
Just subscribed to her onlyfans, waste of money, she’s deflated… (sorry for bad englis)
You haven’t seen her thread in here because at this point in her weight loss she belongs on BBW
>>38916 (OP)
is this the one?
Anyone have Giantess Kellie Kay images/videos?
Does anyone have the videos where she used the appetite serum? What is the name of the serum?
That’s it! Thanks dude!
Re-up? it says its suspended
Here's one of the serum ones:

looking for Bikini Boat Dance
Does anyone have a few vids of her near her peak?
Some of my personal favorites from various points:

Can you share these again?
The full movie anyone???
(473 KB, 320x240, generated_11610275.gif)
Anyone have Painfully Stuffed and Begging for More by chance?
Anybody got her burp vids?
this is the gayest fucking angle. oh sweet man ass + balls.
>>40307 that is the entire video, its so trash. I was so excited when you guys said she had a sex tape then I downloaded it and it was man ass the whole vid lol
can we get a re-up please
Can someone re-upload the serum video?
(534 KB, 686x1492, Screen Shot 2022-05-07 at 4.27.34 PM.png)
did she ever explain whats causing her to lose weight exactly? She looks happy and healthy now which is more important than porn but just curious
I think it is related to her family issues, how she had to adopt her nephews, and other things, that led to her losing weight
Anyone got anything of her at her heaviest? Didn’t realise she had a thread on here
Sucks to see such a beauty lose weight, but good on her for stepping up to care for kids in need. Maybe she'll get back on the whale train once the kids are a bit older.
Kellie will never gain the weight back, she's got some major back problems so if anything she'll most likely keep getting smaller, also I don't buy her body changing against her will, you don't drop what has to be close to two hundred plus pounds without putting the work in.
I wouldn’t have believed “against her will” either, except SHE said it. I think it must just be very easy to lose weight when you’re over 500 lbs. That takes a lot of calories and very little movement to maintain. She probably just has to move around a lot more since she adopted her sister’s kids, and just doesn’t have time or extra money to eat as much. And she seems like she really cares about those kids a lot so I don’t think we should complain about her doing whatever she needs to do to be there for them.
Giantess videos from Kellie Kay please
Can you please re-up the tied up in bed and force fed video pls ?
>She looks happy and healthy now which is more important than porn
Any reups please?
(44 KB, 716x451, 20220214_041643.jpg)
>She looks happy and healthy now which is more important than porn
Preferably in better quality.
Lol against her will my ass. It’s not like she had some evil feeder or bf forcing her to be fat, she willing gained all that and is trying to self delude herself here. I also miss the old 550 pound version and wish she was at 650 now instead of whatever thinner weight she’s at currently.
Seconding, especially for that second gif. Love her at her heaviest or near it.
Hi, its very common to see around the video where she breaks a table, but just before that video she published another called " Kellie Kay demolishes a chair but save a cupcake" or something similar where she actually breaks a chair. Anybody has it? I havent see any hint of that video since 2013 or so...
No I think something is compelling her to lose the weight, so she meant it in that way. She didn't want to lose the weight and wishes she could be the size she once was.
>>44687 thats also what I got from this I dont think she can if she wanted to? taking the fetish side of it out Im sure the money is much better when youre huge, to her its probably like taking a pay cut too
0 reading comprehension lmao
I remember a instagram story where she mention she was losing weight to get pregnant while living an active lifestyle she can't post content anymore cause she got custody of kids even though shes polyamorous she wants her main partner to be the father.
anyone have a complete collection of hc vids from ignornight?
Do you have the vid for the second gif?
anyone have the classic stuff thats on prem bbw c? would be eternally grateful
Thirding for video that 2nd gif is from.
Any squashing from her please

Here's 6 vids of Odett and KellyKay

Oh God she looks terrible skinny!
That's got to be an awkward position to be in.... when you literally built your fame in this community as a gainer and fat advocate, just to slim down to "normal" sizes and continue the charade like your followers are still going to be interested in you. Almost better to disappear tbh
From a non-fetish standpoint, she actually looks good imo, her face is beautiful. Her body just looks a bit weirdly proportioned/there's loose skin because of such a dramatic weight loss.
She could always market herself to the loose skin crowd.
She could always market herself to the


This is a fat fetish place. If you don't fit that archetype, get off the board.
Given what she's posted on her IG that's very unlikely
Give it time. They all end up gaining it back.
Bbw destiny fans hyperventilating hopium
That much weight loss this quickly without effort as she claims? She needs to get screened for cancer.
Would love it if anyone has the full video of that second image/gif.
This isn't a case of rapid weight loss, she's been slimming down since 2015 it just now appears to be really effecting her mentally, my guess is the realization that she'll never be able to gain the weight back due to her major back problems and will most likely have to continue to loose weight in order to help those problems is the issue here.
Shit happens, at least she's open and honest about it.
what? lol she looks gaunt
anyone have the kellie kay site rip?
>>45410 this a very good point, usually when ssbbws lose weight they completely disappear. what what happens to kellie now? Does she still make content??
Lol, no content unless you count larping as an ssbbw on Instagram/ delusionally believing she’s still as fat as she used to be, posting pictures with captions indicating as such
I mean to people who haven't had their brains melted by fat fetish porn she's still fat as shit
I looked in my stash of random kellie Kay vids but either didn’t see it or missed it. Anyone know what it is? Could’ve sworn it was one of the gaining shake chugging related vids but not sure.

