
(149 KB, 1500x1000, cruiseconnellytopgunmaverick1500.jpg)
Starting a new thread as the last one hit the bump limit. Direct all your requests, discussions, begging, reups, and shilling here.

I've uploaded a bunch of model comps and PMVs in a Mega - get it while it's hot. And try to reupload if you're quick enough to get a helping. I'll do my part until it gets to be too much to keep up with.

Just to kick things off - there was one music vid that was sort of experimental? I don't remember where I put it but it got lost in the collection. Made by the same guy that did the Passion music vid. If anyone has I'll throw into the MEGA.

Honestly it might get taken down thanks to two certain models having content included...
I request a Britt comp, from her big cuties to her new of stuff
By "experimental" I mean it's a weird song and was really high when making it. Slob/burp focus as well:

Did anyone save a bunch of those "fat girl" songs from the last thread?
That's the one, you beautiful bastard. Thank you so much!
>>34235 These music video comps are my favorite evolution in fat porn in a long long long time.
(399 KB, 500x500, 1613255406649.png)
These are great, the health issue and burpy ones are god tier.
If someone could make one focused around messy eating, burps and braps I would be in heaven. Doesn't even have to be long.
>>34251 I think some brave editor could go way harder and deeper into extreme weight gain and deathfeedism than have been tried so far (not saying the offerings haven't been great)

So many of these models who have been around a long time have gotten absolutely massive. Roxxie has put on 200 pounds in her career. Jae and Adeline are now over 600, and Jackie is about join them. These are closing in on 300 pound career gains. We're living through a world-historic arms race of professional weight gain. It's the 1980's but for fuckblubber.

And messed up as it may be to say, a huge number of models have already eaten themselves to the big buffet in the sky. The Juliet saga alone is an amazing arc. There's an unbelievable trove of source material available for some enterprising editor to make some dark, dark-ass comp videos. The Dolce one comes close so far. How 'bout it, science?
>We're living through a world-historic arms race of professional weight gain. It's the 1980's but for fuckblubber.
But yeah I agree. God, it's horrible. But I need some REEEALLY fucked up slob/deathfeedee shit. If we get that I don't think I'll need to jack off to anything else again.
Anyone have the PMV Harvest made? This it was called Fat to the Beat.
Can someone please make more burp comps? Is there just this one so far? That was one of the best vids I've ever seen!
Second. Nothing makes me cum as reliably and consistently as fat greedy girls burping like pigs.
great vids, thanks
Now that BoBerry has ended her time with BC, I wonder if the comp vid needs to be updated to account for the 50 sets since then?

Kinda wonder if Lacrymosa should play when it went out at on a high note at her max weight lol
Some genius please update the airline and JJ ones they have gotten even fatter!
Assuming autocorrect for Adeline.
could someone reup the "experimental" one please?
It's in the OP. Music Videos. Bigpigs.
awesome thank you, wasn't sure if it was in there or not
says the decryption key is needed?
>>3423 (Dead)
I was going to clean my room
but I got hIh
I was going and the rboom, but I gott Inhigh
I made comps of fat arsed hoes and I know why!


Nothing to offer sadly but I second the sentiment here, a music vid edit delving into more dark/death feederism would be phenomenal
a full on slob one would make be diamonds
Is there enough workable slob content out there to make that a reality? I'd rather have a full Ivy comp if a slob comp is going to be 60% her and Reenaye anyway
Anyone have the JJ comp?
>>36235 agree- I feel like there are already a few of slob comps. I’d like to see a full-tilt deathfeedist comp. real sadistic.
you should lead it. last time someone tired it, the video was a little lackluster.
>>36272 if I had the first clue about editing, I'd do it. Believe me I've thought about it.
Hey, an editor here back with a new one. Wanted to experiment and try making a comp with a song without lyrics this time. Let me know what you think! Feedback always appreciated.


Also shameless ko-fi plug if you wanna throw something my way. Absolutely no pressure though. My archive is in the bio as well: https://ko-fi.com/fatmusicvideoanon
Just sent a donation your way. Really liked this one - you have an eye for style my man.

If you're taking any suggestions, something about fat chicks in bikinis or underwater could work as a theme. Whale watching, you know?
>>36755 this is a GREAT one. Nice work!
Yo, thanks! I'd be open to doing that bikini/underwater idea. I don't think I have a ton of swimwear-related videos though. So any content for that would be appreciated.

I'd be open to doing a burp comp. I might have enough videos saved for that. But again, any additional videos anyone might have would be great as well.
Lemme know who you want. I'll comb through my external when I get a chance for some choice ones.
Literally anything you think would be good (though bonus points if you have any KittyPiggy too)
I love these comps u guys are genius! I'm only into the super fats though so more of them pre and post gain pls Jackie Adeline Tara Trysta Candy ect
model at 1:19? sorry if i didn’t notice a watermark!
Hey fellas, long time no see. I saw some of the music videos created by some of you guys. Honestly, I can’t top those but I nonetheless attempted to make something up to par. I’m just about done with the comp, just need to upload. It is much shorter than my other ones but I think you guys will like it. Just remember, save that money
What are we looking at, boss?

Made this one quickly so there are mistakes Im sure. Regardless, any feedback is appreciated
>>37467 I think it's fantastic and that you should make more.

I tend to like the comps featuring multiple models and showcasing a lot of big gains rather than focusing on an individual girl but this was well done.

I'd maybe recommend occasionally referring to the full gain, smallest to biggest, rather than it just being purely incremental progress you're showcasing. Maybe by splitscreen or quick cuts, I dunno.

Thanks for the really amazing work. Eager for more!
Loved to see her eating!
I happen to like his style of showcasing a model's potential throughout her career. His BoBerry was particularly masterful. It helps to have a long career with sequential, measured content to work with. Lailani is an interesting case as she has done a variety of fetish work so it's hard to showcase the highlights when there's something for everyone.

Excellent work nonetheless!
I happen to love the focus on one model. And the 20 to 30min lengths make the videos EPIC.. If you're the same guy who made the boberry, adeline, steph, JJ, msfatbooty gain vids... I think you're a legend and a genius. I personally consider those the best vids I have ever obtained from here. Please don't stop... and if I could make a possible request.. PLEASE make a roxxie video. Thank you for your contributions. Great work.
>>37500 second this- if you have access to something close to a comprehensive Roxxie back catalogue, a high quality Roxxie comp is exactly what we need.

