
(235 KB, 1053x1200, c4a8566b-e9ce-44fe-9f78-ccc8b7a4347e.jpeg) (236 KB, 1200x1100, 979cd7ca-064f-42a2-be16-729c7aa77841.jpeg) (189 KB, 1164x1200, bb6c4d46-e4b4-4d2a-8753-b8b27c400b50.jpeg)
Last BoBerry thread has hit the bump limit.

What's the best pic of her in a bikini, swimsuit, two-piece, etc?

MEGA link below a kind anon has kept up pretty regularly with newest sets and requests:

Disclaimer: Yes, we know she's losing weight. We don't have to keep bringing that up. Enjoy what we had and dream about what could have been.
>>31199 (OP)
Here's 3 links with all older content from the old thread with everything up to set 350



credit to the creator of those
I really wish someone would create a torrent or something for all of this great content because, without a pro subscription, there's just no way to download all of these files through Mega
>there's just no way to download all of these files through Mega
MEGA has a 5gb download threshold that resets after a couple hours. If you download zips of individual folders you can have it all in the span of a week. It's not as convenient as a torrent with seeders, but that's what I did.
I never got any problem by downloading this stuff, maybe some year ago with my old phone. I don't know what kind of ancient device from Flingstones you're using!
Nothing to do with device. MEGA sets download limits. 5 GB per however long for free members, 1 to 16 TB per month if you pay them.
I made a mistake and post the link without encouding. How can I delete this post???
I deleted the old MEGA folder and made a new one with newest sets and requests!!!
The link works!
I was worried the MEGA folder had gotten DMCA'd. Nice that it was just being upgraded instead.
you should be able to click the arrow between the check box and x then select delete post. I don't know about this site but most chan sites it just needs to be from the same ip to let you delete it.
Im looking for sets 14, 151 and 337
Can yall post photos of her in real live sitting next to regular people?
What happened to the MEGA website on Boberry? It is now gone???
What happened to the MEga link?
Man Boberry is so fucking cute and has an amazing body.
used to have an amazing body. She should of continued gaining until she got to 700lbs minimum. She had excellent mobility for her weight but had a lack of belly. Another 75lbs on her at her prime weight would confirmed her GOAT status. But that belongs to Jackie now
You guys gotta relax on the boberry lost weight thing. I think she's looking even better. Ya would have been cool to see her gaining to 700 but I think she looks massive and incredible right now.
You got that right. Her mobility and physique is superb if not top notch. Out of the many reasons to love berry, that is probably the 1st. Around 2014 I made a one-off manga inspired by her and I don't want to get into specifics on this board but the elegance of the main character's movements was part of he plot. I've help my position that if she would've done weight training while she was growing from the very beginning it would've lead to even better results however, I will admit that what she had at her highest weight was nothing short of flawless. She is a remnant in a land where they just don't make them like they used to anymore.
>>actually thinking Jackie is in Boberry's league...

L O L... gimme whatever you're smoking, bud.
>manga of a ssbbw model

You have my attention
It was my first hentai. Softcore. Something tasteful that could be enjoyed by either sex. Therefore, I didn't want an overly romantic sort of thing; It was the quickest draft I've ever done by an order of a magnitude because I ended up choosing a traditional setting and story. Don't have much else to say about it, really. Good vs evil. I guess you could call it an undercover agent genre where by day she's a college student but by night she's a stripper. She has stripper friends who are also fat. One of them being a lesbian. You know, the usual, nothing fancy.
Have you seen what Mary looks like lately? I don't know if she's had work done or what but something is certainly is off about her face, I can't be the only one who thinks it's strange that her face now is as thin as when before she started modeling? So yeah I'll take Jackie over Mary at this point, at least Jackie likes being fat.
I hope that everybody noticed because damm it's prettu obvious she did something

Post this shit over in /bbwdraw

You'll be doing everyone a service since most stuff over there is trash nowadays.
This MIGHT be the best picture in the history of photography
LMFAO whoa bro I was only responding to a suggestion but your comment was funny enough as well as fair. Thank you for making fun of my manga I dedicated to boberry in a non-corny way.
What? He said you'd be doing them a favor. I wanna see it too.
Bruh you need to go outside rn
Jackie is the GOAT. her BMI is currently higher than Boberry's has ever been, she's still gaining, every part of her body is huge, how easily she gets out of breath is extremley hot and she actually makes decent content.
(285 KB, 1206x1252, 240boberry_020.jpg)
I deleted the old MEGA folder and made a new one with newest sets and requests!!!
The link works!
Why? Did you run out of space with the other folder?
Looks like pic number 41 is missing? Thank you for everything you've uploaded
Not everyone cares about BMI, bro. I meant the entire damn package. Jackie is nowhere near Boberry (especially not her peak) in terms of beauty for a SSBBW... Jackie is literally just a much better built Luna tbh. Only women in Boberry's league are Jae & Roxxie... and maybe Jaz, but her chicken legs irk tf outta my OCD occasionally
There’s a video of her posted last week of her jumping into that pool at her biggest.
Been at like 15 million + views the entire time lol.
What site? 15M is nothing to sneeze at. That one vid of Sadie dancing if you search "bbw fait" on YT is at 600K
It all comes down to taste, but for my dollar Boberry is/was the best on the scene in years. She’s a true unicorn in combination of size and traditional beauty. She’s in the top 1% of the 1%.
You know how there's always an exception to someone's tastes? Like "I don't find _ attractive, but I would do __". Everyone's got one. And then there's one person that is the best example of that group to basically introduce them to those people being attractive?

I fully believe BoBerry is the gateway for anyone who doesn't find SSBBWs attractive to give them a shot. Bar none. Everyone else that's been brought up in this thread and this nonsense about queens and GOATs... Nah. You show someone who doesn't like huge women Mary, and I think they'd make an exception for her. After that, I'm sure they'd make more exceptions, but she breaks the ice.
this man is speaking facts. Mary and PP got me into the ssbbw world, to which I still only dabble in. Before Chloe was probably the biggest girl I'd fap to.
*Before, Chloe*
Anyone have the new set yet?
(162 KB, 800x1191, 356boberry_all.jpg)
I have updatet the MEGA folder with the new set 256:
The link works!
Sorry, I mean set 356!!!!

