
I'm fucking pumped. She's huge, young, and beautiful. She gets the right kind of encouragement, she could go places.
Holey doley I think I'm going to break the simp moratorium on this one.
this isnt her this is another bbw from reddit lmfao nice try bozo
Pretty much is her, that boob separation, the uneven belly and the weird side rolls on her hip are the same.

Way bigger belly proportionally to her hips, smaller hips, thinner legs, smaller arms.

Not her.
All I got to say is that room looks sketchy as shit
yeah....that's definitely not me
my belly is much smaller and my legs are much bigger plus my thighs match up with my hips
good try tho lol
They lured you into replying lmao
If a dude linked her to this place in response to that pic he's simping hard or just trying to find an excuse to talk to her.

Now that we got your attention though why did you pick Curvage to model at over other places?
are you single? just asking

and what would your ideal bf/ so look like? (feel free to include personality)
easy there, Durgesh
no kissykissy-showbobs just yet
damage control! it's obviously you.
lol im just trying to know what i have to do to self-improve and get a woman like her.
shoe on head. do it fegat
its obviously not her
That's not her lol, look at the hips.
The one you posted is some reverse hourglass type, hayley is pear shaped
Reverse hourglass? That would be the same as hourglass, since... you kown... both ends are the same.
well usually hourglass figure means big top/bottom with a small waist, here the waist is the biggest part
Sorry responded to meant the dude above you
that's an ugly dress. looks like a Halloween costume
we're talking about the other pic you troglodyte
This model's fanbase is full of idiots
Bro this chick is 100% a furry
Are you fucking kidding me?
I believe they call people like her "weebs."
Frankly I think becoming another curvage whore has ruined her girl-next-door appeal.
Body is hot, but the whole weeb thing (clothes, props, faces, poses, gestures) is a big turn off, bigger than her ass and arms.
100% the opposite for me I gotta say.
I got bad news for you buddy
>>34610 whats wromg with this picture? I dont get it
Actually, I'm the one with the bad news for you.
I have even worse news for you my dude
Your Highness, the Oracles tell of omens most ill...
agreed, but I'm not gonna shy away from enjoying whatever gets shared about her.
I started a thread for her a month or 2 ago which was pretty active and got lots of replies. I wonder why the mods deleted it?
Dude she’s been a model For like three weeks… and is coming right out if the gate first time showing her legs/ ass and she has the fuckin ears and full on tail on. In her first ever shit. That means she is WAY more than comfortable wearin the animal stuff. She is a furry that’s cfAzy
Just to be clear I’m not hating on furrys at all. if you see this Hayley keep doing ya thing I’m not hating at all! One of my best friends is a furry.. just making observations
It's just a bunny girl costume, it's not like she's wearing a fursuit
Bro, she’s wearing a playboy bunny outfit. That shit existed before furry shit was even a thing and is not remotely close to dressing like a fully furred, fetishized animal. You probably are a closeted furry yourself, hence why you’re fighting so hard for her to be one
How retarded are you
Furries are fucked up.
if you’re not thinking about fat women with cat ears at least sometimes i don’t know what to tell you dude you’re missing out

lol. It's called curvage.

Someone should have suggested to the poor girl to simply open up a OF or fansly.
That is dangerously furry.
So dangerous, in fact, that all existing material should be sent to me and only me.
For safe disposal, of course
t. Phd. in Furology
I joke about huge cosplayers being chonkers.
She has that GOAT tier BoBerry shape. Hopefully she sticks around because she's clear of the newest crop of SSBBWs.
I don't see any content , but, at least she's not twerking, ass clapping, making duckface or playing boss bitch. Rejoice!
Furry or not Idk, if anything makes it more kinky. That thicc manga stack behind her tells me more. I wana hang out with this weeb and watch some trash anime fuck it✨
Or posting videos with color filters on them, recorded so up close you can't even tell what's going on. Usually the music is so loud if you don't insta-mute it you go deaf...
She is defiantly hot but the collection behind her put her first in S-Tier
new clip up on her curvage
Holy shit she's using that kind of scale already? she is so fucking hot
She’s already 500+ out the gates, fucking insane. Give in 10 years we will have girls at 20 years old at 600+.

Idk what this chick did to get that big but her diet must be fucking insane.

Hot as hell though
How old is she anyway? Still amazing she's that huge - for sure a sign what's to come.

I imagine she just watched anime and ate whatever, general losers club shit, a friend told her to do TikTok, and got attention quick.
Do you happen to have the clip?
Also on this note i like how she called it first weigh in which gives you hope for more to come!
I never understand how women like this fall into losers club. I get at 21 maybe, high school is rough but by college and especially after college I would go crazy for a woman like this.

Especially once I started working in my professional life, maybe I’m alone here but a girl who takes care of herself like this (IE puts the effort in) wouldn’t have trouble finding a date.

I’ve noticed down south though dating must be more difficult/ more remote etc idk

I bought the video but I’m not going through the effort of uploading it, I’m just too lazy I’m sorry but I always pay for my content and you should to.
But you do realise that you are on porn piracy board....? lol

True. However, she is *just* starting out and want to see more, so best not to pirate too hard lol
True but I'm broke at :(
(26 KB, 400x400, sQbTt9BS_400x400.jpg)
How much does she weight? We just want the fucking number, the number, give me the number
shut up moron
The number would just spoil the fun of watching the weigh in vid
There's something of an unspoken moratorium on sharing new model content. Unless the product is low quality or very underwhelming, you don't share a new face's paid content until they make more videos. If you share it as soon as it comes out, you take all the wind out of their sails and they question if it's even worth it. Shit, I don't think we saw BC Gigi's content for half a year before we got a dump. Now I bet she doesn't care.

Don't share it. Not until she recognizes she can make some good money putting herself out there. Give it some time. If you jackasses pirate everything she debuts with and cut her off at the knees, you'll have yourselves to blame when she covers herself up and fades into obscurity.
It's mostly the anime and most people turn their nose up at a fat chick. We think she's the second coming of Christ, everyone else sees a loser neet. And I'm not factoring what she wears out to public in that equation, even. She could be dressed to the 9's but will still be looked down on.

I'm glad she found good attention online.
What the other guy said, sure we'd love to see the content but to leak a promising star this early would just be wrong for numerous reasons.

We want to see her career flourish and to leak the weigh in now could persuade her to just stop, and it would put early cash flow to a big halt.

She needs to build a fanbase first before she can afford to have people share her content. We want her to be the next big name in the community, not a here one day and gone the next.

We really shouldn't spoil the weight either, it would hurt sales. To say she's 500+ makes us interested in the final number, but to know what the weight actually is would drive people away from that purchase.
>she charges #2,54 per minute of video,
It's hard for a girl to go through life without at least a few offers for a date. If you rate a girl as attractive chances are other men see the same 'attractiveness markers' and think alike, however niche she may seem. girls that are both fat and tall are VERY niche, but we're talking about girls taller than her. so she likely shot a few fa's down that left her cold. but that's better for us, no bf to possibly ruin things like what happened with snackmaiden.
This fetish is anything but good attention. Girls fuck up once and gain stalkers, calls to their work and family, whatever. And if you don't fuck up you get to deal with the entire spectrum of mental illness (look at /booty/)

Anyways I would marry this woman in a heartbeat. Lets hope she stays in the scene, I agree on not pirating until we at least have more content. She is 10/10, like a nerdy Boberry
It's a hint shorter than 5 minutes, figure just above $2 per minute. All things considered it's pretty reasonable. Not like what Boberry is doing
Granted. At least she gets some genuine admirers and some money out of it. Maybe some other models will have reached out to her to do some social media engagement 101 and not bother with the stalkers.

Agreed - $2-$3 isn't terribly off, though closer to $2/minute is somewhat standard. Plus it's for an anticipated topic. BoBerry is banking on die-hards simping over her status as queen among ssbbws, so we'll have to see if enough fools with money justify that mindset for her or if she joins the rest of us on Earth.
It also depends on how much her future videos cost. Either she'll charge like $2 for every minute and it will become a bit of an issue for long vids, or $10 could be a set price for mid length (4-idk 7 minute) content, maybe $20 for stuff 10 mins and over.

Sure it could be cheaper but considering her size and attractiveness I'm sure anyone interested in purchasing won't back away from a $10 price tag.

