reason but I wonder how you’d feel about her once you’re in the same room as her, truth hurts or in this case stinks
All incriminating evidence provided ITT: there is a 2000% chance you reek worse than your posts insinuate she does.
Don’t @ me kys faggot
Sounds like you have a flat brain, or have never heard of deodorant or showers. Either way just because you can get off behind a dumpster doesn't mean the entire forum does
Absolutely stunning.

>Fucker acting like bad smells are just so cool

Stop ruining good threads pls
Agreed. If she starts an OF, I’m in
>>40966 stfu dude we all know these smell comments everywhere are coming from you and you alone. Some ssbbws stink some dont we get it
her daughter is awesome big as mamma!
What are you talking about??
pics are in the IG account
we need more picture of her she is 9feet around!
Context clues from the post suggest she is and yeah she is pretty, like in a cute homey way.
Looks like a fat guy with lots of makeup.
Both mother & daughter are very beautiful!!!
Peter Griffin becomes a they/them.
Fat fetishers when they see a girl with a fat face "Grossss"
Good GOD I hope she becomes a model, I'd be the first to buy anything she puts out.

She's also great, I love her face.
I'd guess that the mother is making a conscious choice not to tag her daughter in her posts. She knows all the freaks like us who follow her posts and either wants to keep her daughter protected, or her daughter has no interest in this world (yet).
Daughter protected from everything except diabeetus
I love how all the comments are either you assholes or me being creepy about to post about how I’ve been waiting for her daughter to do bbw/feedee fetish shit since potentially before she was legal because of one photo her mom posted she was in the background of years ago.
She’s very pretty!
Is that thing she is laying on her ass? Wtf how big is that
yes its is she is huge ass and belly, one of a kind
her diameter was 9feet around or more at some point
Damn, I got an erection from reading this. I wish she had pics out therde beyond what was posted here.
I'm fine with her not wanting her daughter to join the scene, that's perfectly understandable. I just think her daughter's cute regardless.
>"Hey Lois, remembah that time I put on a wig and makeup and called myself nonbinary? Hehehhehehehehehehe"
See, shit like this is why 9 foot wide women won't let their daughters do porn.
does anyone have any photos of her? I can't believe the number some people are calling out around here.
>recently lost 90lbs
>somehow became bed bound in the process
Also RIP her husband I guess. Lad had good taste o7
Does she allude to her highest weight anywhere?
You know what I'm like a super hippy liberal Buddhist who is all for supporting and helping others...

That's asking for a lot of money. Like I hope she gets help and I hope people with the ability to do so I guess do but also... Maybe do something? Like I'm not sure what she does other than exist and say she's fat. She just got $3000 for a new bed too.

I don't know maybe I'm tired of hypocrisy of "all size women are sexy and no SW deserves to be treated bad, also ew I'm not gonna degrade myself like that"
She definitely doesn't work, and must rely on disability. If she needs money she should start modelling -- I'd sub at least to start to scope out her unique gut.
Does she make porn content or have any nudity stuff. OF or any? please share links if yes. 4 Days from now I'll buy her stuff
Unfornatly no , the only nudes that i know is in this thread 2 picture
btw where did these come from?
She must have gotten wind of this thread - I was about to suss out her daughter's IG before and now I can't. Anyone got her handle?
No, she got a belly you can see from the back
Can we just delete this trashbag’s thread and post some jackie content
Nothing is stopping you from posting content in Jackie's thread, fag.
Why would I pay for that shit 🗿

You DO realize Jackie has a thread, right? Beg there.
Does she make any content??
Where can I buy it
I'm hoping this is okay with mods. It would be great if anyone who could afford it would donate to her GoFundMe. She's going through serious financial issues and could use any help.

