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A thread for my favorite model! I'll drop most of my stash (or at least the pics that aren't ant-sized, anyway).

By the way, I'm looking for her vids if anyone has some. The only ones I've ever seen are some short, low-quality clips on YouTube:

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>>32488 (OP)
Great post, I loved her stuff and it's getting harder to come by now.

Also found this on BBW Wiki. Can anyone confirm this or have pics or screenshots?
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>Can anyone confirm this or have pics or screenshots?
I don't buy it, it doesn't even mesh with the information on the same page (that she likely retired). One can dream though, it's hot to think she'd come back 20 years later and 150 pounds heavier.
>Forgot to say thank you OP!
No problem, glad you're enjoying the dump!

Thanks for the clips dood, especially the one in the second post.
Somebody in this community has got to be a private investigator. Surely we could find out what she’s doing if we put our minds to it!
she was my favorite model as well - in fact she got me into this fetish when I was just a youngster. that was so many years ago
I doubt this—IRCC she used money from modeling at her heaviest to get WLS, then dropped off the planet.

Might have been the first time that happened in the community, but certainly was not the last.
Okay, no one's gonna believe me, but I actually met her on Facebook in a private bbw appreciation group years after her original retirement, I'm actually responsible for her very short re-emergence too. Her real name is Kelly Lomax, and she actually dropped off originally before she gained traction, she wasn't making much off her pics and videos so she just kinda gave up when she got married. When she told me her old "stage name" I googled her and told her about her actually having a fan base. She was surprised and kinda did a thing where she was like "wow apparently I'm actually really popular online from when I was still kelligrl, lol." And her fucking profile EXPLODED, she tried to hang on for a little bit but she went from like, 100 friends to THOUSANDS within a couple days. She was bombarded with messages, ended up deleting her Facebook and making a new one but even it was quickly found and attacked by fans again. The last message I got from her was her thanking me for letting her know and telling me it was fun to be popular again for a bit, but it was too much. She said she was deleting all her social media and her, her husband, and their children were all moving to the UK anyway, so she wouldn't be around her original friends anymore anyway. I was really sad and to this day I've kinda felt responsible for her disappearance. I've told this story in a couple places, but I'm just an anon, so I doubt anyone takes it seriously. We were good friends, we used to talk about our kinks and about how she loved having her husband fuck her belly button. So yeah, believe it or don't, honestly if I could find the old messages on messenger and post them somewhere I would.
If she had THOUSANDS of friends, then how come no one but you knows this and no one has pics from that era?
>>32628 Exactly. What this guy is describing would be a seismic event for anybody in this community over 30. The idea that she'd come back and post recent pics, even if they were up for less than 24 hours, and there'd be no screenshots, no downloads, no record, evidence, or testimony that it happened, is unthinkable. This is completely made up.

What's way more puzzling is that somebody would take the time to fabricate such a weird story.
>>32488 (OP)
Did she gain weight during the years of her modelling? She already looks fat but with her undies she looks fatter.

If she got a chubby chaser of a boyfriend, most likely. Who would've thought a model retiring then finding true love, makes you wonder if sooner or later you could be dating anyone from BigCuties or a goddess who can barely fit her house giving you a lustful look.

With any other model, yeah, but BITD she had a cargo cult-like following on Dimensions that would trade all kinds of crazy info about her, for years after she’d disappeared for good. Every week or month or so someone would post trying to find Kelligirl and it became an inside joke among Dims regulars. We’d try to top each other posting crazy responses — she’s with the Daiai Lama, she’s Bill Clinton’s new intern, etc.

The Kelligirl phenomena is worthy of a Netflix documentary IMO. I’m not kidding — I think it would be interesting even for non-FAs as a prime piece of internet WTF that spans decades.

Here are my memories of her, and I might be off in my sequencing and (vague) timeline. Apologies if that’s the case.

Back in the late 80s-early 90s, BUF was pretty much the only consistent outlet for BBW newsstand porn. It was poorly produced, poorly edited, came out erratically, etc but I bought it regularly because it was the only show in town unless you wanted to go to a porn store.

One day new BBW appeared on the cover and I was smitten. She was kneeling on the bed in a purple negligee, wonderful pear-shaped body and thin, gorgeous face. Mind you, pre-internet BBW models tended to be on the rough side — older, unattractive, less-than-ideal body types, road damage, trailer park/ghetto aura to them, etc. This model was young, smooth, healthy- and innocent-looking, with a huge, genuine smile. (Though with tragic 80s hair, can’t have it all.)