This is some riveting stuff for a bbwchan chat
That's usually how things work when it comes to longer vids - no one in their right mind keeps that per minute rate for anything longer than 15 minutes, really.
(4.8 MB, 480x284, meme-nicolas-cage.gif)
I rarely buy vids, but for _this_ it's just outright money well spent.
If this first video is any indication for what's to come, the future's looking bright.
I'm actually surprised that the vid hasn't been shared yet lol
For someone who is new modeling, we shouldn't be sharing anything. She needs the support right now, if you can't afford $10 that's just sad.
We need to respect her and pay for her content.
As an addendum - no one is saying we will never share her content.

Just to wait until she feels comfortable enough to not leave out of frustration and wasted effort. Enough people here have purchased to distribute if she does vanish, just like Letakelsie's OF.
I strongly recommend her new video. 10/10 would buy again.
On second thought, she's such a sweet girl and she seems innocent enough. I really don't like the thought of her slipping into all that softporn business just for a little attention and $$$.
Oh come on, you don’t dictate adult women’s lives. If she wants to model it’s not your concern.
There is only one disadvantage of the video regardinh I won't buy. THe young folks all take Videos only by smartphones but didn't recognize that also a samrtphone can be used in landscape orientation. Di dyou ever see a movie in portrait orientation on TV or at a cinema? And a laptop or most of PC screens couldn't be turned.
Videos for sale must be landscape orientated for good enjoyment on a large screen.

Where did I try to dictate anybody's life?
>THe young folks
You've got strong boomer energy, and I like it. And you're correct.
Despite earlier protestations I bought the clip. And my God she's even bigger than in her tiktoks.
That said she has a real youthful, adorable genuineness that drives me crazy. It's a breath of fresh air compared to other models in the same weight bracket. I can't wait to see what she'll put out next.
This is one of those times I wish I knew how to purchase curvage clips without having a credit card (since they're pretty useless in my country otherwise, so I don't have one).
She could be the best thing to happen to the SSBBW world for years if she's encouraged to eat a lot and push as far as she can go.
He's mad you have a somewhat noble instinct he will never have
Does she mention anywhere in the video if she's intentionallygaining weight or not?
Can’t speak for her but in the clip she’s acknowledged she’s put on weight and seems okay with it.

Might be one of those cases where she just loves food, which honesty is much better than intentionally gaining.
The old one speaks words of truth

Don't quote me on this but I think you can also use a giftcard to purchase things online.
Next video will be a measurements video, she tells me. What's a weighin without measurements, right?

Maybe portrait is better for weighins and measurements (advantage: head to toe in view), while landscape is better for other type of videos?

The pricing comment for longer videos was pretty good too.
Yeah, you can buy a Visa giftcard or whatever with cash, and then use it online
Throw this babe10 bucks -- you'll be glad you did. I was pretty astonished to hear the number, higher than I had guessed by a lot.
Chill out, nerd.
We want this girl to keep making content.
Nobody needs to share her first and only vid the day after release.

OP is just trying to entice people to buy the clip

Confused why you're so upset about this.

A new model comes to the scene, releases a weigh in, and I'm suggesting you support this model because I was indeed surprised by her weight

Please buddy. Calm down

I tried that and curvage has the worst payment system which blocked it, surely some legend will post the video tonight
Idk, seeing some solidarity around supporting the new girl.
They should do this for every new girl for at least a month or two
by a lot? well hot damn
That’s what I’ve been thinking, they leaked Gigi’s stuff like immediately and if I remember right Lisa Lou’s got shared pretty quickly as well. Both of whom I’m glad were not discouraged by that and I wouldn’t want Hayley to be either, just saying it seems kinda unfair thag people are now randomly wanting to do this for her, altho I guess it’s a positive evolution in this community to want to support the models at first
What's with all these comments about the vid but no one has dropped it? Did people forget we're literally on a PIRACY board??? Women never stop making content because of leaks if the money is still coming in.

Multiple ppl said they bought the vid so someone just share it. Encode 20 times if you have to.
I'd have to agree with the moratorium consensus. If you 'NEED IT RIGHT NOW' I'm sure your parents can lend you 10 bucks if you ask nicely.
curious how anons who make these kind of comments never brother to name the country they live in.


if new content of a model is uploaded days after its released that will eventually lead to no one buying anything because they expect to get it for free. content that gets shared here when a model has had enough time to profit off it will help foster a healthy sharing climate that will all save us money. /booty/ is the worst in this regard where leeches have the overhand /bbw/ is the best and /ssbbw/ is in between.
Just buy the fucking clip it’s $10 god damn. Go jerk it to a Sears catalog if you’re that fucking broke.
this chick is a white whale both literally and figuratively. i always pirate shit and am def happy abt the moratorium. more encouragement means more stuff
lol this is getting ridiculous. She’s an overweight generally pretty young woman. She is t the second and third coming of Jesus. I’m gona share this shit tomorrow when I wake up. Jesus Christ the simping is so hard on this site sometimes it’s insane. All the lurkers who read you pathetic simps posting this moratorium bs are shaking their heads and just waiting for the video to post. I’m on my phone now and In bed but posting it tomorrow cause this is just ridiculous
Lurker here. The only head shaking I am doing is at the desperate cavemen like you who are too retarded to understand simple economics. It's not "simping", it's wanting the well to not dry. It ok, you no are have brain.

I don't know about Anon, but here in Germany credit cards are in fact pretty useless if you're not booking hotels and cars abroad on a regular basis.

I'm also not sure if I've ever seen such a thing as a Visa gift card. Don't know if they even exist here.
Thanks in advance. At least you know the true meaning of this site which is to share content if you have.
Fucking simps lmao.
Fine, whatever. As the other Anon said, it's not wanting the well to dry. But go ahead and buy it. She gets another sale and there's more vids in the pipeline. Most of the time people don't buy a new person's content since it's typically a paysite and there's little to justify the pricetag. I don't know what that Anon was talking about with BC Gigi's content being shared immediately - I didn't see that shit for months and I check this site almost hourly.

tl;dr: do whatever you want, but at least understand why we're trying to keep her in invested - it's not like the other anons here will reward your generosity.

I refuse to believe Germany, one of the more progressive and forward-thinking societies, hasn't gone cashless in some regard. Unless you live in the countryside where lederhosen can still be seen daily.
physical gift cards are being phased out because you will own nothing and be happy, but you can still get virtual ones. if you want one with more than $50 on it or have it be upgradable a working phone number is needed.
might have to pay via ccbill for curvage tho cuz their verification process can be troublesome.
why not sub Luscious Amazon for me/us instead, her stuff never got shared here either iirc.
> it's not like the other anons here will reward your generosity.

Why are you even on a porn piracy board if you're so morally against the sharing of content?
lol she shared her weight in her bio on curvage for a sec

[spoiler]it has two 5's in it[spoiler]
also are the amount of views for that clip from people viewing the page, or people from paying and viewing the clip?
because if its the latter at 3K views... she made $30K, even if the former at 10% of the views that's $3K for less than an hours worth of work.

looks like whoever gets w/ her on a relationship basis is gonna have to have a big salary imo in order for her to be convinced to stay.
Always assume the latter - the sales pages and previews get a lot of views but a fraction buy.
(33 KB, 433x632, 2613801_TyJY67EdI53oagKUymdK.jpeg)
true, even at 1%, that's 300$.
she makes barely above minimum wage, so hopefully, it'll give her a self-esteem boost to make more content.
my ex has a similar body but more fat on her ass and belly, prettier face, 6ft tall, and latina. kinda makes me wonder how much we would've made if I shilled/marketed her to you guys.

no her on pic related (but 97% close to how she looks)
Here's the weigh in:


She weighs 505 pounds.

