
(360 KB, 1200x966, 090sadie_038.jpg)
Last thread was bumplocked. Videos 116/117/118: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZXbkZhTmt4NVkwWkg=

Looking for anything newer
Thanks dude!

Happy advent
damn, that new Sadie vid is the new worst content from BigCuties -_-
Imo sadie is one of those modles where her picture sets are better than the videos.
You haven’t even seen the video
Anyone have set 122? Been looking for it for a while?
Does anyone have her too big to buy set?
sadly for you, I have the sub for her site
Has anyone got set 124 or 126?
(220 KB, 725x775, IMG_20211206_141050.jpg)
I am Magneto, master of magnet!
i remember seeing this video of her waddling down a hallway and her really struggling, i think she had some kind of bandage or something. it was really hot, does anyone know which vid i’m talking about? i saw on on stufferdb years ago but couldn’t find it again
Anyone know if she burps in any of her videos?
I don’t believe you lol. You didn’t even upload the new set you uploaded a old one but okay you’re sub and all
Yea Just keep it bro x amount of Minutes of our lives we'll never get back. Thank you for your Service
She doesn't even show her fucking body lol
Too right - because we subbed to see everything from the tits up. Sadie knows what we want - her arms and personality.
>>31771 did you have set 124-126 ?
Sadie we come to you for your ass FYI

Here's Set 127, photos and all - double-wrapped.
As has been said already, video isn't really anything substantial but still nice to see how big her arms look at the moment. Be warned there is an annoying high pitch whine in the audio, must be microphone issues on their end.
Photos show a bit more so enjoy!
Here you are! Decode twice.
Looking for 122 if anyone has it
Cheers mate, is it also possible to upload the vid and pics of set 51 and 124 please?
Demm. What a badass.

(51 + 124)

Sorry these took so long to get out D:
You have nothing to be sorry about, thanks for the drop
May I request all pictures from set 111 to 126 please? Everyone always posts the videos only .
@Baelis, thanks so much!
123, 125, and 126 vids please
This girl's content is so fucking bad. I'm blown away that you can have quite literally the fattest looking ass on the internet right now and not leverage that. There are so many video ideas with her ass in motion that would be incredible:
- stair climbing videos
- trying to fit into cars
- zumba workout
- dancing
- etc etc

But no. None of that. Just the same shit every time. Thank god there's a few squashing ones or else I'd really lose interest.

What a complete waste of opportunity.

It's probably due to her bf who's filming. He thinks he's super creative director by doing cuts, useless slowmotions, weird angles, ...

No one is impressed by editing skills or scenery in model videos.

Just give us full view of ass in motion in day to day.

Someone should start a petiton or votes and send them to heather.
>>31938 content being boring is a wide spread big cutie complaint not just sadie, heather isn't going to fix her own rule lol
Sadie having bad content isn't new. She's painfully shy/awkward and her boyfriend is into videography. So to avoid having her talk and have a personality or playing into the fetish, royalty-free music and creative shots are used. The production value seemed pretty damn high with the sets and props and locations but that just levels out to her being an average product. It's like a brand new iPhone being shipped in a bunch of wadded plastic shopping bags.

It's an issue with Sadie mostly. The newer models aren't shying away from eating sets, weigh-ins, struggles, exercising, being fat in public, really anything that we're subscribing for. Sadie does those too, but it feels so spread out. Then you get videos where she's shown from the tits up, wide shots of "behind the scenes at the shoot", the same walking route from behind (would it fucking kill them to shoot any waddling from the front?).