We've seen her gain 200+ pounds over a decade or so, puts out some of the hottest, most creative, sincere, and highest quality content, all while somehow getting hotter as she ages. Now she's leaning hard into this Fat Bimbo thing, which I personally love.

According to her Tumblr today is her birthday :)

She's still only 33. Helps when they start young. Lots of years of (seemingly) consequence-free gaining left in this one.
Are we gonna see a reup?
Yo yo yo. Got another video for you all. A bit more experimentation this time. Rather than a music video, went with something a little more... old fashioned. Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think:

As always, my past archive is in the bio of my Ko-fi to download at anytime
Loved it! Great work as always!
>>39432 Superb and fucking hot. Amazing use of the concept. I think the standard music video thing is still my favorite style for comps, but it was awesome to have a creative break from that. The old 1950s weight loss stuff was inspired. You're truly an artist with these things, man.

Thanks for the Ko-fi link! Tip this man!

Looking up the thread I agree with those who have called for a deathfeedist vid - and I think someone also proposed a Roxxie-themed gaining vid. That hog has gotten huge.
I love this style . A suggestion maybe do some old giant monster movie style videos . Maybe like Godzilla or the blob
Brilliant concept and really well executed

Thank you, genius!
>>39432 Amazing stuff! The use of classic sfx like the trumpets for emphasising growth, and the juxtaposition from the narrators to the ladies are some inspired editing choices!
(93 KB, 220x230, thumbs-up.gif)
TheCollector here,
never ever did i start a comment with introducing myself but this Video Comp is just a masterpiece of its own, so it deserves it... i realy love the 50/60s voice-over and how you choose the clips of different models. The Vibes & feelings it gives watching it is on a whole another level. Seriously perfect work you done there, keep it up, iam hyped for even more of your finese.
(Get yourself a name so we know its you who posts some work here)
Wow, thanks everyone! Glad you all like the latest installment.

Thanks! Guess I wouldn't mind giving myself a name. Not sure what though.

Also, any video sites where these won't get taken down? YouTube is obviously out of the option.

Might do a burp comp or swimwear related one next, as both have been suggested before.
>Also, any video sites where these won't get taken down? YouTube is obviously out of the option.

Sendvid, gofile.io (if it regularly gets downloaded), if you want it to be indexed by search engines create your own Reddit page and upload the video there.
Hey there! Back sooner than I thought I'd be. Was in the mood to tackle >>36764 this suggestion for a bikini/underwater-related video. It was a bit harder than other ones I've made, given the specific topic, but here are the results! (Hope you don't mind pop music)


As always, any input is valued! And the link to the archive to all my past stuff is in the bio of my ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/fatmusicvideoanon
This motherfucker understood the ASSIGNMENT! Incredible work! Genuinely surprised at how many public eating vids at a beach you were able to find.

Would've been good with some Trysta (personal preference) but that's just a dollop of icing on an already perfect cake. I'll tip you some funds when I get paid, my man.
This one was awesome, song fit well to the theme and the clips used were on point. May be my favorite comp shared here.
Wowzer! This is amazingly put together! Regardless of musical taste the song is a spot-on pick for the theme, and a fun choice of 'intro' video. You've nailed yet another comp idea, bravo!
Does anyone have the Jackie comp?

This is incredible work! Just nailed it.

Who is walking to the pool at 1:45?
Jackie comp here :)

Thanks bro!!

If I can make a suggestion for a song, Timbaland - Carry Out would be amazing, could be a drive through/car stuffing themed video
Outstanding. Well done
>>34228 (OP)
Does anyone archived Mz Booty weigh compilation? The one that was brief? Also has anyone bothered to compiled Foxy Roxxie's weigh through the years?

Bra-fucking-vo, chap.
Thanks everyone. Glad you liked this entry!
Bumping, absolutely love the stuff that’s been made and shared so far!
Any reups for non archived music videos?

Would be great to have a comp with a song specifically about big girls
Possible to get a reup on this one?
you may find it worth your time to take a closer look at the post you referenced
>>42218 oh shit I haven’t seen this in like at least a decade. Progenitor of today’s comps

No, it's down. Can we get a re up?
Look again. There's another link.
There's something about the words and the cuts to eating and fat-jiggling and music combo that drives me wild
I like the idea of a comp of a fat pop star encouraging an entire generation of tik tok types to let it all out
Hey there everyone. Back with compilation #9. Another themed one this time. Hope you all like it. As always, any feedback is appreciated.

As always, the full archive is linked in the bio of my ko-fi if you ever miss an upload yadda yadda.
Yes man, you are the best at this shit. I love it when you do the comparisons, and your editing to the music is really good. Keep it up!
Brilliant!!! Thank you

This comparison stuff is like crack to me
Oh righteous! Another jaw-dropping comp from you again man! A superb theme with top-notch editing together! Looking forward to the next endeavour!
We gotta keep this thread alive. The comps are amazing
Idea for a comp video. One focusing on the real obesity crisis. SSBBW clips cut with news, psas and articles on the growing global obesity pandemic. Make it food focused, lots of gorgings and discussions on how fat the models are and add in lots of gas and mess it you like.
>>45605 this is a GREAT idea. Also kind of a backdoor into a deathfeedist vid without being explicitly so. Good chance to showcase some real hopelessly obese hogs.
Thirding this as a superb idea! It feels so obvious now that its been mentioned.
Do some of that editing shit, Mav!
Hey, what's up. Saw the post by >>45605 and thought it was a pretty interesting idea and decided to tackle it. So here's comp #10! Let me know what you think.

