
You’re awesome my man
Holy shit you’re awesome dude
>>36917 (OP)
SHE'S AWESOME! I only knew her pictures on stufferdb, but she talking, straight out, authentic, kind of melancholic.. , still pretty - so sweet.
Thanks for this drop, anon!
damn she rules.
I’m gonna buy some clips from her, i’m waiting for her funnel video, someone have other clips from her?
what good timing. I was just contemplating buying "how fat are you gonna make me" but wasn't sure since I hadn't heard her speak yet.
No body else better buy it and share it (feel free to buy it and NOT share it)... makes me feel like I just found out everyone but me has been xeroxing their money
You are a legend.
What’s her name?
U deserve the best king

Literally in thread title
She’s fucking amazing. Honestly, she’s come on so hot that I’m afraid she’ll burn out after a few months and disappear again
I seriously hope not. She's really interactive and her content is pretty good, and she seems really enthusiastic about it
She does this in waves, I traveled to Iowa to see her maybe 5 years ago and the whole weekend was *all* about feedism, like Dimensions library tier “straight to the point”.

Totally vanished like a month later.
She’s a wet wipe… save your money. She comes and goes every 3 minutes. She just wants your cash $$$ don’t be fooled
(40 KB, 721x720, esy-056805048.jpg)
She totally stole the one that should not be named her thunder.

All content producers want your money. This isn't a big secret and it's how the whole thing functions.
That adds up to me. She seems like the hot-and-cold type, just from how intensely focused she is on this atm
Anyone have some vids?
She isn't forcing anyone to spend their money. Just enjoy the slipstream and be quiet. You're only advertising to everyone your pathetic status on the dominance hierarchy
Any more to tell? I’ve been wondering if she’s genuinely THIS into being a feedee and stuffing - but then again it’s all on camera! She seems like she does at least want to gain pretty quickly…
damn is she only on curvage?
Whether or not she's going to stick around, she's hot, fat and makes good content. Let's take advantage while we can
Anyone got her latest videos
Anyone have the latest try on?
Someone can reup the videos on mab? Or mega? Wetransfer don’t work
anyone got the new stuffing yet? Seems like its good.
Anyone have it?
here's a reup
Anything new?
Really hoping to see some vids of her, especially ones where she tries on shirt/jeans from when she was small
she is posting so often on curvage., Any of her new stuff good?
Yeah the worth watching
Can anyone re-up something? Especially the stuffing vids? I wanted to buy something from her but she doesn't have any preview and I'd like to get a taste before throwing money away
Bought her new workout/ comparison/ humiliation vid. The content is great but the quality is dog shit. For 7 bucks I can't really gripe.

Uploading in the hopes that someone can pull of some digital wizardry and doctor the quality to something more acceptable.


I'll reup some of her good shit so as to not put folk off.

that site looks like its going to make my computer insta-dead.
You absolute legend man, thank you!
Can you upload it to WeTransfer?
>>38979 people really complain about everything, next time you buy it
I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound ungrateful or offend anyone, just that "Anonfile" is said to contain viruses.
I apologize if I offended anyone.
It was fine for me man just use an adblock
The reason i use anonfiles.com, is because they don´t respond to dmca complaints
(41 KB, 745x1100, 50F2E1E0-D66F-4467-A9EE-5D7C675239D6.jpeg.d735b616620bcfa9449feb800893c5e4.jpeg) (461 KB, 655x932, 04043BD4-3D3F-4C66-88C7-052A6D2A5C66.jpeg) (59 KB, 672x1100, C9EFBF66-2250-4E30-9CDD-F05134A515DB.jpeg.23f08059c3960aad03726afcb65f68ba.jpeg) (40 KB, 744x1100, BF987EED-238E-44D4-8E64-F09D41C2A0A9.jpeg.e404b6cab6b7ecfc2f904aeb55895956.jpeg) (798 KB, 1284x949, D54459D9-A0EB-4FED-ABB3-98AD7659215E.jpeg) (5.9 MB, 1284x2778, 12D88934-EF9A-4654-9404-D2B4DE3DDE80.png)

for the boys
How much she weigh now?
Hi! Please take this down or I’ll have to use legal action! Thank you :)
Obviously I figured posting shit online would come to this, but didn’t realize it would be as frequent especially with my watermark on my videos. I work hard on my videos. my videos are like max $10 lol. Probably gonna go back to eating & gaining in peace because of all of you. Thankssss
Hi! Please take this down or I’ll have to use legal action! Thank you :)
Stealing someone’s hard work..sooo fucking awesomelol
Literally no clue what the fuck you’re talking about lmao. We definitely have NOT met. Don’t be a creepy liar and use me in fake scenarios. Thanks!
The only reason I probably will stop posting content is because of threads like this.
I think you have to take the links down yourself (easy), sharing content isn't against the rules here.

