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didn't see an Echo thread. here's her most recent 13 vids


there was a video i'm looking for, it might be the same as the thread image preview but im not sure. it was when she was much smaller and much more mobile, and she was shaking her ass next to her bed. used to be on thisvid but got taken down, would love some help if someone had it or knew what set it was
also looking for 156, another vid that used to be super common that i neglected to download
prciate it, 012 was what i was looking for. seeing her literally on the cliff of mobility is crazy.

if someone has 156 that would be cool
Would 185 be floating around by any chance..
156 as requested

Any updates in the last few months, I’m guessing she’ll be on the new season of 600lb life?
People have been waiting for that for years. The longer we wait for an update the more I'm sure it's going to happen.

On the same token, Vanilla Hippo did sets at the hospital while she was waiting for gastric bypass, so I don't know what Josie's deal is. It's not like she's drip-feeding content like how the other recently retired models have been doing. Or Trysta who got WLS and is still posting "new" content.

With how much of a cash whale she is, you gotta wonder if Heather even wants to be a webmaster anymore.

I met Jossie on BBW dating site back in those days, where she had this picture for instance. She a few more. We chatted many times, I even planned on getting a plane to New Jersey to meet her, but the lack of money made it not going to happen. Later she posted a picture on Dimensions were she showed her legs with all the rolls and cankles. She was already fatter than in this pic. She was ashamed about it, but people talked her to love herself and contact BigCuties. That's how it started
I swear not a single one of you have ever looked any higher than her ass and have no idea what her face looks like.
I think she looks cute. What's your point, jackass?
The bitch thickened up a bit over the years, but she's still too thin fr my tastes.
Agreed. We need an immobility thread... an active one, I mean.
Does anyone have any of her dancing vids. I got some ultimate pear, Big booty beauty, beauty beyond measure, Phoenix, Asshely, or chocolate pear in exchange.
Cringe and retard.
No trading. Just post your content and ask for what you want.
She has a cute face. I don't care for her buck teeth though.
This probably isn't gonna be received well,
But anyone have more pics/videos when she was "smaller"? >>38152
I will post content, but I am looking for videos 25, 75, 76, 133, and 135. If I can get all of those I will have every one of her vids in one place and can create and archive for them. Once all are obtained, I will make a google drive or something to host them all and update as new come out if possible.
I'm sure I have something. I'll give you when I'll be at home
She has a face? I haven't noticed that
I highly doubt she’s losing weight she’s a glutton. I’ve sent her huge boxes of sweets, donuts before and she’s ate it all within the hour.
She loves her food too much, also she wanted to be this big she’s naturally lazy and food has now let her live her dream life.
She’s probably eating/gaming each night and doesn’t care about new content.
Is she single? How do you know how fast she ate it?

I've never heard her say she always wanted to be this big. She always says it was just incidental. What makes you say that she always wanted to be this big?
Yeah, she’s been single for a long time. Also not the same guy, but can vouch for it. I’ve sent Josie a few boxes of chocolates/pastries and the like before, she messaged back in like an hour and had already eaten all 40 ferrero roche chocolates lol
But you’re right, she didn’t want to be this big. It just happened because she’s a food addict and clearly has a lot of enablers
Looks like it's time for the BBW Chan annual "I don't know what lipoedema is" comments

The majority of her size is not due to gluttony, but due to the above condition. Note the word "majority". I'm sure she is a glutton and there are many factors that can be given to why someone is a glutton, and her condition probably doesn't help, but her size is not due to just being a glutton as a majority
I mean, I realize that but her overeating lead to her being super obese which in turn lead to severe lymphedema. I know that a lot of her weight is swelling/fluid retention, but that’s still related to her obesity
It turns out you're the one who doesn't know what lipedema is if you think the majority of her size isn't due to her being a glutton.

Imagine being this smug and retarded simultaneously.
Lmao, right? I get so tired of seeing the same stupid comment whenever Josie’s size is brought up. It’s like some people, for whatever reason, want to believe that she eats like a bird and that her 800+lbs is all just water weight. Her lymphedema started getting really bad a few years ago when she started getting higher into the 600’s. I’m sure at least 160-200 lbs of her current weight is fluid retention, but lets not act like it wasn’t a direct result of her eating until she was so fat that her lymphatic circulation was impaired
What happened to the Ferrero Roche story? Was another reply to questions deleted? Was it maybe a 48 count box? Please repost it.

Also if the person who took her out for lasagna is still here please tell that story again.
Yeah, that was me. Josie ate 40 ferrero Rocher chocolates that I sent her eithin an hour. Mods deleted a huge section of conversation for whatever arbitrary reason
that literally happes all the time at the /bbw boards, I guess that faggot mod was bored and stumbled upon this thread.
I think it's because he doesn't actually read the threads himself, if he did then every thread would have the same upkeep. I think people just report off topic posts and if there are enough of them then instead of reading the whole thread and weeding out specific posts he just walks the thread back to the last post with content. Presumably because the site has some sort of mass delete function which is more convenient to use.
Yeah, that makes sense. Bad thing is tho, the missing posts were on the topic of the thread; Echo lol if there’s no new content we may as well be allowed to discuss
That's what /gen/ is for and I assume his excuse for moderating this way. They wouldn't put that sticky on every board for no reason. Nothing ever gets deleted on /gen/ so I think they want all discussion centralized there and for the threads on these boards to be used just for posting content. Some threads on the /bbw/ board get moved to /gen/ entirely when they are shitfests like goodgirlgrow's thread, so I don't think the mods actually care about what gets discussed they just want it discussed in the right place.
I don't see/have never seen a 40 count box. Is it possible it was 48 or do you think it was 30? I remember originally you just said it was around 40.
>actually defending the rollback
Discussion is content, "ffs"
>defending the rollback
I am too. I would much rather have a mod that doesn't do things right all the time then to have no mod at all like /booty/.
I aint defending shit, I just don't want to check back to this thread and just see people being pissy every time lmao, I'm here for fat, not whining.
It wasn’t whining tho, for once, it was relevant conversation lmao
As far as I'm concerned, the mod may remove anything that doesn't contain videos or pictures. The rest is just annoying fluff that has me checking threads to find nothing.
2 days later you come in with this absolute dynamite ownage. Oh, wait, you complained about lack of content and didn't include any. Good job showing us how to do it.
Didn't ask don't care