I wonder if this female knew just how beautiful she used to be before she made that decision.
Wow, she’s like, barely even fat anymore. No judgement here, if she’s happy, I’m happy for her. It’s just crazy how much weight she lost. She looks like, 50 lbs from being thin.

In 2022 America? Seriously? I see a dozen women her size just by stepping foot in a Walmart. She's average now.
(7.9 MB, 960x540, kelly_kay (30).m4v)

30 vids. Give it about an hour to finish uploading.
Anyone have giantess videos from Kellie Kay?
Thank you but is the video of the second gif in there
What is the site ripper tool? used to site ripp called?
Thanks dawg you is a real nugget
reup please? i missed it.
Cause you asked nice
thank you so much!
Giantess Kellie Kay, please
(98 KB, 764x1024, kk.jpg)
Throwback to when she was at her highest weight
>>48641 If I had one wish I would probably travel the globe fucking every beautiful fat woman at least one good time. Beat that fat juicy pussy up right quick and go on to the next fat thot
Got any vids of her at that weight?
Such a shame. This is what we should encourage women to aspire to.
>>38916 (OP)

Absolute fucking shame Kellie Kay has fallen so far. She did this to herself. No one forced her to care for her drug-addicted sister's kids. I know that losing her mom didn't help either, but Jesus Christ did she not think we'd find out about her secret wedding she had? And don't get me started on that shitty sex tape she made...
LOL "how DARE she live a fulfilling life piecing her family back together doing what SHE wanted instead of devoting her life to a basement dwelling loser like ME"!

Fucking idiot
Idiot for sure. These dumb fucks act like women only exist for them to wack off to.
they say on the fat fetish forum
i feel like there are way more incels on here these days. like there used to be women who would post here, but most of the people who post are psychotic and think all these models should dedicate themselves entirely to feedism. the only reason any model would come here now is to see if their shit is getting stolen.
you can gain 200 pounds and you'll still get called a fake. not to mention these people constantly insulting women's bodies while fully anonymous. if these losers got even a fraction of vitriol towards their body that women on here get, they would either sob or commit a mass shooting.
>No one forced her to care for her drug-addicted sister's kids

Sounds like she's a decent and compassionate human being who decided to step up and take in vulnerable family members. You seem like the sort of person who would abandon friends and family.
reup please? i missed it too :(
Plus there's a gossip thread on /gen, ready and waiting for these cringes to trade wgaf biographical details and revel in their moral superiority. Leave the SSBBW appreciation theads to people who appreciate them.
Get a life ffs. If she wanted to lose weight, thats her choice. The reality is, despite how hot it can be for them to be massive, it's still an internal health issue for many and an incredibly taxing thing. Might not agree with her super woke encouraging her step-kids to be trans, but I easily approve of her wanting to be the weight that will make her happy.
BBWchan has been around for 15 years. It's had its ups and downs. There was one point in time like in the late 2000's where people would post nothing but the grosses shit from sketchy red light district type porn sites. Yes, lot of thirsty autistic weirdos these days, but there has always been droves of them at any given time.
jsut see some of Kellie photos on twitter, she's still looks hot as hell, dont understand why people are angry

Sure, I like the "bigger is better" but is not our lifes
Do you have any videos from her when she was this weight?
it's actually refreshing to see that rational people still exist in the american internet.
Can you repost the link it says the transfer has expired. Please and thanks.
I lost my video where she is burping. Anyone have the "serum" video?
She looks healthier to me tbh. Good for her. You're just a cringe fetishist.
Love this pic, I wonder what the skinny woman was thinking about
Says the guy who gets none lol
Given she's been passed around more than a football I'd rather have none thank you, at this point it's got to be like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.
>You're just a cringe fetishist
think you might be on the wrong website
Post content or stfu
Wtf is all of this leftist simp shit?
So having basic standards makes you an incel lol?
Fuck she looks so bad having lost all that weight, a literal shell of her former fat as fuck self. Whatever her reasons feels like she should give some explanation if she's still going to be trying to model and sell content, and stop people from speculating even if she shares the info on her paysites. She went from top tier SSBBW to a saggy small bbw, would love to see her fatten back up but not gonna hold my breath on that ever happening
Makes how she used to look even hotter. Seeing how she’s supposed to look more or less versus the behemoth she had eaten herself to before
That's very true especially how fast she larded out and packed on the pounds makes it all the more impressive. Just sad seeing her deflate so fast from a super fat bursting at the seems to seemingly half of her peak weight

