
Yess, she became fatter. Hot baby :)
I saw someone recently updated her weight on her BBW wiki page to 561 lbs - has she made a new profile on Feabie or OF? Can’t find one anywhere…
I hope so. I saw on her Instagram story she's gone 100 days without binging so I figured this was a weight loss deal, but she doesn't look like she's slimming down!
She doesn’t look like she’s lost a single pound! I’m sure she sent a private video or had a conversation with someone who went to upload the wiki. Maybe that means she’s going to resurface
She's motioned she wants to come back to modeling. I don't know how she could swing it if her job got her to take it down in the first place. Maybe it's been said to keep fans interested and coming back.

I've said it before and with BoBerry leaving BigCuties it seems more prevalent than ever - if Heather recruits this girl to her site it will be a dream come true.
The thought of her binge eating is fire tbh
Seriously. She can film a binge sesh and charge $50 on c4s and I'm a buyer. In fact she can pretty much name her price.
Not quite her heaviest. She had gotten up to 565. Now she's more like 535
She may as well touch 600 before deflating. imagine
funny thing is, she absolutely refused to eat on camera when she had her OF site. wasn't comfortable with it
Yep, all she had was a candy bar on on video. Hell, she could eat a normal-sized meal and I'd be content.
Sounds like wishful thinking, there does seem to be a new BigCutie on Feabie, but she's more comparable to Jolene.
anyone got any of her old vids? I think I accidentally deleted her folder =/
>next to a normal sized human
I cracked.

The size of those arms tho, are bigger than other peoples' legs!
As wide as two people and probably four all around. That tracks since she's well over 500 pounds.

Fucking perfection.
Unfortnately I am locked out of my Instagram account. Can anyone upload her contents here?
She looks HUGE. You don't post your belly on the counter and tag bbw in your story for no reason. She's either exxxtra thirsty tonight or she's getting back in the game. Hopefully option 2. Her body is all over the internet anyway. What's the point in limiting her income lol
Does anybody know how tall she is?
Just found out she's around 5'8 as I thought, damn she's massive
And at 561 pounds, that makes her BMI a massive 85.15!
She's 561? Since when? She was just less than 550 when she modeled, and I remember seeing she made it 100 days without binge eating per her insta stories.

Figured she was either maintaining or losing.
Can sombody link her onlyfans? Cant find it:/
She’s in a weird spot. She has a public sector job, with good chance of upward promotion and an eventual pension. Or she could make bank now as a model, for the next decade. I don’t blame her for hesitating.
Truthfully she got found out the first time because her username for everything is her first and middle name. She was found out pretty damn easily and thanks to the following she has online, her name is now tied to whatever she will use for a pseudonym. It's harmless if all she did was the public Instagram, but the second it's tied to something better left secret? Marked.

That's not to say it would have been a perfect solution, but if you're a faceless member of a company interacting with people who may want to look you up? It throws off the trail even if a little bit. At this point I'm curious if she'll do anything or just be a public fat chick.
It was dumb as it gets to use her instagram name for her ssbbw model name. Literally all you have to do is google her name to see stuffer db, reddit, tumblr, and who knows what else she pops up on. There's no going back at this point
I love when women whine about not being able to get a job, not being taken seriously, because they just want to be a whore. Lolol
Ngl, I was actually shocked she used her real name for everything... and lives in a rural part of Canada. It's incredibly easy to locate someone that noticeable in a small town.

Definitely a dumb move trusting strangers on the Internet not to "out" you when you're doing porn for a side-hustle.
Even her address is known, internet sucks for that.
She HAS a job, but since she's had NSFW content out there tied to her easily-accessible name and info, she can't have that AND model. It's definitely an either or deal - I'm assuming she makes real good money at her current job, but I remember doing some math when her OF was up and frankly she was on track to make thousands a month. Either would be viable.