She and Tofu are treating this like a modeling gig with some porn sprinkled in. It doesn't feel enjoyable. I know a lot of fetish tropes are overused but fuck, they're popular for a reason. I'm not jacking it to an art gallery, I'm interested in a 525lb girl with an enormous ass being fat.
Could someone explain to me how to open the magnet torrent? please>>31759
dl a torrent client and copy the link past the colon and insert that in the url bar in your browser or the client.
Honestly, I just want videos where she stuffs her face and burps. Some SSBBWs are either horrendously bad or incredibly good at burping - I'd want to see her belch like a trucker after stuffing her face.
I genuinely thinks she's one of those super huge women that graze all day. So no major meals or anything, just like... A snack every hour.
I just want to see her get stuck in something. She has a massive dumptruck of an ass just perfect for getting jammed in tight spaces.
I still wanna see her belch. Is there any way to get in contact with her for a custom?
Sadie is heather’s ideal bigcutie. She has zero personality and is boring as fuck
I honestly don't know about that. I don't know if it's Sadie using her own money or Tofu having connections with sets & props or Heather footing the bill, but her production value is unlike any of the other models. Anyone else, you see them shooting in their own homes, at a hotel, or at BigCuties mansion. Sadie has done her sets in number of different stages & locations - classroom, jail, that bar with the pinball machines, that fake little store in someone's apartment, etc. I'm sure Heather has figured out if Sadie did the same content for BigCuties as she did for BBWRoyalty, it'd be a waste of potential and she'd have a much smaller consistent subscriber base.

I wouldn't say she's boring, but her lack of interest to indulge in this fetish is clear. Part of the sales pitch is having us believe you like being fat and you're owning it or making it seem fun and alluring. Everyone at BC has their personality appeal and Sadie just doesn't for the most part. You don't have to promise you'll be half a ton one day, but at least try to make us believe you're having some fun with this.

She did a pretty good job with an earlier video. She's got such a massive ass that she doesn't have to cheat the camera and push up against a door frame from one side to look stuck. It helps that she did this with a narrow bathroom door - those are slim even for a normal-sized human.
We all know Heather don't seem to give a fuck what we want. The same website design for over 20 years, very lame content, terrible videos, etc. It is because she has the prettiest girls, or girls with very uniquely shaped bodies that makes it so popular. But when you seriously keep the same webdesign for over 20 years, you definately don't give a fuck!
It's abundantly apparent that Heather has made enough money on this business to be comfortable for the rest of her life. She's probably making enough on her commission split to never have to worry about competition. I'd have thought she'd be in trouble when BoBerry retires but she's not front and center on the main page anymore so who knows what her revenue stats say. OnlyFans becoming a household name and a lot of independent talent flocking to there hasn't shaken her to whip her models into shape.

But she also has enough influence to get whoever she wants to consider being on the site and people will pay for the right model. Frankly, I'd die of happiness if she's able to get Leta to model for her.
lets be honest here dude webdesigner is giving them too much credit for using Word, Access, and MsPaint to slap together something made by a high school kid. I mean christ I feel like the term "Learn to Code" is apt for what passes for a website for them
Yeah that was a good one. Just wish she would do more. She did one when she modeled for bbwroyalty where she sat in a chair and got stuck in it. I would love to see something like that again. Especially since they've got way better cameras now.
Well recently she's been dying of post covid complications. Said in a FB post recently that she's on hospice. Not sure how long bigcuties will actually be around for, so count your blessings while you can.
She did a set ages ago that was a bunch of selfie/candids. I'd love to see that set redone.
enough of this behind the scenes drama bs just post some damn videos
Can someone post 103 please?
Does someone has the newest set?
Yep, right here!

Also sorry to >>31890 and >>31836, internet was out for a bit and ended up forgetting to finish these. Should have them up in a day or so!
Thank you for sharing. As always video is so bad. You almost don't see thighs and they're hidden by a plant. ffs how can you be so bad at filming
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Honestly, the Q&A vid confirms what I've been saying. She doesn't want to be a fetish model. She wants to just model, like she's done when she was slightly smaller. The unfortunate truth is softcore porn pays better than fashion shoots, which are far less frequent and still being used as a sex icon. I know there's this perception that if you sign up for BigCuties you're expected to balloon in size, but frankly I'd settle for more traditional fetish-themed sets than this amateur model thing she has going on. It's not much different than gigs she's had on the side in style, and that's the disconnect.

Tofu, no one is asking what her favorite color is. I'd say we're more curious if she's ever broken furniture with that ass of hers. Or what she could eat a ton of and never tire. Or how her family has reacted to her weight gain. Y'know, things other models have done full videos of alone?
Can somebody reup 122 please?
Please sadie sets pis 112-127 ???
Does someone has video from set 125, please post, Thanks advance.
>>32479 always appreciate the drop but holy shit this video is hilariously bad.