As always, my entire backlog is linked in the description of my ko-fi. Whoever keeps asking for re-ups, all you have to do is click this link.
Always appreciate your creativity- excellent!
>>46076 return of the king
Absolutely wonderful work once again! A very nice juxtaposition between the new audio and the visuals! I feel this could be delved deeper into, but this is still incredible given the relatively quick turnover!
You dropped this
Lardi B is literally fat fetishism with a beat.
She really is, great to have lyrics like this sung proudly by a female voice
My first go at the music video thing:
I just wanted to test it out and it was really fun tbh.
Would love to hear what you guys think and what I can improve on. Fucking roast me if you want.
Can you upload the full versions of those loveadipose clips? Her threads been dead for a while now
these are both really good. nice to see more people take a crack at this gig.
this one was timed perfectly with the music choice. with the material used being of excellent choice.
this one took a slower tempo which is appreciated but felt off with the song. plus having still images take up decent portions of the song was awkward. although mad respects for using power direct, I know that shit can get frustrating. with some practice with timing and transitioning. shit should be kino
This was fantastic! Great timing and clips used
Thanks guys, I will definetly try to make another one soon. I'll just need to get some ideas first
What about an azismiss compilation? It’s been a while since I seen her videos!
burp and brap comp!
If the original comp guy is still around, Trysta just retired from BigCuties. Say the word, I'll have the library posted for you.
Usual comp maker here (though now maybe I do need a nickname!)
It's awesome to see more people getting in on the compilation game! Keep it up, fellow comp-makers!

I don't want to tell anyone how to make their comps, though if you want some personal advice, I'd advise editing to the flow/beat of the music. A lot of the recent stuff posted is really good! Though some scenes can linger on a bit long for a compilation vid. Keep up the good work and look forward to seeing more!

the one with the funnels is amazing, great work!
I was thinking the same about the lingering thing on the first one I made. It's just when you edit to the beat you get really into it and it's easy to forget. But I'll improve on that part for my next one for sure.
>>47032 totally agree with this. No editor myself but I think these comps are the best innovation in fat porn in a long time.

The two that were just posted were superb in their own ways and I encourage the editor to do more. Really great selection of music - explicitly topical and mocking, but don't read like parody songs.

Cutting in sync to the music, and also just cutting around more to get more varied content and images, would improve them hugely.
You're all doing great work on this new format, just thought dua lipa get physical would be a good song
My second attempt at this, but this is more of a music video, because the song isn't fat related at all.
It's not Physical, but it's still Dua Lipa. I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out:
I am loving these videos— though I have to say that the weight gain progression stuff definitely made me most diamonds
>>47215 now THAT'S what I'm talking about. Man, you've got a real talent.

Amazing job with this one man.
(366 KB, 1576x1032, thatfattgirl.jpg) (108 KB, 538x977, hugeazz.jpg)
FUCKING Love it!!!!
God Job. Fits perfect in my Music Video Collection.

Care to share the Video of ThatFattGirl & tell who the Huge Azz belongs to? (Pic related)
Not for nothing, but I kinda wish @maryboberry.edits on TikTok did a full video. Just to see how that style will play out.
Thanks guys, will definetly make more in this style when I get time. Just need some song suggestions.
The girl on the left is @pame_pear, and I’ll try to remember to upload the thatfattgirl vid when I get home
Girl on the right***
Could you also upload the oil video of Bonnie at the start? thank you G
As promised
>>48162 please up full the vidios & clips of teighlor from the past TV shows
I thought I would give the comp thing a try. kind of a wreck lol. mad respect to the greats that have made amazing ones in the past.

>>48240 excited to see it but the file is showing as zero bytes
Are you uploading it and then closing the website? O bytes. Try again - keep the tab open and wait.
Very good man. Definetly something I haven't seen done before. Looking forward already to see your future stuff.
>>48246 Really great man. What I love about these comps is that you really get a sense of each individual editor's artistry. It's not just stringing together a bunch of random content, the cuts and interpolation and music all paint a totally original picture.

Constructive criticism, I think you could have allowed for a little more native audio from the original videos to pop through at times. Also, you could have been a little more judicious with the super fast forward effect (though I get that that was sort of the gimmick. And while I know it was more of an eating-centric video rather than focused on gaining, some of these models have 200+ lb gains in their careers - it always helps in these videos to feature those juxtapositions.

But outstanding work, man. Truly. Can't wait to see your next one!
Wow, really good job with this one! It's edited really well! Nice job using clips that tend to match the lyrics of the song! Keep up the good work! Great song choice too! I might take a crack at that song as well.
Great idea! Maybe we should all do the same! Let's get cracking!
Just as an idea, why not mix both a compilation of a single model, and the music video together.

Matching a song to a certain person would be interesting. For example Plump Princess likes to use rock music in some of her videos (e.g. Nine Inch Nails - Somewhat Damaged).
It’s a good song for these sorts of things. Definitely works well with all the tiktoker body positivity content and the concept of obesity becoming a fashionable trend
I saw a music video using Plump Princess with a Doja Cat on SpankBang a while back. Can't find it anymore.
Attention Comp Editors: the new Juicy Jackie stretching video is a very good source of wheezing and heavy breathing.

Just trying to help out.
Don’t think we should bump the thread yet, what about everything that’s completed?
we definitely need more obesity crisis themed comps, they're so hot.
>>49533 I second this- and I think “girls in crisis from obesity” is a better way of putting it than deathfeedism, but it’s essentially the same thing. Sort of lightly mocking, objectifying and condescending. Those videos are so hot.
That's just part of what you must live with with obesity. The idea is obesity is becoming so normalised nobody cares about that, and that's hot.
I've been experimenting with this, but I can't seem to find a good sound for it. Do you guys have any examples or good videos to use?
(2.5 MB, 756x592, tumblr_ral88fgitT1yglf5y.mp4)
Make it a mix of plus size youtube channels and models, actual obesity reports in the news, adverts about the obesity crisis/weight loss and ssbbw feedee actresses of course. Just compile it with all sorts of shit that make the world seem like it's becoming a giant gluttonous paradise.
Also, if you could, try and get more than just America. We need to make sure people know obesity is growing worldwide.
She's a boy. :(
Yeah I guess trans bbw would be a bit too niche a genre
this thread is going into the garbage with this, but she didn't even go through male puberty, and she has a vagina, you're an absolute fucking retard.
Stop arguing faggots

Back with another overedited SSBBW comp. This one has a bunch of random themes put together, and is a little dark. Wish I got the new JJ in time, but otherwise just enjoy this one.


Some of it is lazy and the audio kind of booms so be careful, headphone-users.

You really took us on a little journey there didn’t you? I appreciated all your choices in this- only thematic note is you could be even darker and more on the nose if you wanted. The way you pushed it in this was really exhilarating.

The juxtaposition of the crying/whimpering/suffering with the carefree attention seeking fat girl behavior was stupendous, and not something I think we’ve ever seen before but which was needed.