Glad you would get more excited by 5 year old pictures you should already own
Page 9 bump 🖕 fuck complainers
Pointless bump but alas. There was a anon a few weeks ago who needed 5 or 6 missing vids so that he could create a complete Google or Mega Drive folder, load up the videos and i'll share the remaining ones.
>>44137 (Cross-thread)
Is she back in hospital?? Hope she just loses weight and gets to live actual life

" Hey everyone, it's been some time since you last had an update from me and many of you have begged me to take a new one. Unfortunately, I have no privacy when I am in the hospital and I've been back in for several months now. They keep me here to ensure I'm stable as I don't have full time care at home. I like that all of my needs are met, but they don't serve the best food. But for Easter, I was able to order anything I wanted for the holiday and I decided to order out my favorite food.... sushi!

I understand to some that this video may not be the sexiest video, but I wanted to post something for those who've asked. As I said, my privacy and ability to move or undress to give you peeks is limited. But what you won't miss is watching me enjoy my holiday as I stuff this delicious sushi in my enormous tummy. Come sit with me for awhile. <3

Tons of fat hugs,

P.S. I can do another Q&A video if you send questions to mailbox@bigcuties.com they'll compile them for me and I'll try to shoot myself answering those sooner than later"
It's worth paying for if we can see her fat.
> I don't have full time care at home
That's a shame
yes, especially since she could have a team of chubby chasers do it all for free. Also, they would treat her like a queen instead of a bum.
How easy is it to gain weight in a hospital like this?
Ridiculously hard, are you kidding?
>hour-long video
Christ! I can't wait to see it!

What happened to the lady who was with her when she went to Target? I thought that was a carer?

And what does she mean by "stable?" As in health, or as in literally not falling over?

Are you sure? I think a lot of people like the fantasy of it, but wouldn't do it for free. The smell, the care needed like ass wiping and bathing, the lack of vaginal intercourse, the reaction from your friends and family, etc. I would be up for it, but I'm sure many wouldn't. The last infinifat I dated had a fungal smell so bad that it was stuck in my nose for two days after the first date, and I just sat next to her with my arm around her. Plus, polyamory with multiple males to one female isn't very popular.

I do really wish she'd consider dating someone and finding a monogamous mate to move in with her and take care of her at home, though.
>for free
I meant "in real life"*
I have a full blown fat fetish and taking care of echo would be worth it! I'm just weary about dating in general.
same, i expected that is was her daily life
a circle of fans pampering her, and that it was the reason she didn't need to update as much
i'll contact her by email next month so commission a video, if one model deserves my money, it's her
That face is much slimmer than vid #178
Fuck, man T_T She's gotten so skinny... I'm so sad

Why, God, why do you do his to me?
>wish she'd consider dating someone and finding a monogamous mate to move in with her and take care of her at home

She's mentioned trying to date before, but between normies being grossed out by her and chubby chasers only seeing her for her fat and not her personality, it's gotta be hard as hell finding someone right.
Not to victim blame or anything, but she's in a size and situation where ONLY fat-attracted creeps would be interested in her in the first place.

This is not a Sleeping Beauty story - if you want to date her you basically have to be cool with being her caretaker. This is not an equal-sided relationship.
When/where was this? Would you mind finding the quote, please?

True! ;A;
I’d say that’s the appeal to her. I’d be the one in charge. I like the control this lifestyle affords me.
Did you mean the appeal of her? Appeal to her would mean it's what appeals to her as in what she likes about it herself.
She's not a model but she is almost immobile. My ex gf. And yeah I'll drop the vid. Here. The other set is ssbbw struggles
Love when the legs don’t match lol
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Willing to drop one more in return for this set
Echo is such a dork.
Forget about her immobility real quick. She is a hardcore otaku and tries to be cute (at least on camera) no matter how big she gets. That takes some dedication. She has quite the personality and I would like her just for that alone.
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Anyone got 136: Even Fatter Chat?
She isn't actually immobile yet, just not very mobile. We need a local guy to take the matter into his own hands and make sure she actually grows immobile. I would not normally not support any model financially but this would be such a rare and legendary occasion that i could get behind it
How do you know? All her updates are not recent.
Lmao dude they need a crane to move her she’s bedridden.

And yet there's a vid from her hospital stay where she is, in fact, walking under her own power.
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I think it would cost too much time and weight to make her reach the point of total immobility take into account the case of vanilla hippo she reached almost 1000 pounds and she was still mobile, I think that immobility is more of a myth today than something that can really happen to a feedee
hmm I wonder why no one can see her "personality"
it's really funny how much they complain about us the chubby chasers when they themselves sell their content to chubby chasers, and they themselves began to gain weight as feedees
Mobility i s a spectrum. People like Echo are much closer to immobility on that spectrum than, say, Mochii. She is closer to the immobility side than, say, me. On the other hand, professional athletes, dancers, and soldiers tend to be further on the mobility side than me. It is not all related to weight. Boberry is heavier than Mochii, but seems to be more mobile. Being "truly immobile," as in pinned to the bed due to obesity is exceedingly rare. There was Carol Yager, that Egyptian chick, and, well, that's basically it off of the top of my head. For all intents and purposes, Echo is immobile. Gina was immobile. Vanilla Hippo was "mobile," but that mobility was extremely limited. I think it's much more useful to describe levels of mobility when talking about real life humans than to just talk about fully immobile vs not.
she said she hadn't really been gaining cause of hospital, wasn't immobile before.
Mobility is a spectrum, immobility is not on it. Immobility means to have left the spectrum entirely. And i still want to see a feedee achieve it in my lifetime and echo is our best bet. she's not there yet.
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at least you're lucky she has those abnormally obese legs due to her lymphedema that her walking
a difficult task if she were like vanilla hippo or a model with more belly and healthier legs you would have to wait until she manage to gain an absurd amount of pounds for make her body immobile
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What do you all prefer immobilized by lymphedema legs or a massive belly?