There should be awards or rankings for the worst content. Feels like it must actually take work and ingenuity to create a video this unsexy featuring such an attractive model.
Yeah that video was atrocious. Usually before doing a Q&A, they ask people to send them in actual questions for things they want to know. I think if she got someone else to film her sets it might turn out better. But like you said, she probably doesn't want to be a fetish model. Which if that was the case, why sign up to be a bigcutie in the first place? She could easily be one of the best, just needs a push in the right direction.
Really starting to think her BF isn't actually into fat girls.
I saw like ONE picture of him with Sadie on Insta, and that was for a memorial post for Goddess Patty. He's got so many pics with models he's worked with but none with an up-and-comer in the BBW scene that he's dating? I'm not saying he needs to work with just fat chicks or profess his love from the mountaintops, but that's straight up weird
Its not weird tofu is his work profile and the majority of what he shoots is far the content Sadie does it makes sense his work profiles aren't full her his personal page is probably an entirely different story
Is it true that she has autism?
Is it true she's actually 7'9 ?
Weather she does or does not is irrelevant, plus there is a very low threshold for being diagnosed with autism. Consider they use the terms umbrella and spectrum with it so it is possible she might be high functioning. Honestly it a term that is thrown around on chans so frequently it has become ubiquitous with any model.
No she is like 5 something. Just look at her when she walks by/ through any door. She is short but not a shorty.

Are you blind?? She’s clearly closer to 7’9
Lol I’d say finally someone got the joke but at this point I don’t trust these people
Anyone got a reup, or a more comprehensive collection of all her stuff?

Also, isn't she like 530lbs or something? She looks fucking massive, and she isn't even 600lbs.
do you have her newest stuff and can you upload it please?
Any new sets?? Please :c
Plaes sadie pic sets 112-128 ??

Because she's short lol. She *could* fool people like you into thinking she was a 600 pounder, but at the very least Heather keeps her models honest

(not trying to imply that without bigcuties she'd necessarily be lying about her weight, but I've never once seen a BC model tell something that even seemed like a lie about their weight. Ellie was under 400 pounds for most of her tenure on bigcuties despite having the largest stomach on the website)
I'd be more surprised about Ellie if I didn't remember that if you took away her belly, she'd basically be a 250 fat chick.
yeah, she's very unique proportionally. I'm surprised she doesn't seem to have that much trouble moving around.
Can someone reup 103?
Nice, long time since she posted a video
Christ that ass is unreal
My God, when she must eat to be that size, her ass is disproportionately gigantic. Her huge legs have folds and rolls, her double belly soft and warm; her voice, her eyes, her natural red hair, her whiteness, her face. THIS WOMAN IS A TRUE GODDESS.
Plaes sadie pic sets 112-128 ??
I'm not sure that people can choose their fat distribution based on what they eat. I think there is something else that does it. I'm sure if people could choose where their weight goes by choosing foods, they would do so.
I wonder how many toilet seats she cracks per year
Maybe 0.125
Videos 124/127/128. Looking for 125/126 or newer

Pic sets sadie 112-128 ??
What’s this from? Man when she moves her knees far apart like that her belly is way out front. She was incredible in low 400s, but getting over 500 made her that much hotter.

