
Here is my collection of pictures of her. It's a mix of old and new but mostly older stuff. Hope someone enjoys it. Not sure why the link got so massive, hope it works anyway.

Thank you very much for sharing Rey, very grateful, you are the man.
Does anyone know if her vore content is worth it?
Shame, thanks though, saved me some money.
I was randomly on C4S earlier to see what's new and saw her recent ones. I haven't kept up with her for a few years now, but I agree. She looks more amazing than ever now.
Look at that. She must be 1,600 lbs now…
She's been known for lying about her weight. She's been claiming ridiculous numbers while not even looking half of what she says for years. She and her husband are scum, don't give them money.
LOL it's just numbers, dude. Her actual content is what matters. Weigh-ins, BMIs, etc. are for those nerd FAs that obsess over & masturbate to numbers... when what really matters is the woman's appearance & sensual/entertaining content.
Look, i personally don't give a shit about numbers, but when someone claims to be 700 but hardly looks 400 I'm done. Now if she had some super hot content i would give her a pass, but she doesn't even have that. I remember joining her paysite years ago and it was a total waste of money. Fuck that cunt. She's also old as fuck.
Isn't she lovely though? Very elegant-looking woman. She must look stunning in a dress.
But enough talk, any content?
that is what i was wondering
Funny I was told people like her wouldn't make it past 30 yet here she is
She may be lying about her weight although she's still as fat as a pig. Enjoy

Hello how can i watch this file ?
??? It's an mp4... not an obscure format. OR do you mean how do you crack the code? Go here: https://www.base64decode.org/ and run it through as many times as necessary til you get a URL. Delete any text along the way that's between parentheses () or brackets [].
Someone has newer stuff?

anyone subbed to her of? is it worth it?

I subbed to her loyalfans once. Wasted my 12$
I expect OF to be more or less the same
Does anyone have Bounce a SMART?
Here you go.

Could anybody please upload Shower Dance?
Anyone have any of her vore or burping content?
There's some decent stuff similar to her c4s content, but too many super-closeups and a lot of repetition to make it seem more stocked than it is. Also a lot of boring fully-clothed vacation pics she should keep on Instagram. If you're really into her (I am) I'd spring for a month, strip it for what it's worth and cancel. Casual fans can give it a miss.
she is for sure closer to 600 than to 500.
trying on clothes
Man if only I had a woman like that..
Does anyone have any videos of her just playing with her belly, or the belt one perhaps?
reup please? or anything else
could anyone re-up some of her more recent stuff?
Anyone have the vid where's she's made to constantly walk up and down stairs,
(77 KB, 760x1000, Lailani squeezing her soft tummy - Imgur.jpg)
Can somebody please drop a MEGA, Google Drive, or ANY large collection of her content? Her stuff used to be easy to find awhile ago but now it's mostly results for her C4S.
I'll contribute the one thing I have. To bump and hope somebody comes through.
hopefully someone out there has a sizable collection of her stuff and would be willing to share. I'd like to see more of her stuff too
(264 KB, 1280x960, lap169x085.jpg) (157 KB, 960x1279, lap170x030.jpg) (313 KB, 960x1280, lap192x007.jpg)
Is anyone interested in her Southern Charms pic sets?, I have sets 101 thru 237.
>hardly looks 400
400 might be a magic number for short BBWs, but most tall fat people will go past it easily.
Does anyone have any of her smoking sets or vids?
Any reups of this sexy pig?
Does anyone have anything of her, cannot seem to find a full vid anywhere
Yes, please upload. Someone have her crush high hells crush videos?
(298 KB, 400x225, 609PizzaUndLasagneStuff16mp4.gif) (210 KB, 400x225, 712StuffThePizza26mp4.gif)
Here's my entire Lailani collection (4,69 GB worth of stuff) aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vSWwyV2ZjRkZQ

Does anyone have any of her videos where she eats an entire pizza tray or the second one where she eats lasagna and burps?
it says "this transfer does not exist"
You guys are legends even managed to have the one with her huffing and puffing up a stairwell in their too, many thanks
Same as the other anon, says it doesn't exist. Late or a typo in the address?

dude it's no longer available
Re-up please🙏🏻
It's still up Mr. Beg.