Your videos aren't max $10 and getting all your vids will cost you upwards of $500, in the good old days you could subscribe for $15 to a model and get one vid and pic set shot by a professional photographer a week. Could you believe that? Plenty of notable models started out like that before they got money hungry. There are more interesting models who sell individual clips, no one can buy everything, people upload there stash here in hopes other anons will reciprocate and share something they're less interested in but would like to have nonetheless. A nice side-effect is that their videos will be preserved when they chicken out cause of a tiny bit of headwind which imo you shouldn't do cause then you completely lose the rights to your work.
Yep already submitted the requests.

My videos on curvage are EACH max $10. Do you expect to buy one meal for $10 and receive all other meals free? If people want to buy 1 video or 10, that’s their choice. But like I said, each of my videos is max $10 on curvage. Things change, in the “good ol days” things were a lot cheaper. Including money I spend on the amount of food I eat per video.

Not sure what you mean by me losing rights to my work. If it’s my work with my copyright, it’s mine.

was saying “there are more interesting models” supposed to be a dig? I’m not saying I’m hot shit and never have. Just saying I would appreciate people not steal my content? Lmao.
Also fun fact for you😘
If you’ve posted online and it’s truly yours, then it’s officially yours. All genuine content published online is immediately protected under copyright thanks to Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

What it means is that anyone who takes your content and pastes it without permission violates copyright law.
It's not stealing though? For this thread to exist people have to buy the content. If anything if would be more concerning for you if people weren't sharing your videos at all since would it mean they most likely suck.

…just google “copyright infringement”
nope, your're hot, your're my type. I personally rarely share content from active models I subscribe to. your content is definitely something I will buy when I can afford it a few years, so please don't leave.

I don't know all the ins and outs, iirc when you file a DMCA request you have to link to the source of the file, if the source is gone where it was available for sale your claim can't be verified and it can be argued that your weren't financially harmed in any way. But I didn't look up the law, it just seems logical to me.

Did you ever think to consider that this behavior would mean she would stop creating new content? What is her fucking incentive to keep making new content if it just gets shared for free? Do you really think your bullshit excuses convince anyone?
Hey nice, someone on here with a brain. Thanks for having common sense
don't complain to me me when I didn't share her content or ever begged for it. I'm not excusing it but i'm not sperging out like you either, you know damn well every model here is victim to piracy but not all of them get disillusioned by it, personality plays a role here. why are you here anyway if not for free content?

Um you are excusing it. And yeah it would be nice for her loyal fans if she didn’t stop producing new content because of the incel beggars on here but can’t blame her if she does. I guess you can all congratulate yourselves now for testing your theory that pirating content won’t have negative consequences. And I’m not here to get free stuff but to tell you you’re a piece of shit.
>I guess you can all congratulate yourselves now for testing your theory that pirating content won’t have negative consequences.

It isn't a theory it's true, I don't see Mal, Randalin and Boberry throwing a hissy fit here.

And lol, "incel" you normies need to learn new words it doesn't mean "angry virgin loser' but "person who wasn't sexually active in half a year but would like to" if you come all the way from Curvage to this place to call me a piece of shit cause your internet GF is throwing a temper tantrum you definitely fall in the first catagory.
you keep going back and forth- begging me to stick around so that when you have more money to purchase a $10 video, you can & in turn, saying I’m throwing a hissy fit, temper tantrum & there are more interesting models than me. It’s exhausting, pick one & stick with it. Also. Please work on your grammar before insulting someone else’s. It’s embarassing.
I can spend $10, I just don't buy any individual clips at this point. Also didn't insult anyone's grammar, I pointed out to him/her he was using terminology incorrectly. I meant 'more interesting models" as in your aren't the only interesting model out there. But there are, of course, many models I like more than you in respect to body-type and what becomes apparent now, personality.
Perfect. I wouldn’t want anyone who used a derogatory term for someone with Asperger's, to support me anyways. Bye 😘
just another reminder about anyone who wants to pirate my content, I don’t fuck around but if you’re stupid enough to find out, keep the following in mind.
No image, video or information of TheBigAssBBW displayed on any site may be reproduced, transmitted or copied.
Contravention is an infringement of the Cooyright Act and its amendments and may be subject to legal action.
Get the fuck outta this thread. JESUS FUCK
People pirate shit, always have, always will. You ever downloaded a song or movie illegally? Did you feel guilty?

You aren't going to persuade anyone here to stop. If you want an example of how to engage with this community to discourage pirating then have a look how Mochii does it in her thread.
Tagged the wrong comment, meant this one.
Downloading a mainstream movie/song when I was 15 years old that already had millions of dollars made? No I didn’t feel guilty lmao.

It’s extremely expensive to eat the way I do for the videos I post for people who enjoy it to watch. Literally ANY money I make goes to food/materials for my videos. Comparing me pirating a Simpson’s movie to a very new model online is not relevant.