Agree. At least from a looks perspective. If she needed to do it for her health, I support that. However, wouldn't want to buy content and I have unfollowed her Instagram. Those things I do cause of how they make me feel, not the model. :D
(25 KB, 480x298, i.jpeg)
Same I unfollowed her after seeing the disaster she's become nowadays. She's all saggy and disgusting now and is smaller than the old before pics she used to post. Someone should share some of her old stuff to remember the good old days. Some women aren't meant to lose weight.
She looks great, and seems happy. Maybe we’ll get to see some of the current heavyweights slim down for health and happiness. I’d love to see Roxxie smaller.
Yeah, no thanks
jesus what is with this board
every thread i come across has more people bitching and crying about the model instead of actually posting content or re-ups. fucking pathetic
here. https://mab.to/8IUHr3Upe
it'll be up for 10 days. you're fucking welcome
you're on the wrong board
Imagine being on a site dedicated to morbidly obese women and wanting them to get thin rather than just going to a site for thin bitches
here's her content from 2004 up to 2012.


if someone drops around 50 of her C4S vids, that'll make it more likely her later stuff will get dropped.
thank you. if i had her c4s stuff i would share it. thats actually what i am primarily looking for. the clips from her c4s from around 2008-2011. especially the one of her going out to eat. filiming her in the restaurant. that was always a fantasy of mine. seeing her gorging in a restaurant with no shame, taking up two seats, feasting. Here are the videos im looking for https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/21475/ssbbw-pinup-bodacious-kellie-kay-/Cat0-AllCategories/Page14/ClipDate-desc/Limit24/. More specifically, https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/21475/2460082/a-fun-night-out-with-kellie-kay and ones similar to this one
>>56601 I didnt think these were actually real I thought it was a rumor, does anyone actually have these?
I don't have those vids but I do have 8 of her other hardcore videos YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVzE2UzJaV2VXRjVjVlE9
Says files are expired
holy hell dude thanks for the drop
Anyone have a collection of her vids at her peak ,or near that?
Please reup. I missed out
>using word incel unironically
actual incel detected
>>57761 how did I miss this? please tell me someone saved and can re up
>>59054 bro I love you

Honestly, you're missing nothing. If I knew where the hard drive was I'd upload it. The trouble with Kellie's stuff is, even though she was one of the greats, she was still shooting 360p and generally in crap light and focus right the way on until maybe 2015. A relatively cheap early android phone was doing HD in 2010.
anyone got any working links
Can anyone be a legend and reup this please!
I wonder if there are still some feeding/stuffing old video of her
Can someone please reup the hardcore videos. Please and thanks.

That set is so old (but still gold) that I have it on an iMac original (yes, 1998 tray(!)-loading) that sits on a desk at my moms place in the room that used to be mine back in my younger days.

The place is 300 miles away from my current residence so before you ask - I aint delibearately driving there to upload it. Ill try keeping this request in mind but I guess someone else has a better chance of delivering it
(121 KB, 1000x667, IMG_6362.JPG)
Here you go bro hope you are still interested ;)