Wow thats treasure

Can you reup please?
(177 KB, 844x748, boberry.jpg)
Is it just me, or do her recent insta photos make it look like she's starting to pork back up again? Obviously not back to her former glory, but still looks like she might be starting to cheat on her diet.
just like the girl jesus man. if she came on the scene today , that's the mental place you should keep. she's fine.
(299 KB, 800x1191, 357boberry_censored.jpg)
Hmm, why is the preview picture named 357boberry_censored.jpg?
Yeah she's hot AF before and current. But agreed she's looking great. Goals alright lol.
Thank you. Dammn she's smoking hot 🔥🔥🔥
Anyone have the new set yet?
Does anybody know the set ID or video where she walks into a bedroom and strip, think there was music in the background. I think I saw it on spankbang once
Please share the latest sets!
(302 KB, 800x1191, Tiny Tub Troubles.jpg)
>I have updatet the MEGA folder with the new sets 257 and 258!
The link works!
I mean 357 and 358!!!
Always appreciate it, man.
If you’re wondering why the link is loading, it’s not you don’t worry. It looks like MEGA itself might be down at the moment.
*is not loading
Update - MEGA seems to be back up now
Now it`s working. There was probably a short break at MEGA itself because of an update.
Thank you so much
You're awesome, man.
>>34009 Much appreciated!!
try not to feel TOO STUPID. Her brother is married and his wife would be her * sister in law *
I have a sister, and her husband is my brother in law. See how this works?
So any sibling BoBerry has who is married will be either her sister or brother in law.
They only get big if they have a fuck ton of support. She swings though.
Imagine showing this to someone who has no idea who she is and then telling them that she's lost almost 100 lbs.
anyone got set 163?
No she’s not married but I’m pretty sure she’s been with that same guy the entire time she’s been around
Anons, form a horseshoe around me. Got to get something off my chest.

Let's all chip in a few kopecks in to the proverbial hat for the awesome anon who is providing the mega updates!

He can use it to fund a squashing session
I dunno if any of you guys follow her on Instagram, but her latest post has her at a 5-star hotel. It costs $1200 a night, and that's not including what I'm assuming was a gourmet spread.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here but I wouldn't feel bad about what we do her for models like her. Clearly it's not affecting her bottom line. It's like the whole argument for piracy against triple-A game developers.
Her dad's an ex NFL star and she hangs out with rich friends. A small fetish fanbase alone does not pay enough for that lifestyle
Yeah, but I don't think many of us are questioning the morality of what we're doing. And I'd like to keep it that way.

It's Dick Butkis
I've yet to find any information about him being a former NFL star. And I know his name. And he's dead.

You got any newspaper quotes, old head?
I'd hardly call it small. She's the most well-known plus size model that hasn't been professionally represented a la Tess Holliday. She just did an AMA on her Instagram and wasn't hiding her history as a plus size model despite no longer linking to her paysite. There wasn't too much she posted aside from that - except being amused that she's always the biggest person in the room (despite losing so much weight but it's not like she'll come forward about that before she retires).

I concede not all of her followers on Instagram subscribe to her paysite. Hell, there's no way of knowing how many people pay to see her content on a monthly basis. But if you assume, as the most popular ssbbw on the market, she has ~1,000 customers, that's $10K a month after commission split, easy. I'd find it comical if she had only a fraction of that given her clout and longevity in this industry. That alone, in addition to a job she still has, a well-off family, and I'm going out on a limb and assuming rich boyfriend... Girl's got it made.
she travels like twice a week and has a simple modeling job with what is practically a cult worshiping her, i don't feel too bad about it as well
Her site is the most visited subdomain from BC with Sadie following at a close distance, the rest aren't in the same ball-park as far as popularity goes.
Do you have metrics? I would have thought Beccabae was up there, but I can't argue about Sadie. Y'know, despite the quality of her content she's still an attractive woman which I guess is enough for most.
My assertion was based on metrics, but I can't find them atm.
She's actually Scottie Pippen's daughter
There was a Boberry video years ago where she wets her top with a hose and her nipples become visible, I think through a white top - she even asks if they can be seen but carries on regardless. I can't find it anymore. Does anyone know which set that was? (Perhaps someone even has it to share?)
It might be the water balloon one actually
At one point she would have been up there but her popularity tanked hard when she shaved her head.
She just announced on Instagram that she’s retiring from Bigcuties, WOW
Holy shit.

I really don't want to derail the hype train before it starts, but it genuinely sounds like she's opening something like an OnlyFans. Behind the scenes stuff, preparing content for it, day in the life content, chance to interact with her more?

We're going to find out tomorrow, yeah, but I'd be impressed if it wasn't that. My second guess is a blog. Wonder why she's dropping BC for something else - I'd thought with the weight loss she'd be leaving the scene entirely.
Just checked BigCuties main site and yep, it’s official. She’s retired. I can’t say I’m too surprised since she was losing weight but hey, it was a good 10+ years of content.
My guess is most likely an onlyfans, which just seems to be the common theme with girls lately, she’ll lose some fans on the initial switchover but with her Instagram being as big as it is I’m sure she’ll recuperate guess heather is just taking too much of a %, whereas onlyfans is 20%
(29 KB, 144x216, boberry_retired.png)
Honestly, we knew the ride had to end with BoBerry eventually with BC. And she does have the clout to model independently - a lesson Jae & Sasha learned the hard way when they were early into their BC tenure.

RIP Heather's cash cow though. Never could visualize the black & white retired pic, at least it wasn't from her peak weight.
Also its worth mentioning her last set was shot in October surprised Heather didn’t announce in advance that Boberry had like 1 or 2 remaining sets, or that once the last one was posted it would say “this is this sites final update” like at the top, considering they’ve done that with almost every other model, or maybe This was an immediate decision from Boberry who knows
True - the only other time that happens is if a model dies, but then the page gets erased. Can't remember the last time we got a sudden retirement.

Wonder if she had more sets planned to release and decided to keep for her next project.
Could be that but wow clearly heather’s business model has just been destroyed by OnlyFans, Caitidee, Jae, Brianna who quit and then came back and quit again, and now Boberry (I assume)

Sucks because OnlyFans isn't that great. And what pisses me off is when the good video content is only saved for separate transactions that they'll message you. I subbed to Sasha's OF because she mentioned on her Feabie that she just posted a weigh-in, and i found out the weigh-in video was an extra $20. Fuckin microtransactions made it to porn
That's guaranteed with her. The best we can hope for is a somewhat reasonable base price for the more racy Instagram post-style content.

This is one of the darker timelines, isn't it.
Been keeping an eye on the Boberry threads over the past 2 or so years, so between the regular updates provided here, and that one anon that dropped a mega folder, I was able to make a torrent of all 358 BC sets. This is my first time creating a torrent though, so let me know if there are any issues with it



Here's to hoping the Sadie thread gets updated lmao
Shes talking about the transition on her ig story her own project is launching On friday...prezydent sure it will be an only fans cause she talks about more interactions with fans this way... what you guys think willbe her sub price? My guess is around 30$ cause she pretty famous for a ssbbw
wow, I remember back in 2013 I had my first coom to her naked shower set. had to trade vids with people over gmail to get it because I needed that specific set, makes you think about how many people on here begging for vids are children lol. feels weird having coomed to her from the ages of 12 to 21 to see her retire, she was so influential on my sexuality.

10 years was a good run, even if the past few were boring due to her losing a huge amount of weight. We can only dream of the alternate reality where she kept gaining and did nude sets/more fetishy content.