Can you re upload please?
reup, king? Also you wouldn't happen to have this one of her fishing?
Fear not, my dear sir, I can provide what you seek.
I have also added some more crushing videos of this massive beauty.

Fear not, my dear sir, I can also fulfill your desire.
As before, I have added some car related videos for your enyojment.

Anyone have some of her weigh in videos??
Fear not, my dear sir, i can help you with your needs,
Here is all I have to offer:
Fucking legend, cheers
Not understanding she looks heavier in face and body in some of the older videos but scale says she is 100 pounds lighter than the heaviest?
Thanks dude!
Do you have some of her squashing videos??
Anyone willing to share any pic sets of this beauty?
You guys are the most peaceful and kind people i have encountered on internet, srsly
Any chance for some of her vore content?
I don't think I can explain how grateful I am for those uploads.
These drops are good shit.
Bit of a long shot because it's so vague, but any videos where Lailani gets stuck in something or has a hard time fitting into something would be appreciated.
Anybody have recent showering videos?
I've decoded a pathetic amount of videos thru base64, for some reason the links from The Doctor look all weird on my end, none of them worked. any ideas?
On the first time you decode them, you have to delete the word [ailani]. Try it now :)
Thanks for the invite to pop-up phish hell, asshole.
I am very sorry to disappoint you, my dear sir, but I do not posess this particular movie.
can do you do a reup friend? links have expired
Holy hell, I missed a hellof alot.

I will try to maintain re-ups if someone asks.
But I do not have the files to re-up.
Speaking of which, can we get a re-up? Lol
My dear friends, take this humble collection of movies for your enjoyment:

There was a video of her sitting on balloons and popping them. There was one where she was struggling to pop one and then slams down on it and her ass jiggles for days. I would love to see that one again.

Here's a belly drop video for your trouble. ;)
Thank you sir! Much gratitude!
I actually found >>51777 in this collection. Awesome! Thank you!
If anyone can upload a collection of her videos or any sort of content it would be awesome!
Here's 12 vids of one of my fave fatties on the internet

Thanks! She’s been one of my favorites for a long time one of the first ones that got me to realize what I was into lol that super old exercise bike video used to float around on YouTube many years back
uploading her summer 2020 weigh in vid.


the link went down in the middle of the download :(
Can reup but not sure where to use? Don't want to put it up on wetransfer just to get taken down after another 30 mins
just realised you were replying to a different post, nvm
not sure. gofile has always been good to me but im not too sure how any of these really work. hey, if you can't you can't. the attempt was made and that's two thumbs in my book.
Not sure why the link didn't work. Try this.

Has she ever been pregnant and took pics of it? I think in this state she must look stunning.
(335 KB, 395x640, Nutella glutony.png)
Has she ever tried to eat such a bucket of Nutella?
Anyone have the newest stair climb wobble?
Does she also makes funnel feeding pics and vids?
Yes, that would be horny if she tried it.
What is her current weight, please?
Do you still have those pic sets? Any chance you could please re-up?
Probably half of what she is pretending too; so below 150, but over 120 kilogramme.
i met her in real life. she was 111 kg
You bitches have no idea. She’d be between 150-180kg.
Why is her weight so madly underestiamted here? She lost this Spring, but in the 100kg range? No way! >>57466
That was she in 2007 maybe, now perhaps around 120 - 130Kg (that what she shows as kilogramme are most likely lb actually).
Can we get some content please? Idc what she weighs. Thanks!
Absolutely not. Lailani is nowhere near a 120kg woman. Seriously... >>57503
and no, her scale shows Kilos, quite clearly. Such weird speculations.

I know it shows kilos, but you don't understand the point, because you are a simpledon.

It shows pounds as kilogramme likely/ possible...