sorry we left pics in the 90s
Could you please reupload 124/127/128? Would be awesome, thank you!!
For having such an amazing body. I genuinely fucking hate all of her content.
Please you have recent sets ?
How about set 126 or 123 ?
(148 KB, 864x1152, 130sadie_all.jpg)
Please sadie vid 130!!!exchange for another video
Uploading a few videos now..its better than nothing :)
Plaes sadie pic sets 112-128 ??
Any have set #126, by chance? The preview shows her sitting on that small leather stool, and she engulfs it. Seeing her sitting on chairs that are too small makes me crazy!! Thanks!
anyone have, please ?
Does anyone have pics to the newest set? 131
I have the video set 130 and 131
Would you share those king?
(177 KB, 1024x836, JB-Hot_Shower.mp4_thumbs_[2011.01.15_11.29.18].jpg)
Yes here is the link YUhSMGNITTZMeTlrY21sMlpTNW5iMjluYkdVdVkyOXRMMlJ5YVhabEwyWnZiR1JsY25Ndk1URktkbnBVVVZNMlduRjBabGxvV0haSWVVOTJOa2hMZUdoTFdURlJUR3hU, but can I have the video of jenni taking a shower?
Does anyone have that candid of her shitting
lmao shitting? for real? That would be dope.
btw does anyone have 126?
why would you want such a thing?
There's some disgusting shitbags on here, like those fucking morons always asking for fart videos. This is a fat fetish site, keep that shit(pun intended) out of here.
don't you have it in hd?
don't you have it in hd?

Does that even exist?

Because it’s probably hot
That one of her eating cupcakes in bed is insane. It's actually ridiculous how much fat there is, it all piles up when she sits like that.
(150 KB, 1200x900, 04za7hxawdc61.jpg)
The one where she's eating cupcakes on the couch is crazier since she just kinda settles into the corner and fills the whole thing. It's like she replaced her lower half with a beanbag chair. It's like badly-drawn DeviantArt fiction but REAL.

Shame her boyfriend doesn't know how to shoot softcore porn and is more into "model" videos.
>It's like she replaced her lower half with a beanbag
Thats what i always loved about woman with big trunks
How do I use these links? Forgive my ignorance
Read the fucking rules? I'ts clear you can read English, use that.
which one is that?
can we get any of the new ones instead of all this talkie talkie

No trading. It's against site rules. You either post what you have or you don't.
here you go buddy


Cheers mate. Here you are.

Anyone have the pic set for set 35?
That fourth frame is making me diamonds
why he wearing medical gloves man

Fair enough only kills fatties anyways tbh
A sadie video that may possibly be not shit? I’m not falling for it again.
Agree, been burned too many times with bum content when getting a membership to her site
Does anyone have her “too fat to fit” set?
Too big to buy set I meant.Was thinking about something completely different.
(177 KB, 800x1191, 131sadie_all.jpg)
Where is the hero Sadie shares photo groups from 112 to 131 ??
pleaaaseee picsss
Some gentleman forage me with that set, the one with the damn cage, I need to see the swaths of lard on this absolute beauty
(157 KB, 800x1191, 134sadie_all.jpg)
New set 😋👍 sadie pic sets 112_134 ?
This looks amazing 😍 Anyone have this set? This looks like one of her better sets.
The name is caged curves, someone upload it please
Looking for These pants had no chance, Fat fun in the sun and the video with Ellie
>>38382 she looks HUGE and super soft here
(300 KB, 800x1191, 117sadie_censored.jpg) (157 KB, 800x1191, 134sadie_all.jpg)
Thank you, comrade, for your participation and interest, but we have this. We are looking for groups. New photos from Sadie from 112 to 134 ؟؟
Please share these groups again. I keep repeating. Where is a hero who shares with us Sadie's photo groups from 112 to 134 ?
try to share something first ;)
If you go back to the above posts, you will find that I sent a post for Scarlett photo collections and didn't get anything, and this is a post from some Tokyo Rose collections
fucking incredible to be barely mobile when you're like only 25
i need more colleen
anyone got set 134 too wide for the bed?
here is a contribution
Right? If she had an OF that was $50/mo, I’d still find myself paying for it

She's over 800 lbs now
>Pretends to actually know CW’s weight
Cool story bro

Probably because she told me. Yesterday.
Receipts or your just full of shit.
>> 38997

Not OP, but as a second person I can confirm that is true. Comfortably over, I may add.
we need photo evidence of this. That's a massive woman.
(109 KB, 1416x803, Screenshot_20220307-215437_Photos.jpg)

The best I can do is a Screencap from a video message she sent me.

I won't spill too much info on her, but I think of you mouth breathers that fantasize being with someone immobile don't actually realize what it's like. She's working hard to gain mobility, and the best we can do is support her. Being almost 900 pounds may be fun until you realize what quality of life you have. The best we can do is support her regaining mobility, which boo, hiss for you mouth breathers, means losing weight.