If she does open an OF it'll be the same content but priced higher. no nudes, no sub-fetishes like squashing or feeding, just the same old lingerie photo-shoots and declining weight/plumpness. RIP
I would hope for an onlyfans but I believe she quit fat fetish modeling for good. I think it's going to be more of a fashion/lifest(style) blog/vlog kind of thing :/
If she will launch an Onlyfans today it should already be online due to the verification process taking a few days....it isn't called officialboberry that's for sure.
thanks anon, the only stuff you are missing now are the pictures from her member blog. maybe the German dude who handles that Mega page can upload those.

one thing that could make her content more exiciting imo is getting pregnant, it would make sense if she lost weight for that in this stage of her life, or is she consciously childless?

A long time ago in a Q&A, someone asked her if there was anything she would lose weight for, and she had said that she would if she wanted to have kids. When she started losing weight and it was obvious she had a serious relationship going on, i figured that was why. However she hasn't gone that route. Who knows?
Is the torrent working for anyone else, I've got it going but it is just in a constant "Checking" loop, would be awesome to get this thing started & seeded!
Things went up in flames out west. An abrupt “retirement” (firing) from bigc- wonder how they’ll spin it…
Bull. If BigCuties were a typical office, BoBerry could show up at 12, flip Heather's desk, demand a raise, and Heather would apologize to HER. She's been the main traffic driver for the website for the majority of her time as a model. Set 300 marked the beginning of the end when she revealed a pretty sizeable weight loss. I'm willing to bet the two of them negotiated an exit or Heather offered an incentive to keep making sets despite dropping pounds, but I still can't account for a sudden announcement like this....

I'm typically a pessimist in regard to these things, and am fully expecting she's not going to do anything racier than she did at BC, so I'd put money on this. If it were an OF, I think it'd be along these lines, unfortunately. We haven't seen nipples in 10 years and we ain't seeing them now.
I already replied to a thread in /gen/ about Boberry. I just figure that I would copy and paste the same thing I said.

I think this puts into perspective how outdated Big Cuties business model is with Only Fans, Patreon, and even Curvage to a certain extent. No wonder why so many models have left recently. 13+ years ago, Big Cuties was one of the very few places to see attractive women of that size online. With social media, tumblr, reddit, etc there's more hot fat women online than ever before. And most importantly, there's more ways to make money for the women too as opposed to staying with big cuties. I don't blame the models for wanting to leave especially if there's an instance of the payout not being as great in their favor (allegedly).
Could just be me, but BigCuties seems so much smaller now.

BoBerry's out, Trysta's more-or-less confirmed to be leaving soon. I'm always so surprised to see Chloe and Bonnie on there considering how much each of them make from other sites; I could see them packing it up with BigCuties at some point.

Even the new model hiring process is a mixed bag - sometimes you get a Jolene, but sometimes you get a LisaLou, who realizes how much more money she could make on her own and quickly dips.

Honestly, fat girls looking to make money online really don't give BigCuties the time of day anymore, realizing how much more they could feasibly make on their own through Curvage and OF. Kinda crazy.
Holy Shit man, this is awful :(
oh what on EARTH is this lmao. she's gone the super vain pay-for-my-instagram route?
>>34781 lol that's a PERFECT description for what this appears to be. Pay $9.99 per month for content literally indistinguishable from a professionalized Instagram account.
You haven't seen the worst of it. According to the subreddit, she's doing the PPV OF route on it.

$50 for a vid of her eating three donuts.
I mean she build her name and brand in this fetish community by modelling for+10 years so i guess the prices are high the only thing is lacking is her weight if she was 615 right now 50$ would be great but she all saggy and deflated so its not worth it in my opinion
my sides
(2.3 MB, 720x1280, 1.mp4) (2.4 MB, 720x1280, 2.mp4) (2.7 MB, 720x1280, 3.mp4) (2.5 MB, 720x1280, 4.mp4)
Here's her official announcement ripped from her instagram stories.
Dude, even if she was at her max weight I'd second guess myself dropping $50 on a video like that. It's not even the whole damn box, man.
yeah but when she was dedicated to gaining atleast the money will somewhat go for foood but now its not the same by the way i was trying to subscribe for the 9.99 but its declining my card can somebody drop in here what you can get for 10$
I just wish she had done nude sets at her biggest. But if she did fully nude sets on her new site, I’d consider subbing. Still, I can’t stand PPV.
can somebody please post the 10$ worth of content
I'm sorry but paying $50 for a single video on top of a $10 subscription fee is highway robbery regardless of who the model is or how fat she is, maybe if Mary was good at making content that be one thing but she's not and her weight loss has proven that, and that's another thing, it's pretty clear she's still losing so why on earth am I going to spend my hard earned money on someone who's going to put it towards her gym membership or WLS?
you aint lied bro im ready to give that 10$ a shot but the site is declining me but if she wants more money she better fat that ass up... as shes proven to be good at it :D
So, I guess that torrent doesn't work, that's unfortunate
Fr, it's straight up greedy. Others have done porn debuts and charged less.
I feel sorry for her. I saw her as a friend. It wasn't that long ago that I happened upon one of my favorite of her vids from years back. Although I admire her ssbbw body I was taken back by her face and at that moment remembered why I loved her from the second I saw her.

Not all women are meant to model. That's part of the problem facing the world now. Another is mindless adults not knowing when the line has been crossed.

If she could somehow photoshop her young face ontop of every new photo she takes or conversly photoshop the body she has now onto her young face, things might've worked out. Technology is not quite there yet.

I wish her luck with newer and younger fans. Even though I am not into cosplay or highschool uniforms she looked great there. Body and face too. My gosh, she is wonderful. If she could somehow keep making sets like that Mary has a lamb one, I'm sure she'll do fine, but we all got to go sometime.
bro what the hell are you talking about.... what face
It was a vid where she eats something like a cake, bro. By a table in a dining room. Wearing a stunning yellow top. Her brown eyes sparkling like the midnight sky. Skin radiant.

I don't know how old she was at the time of those films, but her face was glorious.
Can someone put set 223 on the mega ? Thanks.
I am unfamiliar with that meme but I apologize for sounding gay to you. It was not intentional. She is sexy as f and if I was a billionaire I would knock her up... amongst other things. I love that huge sloppy ass too thou I would beat it up nightly.

She should've taken opportunity of that sexy young face and got married at that age. That's what I think, anyway. If I was a woman that's what I probaly would've done.
>"Another is mindless adults not knowing when the line has been crossed."

I'm not sure you understand when a line has been crossed. They are models, not friends, not lovers and so on. They are entertaining us and that's all.
She's a beauty and I have never paid for any of her content because many anons have been generous over the years. I think I've got over 60GB's of her pics and vids and I'll keep on enjoying what I have. If any do decide to sign up and share that's great but I'm sure her prices will be high. Also don't expect her to take it up a notch to full nudity or anything. She's got her fans who will keep on buying what she offers and I'm sure she'll keep making some money.
You're telling me! If i ever did see her vagina i think i'd end up like those demented japanese nerds. Life can be beautiful sometimes. Beautiful enough you lose your mind.
What a parasocial relationship does to a motherfucker.
What payment methods are there? I don't feel like signing up before knowing that.
Don't forget schizophrenic sociopathological alhziemers. I'll be roaming the streets with a huge boberry pillow in my arms and dried jizz on my pants talking to myself or maybe asking people for directions.
So anyone got the content from her site?
The new site? Patience.
I'm in the same boat, I can barely believe it. I was probably in middle school and already knew I liked fat chicks, but seeing Boberry on youtube was literally another sexual awakening.

