
(206 KB, 2316x2316, 9252c5d0-8a8e-11ec-94d5-c5d638074f54.jpeg) (491 KB, 2250x3000, 6e226550-884d-11ec-8015-6fb61f3be5b2.jpeg) (188 KB, 2250x3000, ae7e0fe0-70ed-11ec-ac4d-4d513ae6f0ab.jpeg)
Old Thread >>31199 (Cross-thread) was bumplocked, so we're rebooting here much to the chagrin of a certain Ukrainian on the /gen/ thread (I'm sure he's got bigger problems at the moment anyway).

Thoughts on the new site? Worth the price of admission? "Quality" up to snuff? There's been some healthy discussion on /gen/ but I thought you degenerates would want your own screaming matches here.

Included is a siterip with mostly everything from up to Valentine's Day, along with an update vid & some premium content previously shared. Also lovingly thrown in is her send-off from BC and a compilation of her best hits, courtesy of the Comp thread >>34228 (Cross-thread)


Remember to reupload when someone asks!
Honestly, I think she's got a lot of nerve charging what she is considering her new site is merely an IG page with a PPV option, for example charging nearly sixty dollars for a measurement video that's most likely shot on her cell phone is just wrong, that's tapping into people's bill money and grocery money, porn is not worth that type of cash period, I don't care who it is.
The blame is equally on the simps paying these extortionate prices. If simps stopped enabling models by paying these ridiculous amounts then they would have to rethink how much they are charging.
While I was compiling the zip file, I threw in something I snagged off Giga. Check the update video - one fan bought her a new laptop and the rest of her rabid simps have, with no exaggeration, taken care of her food bill via Doordash gift cards (all while apologizing for 10 days without content). She can do no wrong in their eyes. As there are enough people willing to pay through the nose to lavish her, the PPV prices aren't a her problem... they're a you problem, unfortunately.

It comes with a silver lining: since she's more than making ends meet between her job putting bread on the table and the side gig providing a buffet spread in comparison to supplement, she probably doesn't care in the least about her shit being shared. No outburst reply on BBWchan, no mobilizing the simps on Feabie, no Instagram/Instagram-like paysite tirade video about how piracy hurts sex workers - we're able to amass a communal collection, consequence-free. Couldn't do that with other jewels in the SSBBW scene.
has anyone got set 323
Not sure that's true at all
Can you guys stop talking about her prices as we literally steal her shit? We're like jewelry thieves complaining about the price of diamonds being too high
One would say it justifies what we're doing. I've been subbed to other sites or bought clips for reasonable prices and felt like I got my money's worth.
Why would you not only encode a YouTube link, but encode a YouTube link to a video that is private?
Any new stuff from her website?
Is it true that she's a massive cougar?
Let's not start this again. Probably true. Nobody here knows for sure.
>>38721 (OP)
Might I be so bold as to ask for a reup?
I saved some stuff of her old sets, so maybe someone will enjoy this
Anyone know the number of the set where boberry is like in the bottom of a shower area sliding around trying to get up?
I've just heard through a friend of a friend that she targets guys on wooplus who specifically aren't feeders to feed her, dunno if it was true
is her age really that big a mystery?
Anyone have that relatively recent pic of her sitting at the table with her friends? She deleted it from her Instagram.
theres 2 that it could be. either 220 or 204a
shell be 37 this year
Yep, you know although her site is retired* it is still up. This means you can go and get all her BC content. Also, you can go there and look at the preview pics and find out for yourself what set number you need.
A super hot video, it's one of my favorites. Watching that big ass as she slides around.
(31 KB, 320x693, bumfmyij10o81.jpg)
Any hero who can upload this beautiful new video?
Christ she looks great. Anyone have this, or anything new from her site?
She has a lot of new videos, anyone has they?
(66 KB, 421x613, comp.jpg)
Shes a goddess!
Does anyone have sets 350-357?

In return here are some weight gain compilations, a morph and a couple of BoBerry's appearances on other BigCuties' videos.


Also looking for any remaining crossovers I didn't share. I'm missing Eve 44 for sure.
Which is the morph?
(149 KB, 864x1152, 323boberry_all.jpg)
someone have the video of boberry 323?Please

>ordinance confirmed

thanks, if you need a missing video of sadie, jackie or boberry just ask>>40049
can someone reup the mega?
vid 150 and 351 por favor
Here you go

If anyone has 279, 317, 326, 328, or 331 it would be greatly appreciated
thanks, managed to snatch them from a other place before I saw your post, but I appreciate the gesture.

link expires on friday.

does anyone have all the pics and clips from her members blog? it's the only content i'm missing from her BC days as of now.
can someone upload the songs from her site? much appreciated
Does anyone knows what she will do after this video >>40082 and where is she now?

Did really some sick simp made her a music video? 😬😂🤣🥴🥴 Guys you are a shame...
Holy Jesus that is PATHETIC. Whoever made that needs to get a life, more than anyone I have seen in my time in this community.
What in the absolute fuck?
(93 KB, 1024x768, B-5gVZOU0AA_51y.jpg)
apparently shes flying to mexico this weekend guess that new website paying good boys LOL

You realized this right now ? 85%< of this community is simping just like the one who made this video. But I'm really glad I see 4 examples of no-simps who find video like that creepy af.
OOF no makeup?
Good work, fren. Women like that need to be openly worshipped.
We need more women like that.
Also, topically applied oleic acid is the best means of weight gain.
Be sure to wear neoprene gloves.
Shes going to Mexico with Colleen? Surprised she (Colleen) can fit on a plane
Yeah, I'm surprised it's not her usual friend group or something - the ones you see on the other posts.
nah she aint going with coleen wtf guys the picture is random lol
That picture has to be close to ten years old. Looks like it’s from a Vegas bash and Mary hasn’t been to one of those in forever.
>>40475 care to speak more on the topical application of oleic acids as a means for weight gain?
Nice try. I wish.
The video moved me, tell me there she will turn out to be BBW and influencer.
How long will she be there or will she live there with friend?
She found her man?
no....no it won't. you have no fucking clue what Oleic acid is if that's what you think it does. Oleic acid is an Omega-9 Fatty acid. if anything, it'll make her healthier and possibly lose weight. it's used a lot in food to reduce saturated fats and cholesterol.

as far as skin application, again no you are so fucking off. Oleic acid is already used in a lot of skin care products because it helps keep skin moisturized. it's a natural oil that keeps in moisture and replenishes moisture.
they won't, it does none of that stuff

Oleic acid, prevents health complications from diabetes. Sorry, sickness is not my fetish, fatness is.
There is only one subcutaneously absorbed fatty acid. This not only absorbs more effectively that any fatty acid, it increases permeability of the skin.
It is usually slightly rancid. But that is ok, because it has the slight smell of animal ass. Combine it with dietary sugars, so that the blood glucose spikes and increases fat formation.
This should be done early on because fat always has the snowball effect.
The weight gain effect from oleic acid is also more extreme that any dietary approach.
You'll see them gain 5 pounds a day!
It is cheaply obtained from https://www.chemistrystore.com
Happy fattening, frens!
Looks fine to me.
Only asking because I’m genuinely interested, but do you have a source on this? Most medical sources I find state the contrary.
It's from the famous Fugazi Study, overseen by Dr. Total Fucking Bullshit.
>>40539 Sounds interesting, but also sounds like something you're completely making up.