This moratorium bullshit was completely antithetical to the purpose of this website. You fucking simps share every other model's shit immediately and then randomly rally around this girl for no reason at all. For the record hayley I hope you stick around and this is nothing personal
i lol'd so hard, actual king
Bless you, brother!
half of the thread got wiped again

only happens in hayley threads
hayley's and chloe's threads. the ones who the mods are huge simps for
and tbh i dont really blame them, hayley is hot as fuck. but this whole not sharing content out of respect or whatever other motivations thing just doesnt belong on the chan, it literally exists to share content
None of you spergs have any respects for girls who put in the hard work to make this content, then you just steal it. It’s pathetic and sad. Get a job you bums. This chan is mostly a cess pool of neckbeards.
i hope she's successful enough so that many of you neckbeards are priced out of ever being in a relationship with her, alongside her new sense of self-worth.
>>35631 She made thousands of dollars for stepping on a scale and having good genetics, hard work has nothing to do with it. Weird that this chan suddenly cares about "respect" when every thread besides this white knight fest treats models like shit.
My thoughts exactly. Thank you for the content.
simps like itt are the entire reason models like boberry charge ridiculous prices because they know people will pay no matter what. If you're morally against pirating content that's fine, just gtfo the chan.
Link's dead already. Any reup?
It says nowhere that this board was created for piracy.

not sharing files with people who don't buy anyhting thus bring nothing to the table doesn't sound white knight-like to me, beg threads without content or downgraded spankbang rips refrained me from sharing stuff a lot of the times. the 'being priced out from being in a relationship with her' comment is a bit too much tho. Just know that 40% of traffic on this site comes from fucking Egypt of all places.
Find it ironic that a lot of the models in the scene have been doing this for 10+ years and she's fatter than all of them without even trying and while being much younger. Gluttony just seems to come so easy for some women.
It's endemic to the younger generations now. I don't know if it's the parents being too busy or stressed with work to pay attention to what the kids are eating or everything being way more fattening now, but frankly, I ain't complaining. 505 pounds at 21 would have got you on fucking Maury 20 years ago. Now no one bats an eye and you can make good cash flaunting it.

The world may be on fire but young, morbidly obese fat girls keep it spinning, my friend.
(25 KB, 405x348, 3e716a788451d0f147e0bd0cd7ec0fb2.jpg)
>for no reason at all
Not reason? She's everyone's girlfriend, she doesn't know it tho

Everyone talks about respect, yet they throw insults to others kek.

Even tho every link is expired, thanks for sharing
(300 KB, 828x493, 8293DD6C-B73A-4243-BF67-E9A5EA019405.jpeg)
The stupidity of people on this board blows my mind. How about you all stop making stupid assumptions about someone you know nothing about. It’s sad
Every generation being fatter than the next gets me harder than diamonds man I swear to god.
Look at this one. Fatcepts and protruding belly all wrapped up in a tight dress. And she's doing that "sexy" look too. Bitch, do you really think you're sexy enough that my lust for your body would overpower my sense of reason? That I would manhandle you and flip you against the wall while you stick out your behind, and then that I would lift your dress up to your back, revealing jiggly ass cheeks? That I would grab my hard erection and guide it towards your warm pussy hole, feeling with the tip of my dick your wetness, and against which I would grind my swollen member, mixing our juices before I slowly push my way into your warm fleshy insides? That we would feel pure ecstasy as I gently probe every ridge, every fold of your insides as they envelope me in warmth, the soft pressure of your sweet cavern almost sucking me in? That I would hold on to soft and protruding belly, grasp it firmly, kneading gently it like some sort of fleshy dough, as I pick up pace ramming you from behind, with your bronzed ass cheeks loudly slapping against my stomach, slowly at first, then faster and faster, each time making your butt jiggle as tiny waves of flesh repeatedly form on the ocean of your behind? That I wouldn't pull out when you softly whisper you're not on the pill and that it's a dangerous day for you? That we would orgasm together, sending waves after waves of pure ecstasy and pleasure into our bodies? That I would shoot thick ropes of my seed directly into your fertile womb, filling it to the brim, and instantly impregnating you? That I would take responsibility and marry you and go on to have 5 more children with you the love of my life? lol this bitch is delusional.
What the fuck kind of delusional life do you fantasize about. Fuck off with your creepy shit you god damn weird fuck. This site is pure cancer
Not all heroes wear capes. Thanks.

>do you really think
Clearly not, no one would think any of that after reading it, she will know that you have never seen a naked girl if not through a screen from your parent's basement. Much less touch or even talk to one.
The jannies removed all of the "simp" comments tho
Meant to tag this
> she will know that you have never seen a naked girl if not through a screen from your parent's basement. Much less touch or even talk to one.

lol at seriously trying to imagine what her response would be. she really lives in you head rent free huh? pretty sure you never held the hand of a foid either.
The way the chair disappears behind her is pretty hot.
There's a suprising amount of anger in this thread, over what exactly?

Just enjoy this magnificent girl.

The reason for not immediately sharing is to ensure more content in the future. Thought that'd be self-evident :)
(287 KB, 465x389, Capture1.PNG) (498 KB, 465x561, Capture2.PNG) (519 KB, 472x618, Capture.PNG) (315 KB, 465x457, Ass.PNG)
She isn't going to fuck any of you white knighters. She's already making a lot of money from what she does. Just share the damn content and move on.
>Just calling em as I sees em. You ain't been around long enough to see this whole fetish scene shift huh? It's evolved from highlighting women in their late 30s being celebrated at 350lbs to girls in their mid 20s starting off at 400lbs.
*girls in their early 20s starting off at 500 or even 700 (FatMissT) ;)
Crazy times to be alive during this obesity epidemic
new link:

"Alot of money"

Some of the people on this board are really fucking rich my guy. 10k is a pittance to me and whatever these models think is "alot" of money I promise, it's just subjective anyway.
Lol this guy thinks he's the actual Zeus

Haha "10k is a pittance to me" he says while browsing a piracy board not paying for 10 dollar clips :D
Says the guy who’s a mod on curvage and sees the clips for free :D.
Gtfo vennie
no reason not to browse this board, a lot of hot stuff gets posted you might not find otherwise. you can pay or wait
I'm considerably wealthy. No rich person thinks like this. As for why I'm pirating, well... that's how I got wealthy - by not paying for shit lol plus I don't want to have curvage or similar showing up on my stmt or ac. Implement a crypto function and I'd be more than happy to show my appreciation.


Good vid. Thanks for uploading. She's a cutie

lol true. But I've supported the models I deem worthy quite a bit :)

Obviously true. I was just ribbing a bit. But tbh is 10k is nothing I wouldn't even wait because my time would be too valuable...I'd just buy...everything? :P :P
Did you consider Hayley being worthy of purchasing her clip?

Absolutely. If she had posted the clip elsewhere, I would've bought it.

Instead, I'm trying to help her set up shop etc.
online purchases done with a debit card don't appear on your bank statement, obviously a criminal investigator can still know what you paid for if that's what you mean. i would say once a model gets a lot of content out you're better off paying for it if you want to have it all. if there ever comes a time when shes has 20+GB worth of content out, no one is going to share it all at once probably, if you can live with that it's good to not buy expendabilities.
i think it's the other way around boberry charges ridiculous prices now because her shit got shared every time, that's been put to a halt now for the time being.
I mean I don't pay for anything on the internet as a rule, but its just a few bucks and people like to give money to things they support, so what. They aren't obliged to share shit if they don't want to

Considering how 95% of us are anon there's no way to tell if someone has, or hasn't contributed content before...


I respect that people aren't obliged to upload anything, but at the same time if you aren't going to contribute then stop bumping the thread and stfu about it. This isn't some advertising site, we already have curvage, pornhub, twitter, etc etc.
Damn, all these clips are going down in a heartbeat. What gives?
It's cause of mega simps/ white knights like ryan reynolds up there and corrupt mods (who are also simps for this chick) taking the links down themselves, cause they want to be respectful of her, despite operating a chan that condones some of the most hateful shit ive ever seen for all the other models (jae, tara etc). luckily people like me and others are happy to keep re uploading as many times as necessary
Turns out people respect models who don't engage in insane, hypocritical SJW shit and actually make an attempt to appear attractive for their viewers instead of dressing up like men.
this bigly.
if only these ssbbws knew how much easier their lives would be if they just let go of their ego to compete against us and just worked instead to complement alongside us.
People are reporting the links to protect their imaginary girlfriend.
> if only women gave up their morals and convictions to appeal to anonymous assholes on a chan board

you guys see one well proportioned fat weeb and the cum completely mottles your brain, huh?

"b-b-b-ut the SJWs"

underage users go away
Without people buying the clips and the girls having an economic incentive to produce them, then there is no content.

It does no harm to give a new producer time to establish themselves. Sharing it straight away will just put them off and there will be no content.

Everything gets leaked eventually.
I love the obesity epidemic. I can't wait till the 18-19 year olds are 500 pounds and the average weight of a high school girl is in the 300s. The 2030s will be awesome.
I only know her from a week ago and she is already my favorite BBW, I am obsessed with her, I want her to do porn now, HELP
>I'm considerably wealthy. No rich person thinks like this.