My only What If is where she would have gone in a model career, content-wise. She's a recovering binge eater which makes sense given her size and age, and what she did on OF wasn't anything spectacular itself - it was great because she's been around the SSBBW scene for a while and it was anticipated shit. Like seeing someone you've been crushing on in a bikini, sorta. But given the binge eating, I wonder if we'd ever see any actual eating videos, and if so, anything more than just a standard meal or a piece of cake. Would we see any weight gain since she lost a lot in the past? Maybe, maybe not - she certainly hasn't been dieting. At least if she signed up for a model site like BC we'd at least be getting themed sets and videos with some playing to the fans - take Sadie for instance: if she stayed with Royalty we'd get the same angle of bouncing on the bed, at BC we got a fuckton of variety (most good, some bad).

If she want to model she needs to salvage the looks she currently has and start ASAP.

I've also been noticing that she regurlarly removes posts on IG now that i'm checking her page again that's not a trait of girls who are comfortable on cam, I luckily rip her profile once in a while though.
What has she removed?
Now that I check, there were definitely more photos on there... And either those were ones with tags saying how much weight she's lost or had other people. I think she's consolidating to a page that features her only.

I could have sworn I saw those tags before. She lost almost a hundred pounds. Unless she's trying to hide that?
She has definitely removed photos. She had many more thirst traps on there 2019-2020.

She also scrubbed evidence of a long distance relationship she had back in 2019, with the due who I believe later shacked up with Adeline.
Does anybody have more info on this guy? I've got a good feeling i might know who he is.
Does anyone have more info on this guy? I am pretty certain I might know who he is. Just curious if it's actually him
I want to be shocked that someone like her is long distance dating, but then I remember she lives in rural Canada and her size limits her appeal to basically us.

Was a firefighter in Florida. Visited our girl Leta in Canada and they had some cute pics out on the town.

Then he upgraded fatties to Adeline.
did Adeline move to Florida?
I’d say she’s liking the attention considering her post tonight. My hopes are up boys
Where? Screenshot?
Based on my (admittedly, few) online interactions with Leta, I personally think she HATES being fat. And certainly never wanted to be this big.
But I think she loves and craves the attention. It's like a drug for her.
Almost no one over 500 pounds wants to be that heavy, and I'm sure Leta is no exception. Yet, she got notoriety for being huge and attractive. So I can see her not being happy yet keeping up the facade.
I was referring to her posting the thirst trap saying goodnight. She definitely reads here. Or at least the guys she’s jiggling do and they most certainly share the info with her. She hates being fat, but knows if she loses weight her looks are most likely to fade. She really might as well embrace it and make money off it. Like I said earlier, her online world is NSFW for the rest of her life. She might as well make it an income rather than everyone seeing her old work for free. It’ll never disappear
It takes a pretty special person to be able to come to terms with being 500lbs and move forward happily with your life. In fact, most people I know that became “fine with it” in the end, went through a lot to get there.
Could you argue she is a public figure?
10K IG followers, occasionally posts like an influencer, formerly had an OnlyFans, etc.

With her address, and the argument that she is a public figure, we could chip in to send a documentary crew to scope her out.
2022 and there are still people that believes these girls want to be this big.

What a world.
(443 KB, 1080x2104, Screenshot_20220212-022200_YouTube.jpg)
Either someone is playing the long con with a 7 year old account, or Leta is patrolling for her content online.

Wonder if she knows about here.
She definitely knows about here. What website was that video on?

Her sister made a Feabie and she’s looking for a feeder. This is about to get real interesting.
What's her handle?
YouTube of all places. And that tracks - I remember seeing a picture of her and her sister when she was in college I think - practically identical in size.
Nice, few pics on feabie, but she seems to have better proportions than her sister. Leta's boobs look like mosquito bites next to her body
Fascinating. I actually came across the sister on IG before Leta. Her sister does have the potential to get way sexier.
Leta's small tits are cute in their own way. Highlights how massive she is in comparison.
Got any pics of her? I'm IP banned there
(3.4 MB, 900x480, tumblr_r1lsor7K9L1xvosy2_480.mp4)
Random Tumblr find. That's all I've got - if you want me maybe follow the watermarked URL?!
Did you try it yourself, smart ass?
her boss needs to be charged with crimes against humanity
Imagine a gaining war between Leta and her sister. Leta would probably win. She is a little jealous type I’d imagine so she wouldn’t let her little sister out gain her
Why are there so many retards in /ssbbw/ these days
I mean her sister is now on Feabie listed as a feedee and looking to gain. And Leta already showed an ability to gain any an incredible rate. Would be pretty great to see
What's her username?