Can you share any sourcing on this? I mean, I'm sure there aren't any scholarly articles about "how to secretly fatten up your wife with this common fatty acid", but anything that supports your theory that subcutaneous absorption of Oleic acid combined with blood glucose spikes will result in rapid weight gain?
This pertains to Boberry how?
Hola señor. Puedo explicarlo. Ella es muy grande, pero ya ves. El negro es muy perezoso. Se sienta en el campo todo el día. Pregunto, ¿dónde está mi algodón? El negro no responde. Toco el negro. ¡Y el algodón se le cae de los bolsillos! ¡ Ladrón! ¡ Ladrón! ¡Yo grito! ¡Puse a los perros en él!
Go back to /booty/
To pay 10$ monthly on her new website, do I need to renew my subscription the following month?
Can you post the new posts from her new website?
Do you have any news about her going to Mexico?
Can someone reup the last 2 ? They expired so fast
Anyone have her last webside videos?? They look awesome!!
omfg shes so fucking FAT and SEXY but she needs to get FATTER FATTER FATTER like MILLIONS and TRILLIONS times fatter!!!
Not a real thing

The fuck? Glad you pressed “enter” before you spooged.
That subtle ass crack she shows is so hot
Is this from a new video?
There should be a comparison/airline review with boberry and every flight she takes.
Comparing each’s seating in the various classes at various weights.
It’s miles of the top of her butt blubber yet somewhat classier (because no plumber crack).
Hola fucking shittttttt, You have more of these???? Please send!! She is a goddes
If this is from a video in the VIP, I might actually pay


Re-up please. Help a brotha out

Yes, please. anyone...re-up please??
(140 KB, 350x350, Naamloos-2-1.png)
That should be easy - planes don't have an ounce of fat at all!
Can sombody please post it?
does anyone know if she is putting on weight again?
CARLO-wait I don't get it.
based killer7 poster
I deleted some of the videos of boberry's crushing/sitting on guys . so can someone upload them in HD.
is that Boberry taking a bottle of Grey Goose to the head?! OMG... just imagine a drunk sexually aggressive Boberry in the bedroom 🤯

If you decided upload the video for us, you would be celebrated as a real-life hero by thousands for weeks to come.
This video would be insanely appreciated
(43 KB, 548x596, 001.jpg) (36 KB, 547x507, 002.jpg)
Two vids uploaded, enjoy!!

This guy FUCKS. Thanks a million!
(222 KB, 2224x1668, EAE4DA0C-634B-4617-88CF-B3A68391A507.png)
It wasn’t enjoyable.I decoded took out ( ) then decoded again. Went to view got a bank screen. Then I down loaded and got nothing. Total waste of time.
Blank screen
No hero blank screen.
This works!
She is let on the plane early like someone who is in a wheelchair. She has to buy two seats.
Here is a question…..they say great Whites will take a bite of a human and spit you out because you don’t have fat like a seal…..if someone like her be eaten??? I watch shows on sharks and they never answer that question. They just say humans don’t have enough fat.

Works very fine for me with VLC Player.

Thank you very much, sir! You'll be my hero for the coming weeks.
Are sharks shows being politically correct and not saying the truth.
Experts say sharks spit you out because surfers don’t taste like a seal because the lack of fat. Wouldn’t a white shark love someone like her?Not trying to be funny or offensive I just want know and wanted some opinions on this.
Hope you got that couch breaking clip on sale. Hot in theory, ehn execution.

Thanks for that and the HQ plane vid! This thread is a GOLD MINE today!
thanks, but man is it underwhelming

seriously hope she doesn't charge anything for this shit
I had to rewatch it a few times to see what happened. It's so subtle and short. And I remember this costing at least $20.

Dude, other models have stopped their planned videos to make breaking the couch the FOCUS. Jackie broke a futon and stretched that out to a few minutes. Roxxie was eating McDonald's and then shifted focus to that. It's so insane how Mary can be one of the most celebrated models and yet she can be so clueless to what her fans want to see.
It's impressive how she keeps getting worse
Hi! You mean new videos of squashing besides the two she has????
Something else I like to add, the video of her breaking the bench is a year old, it was shot 8-24-21, so she's charging $20 for an outtake that's not even 30 seconds long, how can you justify being a fan of her is beyond me at this point.
It di’nt say how long the video was, just saw the price and was like, suure I’ll buy that… and got this 30 sec video….
She doesn't even tell you how long the videos are? She's nothing but a scammer, again I ask how in the blue hell can you still be a fan of this woman?
I thought I remember seeing a clip length or a minute marker on it when I was subbed. Still thought it was outrageous. She also charges like $60 for a 3 minute clip of her eating, like, 3 donuts.
Boberry it's a goddes, and thanks for the guys who share the new videos! Thanks a lot, i mean it. ♥️
>$20 for an outtake that's not even 30 seconds long
>$60 for a 3 minute clip of her eating

She probably splits the money with her cuck BF.
Aw, somebody's jealous!
Lol do you read your own posts?
Can someone talk to her over the phone or online and see if she is ok?
you mean a chad?cucks avoid bbw
At least he's tapping her
>>41234 dude is a cuck cause hes fucking your dream girl ? Do you even know what that word means lol
Gets to board plane first cause disabled LOL
I think she boards priority because she paid for it, but even if she didn't she could probably just ask at the gate, gesture to her size, and they'll put her on first either way. Better than letting a dozen customers get assaulted with ass.
You mean “with the disabled” right? They let supersize people pre-board because they often need more time. Not sure what’s wrong with that, it gets everyone on faster.

Anon is right, if she paid twice the price as everyone else in coach, that’s the least they can do.
Idk bro I would not mind being assaulted by that ass

In what way are they disabled exactly?

Gotcha. Then what is the norm for their ability to do those things?

At what point is someone disabled?

Arnold can bench 500 pounds, I can't. Am I disabled because he can do something i can't?

Or do we call someone disabled if they're not able to do things as fast or as much as hypothetically possible? That'd mean if you're not in 100% top condition 100% of the time you're considered disabled?
Disability would mean to having to struggle much more than average. She has to struggle just slide one seat over. An old person who knees are were bad would probably move like that but not have the extra trouble not having enough space.
A person who is 70 and 20 pounds over weight and athlete are both not disabled
The old person with the bad knees gets to park in disability. Bo Ber would get a disability parking as well with the parking permit. Doc would not give the out of shape 70 year old or the athlete a permit.
I think there's a degree of normal activity that a reasonable person can judge that would make someone disabled. But there ARE hardcoded criteria for claiming disability from metrics that others have determined would qualify someone as disabled on paper.

Let's think about it in terms of those handicap parking spaces - those are provided for those that need extra space to enter/exit a vehicle, as well as for those that do not have the stamina to park far from a building's entrance. If Mary ever wanted to make the case that due to her size she needed extra accommodation to enter/exit or was in such poor shape that she needed to park close, then she might get that handicap placard for her car. On the other hand, she would probably qualify for disability parking due to her weight regardless - one of the California handicap requirements is being diagnosed with a disease that limits your mobility. She could make the case to a doctor and have them certify her severe obesity limits her stamina and handicaps her, and file the paperwork with that.

So she's entitled to handicapped status but I think she has too much pride to do that while she still can walk without TOO much difficulty. We haven't seen any pics of her in a mobility scooter.