She is so fucking hot it's unreal. I would invent time travel just to kidnap and force feed her (then time travel again and let her live a normal life, I'm not a monster)

More hot models will come, but the old gen is getting older. Jackie is the only one batshit enough to keep going
>>34835 Roxxie is now the undisputed queen of the old schoolers. Highest quality content, most exacting beauty standards, and most conventionally attractive face and figure of long-haul SSBBW models. Also gaining like a sow.
Not saying this is required but I’m surprised we haven’t gotten a statement from heather about Boberry, obviously she would only say positive stuff but I mean she made her so much money so the least you would expect is some sort of idk ‘farewell’ message that would be made public, after all Boberry did make her so much money 🤷‍♂️
Or maybe it’s too soon and should wait a couple days to see if Heather says anything
She retired from BigCuties!
She was carrying that site damn
What is her new site?
I'm not as much of a fetishist as some of you. I think BoBerry is hotter than ever. Looks really good with lip fillers

Who knows what her new site will be like but no one is paying $50 for a fucking video. Maybe we can group buy each thing to the point where it's like $5
Dumb bitch paid like $20k for this site and now needs to make her money back.

Also, as far as old gen let's not forget about Plump Princess. She's as beautiful as ever and still making content. I think she pre-dates Boberry?

I remember back when I was a young teenager and only big boobs, I saw a meme pic of PP that only showed her face and then showed her whole body after, and thinking she was way too large. She was a lot skinnier then too haha

My the times have changed

In this case I'm out for now. As a German, I don't have a credit card and only pay cash.

What do you mean “as a German”? Credit cards exist in your country, bro. So do debit cards, and they do pretty much the exact same thing as credit cards when it comes to online transactions. Don’t blame your country because you don’t have your shit together.

They do exist, but many don't have them. Germans only really use credit cards for booking hotels and flights on the Internet when travelling abroad, which I don't often do.

>because you don’t have your shit together.

lolol, Anybody without a credit card "doesn't have their shit together".

The fact that this probably comes from an American with five figures of credit card debt.
And yet you can't sign up for a website about a fat chick.
smh... she could have just made an OF, ManyVids, C4S, etc. like the rest of them but NOPE.

And why should I?
What adult website let's you use cash for payment?

Paypal not an option?

>What adult website let's you use cash for payment?

Bigcuties long used to have a slot on the foot of each page that said "Insert coin here". lol

Paypal (or Sofort-Überweisung) would definitely be an option for me, but sadly not for Boberry atm.

In any case, I probably would have subscribed out of sheer curiosity anyway, as anything notable will be posted here sooner or later.
hahaha god damn right bro
Guess we'll forget about this torrent, sad panda.
It's so funny how Americans tend to get insecure and aggressive whenever they are confronted with someone not doing it the 'Murican way, especially when ist comes to money.
IRL I only buy things with cash too. If a storefront accepts credit cards though they also accept 'virtual prepaid' debit cards. That's how you should pay for subscriptions unless you want people who are authorized to look at your bank statements to know that what your into. At most you will need a phone number and a scan of your ID to get one, but ones that don't are still out there. I think the latter might even be easier in Europe.

I'd advice against subbing to her at this moment though, there's enough stuff you can buy that never appears here.
(221 KB, 382x419, old man hecking dies.png)
You faggots are really still thinking that boberry will go back to 600lbs? She won't.

It's time for you Boberry nutheads to move on and actually click on another thread that isn't her, I can guarantee you that you'll find someone much better than Boberry on one of those threads. Are you guys actually willing to pay for more pictures and videos from someone who has been baiting you with their weight for ages now? She will never regain all the weight, she will charge you 10 dollars a month for the same shitty content.

I know some of you are the type of people who only go on Boberry threads as well, I can spot your autism from a mile away. Just go on a Juicy Jackie or Luna Love thread and actually start enjoying masturbating.

I, personally, am not all about weight and weight gain.

But then I'm not a faggot also, so that's that.
(35 KB, 960x768, exdkclpx1tb81.jpg) (27 KB, 960x768, 2c4kmupx1tb81.jpg) (35 KB, 960x768, kfumoopx1tb81.jpg) (46 KB, 571x1024, r0zxvtpx1tb81.jpg)
Well after looking at these screenshots taken from reddit it's appears to worse than what she was putting out for bigcuties, now considering she's charging $50 dollars for a ten minute video and $25 for two minute videos, that leads me to believe these clips are a minute long or less and for ten bucks I'd say you'd be better off spending your money elsewhere.
The car video is the kind of day in the life thing she mentioned she was going to do, and that's the only part of this thing in excited about
Can you imagine seeing that from the driver of the blue car's perspective in that vid? Seeing a fucking behemoth of a woman heave herself into the backseat of a car, of which she takes up more than half?

I don't approve of what she's charging, but some of the vids at the sub price have some value.
Imagine having the gall to call anybody dumb when suggesting that they paid $20k to set up a website. Are you the legendary full retard?
I tried to sign up but the side would not take my credid card… anyone got her videos ?
Anyone have anything from her website?
It's practically free to make a solid website. I'm assuming there is a Wordpress plugin (or plugin for a $12/m website builder) to hide posts OF style like she did. This isn't the 90's
It wouldn't take long for this dumbass to have his little rant about her. He hates her because she won't eat herself to death and give his gay micro-penis one more half hard on he can try masturbating with.
Have you gotten a membership? How do you know the prices of her content? You're not just assuming the prices being speculated about are true are you? Someone who has gotten a membership can show us some screenshots of her vid prices.
I would pay good money for a day-in-the-life vid. In general I don’t care if vids are super long, as long as they have the goods. A 5 min video that gets me going is more valuable than a 50 min video that’s monotonous
😂😂😂 umm... NO! Juicy Jackie is p hot at more often than not, but Luna is literally just a slob blob version of her. I'm good. I may be an FA... but unlike you, I'd like to believe us Boberry stans have standards & good taste. We like our fatties to still be the 2nd B in SSBBW.
>Haha, your fav fetish model doesn't gain until she is a disgusting, unshapely blob
I hate all you faggots, who think a model is shit the moment she stops gaining. You also more often than not have no standards (besides gaining) and enjoy even the ugliest woman in the community.

Most of you troglodytes forget that the second B in BBW stands for beatiful. I always say a BBW is the pinnacle of evolution. Because she must not only be conventional attractive, but also have the right Genes to put on weight in a good/sexy way. And if there is a woman in this godforsaken industry that would be considered pretty (facial features) and still has a great body at a uneblievable weight it's Boberry. And this fact doesn't change if she is 600lbs or 500lbs.

I don't care for 600+lbs models if they look shit. I can enjoy stagnant 300lbs models, they just have to be pretty and put out decent enough content. Stop ruining it for the sane of us by accepting fucking ugly woman. It makes my blood boil and it had to be said.