I vote for immobilized by massive belly
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Carol was an underfed waif

Who? When I Google I only see a ~200 lb stuffer. Does she have some mobility disorder or are you talking about someone else? Also Eman was ostensibly paralyzed so to call her immobilized by fat is putting the cart before the horse.

I'm local and have known Echo for many years/would marry her if she felt the same way about me but I don't think she is. Her Instagram has said she's not dating in the status for years now. I asked her out like 8 years ago and got rejected. Maybe I'll try again... I would help her lose weight though if that's what she wants.
Legs because higher life expectancy but I guess belly is hotter

Mochii hit 350 this year and because she literally never exercises at all she definitely gets out of breath while just walking around the house

With that said, I think her actual physical troubles with walking are exaggerated on camera (or else we'd've heard a LOT more about her parents' concerns) and it's unlikely she has more issues than boberry
Massive belly for sure
Lol why even name mochii in /ssbbw/ ?
Great footage. She looks great.
This might be an unpopular opinion but I prefer echo when she was still mobile and not bed bound.
Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Does anyone have the newest set yet? I wanna see that update lol
As someone who used to have mobility challenges, you’re exactly right in saying ‘mobility is a spectrum’. It’s really a question of how much you can move and how exhausting it is to do it.

Honestly, if you get enough help, you can sort through quite a bit no matter how big you are at the moment. sometimes I feel like feeders think that immobility is a switch that get flipped at some point. It’s really always more of a spectrum tbh. As a fatsexual, honestly, I think that’s more interesting anyways.
oh for sure. Immobility is a very gradual thing, but I imagine it's quite a slippery slope towards it.

Going from "can walk short distances" to "can walk shorter distances and needs breaks, even if it's 10 feet" to "Can barely stand" to "totally bedridden" is probably hard to stop. Can't really lose much weight if you can't even stand up without getting winded, so hey, might as well sit back down and enjoy that 5th donut. I find that immensely satisfying.
Exactly. There’s something about the resignation/acceptance
Heres that faggot again; 'fat sexual' is code for faggot.
who cares tho?
go outside?
I guess middle school let out for summer break?
Legs. I like the look better, and it’ll slow them down faster
“Fat sexual” is code for “feedist” as far as I can tell.

Why you so damn scared of gay people btw?
Faggots go back to your containment board.
Nothing wrong with being gay. Also, how is a man wanting to fuck a woman (700 lbs or no) gay, dipshit?
Come on don't derail the thread with useless shit. Just ignore the trolls, fap to the fats and move on.
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Shut up. I don't care about what or who you want to fuck.
The fact you open your sentence with "As someone who X" and use the word "Fatsexual". You sound like someone who goes on Reddit. Which is way worse than being gay could ever be, by at least a factor of 1000x, maybe more.
You started off so strong and then you went mask-off faggot. What a disappointment.
Can someone Post the new Video ?
I can't wait to see the new set! It's so long!
Has anyone gotten her to add you on Twitter? What's she posted about lately? I've been pending for weeks.
Has anyone mailed the big cuties email for Q&A for her next set?
Echo is to fat what the Dogecoin millionaire is to Dogecoin. :-/
What's that mean?
what the fuck are you talking about?
Is the new video too long for anyone to upload? :(
Hopefully not. I've seen Echo videos just as long before.


like this one lol
Did someone just slap together 10 Echo clips into 1 file? Dude, there are more artfully done compilations out there.

I snagged this one off a site that was mocking her - ymmv
kinda fucked up they would put oompla loompa music over the last clip of her in the hospital before her break lmao.

as far as I know, she could have been dead (thank god she isn't), so that would've been hella insensitive.
Not anymore insensitive than fapping to her gain even more weight or being immobile.

Don’t go soft on us now and start growing a conscious
lmao, fair point. Though death feederism is a bit too far for me.

anyway, anyone got that new vid? lmao, getting desprate.
There's a difference between what you do in the privacy of your own home and the content you put out on the Internet that anyone can see.

I don't get why some of you guys are so fucking insecure about your fictional immorality and FA guilt
wait wait wait, is there a new video?
Yes, and it's nearly an hour long.
some interpretations of the fetish reduce it to a health/morbidity issue, even those who are into it sometimes see it this way. at the end of the day, there's nothing healthy about being average height 150+ kilos, and sedentary. people who live under these conditions often expereince a signficantly decreased life expectancy. this can weigh on the conscience for some (no pun intended) who are into the fetish since they might feel like they're attracted to morbidity.
to be clear I'm not trying to say whether liking this sort of thing is right or wrong. I know concern trolling can be an issue here but I don't think people's guilt should be dismissed as fictional. many individuals can feel guilty for liking a variety of different fetishes, it's not exclusive to obesity. honestly this is probably a topic better suited for /gen/ and not the echo thread

also sage goes in the email field to be effective
The adjective "fictional" was just meant to describe the immorality, not the guilt.

dOnT gO sOfT oN uS nOw AnD sTaRt GrOwInG a CoNsCiOuS [sic] is some indefensible, retard-tier concern trolling. Don't project your own mental issues onto other people.

Thanks for teaching me how to sage. I didn't know there was a hidden email field.
Uh huh because your average person is definitely gonna see how you’re sooooo much more mentally stable than me. I’m sure if you explained it to them that you like immobile women in a particular way they’d totally understand how caring you are
Good thing this board isn't full of average people and neither is my social circle. Stop trying to defend this retarded projection.