I’ve looked at Mochii’s thread and from what I see, she posts very old content. Like a year old. Which is smart in my opinion. I’ve been on curvage since end of January. My shit is not even 3 months old.

You’re right, there’s absolutely no way I will get anyone to stop so I’ll most likely just stop which is unfortunate because I really enjoyed making content and showing everyone how big I’m getting. However the only way to afford the lifestyle of being a seriously dedicated feedee is to model online (my full time job pay goes to bills and living expenses)

Obviously there’s PLENTY of models identical to me, so I will most likely just stop posting content and go back to being fat and happy offline lmao. This shit’s for the birds.
You’re telling me to get the fuck out of a thread that is a thread about me? Lmao. R u ok?

Then leave curvage, nobody gives a shit. The only one who gives a shit, is your bank account
You have some personal issues you need to sort out. Hope you figure it out of your moms basement 🙁

You just keep threatening to leave. Then leave LMAO
😘😋 maybe I’ll stay just for you

You need the money. I get it
And you can’t afford $10 videos. I get it.

finally we agree on something. What a fucking milestone.
Lmao that was funny. I’ll give you that 😂
You might as well leave just join a forum like fantasy feeder and chat with people there about Feederism.

Being a gaining model is a toxic relationship to begin with fans.

I think your first mistake was caring about how a small amount of people are pirating your stuff.

Your second mistake was actually engaging in a discussion about pirating. Like trying to convince the mafia they should play by the rules.

And your third mistake was threatening them with either legal action (over a 10 dollar video) or leaving the scene (while there's a sea of big girls).

I don't think you're really going to get anything from this lol
(1.9 MB, 500x272, 897.gif)
anyway shes not wrong about trying to protect her content from being pirates but u guys dont have to be assholes about it
maybe try and say something nice
like "do a nude video"
Are you new to this board?? This happens every single time a content creator comes here to say the same shit. They think they are somehow going to convince people to stop sharing their shit. It never happens and they always get upset.

I can promise you that her her content being posted here is not contributing to any loss of revenue. The people who want to buy her videos still well and people who find her content here may even be future buyers.

It has long been proven that pirating has not lead to any loss of revenue for creators. If it really was a big deal companies like bigcuties or curvage may have tried something to counter whats going on. Both parties have admitted that this probably brings them more business.

People say stupid things. Things like threatening legal action over a $10 video; when there is no possible way for something like that to happen. People are gonna say shit back to raddle them up.

This is the fucking internet. LMAO "say something nice"
The chan is not for sensitive people
exactly why i said what i said
yall just want an excuse to harass people,even if its someone u got some kind of appreciation towards
Let's see some re-ups boys! I wanna get some more of her content before she files legal action lmao
Couldn’t you just imagine her on Judge Judy? Ill fitting clothes, fast food on her podium whining a bout her videos and cost of meals?

Maybe a good idea for your next video; That’d really help expand your fan base. Keep up the good work you greedy piggy!
I guess on the bright side she doesn’t have to worry about people like me who don’t share things and just consume because I don’t care about strangers.
I’m probably going to make someone here mad for voicing this, but here is my if-I’m-being-honest-with-myself take:

1) Anyone who says that piracy “doesn’t impact sales” is living in a fantasy universe. Obviously it does—people like not paying for things they want. Free advertising, blah blah blah, whatever— like many people I’d pay for more content if that were the only way to get it.

2) Piracy will always happen—but assuming that means it’s not going to annoy the shit out of some content creators is also willful ignorance. The loss of revenue for the work—real or perceived—is still going to feel frustrating, especially for something so personal.

3) Maybe it’s just that a porn board is liable to be populated with men with an inability to relate to women, but angry shitposting is not actually awesome. Yeah “it’s the internet” but it’s like saying it’s okay to be a shitty driver because there are so many shitty drivers on the road. No, fuck you, watch where you’re going.

I buy content, I download pirated content here and there. I’m no saint, but I’m not going to fantasize that pirating content does impact the creators and that its only natural to respond by being a whiny bitch when they get get upset by it.

That said, feel free to light your pitchforks or whatever.
>>39501 the funny thing is that they stop airing this ad because they pirated the song lol
you are angry about how men act around porn when they are horny lmao. I would bet my fucking left ball that you have gotten videos from here so stop the virtue signaling, she ain't gonna fuck you
He admitted to piracy you retard. Dropping buzzwords like virtue signaling in response is such an NPC way to act
To be totally fair I’ve bought many of her vids and have been on this forum. Sad it’s going down this way because everyone is being an asshole to her for wanting to protect her shit. But theft and piracy is always finna happen. But as I said I’m an enigma who pays for content and uses this board when I can’t afford anything it’s not a bad thing. I hope she reads this and sees there’s loss and gain that comes with the modeling scene. I’ve bought at least 50 bucks worth of content in a week. I know others have too she’ll be aight.
Imagine being this passionate about any of this. I just came for the drops lol
“Drops” is exactly what the conversation is about, smartass
Conversations are cool. But not as cool as drops.