I'm not rich, but I have many wealthy clients and a few friends and acquaintances who qualify and I've never encountered anyone who talks or writes like that. Even the asshole show-offs. "Considerably wealthy"... lol. You're considerably fucking illiterate. Same with Zeus — "10k is a pittance to me." Holy shit, that's right out of a comic book.

$10 is just not a lot of money for any income level beyond dead-broke. It was worth it not to wait because yes, I'm very much into her. (FWIW, the clip is well-worth it if you're so inclined.)

I'm here cruising bbw-chan so I'm not gonna lecture about the morality of sharing porn files, but you don't have to be a simp to appreciate the logic of allowing a model to earn some cash while establishing herself. By building up a back catalog they can entice more dedicated fans like myself to buy or subscribe. Mostly because we don't want to play hourly takedown roulette on this board, or yes, we just want to throw a small amount of cash to women who are taking off their clothes for us as appreciation.

At the same time I know I'm not gonna fuck her, and I know she doesn't care about me. That's fine. It's how porn works.
I know there's some logic to "rich people got that way by not paying for the small things" but Christ - to go through such lengths to avoid paying $10? You don't sound clever. You sound pathetic. I can understand some people around here saying money is tight for them but don't gloat and beg in the same breath.

When the M-word was brought up with Hayley, no one said to never share her content ever - it was simply to wait so she can see potential to stick around and do more. I've seen my fair share of models recognize how rampant piracy is when they did nothing to protect their stuff and left. One went on My 600 Pound Life shortly after quitting the community and I'll always wonder what could have been.

Share if you want. I'm somewhat glad the discussion is being had since it gives more perspective than "FREE CONTENT SHARE NOW" to all this. The bottom line is the older & more established faces don't care as much about being pirated - newer faces do.
Lol, the "10k is a pittance to me" guy will definitely go down as one of the classics on bbw chan. completely unprovoked and just peacocking to no one randomly
>Not paying for the little things
What, nobody is going to get rich by not paying for the little things. So funny. But we're getting off topic.

Oh look the file is down
I don't really buy this. People pirate movies, TV shows, music, and video games. None of those industries has collapsed. People have been pirating porn in general for years now, and the industry is going strong. If anything, it's expanded - see Onlyfans. There are always going to be plenty of people who don't know how to pirate or don't want to.

you can't pirate games on consoles which is where most people choose to play games on and pirating games on PC requires a lot of know-how normies don't have. I also, think it rules out online gaming but don't quote me on this. lots of companies in the gaming space are generally too big to fail also, microsoft has never profited of xbox for example.

musicans, especially niche ones do struggle with piracy, streaming makes up for it somewhat but it doesn't pay as well as people actually purchasing albums. it makes touring a necessity for artists if they don't want to have a day job.

movies, tv-shows you can figure out yourself why these industries are still viable.

but I don't think you can even compare her particular brand of activity with industries you need to consider her as a self-employed model who might make $500-$1000 per video tops, maybe even less.
she seems like a cool lady but she'll probably stop making content because people are cheap/jerks/creeps
Stop sharing with WeTransfer, those links get taken down fast asf
>One went on My 600 Pound Life shortly after quitting the community and I'll always wonder what could have been.
Was this Tiffany? Or whatever GamerGirl’s real name was?

I believe that's who he was referring to, Carmin/Gamer Girl/Tiffany. She got pretty heated when she realized that all of her content was on here.
I don’t know why people are comparing this giant to boberry but boberry is hot even if you aren’t into big women! This chicks belly isn’t proportional and it’s a huge turn OFF. And the awkward weeb thing is only attractive to other awkward weebs but boberry is adored by all!

Lmao go off ya twat, don't inject your ideals into it, it's that she's hot, huge and new to this, nothing more.

There are dozens of models fitting your description here that the mods leave up
No one has even talked to her at length yet you’re just assuming with your dick, she’s probably just as bad as the rest if not worse because she’s younger and more invested in the world.
Any chance for a reup???
Pretty harsh, I disagree with your statement, I think she's very attractive.


To be fair those medias already have a huge base and following and only a very small amount of people pirate said media (or even know how to properly funnily enough), for chicks posting vids online thats not really the case. Then again I vowed to never pay for stuff online I can get for free so who am i to say
Soo, what does she weigh?
No one asked for your shit opinion, and you're WRONG! Hayley is a top tier SSBBW, now stfu and scram you idiot.
Nah, how bout you support her and see it for yourself.
Can anyone upload the weight in video?
just saw this, that's a good point. Maybe the mods arent that biased and im just making shitty asumptions so ill just cut it out. She is hot but the simping is just out of control for this girl, i havent seen anything like it and ive been addicted to fat girl porn for a looooong time
Idk. I was really excited when she joined the scene. Her personality is really attractive to me (sweet, gentle, smiley), but paired with her beauty, she definitely has enormous potential. I support her 100%. We need more models like her.
She won’t be around long due to dumb asses like you sharing her content so quickly. Why don’t any of you have an ounce of respect. This place is cancer
>asks for respect
>calls everyone a cancer
This is why we can't have nice things
why do ya'll mary cultists cythink everyone worships her? from the bc camp i'd date leah, veelynn and verona over her.

her belly looks smaller to me, their hip to waist ratio look comparable and her hip circumfence might even be bigger since she's taller (we'll know when her next vid drops).
Damn this thread is just awful. Everyone just screaming. And ofc the mods are removing everything they're the biggest simps on the board
It’s not too difficult of a concept to understand. The reposters are going to discourage a new, part-time model, from making content because it’s going to be shared so quickly. I don’t think it was unreasonable to wait a while to share her shit, but some people are just clowns.

She has a lot of potential and now that’s at risk because of clowns.
She should learn to get used to it. There are plenty of models whose vids get shared the same day they post them, yet they stick around. People are going to pirate, its an inevitability. If the simps are any indication, it probably wont affect her income much.
>People are going to pirate, its an inevitability.
>She should learn to get used to it.
Pretty much this, she and all the simps here should learn to get used to it, it's part of the business like it or not.

The actual harmful part are the clowns (like >>35889 >>35873 >>35826 and others) screaming that she will get discouraged by all this, they are the ones shouting and planting a subliminal idea that she should be discouraged by piracy and run away. As already been said, content gets pirated all the time, no one says shit, and models stick around.
Did you watch the video? She knows about this place. She knows there are people who watched without buying. Gtfoh with this "planting a subliminal idea in her head" shit.
(745 KB, 519x927, b.PNG)
Where do you even get clothes in this size? Custom made stuff I understand but this looks like it was sold in a store.

It's kind of like telling a store to be okay with/accept stealing "it's part of doing business". Yes, it is, doesn't necessarily mean it's a good or even smart thing.

I'm not really bothered by piracy if the model is established more. I see it as follows
- Piracy can actually help a models exposure. Someone loves the pirated content and might actually buy the rest of the content.
However, if she's new and theres no more content, the extra exposure isn't advantageous to the model at all and just means lost revenue.
- When a new model is just starting out it kind of sucks seeing your content stolen, not in missing $$, but no one likes to see their work stolen. Less piracy when a new model is establishing herself simply means more incentive to make more and to put in more effort, which is ultimately advantageous to all fans (includes the pirating ones).

She's not going to run because of some piracy. But doesn't mean you can't be a little smart about it.
Reup of the weight in video ?
Getting stolen is not part of doing business, it's part of THIS business (and most business that manage virtual goods)

Some will pay because they don't know how to get it free.
Some will pay to get it ASAP and don't wait for others to share.
Some will pay to support, even if they can get it free.
Some will pay to share it and get gratification from strangers.
Some will wait to get it for free but pay for it if they get tired waiting.
Some will never pay and just get whatever is shared (me)
Some will never pay because they don't even know the model.

If content is good, sharers will do good indirect advertising, supporters will support and money will go in.
If content is bad, someone shares, no one bothers and it ends there forgotten in someones hard drive, at best.

It sucks? Yeah, no one likes getting stolen. But at the same time, others likes getting stuff for free.
>>35917 in the Fatmisst Thread none of that exists

I fully know piracy is part of the deal, her too. However, my point was you can be smart about how and when you share,

But it's always going to be a back and forth between the models interests and the pirates interests.

In other news, there's quite a bit of blooper video from her tries to make this video. She'll get that out there too before the measurement video. 7,5 minutes worth I just counted. Same video quality, more dorkiness trying to shoot a video :P
Already down... Possible re-up?
Already down... Could you please upload to anonfiles? Instead of Mega??
Upload as much as you want. I’ll keep taking it down ❤️. None of you deserve this. SUFFER!

