
(6.3 MB, 360x202, 2vnvlw.gif)
Old thread was gone, so here's a new one, I'm not typically a SSBBW guy but she's the exception to that rule Ukc5MVlteGxJRmR5WVhCd1pXUUthSFIwY0hNNkx5OTNaWFJ5WVc1elptVnlMbU52YlM5a2IzZHViRzloWkhNdk9XTTNNelEyTldSbE1XVmpORGc0TWprME56Z3lOVFkwTTJOaU5qUTNZVEF5TURJeU1ERXhNREEzTkRreU1DOHdPRE16Tm1FPQ==
Here's my collection:


Great model if you like SSBBWs. Someone in the old thread said she's a near perfect sphere of lard, and I'm forced to agree.
Thanks, but those two links seem to contain same content
They don't. You might have copied one of the links twice, try it again
man she's really, really damn good, isn't she? the whole caitidee clique is one of my favorite subsections of the scene rn
I posted this on the Caitidee thread. I'll leave it here as well just so none of miss it

How heavy is she now?
What is her current weight?

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