Lol, no. You won’t do shit, bitch. Thanks for the free videos, though!


You have no idea what “working hard” means. Showing off your depreciating assets for crumbs is a poor business model; you should have married your feeder immediately instead of letting the entire internet see your fun bits. Go back to a regular job if you feel some kind of way about it. We’ll all be over here “working hard” on our respective hard-ons, stroking off and moving on to the next free pair of tits.
That's one of the lesbianest things I've read on this site. And not the sexy kind of lesbian.
Just the behavior you’d expect from a hermit living in a chat board. Full of rage and hornnieness from lack of female interactions
Anyone have the new vid? Looks incredible
So we gonna act like that just didn’t happen in this thread

Cool with me
anything new?

Let’s keep it going
WTF 700!?!?
I’m supporting this chick like she’s got a really crazy fucking goal. Idk if this is her actual goal or just a heat of the moment kind of thing
I am very confident that she's into it, she's definitely bigger than when I saw her last. She and her sister are def both living with a food addiction at the very least, she is a black hole when it comes to eating and incorporates it into her sex life in a way that feels very genuine (speaking as someone with experience with women who are purely role-playing as well).

I think what happens is she's obviously hot and young and huge so people go nuts for her content, which feels good but you hit a certain point where it all becomes pretty real. Thousands of people sharing your pictures around online can be intimidating if this isn't something that you're open about.
how tall is she?
I think we F’ed up our chance on seeing that already. If she does get that big it might be behind close doors.
I'd like to think she's calmed down from it - any model worth their salt knows this place exists and they just have to deal with it. If she lets a place like this stop her from making any money, then it's a big loss. I mean, I downloaded a vid to see and would honestly buy clips from her.
I can't put an exact number on it but I'm 6'2" and I'd say I have probably 4-6 inches on her. She's taller than average but not like someone you take notice of for their height.
Any one have the newest videos
Anyone have her new weigh in? Looks great
Her Curvage profile says she’s 5’7”
Now if we could just know her new weight ;)
Anyone able to upload some recent content? Here is the latest weigh-in: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMKGNvbnRlbnRwbGVhc2UpV1F6UW5neVpFOVFXbmM9
462. At the beginning of the 7k video, the loud footsteps creaking, then her collapsing into her couch crevasse, reminds me of the mom from gilbert grape.


fucked the first one
Legend, thank you!
Anyone have the new weigh in?
Anyone got anything where she’s trying outgrown clothes?
Here yah go

Here is Eating a whole cake and weighing in at my highest weight EVER after a 13K calorie day🐮🐷


Feb 22 weigh in🐖& u find ur gf ravenous in the fridge🐷family says she needs to lose weight

Looking for
Tinder date secretly makes me gain 200lbs overnight

Binge with me-450+lb SSBBW addicted to food & feedee lifestyle with no signs of stopping😈
Did you really just reupload my file that's still available through the link right above your post?
Any kind bro have her first’s weigh in?
she really is a careless, slobby pig isn't she?
Does she have videos with better angles than front on just showing her from waist up eating?
Does anyone have donuts are a fat girl's friend
Would love any videos of her, she’s awesome
Which vid was it you refer to and do you or anyone else have it?

Loud creaking sounds interesting ^^
So yeah, same shit camera angle as always
JFC!!! how did I miss this thread/girl? ANY reups would be appreciated.
Anyone have the BJ?
I need all videos of her
Bumping, we need some vids of this awesome girl
100% bump this adorable slob
I bet her snatch smells like the Cheesecake Factory
Maybe the once who uploaded before can reupload would appreciate that
she's been uploading a lot.. any reups?
I gotta bump this one. She is so hot, and the frequency of weigh ins is ridiculous!
Here are some vids with a weigh in
How do i encrypt this?
Don't know why you wanted anon's name encrypted but here you go.
Anyone have the most recent clip?
can somone reupload any new or previously shared content? haven't found out about her till now.
Bump for vids
Can someone reupload the caught stuffing video at the fridge. It's perfect.
Damn, I hope someone comes through on that. GTS BBW stuff is rare and much appreciated.
Can anyone re-up the fridge raid vid? Or any video at all for that matter
Here's just the recent Burger King vid that was uploaded a while ago:
Anyone got the recent chair break vid?

is there a typo in this? it's from yesterday but it's already down?
Anyone got the fridge raid plus chair break?
Bumping for vids, requesting anything involving tight clothes, please help me out
Please!! Could you please send the filler videos? Thank you very much for sharing the videos :)
Any recent clips? This fatass slob is the best.
can you send the previous videos you bought? please :)
She’s over 500lbs!
What did she weigh in at?