Honestly I'm gonna be that guy and say she still looks really hot in that second pic. She' still more then enough to fill out the form-fitting clothes she wears now, and her still-huge legs now look insanely thick compared to the rest of her body. Call me a leftist simp but how many of you would actually turn down a woman who is still this fat irl? You're just disappointed because you're comparing to the enormous Kelly we got used to.
(68 KB, 960x640, 294010_2274972752400_1191146155_32169670_1896948722_n.jpg) (92 KB, 720x537, 295728_2347892334040_1152002297_2821523_1735745086_n.jpg) (71 KB, 816x488, 299077_2161142186707_1191146155_32080926_400987073_n.jpg) (36 KB, 816x488, 392688_2594025608522_1191146155_32310715_628937433_n.jpg) (59 KB, 540x720, 312020_10150965414000481_559215480_21961852_793419345_n.jpg) (51 KB, 960x640, 399853_2608578012323_1191146155_32319698_436140062_n.jpg)
You guys bitch and moan when a woman on here isn't a trad mom that takes good care of her kids but now you're bitching when a woman is actually responsible enough to do what it takes to care for some kids in desperate need of a parent.
Yeah, respect to Kellie. She was all-in on the SSBBW lifestyle. Then life handed her a wild card, and she suddenly was a caregiver to children. She's still fat, but at a level where she can live her life without encumberment.
To 99% of the world population she is still huge.
Is that Starjelly/Extreme Softness on the left?
(In the fourth image)
Are you combing through her personal social media and saving these? You know that's psychotic, right?
(84 KB, 640x960, 297908_2091100315704_1191146155_32022151_7945900_n.jpg) (124 KB, 540x720, 308847_10150965427035481_559215480_21961966_1255354396_n.jpg) (75 KB, 960x720, 303131_774461685653_24200801_38904439_2092816616_n.jpg) (71 KB, 540x720, 308766_10150965432135481_559215480_21962009_782831818_n.jpg) (64 KB, 720x540, 304436_2385558886413_1473997742_32750271_1479781069_n.jpg) (29 KB, 324x216, 302445_2152843539246_1191146155_32074733_360497789_n.jpg)
(51 KB, 540x720, 315501_10150965390280481_559215480_21961632_802749738_n.jpg) (107 KB, 960x640, 309741_2186905030762_1191146155_32101617_101368207_n.jpg) (64 KB, 720x540, 375269_10151046316480481_559215480_22233890_1568521054_n.jpg) (62 KB, 488x816, 319983_2184913340971_1191146155_32099880_708333313_n.jpg) (106 KB, 640x960, 315907_2186904230742_1191146155_32101615_1114369576_n.jpg) (71 KB, 640x960, 377438_2515997817876_1191146155_32270067_1562338855_n.jpg)
(92 KB, 960x720, 390018_295658837152467_100001250590964_881928_729462671_n.jpg) (48 KB, 540x720, 390435_10150965417105481_559215480_21961871_1145965546_n.jpg) (88 KB, 960x720, 377799_295659240485760_100001250590964_881932_1279579382_n.jpg) (79 KB, 960x640, 379495_2274970032332_1191146155_32169662_888373700_n.jpg) (78 KB, 960x640, 390601_2274968392291_1191146155_32169657_1407684459_n.jpg) (46 KB, 720x540, 380187_10150965416820481_559215480_21961870_887009670_n.jpg)
(109 KB, 960x720, 402293_292406980810986_100001250590964_871596_960036794_n.jpg) (44 KB, 720x480, 394406_272139746174685_192380034150657_710503_2134259184_n.jpg) (70 KB, 960x720, 402324_292408067477544_100001250590964_871599_1975438800_n.jpg) (59 KB, 960x640, 400267_2667801452872_1191146155_32340254_1379361335_n.jpg) (69 KB, 960x720, 405948_2998262683625_1473997742_33109336_1140421873_n.jpg) (72 KB, 960x720, 408174_10150562579476346_568656345_11178661_1371229962_n.jpg)
Damn, I forgot how big Kellie was at her peak
ID on blue dress in the first pic???
She was fucking amazing. Oh well, all things must pass
I THINK that's Amazon Amanda
does anyone have a video of him at peak?
how is it already down? would someone mind reuploading it?
re-up 0f rand0m stuff
looking for any of her hardcore vids
bruh this code don't work major L
why yo do dis?
take out the dashes
Still don't work
Dont take the out the dashes but change them to a certain digit. The clue to that digit is in the 0riginal p0st.
Anyone have her complete collection of her original pic sets from when she first started her original site?
If you can't figure out from there, you're too retarded to learn. Leave.

Fixed it
(2.6 MB, 320x240, kellie_.gif)
Ain't got the video, sorry – but here's the GIF with (probably) the correct aspect ratio.

And I'd like to see that vid, too…
Can some king reup these?
Looks like it could be it, does anyone have it?
Oh, turns out I had it already. Sharing the love.
Forgot she used to upload everything in that shitty .wmv format lol. Many thanks for sharing! Been hungering for that vid for a while.
Does anyone have that video of her taking a few bites of cake and then later getting caught having eaten the entire thing?
here's the video and picset YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMWEptVTBSNFFteFdaRXc9
Anyone have her giantess videos?
I has seen some clips of her gorging with the serum. It seems to be really be quite effective.
What are you incapable of distinguishing between fantasy and reality? It's a PROP.
Then she really must be an excellent actress if she has been lying about that for years even in collabs.
its okay bro I got into this shit when I was 12 too
OMG Thank you for the Christmas chuckle, I was having a bad day so thanks

>I was having a bad day so thanks
smh he's on his period again
Can someone add her coomer? I can’t find it.
Hey can someone reupload her most hardcore vids and the Tied Up in Bed and Force Fed? Thanks in advance.

Fuck I bet that room stunk like sweat and farts
My jaw actually dropped that is a crazy weight loss rofl. In all honesty good for her? Undeniable shape and size at her peak but losing that much weight is commendable
>wtf happened she doesn't look good, is she ill???
weight loss makes you look like that
happy for her, tho
Bumping for this to keep the dream alive
Man what the fuck, she's barely even chubby now. It's crazy to see her so petite.