Lindseylowthers on Insta
Just checked her out since I don't have Feabie. Not bad, but can we pump the breaks on comparing her to her sister? She's cute but Leta's leagues ahead. And I'm skeptical she's wanting a feeder, she's kinda been the same size for a while. Contrasted with Leta who has always been huge, lost weight, gained it back, and I think is just accepting she's going to be huge unless she commits to a drastic lifestyle change.

Also, wonder how the parents feel about their daughters being far and away the fattest people in their community? Look at pictures of them with other people - it's not even close.
I relate to Leta pretty hard tbh. Not in the SSBBW way, but when you look her up you can see she was pretty involved in an ambassador program that looked to build leadership skills - real movers and shakers deal. I was in a scholarship program back in college that focused on a lot of sustainable community service, learning how to effectively help people, actual social justice advocacy and whatnot. These programs sent us both around the world and it was pretty enriching and, if I'm getting the right impression from my quick reviews, it seemed like they were investing in us to be leaders of tomorrow and all of that.

Now here we are, 30 years old, working jobs like everyone else. We're not in the Peace Corps, or storming the streets to fight injustice or bigotry. If I remember right from talking to her she was in some kind of employment advocacy group? Like a headhunter kinda deal? It's for sure more impactful than what I'm doing personally but it's not what either of our college groups had in mind, I'm sure. Not to pick on her or anything - only a handful from each cohort from my program went on to dedicate their lives to social justice. For Leta, rather than be known as this girl full of potential and featured for her ambassadorship participation, she's known for being fetishized for her size and beauty.

Carry on, gentlemen. Just felt like I needed to say that after seeing her testimonial.
What a waste of time.
This is grown-up life for 99% of people. Nobody thinks when they are 20 that they're going be working a meaningless 9-5.
I have a good job, and I don't hate, but I know I'm not changing the world. It be like that sometimes.
Heck, if that ambassador program generated one person who makes a genuine impact, that's a win.
That's sort of what calms me down about the whole thing - it's a wide net in the open ocean. If they get one notable person out of the program to fulfill their goals each year, it's probably a success.
You're IP banned there? On Feabie? WTF were you doing to get IP banned?
I've wondered that myself. They're getting banned on what's supposed to simply be a dating site, not a porn site.

>>37463 is referring to here, and I can't explain it either. A gaining war between two sisters is just bad DeviantArt.
>storming the streets to fight injustice or bigotry.
Cringe. People like this watch far too much capeshit.
When people were doing those protests in June 2020 I thought it would be something my scholarship group would push us to participate in if I were back in college.

I stayed home. That make you feel better?
that is a gross generalization
We need to get her back on her modeling. Show her how to make real money. Let’s be real living in a trailer was a good sign her job doesn’t pay that great. We can’t make her rich and super fat unless she models
And? It’s fucking accurate. It’s fine to jack off to fantasy but ask anyone with experience: most models didn’t intend to get this size.
Saying that sympathetically, it’s rarely a bright path to mega-obesity.