You cunts make us all look bad for being FA's. Normies all think we enjoy those ogres, while most of us actually have standards.
>lolol, Anybody without a credit card "doesn't have their shit together".

No, anybody who doesn’t have a way to make online purchases of any kind, and then whines about it doesn’t have their shit together. Literally just get a debit card. Problem solved.

And for the record, I’ve never had a credit card in my life.

Where in Australia are you from?
You’re so right dude. She’s on the way out, probably putting her money she gets off of the simps that sub to this low effort site towards WLS, and these guys ate still just eating it up lol and I’m attracted to girls chubby to Ssbbw but being being used for her retirement is a hard pass
Idk that one of her in the car and that one of her big belly closeup looks pretty fire to me
Is it worth the money to subscribe to boberry website for $10 month
She just dropped a bunch of money on her website and upped her prices to get the money back. I don't think she plans on retiring anytime soon. Website was a bad buy though
Yeah, fair enough. But yeah if that’s the case, website was a really stupid buy lmao
i think this is it guys, the death of good boberry content

her mouthbreather of a boyfriend doesn't know how to be a cameraman and videos being expensive as shit she might as well be gone for good
I think she's under the impression that her "fans" are as rich as her and her friends are.
Thanks for providing screenshots of her prices. Those are absurd and I can't imagine a lot will be bought. No one should be getting their hopes up of shared content here because not many will be buying at those prices.

Not many HERE. There are a bunch of well off guys paying who will not leak or make stupid troll comments. It is just shutting out the low lifes, makes life and profits easier, I guess. More moves like this are bound to follow.
And what are you? Not a low life?
The prices aren't going to stop people from pirating her content, at least not for long, Plump Princess has some videos that are insanely priced for example and they get shared eventually.

Where is he stating he isn't one of those supposed low lifes?
It's simple, don't buy anything until prices go down, she'll get the message.

Who's whining but you?
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I’m not being funny, but there’s fuck all naturally beautiful about that boat race! Never mind the videos, she should start selling advertising space on that chin. I’m guessing they don’t make eyes the right size either.

One hеll of a body, but… I can’t wank to that face.
(10 KB, 300x300, PinkFloydWallCoverOriginalNoText.jpg)
i'm guessing that FA's with a lot of disposable income who haven't bagged a GF yet would rather spend spent their money on Jae's or Lady Sublime's escort services or customs instead of paying $24 (More expensive than BC lmfao) for a 2 minute video you can't preview. Rich people can be surprisingly frugal.
She’s super cute. The weight loss really aged her though.
Fake and gay.

No man looks that perfect
Do you get anything for the $10?
Or is it just buying you entry to the website, where you the. Have to spend more on each video?
This OF business model sucks
But that car video though. Can you imagine having her in your car?
I'm sorry but I'm not getting excited for a clip that might be 30 seconds long if were lucky
A minute in the life video
Seriously?! Wow, sucks to be you
I really can't stand OF. Almost every video that's not locked behind an extra paywall is just a 1-3 minute video of jiggling.

I miss the days of clips4sale or manyvids when you buy legit videos and ignore the ones that don't interest you. Or wait for the chan to leak it ofc

Bigcuties is a mixed bag unless vanilla stuff is just what you're into. But I'd still take that over OF. I'll try to be optimistic but I'm expecting to be disappointed.
My attraction for her pretty much stopped after she started shrinking from over 600. That was peak boberry for me pretty much. And those vid prices, just yikes.
Are the rumors of hers coming from a well-off family unfounded speculation or true?
I think since none of us seem to know her personally, much of what’s posted here is simply speculation
I genuinely don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, I genuinely consider her to be one of the prettiest BBWs face wise, up there with Roxy and BeccaBae
If you wanna talk about ugly BBWs go complain about ivy and purple wings
If you wanna complain about ugly BBWs go to Ivy or PurpleWings thread
Barely upper middle class family. Depends what well-off means to you. No 'nfl star dad' or whatever that one guy said. She's definitely the kind of person that never got told no as a kid.
I genuinely consider you have a genuinely awful taste.
She has a very conventionally attractive face lol what

Go outside and touch some grass dude
my thoughts on this boberry news:
1. I bet heather is mad as hell her money cow is gone
2. If she's not having sex on her new platform as a viewer I don't see a point in caring she left bc?
3. A random fat girl in the middle of nowhere can make a few grand a month on feabie. Boberry is more than likely EXTREMELY well off. If you're at the top of fetish niche, you make a lot of money. Boberry has been ssbbw famous a decade. She would have to be a complete idiot to not be wealthy by now, she almost single handedly keeps the lights on at bc
I'm not concerned at all for her financial well-being, and neither should any of you. In case anyone wasn't paying attention, new links with her content never get taken down. There are enough fans that sub to her no matter where she is that she doesn't have to care about leaks. One look at her social media will tell you she is living it up and enjoying the finer things in life. She's got money to burn, she's the center of attention by fans and strangers alike, and she'll be set for life even if she retires from the scene when she hits 40 or so.

She also knows she can charge whatever for new content and people will buy. It's hard to tell how often she'll update her site at the basic subscriber level (no extra purchases) but if it's every other day with SOMETHING to look at, it puts her on par with other OF creators at that level who do PPV. We can bitch and gripe about the cost of her videos all day but to her, it's free money. Hell, she has viewers on the site that show a string of code related to your account, yet I sincerely doubt she'll ban anyone that leaks the basic stuff. If someone shared the $$$ content without removing it, then I'd see some consequences.

Heather's gotta bring in new talent to make up for BoBerry leaving, full stop. I know she's not hurting for the money, but someone needs to show this newer wave of young fatties how to make decent content.
Boberry has a good day job and so does her boyfriend, modeling for her has always been a side jig, nothing more, nothing less, she's even said so herself.
If she doesn't get her tits out at a minimum then what is the point?
>This fucking entire thread
Can't we just admire Mary's beauty. She's an absolute treasure at any weight.
>>35153 you're talking to the same website where loser creeps go through photo data to see when a picture was taken to determine if she's lost weight or not so to answer your question, no.
I consider myself a pretty big fan of BoBerry and even I'm looking at this like "Do you know where the hell you are?"

I guess given what I've written, I'm a fan in the same way Star Wars geeks shitting on the sequels consider themselves fans. Ehn.
She's overrated, overpriced, and was only relevant due to how much weight she gained, get over it.

while i agree with you, i'm also here to incite people to not support underwhelming, overpriced content
looking at photo data is creepy ayy lmao, how much of a technically illiterate mangina do you have to be think that? it's just metadata associated with every photo taken by a digital camera.
thanks! hope she doesn't ban you.
I spy a tag. Hope she doesn't care about the $10 stuff being shared.
I knew her new content was going to be bad but this is a farce, for the love of god people stop supporting this woman! There are plenty SSBBWS and BBWS out there who are just as pretty as she is, who love being fat, and don't charge you an arm and a leg for their content.

Thanks for the upload anyway dude, I'm sorry you had to pay for this shit though.

