
(8 KB, 183x275, images.jpg)
Didn't see a thread of this gorgeous goddess so to start it up.
you know the rules, give to get. its christmas!
>>32913 why you dont start the content giveaway then? :(
Because they aren't OP. The rules are you start the thread, you share content similar to what you want to get out of it.
Love how grotesque her shape is, she could get even nastier than echo
>>32906 (OP)
She wrote on her magazine site that it’s not doing well, about to run out of money. Not saying it would fully cover what’s needed, but if she started an OF and did quality vids of her walking (or trying to), lying in bed, getting into her vehicle, playing with belly, up close with her thighs (all things she did on Clips years ago when smaller), then she could make good money.

No clue why she went away from producing quality content once she got past 600. Of all the models out there, she seemed among the most excited to gain and to be fat.
Because reality settled in, man. She has to live with this body at the end of the day and the days don't get easier when you're supersized. Maybe if there was strength training or any modicum of exercise maintained during her weight gain journey, she'd be having a slightly better time of things, but that would slow down the process.

Still, you bring up a point she's probably refusing to consider - she got fame and eyeballs by putting herself out there for cash. She could easily make as much as the other former BigCuties if she opened up an OF, but that would probably diminish her platform as a fat acceptance advocate. It's silly for her to think she could make as much as she did with a magazine - it's a noble goal to her but magazines are never where the money is.

Ash, if for some reason you stumble on this website - go back to modeling. You don't need to gain to 700lbs or anything, but the seal's already broken on your exhibitionism. No harm in going back to that if you need cash and people are willing to pay. Shit, I know I would.

Good points.

Last few years, and also now, wish her husband would film her. Of course if I lived with her I might now want to film and just enjoy being that lucky to be like him, meet an active model who is already massive then only gain lots more weight and get married.
Can someone please Post Videos from her

Honestly I think it's less that it's hard for her to make content and more that she seems to have become less interested in making content and more focused on fat activism.

I would guess that as she got huge, she's been confronted more and more with discrimination and "fat person problems" so to speak. She seems to be passionate about that now.

I imagine being a fetish model and selling pics/vids of your body to a bunch of thirsty closeted FAs could be at odds with her interests these days. Totally conjecture, but it's what I assume has been happening. She seems interested in the fetish community and more focused on her own fat activism goals. I'd wager a guess it's more fulfilling.

I don't think we're going to be seeing a lot more content coming from her, tbh. As much as I'm disappointed, since she's one of the real ones.
Her thighs are the best
I listened to her podcast for a while, when she still did it, and a recurring theme was how tired she was and how everything for her was such a mental and physical effort. I’m sure that has got worse as she has grown bigger.
And since it’s been so long since she did the podcast, I think she’s gotten even larger since then. Probably even more tired. Would make for great content, but I guess she’s down with this stuff.

But at least compared to many other models who claimed they would gain lots of weight, she actually did it. And seemed to enjoy it immensely, from all the videos where she’d talk about it.
Do you have some Videos from her
She has to be pushing 700 if she's not already there. Unfortunately I doubt we see much if any more content from her ever.
Guess it’s actually not healthy or easy to be a super obese girlboss!!!11!
Top 3 gainer of all-time. How many girls legit gain 100's of lbs and get borderline immobile intentionally because they truly want it. The modelling was a side hustle. She was blowing up way before she was a model.
I do wish she would update something for us...
I think whatever we get from here on out are the "Infinifirst" posts she does on Instagram every month. Her modelling days are done.
Anybody got any vids of this girl. I'm just now becoming aware of her

I think all these posts are true. Actually being 600+ pounds in real life isn't fun, physically or socially. Like >>37978, I listened to her podcast and even when she was trying to sound like a girlboss she sounded tired and sad. If I were in her position I don't think I could handle the emotional strain of keeping up appearances for my simps and pretending to still be excited about gaining, not when the real world is hitting so hard. So even beyond the fact that it would hurt her credibility as a size acceptance activist, I can understand why she wouldn't want to go back to modeling even though she could make a lot of money doing it.

Attention from simps isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's like junk food (an appropriate metaphor, lol). Satisfying at first for a quick hit, but once the initial hit wears off it's not going to nourish you in the long run. If you've got a weird kink, it's hotter and more emotionally satisfying to share it with a caring real-world partner. So to the extent that she still has sexual fantasies about feedism even after encountering the reality, she probably prefers to keep them private and share them with her husband. He seems like a good dude.

Still, if she ever came back, I'd pay and not pirate out of respect for an OG. And if she started doing immobility-related fat chats where it was halfway believable that she was still into it, I have no doubt that I'd nut like Krakatoa.
Yeah, as I've gotten older and have more petty cash to spread around, I'd absolutely support Ash if she decided to come back and make it worth her while. And she might read this and ask why I wouldn't do that for her magazine.

It's because I want porn. I don't want to buy body positive literature. I support it and all but not to the point where I feel the need to donate. You had a product I was invested in and I want that.

But to bring it back, I can certainly see why she wouldn't, activist pride aside. Putting up with fans is the worst part of sex work - when you're just dating or doing your own thing, you can ignore the creeps or put them on blast.

When the creeps are doing their thing AND they have money, it's hard to say no.
(490 KB, 895x888, Ash (6).jpg)
just some I have, the "newest" ones:
(259 KB, 800x1200, 211ash_003.jpg)
(179 KB, 1000x776, 234ash_065.jpg)

just trying to complete my collection too! :)
>>32906 (OP)
Any videos with her and Kellie Kay?
This is what I have that hasn't been posted unless it was in the dead links:

202-209; 289-292

Are you still missing any from 1-292?