Hey man remember when your mom posted on Curvage to ground you?
This tread needs to just be closed just full of screaming
(812 KB, 320x174, dis-gon-b-gud_800.gif)
new vid

simps and beggars come out of the woodworks!
(237 KB, 863x752, 38a.jpg)
Good luck, pal. This board's been sharing content for well over a decade. Do you actually think any of you white knights have ever stopped us?

Take a look around at all the other pirated shit. You can't stop this train.

Isn't he banned? Or can he still read?
7 and a half minute "outtakes" video from the weigh in.... a simp's dream.

Personally I just wanted to see what she weighed and maybe see her ass so the weigh in vid was perfect for me.

Since I'm not extremely fucking obsessed with her and think she's god on earth despite her showing zero personality other than being an awkward weeb, I could care less about this out takes video cause its just Gona be her being awkward over and over which will no doubt throw jet fuel onto the fire of obsession these white knights have started.

Either way I'm still gonna buy it cause she's hot af so if anyone wants it ill post it
Well sir if you could post, that would be just excellent.
You're not obligated to do that, of course...
Please do post when you get the chance. It would be greatly appreciated.
(529 KB, 828x937, F2F1E5E9-7209-4E7B-A059-18258665DE2B.jpeg)
I’ve been doing DMCA takedowns for several models on this site for years. Being “banned” does nothing, I’ll still be removing content whenever it’s posted, just because of how awful most of you are on this site. You have me to thank for completely changing how this site operates
so are you going to do this with all of her videos just to prove a point? please realize that this doesn't happen with most larger models except jackie who has a huge backlog already, PP's new vids hasn't even been uploaded yet and it's been up for a week. And dude you spent $17,50 on her, quit saying your not obessed.
>Obligatory chan complaining so everyone knows I’m not a simp
>Compliment allowed
>complain complain complain
>I am cooler than everyone else on my basketweaving fetish board

Without paying $15 and judging by the screenshots posted, I'm gonna guess her measurements. Any anon that paid for the video feel free to chime in with the correct numbers:

Bust: looks to be a DDD cup
Biceps: 25 inches
Belly: 70 inches
Ass/hips: 88 inches
Calves: 32 inches
Hulk Hogan's biceps got nothing on Hayley's
Any hero who doesn't wear cape wanna share? :O
damn this died fast huh?
What’s with her hands in the first photo? Like a T‑Rex. Do femoids really?

Grabbing her underwear, turning her hands inward. But also, you may underestimate how large she really is haha
Anyone want to re-up.? everything has expired.
Anyone got a re-up?
oh whoops i accidentally dropped these
here are her measurements btw

wrist: 7 in
forearm: 13 in
upper arm: 26 in
bust: 60.5 in
waist: 52.5 in
hips: 80 in
inner thighs: 44.5 in
thighs: 41 in
calves: 27 in
ankles: 12.5 in
>wrist: 7 in
forearm: 13 in
upper arm: 26 in
bust: 60.5 in
waist: 52.5 in
hips: 80 in
inner thighs: 44.5 in
thighs: 41 in
calves: 27 in
ankles: 12.5 in
Here are her parameters from the early ones, has she lost weight?
-Biceps: 25 inches
-Belly: 70 inches
-Ass/hips: 88 inches
-Calves: 32 inches
Wtf are you talking about. There were no early meassurments. It was just a guy on here guessing.

Err, no actually. She weighs what she says.
Bless your soul, my good brother.
Thnx a lot gentleman :-)
Already down, can you upload on anonfiles?, i know is too slow but, i think is the only way than we can download her content before it gets down
Bump for re-up? These get deleted fast.
Will re-up in the am.
Even better, could use bunkr.is, putme.ga or cyberdrop.me, those are good hosts
As promised.

Use mab. It's not the best but at least files stay up there for 3 days rather than 3 minutes on other hosts.
are yall still trying to get one video?
Re-upped to MAB

Thanks for the preview man. She's precious, almost too sweet to beat off to. almost.
wish she'd measured the widest part of her ass but without the gut
thanks a lot
Agreed. But she’s new and doesn’t know better.

someone please upload both vids ill love you long time
Is this thread dead ?
She’s just not releasing content as fast as a seasoned model would. Everything has been shared here so far.

Give her time, she will post.
The hype faded real quick.
>>38989 nothing new's happened for a while lmao
She hasn't released anything new lately is all. The moment she does, we'll be all over it. Even you lol
One begins to wonder...

Did she decide to just give up because of the gimmepigs, just like half of this thread was warning the other half about?
Doesn’t seem to be the case. Supposedly she stated she would possibly have time to get a clip out by this weekend. This isn’t her primary income, at least yet. So, I wouldn’t expect a constant stream of content until she’s able to really make some money with it.
fucking lmao if her first vid didn't make her money (it did) then nothing will
I doubt that. Frankly I think that she was never really into fetish modelling in the first place and only really tried it out for curiosity's sake after being talked into it over social media.
It's odd to say this about a girl who is so ridiculously, indulgently obese at such a young age, but she really does seem to have her life together and doesn't need to show off her body in front of a camera if it's not something she's into. She tried it on only to find, like most things, it didn't fit her.
I'm glad she did it in the first place because those tiktoks just weren't enough, but I'm also happy that she didn't become just another camwhore clapping her ass for a living. The girl next door charm makes her insanely attractive.
Has her life together? She gave me the impression that she didn’t go to college and worked some menial job (while sat down in a chair, obviously).
iirc she works in education.
That's a fair point - #ssbbw is a blocked tag on TikTok (barring some variations) so it's not like she can get any traffic from that or have anything to gain by including it. It's essentially a badge of honor on her posts.
Guys, please re-up to mega...
New vid is 33 min long and 1.31gb and it's an eating vid not to bad for $12 tbh
12 minutes for half an hour? Dude, I've seen MUCH worse on pricing. Think I might get it then.
Is there a mega on her?
(11 KB, 210x240, 1553743810264.jpg)
Communism isn't very popular right now bob. Take that shit to the park, maybe the squirrels will care.
(7 KB, 316x159, images.jpg)
There some sumbitchin' commies right h'year? I'll take um all on, you hear me?! You don't mess with FREEDOM, BABAY! WAOH!
>33 min clip of this massive goddess who is somehow only in her early 20s
>not some ghetto ass-clipping camwhore, just a cute weeb type
Fuck man, I'm buying
33 min is promising, I hope she actually finishes whatever she's eating, and doesn't eat 2 cupcakes and fake being stuffed like 99% of all the other girls, that shit pisses me off to no end. if she actually eats in her videos would be a huge plus for her in my book
I don't think she's been doing this long enough to know how to set expectations low like that. My guess is she eats most of a pizza, but when you're not even drinking age and 500 pounds, you probably can scarf down a whole one and think nothing of it.
Is eating a whole large pizza that impressive? I'm not 500lbs can easily eat 2. Then again I have a theory that as much of a contradiction it sounds like if a person is too fat and their stomach didn't expand proportionally the fat smooshes their stomach and decreases their capacity, that and maybe girls have smaller stomachs so its just tougher for them. Otherwise I can't understand how I can eat more than these chicks who weigh several of my weight
I think a lot of people just get fat from eating constantly and not necessarily extremely giant portions
Grazing, they call it. If you eat throughout the day you will absolutely get fat.

From the looks of the video it's a combination of talking, eating, and showing off. I don't think she had a real plan in mind but for $12, there's definitely enough in there to make it worth. If it was JUST eating an entire pizza a la Juicy Jackie, she probably would lead off with that.
one of the reviews
"She starts off letting us know what to expect with the vid and putting on a maid outfit that fits absolutely perfectly. Adjusts the set with great views of her spectacular ass. She apologizes for being a novice which is cute cause she’s adjusting the camera at the time and gives us a screenful of tits. Then she starts eating her pizza and lets out some adorable burps. Eventually she reveals her soft beautiful belly while talking about being nervous on cam. There are points where she spreads her thighs and leans forward casually hitting seductive poses seemingly without noticing. Later she does a sexy pose on purpose but gets embarrassed which somehow makes it hotter."