I look inside and she doesn’t have a feature. She’s only on the cover, no explanation. Oh well, that’s BUF for you. Two issues later, the letters section has three queries, all to the effect of “OMG WHO WAS ON THAT COVER SHOW ME MORE.” No responses from the editor. Again, BUF.

Then nothing more for, like, 5 years.

Then she reappears online on Dimensionsmagazine.com, the OG fa-bbw chat board, as KELLIGIRL. (The WWW having become a thing in the meantime.) She posts a bunch of photos 50± pounds bigger, still gorgeous, and reveals she’s a feedee. Even the hair is better. Holy fucking shit.

Along with all these awesome pics, she announces a zine, Bulge, where she’ll print exclusive photos and feedee content. Lots of people sign up, including myself. Bulge is okay, not great, but again, we’re all pretty starved for feeder content back then. There’s a yearly subscription option, but I don’t fall for it, paying issue by issue. She also starts pre-selling a video, releasing very short, lo-rez teaser clips (all one could realistically post back then, this still the era where DSL was hot shit).

She puts out a few issues and then starts posting excuses. The video doesn’t happen. People start calling her out on her chicanery. She disappears once more.

The cargo cult begins — When is she coming back? No, seriously, WHEN??? Lots of rumors, no proof.

Two years later (?) she comes back once more. She’s visibly bigger (win) but the pics are grainy and very lo-rez. Digital technology has improved since her first postings, yet these are much worse. Her face is recognizable but looks really weird. WTF with her face???*

(* My guess: A big part of her brand was big body, thin face. To me it looked like bad photoshop to cover up that her face had caught up with her body. If there’s one thing women are self-conscious of, it’s having a double chin and chipmunk cheeks. Just saying.)

Kelligirl disappears once more, this time for good. The cargo cult restarts, even more berserk, the rumors as well: She had WLS. Her husband insisted she stop modeling. She’s 600 pounds and bedridden in New Jersey. It becomes a cliche on Dims, well into the 00s, where newbies ask about Kelligirl and regulars try to outdo each other explaining her whereabouts. (She’s with the Dailai Lama, she’s Bill Clinton’s new intern, she’s 10,000 pounds in a saline tank at the Mayo Clinic, etc.)

Far as I know there’s been nothing since the 00s weird face pics, but the cargo cult lives on. And thus our fabulist "friend" and his tale of phantom SM popularity and belly button fucking.
You’re 100% correct! I too bought that issue of BUF and was extremely disappointed that she wasn’t in it. I too remember her on the Dims Forums. Back then, that and Fat Forums were the main places fat chicks could promote their websites. I never got Bulge, I read about it on Dims & heard it was shitty, so I passed. So many models that promoted back then - LargeNLovely, StarStruck, HugeNHot, Madison Aikers, CarrieBBW & the early BigCuties - Demi, DeidraBabe, AnnMarie, Kennedy, Sasha, Wendy, Sable.
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>Did she gain weight during the years of her modelling?
Yeah, she really packed on the pounds as time went on, the difference between her early appearances and the stuff towards the end of her career is huge. Here's a sequence:

Thanks for the lore rundown, I've heard bits and pieces but I've never seen the whole story laid out.
>releasing very short, lo-rez teaser clips (all one could realistically post back then, this still the era where DSL was hot shit).
Were there ever any decent videos of her, or are the low-res 2 FPS clips we have now all there ever was? Just asking because there are screencaps of some of her clips in a half-decent resolution, and I swear I came across a Kelligrl upload years ago that was far better quality than anything I've seen since.
>My guess: A big part of her brand was big body, thin face. To me it looked like bad photoshop to cover up that her face had caught up with her body.
Y'know, I've kinda wondered why her face was still so thin in her later pics after she'd really fattened up. Some people seem to have that happen naturally, so I never questioned it. If she was editing her pics, it's a shame she didn't just own it. I can't get enough of double chins!
>(She’s with the Dailai Lama, she’s Bill Clinton’s new intern, she’s 10,000 pounds in a saline tank at the Mayo Clinic, etc.)
My mom knows Kelligrl, she's actually living with Elvis out in Louisiana :^)
>(Though with tragic 80s hair, can’t have it all.)
Gonna have to disagree with you HARD there, I love big hair.
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>Were there ever any decent videos of her, or are the low-res 2 FPS clips we have now all there ever was? Just asking because there are screencaps of some of her clips in a half-decent resolution, and I swear I came across a Kelligrl upload years ago that was far better quality than anything I've seen since.