It is not anywhere close to being "fucking accurate". It is a very gross generalisation. It is not "most models didn’t intend to get this size" it is more like "perhaps some significant amount of models might not have originally intend that amount of weight gain". And that's at its best. World is more determined to get fat than you seem to believe. However IMHO it is not determined enough yet. I want to see at least 10% of young people globally wanting to intentionally become obese and achieving it by the end of next decade.
>I want to see 10% of global young people want to get fat and achieve it
Jesus dude, how much blood flowed to your dick from your brain
I can only imagine how the family must feel for one of their own be the fattest girl in the province, with her sister wanting to gain as well. Hot to me.
I'd say that's half true. The vast majority likely did not intend to initially get fat, but a lot of them likely began to gain intentionally once they realized they can make money from it
Leta only made money off it for a month. I think she likes the attention but this chick has been morbidly obese for a decade. They can't all be golden years.
What is her sister feabie ?
She's losing weight. Dang.
what a squidward..
I don’t know if she is… the button on her pants is crying for help and the seam is about to rip. Could be bursting out of them soon!
Sooner than you think squidward!!
I'm not convinced. That pose seems like something bigger girls do to look smaller.
(1.3 MB, 1284x2269, 224C46C0-CB00-4C63-8E11-E5AA5B4C2DA6.jpeg)
Whoever said she’s loosing weight… try again! She’s looking huge and she’s calling all her FA’s to come simp with her hashtag. I don’t know when it will be but with a women who’s as horny as her and has as much lack of self control as her. She’ll be back into modeling. It’s easy money and it fuels her drive to eat
god she is so fucking hot, please leta start your only fans again1
Scotian smiles has joined feabie. Boys. She’s back.
Just tried looking for her on Feabie. She's showing as ScotianSmile with no S on the end. Put an S on and you won't find her. Unfortunately no photos just yet, but we live in hope.
That user is probably some weirdo form here playing as her.
Yea maybe once an unseen photo is up we can trust it. Good call! Anyone can post photos that are out on the internet. Let’s just hope a link gets put up soon lol
Not looking great. She woke up in Brazil. Anyone think she’s actually back?
Don't think so, none of pictures are new, 1 of them may look new since it's from a story. The biggest indication that something is not right is that she's looking for a "Casual Encounter".
This is on Feabie? Screenshots, man!
She can’t fall asleep without masturbating. I’d believe she’s looking for anything that gives her attention and free stuff if it’s real
She is back. I spoke with her briefly and asked her
Until she posts new shit I don’t trust it.
>Are you real?

>OMFG real leta 100% confirmed
>You're IP banned there? On Feabie? WTF were you doing to get IP banned?
Take a guess what he was doing there. He probably was stalking women on there in real life like a fucking creep.
She needs to make some new videos. She’s already naked all over the internet. There’s no going back from what she did so I really don’t understand whats holder her back from being spoiled like the fatty she is
What are you talking about? Did she lose a bunch of weight from binge eating therapy?
I think she's def stopped binge eating, for sure. She does look smaller but it's not DRASTIC or anything. She's still tagging herself #ssbbw
(161 KB, 710x654, 20220525_190201.jpg)
Definitely losing weight, it's safe to say.
god she is so fucking hot. Still is, but man that picture in the black. What a fucking smokeshow
She looks depressed and deflated. The heavier she is the better she looks. She’s torturing herself by holding back on the food. At 30, if she looses weight it’s all downhill
She uses the tag plussizemodel but when is she going to post videos? It’s incredible how much money she’s missed out on. It’s probly 20-30k$ she’s missed on since last year
She still likes the attention and being seen as one. No doubt she wants to be a model but can't thanks to her job.
She likely wants to run for public office in the future. Her previous OF won't help but anything beyond that will doom a future political career.
What as the ministry of health?
Wasn't there a European country that had an obese health official? Stranger things can happen.

I don't follow Leta on any more than Snap & Insta and she doesn't seem so politically active to signal a career to politics. I think it's just >>46046
I think that internet photos are less of a career killer now than before, but I think that the existence of fat fetish / weight gain porn would be an end to a political run.
Helmut Kohl was 16 years chancler.
She’s had sex with way to many people to do anything in politics. Theres at least triple digits on her body count and counting, to many nudes to trace, to much content online, all falls back to the fact that she was made for the FA world
I think the semi-nude weigh-in clips are going to be too weird for the average voter to wrap their heads around.
Yeah, those vids alone are disqualifying. Hell, the whole fetish scene is still given the Weird Documentary Subject treatment. I don't know her body count though but maybe that can be spun as a progressive anti-slut shaming thing.