I'm not going to brag, or gloat, and frankly, I don't owe you guys anything, she's doing her best, and yeah, squeezing her folds and rubbing your hands on her is fucking heavenly.
Best you can do? What a horse shit screenshot. Really? You can't even tell if that's a leg or belly or ass. Gtfo with this baiting shit brah. You're full of shit.
Just upload the video jackass. Stop lying
Please we are thirsty I don't have any of her videos, there were many on reddit before they were copyright striked, I need caged curves
I finally but the bullet and bought her sun I have all the videos I can drop one but I'm looking for infinity bbw kitty or maybe even da butt but that's gotta be new...also I don't know how to turn them into we transfers I know how to code though give me a number I'll bless y'all for my years of leaching
Bed set is 134, pls post it! Looks fucking insane
Trades are against the rules, post what you got or don't.
Feed me Valentine?
Latest one would be nice, thanks in advance..
Sorry boys I can't we transfer the files is there another way to do it id be happy to drop anything let me know how
Mab, my airbridge

base64 encode link for it to stay longer
Looking for the other candid bubbles vid of Sadie. There's a preview floating around that follows her at a booth for a minute - the real deal is closer to 6 minutes and is about 800mb.

Looking for 437 - here's 438 for your pleasure. It ain't good, but collecting ain't about whether or not it's good - it's about having the whole set.

i'm going to advice you to sub to CB if you really want it, the webmaster is trying to sell the site and it is not certain that there will be a buyer.
Or I could angle to get it for free here?
I'm gonna post 135& 134 on her Sub it's ssbbwsadie my lap top just broke so I'm using an iPad but it's too shitty to upload any transfers it said some like 64 hours I'm coked out so I'm feeling generous go to her sub and check them out!!
Absolute legend, can't see them yet tho. Someone nab them when they're up so we can re-up if need be
Videos 130 and 131, looking for anything newer

Figures a coked up guy would just be hyping himself up.
Does anybody know how to request for a custom from her?
shes sagging, and definitely looks smaller
Could somebody upload the newest squashing video, please?
I dunno about smaller. I think the weight is settling more in her ass for sure.
Can anyone please upload the new squashing video?
I'll pitch in to get the new video it looks incredible
Does anyone have the video from her too big to buy set?
u just gotta look at her belly thats definitely smaller
her arms look thinner
her ass has more lumps now
even her face conveys, looking kinda old
just give it some more time itll become more aparrent
she was never a feeder or a gainer shes just one of those girls that happened to get huge and she is probably facing the consequences of being this huge
enjoy it while it lasts, as we should with all those girls
>just give it some more time itll become more aparrent
that's a self-fulfilling prophecy, cause fat will sag eventually. if she looks 'old' to you women will never statisy you.
Her belly looks bigger than ever. Also, most of her weight goes to her hips, so her giant saddlebags are drooping more as she gets heavier.
Dude keep in mind bigcuties is a complete shitshow and they release stuff WAY out of order, this set could be months old. I heard from one of the (now retired) models that they released one of her sets a literal year after she shot it. Like she had shot it right after she started and they didn’t release it until a year later. And that was before boberry quit and big cuties had their shit together
>even her face conveys, looking kinda old
You must be fucking blind.
That's porn in general new scenes come out all the time that are months or even a year or so old
There was a time they had more consistent releases in time with when things were shot. I don't know who is on the production team with Heather but I don't think they care anymore as long as SOMETHING gets out twice a month.
Heather is going thru some major post covid health complications and life changes so keep that in mind. Dont blame her that it's not her most major priority at the moment.
pls tell me theres a video for this
I'm inna giving mood hold on
You're the man, man. Let us know if there's anything you want that you're looking for and we'll scour our collections.