Great work
The irony is they look far more passable as a chick when fatter since their fat actually went to the more expected womanly parts. If I were then I’d pack on the pounds more lol
>>49729 fucking stop. This is an important thread on this board. Please do not derail it with this bullshit.

We just got a new comp focus on that
Crazy crazy CRAZY good work!
the W in BBW-chan stands for women faggot
I'm genuinely just impressed someone actually used the infamous clip of LilBigMama86. God damn this comp hit hard
Lots of great clips of models in tight schoolgirl outfits, some where they’re struggling into desks. Could make for a good theme compilation
the link is already dead
you got some to share?
>>49727 Can someone re-up this? it sounds really good
Can someone reupload the one the SSBBW comp from biskitson
open your fucking eyes retard
Great work. What's that Boberry clip starting at 4:35 from?

Also, assuming the "fitness" comp is also from you, whose is that sea of fat visible for about a second at 2:21?
Could we request specific models, like azismiss or plump princess? Just asking

Could someone please reup this weigh in comp?
Might be challenging to do with available content, but I would love the idea of a denial/obliviousness -themed comp video. Could do all sorts of gain and struggle juxtapositions.

Also, someone has gotta incorporate the latest Adeline and Jackie updates into one of these videos. Those bitches are getting fucking enormous.
Yeah we need one of these legends to update Adeline and then Jackie cause they be blowing up!
Hey guys, I'm the guy who made the levitating one a little while ago.
Just threw together a quick Adeline comp to revive the thread:
Far from my best but just wanted to do alittle comparison... I also got kind lazy in the end there
It's good stuff, man. Not bad for a quick job. I'd personally want to see more side-by-side footage, maybe even like quick cuts to how things were for her when they were smaller versus this year. I know the focus was on the last few videos but there's also the ones from January to consider.

Here, maybe try splicing some of the audio from this onto some earlier clips. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVlpDWVVSQlZuTjJXazA9

Take your time, dawg. Really loved the Levitating MV.
>>52471 Dude this is great. And no criticism whatsoever because this is precisely what we've all been asking for and is a great start.

But there is SO much potential for an Adeline gaining comp. She started so relatively small given her current size. We're talking a 350 pound gain for somebody still under 30.

I'd second the vote for more side by side, more quick cuts, more commentary on her journey. There is just SO much raw material to make that happen. I feel we finally have the footage available to make something truly all-time.
Definitely agree!

That said, would love to see a re-up of the quick one, if anyone has it and is willing
Reup, encoded this time, hopefully lasts a little longer...
expired already
A new high quality comp sure would hit the spot right about now
Idk I think the original solo-model comp guy flew the coup. If he's around, he should let us know what model he wants to do and we'll shower him with content.
>>53197 I think there are at least 4 distinct creators of high quality comps who have posted here
Oh I didn't say there weren't, just that the one who started it all has been pretty silent. Any of the artistic themed guys are super welcome and appreciated too!
I’m the guy who made the recent adeline comp and a few other pmvs. I just haven’t had that much time lately. I have started work on a few but none of them have been any good. If I do get time I’ll definetly work on one this week. One of the hardest things for me is actually finding a good song to cut to. And it’s also time consuming so I get stuck in this horny hell for many hours. Which is probably not good for me lol. But if I get time I promise one this week.
Any chance of a reup on the latest adeline vid???
As for music suggestions how about the humpty dance
I can upload it again when I get home from work, but she takes them down fast as fuck
So I've noticed! Rough idea of a time (uk) and I will make a point of it thanks mate
Probably around 2 hours and it should be up
Here it is:
And here's the other's I've made if someones interested:
Thanks a lot bruh much appreciated cheers
Expired. Thanks for trying.
Sorry guys, impossible to have it up more than a few hours...
Comp maker here (the one who made Quarantine Thick, Eat, Let It All Out, 1950, etc)
I wanna finish a new comp, but I'm just in a bit of an inspiration slump at the moment. I'm running out of unique random fatty videos to use. I also can't decide on a theme. I have like, 5 unfinished compilation project files I started, but ended up not feeling anymore. Any theme ideas or random video dumps any of you may have would be great if you're feeling so kind.
Song: Physical by Dua Lipa, clips of ssbbws waddling and struggling, like Adeline on her walking frame or even some ssbbw scooter content
>include Adeline
Easiest way to get your video deleted instantly.
I’ve always had the fantasy of doing a comp of 600PL in reverse. They start quasi-fat but get obscenely fat as it progresses, with all sorts of “you gotta stop enabling” and “you’re eating ten tousan calories a day” quotes from Dr Now sprinkled in.

Dark, I know…
>>53402 this is an *excellent* idea.

I love comp themes that create a sort of mocking, objectifying irony. A smirking, dark sense of humor about these greedy hopeless hogs.
Imagine a side by side comparison of Dua and some massive ssbbw waddling
Now this… sounds great. A young, hot 130 pound girl juxtaposed next to a fat slob who can barely walk… god damn
something about girls on a diet losing complete control and hating it but not stopping the their gluttonous urge to gorge on junk food arouses me
If any of the MV comp creators are looking to do something with a pop song, "As It Was" by Harry Styles could probably work if you're looking to do mirror shots with vintage models. Like the pre-2005 content models - CindyG waddling around next to a clip of BC Steph waddling, or someone similar. Dumb idea but I had it in the shower.
A draft/teaser of my newest project:
Not really the best, but feel like I might be on to something.
This isn't even close to the finished product, but just a little draft with a few ideas. Would love any feedback and if it's worth continuing this...
Maybe a cosplay/gamer girl theme? Gaming/couch potatoes are the perfect doorway to gaining
You've got a great start, keep it up. What is the theme, so I can help with ideas
Not really going for a theme, just a compilation/pmv. But in the end right before the cut off the idea was to start with a comparison of a few girls
Looks good!

Could you please upload the Mochii and BC Jolene full videos shown in the clip if you have them?
>>53459 It's a great start - excellent, high quality work as always.

If you need a sharpening theme that corresponds to the song you've chosen, I'd suggest you could choose to include *just* the exceptionally pretty fat models. Obviously this is subjective to taste, but I love the idea of a kind of "high class girl" theme - not necessarily bimbo or glam, but I think we all have an idea of who the hot fat bitches are, and it'd make sense with the backdrop of "Fancy", which I think is a great song choice.

