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I have been a fan of this woman for a few years now and randomly I stumbled upon her in public. Apparently she lives in my city. I dm’d her on Twitter to ask if that was really her I saw and she replied and said it was. I want to meet up with her and fulfill some sexual fantasies but I need to know the best way to go about it so I don’t scare her off. Any advice on this would help fellas!
Offer her money for an escort session. You would have been better off just shooting your shot then and there in person. Now that you've revealed your self as a fan she's only gonna see you as a customer
True but how much do you think she would charge and honestly I was with a girl I am seeing so I couldn’t walk up to her then and there
I have met a few porn stars in my day, and if you approach her like anything but a client, be prepared to treat her like a real woman. Lots of porn stars have had guys try to woo their way to a free sex session, and it can be really hurtful to them if they feel scammed. It’s manipulation on your end if you do otherwise.

Just because they show their bodies doesn’t mean they want someone lying about their dating status and only caring about their body.

My advice - offer her a dinner date. Be up front. Prove you can be trustworthy. She may be seeing someone right now, and you may have 0 chance with her at the moment, but being trustworthy may open doors for you in the future. I never fuck on the first date and I never lie about my dating status. I don’t push her when she isn’t comfortable, and I let things develop over time.

At the end of the day, respect and patience go a long way.

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