Still, I don't think she's getting involved in politics. I think she's just going to manage her binge eating, root for the Raptors, and do whatever it is she's doing for work. I'd eat my hat if she announced she was running (waddling) for any elected position, unless it was municipal and niche.
"Large Leta Lowthers Pulling Down Her Pants" is on the second page when you Google her name. She might need to wait a few years to even try something niche.
I'm sure she has a fine life now -- decent government job. Why risk the embarrassment.
The embarrassment of being found out sounds hot.
Wake me up when she posts something new
definitely looks to be losing weight
Well she was fucking monstrous at one point. Sure we all like that but there's not a lot you can do at that size.
There's plenty she could do and still can. Since she's planning on coming back to modeling, gaining weight isn't completely out of the cards.
>Fucking monstrous
Please cite visual examples
Has anyone on here slept with her?
Yes, it was fantastic. What a girl.
While I have no doubt that at least a few people in here have thrown her a bone (likely the lucky dude who has with her before upsizing to Adeline), I'm not going to believe anyone who posts details about it.
yea me too. it was awesome. as for details, let it suffice to say that they would inspire jealousy in the rest of this board.
although out of serious curiosity, why?
Are you looking for some inside track on how to chat her up? looking for cell-mate stories to make time in the bottom bunk pass faster?
I mean, me personally? I enjoy erotica. And hearing about how (in)active she is in bed gets the mind going.
Inside track. Lol

Would love to hear some stories about it
Yeah, why would I want to hear about sex with a young, super-cute, gigantic blonde? Especially on the /ssbbw board! Must be a prison thing.
Was it just one night, or did you have a relationship with her? Just asking because she seems like a nice, intelligent girl and I wonder if she is indeed. That would be a welcome change from most other SSBBWs.
She must be getting ready to launch her site. That new Instagram picture looks like she’s been recording
You know how some girls go into modeling to pay for WLS?

You ever wonder with Leta getting smaller she might just be cashing in while she loses? Bikini pic is great but damn if she doesn't look slimmer.
Agree. I think she’s pivoting to a size-positive weight loss influencer. There’s legit, non-fetish money to be made there.
Which is why I think she's filming at her "peak" and will release stuff sporadically on OF.

The weird part is no one has ever seen a thin Leta. It might be unholy.
(69 KB, 354x513, 3e71022d0764b8ca1afeafa9381df5b_977d1579_400.jpg)
Yeah, had a relationship with her a while back. Avg pussy. Nothing out of this world. She likes tuna salad sandwiches so her breath can be a bit rough to handle. I'd nail her hard and get that fat going all up and down. Missionary was her fav. Those big thighs were fun to have my body up against.
I just didn't have the mental or emotional energy to hear her complain all the time. That's why it ended. She is a big time complainer and expects you to give her 100% of your attention during her complaining sessions. Very draining.
She has no intention of becoming a fat blob. ever. So quit fantasizing that'll happen. She'd shit in all of your beds if she could.
Bro why would you post this expecting anyone to believe you? And if you are telling the truth, why would you post this about someone you had a relationship with? For the approval of a bunch of internet strangers? Come one.
>She likes tuna salad sandwiches

Just grind my fantasies into the dirt, why don't you?
good to see some sense round here
also i dont care if her pussy smells like tuna i would tap that hard
her breath, dummy
That’s her sister.
She's gay and incestuous.
Oh. Her sister is gay
Yeah, she's gay
So are you
So's your mom
You're adopted
Real, can confirm. Hyped to wait 6 months+ for the first substantive video content though.
Now keep getting fatter.
Now to add her on coomer
Yea I would wait until she posts more. Especially for 15$ there better be some content up
Any of the posts on her OF new yet? Or is it all just old stuff?
I bet she keeps her new OF posts pretty vanilla, so she can try to hang on to her government job.
True, but it's not like her first OF had anything outright explicit. Unless you count her exposed gut or walking around in her underwear on the same level as exposed tiddy. If that were the case, BC girls wouldn't be able to hold down a full-time job.
The BC girls didn't immediately screw themselves by having their full legal name all over the social media accounts they used to promote their soft-core porn. She seems pretty smart, but that was a bonehead play to start her OF career.
Oh 100-fucking-percent. I'm surprised she even considered coming back in the first place. Everything she posts will be under a microscope. It was such a stupid, stupid move.