What if I told you she looks better naked?
I assume that's the case, so it wouldn't really do me much good.
she looks like a clown now. jfc
she better start eating again and reach 500 lbs or maybe 400 lbs at least. even she said she was upset about people calling her weight loss and hated it. Guess she was sick of something drastic. inb4 she loses more :'/
her face seems better looking than it used to. still not great tho.
Also part 2 if you've got it
>>66478 bro you'd fuck instantly if she wanted to stop being ridiculous
Does anyone have the serum collabs with Ash?
I never understood the serum thing like she drinks some water and pretends it makes her want a small handful of potato chips.
i only have this one where they drink 4loko YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMV1ZTV1dSSVVEQXdiWFk9

this is both parts together YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVk0zUVRWMFNIUklZV3M9
Yo is there Any way you or anyone that downloaded this could reup it?
Holy Shit. Thank bro.
Could I get a reup?
Does anyone have any of her female feeder videos?
Public service announcement:

Some dickhole(s) been on a kitty-porn posting rampage, so think twice before clicking any no-context shady links. Y'all been warned...
Hi! anybody has her videos of clips4sale? i dont have it! plasea can anyone share it?
Can someone send link to Kellie Kay facesitting videos thanks
Can someone send link to Kellie Kay giantess videos thanks
Thanks for the warning chief
What i have to do with this? "aHR0cHM6Ly9mcm9tc21hc2guY29tL2Rsb35vMTIyNlAtZHQ=" sorry im New in this forums
Go to base64decode and put it in there

This is not the website to post those pictures
Can someone please drop any kellie vids? Really desperate and will share eveyrthing I got if there’s a drop.
Her milkshake chugging video would be heaven. Thanks.
No trading. Either share content or don’t
Does anyone have videos of her where she looks like a real giantess?
Anyone have mega file?
I know everyone is super happy that she is now “living her best life now”, and I know we all share the same feeling when I say this, I miss the super fat Kellie. The Kellie who would eat on camera, get fucked form behind and generally be a big fat blob who only wanted to be fat and fucked.

Maybe and I think this is a dream here, she will get back on the gains soon.
She looks like one of the enemies from the MoonMan Doom mod.
u miss the kellie that's in your mind, not the real one
It's over dude. Move on. It was good while it lasted.
Don't be that guy, there are literally tons of other chicks built similarly to her at her peak and maybe even more hardcore than her there's no reason to be like this here.
Can anyone Reup old Kellie vids? Thanks
>>80424 this is 100% a fantasy of yours that wasn't her style when she was huge either lol. Also she didnt start getting fucked on camera until she was already losing
>>literally tons
Holy shit you’re right

this stain on cunt looks like shit

anyone have some of her old c4s vids where she would be eating in a restaurant? talking like 2008-2013
Anybody have any squashing vids from her
Will provide if need
Hey guys I’m new to bbw Chan, could you share some videos with me
anyone have any pics/vids from 2008 to 2014. when she was still growing she looked so round, firm and heavy. she was my favorite back then and i lost all of her videos.
That beach ball belly video I've been searching for suddenly appeared on stufferdb but it's corrupted. Pain.
Does anyone have her facesit video? the first one
already seen bro
this is gonna sound dumb but i’m new here how do i open the long stream of numbers and letters that aren’t links i don’t know what to plug them into
Look up Base64
>>86830 I promise nerds are getting more stupid and less funny each and every generation.
Aren;t there a few more hardcore videos?
Contest is over, give that man the $10000
Does anybody have the video where she gets stuck in between her fridge and countertop? She’s sitting down and a woman is speaking to her from off camera
is there a mega of her stuff anywhere
The ship has sailed with Kelly now all we can do is reminisce on the times she was huge because now she looks like a deflated balloon.
Any reups please
Any reups please?
Anyone? :(
(3.5 MB, 900x844, Fit-3ef34f-6432049.webm)
I can't recall whether this came from a full length vid or not, but here ya go.
yeah. I'm pretty sure this came from a full length vid with Kiyomi Bombshell.
Does anyone have her video where she takes the appetite serum and can’t stop eating in her kitchen?? Soooo hot and I haven’t seen it in years
Think ya posted this on the wrong thread
Ah fuq. Ighy hold up
She was truly one of the GOATs. I think she might have been THE greatest feedee/gainer content maker of all time, just because she was doing everything in her power to legitimately get as fat as possible. Her gain wasn't a consequential thing like Adeline or Juicy Jackie.

I met her close to her peak, and I remember how genuinely into the fetish she was, and how she really wanted to push her body to 700lbs if it would let her. I know she went to the gym and stayed relatively active in order to ensure that her body could maintain mobility as she kept growing. Who else ever put in that level of work!?

From some of her posts on social media, I know she's not happy about losing weight, but it seems her body and life had other plans for her gain.

Either way, she's was and still is a real one. A legitimately good person and a hell of an SSBBW in her day.
Can somebody tell me what was in this?
Thank you so much! I've been looking for that video for ages and thought I'd never find it again! Much appreciated!
>>92722 she would be goated if she decided to fuck on camera at this weight instead of waiting years
can somebody please reup
that zip file is amazing, thank you. anyone have any of her older stuff?
agreed. She had an amazingly proportioned body for being close to 600 pounds at her peak..sex vid at that weight would have been a dream.
Can some re-upload the Cake vid? link expired
Can you re-up? thanks
I'd kill for re-up of that cake video. Been looking for it forever
anyone have the gorge-us girls videos?
She looks close to her peak here. Thank you so much
My favorite video of her ever was the "serum" video where she goes bonkers eating in the kitchen.