If she's over 500 pounds, Bonnie is too. Think of every other 500 pound person you've ever seen around her height and she's not even close.
Yeah, honestly she’s been transparently lying about her weight the whole time. The initial number she gave, sure, maybe. But then supposedly gaining like 50lbs in several months without looking any different? Doesn’t take much to realize what’s going on here.

Glad I'm not the only one. I'd bet she's not 400 pounds at this point.
She's looks 1.5x the size of Nadya so that would make nadya less than 300lbs if you're saying is true. More likely is that you're just bad at judging size.
Either way, I think she’s genuinely a greedy pig and has no shame wrecking her young 20’s something body. I’m here for it
I had the same thought. I know it’s about the fantasy for some people, but I find the obvious lying distracting

She’s tall tho
any reup?
IDK if this is the content you're looking for but here's 4,1GB of content of her, unzip all the parts with 7zip

Thank you for the drop but unless I'm not doing something correctly the 2nd and 3rd ones can't be opened, I've changed them to be .zip instead of .02 but not working
I’m having a bit of trouble as well, could someone reupload in an easier file type?
Yes now it won't even download it says I don't have authorization
On Windows you have to join the .001 .002 and .003 files using a software like HJSplit to create the actual .zip file.
Maybe some other tools can do it too, but cannot verify. Using Linux at the moment.
Thank you very much for the share. Really appreciated.
You even gave an advice how to unpack it. But as seen, some people still have problems with it. I don't mind this file format, but for others maybe 3 separate archives.
No hate, just want to help everyone.
Reupload of the 4.1GB of content. This time 3 separate files. Credit goes to the previous uploader. Links alive for 7 days
nigga all you have to do is select the 3 files and unzip with 7zip, I uploaded it this way because it's faster to split a big zip instead of creating individual packages to fit into the 2GB wetransfer limit
how can i download it? is there a link?
please help me
(76 KB, 700x700, a1Q19Gv_700b.jpg) (77 KB, 1280x720, 64086.jpg)
These are real 500 pound women. Bigassbbw is lying out her swarthy cottage cheese dimpled mid e-thot ass. She shouldn't complain about piracy if she's going to sell fraudulent products. Literally just say you're not gaining as much as you want and you are selling partly fantasy videos!
For fucks sake... I agree but you can't use a morph as part of your case.
It's actually not a morph but from a real article reverse image search it.
> but from a real article reverse image search it.
Lol. LMAO!
I won’t because I don’t want a virus from the third world but that is obviously a morph of an old Jacky pic.
The first picture of JJ is a morph. I don't think using examples of people who are nearly a foot shorter at the same weight are the best examples. Why not compare to someone like PP or Jae?
This 100% a morph. Sorry.
You are aware the role height plays in this, right? Someone who is 5'4 and 500 lbs will look A LOT fatter than someone who is 6'0 and 500 lbs. Jackie is only 5'4, and closer to 600 lbs these days. I would guess that TheBigAssBBW is probably between 5'10 and 6'0. I base this on how she looks in her vids relative to the door frames and light switches in the background.
all three parts expired. reup anyone?
(40 KB, 1272x285, babbw.JPG) (20 KB, 251x267, orxx.JPG)

She is 5'7" tall. Roxxie is 5'4" tall. Roxxie looks gigantic, and is only 3" shorter.

She's not close to the weight she says.
>part2 & 3 expired too
Links alive for 7 (days) o'clock
Also TheBigAssBBW is 5'8 - was on her feebs profile. I think last time she was on feebs (years ago) she was listed as 5'7. I did have a screenie of it, but can't find it now. So she is around that, you niggers can stop dreaming of her being some 6ft curry now
Anyone have the vid where she broke the chair? I miss it:(

It was always unclear to me why would guys like tall babes in the first place?

They tend to look so much better at 5'3 and less.
Nobody cares if you don't understand why some dudes are attracted to taller fat chicks but you're not. Nobody has to explain it to you. Fuck the entire way off with your pointless bullshit.
Expired already, any chance of a reup pls?
I want children that aren't manlets. Also mommy gf
>Expired already, any chance of a reup pls?

>Links alive for 7 o'clock!
Sorry are you saying that the link’s alive? When I paste it into Google it says ‘transfer expired’. Maybe Mab or an encoded link would last longer?
Sorry, thought the links would last longer.
Reup on mab in single archive, should be up for 2 days, but who knows how long it lasts
I made the same guess based off her being stood near to door frames, her fridge and in videos with other models where she was taller than them. I guess others did the same, as her curvage profile now says she’s 5’10 which feels legit purely based on her being stood next to door frames, which are standard heights.

Oh she's 5'10" now? That means she's aware of this thread, or there's so many people questioning her she had to make herself tall.

She said just a few months ago she was 5'7". Amazing she's gained so much weight this year and apparently 3" in height too.

I'm just bitter that someone who has such good content, is so fucking hot and clearly into the gaining feels the need to lie. And also thinks that people are stupid enough to believer her. Some are I guess, but I mean whatever.
I can confirm she magically grew 3 inches taller lol. I guess fast food is good for you after all!