I would actually say you're already more or less doing this. With only a couple of exceptions, it seems you're choosing really facially beautiful models for this one. But as you edit and extend to full length, I think you could really run with that theme.

Also, I don't think there's such a thing as too many gaining cuts/comparisons. Super effective, especially when timed to the music. Not for nothing, Adeline should be a must-have inclusion for any gaining related video considering she's Top Hog at the moment.

Finally, and you can take or leave this, but I'm surprised that more comps don't incorporate more hardcore fat porn. There's more out there than ever, and even many of the familiar softcore feedist models are starting to engage in it. It doesn't need to be dominant- could just be peppered in for effect. Just a thought.
Agreed! That’d make for a great theme
Hey everyone. It's been a while, but I finally got motivated to finish something. Here's video #11 from me:

Hope you enjoy. And as always, feedback is appreciated.
everything i saved on this thread
Good shit as always man, fuuuck
God tier. So carelessly hedonistic, so gross, in a good way.
god sent. homie. preciate it.
Did it get taken down already?
i even have his name in my emails, charming
Never include Adeline in anything you want to stay up.
no how can this go already?
Missed it, I'm on super lurk mode so PLEASE reup thanks
your lurking will be rewarded
The fourth one got taken down. And that was the only one I was missing. Dang
Re-up of the century. Thank you!
Hey, does anyone still have that Levitating music vid? Here's a force feeding video as trade for the request.

Awesome contribution Anon, here's the levitating vid, enjoy

begging for a couple new comps. Any theme. There's been so much amazing content released recently that could be put to great use. I wish I had this skill set myself.
Thanks Anon! You have no idea how long I've been looking for this!
responded to my own post like a dipshit, but thanks again!
Download any video editing software and try it out man. It’s very simple just cutting clips and put some music on top. I’m the guy who made the levitating one and I had barely any experience before I made it. It just takes time and a good collection of clips
Please reup everything from the thread i missed all the goodies apart from the levitating one which was very good btw!
Any new adeline comps in the works? she so fat now!
if there were i'd be taken down in a heart beat
Hey guys! had an unfortunate mishap with my external hard drive. Lost a huge portion of my collection.. Could a honorable soldie do me a solid and re up the OG single model comps please. Boberry, miss fat booty, sasha, adeline, ash, destiny. Appreciate it.
The link in the OP still works...
(102 KB, 1280x720, snacktreat boys.jpg)
these comps are great, i got inspired and figured i'd share the fruits of my labor. this song is a classic from the bygone days of comedy flash animations. https://we.tl/t-cKcRSpiYBb
Now that’s a blast from the past
I downloaded it but The video isn't showing, Only the audio is there but no video. I guess I don't have the programs for it. If that's the only version for a Quicktime player or so, then I don't know what else can work.
Oh my a classic! Great use of clips, this was a treat to watch!
Weird, I used quicktime player with no issues, it just converted the file to a mov for me
>>56948 Download and use the VLC player, which is free. QT won't play this file for me either, but VLC handles it fine.

Love that we have a new comp artist in the arena! I def remember the flash video parody this song was taken from.
Holy shit that was nice to watch.
I love how much some of the models have just exploded compared to now...
Requesting a compliation video that premotes obesity and gluttony and embraces the obesity crisis. Lots of emphasis on body positivity shit in the media, ssbbws eating and gorging and more candid clips of them waddling in public.
does someone have the comp vid of Ash? was recently on spankbang but got pulled before i could get it
OP, you're the best
Striking right as November starts. Amazing work
Outstanding. Do any heroes have the full version of the clip that starts at about the 19 min mark (featuring the girls in the pool)?
Can we get a reup?
Seconding, i always love the comps but missed this one.
Missed this one kings please re-up?
decided to remix the one that started it all


sorry, fixed link
I get so fucking happy when a new comp drops. I hope our hero editors haven't lost interest. This remix of Bounce (which was a revelation when it first came out) is fucking superb. The way fat wobbles and moves and smacks makes fat porn so incredibly perfect for compilation videos. My favorite subgenre.
Truly patrician stuff editors put together. Very curious what this cow video was.

I was lucky enough to snag the cow comp. Here's a re-up

Why’s it a compressed zip taking up 1.4 gb? I’m not sure I wanna save or open that
(314 KB, 500x495, when-you-wake-up-and-its-your-cake-day-and-58648868_edit_20213366462019.png)
You know what comp vid would be goated? A fit to fat compilation, including models that started relatively thin and ballooned (eg Mochii, Layla, CouchQueen, LauraFatty) or others that were chubby but got fat. Having their gains contrasted, including fat chat and even progressive slobinness as they get fatter (like burping and messy eating).
Finally add a song talking about some generic stuff like Touch my Body from Mariah Carey for extra spice.

I don't have the creativity, talent nor the vids to actually do all of that
Definitely something with a heavy theme. Something slow, yknow?
slow music and immense immobile blobs is hot
Probably best to leave her out if you ever want to be able to share the video.
Actually, there was a WIP comp with a very slowed down version of Sexyback by Justin Timberlake. That honestly would work perfect. It just feels... fat

first of all, love this idea, especially if it has a morbid angle.

I don't think I've seen a comp use "Wobble Baby" by V.I.C, which is strange since it's such an obvious choice.

I'm not very good at choosing songs but either peppy upbeat flirty girl-pop (Carly Rae Jepson, K$sha, Katy Perry, Britney) or raunchy oversexed hip hop seem to work really well on these.

I especially love when there's a humorous or ironic juxtaposition of the song to the visual.
Vanilla Hippo and Echo are about twice as big as Adeline.
I thought the comp in question was finished? I dled it and it certainly feels as such. But agreed, the slowed beat and bassy feel lends itself to these comps
I second this sentiment - something morbid and/or death feederism is long overdue - perhaps a girl-pop song but slowed down/bassed up would make for a good audio? I know 'gonna die young' was a great piece used in a comp in the op link - that sort of thing could be great pitched and sped down to really add a 'heavy, swollen' feeling
Does anyone here know what happened to Adeline's Clips4Sale way back? I lost my folder. I would prefer to pay her for what videos I cared about. Namely 'pov feed the birthday girl' and whichever one she eats cake in that pink number...
Keep your requests in the begging thread or the model-specific one for Adeline from now on, okay?