So is a dude missing a leg not disabled because he just does some things slower?
Your own personal idea of what is and isn’t a disability doesn’t matter right now, she would qualify for disability which would make her legally disabled
Arnold’s 500 vs your press of 70 just because your out of shape wouldn’t make you disabled. Someone who didn’t have arms to bench or someone who couldn’t attempt the lift due to MS. It’s more extreme to be labeled disabled.
I came here to see giant ass not watch you idiots argue about the definition of disabled, this thread derails so quickly its insane
First BoBerry thread?
missing a leg is not disabled?

That would be on an individual basis. Someone with Dislexia can get extra time on exams. They have to qualify for that service. They also don’t have to take it. Someone who lost their leg but mountain climbs and can run a marathon might still be able to get a disability permit because they are missing a leg. Laws might change as prosthetics get better.
(40 KB, 500x375, 73753257_ca26eaeac9.jpg)
I pretend to be retarded to get on planes early. It usually works. My wife hates when I do it because then she has to pretend to be my caregiver.
What´s hapened with Boberry? She hasn't posted anything on Instagram in a long time.
Also, unless you are trying to carry on luggage, why the fuck would you want to board first and be on a cramped plane LONGER? This never made sense to me. I’d rather be last one on and first one off.

Disabled/SSBBW’s have the opposite of that
100%. If no carry on bags to worry about, I'm waiting at the bar until they threaten to close the gate.
I just called her she's okay, don't worry.

You don’t have to pretend. If you actually want to get on a plane and sit in a cramped seat longer than you have to, then you’re a genuine retard.
If people were first they would have been staring and they would have all had to lean away as she was walking to her seat.
She probably held her pee and waited till everyone got off as well.
And what she said? How long is she on vacation?
pretty cucked to be boyfriend of internet whore
One of the most covered women in a special interest, with hundreds of thousands of fans & followers, and he's apparently stupid for being with her. Mind you, we've never seen her nipples or pussy.

You're not some kind of alpha. You're seething with jealousy. And it's pathetic.
keep fucking coping XD

You guys are impressed and amazed by how fat and big she looks like recently, a year ago before she lost weight she was literally the double the size of now .. 1m/90cm of diameter only her butt by walking, she wasn't even capable to fit inside the normal size seats of the airplane, probably 3 seats only for her giant ass.

Look at Eve and Jackie,
you'll understand what I mean!
This explain to you how fat and massive
are these women.
Can you re upload the new vid?
Ya'll are crazy if you don;t think she's just as big if not bigger than her peak. LOOK AT THAT ASS!!!!
She isn't, just look at her face.
At her peak she probably wouldn't have been able to fit through the aisle at all.
[Again repeating the same message,
sorry admin if I've never sucked your genitals]


You guys are impressed and amazed by how fat and big she looks like recently, a year ago before she lost weight she was literally the double the size of now .. 1m/90cm of diameter only her butt by walking, she wasn't even capable to fit inside the normal size seats of the airplane, probably 3 seats only for her giant ass.

Look at Eve and Jackie,
you'll understand what I mean!
This explain to you how fat
and massive are these women.

PS: I'm really really really sorry if I will never delete such a wonderful delicious comment made with my heart, especially if I have one .. you know? You can appreciate big legs and huge massive women these days, it always happen that NAZIST people with the big N (like Cortex) on their fucking head begs for attentions and cry like babies .. yes BABBIES FOR RETARDED SIMPS!
I love how the flight attendant preemptively started to move things out of the way once he saw who his first passenger was.

Boberry just doing normal things is far more exciting than any set she has released.
just cause this has reminded me & I'm a dirty drama addict - what happened between these two again? They where relatively close & then after this bash just dead to each other.
Boberry tried to fuck Roxie’s husband
Yeah, at her peak there is no way she would've been able to fly or even make it through the security check for that matter, but to be honest it's simply not that impressive of a video when you consider how the airlines pack you into those planes like sardines, I'm 5'6 and 250lbs and I had barely had enough room to sit let alone get comfortable, the woman sitting behind me was 6 feet tall and she had to sit with legs up at her chest the entire flight, sure Mary is a big woman but even normal people have struggle with seating on a airplane unless it's first class.
Is she going to spend the Easter holidays?
Bo's heaviest flight story is vid 268. Between 601-613 lbs back then. She was exactly 2 seats wide, and completely filled the front-to-back seat space. Says she was wedged in the same position for 5 hours and couldn't move the tray or anything.

IMO she gained even more weight post-final-weighin, so I agree there's no way she was fitting at her peak.
Anyone have picsets 350-358? Here are the videos for them.


It's all here:


(not my link)
anybody know the name or set number of a video in which she goes to a wedding a explains she is too big to walk and to ride a golf kart?
It’s set145 fat chat family gathering
Thank you i have been looking for it for a while
Can someone reup the plane vid😔
Can someone please upload that video of her doing the truth or dare Livestream?
Can someone upload all her measurement videos specially set 83 and also the face sitting ones.

Thanks my guy. Much obliged
(187 KB, 1085x619, bbb.jpg)
How recent is the left pic?

About 3 days ago

She posted that on her Feabie in October, with the caption “ Here’s another size comparison picture. I really blob out when I sit down ☺️”

Both pictures were taken around the same time.
How do you use links I'm new here?
What´s her email?
Is this really Mary Boberry´s email !?
You’re kidding, right?
Kidding? Is that a village in India?
anyone has the songs? both the one she had on her instagram but deleted later and the ones on her website
Has anyone new posts of her website?
What is her website called?
is the mega folder still a thing?
Can't tell if you're being serious or not but that's some nice pajeet posting you've done there
Can you tell me what´s her email and send you some new posts of her new website?
post what you want to ask her, i'll pass it on to her.
Is she ok?
she ate her boyfriend and is probably going to prison. she's going to lose so much weight :(
...sharing content instead of bullshit?
lmao..some of you have been showing withdrawal ever since she ramped up prices.
She start charging more? Honestly I subbed the first month and let it expire - wasn't worth it.
If Mary Boberry lowered the price of the videos and photos on the Boberryvip.com site, maybe I would subscribe. But why didn't anyone talk to her about it.
You guys have to talk to her and convince her to change the prices.
What´s her phone number?
Key word here is "maybe", let's be honest you wouldn't subscribe. You are already assuming all her lower-tier content will get shared here. There's a platform where she reacts to posts on rare moments, if you don't know about it you haven't lurked enough.

Now does anyone have all the pics and clips from her members only BC blog? They have some nice candids usually. This is what I have: https://mab.to/Ua1h6EDQ9
Reacts to posts from? I know about her site & Instagram, I'd have thought anything else was either abandoned or a fake account. She's got more pretenders out there than anyone else.

Yes, I in fact does has.

But I won't tells you.
Is that fisheyed?
clearly; I don't have a problem with it
Damn I be sleeping on BoBerry
The girl has the face of a bulldog
Good body though
You can go to a fastfood joint and check out huge butts and nobody will judge you except maybe evil white men. This thread should not exist because this woman shouldn't be modelling because even I am unattracted to her and that says plenty
(942 KB, 609x812, unknown-3.png)
Is this at Stanley park? If so, I'm fucking annoyed she wasn't there whenever I took the time to go :(

Seeing all that irl would be glorious.
>>42713 If so you would probably get stabbed in the neck or stomach (according to that pic). I dare you to go and try it though. Let me know how it works out for you nigger
>even I am unattracted to her

>>>bhm is that way.

