
Fuck if there was a way i could buy i would
Here is a video of Lunarosa that I have.

She still on Feabie?
I have that one, that's the vid the teasing anon shared.
Nah, her exit from these realms might have something to do with her intensified religiosity.

>Nah, her exit from these realms might have something to do with her intensified religiosity.

Wat? Tell us more.
She claims to be a mystic, but of what nature is anyone's guess.
yeah i wish she didn’t get rid of her of. i missed out for sure.
found one of hers in my downloads from 11 months ago.


pretty safe to assume it was from right here on bbw-chan

It's my only other video of her and frankly it's not even that good.
Where can you get her content?
damn there is ZERO content of her anywhere. she's fire though, and can be mystic all she wants while I take her out for dinner and shopping :D


3 days expiry.
Will be about an hour.
You can thank me later.
If I could suck your dick I would


Don't miss ^^^
(47 KB, 446x720, eb8d563c-b1f4-42b8-bef2-7fe24c04a40a.jpg)
So years ago she posted two images on feabie, one is this, the other is from the same day after probably stuffing massively, maybe all day. Gut is distended clearly bigger, belly button showing. I had this, but lost - anyone got it? Same pose & clothes
Yeah it would figure I happen across this thread right after these expire
She's like a fat version of Cecily Strong from SNL, it's one of my biggest fantasies come true.
same here :/ - i usually spend more time on bbw, but she's gorgeous
could any kind soul please reup?
please re up anything posted here. I beg
I cannot believe I missed this. Begging for a reup through text
we have failed. time to commit die
is there anyone, who can reup something, she is a true goddess
thanks, you're a hero
blessed reup. Is this everything so far?
Thou shalt be blessed above all people: there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle.
I can't help you with your missing post you mention above, but wanted to say mega thanks for the share, bro!
Does anyone have the measurements video but with sound? Did she ever share her weight at all?
Can you reupload please? I just missed it
Jesus told me you're all going to hell if you don't venmo me by midnight. Jenny-G3

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