I don't have a problem with any request. Which am I in though? And I am kind of in the middle of both I feel.
Buddy, I just shared the vid you asked for specifically. There's an Adeline thread and a begging thread. Where you are now is either. I'm not trying to be an antagonist, just saying there's better places to ask.
*neither, not either
>>64194 agreed and thanks to the hero sharing vids by request but let's keep this thread to comp-talk.

I personally don't prefer the slowed-down music thing. I like the juxtaposition of upbeat music (whether perky girlpop or winking big-dick hip hop) with wheezing, wobbling bimbo blobs stuffing their faces with junk and struggling to shuffle along.

Whoever is working on this next comp of huge bitches, I wish you godspeed.
the world needs a new Adeline comp. fFom small fat to absolute unit.
>>64240 Again with the absolute unit.... That's why you nerds never get any pussy. Make your own shit up and stop stealing others shit and sucking so much dick. You're doing it wrong, eiyher way. You've been fucking up for years and I've been watching and laughing at you. Your emberassing yourself.
Imagine getting triggered by the words "absolute unit".
Person who made that comp speaking here. It was indeed finished when I posted it.

It's been a while since I've posted anything here. I have maybe 3 or 4 scrapped comps that I started that I just wasn't feeling. But I finally have another finished one here for you all. Enjoy. And any feedback is appreciated as always.

Fantastic work. Love the before and after sequences.
Pretty good comp, that burp compilation was exquisite and very cum worthy
This song and its tempo is so perfect for comps
Bravo, Maverick
>>64518 goddamn it Captain Mitchell you've done it again. Amazing comp. If you've got three or four left in the chamber, the people need to see 'em. Truly, not just the sheer volume of content we have access to today, but the professional longevity of some of these models over the last 10-15 years, allow for an absolute bonanza of before/after gaining comparisons. SO many of these girls have gone from being cute and chubby to getting absolutely massive. Comps are a logical innovation for the age we're living in.
This is some damn fine work - apologies for being wrong about the Sexyback comp, I had it labeled as WIP in my storage and assumed from there. Thanks for all that you do.
HI Guys, can anyone point me to where I can find these amazing comps? Maybe a user on gigatribe or an upload that is DMCA proof lol


Still gotta fix a couple things, but I thought I'd share the rough draft of my first comp!

I always imagined a compilation to this song when I was a dumb youngling. Great work so far and I see you're a big fan of kayla paolini
can you please share all the GreedyGirlMarie vids you have ?
>>64930 really great work man! Especially for a first effort. You've clearly got the skill set to do this at a high level, and I hope we see more from you. In addition to obviously working from a really nice library of raw material, you clearly have the sense of humor and musicality that separates the really great editors.

One general thing I'd say is that we now have enough of these truly awesome comp videos that there now seems to be diminished impact for ones that operate on a generic theme of "fat girls are fuckin sexy" with a mishmash of gut shaking and eating and button popping. Instead, I think what really lands are the videos that operate on a more specific theme - even if it's something as general as huge gains, burping (though not my thing), or dark feudist themes. The more specific your point of view is, the more compelling the final product is.
hooo, boy. good job so far, can't wait to see the finished version. :)

who's the girl dancing at 2:58 btw?
itsmarieebabe on IG, aka the creepy german fa's girlfriend
He can't keep getting away with this.
Dude has money and huge house and pool in Vegas. It’s a natural magnet for lazy fat chicks to gather.
>>65147 Oh that's the rich dude that designed a popular chip in the 80s?
Yeah. He’s lost a lot of friends over the years because he’s been in all of these “open relationships” but just comes across as sleazy at the end of the day

Who would have thought that decades of sleeping with everyone and their friend from the BBW bash crowd would leave a sour taste in anyone’s mouth?
>>65153 Well, to be fair, I would like to fuck at least 1 fat girl before I die. I really can't blame him because I probably would've done the same in his shoes. Unless the fat hoes are ugly. I like the cute ones. The cute fat women.
I remember this guy, he gives me eipstein vibes
Plus he covert films and gropes these girls without their consent, leading to a bunch of sexual harassment accusations. Just seems creepy as fuck to be honest. Nothing to idolize here. Don't give him attention.
>>65157 yeah I remember that guy from back in the day too. He seemed harmless. Almost eunuch-like, actually. Like he was always just.... there. Or perhaps he just wasn't especially discerning. I do not recall being impressed by his game, but I suppose there were other things commanding my attention at the time. Also, real Gs move in silence, so who knows?
>>65158 Oh damn I did not realize this. How shitty.
(326 KB, 1200x800, 028jolene_027.jpg)
here's a fitness-themed comp for your viewing pleasure. there's nothing hotter than watching an out of shape fatty struggle to move around and jiggle nonstop in the process. featuring music by the godfather of house, frankie knuckles. https://we.tl/t-QHtPiYAah1
Angel Marie (one of the chicks he’s with now) used to talk to me a ton, she told me how he’s super weird and creepy and she honestly seemed like she didn’t like him at all

Lol she’s back with him but it prob wouldn’t take much to get her to leave
Dude awesome — thank you
He's epsteins cousin
Fatties working out has gotta be one of my favorite sub-fetishes. Loved it, man.

WOW! This is an awesome mix. 3:43 may be the all-time combination of vids: Boberry in that epic basketball vid where her ass is squeezed into shorts, Ash revisiting soccer set with her enormous thighs in tiny shorts, and Roxxie’s massive arms trying to play volleyball.
Workout comp reup
Who's the chick in the picture and why she's so hot and why her smile makes a solid 50% of her hotness
Can we get one more reup of the exercise on wetransfer? Had some winter weather knock my power out while it was up. You guys do great work.
hey mr.share any chance you can upload veelynn please?
Can someone reup the clone comps please?
Any chance of a reup of the workout comp? Didn’t have a chance over the holidays
Can anyone reup the cow comp?
Thanks, seems to expire almost immediately though
Yeah that went super fast
Idea: Facesitting comp soundtracked by The Weeknd-I can't feel my face
fatty girl wardrobe malfunction comp?
How about them breaking stuff beneath their weight?
I'm gonna keep banging the drum on the dark/morbid/(u)ssbbw feedism request, or at least something that winks at it. I feel like the universe has been providing epic games beyong what was previously imaginable. Adeline (low 200s to 700+) is the toast of the moment but Roxxie (low 300s to mid 500s), Becca (high 100s to high 400s), Jackie (low 300s to high 500s), and lots of others have absolutely exploded in size relative to where they started and I don't feel like it's been fully exploited in a way yet to be fully exploited by our amazing editing crew. Same with a younger crop of models that seems to have entered the scene already fattened to 500, 600, 700 pounds, barely into their twenties. We're living through a content revolution that makes these comps possible in the first place. And for whatever it's worth, I don't know about anybody else but these comps don't make me less inclined to pay for content- they make me more inclined to do so if anything. They're like hype-reels for fat fetishism.
The OG comp guy made an Adeline one showing her gain up to around 600.

