
What content are you offering since you're starting a new thread?
Without her hair she looks like a retarded baby
>>38339 (OP)
I would rather her lose weight via chemo BUT SURVIVE, potentially to gain it back later, than to have her die.
TF is wrong with yall..
Stop appropiating nigger and trailer trash culture
Look at the positive -- she will come out of this with a million dollars in medical debt. Will have to open an OnlyFans for sure.
this thread makes me sick and I'm into immobility.
hoping it works out for her!

Admiring fat women is appropiating hood and trailer trash culture.
Waiting for a mod to swoop in and delete this cesspool of a thread
(6 KB, 305x165, vincent-crabbe.jpeg)
Now more than ever she looks like that fat henchman of Draco Malfoy.
This fucking site was a mistake.
this thread is a flaming trash heap, OP is a bad man, and will be deleted soon. quick, everyone shout slurs and do a misogyny !
Delete this thread, why the fuck are we talking about this? I came here to jack off, not wallow in the misery o a cancer patient. geez.
You quoted the wrong part. "TF" is was more niggerish than "yall"
Why is this even a fucking thread? Jesus…
Y'all. Just. Y'all.
Half because some human garbage want to make fun of someone going through chemo, half because they still want to lust after her and tug their dicks to what could have been.

Deplorable, all of them.
You forgot the half for the people that want to play the high moral warrior in a board that promotes obesity, immobility and piracy.

Yep, three halves.
Yeah, I'm real sorry for taking a dump in the piss-filled kiddie pool. I'm hiding the thread, y'all can keep racing to the bottom.

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