If she wants to stab her chubby finger at my stomach, that's fine, but then I'll be stabbing something else at her too :P
>>42716 I typed that into the wrong thread by mistake, but I can not possibly be attracted physically to all women. Even if I wanted to be, it is not feasible. /bhm/ ironically would've been where I would put that other thread. No offense. Boberry is my guess is loved by many. Very cute
>>42717 Let me guess... You are a nigger and a stalker? And the government already knows about what you're doing?
>>42721 Yeah? Too bad, whore. Come get merk, vagene
>>42722 I'll be here all day waiting for a nigger
Well good thing this thread isn't for you and nobody cares about you pajeet now go be a faggot somewhere else
>>42728 faggot? lmfao. But wait, I thought you guys loved faggots??? lmfaoooo I am confused. Eitherway, I would gladly get the fuck up out of this hellhole. I like where your head is at though. This thread doesn't exist for you. Yeah. That's a good rabbit hole. Good luck with what you find, nigger. And in your new endeavours. I am happy for all of you. US = Gay country with a gay government with gay hackers and stalker spies
what happened to Boberry, where is she? Is she still alive?
Real talk, why are there so many people wondering if she's alive or if she's not doing well? I can guarantee you if something happened, she would either alert us on Instagram, or news of her death would QUICKLY spread through the FA websites. It'd be like Elvis dying.

Calm down and shut up.
>>42730 Medicine? Hospitals are for old homosapiens and for niggers. I don't even want descendants and its your beloved NWO's fault. Good luck living to an old age like 100 yo! lmao. I'll be long gone (hopefully)
She don`t accept prepaid credit cards on her site. I can use it to pay anywhere. Just not with her. It's a shame how she pushes more and more fans out.
Is it just me, or is the weight creeping back? 🔥
>>42713 have you ever been to Stanley park?

Quite a few times. Though didn't really focus on the totem pole area, too many people usually flocking around the totem poles and the gift shop. Though from your reaction I gather it's not Stanley Park.
>>42792 I was thinking the same thing
(2.1 MB, 154x273, 1421215102366.gif)
This is seriously what porn addiction does to a nigga. It's not happening, if anything she's getting smaller. Get a grip.
Please upload the video!!
its from the preview. i doubt anybody is gonna pay 40 dollars for a 7 minute vid
Enough simps do, otherwise she wouldn't have them for sale for that much in the first place. Unfortunately nobody who will pay that much is likely to share it here.
Idk man, she doesn't look that much smaller in >>42814. If anything she looks like mid/high 500s like her prime BC days.

Yknow, accounting for less skin elasticity for age and losing in the first place.
She said in her last live stream she was still over 550 pounds
Can someone upload sets 174, 175, 180, 221, 321 and 326 please I need them :D

Also, angles are everything. Those pool pictures she looks pretty fat like I can believe high 550s, especially with the fuller face. In other pictures from her IG she has looks positively skinny (for her), with no chin and smaller body.
That's either angles, or there's a big weight difference between the sets of pictures.

I chose to believe angles, because women are scarily efficient at making themselves look skinnier in pictures than irl.
Is it weird that I prefer the vids she's releasing on her VIP page rather than her bigcuties ? Like the different angles , her doing different Shot etc etc
there's an appeal to them. they're not the samesy softcore bikini/tight dress photo shoots that 90% of the bigcuties sets were. they incorporate actual fetish elements/scenarios (albeit still pretty light and not explored deeply). For quite a while in her bigcuties era she didn't even let her belly hang out and didn't play with it often, I don't understand why it took her so long to do that more.
Hi guys, Boberry will perform the live stream on her website Boberryvip.com at 6pm this Friday.
It is very important that those who subscribed to her site try to talk and negotiate prices for videos and photos from her website with her. That especially the prices of the videos are not too expensive, and that both parties (Boberry and its subscribers) win and leave satisfied.
It's this Friday the 29/04/2021.
Real talk, whoever does have a sub to her, what's she gonna do on livestream? Someone should record and post here.
What did she say or do on livestream? What does she want to do?
she posted new weigh in on her new site... 100$ to unlock it daang! SMH
Oh she WOULD pull some horse piss like that.
(70 KB, 525x711, weighin.jpg)
she sure did ;/ still is from a preview...
imagine paying $100 to learn how much weight she’s lost lol
She's probably regaining the weight she lost. But at that price she's pricing the pirates out of the game lol. Genius!
Yeah and everyone else that is not stupid enough to pay 100 dollars for a video of a fat chick stepping on a scale
This is some serious Boberry brainrot cope
I do think she's gained some of the weight back for sure. She might be closer to 600 again but she isn't at her peak of 613.

Paying $100 for her weigh-in video is fucking stupid though
I would subscribe to your site if the content was open like on Onlyfans.
But paying subscription and more extra videos is a joke.
There are many good models producing better content than her at a more affordable price, like Roxxie on Onlyfans.
I prefer to sign them.
There are many younger models that will depart Boberry.
And she'll only feel the shit she's doing when she gets older, reaches 40 and the health problems resulting from morbid obesity finally arrive and she needs money to take care of her health. With more affordable prices and better quality content it would make a lot more money and attract a lot more followers. She's getting crazier and crazier with these high prices and fewer and fewer people actually follow her and subscribe to her site.
If it surfaces anywhere it'll probably be on Reddit lol.
Someone on Reddit said it was 550-553. I'm inclined to agree.

The 14 minutes must be her justifying it and pledging to gain it all back.
Why didn't you convince her to lower the prices of the videos on livestream with her this past friday (29/04/2022)?
I had a distinct feeling her weigh in was going to be bonkers-priced. It's the one thing we've been salivating over since she started modeling.

Doesn't make any more business sense, since we know she probably has no intention of going back to her max weight again.
If a model has a devoted following, it makes sense to charge a lot. After all, much content is shared and she loses out. At a high price, would a subscriber be more or less willing to share with freeloaders? Sorta like luxury goods.
Does anyone know if I sub to the site today if I can watch the stream from Friday?
Couple of readings, 550-553. She says at the beginning she used to weigh 620 at her biggest then she lost some weight. I guess we all knew that.

There is this weird bit where she picks up a small weight and then stands back on the scale again.

She is an enormous woman. Her max walking distance is a 1/4 mile. That is actually completed insane.
(4 KB, 64x121, 059.jpg)
You say this like you've seen the video - care to share?

Probably not because he paid 100 bucks for it :P
A hundred bucks?! Man, I never expectet Boberry of all thots to pander to the inflation fetish.

Anyway, here's what I've got. I also numbered the updates so we may keep track more easily.

Hot damn, didn't expect someone who paid for it to share it so soon. Not necessarily you Anon (unless you did? Thank you then?) but damn, there's stuff in here I didn't see anyone clamouring for nearly as hard. I mean fuck, we waited for months before someone dropped the couch breaking vid.

To anyone out there (Mary included) who thinks high prices are a deterrent - go learn economics. Unfairly priced goods will only punish loyal customers.

Many thanks Anon - I'll have to update my giga

lol, why of course I paid for that shit. Do you think I would post pirated material here? I'm not a criminal, man.
Thank you so much!
Can anyone upload the weigh in separately? Thanks a lot for the drop bro its just too big for my phone
bro a real legend!!
we are not worthy
you sir are legen wait for it dary
Here's just hoping she won't ban me for this, but I found no indication of ID-tags.
Does she mention what resort she went to in Mexico? It looks fat friendly and I want to take my girl.