I'm willing to run a contest on an honor system that whoever says they donated can request content and I'll randomly pick 5 winners.
I donated several hundred bucks. It probably went straight to her landlord so she didn’t have to live on the street…which is crazy but that’s how the world fucking works these days.
Why doesn’t she get a job?
If she opens a ofans i would give her my money in no time. Didn't people already paid her expenses for a bed a short while ago?
She could try to get a work-from-home job like a telemarketer due to her size and lack of mobility but I have a feeling it may have to do with things she's struggling with mentally. A majority of her posts usually come with a caption stating how she's overcoming anxiety or depression so those may be hindering her down from looking at employment.

Or maybe she just doesn't want to work. Fats are usually lazy people
So literally disabled,
What a strong independent healthy woman!
Her husband croaked a while back. So she might depressed + lazy.
Regardless, she can’t grift forever. People just bought her a bed. There are jobs she can do.
I may be high as balls rn but I'm just imagining her stress eating like mad at the anxiety of her GoFundMe not reaching its goal. So much so she eats herself to actual immobility and couldn't move out anyway.

Then her morbidly obese has to take care of her and she gains as a result, straight out of a WG fic.
Her morbidly obese daughter, I should say
LOL she’s only raised $400.
Maybe homelessness will finally drive her to model.
When I saw her beg for money again I knew she wasn't gonna get many donations this time. You can only beg so many times before people see you as a mooch and ignore.
>Post call for help for a new mattress
>Rumor goes around you may model to raise funds
>Meet your goal
>Make huffy response post to someone pointing out they could make good money posting lewd pictures, saying you would rather ask for help than do something transactional
>Post another call for help
>Donations trickle in

She'd rather mooch than work to fulfill her needs, and even as someone who supports UBI that's just lazy coming from her.
I would consider helping her if there was any indication that was she was going to do anything more than just mooch and live off disability. She is very fat, but not unemployable. She's clearly teaching her whale daughter to get big enough to live off the state, too. She could easily solve her problems by just showing some skin.
Her most liked posts on her Instagram are the ones that show her full figure or bare belly, with an exception of one being her panty-clad ass. She knows exactly how this works and wants to maintain her dignity instead, but it's either cater to perverts and solve your problems or be proud on the street. Them's your options unfortunately.

And her daughter is ballooning to a size where only fat fetishists will find her attractive thanks to her "body positivity". Can't argue with the results.
She has a post about evil white men on her instagram lol she can get fucked
She's jealous she can't rake in the big GoFundMe bucks like the dead black woman Ash is pushing.
Ash has a big follower base BECAUSE she was a fat model. More than half of her followers know her from BigCuties. You can use that clout to get more momentum for your causes. Same reason Dankii feels empowered to post about cultural appropriation or her farm.

It ain't your politics that made you popular, ladies. It's your gut.

graceful0147 on IG
Let the avalanche of friend requests and weird DMs begin!!
At least it would help to even out her fairly embarrassing followers-to-following ratio. Currently less than 100 followers and following almost 1,000 lol
>assumes she will be accepting every weirdos request.
>thinks the followers/following ratio of a private account matters.
Weirdo spotted, did you already DM her about your automatic feeding machine?
I bet the anon got rejected, and posted her name as some sort of micro-revenge.

she barley has any posts so if she gets scared off, it's not like we will have missed anything or she could like the attention.
My motivation is simply that I would like her and/or her mother to model. Messaging them with either encourage them positively, or scare them off -- which, since there is 0 modeling content now anyhow, is worth the risk in my eyes.
I don't know how to explain to you or anyone in this thread that messaging her daughter is going to scare both of them off from this community for good. There's a reason you don't see any more of kenziekinzie and the story is being rehashed right here.

Yeah it right messaging will scare women away if you are a nerd or are ugly. Otherwise like if you are already on her contacts list or on her facebook messenger then they will probably just ignore you.
While your intentions seem to be good, no one here has the skills to maintain or even start a civil conversation with a fat person without being instantly flagged as weird.
Just kill off the idea of it now,
She has no content, she’s not a model, leaking her info is cringe and she’s fucking ugly, now share some jackie
For the second fucking time, there is a separate thread for Jackie. Shitpost there.