There was a Roxie one too.

Imo those ones were the best format. Quick cuts of them eating and weighing in, showing their progression.

Would love to see the Adeline one updated to show her current weight.
>>68132 I remember those - they were great, but I feel like what would work better is a kind of blending of that format with the multi-model music video comps. A playful editorial POV with quick cuts and other techniques to highlight the contrast of the total gain (as opposed to just a chronological edit of weigh-ins). I also think that a multi-model vid focused solely on huge gains and/or the largest models struggling with their size could be awesome.

Apropos of nothing this could be an awesome song to accompany a deathfeedist/bimbo comp ("my heart beats like a drum, dumb dumb dumb...") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhHI1jve9tI
Here's the final draft of my first comp. Hope everyone can enjoy

>OG Adeline comp
*sips* yep, don’t make ‘em like that anymore.
Agreed. Watching 100’s of pounds of weight gain across 10 minutes was like feedist crack tbh
>>68466 great work bro- you really improved it from the rough draft to the final cut. Lots more quick cuts and gaining juxtapositions. Awesome final product.
Does anyone have the roxxie edit?
A fucking comp of just side by side before and after clips would be awesome
Also brick house is a untapped gold mine for a music video

I made the Roxxie comp but I can't find it on my computer. I think I deleted it. I want to say she ended up putting the edit I made on her OnlyFans, so you can check there.

I made this one too, which is an old video of her talking about her goals cut with some video of her getting to the sizes she's talking about: aHR0cHM6Ly9tYVtyb3h4aWVdYi50by90L1N5RWUycXd2eEYx
>Brick house

Now you're just being goofy. May as well do Weird Al's "Fat".
Thank you! are you the Original comp guy?
Anyone got the workout comp?

Nope, just the guy who made the Roxxie comp.
Yo, everyone. Another comp maker here. Back again with another themed comp. Can't believe I've made over 10 of these now. As always, love to hear feedback.

Also here are the other ones I've done in the past in case you missed them: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9qSXNtUUFZSiN0YVRRNHRLQzJFdS1YOVdoWFhoYXpn
He's ugly. Ugly and fat and dark skinned.

Incredible work
>>68996 button popping and potbellies on smallfats are not really my thing personally, so this may not have been the theme for me in particular. However, this is probably the most technically slick and well edited comp we've seen yet. The precise cutting and use of tempo and musicality in the editing were incredible. Ditto the interpolating between overlaid music and original audio/dialogue. The use of stock photos and footage (skinny women eating fast food, etc.) at the beginning was also really effective. You're really, really good at this man. Please continue to play with ideas and give us more to see!
Could you reup on mab, please? It is not viewable on mobile
What a banger of a comp! Been waiting for another from you, and you've not disappointed!
Couldn't put it better myself
Absolutely, a new (or even a reupload of the old) Adeline comp would be incredible.
Absolutely stellar work, really enjoyed that!
No one asked for your opinion nor do we care about what you are or aren't interested. I don't like you.
>>69599 What a bizarre comment. The editor requested feedback. The theme was not my cup of tea, which is fine, but my primary feedback was how impressed I was with the technical composition. I loved it, as I have loved all this editor's submissions regardless on whether or not the theme is suited to me. Please relax.

Idk if it's the right one tho
here's a reupload of that comp for ya. i also threw in the workout themed vid, as well as a sequel that i just finished up. https://we.tl/t-XNHa9lQS3S
I got a hot request: maybe a compilation to the song fat by weird al yankovic
What is this, the 90s? I ain't getting aroused to no Weird Al Yankovic song. Think about this for longer than 10 seconds.
I didn't know his last name was yankovic. Do you guys do rituals to teleport into people's homes and steal their ideas?
not much, but nice
An excellent new comp! Cheers for this!
Not possible for anyone on this site. Think about this for longer than 10 seconds
Could anyone do an Azismiss compilation? Haven’t seen her in a hot minute
Coming at you with my second comp. Just a quick compilation video of Kayla Paolini

>>73054 Kayla Paolini is model that comes to mind when these dumb Americaz see me with loli girlfriend and then ask me "Why do you fuck bbw/pawg when you have a cute, tiny, short loli wife?" They don't understand. I love loli wife with all my heart and soul, but young bbwpawg is so dear to me.

If I had to complain I would say why didn't she let a giant turd out while she was dancing around, so hot. 10/10 stars for you big beautiful girl. All my love goes out to you. Shame about the whole aging process.... and the 2 children.
Great job with the comp but it was boring as fuck. That has nothing to do with your skills and everything to do with the source material. Kayla is fucking boring.
I wouldn’t say boring, just repetitive

She’s got a killer body and her gain was very complementary
Re-up at any chance?
(78 KB, 740x711, d56fg4f6d4.jpg)
Sauce for the pic?
(781 KB, 543x978, letgo.PNG)
jesus fucking christ i revisit this comp at least once a month. it's been 15 months and this 6 minute video still has me quaking like a motherfucker. here's a reup for all of you who (for some ungodly reason) have not yet viewed this masterpiece, or lost it.


>I think some brave editor could go way harder and deeper into extreme weight gain and deathfeedism
has this unspeakable feat yet been accomplished?
Wow, this is everything I’ve seen and then some
Here is just a comp that has been on stufferdb for a while but I’ve never seen shared here
oh man, this makes me want to sabotage my gf's efforts to lose weight, can't let her go under 500.
I know what you mean, I find myself always coming back to this comp, it just hits completely different to all others.