Relying on a Gen X pothead's memory here, I feel like there was some longer (more than a few seconds) clips released but I'm not sure. I know the little bits floating around now were supposed to be part of a full-length DVD (or maybe still VHS at that point) she was planning to sell.

>Y'know, I've kinda wondered why her face was still so thin in her later pics after she'd really fattened up. Some people seem to have that happen naturally, so I never questioned it. If she was editing her pics, it's a shame she didn't just own it. I can't get enough of double chins!

Mos def. If you look at her "comeback" pics she's generally posed with her head tilted down and her hair is arranged in a chin- and cheek-disguising way.

>My mom knows Kelligrl, she's actually living with Elvis out in Louisiana :^)

Bullshit. She ate 50 bags of Pop Rocks, washed them down with 2 liters of Pepsi and her stomach exploded.

>>(Though with tragic 80s hair, can’t have it all.)
>Gonna have to disagree with you HARD there, I love big hair.

Original BUF cover attached. I love a big mop o' Jersey Girl curls like she had in her online efforts, but this is objectively bad hair, sorry.
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>Relying on a Gen X pothead's memory here, I feel like there was some longer (more than a few seconds) clips released but I'm not sure.
Huh, maybe I'm not crazy, then. I feel like the odds of those clips surviving ~20 years and numerous porn site purges are pretty slim, but maybe they'll turn up eventually (if they exist at all).
>Original BUF cover attached. I love a big mop o' Jersey Girl curls like she had in her online efforts, but this is objectively bad hair, sorry.
Ha, you're right, definitely NOT her best hairdo. Thanks for expanding my vocabulary ever so slightly, by the way. Before today I didn't even know "cargo cults" were a thing!
that last picture is very nostalgic. watching that video on youtube forever ago was one of the first bbw vids I ever saw.

Speaking of, anyone have that one? (Or all of them)
If someone could whack these low res videos into a 1080p or 4K Artificial Intelligence upscaler, that would be neat. Welcome to the future!
^ If someone could whack these low res videos into a 1080p or 4K Artificial Intelligence upscaler, that would be neat. Welcome to the future!
I also agree that the story of Kelligirl is worthy of a documentary just because of how bizarre the whole thing is, like what really gets me about it is how this woman was able to vanish without a trace to never to be seen again, now granted the internet was very different back then and you didn't leave the same carbon footprint you would now but you would think that given how many people were obsessed with her that someone would have found something of hers eventually even by happenstance, a myspace or facebook page, a twitter account, a plentyoffish profile, but to this day nothing has been found, makes me wonder if something bad didn't happen to her.

Is it just me or does that house look an awful like the one Gaining Goddess lived in?
Do you remember the group you found her in on Facebook?
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I'm not usually a fan of morphs, but these two are good enough to post imo. I don't have much more to share that isn't tiny and pixelated, so this is probably the end of my dump. Hopefully you enjoyed it!

I gave it a shot last night and messed around with a few free AI upscalers, but the results weren't great. The best programs require a PC more powerful than mine, and what's left couldn't get the job done. I saved all the videos, maybe I'll give it another shot when I get a better setup that can handle a real upscaler.

Thank you - keep trying if you have the means. I forgot to ask also to get the image up to 4K and 60fps.
This one deserves to be resurrected. Like Walt Disney will be in the far future in the metaverse.
This is several smaller clips spliced together. Resolution never was great and has degraded over time.
(299 KB, 383x602, m39_by_veronarmon-d678v8o.png)

Damn, missed it. Hopefully someone can upload everything that was in this thread into a solid chunk- in exchange, and old morph I did to add onto >>32848 comment of what everyone was hoping they'd see after years of silence, lol.

Kellie... In a way I'm kind of glad she never returned, because now she has this cult background and mystery to her. She's kind of the Ur-Feedee that you can toss all of your ideas and desires onto; did she blow up to a massive 800lbs quietly? Did she level off thinking ~400 was enough and still marvels at her popularity? Nobody knows, and because of that she'll always kinda be 'around' in a way. Good thing too, because of her I now have a thing for that 80s hair.
Re-up ,aybe please? she was my first ssbbw model in the early days and im still in love with her even today
Hah, we can hope.
Anyone re-up pls?
OP here. Most of the pics in this thread are already upscaled, I fed what I could through Waifu2x. Unfortunately, some stuff in my Kelligrl stash was too low-quality or degraded to be worth posting, even after upscaling.

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