But yeah, this thread is a mistake.
I can’t imagine how many dick pics that poor girl is gonna get now from degenerates who don’t know how to string together a coherent sentence. Lol.
>messaging her daughter is going to scare both of them off from this community for good
Good. Sorry, but you ain’t cut out for this! Should just ask relatives to crash on their couch like Everyone else who isn’t a giant whore online!
Can we delete this nasty ass thread already?
(164 KB, 1105x1285, womp.jpg)
she's doing the whole 600lb life drama on her instagram story now. death feeders will love it.
She's beautiful lady
Now she just needs an enabler to get her to comfort eat. She will balloon HUGE.
Yall are so fucked up in the mind, i love it. Cause i am too
Oh my fuck yes!! moar!!
What a pretty lady. She seems so sweet too.
Hope she finds a sugar daddy who treats her right.
I wonder how much she weighs now.
she's Nowzaradan material
(24 KB, 478x366, dq.jpg)
i love how even with most of the space cropped out she's still surrounded by 1000's of calories of worth of debris
Lol whatd you expect? Our women are pigs that walk upright
lol what the hell is that supposed to mean? Nice pic, though
For what we all like here, that’s hot.

For common sense, she’s always begging for money but obviously has money source to stay as massive as she is, eating lots. How else could she be this massive.
Maybe it’s rent? You know a woman her size isn’t gonna have a job. She’s eaten herself outside of society, in some ways
It is, her stories were about finding an affordable place to live that could accommodate her and her daughter. Unfortunately, those kinds of accessible places are in short supply.
She needs a man. These women do this to themselves, and then men come in and compensate. The sooner she gets this, the better.
Of course she is eating a bunch of ice cream/milkshakes. You don't get this big by eating apples and carrots.
I just wanna point out that she is for sure using a bedpan at the hospital
Any lucky guys wanna date her knowing that?
She looks like a puddle of fat on that reinforced bariatric bed.
So sexy.
She just needs to be brainwashed into getting fatter now, she’s never going to lose the weight now.
Brainwashed? She’s already a lifer. She might talk about wanting WLS or something, but she doesn’t have the willpower. This cow has a kid on her own, and that’s not enough incentive. She’s not looking for help; she’s looking for an excuse to not make the effort to change.

Not a bad mindset, really.
She shared her hospital room address earlier so people could send her gifts. You guys should try to order her massive amounts of food.
Bed pans are hot when a woman gets so fat that she needs them. I'd happily clean up down there every time.

When I took my wife to the hospital, they gave her a cup to pee in, but she couldn't reach. I had to hold the cup under her fupa while she squatted and peed, and it was sexy as fuck.
And then you were named king and queen of prom and rode off on a unicorn
I’m getting her details and then I’m going to order her some takeouts online.
Just a big bag of burgers for her to drown her thoughts in.
Don’t do it,
Some unlucky nurse has to dig that out of her ass tomorrow
Is it me or is she doing lots of sexually suggestive videos?
If you’re so morbidly obese that you can’t take care of yourself, wouldn’t you advertise in hopes of landing a guy who’ll pick up the tab?
If I could, I’d bankroll that until it’s buried in a piano crate
If you are worried the hospital might reject the order, try sending her something like chocolates which can plausibly be an actual gift.
Gift cards. She can pick what she likes, and it gets her on the hook (she knows you’ve got cash to spend on her). It’s a longer game, admittedly
Need to start crowd sourcing a way to keep her bedridden imagine lots of people getting gift cards and we all use the same name so she thinks it’s one person but in reality it’s a tonne of different feeders haha.
I’ll never understand death feedists. It’s like, “let’s feed her til she can’t be fat anymore”.