I sadly fear no editor has gathered their courage to the sticking place and assembled the death feederism music vid/comp that we all need as of yet.
>>73287 yeah I’ll add my voice to the chorus. Thanks to the guy who reuploaded Dolce- the finest and most balls-draining comp yet made, IMO. Pure, red-eyed, gainer objectifying deathfeedist smut.

Calling on our great and cherished editors to create the morbid masterpiece we need. So many hogs are ballooning before our eyes to sizes we previously wouldn’t have believed. Redline wheezing is now par for the course. The raw materials are out there, all that’s needed is the artist.
I think I'm definitely that artist lol. Not a professional editor by any means but I've been editing shit for over a decade. This convo inspired me to try and make that dark death-feedism video. Quick question though, should I go with dark, ominous music through a lot of it or could anyone recommend a good pop song? Don't wanna use "gonna die young" since that was perfectly used in the above comp.

You should definitely go with a pop song. The poppier, the better. Hell, just make it asian.
Anyone used the big and chunky song Madagascar 2? That song always gets me hard asf and I remember my fat ex dancing to it making me hard
>>73562 can’t wait to see the fruits of your labor man. Super excited.

My recommendation for songs would be to play against the narrative darkness you’re building in the edit. A poppy, carefree song creates a mocking counterbalance that just ends up compounding the darkness. “Die Young” was perfect because it was actually both light and poppy and morbid. I think themes of party-hard hedonism work well. Ditto romantic bubblegum stuff. Both highlight and underscore the obliviousness of these hogs.

I always thought this song was vapid and cardiac-themed enough to work well.

Looking forward to your masterpiece brother

>can’t wait to see the fruits of your labor man.
What are you, a witch? Do you terra plane?

>Looking forward to your masterpiece brother
Okay, now you're just being foolish, and a bit silly.

Btw, your art's dog vomit. I don't think you should be criticizing anybody's art with the state of damage that the entertainment industry is in and will remain in, but that's just 1 opinion.

You got me in a good mood today. Start an open source bbw project and I promise to contribute generously if the platform has privacy.
honestly one with creepy music added to vids of gluttony and obesity at its finest does sound kinda hot
Godspeed to you, ppl here clearly look forward to what you'll put out! I feel either ominous or pop could work well in either measure, or maybe shifting from music thats more upbeat to something ominous? Like starting with an air of ignorance and playfulness, that gradually shifts to a more tragic one as the literal gravity of these billowing babes' size takes its toll.

>>73588 This guy gets it
Been thinking of making comps again, maybe this could be a good idea to experiment with
(106 KB, 316x316, Queen_Bicycle_Race1.png)
would anyone consider making a comp using Queen's "Fat Bottomed Girls"? I heard it on the radio today and thought it'd be a slam dunk
Please do it's such a big feedee song surprisingly in a Madagascar 2 of all sthings
I'm not sure how welcomed anime music is but I just realized how the song "Voracity" by Myth & Roid used as the openning theme for the 3rd season of Overlord is basically about being consumed by overwhelming, sadistic, hedonistic gluttony. I could see this song being paired with a compilations of fat cosplayers, maybe? What are your thoughts?

Link to the English cover which made me realize this and the lyrics

I am very, very crazy, very
Sure no one could ever stop me
This web is craving the world and it consumes it wanting more

[Verse 1]
One, two, three, four
Welcome to our dinner party in the moonlight
Everyone's here so let’s enjoy the feast
I can't stop, can't stop eating
Can’t stop, can't stop, not enough

Anything can be eaten, even if you say no, hahaha!

[Verse 2]
Are you ready for the full course
Freshly picked for the flavor's sadistic pleasure
Don't stop, don't stop, feeding
Don't stop, don't stop, one more bite

I want more, I need more, it's sin, I hunger for

I am very very crazy, very
Sure no one could ever stop me
Now that you’ve had your fill, it’s kill or karma, I wanna go
Very very tasty, very satisfying, let's have a toast!
This web is craving the world and it consumes it wanting more

I just want to eat, how tasty it is

[Verse 2]
(One, two, three, four)
Everything, let’s throw it on the chopping board
Let's strike down our sanity and prey upon it
Can't stop, can't stop, eating
Can’t stop, can't stop, lost myself

I can't, can't erase this disgrace
But this crime is no mistake

You are very very like a berry
Ripe and red and ready to eat
Tell me, what tastes the best?
The juicy, fresh there's no contest
Very very, we are berries, foolish people, gushing with life
Without a trace, they vanish and they are never seen again

I just want to eat, how tasty it is

Go ahead, call it sin, that's what it is
Call it what you want, no shame in it
Instinct, oh, so devilish
And your appetite is the catalyst (Haha)
I am very very crazy, very
Sure no one could ever stop me
Now that you've had your fill, it's kill or karma, I wanna go
Very very tasty, very satisfying, let's have a toast!
This web is craving the world and it consumes it wanting more

I am very very hungry
Very very very tasty, very
I am very very hungry
Very very very tasty, very
I am very very hungry
Very very very tasty, very
I am very very hungry
Very very very tasty, very

Bruh I think you might be wrong about this song being about food.

Also yourcomment is probably going to get deleted for being a stupid nutter and pasting that entire song words here.
Dood. I say fuck yeah!
Damn this is nice :D
Thanks for the inspiration ;)

Nutterz calling it what it iz!
the oldheads gonna be so mad if this gets made over their death feederism video XD
Could anyone please reup this? My dick is begging and screaming and crying
If it’s the one I’m thinking of, it’s the one in the Mega link at the top of the thread…
>>75199 correct, the Dolce vid is in the MEGA folder at the top of the thread. In looking at that folder, there are a ton of absolutely excellent vids in there. Fatty Girl and BigPigs are also favorites.

The one all-timer I don't see in there (maybe a different editor) is the Levitating vid. So good.

And yes, if instead of a deathfeedist masterpiece we get a vid of potbellied smallfats set to a hyper-cringe cover of some awful anime song, that will be disappoint. But it's all good either way.
Can anyone reup the MEGA? That link is dead
Circling back to the thread with a note of encouragement- I know our editor squad was working on a couple of comps a month or two ago. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying I'd be eager to see any new stuff! With the way some of these hogs (Adeline Jackie Emma LisaLou Roxxie etc) are ballooning out of control lately, there's a ton of great recent material out of which to create some awesomely dark gaining-themed content. Golden age we're living in.

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