What's sad and funny is she is already freakishly obese to most everyone besides fetishist, who what is the point of running a grift?
Seconding for the chair breaks
reup anything if you can please
A lady I worked with swore she grew while she was pregnant. She was ugly AF and had the refrigerator build but she was still huge so that was at least a little of a turn on. She was nearly six feet tall and said she had grown a couple of inches taller with each of her two pregnancies, definitely over 300 lbs. I would have kept her pregnant ALL THE TIME if that was true.
Dude I'm sorry but that's impossible I think she just got a better posture
you can tell that the weigh in is fake. she had her Siri on her phone say the weight. it ain't the scale talking.
I’ll admit I’m down bad, any nude stuff?
That’s some real sneaky criminal like thinking. It really makes not like her as much. Like if I got with her my wallet would be stollen or film me and ransom me. I girl who is honest is half the attraction.
Usnless she is really young she can’t even grow a half an inch no matter what she does. Well she could get that operation where they stretch your shins over years she could grow in length. Rich people can get boys who might grow to be five two on human growth and the shin stretch so they grow up to be five feet eight inches. They pay the half million out of pocket the rest of us have short sons.
It’s unfortunate. Really enjoy most of her content and have bought a good amount of videos from her but lying to customers is not a good look. Makes me uninterested in buying anything soon
It's like, what's even the point of alienating your fans for this weird niche fetish when most people already consider you essentially an ugly monstrosity? And you're only digging yourself deeper in? Be a disgusting blob sure but at least have a golden heart (well, yellow actual fat en rusting aside)
Yeah, I find the lying distracting at best, hugeturn off at worst.
>>36917 (OP)
re-up for the "fake" weigh in?
Wanna hear the Siri Voice.
You sound like youve never had sex before.

I dont give a fuck if she is 6'10 or 5'1. Shes cute and big as fuck. Id breed the hell out of her.
Lying about weigh ins is a huge no no for me. I’m amazed at how dumb she thinks everyone is. I know she’s obsessed with this thread, I wonder what bullshit excuse she’ll use once everyone realizes it

At this rate she should be 6’3” and about 575 by the end of the year. Haha
so funny how you guys sit on this piracy board and complain about lying in fetish videos like you’re on any sort of moral high ground whatsoever. go outside, she is not going to steal your wallet through your computer screen
Anyone got any of her clips?
You got a point, but it makes no sense...
There are people who BUY & Support her and she LIES to them. The "WEIGH IN" is something like a holy Grail in this Fetish Scene, everyone is hyped for a realistic but also big number. Thats why people, why WE are mad/dissapointed. Sure we all here pirates arggh, but alot of people still buy and dont use the chan.
Theres not alot of Models who lie in there weigh in´s, but those who do lose followership.
I buy plenty of fat content. But this is something that has always rubbed me the wrong way. I remember talking with a well-known model at a bash who brought it up while drinking. She explained that it’s what her fans wanted, so she just went with it—all part of the fantasy. But that doesn’t make sense—when there is a maid outfit you know it’s role play. Consistently manipulating content to say you’re 100+ lbs heavier comes across as trying to legitimately trick your fans.

Look, I’m going to much more interested in content that invites me into your reality. I find that content a lot more fun, tbh.
What was her latest weigh in?
Between her and Ivy blatantly stepping on the scale in Texy Mexy’s weigh in, lot of lying and deceit in the modeling community lately. It’s kind of sad to see, to be honest. You’d think they would know that 99% of guys actually really fucking care about the weigh ins and them being authentic.

Also texy mexy is by far the ugliest, most disgustingly hideous person I’ve ever seen. Her belly is so fucking gross. I can’t believe Ivy has her on and that she’s in videos. I know this belongs in Ivy’s thread it’s just while we’re on the topic of fake ass weigh ins.
how much she weigh now, or does she still fake weigh ins
Anyone have her new video?
Would someone pls reup the vids so far?
Can anybody be a champ and reup?
Bro are you Asian? 5’8” is pretty short for a dude but 5’2” is midget size.
>t. 6’2”
Would really appreciate some vids, especially the new tight clothes one
Anyone have her latest videos
Anyone have recent content? New vid looks great but idk about 20 damn dollars
Any reups of whats been posted?
Here’s her recent clothes try on:

Requesting new 9/13 weigh in, 8k calories stuffing
Thank you champ!
Transfer expired
Sorry, this transfer has expired and is not available any more
Missed it 🥲
Someone reup please
We should create a group in discord or something and cooperate for buy all her videos
Could someone reup stuffing videos?
I have about 25 of her videos spanning from January-now, really interested in trying to improve that number
Don’t want to beg but I would love to see some vids, I can reap some as well
She just started doing hard core.
She's started to get those weird bumps on her belly that look like tiny bruises or scratches. Diabeetus already or something else?