Guys Boberry is already crazy, since she lost weight and started to show her "weird project" she literally went down madness ... is the same kind of illness happened to Echo, Pearbottom and others fat people .. why you guys feel surprised of something very old happened thousand of times?!
Boberry isn't crazy, she's just passing a phase. I have to admit that she needs a lot of money to maintain her health, which is not good. She needs psychological help.
She makes plenty of money, this website is literally just a cash grab for being one of the most successful and well-admired in the business. Hence why at least one person paid $100 to find out what a scale says.

Ok guys [[>>42814]] this woman needs .. psychological help, ok .. AHAHAHA!!!
What the actual .. fuck?!

HOW a 35 years old woman that has worked for over than 10 years modeling needs Psychological HELP?! HOOW?!
Guys what kind of drug are you assuming?

She is not a child, what the?!
(264 KB, 512x497, meds.png)

Meds. Now.
How Boberry attracts such crazy schizo's is beyond me.
Thank you so much!
LMAO the parking lot video is Hilarious. The dude in the blue shirt was orbiting and may have realized hes on camera at the end.
And we wonder why she created a super private ‘VIP’ site
In fairness that schizo looking post was rebuking another schizo post. You're 100% right btw. I too am an autistic weirdo but Boberry brings out the pajeet in thousands of people
Have you all seen the video of Boberry struggling getting into a car go viral on Twitter?
>posts video of a 500+lb woman hoisting herself into a car
>comments with body positive encouragement
>bait has been set

Masterful trolling by the OP account. It's a good thing I have a humiliation kink, but this is never getting traced back to Mary anyway. She's never once had to take to Instagram and defend herself for being obese.
I don't understand why it'd go viral, there's plenty of "haha fat people funny" vids on the internet. Is it just because she has an above average face and an exceptional fat distribution?
Because it's a VERY fat woman having difficulty doing something easy for practically everyone who watched it. Never underestimate the Internet's ability to dogpile on a victim.

The fact that she's attractive and also doesn't mind the struggle makes it a little funny to anyone who doesn't outwardly scorn fat people. I dunno about it being VIRAL, like featured on the news or meme pages or anything, but I found it pretty easily.
God I hope this might just be the catalyst for the long awaited dramatic weight loss. The standom would implode and it would be fuсking glorious.
(450 KB, 798x852, BBSETUP.png)
From my point of view the tweet was sarcastic and just a set up so people would make fun of her. Being winded from hopping into a vehicle has nothing to do with body positivity.
I could see her shying away from the scene again. She said she doesn't do modelling as a career, it's just a side gig for her. Coupled with the amount of money she's probably already made from the VIP site she might just cut losses if her whole career got out.
Not for nothing, but I saw the bracket over on /gen/ - Juicy Jackie is more popular than her. I thought Mary was #1 in the scene, but this is something to point to at least. Her popularity is waning.

Of course, it means nothing if you don't care about relative popularity. Just figured it was interesting she lost.
TBH she's not even on my radar after leaving BC, the content quality/cost ratio has dropped drastically
I think Boberry is a guilty pleasure for people who "aren't into fat girls", just because she's a genetic anomaly in how she's proportioned and that she's genuinely cute. Jackie probably edged her out because
>1.) Jackie's gained a LOT in recent years
>2.) Boberry's weight loss was a big controversy
>3.) Boberry's content was always pretty lackluster and was entirely carried on her body, where Jackie's stuff is more creative and clearly into feederism
I'm not saying Boberry's career's over, but people who are really REALLY into fatties are finding alternatives.
Yeah i once saw a Tiktok of her struggeling to do a sit up in a workout vid from her bigcutie days. Many people were making fun of her. And some "positive" people respected her for trying to be active/move. I believe it was some crazy FA who posted it.
Oh and btw If a recall correctly the video had like 700k+ Likes :O
IDK man, TikTok fame and virality is weird. Something posted a few months ago is basically old news. Definitely an FA that posted it though.

Agreed, she has mainstream appeal because she's got an attractive face and proportion that you could honestly take her home and not be questioned as a chubby chasing freak. Most others you see here, there'd be no question. But yeah, this was up before the weight loss video got leaked, and even then Jackie was going strong. She's having a BANGER year.

If this bracket was up 5 years ago, then I'm sure BoBerry would make it to the finals. Now, she's def past her prime.
>you could honestly take her home and not be questioned as a chubby chasing freak.
IIIIIII dunno about that one chief. But I agree with the rest.
It's an exaggeration, but yeah
I appreciate whoever posted it, but I'd be be fucking pissed if I paid $100 for that.
Anything of her new stuff?
Ok well, let's try to say that she's not crazy and this schizo HERE needs his "meds" (even if I don't get it what kind of shitty medical pills you need) .. talking about reference to another post "again" it wasn't me begging and crying for her losing weight.

I say crazy because after that SPECIFIC's period of time, like the same bullshit drama that Boberry herself begged for the car accident (saved and not injuried because she's very fat) she literally lost weight especially because the quarantine .. it's crazy considering how well a woman this huge had no actual problems and traumas by losing all that weight. But yes, you all watched the last sets before to close BIGcuties forever and ALL OF YOU were crying and begging like idiots because it was finishing her wonderful modeling career.

The kind of crazy madness that given you the mental power to watch this woman destroying everything, you all guys were very disappointed and all blaming Boberry for how she ended.
But wait Nononono!! SHE MADE HER NEW SITE and like thousand of fucking horny simps you came back to say "positive and cool" things like: DAMN SHE'S STUNNING, she's gaining weight .. explain me if you are ALL literally doing this on purpose or you like to be trolled again and again?!

As experience in all these years watching all of you and her content I could say YES SHE IS CRAZY, not because her weight and not because she's very fat .. but because this is the same fucking stupid drama that Echo, Jae and Jackie have promoted for years of career soo WHY YOU GUYS ACT LIKE YOU NEVER SEEN BOBERRY IN ALL YOUR LIFE?!

Who is the schizo now? Who needs pills or fucking meds?
Call me crazy but somehow I’m skeptical. She looks way more deflated like look at vids where she was 550 and even less; her butt was plump and huge. Now it’s honestly kinda sorry looking. Maybe because she’s 36 now instead of 28?
(910 KB, 500x286, 1418118007522.gif)
I think this is probably like his third or fourth sperg out on this site. Meds, schizo-kun.
Lol hes been doing this for years gotta be in the hundreds atp
I know that account lol didn’t think someone would actually post that on twitter though. That account had like no followers
Yeah that person who tweeted that TikTok was shit posting and trolling. I translated her comment in the top comments section and it’s just her trolling
Mary knows the risks. She has plenty of first hand and secondhand supporting evidence of SSBBW’s who have dealt with or are dealing with weight related health complications. She is aware that there is a ledge. It’s just that the financial and emotional benefits outweigh those concerns at this time. It’s her decision to calculate. As a FA I’m just happy that there is content available.
>It’s just that the financial and emotional benefits outweigh those concerns at this time. It’s her decision to calculate.

Well yeah, except women aren't machines, they are impulsive, emotional and shirk responsibility whenever possible. What she decides is based on what feels good in the moment.
I love BBW chan
We get it, you’ve never felt the touch of a woman.

Just here for a heads up that she is sitting on three chairs in the first and last pic.

Am I right that you've never been married?

the most boomer dumb thing i've read in this site
There IS no "full video". It's less than a minute, it cost $24, and you and every other mouthbreather coomer asking need to get that through your fucking heads.

lol, I'm not even 30.
It's pretty clearly two chairs. The middle one is both too far back for her to be sitting on it and yet too far forward for there to be room for a third chair in the middle we can't see.
Thank you.