Anyone who blames me for Echo's weight is retarded.
Hey man I feel you get your nut off how you get it, I just suggest we don’t talk about morality on this board
A pirate board based on a deadly fetish criticizing morality is stranger don’t you think
Can anyone share the video where she gets out and then back into bed
Quick question, is Echos Bigcuties worth the subscription? If not, I'll just sub to Sadie.
Yes content is pretty top tier if your into
Immobility imo.

Sadie’s is kinda ehh her body Carries her hard
Sadie has crocodile arms
You have low standards. Pathetic
Who will be reaching immobility? Jackie or Roxxie?
Jackie make no mistake. Roxxie doesn't seem to indulge too much in extreme feederism.
Luckily echo is already there
>>49916 They both have a case:

Jackie is bigger and more mobility impaired already and does not seem remotely in control of her weight gain. A turnaround/intervention would be next to impossible, and by all accounts her eating habits are legendarily bad. On the other hand she isn't a feedee. Likes being fat and is a food addict but only exploits the feedist fetish to make money.

Roxxie IS a Feedee and is living a romantic/sexual feedist lifestyle with a spouse who is a Feeder. She was plateaued in the mid-high 400s for a long time but has recently ballooned to the mid-500s. Her tastes, at least looking at her social media, have gotten darker and more extreme. Seems to be actively gaining.

Both could end up immobile, but my money would be on Jackie for the reason that she seems lazier and less in control. Roxxie seems to place a high value on quality of life, even if the idea of being a total blob turns her on.

Long story short, I don't think either of them would do it on purpose. It'd be accidental/inevitable in either case. And currently, looking at the two of them I just see Jackie as more likely to fully lose control of the wheel. Not sure what Jackie's current relationship status is, but I think Roxxie being in what appears to be a stable marriage makes it less likely she'll go totally off the deep end.
unpurpose immobility is hot, I'm sure they won't despise at much as other fatties.
What kind of autism is this?
Echo is the goat bbw-ssbbw-ussbbw
But it’s the end of the road lol
fuck me. she's an ocean now.
i hope none of them because immobility isn't cool
why are you here then
Is this from a video? I’ve only ever seen pictures of this woman, and never seen this photo before
Because we aren't all mentally ill like you
Posting in a thread just to be a whiny cunt about how you don't like it and using a VPN to try to hide the samefagging are things only mentally ill faggots like yourself would do, retard. Enjoy the smell of your own farts.

Consider discontinuing existing.
seconding this request.
any updates?
not until anyone posts a full mega or the new video.
there's been new content made by her, but if what you mean is something that was shared, than the answer is no.

Someday, a hero shall come.
Would it theoretically be possible to hit her from the back if she was like leaning on a bed standing
No. I mean I think the longest dick in the world is only like 14 inches or something. With the biggest dick in the world, you might be able to penetrate, but no way would you get the 4 inches of penetration needed to satisfy most women.

Theoretically, it’s impossible. But, it would certainly be fun to try. I’ve hit on Josie before, told her that I’d be willing to change my life to assist her and move areas, but sadly she seems to be too introverted and ashamed to take the chance. She’s a special girl tho, no doubt
at her current size? probably not due to mobility issues. in some of her older videos where she's halfway mobile it'd probably be possible if your size is above average but might not feel like much for her. 14 inches seems like a bit of an exaggeration, im skeptical that there would be 12+ inches of blubber preventing you from penetrating when she's at the angle you're describing even at her current size, but again it's hard to tell because she's mostly static in her recent updates
come on, really NO one has the new videos?

Share em already, dammit!
I mean, you can always get them and share with us…
She’s been perfect at every stage at bigcuties
If I could, I would have already. If I didn't have to resort to asking you lot, I wouldn't lol.
Poor Echo no one seems interested in her anymore. I'm assuming by now she's probably about 830 or 840lbs slowly approaching 900lbs I would love to see that sushi eating video, seeing her straight demolish pounds of sushi
I don’t know, even though she’s an absolute glutton, she’s been living at the hospital on a controlled diet for the most part so she may be losing weight and just quietly retiring
I guess she can't lose much of weight, without surgery for the lymphodima, which can be only made in a special hospital (which are likely very rare), probably several, which will cost a lot (be very expensive).
Previous to this, she will continue to grow, particular on her legs and hips, no matter how limited her diet is (even if she only take 800 kilo-calories in a day903c).
Anyone still here who got this before it went down?
>>53968 there is no more "continue to grow" for echo she has to live in a hospital now like this is the max
but maybe.. *louis c.k voice*

Lol. I do wonder what the hospital staff think of her. On 600 lb life when Dr. Now throws their fat ass into a double wide bed at the hospital they usually drop like 50lbs in a month.

Both when Echo fell and spent several months in the hospital, or whatever reason she’s back in there now, she doesn’t seem to be losing much. Who the hell is sneaking that much food in?
I knew it, he wants echo for his season finale!
He wants her as big as possible!
She should stop this and just lose weight,
Even then it’s starting to look too late
You don't understand it at all and seems ro be simple minded:
It is a desease (named also elephantiasis) and the weight is mainly caused by fluid (water). As we know on Carolyn Yager, the end point don't have to be reached (she is not even close to that, as the record was double of her mass). In the hospital can they not prevent it, as them are just caretaker, but here are several operations needed.
Did you just imply that you think Carol Yager weighed 1,604 pounds?
He’s not wrong tho
Any video?

Oh gee, Echo thanks you for this helpful analysis
she was estimated top have weight around 700 kilogramme I think. Echo mostly weighted in the recent years approxiametly 280 - 320 Kilo, as far as I remember.

But the cause of both ist maybe not mostly based on eating, but of their disfunctional bionic, similar as of the half-tone-killer from Mexico.
ffs can y'all just post her new video or shut the hell up?

I'm here for content, not whiney dudes complaining about the weight of a girl they'll never meet.
I'm friends with her, so.