This was all the stuff available for no extra money. All he had to pay was $10 for this. Don’t feel too sorry for him.
That shit isn't even worth ten dollars

hearing the obviously male voice breathing behind the camera present in some of those videos fucking ruins everything
That second pic looks close to gts content which I've been asking her to do since she first started modeling. I hope there's more like that. If not gts, at least that upward POV stuff. That last pic of Randalin at the window from that angle is a mindblower.
And to mention the video quality is trash, I hate to see what $50 dollars gets you.
Thanks. Can someone upload the mega with set 223 ? Or just post it on mab
>>35200 BBBXL has entered the chat
50 bucks and she's not even going to show her vagina?
She should've quit before the nose job.

Weight loss? Maybe follow.
Nose job? We part ways
She won't be stopping at WLS and a nose job, she go full bimbo.
can someone seed this pls ?
I honestly don't know if I'm against this.
You’re probably the kind of guy to think Ivy has a nice face
Whats the best way to download videos off of her new site?
>>35269 Why people get on here and make up random things is beyond me. Boberry conspiracy theories have never once came true
(14 KB, 850x129, Untitledw242.png)
my old conspiracy is coming true so far, I'm looking forward to tomorrow
The guy that did a very detailed spreadsheet to document Mal Malloy's weight gain over the years was worse. Although Boberry fans are indeed more obsessive in average compared to the other models tbh.
What’s the best way to save videos from her new site?
Can someone send videos and photos from her new website
Livestream ended. She's basically going to make a weight update in the future but she admitted she isn't any lower than 550. Whoever called it on grief - you win.

As soon as I can figure out how to rip without the ID watermark showing, I'll share what I can. But I bet others will beat me to the punch.

Haven't been paying attention. What was the cause of the grief? Lost someone close?
Can you crop the bottom bit or blur it our? That vid would be gold right now.
I think I remember hearing on Feabie that her dad died, maybe back in 2019? If so, that would make sense with the timeline in which she's lost weight. That's my guess anyway.
lol she's milking her super fans but whatever theres a sucker born everyday. Personally I'd only pay to watch a massive girl get fatter everything else is too expensive lol pussy is a much better investment. Im only here here the fetish "Bing bong" fuck your life are you gaining ... are you fucking ...no ....ill spend my money elsewhere. Its like going to Mcds for a frosty and the ice-cream machine ain't working Im not buying an apple pie just because lol
porn should be free the world needs hoes. It should be subsidized by the government free hoes and healthcare...same thing
Idk about you bud, but in what world would it make sense for a government to subsidize fat fetish portn with pornstars at 600lbs and free health care at the same time...lol
Yeah, losing her appetite and not eating as much from grief actually does kinda line up with her appearance change. She looks like she deflated from her peak at 613, despite still being really large. Her stomach for example looks like it had a lot of air sucked from it. I would definitely buy her still being 550+.

At least we now know it wasn’t a deliberate weight loss. Maybe one day her appetite will return and she’ll regain that weight. Two years have said otherwise but you never know. 550+ is still a good number.
>At least we now know it wasn’t a deliberate weight loss.
Literally not true, she's even gotten cosmetic surgery to make her face less fat.
>Maybe one day her appetite will return and she’ll regain that weight. Two years have said otherwise but you never know. 550+ is still a good number.
This is some straight cope. You're delusional.
if you idiots think you're ever getting 600+ pound boberry back, lolllllll. hindsight's 20/20 but what her body was going through a couple years ago is straight up unsustainable. I bet her knees are fucking dust.
I'm not buying the weight loss wasn't on purpose, the fit bit, workout clothes, and living in a city full of health nuts and plastic surgery addicts all point otherwise.
anyone have the vid?
>cosmetic surgery
Try to find evidence of that. Your opinion doesn't prove anything.

Exactly. She said around five years ago that her knees are not great.
She straight up said on the Livestream she's not a feedee, so the gain was just a byproduct of being a glutton. Not that she wouldn't go back to being that size, but I imagine during therapy and being around new people, she probably got some kind of motivation to start working out. I don't think she'll ever be thin Or average sized without something drastic.

For the surgery bits - you lose fat on your face first when dieting. I think her face fat settled during that period. Livestream, he face was pretty plump.
please upload the stream - it's clear so many people on this thread have it
Not available to download yet.
>you lose fat on your face first when dieting.
Not always. Wife is trying (successfully) to lose a total of 100lbs, shes down ~50lbs and her face is basically the same
I'm a member and missed the lige stream. Is there a way to watch it? I can't find it anywhere.
According to reddit she put it up for free with the membership just now.
Why are you allowing your wife to lose weight? Man up.
She said she lost a little bit of weight definitely cuz of grief. But she's didn't give us her exact weight just said it's still over 550. And she wants to do some weight gain stuff on her new stuff.
Would you be kind enough to upload the livestream ?
I care more about her mental health then my arousal
Can someone please post the decryption key for the mega folder?
so is someone gonna upload the stream or nah
Based, good on ya
>And she wants to do some weight gain stuff on her new stuff.
I’m not tryna call you a liar but that sounds like such bull coming from her. She might’ve figured that’s what was enticing around 60-70% of her audience and she’ll probably just fake it like Plump Princess has been doing the past decade.
I truly don't think BoBerry cares about her weight, up or down. I'm sure she's aware gaining to 600 got her acclaim, but she doesn't have a plan now that she's less than that. As long as she's losing while pretending to be as big as her peak, I don't care either.
As long as she's NOT losing while pretending, sorry.
I'd argue that she's like most fetish models, got fat and didn't mind it and couldn't stop getting fatter and just kind of included it in her former routine. I feel like a lot of models in the scene don't really want to gain weight despite claiming the contrary, Adeline comes to mind there. I don't think Boberry ever once claimed to be a feedee or gainer or whatever, so this claim that she's going to do "weight gain stuff" makes me raise an eyebrow. Sure, I'm all for acting, like I said PP's been doing it forever and only recently actually gotten visibly larger - plus I'm pretty sure she's actually into the whole fetish. But with Boberry's noticeable shrinkage, I really wonder how that's gonna play out considering her content with BigCuties was never really that interesting in the first place, and was carried solely by the fact that she was a genetic anomaly in how she carried the weight and how big she managed to get.

But what do I care, I'm not paying for it lol.
>>31199 (OP)
Since Reading so much shit the last few days makes me wanna say something myself...

First i dont get why people are so mad about her losing a bit of weight (Yeah sure we want the weight going up, not down) but still have you ever thought about being 600+ pounds? Its hard, and extremely challenging on the Human Body.

Second thing is, everybody shit-talks about her boring Bigcutie Content but still she seems to be the Charizard of the whole Fetish/Comunity

Just let her be, and keep indulging in her Content. Y'all can be happy she didn't fully retire after Bigcuties...