It can be anything between 100 and 130 kilogramme. She possibly started below 100 (as she was just plump at beginning).
Now i get it why some think Lailani lied.. damn kg is IS while lb is just some US american measurement. Well she is well above 500 lbs and around 5´9.. what a backward nation ruling the world.
are you having a stroke
people doubt shes ~5xx lbs because she doesnt look like it. not because they think ~250kg is 250 lbs. >>57503 is speculating the ohter way around, that she's misrepresenting ~250 lbs (113kg) as 250kg since some of her scales dont show the unit of measure. even in the case that they do, who knows wtf her actual weight is without exact knowledge of her height. it's relatively easy to manipulate the read out on a scale through calibration, etc. if she's actually between 185-190cm, 250kg is reasonable. if she's shorter than that, 110-150kg is more believable

>lb is just some US american measurement
other nations still use the imperial system or some weird mixture of it, retard. the US isn't some anomaly; the si system isn't fully ubiquitous everywhere outside of it
shes fat as a pig and has been over 500 lbs for a long time
this bitch hot but she do videos of her poopin and shit 🤮🤮🤮🤮
I think her height is below 1,85m and over 1,73m:
So when she pretend to weight 270Kg, it are likely that number in pounds...
She admited since last year to have even lost weight, so she is possible not heavier than 120 kilogramme (the heaviest possible number could be 140).
>Not heavier than 120kg
Are you fucking retarded??
yeah i get what you're saying man, i wasnt disagreeing with you. based on your estimate of her height a lower weight seems likely. 270kg on a ~178cm frame would not look the way she does. the only way that number is belivable is if shes significantly above average in height
here's an idea
dont watch the poopin videos? lmao
1,78m might be right, at least not above 1,83m.
i just picked that number since it was an average of the range you gave. but yeah, if she's shorter than 1,83m 270kg is for sure unrealistic
I think I have even read on a profile of her 178cm, possible on her own website (was it lailanisworld maybe).

She is just on the verge/ border to SSBBW, but was at beginning barely a BBW (around 2007 or 2005).
thank you so much
Could you pls reupload it?
Could some reizlosere this too?
would it be possible to get a reupload for this please?
does anyone have the video in which she's wearing a suit and dress pants?
much appreciated, thanks lad

I don’t know man, but it’s not hard to find if that’s what you’re into. She has quite a few toilet videos from memory. I’ve come across a few of them when looking for her normal content
She doesn't show her face, and doesn't use her name. However, the fat folds match. They are often labeled "Fat toilet fun/"
thanks, man.
how much does she weigh now?

According to her Feabie profile approx. 600lbs. to me she looks definitely deflated comapred to a few years ago. And she's been caught tampering with her scales and doing fake weigh-ins. I do give her credit though for being the only model who had her heartbeat recorded while climbing stairs.
id take whatever she claims her weight to be with a grain of salt. ill avoid offering any exact estimation to prevent this thread from devolving into autistic speculative approximations, but like >>60430 said, shes been known to distort her measurements. even considering her height like other discussions in the thread have, the figures she claims seem unrealistic unless she's over 6 feet tall.
if shes looking deflated the chances are she's quite a bit less than 600 lbs

WTF why do you post porcelain bbw in a lailani thread, faggot?
She have to be rather 270inch to be this... Mary Boberry is even about 1,85m tall but looks much fatter than Lailani.
The number of what she allege are kilogramme are probably pounds in reality.
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Someone got a reup for the pizza or pasta stuffing?
Gibts mal wieder was Neues von der Miss SSBBW Germany?
Can you please reupload ur collection :)