But when it comes to background checks, I'll admit I don't know how thorough it's done. The pervy sleuths on here could absolutely find models' names and social media, but it's hard to say if the reverse is true for some of the more normal-passing women that don't do anything hardcore or outright fetish-catering. Even still, all anyone needed was a Google search for Leta - no rabbit holes to be explored.
The reverse being they start with a name and see if they could find any smut. Sort of like trying to see if your crush in high school went into porn but all you have is their Facebook profile.
10 videos uploaded is a minimum to sub to anyone I don’t care much for the pictures
I feel bad for the current subscribers
I'd love to watch her shit in my bed
Kinda hoping whoever has a sub has the foresight to archive her stuff when she posts. I don't think I could handle another sudden disappearance on her end again. Even if it's just 17 pics and 1 vid so far.
Still patiently waiting to see if there’s anything new
I wouldn't hold my breath for any good new stuff.
I think she's still waddling the fine line of government employee, wannabe lifestyle influencer, and fetish model. Pick a lane, Leta!
She’s just attempting to take money from the horny and attempt to make her ex’s jealous while pretending to be happy

She's still hot and fat as shit. You want to marry her? You local to her. Fuck it, there's always nother hot girl getting huge.
So like, why reopen her OF? It's that blondebarbie thing all over again.
She lost a bunch before then put it all back on and then some so you never know
yeah i've unsubbed. shes not posted anything that she hasnt already put on reddit or instagram. gonna have to either gain wait or make some real content for me to come back
>Eating disorder therapy
I feel multiple ways about this if it also applies to Boberry actually
I think anon meant that in terms of her going back to modeling after losing weight. that's how I interpreted it. But I guess it wouldn't surprise me if Mary had an eating disorder either way.
It's long been speculated that she is planning a pivot to some sort of size-positive influencer.

I thought some of her pics looked like she had deflated a bit! I unsub'ed too, though let her know that when she starts updating more regularly, I would be back. What she did is worth maybe $5/mo, but definitely not $15. (And tbh, I am not all that interested in watching her continue to lose weight. That is her choice, not mine, and I am not saying that all models must keep on gaining, but watching someone lose, no matter how beautiful she might be - and Kelsie is one of the most gorgeous women out there - is a turn off. And I don't sub for the stimulating conversation or witty repartee... :D)
FUCK. I fucking KNEW she had a binge eating disorder I should have called it cause then I would have been RIGHT and got the validation of being right from strangers on bbw chan. I was looking at


this cake picture and looking at her face and it hit me, she has binge eating and doesnt want to be fat AT ALL. And i was gona post that but I forgot to but i was right. Nice

Also yeah she's not gona boberry cause she has a "rock solid support system" which means she's an actual geniune caring person with a conscious, and can form connetioins with other human beings, which will help her realize her goals. Boberry does not have that because she is a narcissist. Narcissts can't form genuine connections with other human beings because they dont have a conscious. Im not saying either is good or bad, just explaining. All this is just to say, boberry will probably continue to rebound/keep gaining, which is objecitvely good for my boner
how can there be any ssbbw that doesn't have a binge eating problem? anyone who doesn't destroy plates could never be that large
Maybe they meant having a binge problem and wanting to do something about it / actually having the support around them to address it? I'm sure most models have it but capitalize on it.
Haha what’s all this craziness about Boberry?
Lol she claims her best attribute is her hear yet so many people have bad things to say about her. This is comical the narcissistic traits reappear. Gaslighting her new fans with a magic wand screaming “I’m a good person” hahahah
Anyone notice she dropped her price to $7 lol
Probably because there was no way to justify that little content for $15.
Anyone have the 3 new pics to justify the $3 price increase?
Has to be a joke at this point, right? 3 pics, price goes back up, and she's losing weight.
Such a damn shame she’s losing weight society says you have to be skinny to be beautiful and that’s some bullshit
Loosing weight + boring sporadic content = failure. She will figure it out eventually. Make videos. Show off your body. The harder your fans get, the more they will tip and spoil. Ez. It takes 5 minutes to make a video. There’s no excuse for this
or more likely she is discovering how much harder it gets to be super obese as you get older
She's in her 30s now, working a 9-5 job. She's probably tired at the end of the day, especially given her size. She's a smart girl. Long-term choosing losing some weight + government career is going to get her further than modeling until her body gives out on her.
All that is fine, but I mean make a choice then. You can’t have your cake and eat it too if you’re not going to put the effort in.
I think she has made a choice? She's going to half-ass the modeling, and some simps will keep paying it despite the quality being crap. All the while she's going to keep losing weight and eventually fade away from this scene.
Was she ever really in the scene to begin with? She had an onlyfans for like 5 minutes two years ago and now she's back and half assing it. Granted, half of her ass is still bigger than most but still.
She was in and out. Apparently she was very flighty on Feabie. But her pics have been floating around on Tumblr and such for a long time.
Can we get a coomer upload?
does anyone here have a sub
Welp it was fun while it lasted... again. I think. And I'm sincerely doubtful anyone saved anything worth keeping since she's been losing weight.
She's still incredibly fat.
Her page is still up. Just have to log in and search @scotiansmiles. She hasn’t posted anything but there is still a page. She’s probably manipulating men currently otherwise she’d be posting often we all know this
would still let her massive fupa smother me
Hey site might be closing again…no option for renewal…
I haven't been able to find her site on OF for a while, I can't imagine I've been banned since I didn't sign up the first time.