If you have any inclination to - my collection is pretty spotty from Set 123 on. Thanks again for your contribution!
Does anyone have her too big to buy video?
Thank you, please do you have the set 125?
Much appreciated.
She doesn't even stand up in 133 she just gets fed for 7 mins
how about the dance one then?
and thanks for the seat vid.
I mean I can upload it if u really want it just did nothing 4 me personally
I'd personally appreciate that one and 134 myself if it doesn't bother you.
Does anyone have 126, 134, 135?
Why are these people trying to beg for clips when I literally just posted one? And yeah 133 please the one of her getting fed.
I need caged curves
The world is ready for a 600lb + Sadie
135 please?
Whelp that’s the last time I contribute.
Dawg, it's apparent only one person has a sub to her site in this thread. Either he uploads it or no one does. I don't think anyone else has her last 20 sets in full.
>>40923 uploading here is a thankless job, you dont do it for appreciation you do it to help your FA bros (and sisters?)
Not sure if that's a loss.. it doesn't seem like you possess content that didn't come from here.
Anyone got a (fairly) comprehensive collection they'd be willing to upload? a couple other models have Megas with a ton of their content, dunno if Sadie has one.
Actually, I had that video original from the website candid bubble, originally when I was subbed it got taken down so I emailed the owner and he put it back up again.
Which one was that? There was one posted here earlier.
You mean this one? (preview: https://gofile.io/d/OwwjXc) There are a handful of other SSBBW Candidbubble vids i'm also interested in (one wears a plaid skirt).

As for Sadie content, I can't offer you much except a BBWRoyalty rip. I added her duo set with Ellie to the upload above.

if by "BBWRoyalty rip", you mean a collection of all her vids from that site, I'll take it.
Could somebody upload set 131/136 please?
Now that's a king there!
thank you!
amazing bro! thank you! do you have 136 too?
Fantastic, thank you, do you have set 125 too ?
Epic share, bro! Do you happened to have set 136 & vid 137?
Look and learn, gentlemen. This is how it's done.

Let us know if there's anything you're looking for and I'll look through my archive for you.
Looking for sets 123 & 125. THAKS advance.
what I am looking for is not from Sadie, but thanks for the offer :)
Looking for sets 123 & 125. Thank You.
Oh I know - I meant from anyone really
anything new from Ellie would be nice :) from set 218 up
Thank you for the drop!
Now just need 135 if you can drop it here.
Thank You very much. Looking for 125.
I'm a man of my word. Second installment is on its way. Thank you for your service.

Second installment here. Enjoy your Ellie :)
Thank you !!! Please you have set 125 too ?

Does anyone have more from Ellie?
Does anyone have Sadie’s most recent weighin
epic what a king

Thank you for your service.
The keywords are "need" and "please" with yall i swear
Unfortunately, I missed this, please. Sadie photo collections from 111 to 136 ??
Woow...that was disappointing af. This set really needed someone w/ more familiarity to Sadie... because that was the weakest most limp wristed massage I've ever seen. 😕

THANK YOU for sharing tho, btw... don't let my disappointment get in the way of my appreciation of your contribution.
Yea it was so bad I wasn't even gonna bother putting it up not to mention its 10 mins long.

Im a sick fuck so I still appreciated it. Her spider veins get me hard as diamonds so the closeup was overdue.

Sadie even says during the video that the masseuse is so gentle. Despite her saying she says she loves it, 0% chance that dude penetrated her fat for any deep muscular tissue massage.
Sadie's video sets are like 70s prog rock. You listen to 20-minute songs for that one, kick-ass minute and half interlude that hits just right.

In this case, it's that overshot about 6 minutes in that looks like someone photoshopped a toddler's foot on her enormous legs.
>>41440 Seconding this, any reups for Ellie?
need this video lmao
pleaseee the last videooo
It's an Easter miracle! Thanks man.