And how do you get your girlfriend on this grazing routine exactly? :P
I kinda prefer the idea of her gaining all that weight without really even trying. Granted idk if she gains on purpose or just got that big through genetics
If she's young, genetics and parental laziness/neglect. Older women the line is much more blurred. I'd wager not intentional gaining but since she's found an audience she might not be so quick to diet.

Always have a stocked fridge, always keep snacks out where they can see them, and if there is an activity you want to do together, offer to provide food (i.e. popcorn for a movie date). If she's hungry, she'll know where to go.
Weed and keeping her happy. You get these animals smoked and comfortable in the relationship, and they'll pile it on. It’s all about conditioning.
I‘be found that older ones (like 30+) are more likely to be ok with their size. Especially if they’re lifelong fatties. It’s like they resign themselves to it. It’s very cute.
>Is eating a whole large pizza that impressive? I'm not 500lbs can easily eat 2.

Sorry to enable this derailing but a whole large pizza is impressive to me... 2 would put me in the hospital. Granted, pizza comes in many forms from grandma to sicilian/deep dish but half a pie is my limit even with the thin stuff.

FWIW in terms of weight gain, I'm not a small man, large framed with a 30ish bmi, active if not athletic. I like sweets here and there and fatty foods too but day to day I'm pretty healthy and I swear I don't eat *that* much. Like, way less than several of my thin friends, and less than a few of the women (albeit fat ones) I've dated. I love food but just don't have a huge appetite or capacity.

That's why when fat women complain about low metabolisms I don't necessarily write it off (though yes, most people lie about their intake and activity levels). If I ate like some of my friends I'd probably be 350 lbs.
Anyone willing to share the new vid? If not I can go and buy it but it will take a day or two cause I gotta pick up a prepaid Visa card
Then I'll post it for yall
You would be an absolute saint
I've made a promise and now I'm here to deliver

Uh, Amazon Amanda?
My bad that was for a different thread is this better?

Bless your heart, brother.
You the realest
Thnx a lot gentleman.. :-)
Can somebody re-up all vids that gone?
I understand having to catch the moment, but I'd really like to collect all of her videos from the posts above. Thanks.
She’s beautiful
>the little maid apron sitting like a remote island on the small ocean that is her actual belly apron
So hot
>>39915 thnx a lot...

>>39959 here are her previous vids
Does she ever reply to dms...???
Dawg, don't do it.
what did you ask?
Wasn't acting as a jerk, just casual stuff 🤒

i am finding no . i send alot for special. recqest but is not replly
good morning, sir
please do the needful and try the tried and true "bootifull send bobs and vagene kissykissy lov U"
good morning
have you the reply from haley ?
Good Morning sirs. please do the needful and ask haley to send me curvage mail. She will know i am Patel Patel
the true instagram experience.

The fuck does "pajeetposting" mean?
godtier shitposting
my question turned into a joke (ಥ _ ಥ)
horny middle eastern dudes with 3 braincells and barely speak english.
>middle eastern
Fucking third world weebs
First you come in here and gripe that the hype has died, then you bitch about her being a weeb. I'm sorry she isn't responding to your advances. Move on.
thank u . how is to chang the back ground here

. this not me ?
What's with all the irrelevant comments wtf

is relevent
we try to get reply on spacial reqeusts
have ask haley fo farting video
Ever hear about this thing called a "joke?" Retard
My comment was directed at all those thirsty weebs hanging around here like you.
Fucking lesbian white knight telling others to move on, my balls are laughing.

Guys I’ve asked how much she wants for those scales. Man I just wanna lick those scales.
this thread took a wild turn lol
My question is still unanswered though 😞>>40055
i am sending ever ry day my freind i am tel her haley I am workin g britishgas
good job yes i reqeust one fartin mylove an i die happy man
just on e razberry farts. from my special cow
Can anyone re-up the weigh-in vid?
She answers all of them except yours.
can confirm, although I must say for someone seeming so cute and ditzy she sure talked a lot of shit about anon
less cheap talk sirs, post mor bobs and vagene pleas
I'm slowfat and suck because I missed the 3/19 communist drop. Any chance someone snagged it? I'm terrible.
Please if we could get a re up it would be greatly appreciated 🙏
She posted a new clip of her swimming around in a pool its 2:50min and $5
She looks so cute with her hair down, but I'll probably miss this one, not long enough to justify dropping even 5 smackos, especially when she says they'll be a second pool video "soon."
I wonder if she was too shy to record that much or if most of the video just got left on the cutting room floor.
it's her first clip without a static camera..I wonder who's filming her tbh.
Yeah it's me. I hope you liked the camera work, for our next video we're taking some inspiration from Big Cuties Sadie's filmographer.
Need to see her in more two pieces she’s always hiding that big gut of hers
can someone re-up the pizza vid?
Lol this is wicked funny if it’s a joke
Hi lads, could a hero re-up the videos shared so far plz?
Anyone here gonna post it or no?
Probably not, so you'll have to go buy it
What about the pizza vid? Can anyone re-up that?
wow people really clamoring for her stuff, she prolly making the moneys now. My back hurts, wish i was born a girl in this generation.
Big mcthankies from mcspankies
Anyone have the pool video?
Dude it's $5 just get a prepaid card if you want it
I know she likes dresses but her thighs are great wrapped in pant legs
Love her fat arms
Its $5 for 72 pictures of her like the ones above me. I was hoping for a video personally.
Would you like to share with the fam if you already bought ^_^
I dont have them I never buy pics waste of money
Honestly if she did nudes I would buy in a second but for me honestly it seems like $5 for what you can get for free
How old is she? Her body is very nice, is she keeps on gaining she might become one of my fav
Welp it's too late then. This is her peak.
(30 KB, 640x480, 435017.jpg)
How is it even humanly possible to be over 500 pounds at 21? And judging by her weigh in video she's still rapidly packing it on.

Genetics are always a possibility. She's obviously built like a goddamned dump truck and that doesn't just happened. Could be a food addict/binge eater that's not very active. Also - as wild as this may seem - some people are genuinely into this and want to be that fat, so they go through whatever it takes to satisfy their desires.
(21 KB, 112x109, __COPIUM.png)
>some people are genuinely into this and want to be that fat
The amount of copium is insane.

Everyone is different, you can't speak for someone else.
Where can I obtain said video?
We are indeed incredibly blessed
I think she has a rare genetic disorder tbh. You know she's complete American white bread, probably some inbred DNA messed up the hormonal juju. She doesn't have that natural extreme glutton physiognomy, not piggish at all. I bet she will get WLS or similar within 5 years .
How can a woman be so fucking beautiful bros. There should be poetry written about her.
Is it too early to say "re-up"?
this was incredible. the epitome of ssbbw porn. and the fact that this is her first vid ever is very exciting. She has so much potential. A new generation of ssbbw legends is upon us
I can already tell what you look like lmao
She has a cute smile. Be nice, retard
That's a really cute picture I don't see the issue
Lol at the lesbian white knights.

Miner teeth
(64 KB, 679x677, 61iEFGz-P3L._AC_UX679_.jpg)
>People don't agree with me that she's ugly so they must be white knights

On her own thread on a porn board? You can try a little harder.
Imagine coming to the SSBBW board and expecting teeth from a Colgate advert…
Seriously? You kidding, right?

Average teeth are going to be a show-stopper for you, given this woman’s astonishing level of attractiveness in every other way?
Those fangs are the cutest thing ever ffs
She’s like one of those tiny fanged deer. Except giant and ginger.
pls can someone share the measurement and pizza vids? i hate to beg, but she is too beautiful to refuse!
The simping for this girl makes me want to kill myself

Her teeth are BUSTED
Her teeth are normal there's nothing wrong with them
You see them in her videos when she talks and smiles
(773 KB, 679x646, 1.PNG)
it looks like there's a gap next to her front teeth on the right side. the rest of her palate is a bit uneven but none of the teeth are broken.
*her palate isn't uneven just teeth (normal)
cute smile :D she is cute as fug
I guess just do it already please
For real. I can't tell if it's the same troll that's spewing racism in a dozen other threads or a standalone baby that shrieks when their fap material isn't flawless, but either option should result in neck rope.
thank you for the dental analysis, Dr. Tism
I’m NOT that racist asshole dude that guy can actually go kill himself like for real. I think she has a hot body but should just stick to smiling with her lips closed lol. And that she’s over rated but hey that’s just bbw chan for ya
Like for real how can you look at this picture and think it’s pretty.
Your ID is the same shit colour as your skin.
Fuckin dyin lmao
Lmao case in point
When there's literally absolutely nothing wrong with her teeth? Literally overreacting
You don't like someone with normal everyday teeth? Ok
Sorry she has one average part about her I don't understand why you're so mad though
Picked the average part about her and trying to overplay it cause you dislike her that's so sad
Why not show us your teeth? You probably don't have any
Can't believe we are trying to bully someone for having regular normal everyday teeth now lmfao
(33 KB, 480x360, risitas.jpg)
Fucking simps just accept the fact that someone doesn't like her teeth and move on.
We'll move on when you and him stop crying about her teeth. We're not restarting this cycle.
My teeth are crooked as fuck too why can’t we get called out for busted teeth 🦷
>wh-wh-why is everybody being so m-m-mean? I just don't like her t-t-t-teeth

Oh my FUCKING GOD. Can we please shut up about her TEETH.