Looks like every singel links is dow.
>>31202 (OP)
Anybody have an archive like a Google Drive or MEGA of her content? I remember a GOAT Drive archive existing a long time ago.
Or any trove of content. Hate to be a beggar, but she's my favorite of all time. Just so hot.
does anyone have anything, idc if its new or old
How come you don't have a collection of content you can share yourself if she's supposedly your favourite, fuck you dude.
could someone post what they have of her, idc if its new or old
>>60430 she lost ca. a year ago, quite a bit over the Spring of 2022. Said she liked the increased mobility... still, a glow in her eyes is gone. Late 2021 was her peak, and absolutely, utterly beautiful. She had stopped weighing herself at this point because she was tired of such discussions and accusations. As for "distorted" measurements, she is very tall and if you have seen her live on cam or in person, she was extremely large at her highest. That's all I'll see, but this discussion is tiresome.
any content from her supposed peak, m8?
I am looking for pictures collection of her,
If anyone has this…
Someone have measurements or bounce a smart vid ? Thx
Anyone could reup stuffing/burping videos?
Damn, links posted here are watched like hawks
Damn, seems like most of the links aren't working. Anyone able to post any pic collections of her?
LOL no... the links posted have expired. MAB only lasts 2 days & WeT only lasts 7 days
Does anyone have any videos from lailani for uploading? Thanks:)
Does anyone has the back fat video?:$
Thank you so much!!
Does anyone has anymore videos from lailani?:)
(149 KB, 400x225, 2.png) (156 KB, 400x225, 1.png)
I can't tell if she is just old, sick or just losing weight, but she turned into a saggy pale shriveled mess in about a year.
Definitely older, possibly losing weight. But hoping, of course, that she's not sick!
>Definitely losing weight, possibly older.
Fixed. The gig is over.
She appeared with these hanging skin/ rolls, particular hips already in 2007, when she was not heavier than 120Kg (maybe just 90).

As we know she pretended likely lb as kilogramme; she might have lost from 130 to under 120 kilo. If she continues, she won't be a BBW soon, similar as Sunny and Vonnie (but they had a surgery and were fatter).
By the way she is between 40 and 45 years old and born in Poland (or Croatia).
here's a couple vids i got
How do i Open them ?
>copy the link
>decode it (base64)
>copy new link
unfortunately gentlemen, i have nothing to share,
but i am looking for a specific video, the one where lailani has trouble getting into her shower, does anyone have it?
She maybe faked a few Weigh Ins, but by no means is this Woman lower than 150kg... Shes Tall dont forgett that, unless youre that German KG dude who fucks around with everybody
Rt who is that tho
Czech feedee, I believe.
Foremer CzechFeedee on Feabie. Ran into serious health problems and deflated drastically.
>>76778 he IS the kg idiot. His original thesis was that Lailani mistook kg for lbs, and was at best ever around 300 kgs. Which is utter nonsense, but here zou go, for some reason he does not get banned
sorry, around 300 lbs I meant, of course. In his world...
You are the general idiot; never was claimed a istake: She apparently intenional showed the pounds as kilogramme for promotion...
Therefore is she under 140Kg.
She is not taller than 1,80m (maybe 1,76).
She might have faked just few (actual every) weight-in, but massively, like doubled the weight, similar as Plump Princess, but even more.
(46 KB, 383x706, lailani_jbbwc.jpg)
Party right. Can confirm that she stated her weight as 177cm on multiple occasions, like JustBBWCams and also when she started modeling way back at SC.
Her exaggerated wight claims after she started deflating was not lbs instead of kgs, but tampering with the hold function of the scale, as one anon sleuth found out.
But I think she was at her peak probably around 120 - 130 kilogramme (never higher than 150) and at beginning around 2007 was she possible between 90 and 110Kg, as her hips were mainly wide, but the tummy wasn't really fat (rather chubby), she was a classical pear thick (clock-glass) figure, not a BBW.
By the way I am certain her scale has a limit of 180Kg or less (so it actually can't show 272).
280? She looks fucking huge
Agreed, thats why I posted, but
"I think she was at her peak probably around 120 - 130 kilogramme ... as her hips were mainly wide, but the tummy wasn't really fat (rather chubby), she was a classical pear thick (clock-glass) figure, not a BBW"
says the Kilogramm Idiot above who, for unfathomable reasons, is still not IP banned.
imagine saying lailani was max. 130kg
just look at this pic >>77095
My gf is nearly 100kg, but looks nowhere near the size of lailani
>>77155 Well and you are still to dumb to calculate correct; 130Kg are around 287lb (so quite closer to 290) and that is actual huge/ supersized, as she started with about 90 or possible even 85 kilogramme in 2005 or 2007, when she was just plump (but not obese). So you try to pretend that she is now more than twice as heavy, by the same height in about 15 years (when she was at that time already close to 30)? Only her belly gained, but the hips were always wide and the face is still not fat (chubby).