I genuinely wonder where that is, where a 500+lb girl can just waddle out in lingerie and jiggle her belly on a bridge. Looks too extra to be someone's backyard... Between that and the cage set, is it an outdoor studio?
I live in a dense suburban area, and if you head out to most parks mid-morning on a weekday there is no one to be found. You could scope out the place and easily have 10-15 mins to pose nude or nearly nude if you wanted to.
>>42158 You're not a genius or high IQ for deconstructing shit art. It doesn't make you Albert Einstein. What it makes you is a lazy nigger.
Thank you !!!
Please you have set 125 ??
That escalated quickly
Could someone post 103?
I think her face is so cute and im into ssbbws but i cant get into sadie for some reason. like yeah her ass is huge but it looks firm as hell and she has varicose veins on half of her body. shes one of the few I feel i'd have liked more smaller
Is it just me or is the camera guy jerking off way too much when it comes the content. I swear its like this retard just watches Coco melon and thinks 3 second snippets are the fuckin tits. Just hold the camera on her give her a little direction and let her do here thing, if she fucks it up just snip it in editing add a generic track then call it a day and what the fuck was with all those pond images we are not in fuckin art class we are here for some softcore porn.
It's either her camera guy fucking up and not knowing how to properly direct a fat chick, the editor for having zero clue what the fans actually want, or Sadie being so damn awkward that there's only so much that can be used without slapping a music track on, or some mix of the three.

Sadie actually shaking her belly shows she at least knows what we want, but we've had discussions that went nowhere on if she actually wants to be a fetish model or a model that just happens to be whale-sized. But whoever is angling to make her the most produced model behind the scenes needs to get slapped something fierce. We're not impressed by the editing. We want to see her do other fat chick stuff. Christ, just look at what the other BigCuties have done and steal some ideas.
Does anyone have set 136 please?

yeah agreed. I look at the content difference between her and someone like roxxie and don't know wtf theyre doing
(232 KB, 1564x1213, IMG_20220419_005825~2.jpg)
(*growing) And how she can barely get one leg in front of the other!!
Anyone have pic sets 131 and 136? Thanks in advance.
Why don't you read the board rules in advance and realise there is a begging thread for you to post in?
set 136 video?
It's Sadies birthday today, she's 33. :)
Nice 👍, happy birthday Sadie!
Re-up, please? :(
New unboxing set is out
any reups?
Welp, thought someone else had it. Guess I'll bite the bullet.

Not that I'm planning on holding out or anything, but anyone have the latest vids? Including the unboxing one.
Don't buy that overpriced shit. I have both vids. I'll post em in a bit
Here's both vids. Definitely not worth the asking price. Rest in Piss Candidbubbles
Hey thanks man

You got 437? The last Sadie clip?
Brap video when? I’d pay good money for that toot
(1.3 MB, 1920x1080, New-Movie-68.Movie_Snapshot.jpg)
thank you. lol surely no one would pay $5000 for it.

do you have #322? (and #68, #435, #357, #342 but especially 322).
437 and 438 are both in there. 437 is just mislabeled and 438 was the last one.
Website says 437 is like 5 minutes long. You sure?
Can someone with a Google account please check if the longer Sadie vid is here
plus CandidBubble #68, #435, #357, #342 and #322 and download them in that case?

don`t work!
That site led to nowhere, just another spam site.

Whatever was posted before is all we got now. I thought it was longer but considering I tried to sign up, couldn't get my login to work, and the webmaster took my money and closed shop, I'm inclined to believe the clip length posted was a lie.
CandidBubble site closed Monday 5/9
Tofu gives me the impression he fucks around but keeps Sadie on the side

Also why the hell did he list Gigi in the credits if she didn't make an appearance? It was all Sadie & Skylar.

God damn Sadie is looking good.
Modern version of Dr scott. Not worth watching for the glimpse of Sadie lol.
oh fuckin ew lol. yeah no thanks.
Oh fuck lmao you're right
It’s a music video not porn. Though I have to say this guy is a lot less obnoxious than Dr Scott.

Not sure what’s going on with the wig tho lol
Good god, that's garbage.