If you think they’re scary, wait ‘til you see what’s between her legs.
You’re nuts. She’s got an insanely hot body, cute features, and average teeth. So, maybe by comparison to the rest of her they’re bad?

Honestly this person reminds me of the George Constanza character in Shallow Hal
Hung like Ron Jeremy
Yo can I get a reup of any of her vids here?
She has a new vid old clothing try on its 23:00 min for $12. If someone could share that would be appreciated seeing as I bought the previous vid for yall.
Would love to see it 😔, but I can't even afford 12 bucks right now 🤧
The file size took a hit after Curvage compressed it 2GB > 300MB

I'm wondering if you could notice a difference?
Someone cares enough to share the latest cloths try on vid, please? Here are some of her recent videos..
First time seeing her.
Can someone upload her content?
Can you or do you read? the post right above yours has a working link that will expire soon, pay attention, be quick, you'll have some content

Thanks! Absolute unit; Crazy to feed she got this impossibly huge while ‘not into feederism’
Can someone send something else?
Requesting a reup please fam
Yeah reup please
The initial hype faded exponentially, just a barren thread left...
This thread would've hit the bump limit already if none of the post were deleted, post without content got deleted ITT swiftly not long ago. What we've seen is that her content only got shared to prove a point against the "simps". Her stuff is selling decently for sure. Heck even I would've tried to cop the try-on vid If I didn't bought her pic-set already.
Heather from bigcuties follow her, maybe she has an eye for her...
I have some rare content of violet james, mizz puss, starstruck, scarlett, bigcutie steph, if anyone has hayley's latest vid i can share content or even otherwise too..
Does she follow back tho? Aurora said that BC prefer their models to have a following already before signing with them, so it would make sense if she at least got an offer.

I hope she doesn't. Not only does BC take a relatively large pay cut she won't have to pay under Curvage or OF etc, I'm also not sure the 2005 business model BC is running works anymore. Is the content she produces under BC even legally hers, or is owned by BC? And also she is forced into an update schedule, which I'm not sure she would want (right now she updates whenever she wants to).
A few considerations for her if she does get an offer.
BigCuties takes the cut and does the editing and photo touch-ups. It's not just a higher cut for fun or virtue of being a big name. And Heather would absolutely be the support and motivation Hayley would need to produce more, meaningful content.

She has the potential, she just needs the push in the right direction to really make money off of it and make it worth her while. Hayley already has a huge following, it'd be a big win for BC if she joined.
BC would own the work, she would have to send in at least three sets a month so she would lose her freedom to post when she wants, BC barely edits their photos at all, and BC doesn’t offer any sort of training or anything that would ‘help’ her in her modeling career so she would be better off sticking to curvage and OF. BC is a sinking ship.
Could be worse. She could join any of Stu's Bombshells sites.

Well, I don't think there's much editing to be done, besides the occasional pimple. And even then, do you really want to edit it out when it's going to show up in the 4K video? Point is, hardly any editing needed, really.

I also think Hayley is doing fine on her own. From what she's posted so far, she's already on BC level. She just needs to produce more frequently.

I guess we will see if BC is in the pipeline.
Dear God lmao those sites suck so bad
over/under for internet weirdos scaring her off in the next 6 months?

this girl seems too normie to do consistent content
The girl has talked about how she's now got an air fryer near to her desk and has what appears to be a collection of manga novels in the background in one video. I think short of the weirdos who try to find people IRL and find their location I think she's likely got a decent level of resistance to weirdos you know being into Weeb stuff and likely around weebs for a while.
(39 KB, 1224x398, cc.JPG)
have tried using debit/credit card, even virtual one for some reason I can't get through. Can someone provide any alternate method (for asia specific) or better share the clip wtih the fam..
Clothes trying on clip .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.
Have you tried CCBill yet? It's more reliable in my experience, it might have to do with them accepting more valutas. Sometimes you need to tinker with the zip code a bit if it's not accepted right away.
I have, still no luck >﹏<, same card worked on bigcuties though...Just gotta wait if someone shows mercy and drops it here..
Requesting a reupload of the most recent upload. Thx
If it worked on one CCBill page you're out of funds, the verification process is identical along all their pages.
Has she made anything since the first weigh in video cause thats the only thing ive seen uploaded here.

Casual Cummunist W
New vids
why are the files so huge?
Nice I was just about to buy It cause it wasn't compressed yet.
It´s the raw file, Curvage always compresses it a few days after the upload, I think they overdo it.
Because she is fat
Thnx, bob to the rescue :-)👌🏽
Bob the man, good to see her appetite in action..
I did a thing, does anyone have the small clothes video?

her legs are so big
Nice and thiccc one could say
any chance of a re-up
(65 KB, 498x726, chadBat.png)
chad bat thought of taking the bullet and buying her clothes try on vid since bob shared her recent one. here it is

Sweet thanks loser
Your charity has been duly noted, thank you brother.
Man...that part where she talks about her appetite is so hot. Either she's a very convincing actress or she's getting into this herself, very nice.

Appreciated Chad bat

might you be so generous as to re-upload, my liege?
The look on her face is the best. This girl loves it. Her best friend is food. We got a lifer, folks.

Good lord this girl really spreads out when she sits. Can you imagine trying to fit her in your car?
(1.1 MB, 2160x2160, 1_.jpg) (1.5 MB, 2160x2160, 2_.jpg) (1.1 MB, 2160x1620, 3_.jpg)
No doubt she has gained in recent times..
>>48295 can someone help this fella, chadBat doesn't have his pc right now..
Yeah shes all legs, its wild.
Get her into my car? I’m more concerned with getting her on her back
Would love to see a video of her getting into a car, perhaps a sedan.. >>48376 damn...
She has some new lingerie pics for $5 I'm never really interested in just pictures so count me out for buying
Does anyone have her latest stuffing video? I was considering buying it but I wanted to see if anybody had bought it already and could upload it to save me the 12 bucks.
Can someone reupload all her stuff? I had to format my drive :(
There's a new weighin incoming. She said that she's gained alot since the last one. Can't wait :P
i miss the content, any body reup? please
damn i missed it too, reup anyone?
anyone have the pool video?
Yo, I just realized she’s literally in the same town as me…
Anyone got her new stuffing video?

Knoxville, TN?
Please don't make it weird
I'll tell you ... Don't you dare! DO NOT STALK THIS GIRL! But you will.

Find somebody else to entertain yourselves with. Dude is going to stalk her and probably kill her or something. It's totally over now.
Time for you to move town then isn't it?
shut this shit down rn
I've never really liked bees, you know that? Very recently I saw a bee buzzing around a convinience store. It was buzzing around like a young girl with a smile. I thought to myself, this bee has no sense and no intuition of where it belongs. It may as well have been retarded. I saw the bee gleefully bouncing up and down the aisles, and I wondered, isn't anyone going to call an exterminator? Now, I wouldn't press charges on a bee, although I've never liked them. The question is who does like bees?
Too late bruh. He done did it.
These kind of people are special.
It was too late the second he mentioned it here.
Now he man gonna kick his ass. She looks like she's really tall, so I can imagine her man is like 6'5' 300lbs.