If anyone had that, it would be much appreciated.
was pleasantly surprised to learn they've kept this store open all this time, especially with Ash retreating from the scene. name a couple clips you're looking for and I'll buy one or two for old time's sake.
Here's a link to the serum stuffing vid: https://stufferdb.com/picture?/391045/category/589

Here's a couple suggestions for the Gorge-Us Girls clips:

Public Serum Stuffing and Belly Exposure!
Crammed on a Couch!
Supersize Stuffing! Gorge-Us Girls Feast and Chat about Fat!
Double Stuffed!
Double the Funnel!
I am absolutely speechless. Thank you
What is in that serum?
(13 KB, 225x300, bal_apetamin2_thumb_042823.jpg)
thought maybe it was something like this or it was fake, hard to know. it was a while back so she couldve gotten her hands on this before it got banned
(33 KB, 650x360, e2qdjb1muh061.jpg)
Pretty sure it's the same as Michael's Secret Stuff.
iirc, apetamin is just vitamin B-12 and alcohol.
It's just a thc tincture fast acting and huge appetite
Anybody have that video where she is stuck between the fridge and kitchen counter?
thats what ive always thought. weird seeing a conversation about this old video right now. yeah anyways she drinks some water and pretends to be ravenously hungry for a small bag of potato chip crumbs. I cant believe people think this is a serum.
Why did she lose the weight? What happened? Was she forced to do it or was she just over being so large?
How very sad and gross 🤢 🤮
Why did she decide to become a deflated balloon?
reup please omg I missed it i've been wanting that vid for years please re up please im scraping my bare knees on the cold hard pavement on my knees begging i say begging please re up
She adopted kids from her sister. She decided that the mobility required to care for kids trumped her love of being fat.
I hold out hope she gets huge again once the kids are older.
I respect that reasoning actually. As long as it made her happy in the end. I’m not interested in any future content from her after seeing how she looks now. It’s a hard pass she is gross now. But I respect her love for the kids.
Can we please re-up the serum videos?
I don't blame you. Really obese woman losing all the weight always look so fucking weird for some reason
can we get koomer updated?

I mean, the situation fucking sucks, she'd definitely be way "happier" if the kids didn't need to be adopted and she was still being a giant obese blob eating everything in sight. But as it is, she wasn't going to let them go to foster care because that's usually absolutely terrible.
Good for her for being a hero to those kids. An ugly deflated balloon hero but a hero none the less!
I unfollowed her instagram so I don’t have to see the tiny saggy looking lady she has become. Like others have said on here. At least we got her old stuff that’s hot. I hope I forget the image of what she is now soon so I can go back to enjoying her old ssbbw porn.
What happened to her sister?

KK is an absolutely stellar human for doing that.
Typical Central Ohio meth head.
Any chance of a re-up? Just found this post and would love to have those.
you guys are so fucking weird and bitter, she had a great run then retired to raise a family. She never bashes anyone or the community she just hung her jersey up after a stellar career. Best possible ending for an ssbbw creator
I’m not hating on her. I think people are just stating the facts. She looks creepy as fuck now with the weight loss but thats the price she paid to being a hero to those kids. That’s all
>>97740 have you considered unfollowing someone you dont like anymore instead of watching their kids grow up for some reason?
Kellie didn't stop making content she still does and promotes it on the same pages she shows pictures of her kids on. Stop White knighting someone willing to expose pictures of underage children while promoting her sex work
She does deflated balloon body content now?
yea she shrunk like crazy, the old kellie was peak
Yeah I stopped following her after she started doing that, the weight loss was bad enough but to post pictures of her kids while promoting her porn is just plain pervy and don't get me started on how "handsy" she is with her youngest boy.
Wow she she does gross acts as gross as she looks now with her saggy stretchy deflated skinned body? Yuck
She looks hot to me, the futile comparisons to her bigger days make yall blind for how nice her proportions still look. If she was a teacher in a alternate universe some anon in /gen would write whole epistles about her.
No one said that desperate people wouldn't find her hot. Too be frank I would still fuck her and find myself lucky as a king to be in a relationship with her as she is now. We are here to fantasize and after knowing her for what she was, which was the best, seeing her now is just disappointing disappointing. Of course she's a lot hotter than some of the troglodytes that are currently on the market and catching the eye of black men. But the point is she used to be a 10 for many and a 9 from most others and although it is reasonable why she lost weight it still sad.
Thank you for being scientific about it 🧪 🧬
Does anyone have Kellie's earlier sets and videos from BBWPinups, before she launched her own site and restarted the numbering of her sets and videos? Or does anyone know what order all her sets and videos came out? I'm trying to piece together the order by year but there are gaps on the Wayback Machine.
Ill take any vid she made wearing that green tank top. Oh wait i have them all...how do you delete this
is it posibble for anyone to add some content to koomer?
ITT: Retards who shittalk the real human women they jerk off to
>>97855 welcome to the future, this will be almost every OF model very shortly. Moms be doing sex work and raising kids at the same time. You should know that knowing your mom ;)
Its hilarious how sex work has been so normalized in this community that everyone forgets that all these girls are white trash. Most chicks have jobs and theyre not anywhere near this website.
A voice of reason? Where do you think you are? You'd have a better shot at teaching a chimp how to speak english.
not sure what your point is; you are on a porn sharing board; porn is generally produced by what these days are called "sex workers" or "content creators", even though I get the feeling that your own naming convention is possibly harkening back to that cornerstone of western civiliziation, the "madonna-whore dichotomy"; long story short - you are complaining about bread being sold at a bakery...
Fell off since davi dropped her ass
She was one of the few models who enjoyed being fat shr didn't think of fat as a bad word but considered it as a way to describe someone for their beauty. I get why she lost weight but i wish there were more like her who enjoy eating and being fat she was a blessing to the fat ssbbw community.
I for one find her still sexy at her weight she doesn't need to be absolutely huge to be sexy she still has fat I think it's ok if people lose weight as long as it's not to much she just found a happy medium.
Why is this person speaking in 2nd person lol
He's speaking in first person. Second person is "you"
Does anyone have the Kelly kay and juicyjacqulyn fat farm vids? or are those just lost to time?