If you're reading this and you have a subscription: Archive her stuff or work with coomer party before it's too late.
Daily reminder if you have a subscription, LOOK INTO ARCHIVING HER STUFF. She's 100% going to pull the plug any day now. You don't even have to share it here and now, just get that content saved!
Nothing has been worth saving, honestly…it’s either been old stuff or half ass stuff. I already have all her old stuff lol
Hey, for those of us that want a complete archive, it's better than nothing. Believe me, I'd pay for a sub and rip myself if I could.
Well someone is back on feabie ^^
It's always going to be like this. She dips in and out of Feabie, OF, etc. because she needs the attention.
She hates being fat, and only dabbles in this because she is needy.
She's never going to be the model we want her to be.
We were so fucking close the first time. We had genuine paysite content. It was over before it started. I don't care if it's instagram-tier shit, someone's gotta archive and share it before she dips for good.
Has she posted anything new on feabie?
>>34735 (OP)
She might say she’s losing weight but she’ll pile it all back on, she once swore to me she would never let herself reach near 500ibs again and then she ballooned! The best part is she claims she doesn’t eat alot and calls her sister fat lol

She’s also so much bigger in real life she’s a mammoth of a woman
Gotta love fatties in denial
And amazingly that’s not her at her biggest! yeah she might be a little bit smaller now but give it a few months guys and we will see leta become the butterball she’s always been again!
Idk man, as much as she knows she's gotten notoriety and attention for being a 500lb piggy, I think there's some part of her that knows this can't go on forever. It's blindingly apparent in how she doesn't put a lot of effort into modeling and only posts every so often on social media. She knows she's hot, she's been overcoming a binge eating disorder, I think she might be trying to step away. Will HAPPILY eat my words if she gives up and comes back fatter than ever, but this return to OF was so lackluster I can't see it going well.
Pretty sure her OF is dead…again…
Christ, she is shrinking.
Fucking blimp, the glory days.
anyone who has it please make a serious drop of her glory days. never seen any except a few pics here and there and she is fabulous gorgeous fat
Still waiting on someone to drop her OF catalog from her latest stint for that matter
I find it amazing that some chicks like her can just eat and eat blowing up like a balloon while the tits remain so tiny. She is still hot but it’s just not something that I see all that often with girls that fat.
That's one of my main reasons for my draw to these fat babes. No two girls are the same!

They can be super bottom heavy, hour glass, apple, etc. Infinite possibilities for where the fat goes. You can get your Fix with crazy body types like Ellie, Norma Stitz, or Bobbi.

You look at skinny girls and aside from face and hair color, they all look the fucking same.

That's what I've been telling people whenever they've asked me why do I love my partners obese.