Unlikely but just to put it out there, is there anyone who has the missing bath video (referred to as #17 in the .txt file)?
Can't someone just like trick this mf into sending the video somehow? Like a "you go first" kinda deal idfk. If he's stupid enough to pay 100 buck he's most certainly stupid enough to fall for such a trick.
I've been sending WT links of that vid to anyone who commented. Fuck him.

Three chairs is what she says on her page.
You already have the video.
Do you have the full video bro?
You stupid? The full video IS ONLY 24 seconds long. At 24$ she charges 1$ per second.
The schizos on this board never fail to entertain. And they're always on the boberry threads lmao
Stop being a broke ass nigga and buy that shit. Boberry is thick AF and I need the vid
Yall so dumb as shit 🤦🏾‍♂️ Keep responding to the troll im sure that will make him stop asking.
if you needed buy it yourself is simple, i also need to pay for food otherwise i will not eat
Motherfucker, I ain't payin' $1/second no matter how thick the bitch be. That's what ya'll are for.
watch your mouth nigga,
Stop being a fag and just say nigger.
Nigga is our word. With what you sayin, you gonna get shot. I'd do it myself if you said that shit to my face.
You got the full vid bro?
'Our word' Is this an African posting? Nice language you're talking nigger. The English should never have taught you apes how to speak, not content with regular theft, now you're stealing words.

Good news nigger, I don't venture into areas with shit running down the streets, so it's very unlikely our paths will cross.
Niggers disgust me and they all beg before they die like whores.
What the hell you even talking about?
Anglos and Africans both bad
Eastern Europe the true goated region
(138 KB, 1500x900, 1405943273702.png)
only boland and czech+slovak; too much cockroach and mongo blood down south /s
Lmao every time I hear some black dude talking like this its coming out of some crackhead downtown pissed at a brick wall.
Thanks for the weigh in video. If I had paid $100 for that, I'd be pissed. And the couch breaking video too.
...uh, this ain't 4chan or /b/, my guy. Chill.
Does anyone have boberry live stream video
I have an iPhone so I can’t open it. What does it say?
>>43468 I'm slowly but surely joining the "boberry is boring" club. I'm really starting to see it
dude what the fuck I can't beleive i missed this shit, can someone please reup the new weigh in?
Or at least tell us what the result was

In the newest weigh in she came in at 552, after saying in her 90-minute site launch Q&A that she was "above 550." She claimed that she fell from 620+ to 550ish when she lost weight and has hovered around 550 ever since. She seems visibly bigger these days, though, so I wonder if she fell to more like 540 or 530 and has since regained.
anyone have the vids of her either in a shower or in a bath?
I wouldn't say she is visibly bigger, just that she has more loose skin
Does anyone who talks to her knows any news from her about her trip to Jamaica?
I guess the way I see it she's had loose skin since the weight loss, but if you look at her in the weigh-in or here (>>42814), she seems clearly bigger to me than she did when she opened her independent site, let alone than when she released this set: http://boberry.bigcuties.com/previews/2016previews/300boberry_all.jpg.

I know it's really hard to tell, and I could just be plain wrong, but that's how I see it.
...to know for sure.
Does anyone have boberry live stream video

Ironic to see people who hardly buy anything but leech, complain about pricing.
Bruh you arguing for models charging 100 dollars a video. Put that in perspective.
None of my business what they do with their stuff. Why does it matter if you don’t buy it in the first place?
People are allowed to think that's too much for a video?
So you’re just complain because you have nothing better to do in your life?
You have no room to say this while also wasting time commenting on the chan. People are allowed their own opinions. If you're such a simp you find them unreasonable go cry to mama.
So you don’t deny it? I guess you really are an insignificant man
I'm a decaying pile of matter who won't affect the world and so are you my guy. At least I'm honest and not a cunt.
Stfu bitches
Didn't think there's be Jamaica stuff so soon. Thanks, man! Anyone you're looking for that isn't BoBerry?
Thank you so much!
Hi! Can you share the Jamaica stuff? I can't dowload it
Here it is.

Did anyone talk to her? Is she fine?
Yup, connected with her during her stay in Kingstown she said I was the most guy she's ever been with, pretty sure she's still reminiscing.
I’ve got a crap ton of her videos from her new site and around 30 from her big cutie days. If anyone is interested in buying videos at a discounted price hit up my email. (johncenaisthegoat@icloud.com) once I get enough people to buy some I’ll gladly share some of the videos for free her on this thread! I’ll also upload any of her videos I get my hands on in the future.
Can you post a screenshot?
Wow, what a great deal.
fuck outta here with that shit, go peddle on reddit
Can someone tell me if she is ok?
man what's this dude's problem
Jamaica me crazy
What happened to her in jamaica?
She ate a baby and got heartburn
you'd think an experienced glutton like her would know to season small children with paprika to prevent heartburn but I guess it's just another sign that she's out of it these days and only doing this for money
I can't get through to her, does anyone have any idea what she's doing?
Any news?
I mean she has been posting instagram stories and such, i don't think anything happened to her at all
Real talk, how autistic are you? Why are you so fucking concerned over the safety of someone who doesn't know you exist?

Parasocial relationships are so goddamn cringe, I swear.
Did nothing really happen to her? She doesn't post instagram stories a few days ago.
Sorry to be that guy but could I get a reup?
Get help, dude.
>I can't get through to her
What is it about Boberry that brings out the stalker in people?
So what. She's on a trip with her BF, that's it. There are 1001 ways to die but that holds true for everyone. At the end of the day BoBerry is just a one dimensional persona that's lucrative for her bank account, it isn't her whole identity. Like we don't even know what she does for a living afaik and didn't have a Instagram for years.
She didn't have an Instagram for years because of people like "Does anyone know how my precious 500lb angel is doing it's been HOURS since I've heard news of her 😭" over here.
She didn't have an Instagram for years because of people like "Does anyone know how my precious 500lb angel is doing it's been HOURS since I've heard news of her 😭" over here.
Boberry doesn't care about people anymore, does she want to get away from them? Does she wants to go into her life?
Doesn't she want to be popular and famous?
Does she wants to change her life?
(78 KB, 228x223, 1421357923979.png)
I'm convinced its nothing but ESLs and autistic manchildren that post shit like this. Porn addiction really breaks these niggas.
Did she ever allude to why she lost weight?
she lost her father and after that she was crushed...
Oh god no! Where is she now?? What's the address!?! Oh lord, why won't she talk to me?? MMMMAAAAARRRRRYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!
Anyone have her latest live video she posted thanks.
Bruh… those are some strong ass heels to be holding up 550 pounds
what's the point of constantly reuploading the whole folder? especially to wetransfer, where we can't pick the files

You're right. I'll stop uploading.
Just download delete what you don't need. Uploading the whole thing is useful for those who want reups.
If you want convenience, pay for it. Or at least ask nicely.
Thank you very much!
Exactly. Ungrateful fuckers around here.
Is there someone with her bigcutie vids?
Nope, no one. Fresh out. Sorry, dude. Better luck next season.
Noooooo don't listen to that cunt, i appreciate you man
What’s the point of.. fuck it I can’t think of anything clever, just kill yourself
(134 KB, 913x1000, bo_set07_020.jpg)
Yep. Lot's of us have them all. Including the pic sets. Her site is retired so you have the option of just buying a month membership and snatching it all that way. Won't cost you much more than a taco bell trip.
But here's some content to get off on this weekend
Thanks man.