Fucking ungratefull Humans
>First i dont get why people are so mad about her losing a bit of weight
It's not about being mad, it's just less interesting.
>everybody shit-talks about her boring Bigcutie Content but still she seems to be the Charizard of the whole Fetish/Comunity
Literally what the hell does this even mean? What made her the """Charizard""" of BigCuties was solely because she was the hottest, carried solely by her size and fat distribution. She would sit on a couch and eat candy or some other lazy ass content and score top marks.
>Just let her be, and keep indulging in her Content. Y'all can be happy she didn't fully retire after Bigcuties...
The nature of this thread illustrates that people still have a strong interest. I may not be as interested in her as a model like Roxxie or Jackie or whatever, but I'm certainly curious where her career is going to take her after been on top, then lost the weight, then started her own brand. We'll see how long it lasts.
Eh people have different tastes, personally I like Boberry's soft core vides (can't stand hard core pron) and I have no problem with her deflating. She's already over the hill at this point being close to her mid 30s, so I just treat this like I do athletes, they had their fun did what they had to and now its time to move on. Realistically she couldn't keep gaining forever(well not without dying) and she's already been massive for a good deal of her life and at her best ages (for me mass never really trumps youth honestly fat just hangs differently when you're older, for instance I still find PP hotter in her eariler vids than I do now even though she's clearly bigger,). So i'm good, I have nearly a decade worth of content to fap to.
Can you send some vids or photos from her new website?
Please upload the livestream
I have the "farewell" video on BigCuties if anyone is willing to exchange for it. It's mostly an "old video" (unreleased) from her first days at BC. willing to trade.
Except you do realize that trading is against the rules right? Either post it or fuck off
With the "Charizard" of the Community i resemble the most famous and wanted card, everybody want, just like her. Her thread even was pinned for a litteral decade? Always full of spam, shit talk, content shares and so on...

Boberry = Charizard
Oh and if you dont know what a "Charizard" is than you maybe 60+ yrs old... Its a Pokemon card from the Pokemon Trading Card Game, extremely rare since 1999 and wanted from everybody even tho not always being the best.
(yep thats my comparison)

For it was always the best and funniest comparison since Boberry does not have a C4S, Manyvids neither a OF or anything else besides Bigcuties, but is/was stil the most famous/wanted model of all time besides her "boring" content.
Tess maybe more famous, but boberry definitely most wanted by the community by far
Surely someone has ripped the stream by now?

Or… maybe he’s just not some fuсking boretistic geek who needs to grow up?

Doesn't have the Livestream, but it DOES have a paid video in it. Found on leddit of all places.
(195 KB, 333x442, wettkaiser.png)
Keep your autism in check. Nobody cares about the TCG. Charizard is a Pokemon and not a card. WHO THE FUCK CARES. There are like hundreds of different charizard cards and only one is "wanted".
And still before Covid nobody, but maybe 10 retards worldwide, cared for this autistic shit.
Pic related you.
(82 KB, 397x388, tenor.png)
go touch some grass you dumb fuck autist retard holy shit
"charizard" used as a reference to compare a model and then the rest discussing about it.

Man I love this site and this community.

Never change.
What the heck is a Charlestard?

I'm too old for this I guess. Is that an insult on trading cards?
If Mary gets a Charizard (or any Pokémon) pajama onesie I will buy every clip she puts out for a year, ludicrous prices be damned. Not out of any fetish fulfillment, just for the lulz.
He's right, unless she's a shiny idgas, probably 1 or 2 of the other OG starters who shoulda been ranked higher.
Nowadays Charz looks like a deflated Rayquaza
I understand some of those words.

Why does every boberry thread degenerate into this mess?
Her fanbase consists of 13 year olds, men in their 40s, and apparently no one in between.
An inverted gauss bell.
rather a bimodal distribution, unless you mean to suggest that she has a high amount of toddlers and centenarians among her fans too
>>36530 not true and even if it was they made her a millionaire over the years so like jokes on you?
>they made her a millonaire
13yo spotted
I don't have her tax returns but she was modeling for BC for over a decade and has been slobbered over by hundreds, if not thousands, on whatever platform she's on. She's instantly one of the most mainstream SSBBWs on the scene. Plus her job that pays her well supposedly. She's made some good fuckin' money being fat, dude. I don't know why this is so hard to believe for you. If anything, the fact that no one has attempted to take down any of her shared content that represents her means she's definitely not hurting for cash.
"millionaire" is stretching it but tbh I don't think it's entirely out of pocket to theorize that she's made the most money out of any individual bigcuties model. when you consider her affluent background and the fact that she holds down a day job, I dunno, she's not a 1%er or anything but she has to be killing it as long as she's good with her money.

(also her being relatively wealthy/higher class is absolutely part of her appeal and I will not hear otherwise)
Venusaur Trainer speaking with exp: You’d be surprised how expensive being that size is, much less the clothing/makeup (being high maintenance is at least a business expense). Not to mention health effects, plus the cost of wls and excess skin.
I wouldn't be surprised if she's made a million with BC but frankly I wouldn't be stunned if she didn't. She's not going to share her numbers either way, but this is just gathered by bits and pieces of what we've seen and heard over the years. But she's definitely one of the highest paid models Heather had and I would be shocked if this was basically beer money for her. Even now, a million isn't unheard of for someone successfully holding down two jobs, one where you're all but worshipped as a queen by rabid fans. I'm siding with the randos on this one - sorry Simpsons Anon. If anything the cost of maintaining that lifestyle shows how much she's pulling in.

Also agreed on the side note - affluent just looks cleaner and nicer. I can't deny I lost whatever I had for Starstruck when I saw she was living in a trailer.
We not getting the livestream then bruhs
Does anyone have the lemon drop set I seem to have lost it
>>36590 I don't understand whats so crazy about the most popular model in our niche for 10 years straight being a millionaire. I personally know nobodies on feabie who make a few grand a month with belly pics. If you make 6 figures for years and years eventually you'll become a millionaire. Same thing with furry artists and popular instagram models. Sex workers make serious money
Idk man, that one guy is convinced she must be making pennies. Some people with subs saw multiple $100 donations on that one stream and that was from an hour of just talking and eating. People will pay for her shit, man.
Just canceled my sub but if someone can tell me how to rip the videos from the site and crop out the marker I’ll upload what I have. I tried to grab them through inspecting the elements on the site but I either don’t know what I’m doing, couldn’t grab them that way or more than likely both.
try videodownloadhelper

I'm assumming the marker is there so the webmaster is able to cancel the subscribtion of the leaker whenever he comes across illegally shared content. So let's reason as if you shared the content after you canceled the membership, how can they possibly sanction you for this? If the syntax of the marker is based on certain unchangeable info like names, we're are fucked, but if the sites spits out a new marker each time you join I don't conisder it dangerous to share it's content.
cleaning out my hd figured one of yall might want these two vids YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDKHdvbmRlciB3b21hbiB3YXNudCBhIGJhZCBtb3ZpZSk5MExVZG5RMEV5UWtGUlNHVT0=
Thank you, and now I deliver.

What made you wanna buy the parking lot one? Thanks in either case.
It was being sold for only $10 for a bit and the description + being stoned and horny.