She last weighed in at over 363 kilos, and Carol's actual weight was about 544 kilos, which is known from a lawsuit filed by a nurse that was injured trying to care for her. This was stated on Wikipedia by her daughter.

You have to take those 90's tabloid figures with a grain of salt...
Nothing about Yager or nurse lawsuit. Fake news.
There is no way Yager weighed 1600, unless she was also 7 feet tall. That was exaggerated to be on TV. It makes me wonder why in the first place - surely a thousand pound woman was shocking enough for Springer.
Has anyone got the hoist video to share? Many thanks in advance
Less arguing, more images/videos. Let's not forget why we're here.
Maybe you mix this up with Rosalin Bradfort, which was actual recorded with 544Kg (if not even 570) or Manuel Uribe too.

Carolin Yagers weight was estimated, as it was impossible to weight her accurate at that time, as she couldn't get lifted up from her bed.
Susanne Eman said in around 2011 she will going to break that record, to over 700Kg (if not 770 kilogramme), when she weighted already over 300 (maybe 350).
Check her Wikipedia talk page, retard
Does any got her newer videos?

someone please post them before this thread fully goes of the fucking rails lmao
Any videos
Yeah, unverified. Nothing on wikipoo
Does anybody have a mega folder on her
If she dies, will the subscription be closed and the video will be lost forever?
Yeah, within a day of it happening. Heather may not be proactive with her site these days, but she will prioritize closing down a page when someone dies. She may cater to deathfeedists when her girls are alive, but not when it ACTUALLY happens.
Does she live in a hospital? That’s all the video they show. If she did they would force a diet to lose like on my 600 pound life. So I am not clear how she is able to keep getting bigger.
She's in an assisted living facility, not the same as a hospital
So nobody has the Sushi Stuffing Session video? Ugh I’ve been waiting forever to see that video. I know someone has to have it
Maybe. She did a few sets in the hospital after she fell down. Then spent time in the hospital while her room was upgraded to usbbw standard and to make it easier to haul her out again if needed. We know she got out. But at least based on the sets it looks like she went back to the hospital. She looks to be in a similar but probably smaller hospital room.
it's crazy that the hottest ssbbw of all time isn't making any content.

She's stuck in one position and they're not allowing outside food. The description of that set even said this was for a special occasion. So there's no content she could make that isn't something already done. The only possible update she can give is someone taking a picture of her current weight, but that's an admission that she's losing weight and that's a big no-no.
>they're not allowing outside food
What are you basing this information on? Are you inferring that just from the set description?
fr tho, it's assisted living/hospital, not a fuckin gulag lmao.

I'm sure they try to limit her diet to more "healthy" portions and stuff, but I doubt they strictly control everything she eats. I hope not, at least, she seems to just like eating lol.
"today was the day she could get food from wherever she wanted" yes I'm inferring she's either on a controlled diet or only allowed what she can order from the facility's cafeteria. It's hardly easy access to McDonald's. If either you or >>57621 have more insight into her actual living arrangements, I'd love to hear it.
A diet won't make her lose weight/ is not suitable, as lyphodemia won't get much effected by this.
It is a physical disease, just a disorder among her bio-system. There are needed several surgeries to make proper chances as it doesn't depend on her eating habbits.
So you don't know either and all we have to go off of is a clip description that she was "allowed" to order out a sushi binge. That's all I needed to hear.
She did have it (at least some time ago).
But I don't know what your problem is; sushi is not unhealthy, it is the opposite of junk food. Even know that rice has some carbohydrates. She just have to look which kind of fish she choose, as salomon and some other kinds are fatty fishs (but these are mainly smoked fishes).
You're answering your own question - sushi isn't inherently unhealthy. So why is she being "allowed" to order out for special occasions if it's healthy food? She's being monitored. Probably no more than a set amount of calories a day, especially if she's bed bound.
That doesn't make much sense: I think only disabled people are monitored.
A fixed amount of kilo-joule doesn't make a big gap of difference, if she would take just an average one, where sushi has less than that (below a normal meal) usually.
Even in the hospital specialized for morbidly obese people in New York do people order meals, as the director of it had to return this restriction for fast food, as the patients left the institut rather than to follow this obligation (and some died, because of no medical treatment at home) afterwards.
In the video she says that they let her have "outside food" today so she's probably being forced to eat cafeteria food.
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Sushi can be as theoretically healthy or unhealthy as we want, it’s still calories in calories out that will ultimately determine weight

What the fuck does any of this mean?
Would you share it under any circumstance? If she dies one day so it's not lost forever?
There's a specific retard that always relates topics back to their experience with New York, despite the fact that Josie isn't in NY to begin with. This is some hard cope that she's not being allowed outside food, whether that's care facility policy or if they're limiting the intake of the 800lb woman for other medical reasons.

you're an idiot if you think "no outside food" means she can't make any content.

Bring in a tiny chick. Do some measurements. Put an outfit on her. Roll her over in bed.
Watching her being manhandled by the nurses, that's always nice.
People, she’s not in a weight loss facility. It’s not a Dr Now show. She’s allowed whatever food she wants just like everyone else there.
oh for god's sake, does anyone have her recent videos or not? it's been months since anyone actually posted anything remotely relevant.

You morons just keep debating about shit you A- don't know anything about since you don't actually know her, and B- doesn't fucking matter.
From a tax payers perspective she is eating hundreds weekly in food but can’t work. So we pay for a room to allow her to be more disabled?
A far better use of my tax dollars than blowing it on handouts to Ukraine.
Wow bro that was cold you clearly dont know how it is to have war in your backyard...

Think of it as of a way to pay someone else to fight a war that otherwise would have to be fought by you.