So can we get some sort of consensus which update we all want? In case the next buyer is in a generous mood? My vote is for either the boyfriend roleplay or the apple pie vids.
12 - 2022-01-14 - $29 - 18 pics
Black lingerie in bed'

13 - 2022-01-14 - $24 - 1:10 vid
Black lingerie pt 2 - hearing the bed struggle under me

80 - 2022-05-28 - $39 - 35 pics + 3+ min vid
Strip to bra and panties

The pricing is getting better. Was she just testing the waters?
I really don't understand why the actual filming quality of her work has declined. Her new stuff looks like it was shot by a IG thot that decided to make the jump to OF, not a decade+ long vet in the game. Did BC take her equipment?

I was one of the guys that gladly just paid the 20 bucks a month to have easy access to my favorite model's content rather than searching around for links. I expected the exorbitant prices of her new site, but why are we looking at stuff that looks like it as filmed using Snapchat filters when there was previously clearly filmed HD content? Not even mad tbf, I just don't understand, lol. One of the simps needs to send her a damn camera.
Legendary, thank you brotha man
(318 KB, 1170x1748, A3C3E5FF-5B62-44B0-927F-8031FD2F6CA6.jpeg) (396 KB, 1170x1758, E1DB02B7-37B4-4D70-805C-F5CB32A34722.jpeg) (371 KB, 1170x1758, BE0976B8-AC1A-4EB2-885E-A74085865D55.jpeg) (435 KB, 1170x1714, F5C8F644-8A77-4945-99BA-6A83C5AF0E7C.jpeg) (407 KB, 1170x1751, 9E63E0F1-6997-4B26-B35B-BF967B66BCCA.jpeg)

I think the difference is that on her new site she includes a lot more candid stuff that she never posted when she was with BC. Of course that’s going to be filmed on a lower quality camera.

She’s also still posting high quality pictures and videos though. For example, these are from her most resent set.
Anyone has recent newpost?

How can you tell?
It says so in the description.
Of course you would.
Can someone upload this set ? 223 i believe had it a while ago but lost my Hd
(112 KB, 228x231, pwease.png)
I missed this what seems to be a legendary link someone care to re-up?
The description where? Post it please
I'd say she found all that weight she lost. these pictures look like you're laying on a bed. The right one is when she walks in the room and the left one is her climbing on top of you. Super fucking hot.!
definitely agree she's regaining. I think her low point was lower than she said (below 450), but she seems to be steadily finding it all again, like you said! all aboard the regain train!
hmu when she's back a 600 before that i don't give a shit
(755 KB, 700x996, peak boberry.png) (1.9 MB, 1446x1779, bomax.png)
That's just a lower angled camera. She's got to be pretty far from her peak.
sorry, meant 550
Yeah, who wants a 550 lb twig?

you're a fucking idiot. why does she have to weigh more than others? she'll never diet away her expansive body (which is already big enough, fuck the official weigh-in numbers). Get your boner from things more than arbitrary numbers
Big twig energy
cope harder she aint fat enough
She doesn't need to weigh more than others she just not be so twiggy.

Im just waiting for her to grow that ass and tummy a bit more, I like em chubby.
Where were these posted? I really appreciate you sharing this and I don't mean to come across as unappreciative, but could you find a better way to capture them in the future like using the download button if it's from Facebook or finding the image file in the page source and downloading it directly? If it's her normal IG I'll download them myself and share them.

Taking a screen shot messes with the resolution so it's not the native resolution anymore.
600 does give me a boner tho
I'm fairly certain they're being facetious. No one can look at a 550+lbs woman and say she's a twig.
It's facetious, but it's just simple truth that 550 isn't 600, and 600 isn't 650. In Boberry's case, I simply preferred her appearance at her peak and hope she gets back there one day. She looks deflated right now.
Well, a lot of men aren't getting sex. Even extremely overweight women like Boberry are picky and only settle for millionaires. The dating market is skewed. There are men out there that own homes, multiple cars and make $90k+ annually and still don't be getting women - even unattractive ones.
(146 KB, 764x640, 20180601071725-e0894a6c-me.jpg)
Here, this is the female body positivity movement in one photo and you'll understand why people you call incels think its a stupid movement.

lmfao. because it's a very gay photo? I look at that photo and think "gay" it's just not a very good photo
If those lonely men are demanding their woman weigh a certain weight ( 500, 600lbs) they're going to continue to be lonely. It's her choice what to weigh ultimately.
No doubt about that
My mistake, wasnt aware that the guy was a gay porn star, at least you know all about gay porn to inform me.
are you genuinely too far gone with brainrot to not know about the body contrast side of fat fetishism?

Yes plus the photo it looks like one of those drawiings from the drawthreads that are for the fat men lovers. it honestly looks just like one of those drawings that people comment under it "so cute! :3"
I thought the statement "like em chubby" was to obvious but I guess others didn't get the joke.


Only if you want her. She's picky cause everyone does. And idiots who think they are her can just be ignored. Or you can stop seeking a specific woman, and go for someone that will Fuck you.

Not demanding. I just miss and feel nostalgia for her previous weight. I found her attractive as I do others of that size range, but yeah she can weigh whatever she weighs and I will move on or not if I no longer find her attractive (damn that girl is still fine as hell)

Also yeah contrast is old as hell and an old fetish in this community.
Reading through this thread and seeing the pajeets/underages transparently splooging on their keyboards has definitely made me soft
Regardless of whether she's losing, gaining or maintaining, I just want to see her naked more often. I feel like there's not much naked Boberry content.
Is there any such thing as a coomer site but for Bigcuties?
>I just want to see her naked more often
I think she's only gone nude two times, both earlier on in her bigcuties days. the nude shower set and the naked in the park set, in the park set she was only nude in a few of the pictures and not the video iirc. in both cases she had her hands covering her breasts the entire time and relied on her belly to cover her nether regions. A nude set at her current much higher weight would be great but I seriously doubt she'll do it, it's been a decade since the last boberry nudes
Yeah, I doubt she'll do any more. But a man can dream.
I think that's set #31? One I'm missing actually.

I've got most sets, but not that one. Anybody willing to share?
(144 KB, 800x1191, bob_prev31_ff.jpg)
yeah, I hope she does more interesting stuff too. Honestly her early bigcuties days were the most inventive. she went nude, did a squashing set where a guy played with her fat, and had several fat chat sets. it's disappointing that as she got fatter and more established it devolved into boring half-assed bikini sets where she sat around and did the same thing for hundreds of sets. Her new site is better than that at least.

yeah, it's set 31. I don't have a copy of it myself but it's a great set. Her being nude and jumping up and down causing her fat body to loudly shake about was hot af
I could give two fucks about her stuffing her face. She physically looks different at a lower weight. I prefer her appearance at her peak. It's that goddamn basic.

I think some of her best sets were her first few. I too admit that although she looked good at every stage of her gain, she looked best at her largest. That's not true of all ssbbws though
exactly her deflated back looks terrible now...

The highest weigh in video she made. 613

>>46709 Can somebody share this set? #31.