Like, if they invented a drug that made hyperimmobility sustainable (like that old StudioFA comic), would that just ruin it for you?
It’s more about control for me. I just accept that there’ll be consequences
It’s kind of cute. And she DEFINITELY is trying to net a man. Less lonely AND she can blame him for why she’s staying at that weight. If she wasn’t all the way in Texas, I’d give her a shot.
She's just looking for someone to pay her rent. After failing to grift for her GoFundMe for several months it looks like she's given up and is considering other means to avoid homelessness.
How the fuck do you evict someone that size.
My guess is she has too much pride to squat

imb4 she couldn't squat at that size even if she wanted to, her knees would give out
I’m sure she’d be willing to earn it. She’d be the biggest I’ve ever had. A real quid pro quo.
Cute daughter, too. Guess that’s plan b lol

Where in Texas?

Lol. “Get out!”

“Oh yeah, make me. I’m gonna eat a pie.”
Someone that large can't fit in a police car either.
According to her Facebook, she’s either in New Hampshire or Ontario. And here I had her pegged as some flyover state cow. They have more space and less to do, so I figure more of those dullards eat out of boredom.
I think she's legally disabled. Isn't illegal take away the house to someone disable?
I hate to be picky with a unicorn USBBW like her, especially because everything else about her checks my boxes... but that lopsided belly really bothers me. Took me a while to get used to Vanilla's but hers is even more extreme. Am I alone in this, and should just STFU about it?

NH shares a long border with VT but it's pretty redneck and "red" in general, especially for New England. A lot of poor post-industrial towns and trailer parks amid the vacation homes. Like northern/western NY state, it's way more "middle america" than Northeast and I've seen my share of econo-sized people there.

I'm guessing you don't know the US very well lol.
Does NH have poor schools? I’ve noticed the real fat ones tend to come from places where idiots cluster in herds. Practically an export for those areas.