The world is lucky to have Ukraine fight back that barbaric perverted imperialism and military expansionism russia does. Its only fair to give good guys proper tools to eradicate that threat to civilisation russia is now.
You haven't heard her talk about how much she eats
When was her last video? Is there anything new?
To be honest, I don't have any pity for her. I don't say "oh she should lose weight". She doesn't want to lose weight, she wants to die like this. She's happy? ok, I don't care
Exactly. Our women choose this.
God that would be amazing to see

She literally said she isn't allowed outside food normally

I would happily pay more in taxes to see her bloat to 900 pounds

You know what, I'll share the sushi video. I thought that if I withheld it, people would give her money and encourage her to make more videos but it looks like that won't happen.

It's the last video?
Does that mean her real name shall be Josie or is it you who is retarded?
Do you mean like the greedy USA did a babaric war against the small third world country Iraq, just for oil, not for the safetiness of the border at your country (like Russia does)?
How is it that the fattest models attract the weirdest crowd?
Lol. Glow much? "Move NATO eastward" ((they)) said.

Much appreciated. Believe me, I'd love to support her, but for god knows what reason Bigcuties doesn't take paypal.
paypal doesn't do sexual content last i checked
Do you know why she is in hospital?
Rumors has it it’s cause she’s fat
Nothing glows about this. It's a completely sane opinion. Your meds, schizo.

Thanks. It was nice of you to give her a while to sell it.
She said she doesn't have full time care anymore so she's staying in the hospital until she can find full time care again.
If she was staying in a hospital she would be on a diet that would be inforced.
>she would be on a diet that would be inforced.
We can't let that happen.
Can someone reupload the Echo mega?? It got taken down for some reason.
Can someone reupload the Echo mega? Apparently it got taken down?

yall really have issues..this woman is about to die yet you still want her to gain
I would care for her 24/7 for free :(
Does anybody have any early Echo vids they can share?
Does anyone have 185?
I really wish I could get some content. Problem is, Bigcuties payment system (CCBill) has been down for god knows how long. I've emailed them with no response and no fix. I really don't think the models are getting any money at all.
Same here i cant subscribe to any ccbill website it really sucks big time cause they aint doing nothing to fix the issue
(54 KB, 688x708, Capture.JPG)
Just received a response from bigcuties.
It's a you problem, I can visit CCBill without problems, try visiting it from a other location or proxy adress cause it's known that they block certain IP adresses. I have all her content if you need 10-20 sets I can upload those. There are other things you could buy like the new JJ vid (humble suggestion).
I have the same problem, can you recommend some good proxy websites?
I just used brave browser with tor. ccbill works then.
How can you come across like such a mega sperg lol
A tip for the future: stop being a dickhead to customer service reps, their email person is not responsible for your problem.
I could be stupid, but I'm pretty sure "being unable to give the website money" is actually their problem.
I'm sharing some unsorted Echo videos I have sitting in my collection and, in return, please help me identifying from what set each video is from

video 1 is from set 170,
video 2 is a clip from video 1
video 3 is a clip from set 181
and i idk where video 4 is from, but i would like to have it
video 5 is from set 67
(352 KB, 1380x968, echo-vid-067.jpg)
Thanks a lot!
Although I have another video also labeled as set 67, so I figure it's numbered wrong. Which would be the correct set for it?

Also, now that I know those are clips taken from other videos which I happen to have the full version of, here they are, sets 1 and 181

Do you happen to have all the ones between those two lol
pics sets?
that one's missing quite a few ngl
I actually do have the great majority of videos between 1 and 184 (most of them I got from the Mega folder shared above, so my gaps are mostly the same).

I'm more of a video collector rather than pic sets, so there are more gaps in that part of my collection. But I still have a good amount of them:
Here is the rest of the videos from 151 to 184:


Unfortunately, the transfer was too big for WT, so I had to use MAB (which only lasts 2 days, so be quick)

With the exception of set 25, all of the gaps are for picture-only sets, there is no video for them.
Which vids are missing? I have a complete collection.
Its stuck at 38%
My bad, I accidentally closed the upload page. Here's a re-up:


Give it a couple of hours (I promise I'll keep the window open this time)

I'm missing:
Set 25 - Fat Friends (+ BC Kennedy) (parts 1 and 2)
Set 154 - Comfiest Cook
Set 157 - How My Garden Grows
Set vid-185 - Pastry Party
Set 186 - Sushi Stuffing Session

Thanks in advance :)
I think you actually do have the Kennedy videos, but you misnumbered them as no.s 67a and b, but you're missing the actual video 67.

Anyways, I'm wrapping up all your requests plus #67 and shall call back when they are online.
Part 1...

...and part 2:

Wonder how young echo would react to her current pics if you showed her, would it have changed anything
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go slurp tsar putler's soft cock before you get drafted to die for his gas rubles
t. asshurt Azov stan

I get that you fags are freezing over there but cranking it to US braphogs won't keep you warm long term
Very blessed, thanks a ton!

I think 171 may be borked, but that might just have been me.
which sets are her weighins?
All weigh-in and measurements videos:

Let me know if I forgot any

It’s wild to think about. i genuinely don’t know what she really thinks about what’s happened to her. You’d think an 18 year old would be horrified that she was destined to blow up to 600 lbs in another 18 years and 800+ fucking lbs in 22. I bet she’d still be massive but maybe not so truly fucked.
chance for reup?
She said she lost a lot of weight… for now