This is all I have the two of them together


Does anyone have videos for 293-303, 306-309, 314-316, and 323-326?
All the C4S I have:

Part 1

Part 2
Could you please reup the 202-209; 289-292 link? It does not work
DAMN! Thanks for this drop. I forgot how good and active her videos used to be. She is absolutely enormous in angles of that ottoman and squeezing into the car. I’ve never seen a lot of these and now her C4S is gone.

Would love to see her do these same vids and quality now, probably 50-100 heavier than back then. To have been a stranger at the store back when Ash and Kellie used to waddle in when they lived together.
Holy shit y'all. I deleted my porn stash in the mid-2010s in a misguided attempt at /nofap/, so it's probably been 10 years since I last watched some of these videos and I had forgotten just how good they were. Ash was the real fucking deal.
That's something I would expect from a squidward.. Not on /ssbbw/!!!!
Ash really is the chosen one. She's truly obsessed and turned on by fat and getting fatter, and has committed to it. It's crazy hot. In one of her videos she says she'd commit to immobility if she could afford it, and you can tell she's serious. Shame she's sort of petering out of the scene, but also understandable.

Ash, if you ever read this, we'd love to know if you get further along, even if it's not a full-fledged return to the scene
You have morphed pictures of very fat women. And there is Ash. Making a morph look like a joke
Re-Up the video with Kellie Kay
(127 KB, 1060x279, ash.jpg)

Lol, why in the world did somebody copypaste an edited version of my post to Kiwifarms
Her @fatlippodcast on Instagram seems to have vanished too. Any ideas why?

Got picked up by Spotify. Not quite a Rogan deal, but pretty good.
I thought she canned it to do Vast
And now she canned Vast because it lost too much money. So basically she's just on Instagram now virtue-signaling.
There's always modeling again if money is a problem.
Just heard from mutual friend she passed :((
She was one of the best
If that were true, her BigCuties page would’ve been taken down pretty quickly. I’m afraid I don’t believe you.
(57 KB, 500x605, larping.jpg)
yes, every basement anon here has mutual friends with world's top ssbbw models 🤣 larp larp larp
It's really funny that y'all think these women have any high status
that's not a given, models sign a contract before starting their sites and she might have decided against canning the site when she passes, highly unlikely though.
She is still posting on Instagram so not dead
Real talk? Since the vast majority of them aren't pulling in stacks as fat as they are, you can befriend models & prominent BBWs and SSBBWs pretty easily if you're not a spaz coomer. You do it the same way you would approach one at a bar and you're golden.

Just don't expect to be besties with BoBerry or Courtney any day soon.
>>40991 I hate to break it to you but a lot of people on here have fucked these girls, its really not that hard if you live in the same city, hit the gym, get haircuts, and shower everyday. Irl they're just fat girls most dudes arent taking second glances at
Yup, my girlfriend did curvage modeling and had a few threads on here. I commented on one about how I was her bf, she will post again soon or something innocuous, and got five virgins telling me it was impossible that I could know a hot fat girl irl. Very, very simpy to think that these girls hold any sort of special status.
Re-up please?
I only have her soda chug vid if that helps: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVRTT21ZV2dqelM=
>>41346 bingo but also dude same maybe our girlfriends are friends haha, mine is a few threads on /bbw/ from collabing
Sadly, but perhaps predictably Ash has now officially retired from BigCuties according to the website.
Just refreshed and saw. Welp, not a surprise. I would have been more shocked if she swallowed her pride and went back at it.

Good thing about this? We finally have a Coming Soon section.
Never woulda bet echo would outlast her
Well, in the purely technical sense. Echo hasn’t updated (Or likely been able to update) in almost a year now. But why split hairs, they’re both still fat now they’re debilitated
>We finally have a Coming Soon section.

Really stoked not only that Steph is coming back (had no idea), but also that we'll finally see Mollie's site (I'd only seen her on feabie). I know not to get my hopes too high up given the way BC is going in general, but even a bit of content from these two would be amazing.
I know this sounds weird, since the main thing we know about them is their pr0n lives, but I thing both of them have gotten older and genuinely moved on in life
Echo and Ash don't do much moving in the first place lmao
>>42258 Your stuff is torture, nick. Just kill me
This. They certainly haven’t physically moved in since they’re both ludicrously huge whales, as far as moving on to something else I know Ash has that “fitness” clothing gig and podcast thing going on but idk what in hell Echo could possibly move on to
I genuinely feel sorry for her, immobility is bussin In fantasy but irl it’s most likely super depressing
Like there’s all those feedees who say they want to become immobile which could just be a marketing lie, but there isn’t any models that size who have anything positive to say about it, and in echos case she definitely didn’t want to become immobile in the first place
Yeah definitely didn’t intend for it to happen. Hers is certainly a case of mental illness/ food addiction
Echo seemed okay with her video games, anime, and other geek girl accoutrements. Either she said in a video or listed in a description she wanted to move to Japan and be an English teacher, but that wasn't going to happen unless she lost two-thirds her body weight when she started since they're so judgmental.

Fast forward to now, she'd have to lose that AND her starting weight at BigCuties. If Mayra Rosales could do it, it's not impossible. But it's improbable.
Even if she somehow lost that weight, her mind will be so warped from living like a invalid in a long-term care home. She won't be able to hold down a job.

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