Hahahah this is fucking trash. Definitely Doctor Scott tier. Props to dude for fucking Sadie, but I do not envy whatever the fuck this is.
How can you not envy a guy with a gf like Sadie and, apparently, this much free time?
I think anyone here would be lying if they said they didn't envy him. He's probably on good terms with a lot of the girls at the BC Mansion. Lucky fucker is living the dream with a cute girlfriend like Sadie.
Who's got the latest vid it actually looks good
Can someone upload 96 and 102. They are bedtime babe and massage oil moisturizing.
Could somebody upload set 125 please?
So you gonna be a warrior and drop the heat or wha
Sorry, I was answering the second part of the post. I don't have a sub to BigCuties any more.
damn bruh, why respond if ya don't got the goods?
Set 140 idk how to jumble it and stuff so get it quick
Can someone show me how to up load a vid it's set 140.
Go to wetransfer.com, click "I just want to upload files", then click on the plus and select the video file. When it's done uploading you can copy the link and put it here.>>45123
Is there like, a mega for Sadie? I've seen one for Echo and I think Bobberry, but not Sadie for some reason.
Really, no one?
(173 KB, 800x1191, 142sadie_all.jpg)
New group 142 Also I'm still looking for groups of pictures from 112 to 142?
Holy shit that top left picture.
i want to see a video of her breaking a chair or toilet with that huge dumper
does she have eating videos?
some, yeah. She doesn't eat as much as you'd expect tho, its like... normal portion sizes lol.
I mean, I could work on getting a torrent up and running, but I haven't had the best luck getting those working, and my collection is nowhere near complete
Thank you !!!! You have clip 140, please ?
Also I'm still looking for groups of pictures from 112 to 141 ??
Thank you !!! Please you have set 125 too ?
Can you post the 140 pics? They seem spicy
Finally some new sadie vids!
She's gotten so much fatter recently!
Do you maybe also have 139?
Love how her fat distribution means she could be immobile in like 50 pounds
eh, maybe. Echo has a similar build and is like 800lbs and still "mobile" lol.

Yeah Echo is cute... Niggers are ugly and dumb. Latinos are gay.

Also I'm still looking for groups of pictures from 112 to 141 ??
Thank you, you have clip 141 ??

well that website is cancer
I have no problem with uploading new content or missing old sets, but what I would appreciate, would be some effort from other people here, I said it here before, but if you have Ellie sets, I would be grateful for them
Here are some more new vids and pic sets!
thank you so much for uploading her content,
if i had ellie's content i would definitely post it
video for set 136?
can you upload set 136 video?
Where are the rest of the photo sets
sadie from 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 135 137 138 139 140 141 142 ??
Anyone got vid 252 of Ellie? It's the most recent video of her doing belly drops.
does anyone have set 136 video?
(173 KB, 800x1191, 142sadie_all.jpg)
Does anyone have pic sets from 112 to 142?
Ja, og hva er galt med det, jeg elsker henne og jeg leter etter mine manglende samlinger av bilder fra 112 til 142
Yes, and what's wrong with that, I love her and I'm looking for my missing collections of photos from 112 to 142
It comes across as very entitled to make the same request twice in one week. PS you should learn typing English without using auto-translate.
New set is out, she is wonderfull !!!
thank you i greatly appreciate it. i’ve been searching for awhile.

aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVdOR0dhaDBDcGc= Picset + vid
I'm trying to upload In my opinion one of her goated videos
The goat video is the last one

Does anyone have pic sets from 112 to 142?
Can someone upload a compilation of her to mega?
(370 KB, 1072x613, unknown.png)
What I have of those sets; just reups of what's already been posted. Most of them are missing pics, a few don't have anything, hopefully someone will come through a upload what's missing

Millions, thank you, man, but I could not download it because the file is large. It would have been better to have the video alone and the pictures alone. All of them are in a link so that it is easier to download the file. I am looking for groups of images only, I could not download them. Please link to groups of images only so that I can download them
Do you have any of her sets older than 112? Could you maybe upload them if you have time?
Can someone just upload the door jam
Video pls k thx
why not be a hero yourself sneed?
mega folder??
anyone have video 143?
What’s the backstory on how some people say she’s autistic?

Just some people being rude and nasty. No basis in real coming from someone who has hung out with her multiple times.
anyone have set 58??
Anyone got set 140 only links don’t work
anyone have set 58??

Can any kind soul re-up?
Anyone have mega folder of sets?
Older sets??
Anyone got set 126 Caged Curves?
just a whole lot of people begging in here, and no one ever stepping up to provide content lol
We all just tryna see our favorite pear but mfs just don’t wanna share:(

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