That is about one third more in weight; 30 kilogramme is not even close to the same weight-class, it is a huge difference; like between a welterweigth and heavyweight. Or then you can also compare a horse and a dunkey.
Can we have a rule that if you don't speak English at least at a late high school level competently you need to STFU and keep commentary to a minimum? I can't understand what half of these swarthoids and yuropoors type.
nah. if you don't understand them, that's a personal problem
Don't tease us like this. If you're gonna post the images post the bids as well pls.
(166 KB, 902x684, hugeL.jpg) (66 KB, 565x657, hugeL2.jpg) (62 KB, 446x682, hugeL3.jpg)
Tell me again she is/was 290pounds...
Ein richtig fettes Deutsches Masstschwein!
130kg xD ich glaub du bist ein paar mal auf den Boden gefallen bei der Geburt, idiot!
Das sind 250+ kg, sieh genau hin du kek
>>77295 these were not screenshots from vids
Ich denke auch das sie zu ihren Haupt Zeit mindestens 250kg hatte

Can you please drop the vid sir ?
Maybe was she...🤔
Do you really suggest to judge or estimate it refering to this crap picture, where you can just see that she is fat, but no details apart of hanging breasts and her face?!🙄

I can not do it, maybe does she weight on it 130 or 95, it is just obvious that she is way below 200 kilo, on this one.
Nein bestimmt über 2t (2000Kg)...🤨🤔
Why you took so narrow/ close view photos, just to make her look bigger?
You are so hypocrite...If you wanted to make it visible by a round number, then you had called it 300lbs; this 280 stuff is just to discredit any other opinion which are smaller than her fake numbers!
It is most unlikely that she gained within 10 or 12 years 180Kg (400lb), when she was in the first already in her very late twenties to early thirties...
(2.3 MB, 1962x1155, Screenshot 2023-04-07 at 9.15.58 PM.png) (4.4 MB, 2830x1467, Screenshot 2023-04-07 at 9.14.37 PM.png)

OK OK - I'm attaching pics with a less close view below, you are right, she looks thinner on them for sure. 280lbs probably. In fairness, you said 280lbs. And then 287lbs. So let's not go overboard and call her 300lbs. That would likely be a fake number. So behold, Lailani at around 280lbs (POUNDS, that is!), not a close up:
Did you get your medication today?

In the first one is not even clear who that is; it could be Ivory or someone else, as there is no head shown...

I also never claimed 280lb (127Kg), this number come from you, just try to make my claim implausble and make bad gossip. I just pointed that you are even too dumb to calculate 130Kg to lb correct (though you probably didn't even try, as you alleged a lower number by propose)...

If she had claimed 140Kg, then I could possible trust it, but over 250 kilogramme is as far away from the truth as it are 50 kilo. So if she write next that she's actual 400 kilogramme, you will believe this most likely too.
(4.2 MB, 2847x1604, Screenshot 2023-04-07 at 10.15.57 PM.png) (3.7 MB, 2717x1612, Screenshot 2023-04-07 at 10.14.25 PM.png)
>"But I think she was at her peak probably around 120 - 130 kilogramme" is what you wrote. 130 is almost 287 pounds, 120 is 264, so I used your framework dear Kilogramme Man. And you are of course right, the first pic there is actually Ivory (albeit on Lailani's stairs nin Germany). This is in fact Lailani, at her peak between 264 and 287lbs:
Lailani is actual not real German, but has Polish (or Croatian) heritage.

Why is the hair-colour different on the first picture, if it really shall be Lailani?🤔
I don't remember to have seen Lailani ever with blond hair (just her friend, the camgirl with the large breasts), but only have watched her with dark hair...

I stated that 130Kg is her maximum weight; you lied and indicated it are 280lb, now you lie again when you turn back and justify yourself.
By the way 280 is also not the middle of 120 and 130 kilogramme (as it are rather 275lb)
>>77767 >>77767 I do have to clarify that the "blonde hair" is her top, which MAY or may not also be visible around her shoulders on the 2nd pic. These stairs may have migrated to North Rhine Westfalia from Poland. Or Croatia.