She wants to be 700+ but she might die by then. Last few sets she looks very tired
Anyone can share latests vids?

Good. I NEED to see this bitch getting railed by a fat hard white cock
where us she posting this content
Like someone said we should to cooperate to buy all the content because nobody share content
Would love to see this vid
Here you go

Really would appreciate some shares of recent stuff. (Weigh In, 8k calories, or any other new videos)

To think a young slim girl can reach this level of morbid obesity within a few years makes anything possibke
Anyone have the new 8,500 calorie stuffing video? Would appreciate an upload
Already expired… could someone please re-upload?
Looks like she’s posting on onlyfans, can we get her stuff on coomer?
its free you stupid fuck, its a bunch of ppv
How tall is she

Well she was 5'6" as listed on her Curvage profile until after one of her 450# weigh ins when people were discussing what people look like at 400 pounds much less 450. Magically she grew 4" and is now listed as 5'10" on there.
link down, reup?
she's taller than nadya so celarly can't be 5'6
Link went down in less than a day reup?
some stupid mf uploaded her to coomer with no links to photos or videos
She has 2 OnlyFans. TheBigAssSSBBW is free and every post is ppv. She has another account, TheBigAssSSBBW1 which costs $20/mo and is presumably not ppv
Any king with her last vid "Chugging 2 Bottles Of Wine In 10 Minutes"?
Does anyone have videos where she shows pussy?
Can anyone reup? Missed it.
Anyone have new weigh in?
Legend, thank you for the upload. She’s getting fucking huge!
I’ll keep the sharing going with another recent vid, if anyone has other new stuff that’d be great
It ain't Christmas yet, so I came early.

Cheers she's becoming a whale, wish she'd show off more candid views
Another legend, thank you! I can’t believe how quickly she gets out of breathe now. I stopped watching her for only a few months and she’s changed so much!

Well, that didn't last long
Can the legend re-up pls 🙌🏼
Anyone re-up please...
ReUp for the people

Gone already wtf
Need some reup heroes
theres a good takeaway from two links going down in one day. USE MAB
Can we please get some reups
My entire collection up until now about 68 vids
Maybe if those names were a little more descriptive…
dude im not gonna go through every clip and rename them >>63316
You have to convert it?
Can’t you guys upload it on MAB or wetransfer?

Spent 7 hours downloading this and its all Lauren Lush or whatever her name is.. wtf why did you post that here
>>63364 Can you please re up on gofile?
You do realize mab has a feature to preview the thumbnail of the video?
>>63383 We need this please & thank you, Champ!
Yes please, really looking forward to this
This is from an encode right? If so, does anybody know how to encode the files that he sent?
IDK Who you are but I love you

jesus christ what a hot pile of lard
Does anybody know how to extract this? YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzl1VjIxNllqRldOVkU1TlE9PQ==
I'm kind of in disbelief that people ask this question.
again and again and again
It would be easier as if it was on MAB or Wetransfer as if it’s for the people that are asking that want this to be transferred.
since no one else wants to be helpful.

it's Base64 (not a special program, you can just look it up). copy that string of code, paste into Base64, decode, you'll get a link
>>63443 FML :( it went down while I was starting to download. Reup?
pls reup i want that hooters vid so bad
can you please be a massive legend and re-up
Reup in the name of getting more videos of this porker shared.
Is that the correct one?
Does anyone have the wine chugging vid??
Bumping for more content
Reup please
Hero? Hero?Hero? Hero? Hero? Hero? Hero?
Any chance for the fart compilation?
merry xmas

Reups on anything?
Who is the girl in the other video?

Thats an extremely flat ass for a girl who named herself TheBigAssBBW
She's got to be 700 pounds by now, considering she was gaining about 30 pounds a month by her updates.
Does anyone know how her onlyfans works? She recently made a video of her trying to fit underneath her bed which sounds hot asf and I’m willing to subscribe to her only fans for it. I just don’t exactly know how it works. Do I have to subscribe to her and then pay for the video separately?
If you subscribe to her paid OF she claims on her linkr.ee that it's no PPV, so you'd get all vids for free. All tough I don't know if her OF vids are the same as her curvage/clips4sale, or if it's more/less.

she got any videos where she's getting her fat belly squeezed by her feeder or where she's facesitting?
Can we get her non ppv onlyfans (thebigassssbbw1) on coomer?
Does anyone for the vid of her crawling under her bed from like a month ago? I’ve got her recent weigh in and a few others vids I’ll upload in exchange
This isn’t a trading site, you upload what you got and hope someone returns the favor
anybody have her nude content?
Can we all agree that this bitch is one of the hottest around right now? Her content is amazing and she posts so many vids. She’s also gonna ridiculously fat recently which is also pretty fuckin hot. I’d say she’s in my top 3 along with Boberry and Roxxie. (Hayley is an honorable mention)