Good luck to this goon!
Reup on any video, pretty please? :’)
fulfil the prophecy. you are the chosen one brother. your fingers must touch the forbidden white flesh then it will know how it is adored
you are the connection between us
I'm afraid you may be right. He went to every KFC and Arby's in Knoxville to find her. Asked her if she'd let him stuff her. she said no. He killed. Now he's stuffing her carcass.
It’s funny cause we joke, but you are the person who should actually kill yourself
I think this dude is trolling us.
she has a boyfriend?
(102 KB, 1080x1080, FWsLmc7UsAAyPSs.jpg)
Models have private lives ( or at least try to until some stalker finds them and kills them) so yes many have boyfriends. If you're drooling over her then there's probably someone in her area that's drooled over her too and asked her out and a relationship developed.
These models aren't going to remain single in life so guys can fantasize about tracking them down and asking them out and having a relationship with them.
Americans are too retarded to be funny and usually the funny ones are foreigners. If you're not funny, or don't have a lot of money, or not like a famous genius then that's probably why you never got pussy. If you like fat bbws you might be able to get some chicks if you have a bbc. BBCs are popular amongst some ladies of the bbw crowd
Who do you think is holding the camera in her videos? Its not rocket science.
If they are female they are not single.
sheesh bro turn down the incel a little bit and do the basic math that if basically every "female" is in a relationship, either basically every guy would also have to be (or lots of lesbians, I suppose). You're just simping after a very small % that actually posts pictures online
(237 KB, 2688x1242, 12ac042be6a17be525c955d1804a8f5cb8ef730b22398dfdf579c1644be1c130.jpg)
Yeah but why would you risk anything for one fat chick in the obese hot spot of the world.
Now we're going to get in autistic territory but i'm not entirely sure she has a BF. It's established fact that she has a photographer since a few months, everything we saw before that was self-shot. The gender of the photographer though could be kept hidden intentionally. I've scanned the pool video for reflection or banter between 2 persons and got none the wiser. If it is a man, they're still dating and he has to fly over state to meet her possibly. It could just as well be a girl. She tried to shoot a 2nd pool vid shortly after the first one but according to her it didn't work out cause there were kids at the pool and she would try it again but not on the short-term. Then we got a wave of self-shot content again but that seems to have ended for 2nd time. Now who would her BF be? There's a guy who always catches a like from her when he gives compliments, he once mad fun of someone who called her his GF, but ehhh it seems a bit platonic. He probably catched her attention because of being there from the start and giving compliments. I know because she's been on my rader when only a few knew about her, I should've probs messaged her in that era then she would have at least replied lel.
>tfw rural euro
>tfw no obese whale girls
why live, I just don't like s*inny women
She mentioned having roommate.
(185 KB, 1080x1837, IMG_0357.jpg)
Top Secret Shhhhh
Fuck she is so hot. I have a thing for redheads so this is just perfect.
Any more like this?
Damn, she is built like a fridge.
I feel you, it's a sombre feel knowing you will probably never feel such a beautiful 200kg+ girl on top of you
I will eventually. Dude I'm willing to hold off on sex until I find a fat gf seriously

You say that like it’s voluntary.

Upcoming pool video. Weighin also incoming.
how do i open RAR files
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kinda same. brutal
but there is a gem here and there just gotta keep looking
Does it have the new swimming pool vid?
Her back wings are killer…what a dump truck.
>I'm good a guy and you need to be treated properly. PS you're a dumb slut who should kill yourself
Christ this image should belong in a museum. The amount of cognitive dissonance is astounding to the point where one could wonder if its pure parody. The internet truly was a mistake.
fuck me, those back rolls are like angel wings
Can some chad drop her swimming pool vid (new/old)..
Is this one of those pajeets everyones been talking abour
look like an extra pair of tits
Everytime there is a golden goose, someone has to kill the fuckin thing..
What on earth was she doing gigging in Kuopio?Shes not finnish, is she?
Imma need to know where you got this meme from expeditiously
probably from a Mob100 thread on a now-defunct recruitment board for a homosexual deathcult, six years ago
I always think im mentally ill, degenerate, and really autistic until I visit one of these threads and realize I'm pretty fucking normal in comparison

You guys are doing God's work around here, keep it up. Siri stop typing now
any chance of a re-up for those who unfortunately missed it?
Thanks for this! I love Hailey on Instagram and so glad to find her Curvage page (and videos to buy that are a little more revealing!!).
Please Reup. I'm dying here.
You dead now? No point in uploading it if you're dead
did anyone save her last IG vid that's now gone (possibly due to being mass reported since she never deletes posts)? the one with the jumpsuit
Has she posted a new weigh in yet? Like holy shit, every IG story she posts is her eating out. Gonna be 600 in no time.
New weigh in on her site fellas...
Anyone has her older measurements video? I've lost it...
I'll reupload all her videos that I have if someone could get her new vid that would be appreciated
Here is most of the vids except pool and I don't have any photos either.

Can someone share the weigh in or the weight number perhaps..?
I'm glad she filmed the weigh in before cutting most of her hair😅
a gain of about 45 iirc
Holy damn, and that was earlier this year

Between this and Adeline's gain, what the fuck are these girls eating?
Shit, her original weigh in was in January. This is freaking nuts and hot as hell. How much longer until 600lbs?

45lbs in 6 months? I knew her face was looking rounder but Jesus Christ.
So many shared adeline's weigh in, no one of ginger's... >>50601
Be a hero please..?
Why are you so fucking broke? It seems like all you care about is GB anyways.
I fucking love where this is going
I'm going to second on the upload request. You don't have to upload it immediately afaic. I was gonna cop but the file got compressed.

Here are the pool vids in exchange.

Am I really the only one doubting this? She definitely doesn't look that much bigger
She used to just have a regular job and spent all her $ on weeb ass shit, now she’s got all that curvage $$$$ and can afford to eat out whenever she wants, love to see it, love that the income is going straight to the scale
Damn, thanks man...
Bust - 60.5 > 61 (+0.5)
Waist - 52.5 > 58 (+5.5)
Hips - 80 > 83.5 (+3.5)
Inner thigh - 44.5 > 49 (+4.5)
Lower thigh - 41 > 43 (+2)
Calves - 27 > 28 (+1)

Weight 505 > 549.2 (+44.2)

Will upload when I'm home
Looking forward to drop king, thanks in advance
It's the eating plus the zero movement
Wait how old is this chick again? I cant find her on bbw wiki
Based department.
One thing fat girls have in common in my experience is a refrigerator filled with soda. >>39607
Horry shitu she's really gunning for it

I, and everone else, can see 600 in the future :P

Also, those thighs are fucking monstrous! Are there other girls with legs this voluminous? Imagine them straddling you!
This would be grom 425 to 550 in arround 24 months, so a steady 5.2lbs/month
I mean … how long did it take for her to gain 45?

How creepy is this video on a scale 1 to 10?
I would gladly wife a gorgeous weeb girl. Especially one that's into the good anime. Too bad she's taken.
>>50692 21 rn turns 22 next month
I’d guess like 400-450
lol I forgot that half the appeal is the fact that she is a weeb. To me when I see weeb I think pretty much minimal to no personality and weird as fuck. Not in a exciting reiina pop type of weird, like the ugly horse girl in middle school weird. But hey most the guys in this community are like that anyways. Either way she’s gaining so quickly and such good body it’d be worth it to me. Idk about wife but definitely spend some time and $ on. I wonder what her guy is like. What’s the proof on her having a BF again? Just the fact that someone has been taking picture of her?
Nope nvm. I'm 28 this year.
(81 KB, 455x675, superlative laugh.jpg)
zero, like the recompense you can expect for your mutilated foreskin, shartgolem
How does one “simp” again? I want to do that
Waiting for the legendary drop king :-)
I guess around 110Kg at that time.
Re up of everything I got



Really? Nothing? No matter!

I will gladly donated my foreskin for use in the reconstruction of your burn victim face :)
She’s so shy and nervous still but she’ll get there
Hayley please, please, please, please, please dont have your fuckin cats in the next video, please :( im literaly crying in agonizeing pain right now PLEASE put them in the other room and for the love of god dont talk to them... i know ur new to this but seriously this is PORN not bestiality... please Hayley please!!!!!!!!!
>he doesn't like pussy
lol, what a gay
She has a new vid, squeezing into a small car but it's 8 bucks for a couple of minutes...
Any chance of a Re-up it's down already lol
Oh crap threads full time for some-one to make a new one.
She's gained 45lbs in how long?! She looks bigger even since she started making content
At her current pace, based on 45lbs gained between January 20 and June 30, she’s at a little over 8lbs / month or 100lbs / year!
That's fucking insane for a chick already her size. My God.

Has she commented on how much she eats to cause such a gain?
Seems like my man ain't home yet. Hope he shares on the new thread...
true true imagine her in 5 years. easily 700+
Seriously not one nude? Not even a nipple?

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