I think, my Kilogramme Friend, you have to admit 280lbs is more than a fair compromise to you between the "around 120 - 130 kilogramme" you gave us.
But sure, I could also say 275lbs.
So let's assume that then.
Here we go, Lailani around her peak, (around "as it are rather 275lb" as per Kilogramm Genius):
Dear readers, you may wonder how 275lbs look like on a woman? THIS is how they look like.
And you may say, wait a second, my girlfriend is 200lbs and is not even half the beauty, width and softness of Lailani - behold,you would be wrong! Lailani merely used angles, tops that look like blond hair, and close ups to look bigger:

Even on BBW Wiki is in her profile maintain, that she is knowing to permanently lie about her weight.

By the way claims Jenna (DoughBelly, from France/ Bosnia) to weight just under 260Kg (not 300); so she would be lighter than Lailani, if her weight-ins are correct...

I totally agree. It's clear she is 275lbs in the pics I posted. BBW Wiki confirms it too.
Plump Princess is even a bigger liar; she is clearly below 150Kg as well and not as heavy (or more) than Ellie is...
As he nick says; Courtney is rather plump than supersized. She is barely a BBW.
The same occurs to this Rayni here (with the chubby hips).
Dies anyone has any More Videos to Upload ?
Where is this vid from

some 2021 measurement vid. She was a goddess.
>>77829 sorry, I misspoke. She was a liar and weighed 275lbs.

Plump Princess is barely a BBW? Are you high?
No - "Kilogramme Man" is the ONLY sober and realistic person here. Hasn't that been made abundantly clear by his last 2 days of posts here?

He was the only one to recognize Ivory in Lailani's photo, as well as the blond hair made out of cotton.
She weights maybe around 120Kg...

Ellie is at least more than 50Kg heavier than each of them (the fraud USSBBWs) and she claims to be under 200.

Even Gaining Goddess was clearly fatter ghan Plump Princess ever have been (also Lailani is it in this comparison).
Though you don't like to get the truth, as you libe in a fantasy worls and believe any absurd numbers these greedy women pretend to you (to make money).

Though Irony-guy is making fun of it, because he try to sell his contend to the stupid fanboys.
(224 KB, 760x391, degen.png)
plumpprincess was 90kg at her heaviest, and lailani max. 120kg. everybigcutie is below 70kg beside jazz, eve and sadie they all 3 120kg each.
Adeline is 150kg at best and juicy, jae, boberry all below 140kg...
"irony off"
any of her fart vids?
>>78078 there is, this was one of a few but I don't have things from her that far back.
Though you attempt to make fun of this (and fail, as nobody regard it as this, but you as a fool), because you has no expericense in real women.

But indeed this what Lailani and Plump Princess look like is in fact how 120 - 140Kg look: The Souther American camgirl Alison (who is probably from Colombia) ias clearly fatter than Lailani and even the more Courtney; she has fixed her weight-number to be 143Kg.

I always admit that Adeline and Jae might weight over 200Kg, but not 300 (not even close), likely under 250.
Echo on the other hand weights now over 300 or did it before hospitalizing (if she lost) due to extreme lyphytimia and lymphoedems (as sickness) more than was was at her peak.
Eve is below 200.
About 8 years ago she met men in different cities to make videos contend and having sex with her, around empty places (like facotries).
okay does anyone have these videos?
Okay listen. Everybody including myself always makes fun of you and rightly so.

But this time i will give you a genuine explanation just in case you are actually oblivious instead of trolling

I will use KG to avoid any confusion.

My wife is 170 KG at the moment. She is actively losing weight with the help of a professional dietitian. Early this year when she started, she was at her peak weight of 191 KG. All this is documented by a professional dietitian.

Now, my wife is very tall at 6'4. You claim Eve is under 200 KG. Eve is also very tall at 6'1 or something.

Eve is waaaaaay bigger than my wife was at her peak. Like seriously way bigger. So, if my wife was 191 KG and MUCH less fat than Eve, how can Eve be under 200 KG, like you claimed?

Just by comparing Eve to my own wife, i can tell you for a 100% fact that Eve is EASILY 275 KG or above.
There is, but not much:

Anything is appreciated. Thanks man
Them are on her page, on some platforms too, like Southern Charms (where she's model), Manyvids and maybe MyDirtyHobby among others.