I would bet you that she hasn't gained 20 pounds in the last year.
Anything recent you would like to share with the class?
Go back to January 2022 and compare how she looks now. Clearly has gained a shit ton of weight…
Facts she at the top of the game rn
not trying to start an argument so all I'll say is this. There can never be someone "on top of the fat porn game" because everyone's tastes are so different that everyone will have differing opions on who the hottest/best/best content model is
Agreed, just a shame her videos are so hard to come by, getting her non ppv onlyfans on cooker would be amazing
Bump for new videos
Since nobody else is dropping i might aswell


(165 KB, 792x514, 8F7DF064-7325-4E77-8AEA-4856544F09F6.jpeg) (4.8 MB, 1170x2532, F1139E22-153C-4759-99F4-2B49E597410C.png)
Usually not super into ruination…but damn. Something about seeing this girl completely ruin her body gets me goin. She went from a normal girl to a literal sack of fat. Makes you wonder what she thinks when she looks in the mirror after stuffing herself silly and sees a flabby hanging belly and fupa.
Thanks so much I appreciate it. But istg whenever I take a break from porn people drop stuff and I miss it. Even though I didn’t get to watch, ur a legend for the upload.

You call ruination (huh?) I call it creation.
We are not the same.
I know right? I wish she would do a video where she talks about how she feels about what she’s become. She is ridiculously fat…like beyond obese. Her fupa is so fat that it literally slaps. As weird as it sounds, I kind of find her rough skin (acne) hot too. Like she literally just eats greasy shit food and rubs it on her while she slobs out
please reup and upload to myairbridge, transfers on their don't expire for atleast 2 days
Anyone got any C4S vids?
Heads up, her OF is 50% off right now. I already subscribed. How do you figure out Coomer. Would like to share but cannot figure out how. Tbh probably won’t waste any more of my time unless someone can give me a clear explanation how

ive never done it before but im pretty sure that you do f12, click application in the top header, then cookies on the right menu, then click whatever cookies you need, hope this is of help :)
Appreciate the response but can’t figure it out.
Bump, hero please...
I'm going to lay down some instructions right here and now. If they are unclear, just put the correct explanation yourself.

First: you need to get cookies, you can inspect element through the "kebab menu" or the three
dots menu in chrome, go down to tools, select Developer Tools and poke around or https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/get-cookiestxt/bgaddhkoddajcdgocldbbfleckgcbcid?hl=en go and get yourself an extension like this one. I went with chrome, because I am on chrome.

2: get the Session key. Can be found in Cookies -> sess. Your user ID. Can be found in Cookies -> auth_id. This is the easy part.

3: BC token. Can be found in Local Storage -> bcTokenSha, or the headers of an XHR request -> x-bc.
To do this, do the following: go to Developer Tools -> go to Application, the double right pointing arrows is a drop down menu. Once there go to Local Storage, bcTokenSha, this is the bc token, select all of it and then the final part.
User Agent. Usually, it is the default and you won't have to do much here. Usually. But if the case arises do the following. Go back to Developer Tools -> Console. Here type the following: Navigator.UserAgent .And then press enter. Below the command will be your userAgent. Once back on Coomer, you put in the last of your inputs and then hit Submit.
Sharing with the class

someone can reup all the clips
Damn those are saggy
They'd be fun to play with though
Bump for new vids
those are just heavenly
prettt much begging for some vids at this point
Jesus, I would lick every inch of her clean. Spectacular.
bumpity bump
please someone post her videos she sos sexy man please
(319 KB, 908x681, IMG_1235.jpeg)
Thanks for the drop, does anyone have this new vid?
A coomer update would be fire
anyone got more photos from in between the first two? or just some more before/afters? hard to imagine her going from first photo to second, so hot
does she have a feabie?
A reup of her last weigh in please?
Coomer update anyone?
Is she dead?
You are brain-dead...
It is not funny and never was, to allege this of any BBW!!
she posted on OF that she had a major health scare. sounds obesity related.
Here comes the guessing game from all the keyboard doctors diagnosing her with everything in the book until she talks about it
I have a feeling no health scare will stop this gain
She’s literally a walking heart attack waiting to happen at this size. The rate of this gaining is unheard of and I’m sure she can’t control it.
Fuuuuuck she is one of the best. Hopefully she won't lose the weight and end up looking like a ballsack
How much does she weigh?
Could someone reupload her fart comp?
could someone upload something from bbwbreanna please

Bro what? Link to fart comp. Ill buy that shit
Why does her c00mer contain post but no content?
she sends the video via dm so people dont post it on coomer
Hopefully she does stop because you simps are out of control. She’s gross and so are all of you fetishizing her atrocious gain. She’s gonna kill herself at your expense, so unless she’s an idiot, she’ll stop.
anyone got her sex scene?
She obviously enjoys it. I’m not saying it’s a good thing for her health but that’s the risk you take trying to get to 600lbs as fast as you can

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