Maybe all the concern trolls can back off for a bit lol
Holy shit, she is so hot.
Can somebody drop the new set?
boi prepare yourself to wait at least 3 weeks or so
Those of us with eyes knew that already from the previous update.
I wonder what weight she maxed out at, any ideas?
Officially she hit 800lbs in one of her videos but that was after spending months in a hospital after she fell. There's one video, from that time she was in hopital in which she says that her legs were much bigger before... So I would assume that she was well above 800lbs when she was first transferred to the hospital. Sadly she never said or wrote anything about her highest weight. Would also love to know what her peak was.
Since it is Christmas, is someone, wanting to share, her latest update, all pics and video? Please & thank you!
Fuck i wish Echo content was actually good. Why dont we get videos of the bitch showering and shit like that?
Shit I would love to see her just straight devouring a table full of food or like three or four boxes of pizza like the girl did on my 600 lb life...She had like 2 large of pizzas, cheese sticks, hot wings, and a brownie from Papa John's and literally sat there and ate the entire meal with only a few scraps left, she was so full it was like her stomach was gonna explode...That literally is one of the best eating scenes of my 600 lb life
Weighting in at over 800 lb we all know Echo's appetite is out of this world and she probably literally eats everything in sight but when she makes her videos she tries to be modest about it she'll eat like one burger or a couple slices of pizza and tries to act like she's full yea right
Which one is what?
(5 KB, BC Echo Archive.txt)
It's still not midnight here, so there's still time for a last minute Christmas gift
Enjoy ;)


I can also share any other videos in the list I'm including
(which are basically all of them, except the picture-only sets)
I strongly urge you guys to give her money. She needs it so she can get back over 800 pounds.
Says still uploading
Ok its done thank you santa we dont deserve you !
if she uploads more often and do customs, i'll literally throw my life savings

bro customs would be epic. what would u order?
depends on what she can do
if she has help from a skinny girl, echo trying to fit into jeans, squashing, body compare
otherwise, whole day eating journal, giving anime recommendations while eating sushi, ice cream chugging
A user said he took her on a date and what she ate and it sounded legit to me but I didn't save it and he's never replied when I bring it up in the thread
If bigcutites took paypal, I would lmao

but since they don't... anyone got the new set lol
(159 KB, 1200x799, DSC01122.jpg)
Thank you!! Would you be willing to share videos 57, 112 and 117? I seem to be missing those. Also looking for any photo sets from 81-169, 183 & 185

Here are some additional Echo videos: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzluWTNKb1FqVTVaVnB0YVE9PQ==

>giving anime recommendations while eating sushi

I would love to poke this girl in her belly button with my cock. She has no idea, does she? At the bbw bash she would probably look right past me. Her body's incredible. Love her face and hair too. Will I ever get to fuck an ssbbw, I wonder?
this right here was Echo at a perfect weight for me. Still absolutely massive, but not completely bedridden. To each their own I guess!
Here are sets 112 and 117
Set 57 is pictures only.

Btw, that was me
I wanna see her sit on glass from below
There is no piece of glass anywhere on Earth strong enough to make that possible

Wrong, faggot. I'm a glazier and I routinely install glass that can support 2000lb. That's not even the strongest glsss available. You dont know what you're talking about.
>>66161 Surely he was being fasicious.

The word is facetious, retard. I'm a glazier. Don't fuck with me.

Okay, guy, but you're fan. Go squirt g.

Tell all the pedos in hell that I said hello
>>66174 When. You. Are. In. Hell. Say. Hi. To. The. Child. Rapists. And. Racists. For. Me.....

Okay guy fan or queen.
If it wasn't for the content people share here, I'd never touch this site with a 30ft pole
echo is just the ultimate ssbbw blob, her shape and hips and weight and attitude are beyond elite

im really hoping she just fattens up well beyond 1000lbs, seeing her get bigger and bigger has been the best content on this site. would love for her not only be the fattest girl in the world, but see whats the absolute fattest a human can get

I wish she'd do slob content
echo covered in stains of food and wrappers, burping loudly as she tells you to get her more food ♥
maybe a few fake farts for good measure

Why fake farts? I bet that bih rips ass every 30 seconds
Can someone please re up the videos that were posted on the 12/26. He said he posted all of videos but my kid got sick I missed it
Does anyone by chance, if possible, have Echo's latest set, pictures & video? Would be a fantastic sendoff for the year, please & thank you!
Can someone please re up on the Echo videos that were posted a few days ago
Can you re-upload
Yea can someone please re-up the videos that were posted the day before or after Christmas. None of these other blobs really interest me but Echo, she's so fat it's ridiculous. On that one video "Too Fat for the hospital." She's laying in a bed that holds a 1000 pounds and she's literally bursting out the sides of it Jesus Christ
She must stink
Well by her being in the hospital I'm pretty sure she has those pretty young girls to come in there and clean her up so she probably doesn't stink that much haha

this is the kind of content i want to see.
Does anyone have the video "To Fat for the Hospital"

the braps
she looks good. They drained all that fluid out of her legs, her skin looks better. Unless its all photoshop touch ups.
She is losing weight :(
Looks like an icecream cone thats melting
man, I'd rather have her alive, than dead and 1,000lbs.
good for her
my only regret is that she didn't make more videos
Echo, if you're reading this, time to make ten videos a day and sell them later
That comment made me laugh so hard that i lost my boner hahahah
Only because she was on a diet in the hospital. She said that she can whatever she wants now that she's at home.
i agree, she should do way more work and film more videos. at this point its not about the money, its a cultural legacy, a fetish subculture or something
"Someone left a cake out in the rain"
Any videos???
Is it true that she decided she doesnt want to be immobile anymore?
I don't think she ever did. She's said in some videos her goal weight was just whatever weight she was at in that moment. Echo isn't really a gainer, just a fat fuck gal who loves to eat lol.
ive updated the coomer for the immobile lvlynightmare, if some1 could post new echo content thatd be neat
You know that it is by a sickness/ lypidima, as we mentioned this several times here (and it is obviously) and not so much by eating...but make propaganda
True but her eating habits exacerbate the issue.
Is it true shes autisdic
Probably. Most of us are too.
U mean literally putting 3 posts with no content whatsoever since the last update 6 months ago?
I know it from Darryl Hannah.
It doesn't appear like she is consuming a huge amount of food, like of an addict on My 600lb Life, nor does she often have fast food.
It are rather normal food choices what she have, like an average amount of sushi..
So without this desease she would be possible not even a SSBBW.
If you think based on her eating videos her diet consists of a few pieces of sushi or a small slice of cake, you definitely don’t know what you’re talking about. Everyone knows she plays down the eating addiction on camera and then goes crazy off camera
>>66915 (Cross-thread)

This. Remember leaving to grab something from the car and the ussbbw absolutely to town with junk food and dessert, thinking I would be gone for a while. Walking in on that, especially when it was given expected since she never ate that way in front of me, was an eye opener.
Which is bonkers, you know that? We want to see her go buck wild on a family-style meal, not keep composure on camera.
She’s on a chux pad 🤢
Yeah, she's had leaky legs for years.
Are you talking about Echo?