I was at a PA flea market once, really out in the sticks, and if it weren’t for my girl being there, I would’ve made a move for a few I saw waddling around, half-lidded and without a complex thought in their skulls
Exactly, I'm European 😅
Me too, we suffer. No blubbery girls in the street.
They live in Noblesville, Indiana.
Wtf I live in the same town...
So you know what to do.. the plan is simple, if you feed her we give you money
It's simple, we feed the fat girl.
I caught one some time back, a rare jem. Life has been heaven eversince. Hang in there fellow euro anons. Every fat girl that's not knowledgeable about feedism is an absolute whore for attention and validation. There's hope anons. Thell love you like they love food. Provide both and they'll be your pet piggy forever.
Europe is fattening up too slowly, you forget the obesity "crisis" is always going upwards.
We're fighting a holy war here friend
And we're winning
Can’t leave the kitchen if they’re so heavy that their knees are shot. Keep pushing, fellas
Learn good cooking skills to keep her happy, or just buy grubhub or whatever. She won't mind.
She said she wants all her fat cut off.
Think it’s time for someone to speed up the fattening lol.
How desperate of her, unfortunately for her she will never lose weight by conventional means. And even gluttons who cut their stomachs smaller end up usually gaining all the weight back anyway.
Porkers never learn.
She’s saying this because there isn’t a strong male presence for her to turn to. These hogs crave direction
What they crave is a man who allows them to be the pigs they deep down are. If they're allowed to eat, laze and be gross then even the most prized thin gf will turn into another trashy fatass.
Went downhill after the 50s. Only reason any woman, fat or otherwise, should be in college is to find a man. We need these women to relearn their place
I disagree. In the 50's women were housewives, women shouldn't be housewives, they should be prized piggies who don't have to lift a finger.
You still want them obedient
They don't become obedient, they become dependent, and that's better.
damn i can smell the stale sweat and doritos from across the internet. bunch of neckbeards in this thread wtf
no anon that's the fat girls
You death feedists are a strange bunch.
It's like you've never made first base with any women
Or you had one once, were mentally incapable of the work it requires to be in a relationship, and they left you. Now you're heartbroken m
So with the next one, you will feed them til they're completely dependent so they can never leave you again
Did I get that right?
No. But thanks for trying.
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lmao which one you did this?
(690 KB, 640x480, IMG_5604.mp4) (241 KB, 1600x900, IMG_1811 (1).JPG) (444 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_5608 (1).JPG)
Lmao no we just enjoy how needy and slobby women become if you give them the opportunity.
My friend WAS a gym instructor and I kinda introduced her to feedism now she's a 250lb slob, like literally, she was filling out her tax returns for her self employment as an instructor who was self-employed but she can't do it anymore because she's too fat and she said even that turned her on, doing tax returns for a job she's now too fat to do.
We enjoy the corruption.
PS: That's her belly now and the before.
It's the modern era you don't need to be in a relationship with someone it's an outdated concept.
Cheers, she kinda has immobility fantasies now as well but then feels bad after she cums haha she enjoys that she can eat whatever she wants now without any consequences.
This is all the corruption death feeders love
I hope she does become immobile~ Imagine her remembering her gym days as she stuffs another greasy pizza slice down her mouth and burps.
Good hog. Spoil her.
Absolute mad lad. She got a feabie or anything where we can see more?
How did you sell her on it? Give us the technique
It's literally in this thread lol.
Just tempt and corrupt women love endulging.
Look ugly before and after
Wasn’t a proper fit looking girl
Ain’t a proper fat one either
Ah I see, you're gay.
I've fattened my wife by 125+ pounds. She's currently 5'5"/325 lbs.
If I bring snacks to her, she will eat them. Anytime I leave the house, I will come back with ice cream or donuts.
Hand her the lard, and she will eat it. Her pig mind won't her say no one it's in her sights.
Zelfs in het kikkerlandje kan je ze vinden die willen rollplayen als amerikaan voor je, cheers kerel. Goed bezig.
Sinds wanneer zitten er hier Nederlanders, dacht dat ik moederziel alleen was.
Nog een Nederlander hier.
Dus .... dit is racistisch, toch?
(196 KB, 381x677, redditlmao.PNG)
Someone shared this thread to her. As far as I can tell, she hasn't been posted to reddit before so I bet she thought this website was reddit. We're the only place that analyzed her trash can.
This isn't a Reddit thread though.
She's probably at least 40, don't expect she knows internet
Who can make me a resume of what's happened?
Send n00ds (also ur daughters pls thx u)
Trash can analysis is based as fuck
Lmao @ the trash can comment in the story.
This community is the gift that keeps giving.
Do you guys think, if I were black I could understand this funny joke? I love to laugh
If she’s reading this, she should realize that there are men out there willing to take care of her. I don’t see any kind of job on her Facebook, so she should be looking for someone to shack up with.

Don’t say she could have WLS instead. She clearly lacks self control and it’d be a waste of money
New 4-part Netflix documentary: "Don't F**k With Fats"
Why attack the few peeps (aside from her family/friends) that are willing to throw money at you.
Not even nudity, she shows half belly and I'm sure a good bunch of cash will flow.

I guess begging is easier than thinking.
People amazes me.
Deanna, sweetie, we're your meal ticket. you've got your pick of men on here. Maybe relax and be a bit more social?
Imagine her reaction if there was a proper 4chan thread about her
>>40816 (OP)
That morbidly obese whore is obviously mentally ill and so are you death feedists. Consider suicide
Stay mad faggot.
This post just screams I have a tiny micro penis that couldn’t get past these glorious cheeks. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻
She posted about you in her IG story.
I find it hilarious how she killed this thread with her bad race baiting attitude and mentality.
race baiting? How so?
plz, if you're gonna bump a thread on this forum, at least don't respond to trolls.

what killed this thread is a simple lack of img content and the usual bbw-chan "discussion"

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