they were clips4sale vids and both kellykay and juicyjacqulyn lost them after their fall out.
Does anyone have video Kellie Kay - Public Fan Feeding?
Could this get a reup please
Does anyone have a video of Kelly being fed?
Can you re-upload the video 3 and 6?
Ah Christ not this thread again...
Dont cry if they never came to see your kids. Fuck em.
(135 KB, 600x392, 1547057214374.jpg)
I wonder how long Kellie will try to milk from her fanbase LARPing as the USSBBW she used to be? The rest of us just see her as a former great that hasn't accepted her new changes

I don't think she's doing it to 'milk her fanbase', there's no way her webmodel career's income is anything remotely approaching the living she's able to make as a successful influencer.

I've seen her posting about missing how big she used to be, her weight loss being against her will, and hating whenever folks rub in that she isn't an SSBBW anymore.... that has to suck when that's your own sexuality as well.

I would guess she only still does webmodeling bc she loves it. I remember she used to be super transparent with her audience and enjoyed sharing her gaining journey with everyone, so maybe this is an outlet for her. I say let her and the people who buy her content continue to enjoy it while she's still doing it, even if it is a complete fantasy at this point.
Oh the weight loss was not of her doing? Here I thought she did it on purpose. She was one of those who went all in and she looked amazing being over 500lbs

I believe her sister had children that she could no longer take care of, and they needed a guardian or they’d have to contend with the foster system. She took them in, and had to lose weight to manage it. Can’t fault her for choosing family in need.
Her sister was the typical rural Ohio meth head.
It was this and a health issue, iirc. She made the right choice. She gave us years of great content, so it seems silly to complain. I wish her all the best.
Does anyone have a megafile or link to reup the 30 plus vids posted way early in this chat? I missed out years ago. Thank you
The Skulls. Starring him & the whole office. No conspiracy theory. Earth quakes tell us we live on earth. And media is fake news.

Here’s a few of her, a vid with her and ash, and a more recent vid of her, insanely big. Wild to think they lived together. Kelliekay could’ve turned out much different.
Even more insane when you consider Kellie was the fatter of them for a good while.
Anyone have any videos of KK burping?

Several good ones on stufferdb. There’s a few where she’s drinking doctor pepper and the burps are just billowing out of her. The person filming says she’s gonna explode.
Thanks for sharing. The Kelli-Ash collabs were so good. I can’t remember how long they did live together, but it was good for both of their size. Eventually Ash gained so much she needed Kelli’s help getting around even though Kelli I think was bigger entire time.

Kelli’s smile and happy nature has always been so nice.

Man Ash could rake it in with an OF today. I miss seeing her so huge.
>even though Kelli I think was bigger entire time
Anon there's a vid of Ash weighing in at 613lbs with KK as the camerawoman. KK, much as I love her, "only" maxed out at 580
You’re right bad choice of words, wasn’t the whole time but she was bigger for a good chunk of their whole friendship and would probably be teetering near 700 also if she hadn’t deflated.

Kellie was pretty candid that she was trying to push for ~700 and see how she felt before making the decision to gain more, or lose back down to a more reasonable weight. I think she would have kept trying for it, if not for life getting in the way.

Another funny thing about Ash vs. Kellie was their very different weight distributions; Ash seemed like she was maxxing out on mobility/comfort well before 500 but just kept gaining, and Kellie seemed like she could just keep going, with how she was able to move. I think I remembered Kellie saying she made efforts to stay in shape/mobile while gaining, whereas Ash, it didn't seem like she was doing the same. Genes are genes though, some folks are just better equipped to be fat as hell.
I got to know them a bit during the days of bashes, around their heyday. You’re totally right—Ash seemed like she found the one thing she was good at—being praised for being a fatass. KK by contrast was super sharp and ambitious it seemed. She confessed to lying about her weight in the videos, but explained “it all part of the fantasy” for folks. I remember she had a private FB post at one point that was really transparent about the frustrations she was experiencing at her HW (550?). She was in pain and couldn’t get around and was contemplating losing weight to deal with that. I’m sure adopting those kids also gave her a change of priorities.