I have mainly such in her flat (like with her huge-breasted friend, but who weights just 80Kg), in/ around a car (that was one of the latest), also 1 - 2 at vacation (at the Baltic Sea or Northern Sea).
Does anyone has her weigh in videos? Pls
Yes why? Would you like to have soething to laugh about (or want to get fraud)?
My dear sir, with my deepest regrets I've read your need for the latest weigh in videos of her. But fear not, The Doctor is here to help.
Here are two links with some of her latest videos incl. one compilation.



I wish you a lot of fun with those.
How do I open them?

self-important idiot
(24 KB, 796x557, Wrong64.PNG)
this encriptation is broken, brah
>>78870 Remove the brackets and the stuff in there and try again, "brah"
It’s still not working
(35 KB, 680x362, 20230416_132123.jpg)
you remove the brackets and its content you clown. What are ya new here? Go back to eating crayons
any braps in there?
Of course, my dear Sir.
Please enjoy my humble offering:

need her braps
OMG thank you so much!!... but i missed it 😭,any chance for a re up?
Is she still trying to convince everyone she's 600+ lbs?
Maybe even the more; I think she alleged once to weight +660lb, so over 300Kg....
Then she pretend to have lost a little bit, due to sickness, after that she will have gained it back soon again. This comes in circles, like once a year.
Worry not, my dear Sir.
I've got you covered:

This is the first video of Lailani I ever saw and the first time a woman her size got me aroused... Good find.
Anybody have new links ? All old links are not available
My dear Sir, I can only provide you with the first video of your request.

Thank you very much
Anyone has her braps or vid of her back or ass
Anyone has her braps or vids or her back and ass
could someone re-up anything at all from her that'd be sick

I think the file in the second link is corrupted. It won't allow a destination to be created.
Anybody have new links ? All old links are not available
Do you have the collection of lailani vid ? Pls
Can someone re upload a file or anything if videos and pics would be so appreciated
anybody have shower videos?
thank you
A couple of weeks ago did she promptly shrink down to 2/3 of her previous number...
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Re up?
On her Feabie profile went Lailani last month down to 183 kilogramme, this is a lose of around one third of the previous weight.
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
can i get couple vids of her,any kind pls.
I am 1 day late…
Could you re-up mate?
Oaschloch gschissanes, schleich di
dose any one have the video where she is in the police uniform and getting fucked
Does anyone have the video of he squashing I think her husband? It had multiple angles throughout the video and I think she was fully naked. I used to have it but I lost it and it was amazing. Any of her other squashing videos would be great too, Happy New years everyone!
In case we needed confirmation she's German.
Thanks. /bbwalt/ is probably thrilled to see that.
Just partly, she has Polish or Croatian roots: there was a red-white flag on her profile once.
There afe many scams from Poland, like Geparke (or her whore-mother Schwester Ewa).
What languages is this, gibbberish?
This seems pretty accurate if you consider her weight loss/deflation...
Shes no where near her peak.
Then it is probably 50 less more accurate, if not 60. Her peak was most likely around 30 or more away from that (current) number.
Can someone please do a re up of some videos :) thanks
At her highest point she probably didn't past 160 kilogramme.
yes, please, would be really great to be able to see her at her greatest

these fat rolls here in >>97891 are astonishing
Anyone have lailani C4s vid ?
She's definitely at least half German genetically. It's hard to describe but she has a very German in terms of facial features.
(183 KB, 695x421, [g]_7_years.png) (484 KB, 474x494, [g]_hammer.png)
reads like Bayrisch (Bavarian), a thick german dialect. (also, being rude in german can still get you prosecuted on this board.)

>>104529 >>105571 >>106641
according to Lailani's Feabie profile, she has at least lived in germany for many years. at some point many years back, there were rumors she'd migrate to the US. that didn't happen AFAIK.

i can see the point of a potentially "german looking" face. but human attributes are losing relevance as an indicator of origin since cultures/ethnicities are mixing up heavily.
You want a re-up of the scat vid?!!
New or Old C4s Stuff___Hero
New Stuff Please
Need new content someone reup please boss
New stuff
New Stuff
Any pussy play vids would b great 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Let Them Cumming Videos
I like to hear her talk German. It’s sexy. Ser gutt.
Does someone have some clips from some time back when she was at her peak? Thanks
She was one for me who made it clear that I'm into big girls.