No, someone else who is a huge eater but will never show it on camera or even around people.
Well you are delusinal and live in a fantasy: She most likely eat private less than in videos, as most of these feeding-models do (they eat nothing for several day before doing a stuffing).
>you are delusional
>t. person who doesn't understand thermodynamics
I know her. You're wrong.
You don't get to be 800+ pounds by eating nothing for several days. Echo is well known to have a food addiction that led to her eating a mind-blowing amount of food each day
Most of them eat nothing for several DAYS before doing a stuffing? Why do you make up bizarre and obviously fake bullshit as if you have any insight or knowledge? It's humiliating to read, stop it.
Fuck, man. People like you with uninformed ideas about architecting SSBBW make it harder for guys like us. Get your head out of your ass. Life isn’t a cartoon. These women don’t starve themselves for days! They might stick to standard meals or graze, but no super fat is gonna abstain for days!
Lol, its always funny to see those guys who think that someone could get to 700 or 800 pounds by eating only salad just because they have lipodema. There are plenty of those morbidly obese people who will even openly admit that they have some binge eating disorder going on besides their lipodema. There is no way getting to those weights without having the food and calorie intake of two families.
can someone just post a fuckin video or some shit instead of arguing about her

I'm here to jack my dick off, not read some dude's essay on why or why not she has an eating addiction
not a part of this discussion but I agree. take that to the general discussion, heck, get a discord together. Just anywhere BUT the thread so others can actually do what it was intended for, to share and watch content
A man of principle I see. Cheers.
This makes no sense, as she could sell more contend the nore she eats.
And most models munch in these feeding/ eating (mukang) videos more than usual by far (the very waste majority of these sex workers).
Someone else had this point 1 or 2 years ago, that these models are starving for days (like Hungry Fatchick/ Candy Godiva) to make a Mukang on camera. Probably Rosie as well and maybe Reenaye too.
(2.6 MB, 640x358, 1.mp4)
hate to break the wall of text but does anyone have this video? would appreciate it
Does anyone have the mega link?
pretty sure it doesn't work anymore, even if I did have it
mega got nuked for dmca. someone might recreate it, but it probably wouldn't last for long. wish torrents were allowed, they'd work well for long running models like echo with a lot of videos, who are still semi-active but infrequently post updates
New set is out
Any videos ??
New vid any good?
Any videos?
Any videos?
>Jan 2021
>May 2022
>Dev 2022
>Jan 2023
>Feb 2023
Three videos in a row, time to sub again
Skinny bitch!
Turns out being home was all she needed to start making content again. Who would have guessed.
Kinda disappointed she doesn't make any video in advance, but yeah, you're right
Her amazon wish-list link is broken too
>Marketed as a valentines set
>Clearly Christmas themed
I mean, it's all new content I suppose, but why not just take valentines themed photos if that's the theme you're going with?
Last few sets she has a crazy look on her face
She's probably medically exhausted from the hospital stay and she's not wearing any makeup. Not to mention the weight she's lost aged her pretty rapidly.

Not 100% sure of the specifics of this person’s situation, but I wonder if she is a ward of the state.

Would kind of change the dynamic if it turned out that whoever is taking these photographs is taking advantage of someone with a disability.
She was perfect 170 and before
I think her breathing issues probably have a lot to do with it. Honestly she was way hotter before. As for whether someone’s feeding her. In one of the videos where she goes to some mall you can see a guy reflected in the side windows of the van she’s getting out of. Maybe this guys was her feeder/bf or some shit. But maybe just a camera man. The fact that she’s adamant she doesn’t want a relationship suggests to me there probably was a feeder at one point. Maybe she got sick of being belly fucked. Just theorising but I’d love to know her story behind the scenes
Where was the wishlist link posted?

That was just her cameraman
I would like to send her some chocolates to celebrate that she's back home
She doesn't want a relationship? Earlier vids she was practically begging for a boy. Guess she got jaded.
Someone pls can send the new sets?
He's right.
She should slim down to at least 300
Fuck off, she's not going to convert for you. Stick to your unfulfilling relationship.
>>73146 I would rather die alone. I love the beautiful girl. More than my love for ass, more than my love for breasts, or the smell of a woman's hair after many hours of sex.

I don't have money now, but someday I'll have it.
Do you mean pounds?🤨
As she is around 300Kg currently (or was it at her heaviest).🤔
lol seethe more faggot. He's right, she looks like shit and she's dying. Also she wants to lose weight you retard. You think she's actually into the fetish or likes being so disabled? Just a food addict. Fuck you wanna bring up relationships? I'd wager you're a virgin but if you're not your relationship can't be too fulfilling if youre here. Go beat your meat to some echo previews bitch
Lol the people who say "You're hot, but you'd be hotter if you were 800 pounds" are crazy, but the people who genuinely mean it and see no problems even when it's staring them in the face are on a whole notha level of rarted-ness
Fuck off retard trying to reignite a 6 month dead debate. The only faggots here are the ones who come into threads to whine about how the models "look like shit." I bet you're an ugly fucker.
anyone got her most recent vids?
Can someone please upload some type of content on Echo she's falling lower and lower on this list and she out weighs majority of the women that's listed above her
(192 KB, 800x1191, 190echo_all[1].jpg)
Thread's on its way out, but for anyone who is still here... new update.
Has anyone seen the new content?

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