Maybe it’s the fat girl equivalent of leaving your “stripper days behind”?
Kellie was definitely "playing a character" a little more than some folks tend to believe, yeah - but she was good as hell at it. The older I get the less I can buy that someone was so fanatically into getting as fat as possible. I can believe she was *into* the kink and willing to indulge it while she was young enough and it made her money but it's not hard at all to picture her regretting it and suffering privately. Roxxie, LisaLou, FatMissT probably all have the same thing going on, tbh.

Funnily enough I still think Ash really wanted it and didn't grow out of her naive gaining-is-everything phase until it was way too late and now she's pigeonholed herself as a fat activist, so any intentional weight loss would be a betrayal of sorts. I always got the sense she was kind of a Midwest simpleton and Heather and Kellie's peer pressure (intentional or not) is what pushed her to get so fat. Would love any bash stories you may have, btw - I was in the east coast bash scene for a brief period but never crossed paths with Ash or Kellie.
100% agree with "The older I get the less I can buy that someone was so fanatically into getting as fat as possible."

Once a person has a BMI of 55 or 60, everthing in life starts getting increasingly difficult. I'm speaking as someone with a wife who is short, 5'1", and who briefly hit 355lb. At that weight, when I'd try to take her to shows, she couldn't fit in the seats. Going up a single flight of stairs was possible but slow and arduous. If I parked more than like two spots from a building entrance she'd be mad bc it was too far to walk. She'd wake up in the morning and her hip would hurt if she'd slept too long on one side. But if she'd sleep on her back, her lower back would ache. She had to change the way she shaved her legs in the shower (and got hurt when the stepstool she used broke.) Same with putting on her shoes. About the only thing she could do for any long period of time was put her feet up and watch TV.

tbf she also hates to exercise or even stretch, so some of this is her own fault bc her conditioning sucks. Mentioning that bc KK was wise enough to avoid that trap. But it's a very rare woman who GENUINELY wants to hit 500, 600 lbs. Typically you've got to be quite young and in your prime years of health - once you hit a certain age you just know that's not going to make your life enjoyable. It's literally just a fantasy that models are selling us. (I'm not saying they might not get off to it. That's what fantasies are for.)

But back to my wife, even losing 10% of her weight (from ozempic - she's type II diabetic) made a noticeable difference. She talks about it constantly and as a result she has no wish to gain back that weight, which is too bad for me because she was crazy hot at 350. But she's still fat at 312 and it makes her a heck of a lot happier...
Preach it, man. My current partner is 5'8" and 310-315 max but I used to date/fuck some HEFTY broads and people just don't realize how debilitating that shit can be. I used to hook up with a former BigCutie and a non-community tinder girl who were both over 400 pounds and just walking across a room would put them out of breath. I never took either of them out in public but I can't even imagine what that would have been like. I don't know how Boberry lives the go-go lifestyle she portrays, her knees must be completely shot.
>I don't know how Boberry lives the go-go lifestyle she portrays, her knees must be completely shot.

The working theory is since she's active at nearly 600lbs, is approaching 40, and has never been below 400lbs for her adult life, she's basically ground her knees to dust. There has to be NO cartilage there.
In Mary's case, I'm sure she's realized or had it explained to her that she either NEEDS to keep up the active lifestyle or she will lose her mobility very quickly. She's entitled to lazy days and light activity days absolutely, but the second she decides to go completely sedentary is when the weight will pile on and the muscles will begin to atrophy. A lot of women her size have poor mobility because they didn't maintain some form of physical fitness while gaining and let the comfy life overtake them, and with Mary having a boyfriend I'm sure she'd be fine with him doting on her.

Make no mistake - if BoBerry was out of commission for a while, say due to an injury or lifestyle change, then we would absolutely see a repeat of Adeline: Blink and she's 700lbs, heaving herself around with a mobility walker. Girl is a ticking time bomb.
>>114638 so true bro, chilling with some of these people irl you learn pretty quickly lying about weight stats it's just part of the fantasy/job lol
Yep. Real one know. F*p*aTr**p*r (she googles herself/watches this place) sure was the lightest 460 pounds I've ever had on top of me.

I've talked to her a few times and she told me something similar about wanting to shoot for 7 bills, but part of me thinks this is the superfat gainer model equivalent of 'pickme' behavior.
U bitches never had anything. Worth while. Basic ass bitches
Whole family while u morons hang out on bbwchan. Good thing you will never make over. $100 & hour(NET). Suck that..
Anyone have Kellie Kay facesitting video with the dude she has the squashing videos? I cant find it anywhere to purchase

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