I remember she even had some hardcore videos. Sadly i was not able to find them any more.
yes but she is not actually german, she likely has hungarian or austrian heritage also there is no way she weighs more than 90 kilogrammes
NINETY? LMAO. Rey Mysterio weighs 80 kg.
and there are many scams from Poland, blah blah blah
(337 KB, 1066x697, [g]_whatsthenews.png)

true, it looks like there's nothing new (content) coming from that front. boring rumors about her weight will not cover it.
Can anyone please reup some of the older stuff that has been posted here?
Videos Please
I heard she is 140cm tall and weighs 78KG
this is the kind of ironic shitposting i like to see
Hi, send your nudes, telegram @Джекет
Hi, send your nudes, telegram @Джекет
Make A Super Drop...Guys
Drop video link pal
Her face structure is in my view rather Slavic (as round as of Polish, Russian, Czech, Ukrainian people).
I think her maximum weight was not higher than 150 kilogramme (now maybe around 120).
Fear not, my dear Sir, I am here to help


You're the KING brother. I want to meet you :)
How Can i Open these

Is there any trick ?
I swear she has been the same size for the last 15 years. Doesn't she lie about weight gain?
(198 KB, 999x554, Belly Drop (Lailani).jpg)
Does anyone have a video of her trying to bust an inflated beach ball or banana floaty with her ass? She shows it in slow-mo afterwards and it's one of the hottest videos I've seen of her. She jiggles like gelatin in the best possible way.

I have a belly drop video of her to contribute.

Fear not, my dear Sir, The Doctor is here to help.
You can find the video you requested here:

Thank you, sir! You are a king amongst princes! A lion amongst lambs! A sword in place of a stick! A real real good guy with a massive penis!
Anyone got any blowjob videos of her, please?
(542 KB, 718x409, image.png)
Anyone know which vid this is?
that someone pass a video of her please
Her current numbers may be much closer to the truth than these of the past (although they are still much higher than the real ones)
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Indeed, my dear Sir. The Doctor can provide what you seek:

Thanks for the uploads!

I wish there was a database of many of her videos. I lost some of her content due to file corruptions on an external drive. :(

I digress, but I love her content from the early to mid/late 2010s. She notably got fatter, loved it, and seeing her so big and eating so much to stay huge was so sexy.
can we get a reup of that?
Does anyone have the video of her being fucked disguised as a policewoman?
Does anyone have the video of her being fucked disguised as a policewoman?
Accepting swollen goods is she?
Does anyone have Fat Housewife Part 1 and Part 2? Can trade.

Hey Doc, the old stuff just isn't working for me anymore. Any chance we could get a reup?
does anyone have any videos from when she was skinny? I wanna see how she compares but they're hard to find
Anyone has her FatToiletFan vids?
FatToiletFun* sorry
Thanks a lot! Lailani is great - especially at her fattest in 2023.

Do you have more from that era?

F*ck, I lost the videos for a problem with my hardware. Can someone please reup the gofile videos? :(
Can someone re up the go file pls im late to them aswell
Does any1 have her 2024 weigh in in English?
Please share whomever you are.
(1.3 MB, 962x869, IMG_0811.png)
Anyone got this video?
Trying to revive this thread, anyone have the smart bouncing vid or any video at all ;)
Most of these files are corrupted as hell. Video Codec not working or whatever
Thank you good sir ;) do you have more where that came from?
Well, my dear sir, since you have asked me so nicely I am updating the folder with all that I have.
It should take about 1.5 hours from now.
thank you. hope you have a fantastic year.

i really love her hardcore scenes.
Waow, thank you a lot majestic man!!
Does anyone have the video of her at a theme park, where she weighs herself on an outdoor scale?
My Dear Sir, you will find
"2015-05 Giantess Holland.wmv"
in my upload. She walks around this park but the weighing video was unfortunately the second part which I don't have.
Thanks anon! Great upload
file gone
I think I might be the only one who's interested here, but does anyone happen to have any of her pooping videos?
Odell Beckham has entered the chat
Does someone still have some good stuff from her?

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