The infinite possibility of shapes and individual perks. I love them obese
Bump for what? Her OF is closed, she's losing weight due to overcoming her binge eating, and she doesn't post any full-body pics anymore. The train has reached the station, man.
I'm late to the party, just trying to get possible a collection of everything I missed. Saw something on Sparkbang and looked for more, so if anyone has anything I'll take it
Don’t give up hope. Fat girls don’t have enough self control to keep from falling off the wagon. She’ll either give in to urges again or miss the attention.
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presumably to film and edit videos better. i trust that she would buy it, but not that she needs donations to do it.
i guess if someone wanted to give her money they should try to chat with her about it.
What photos and videos? I thought her OF was deactivated. She hasn't posted pics of herself in weeks!
Well anyone who’s interested: she posted on feabie saying “10 days off in February where should I go”. Aka her yearly free trip is coming soon! Anyone who’s willing to pay for her trip can get it! Enjoy hahaha
When she starts posting about accountability you know she’s on her BS. She has none FYI just ask Adelines man… but It would be amazing to see how fat she would have been if he was with her. 700lb leta?
Go on, spill the tea. I would think Leta would be laughing her ass off knowing she's been losing weight and getting her binging under control while his ex's current girl is waddling around at 700lbs. Sure she's more popular online but Leta doesn't seem wild about showing herself off in the first place.
Except she only got popular online when she started modeling and gained about 100 lbs
She definitely had A following on IG and Feabie, her pics have been floating around for a while. Nothing too wild but she had an audience before her brief OF gig
I think she's being doing some internet clean-up work while laying low. When you used to google her full name, one of the first hits was a re-post of one of her OF videos. Not anymore.
I think she woke up and realized that she can still be huge and body positive while working in government, but not if there's soft-core porn easily found.
until a video gets leaked for the 100th time lol or sent to her boss
Personally think leta will be horrified at what’s become of Adeline cause that would have been her!

Don’t get me wrong I think we will see leta balloon again due to comfort eating
Yeah for sure. Honestly an infection in a skin fold could kill Adeline pretty easy at this point. Her man is a pretty extreme feeder
She has the body of an elephant seal.
I’ll never figure out how people who don’t want to be fat get this big. You’d think that when they hit 250 they do something about it instead of just letting themselves balloon to 500 and then WLS and acres of loose skin. If you don’t want to be fat…don’t get fat in the first place.
There's a litany of reasons and excuses these girls give for getting to the size they are: trauma, abuse, hormonal disorders. Leta doesn't seem to have any of them, really. She has binge eating which seems to be a behaviorally learned characteristic but I don't see that being born out of strife. I think she grew up fat from parents that loved with food, had a community that was pretty accepting with her size, and got attention online for being supersized. She's attempted to lose weight before but I think she's never gone full "weight loss journey" since that would also dry up her admirer pool. Or she gave up after she reached a milestone and never had any barriers with her weight.

Rampant speculation on all of this but she's never shown any scars of her past so
Rampant…ya think? Everyone has excuses…even the most accomplished, put together people have an excuse for something. But eating yourself into blob territory? I mean if you want to I’m all for it…but if you don’t…it’s so fucking easy to avoid.
I'm so jealous of natural bingers and glutton. I can only overeat how I want if I'm truly at mental peace.
It's the same way that there are greater and lesser alcoholics and drug addicts.
First, understand that the addiction is masking something painful--physical or psychological.
Second, understand that humans are built for constructing fantasies (you are on a fantasy website after all). For example, that buying a box of donuts "isn't that bad" or "I'll just pace myself this time" or "I'll never lose weight anyway".
The greater the masking of pain and the greater the fantasy, the greater the addiction.
I don't think we need to over-analyze our girl Leta.
She's shared on social media of pics when she was a kid -- she has always been fat. She's just built big.
She found the attention she craved (as a lonely, likely bullied fat kid) from us fat admirers, and leaned into it.
It got a bit real as those numbers creeped closer to 600 (and started to impact her career), and she bailed.
She's fat, but doesn't really want to be fat -- but craves the attention.
So bizarre that 90% of people here can't seem to understand this, I guess it requires imagining someone you jerk off to as a person
This describes about 90% of the models in this scene. Probably more. Genuine female gainers are rare. Genuine female gainers willing and able to reach the 500-600 lb range are even rarer.
Genuine female fat fetishists tend to be autistic. The eroticism for adipose tissue is BAKED into the brain from very early on. Neural mapping errors, in other words literal retardation.
Do you even understand the words you are saying and the meaning of them?
silence, low IQ faggot
She’s running her scheme on some low IQ people right now
Elaborate, what scheme
She just posted a photo that looks like a mugshot in a world where they let you wear makeup and an outfit lol. Evil eyes. Definitely fucking someone’s life up

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