I'll share some more if somebody does.
her face looks weird, i mean it always looked weird but now her square shaped head is showing through.
Thanks — this and the kitchen video were highlights of that era. (Maybe add the AirBnB tour vid)
Does anyone have the wet T-shirt set where her nipples are visible through her top?
I agree. Some ssbbws don't wear 600+ well. Mary does to a degree that's almost unnatural. She's attractive enough at lower weights, but nothing I'm going to pay money for. Once she crossed that threshold into 600+ territory, I was fucking obligated to subscribe! I'll subscribe again if she ever gets back up there.
>ywn take your fat gf out to a summer vacation
Speak for yourself, fag
You can pick out individual componets by pasting the link into JDownloader.
(925 KB, 668x1484, boberria perv.png) (41 KB, 500x756, f2e42f689fb1f34d94a7e9b117ea5499.jpg)
i had this idea of photoshoping boberry into a princess with custom captions and shit and then post nut clarity hit and this is the dumbest waste of time i've embarked on. if any of you losers likes it do whatever you want with the idea.
the way you guys use random images to tell jokes is really an art form.
I love it! Post more!
No, don't encourage him. No man with self respect should be doing work one handed.

That's "single-handedly", foreigner.
'one-handed' means literally done with one hand. 'single-handedly' means doing something alone, you could say 'single-handed' but that is more awkward phrasing than 'one-handed' imo. 'one-handed' is better in this context than 'single-handedly' to mean that the guy is jerking off whilst making the meme and therefore only one hand can be used for working on it
What am i supposed to do with these “links” you people send that are just random letters
Wtf do I do with that?
retard, lurk more.

No. "Single-handedly" means with "one hand". It is used idiomatically to mean alone, pressumably opposed to as a pair, but it can also mean opposed to many hands. E.g. "Two-handed rifle" vs "Single-handed pistol."

One-handedly is something you just made up or I've never heard it anyway. Technically, I don't know if it's "improper" verbiage in US English, but it's not the common terminology.
Just tell me what they are autist. I dont have time to spend lurking on this shit
Sounds like a you problem
as apologies for cluttering up this thread arguing with a dumb american, here's one of my favourite boberry shower videos (still want to see the naked shower set though).

What are the long links people post here that look like : XYpXRTvSDFHyYDSH
Or something like that, what are they used for
quit acting sus, dude. just lurk like a normal fgt...
they're base64 encoded links, they're entirely unnecessary to use these days but in the past most big models had bots that crawled threads and automatically took down download links. the base64 encoding was used so that the bots couldn't read them as links and so couldn't take them down, but obviously even then it was pretty easy to program the bots to just... decode the links. These days models don't use bots to take down links so often, and good bots can decode base64 anyway, so they're pretty useless and people shouldn't bother doing it anymore but people continue to I guess partly to stop normies from downloading porn lol.

just look up base64 decoder, paste the weird code in, and keep decoding it until a link shows up.
It's not stupid if it turns you on
(2.3 MB, 1591x757, Capture.PNG)
anyone got the video for set 190?

Stop using that site, it's garbage. There are only two dictionaries I trust. The first was one published over a century ago, and was my go to until I lost it. I can't remember the name either. The second is the Oxford University dictionary.

Like I said though: I have never used or have ever heard anobody else say that term before.
Christ you are making this a bigger deal than it is. I understood that he meant doing work while jacking off, that's what was implied in the first place.

Possibly. I found it curious and at least I learned something out of it.
Is there anyway to reach out to Mary?
that's because someone who makes 90k and owns multiple cars and homes is living well beyond their means and is likely a vapid, materialistc, self-absorbed douchenozzle who thinks that flaunting wealth instantly gets you chicks.
>I'm in debt, dress well, and only talk about myself. What do you mean that's not a personality?
90k ain't much these days. That's just above average.
(128 KB, 726x1000, bob_set31_047.jpg) (125 KB, 688x1000, bo_set61_050.jpg) (124 KB, 1003x1200, 320boberry_037.jpg) (126 KB, 887x1200, 326boberry_072.jpg)
You could, but why bother? She can squash you like bug at 500 just as much as she could at 600. Maybe you've been spending too much time here, man; your sense of size is totally warped.
Same. She will always remain one of the few SSBBWs out there who carried her size well at any weight. I loved her earlier sets.
She's always had thick back rolls and a double belly; there was no hiding them even when she was 'thinner'
Found this clip of Boberry on TikTok! That ass is looking huge!
One of the most beautiful women the internet ever saw. Gone, just like that, without even giving us a fart vid

Gorgeous video. Probably the most entertaining video I have seen in a few years. I am happy for her that she is enjoying herself however I can not help but feel like if I was there I would be the only dude there trying desperately to get between her legs! Look at all those nerds, shy and not even paying her attention. I would've been all over that! Hahaha!

Her skin is flawless. Her skin alone is sufficient to make me want to put 10 babies in her.
Sorry this has probably been asked before but between which sets was she at her biggest?

Yeah, that's a screenshot of how I saved my Boberry collection. My fat fetish OCD made me try to map out the dates from the sets near her biggest looking at the exif data from her sets and some other sources.

Time frames would be:
2018 August <> 2019 January = within 50 pounds of max
2019 Jan <> 2019 July = Within 25 pounds of max
2019 July <> 2019 September = Maximum weight
> 2019 September = Begin weight loss

I didn't register the decline after the end of 2019, because it was painful to watch how fast that happened lol. But I think her weight is slowly creeping up.
Captain looked conflicted as hell... he looked somewhat frightful Boberry might capsize the boat (probably even thought of barring her admittance) BUT he also couldn't help eyeballing her insane figure. What a lucky 1st World Problem to have experienced...
Holy shit, this is one of the best struggle clips of Boberry I’ve seen

The boatman is trying to concentrate so much

Honestly, someone should make a “best of” compilation of everything here marked “BIGGEST”—maybe kicked off with a few best of her “SMALLEST” ?
do you think you could post some her videos at her biggest?

The MEGA folder is still up:

Ah, I love BoBerry site drop day. True it's usually nothing NEW new, but it always reinforces my decision to never sub. If there was honor among thieves I'd crowdfund for the PPV stuff that also disappoints.

So I salute the ones that do, and I thank you for your service.

Actually, there should be a little something new in there.
Was the blue bikini and walking thing paid for?
Only if you count the normal subscription. But it's new, and I personally think it's quite nice.
It is, you're right. And thank you. I just wish she took more pics, y'know?
This mega is more complete

Sorry, I forgot this to be the boberry thread.
Does anyone have this full video, I've seen 2 parts, one going up in the boat and the other coming down from it, does anyone have them together in the best possible quality?

Can sombody upload the older bigcuties videos on this megafolder?
Thanks for the drop, as always. For anyone that just wants the new content, I decided to be the change I wanna see in the world and extract that from the drop.

Thank you so much. Much appreciated.
anyone have those vids where she can't fit through the doorframe?
Thanks for the drop men! You're awesome!
(38 KB, 429x597, bb.jpg)
Throwback to when she was at 610+
>>48600 What a doll. Such a lovely woman
she was getting blobby at her highest weight. seeing the most shapely ssbbw succumb to the same body type as her less genetically lucky peers was incredibly hot, like seeing a god bleed.
Which vid was this?
Please send that video!
Nah, she was easily 100lbs away at least from even getting close to becoming blob-berry.
She had a phenomenal body, and was just actually “filling out” finally lol.
Thanks, you don't need to encode links anymore.
I'm doing it anyway.

Here's the last two updates in case no one wants to download 2 gigs.

Does anyone have set 231? PLSSSSSS
can we get a reup on the mega?

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