Probably wasn't worth it but I've done worse with $10
I love seeing her in public places, she’s so big you dont see it untill you see her around regullar sized people
(36 KB, 552x314, boberry.jpg)
She is gigantic in comparison with common peoples
Thank you for that! I liked the parking lot one as it's fascinating to see just how huge she really is.

>>36801 Exactly, she's just huge.
jesus fuck, her compared to that skinny woman on the right
I can only hear audio but no video

Download the videos

It's with HECV encoder
dumb question but, candids of her?
God damn seeing her walk past that skinny twig and being nearly 4-5 times as wide made me diamond. I wonder who even took this, it can't be candid since i don't think she's that brazen (her clothes were practically falling off)
Check out fattygirl297 on feabie she looks like she could turn in to the next boberry she does custom vids post here please
I think, she's gaining her weight again. Am I the only one?
Best video I've ever seen of her. I hope she does more like that.
What I personally find astonishing about the clip is how mobile she is for apparently still beeing 550+lbs. Nothing like some girls you see on my 600lbs life. Hope she can keep this up ;) Also a pure walking vid with her getting out of breath would be hot af.
She WAS & IS always build on the muscular side... realy good genetics for an ssbbw 550+ pounds, if she would be around 150 pounds and compete in bodybuilding with that face she would be a 10/10 & winning every show with ease!
I am so fucking happy this is the timeline she decided to be a glutton instead. An entire box's worth of muffins after school and can of frosting? No wonder she was 600lbs in high school.
Look how she's constantly pulling up her pants, they're too big for her now.
>An entire box's worth of muffins after school and can of frosting? No wonder she was 600lbs in high school.
Where can one find this info?
The her being 600lbs when she graduated was answered a long time ago, I think her Tumblr? Someone probably has the only two photos of her from that time.

The cupcakes thing (it was cupcakes due to the frosting, my bad) was from the Livestream video dropped.
She was 500lbs her senior year of high school not 600lbs
Lol are you high? For a girl who's 36, she looks stellar.
FFS, have you ever had a fat girlfriend? They can pull on some pants with great difficulty and after they've moved around and sat down and stood up a few times they're loose. That's because their fat pushes out in different directions depending on how she's moving. Once the pants are washed, they're skin tight again.
>>36986 you cant because they just made that up, everyone remembers she was slim when she joined big cuties, she didnt go from 600 to 300 to 500, you guys need to stop being so gullible
These are from her Tumblr, by the way.
Thank You.
And to answer the question, no, it doesn't help to put things there. We use encoding so that people can't click on a link, so that sites like we-transfer don't see that the traffic is coming from here. Double encoding, things to delete and riddles are pointless.

Fat girls pants falling down is such a common thing, they're always tugging then back up. If anything its proof shes put on a few pounds.

As someone having dated a 375 pound girl with a 65-70 inch butt, I can say this is truth.

In my experience, the larger the butt, the faster jeans ride down with every step she takes. Its kind of interesting to watch, really. That's why they're all wearing yoga pants, they don't ride down
Does this imply that’s she’s under 550 now?
>>36831 would love to see more Ssbbw's in those types of videos, like Juicy Jackie, etc.
She just uploaded a measurements set. For $54 lol I already canceled my sub but if anyone gets $54 horny please share with the rest of us. Not gonna hold my breath though.
There's pics for cheaper but you're def not getting the numbers from that.

I'd consider them if I were getting a lot but if it's basically a $1 a pic, I ain't interested.
that's theft. she's trying to gain FIRE on the backs of unassuming men who can't even preview the content they're purchasing..
(109 KB, 1170x2080, 273608062_678767909800679_6287374203006205276_n.jpg)
Dawg, she has fans that will pay any amount for anything she puts out. She knows this and will charge premium prices. Sales will be rare and I doubt she'll cut prices on old videos.

You've seen at least one vid here that's PPV on top of the subscription price - you be the judge if it's worth the price of admission. Personally at least she's not charging an exorbitant price and then failing to deliver what was promised. So you're getting live measurements with the new vid, I'm sure, but not much else.
That should read "Personally, I'm glad". Fucking proofreading on a chan board.
>dawg, she has fans that will pay any amount for anything she puts out.

You don't know that for sure, the PPV vid that was uploaded here was one of the cheapest. I've been subbed to a a few BBW sites, some show view counts and it's really high.

There was a rich dude on the BBW board who copped every Kyra Kane video (and got scammed by her) but cases like that must be very rare.
*and it's never really high
It's free money for her either way, I'm pretty confident the superfans will empty their wallets for anything. The outdoor vid was a sale to just get the rest of the fencesitters. I'm sure what she's making now isn't as much as she made peak weight at BC, but it's enough to warrant doing small check-ins every few days. All I remember is during the Livestream there were people dropping $100 donations even when she wasn't doing anything worth that.

So no I don't have site stats, but if you're looking for her to learn a lesson about reasonable market price, I don't see that happening any day soon.
Good DAMN, photos like these make me always wonder what Boberry would have looked like with even more of a hourglass figure; as much of a mighty prow of a ship up top and front as she has a mighty caboose in the back
Looks like someone put up a siterip over on /gen/. No paid content from what it seems.

Hey what set are these from??
No set! These are from her new own website.
Anons, search for boberry on YouTube. Some wierd shit there. MMA vids?!
Very Cool!
Thanks for this!
Does anybody have the workout yoga pants video please?
Does anyone have set 70?
(2.4 MB, 400x300, thankyou.gif)
Hot damn. Mary has such a cute singing voice. Very heavenly.
I'm just a bit perplexed that's on a paysite. Not disagreeing with you. Guess that's the BTS aspect.

Most girls do red lingerie for Valentine's Day, Mary serenades. Go figure.
my subscription ran out & I couldn't care less. Expensive & boring as fuck. She might as well have retired for good.
Anyone with the singing videos from her site?
This is what passes as professional sex work these days, smh. So glad I never wasted any dough on her
Damn there are so many haters here. The girl posted 6 posts on Valentine’s Day. Yeah 4 were songs (which I actually really liked) but 1 was a video of her showing off her body in a bra/panties and heels and 1 was a set of pictures. None of them cost anything extra.
I’m not hating on you for purchasing, If you enjoy her content I’m glad that you do, I’m just saying that If I’m going to drop that much money on an ssbbw softcore porn model I’m expecting at least that: softcore porn lol
can someone please tell me what set this is ive been looking all month and i think i saw a video to it but im not sure please help me
(163 KB, 920x1200, 232boberry_001.jpg)
What? You don't have the complete BC collection?
Does anyone know her whereabouts?
123 Fake Street, Springfield, California, USA
Has she a boyfriend?
Does anyone know what she has been doing these days?
San Fran

Says on IG
Where did she go?
She hasn't posted anything for 11 days.
Thanks for the vid!
She's got a lot of nerve charging people money for that shit.
agreed, new videos are utter shit
(73 KB, 540x759, 536_1000.jpg)
What set is this from
Sorry to be a beggar or so but i've been trying to find boberry sets from here and the rest of the internet for a long while.
So anyway i was wondering if any of you had a bunch of boberry sets (pics, vids etc. saved)

Would be greatly appreciated. That's all folks.

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