
(535 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20211125_234740.jpg)
Here's some pretty recent stuff

Anyone have anything new? She's been putting on a ton of weight, it's insane how massive she's getting.
Great job using mab as opossed to wetransfer guy.
I'm ip-banned from We, I guess sucks to be you guy
I don't know you, but I want to thank you, and wish the best in your life!

No, doesn't bother me one bit. If you must know, in reality I've been becoming stronger.

I was speaking on the behalf of what is best all-around for the board and I comment on the use of mab frequently. Seeing as you have no alternatives I guess maybe it does suck, and such is life. I do love Jae she's one of my top favorites actually probably hard to believe however I had her entire collection years ago and I've lost it somewhere by now so even though I probably never saw all her vids I'm sure by now she has earned her rest. Thighs, stomach, back, arms, and face would be my go-tos if I was married to this babe. That's where I'd leave my load. Haven't seen her vagina but I'm sure it's equally perfect.

How many ejaculations has this incredibly large naturally beautiful woman afforded me? Countless.
>Haven't seen her vagina but I'm sure it's equally perfect.

then I recommend you book a session with her, my dude
lmao one can dream. Thanks though and give her a big kiss on her butt for me.
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I am Magneto, master of magnet!
if you're able to pay, there's no reason why not.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but how do we open the link on this post?
Can someone reup?
Dude I've been waiting to get into empornium going on 7 years. Still waiting.
Can somebody please reup?
im so sorry that's not a regular encoded link. threw it into qbittorrent and it doesn't work i actually can't figure it out too i'm sorry anon
>>31675 It's a torrent with a magnet link
I don't know what I enjoy more, sharing content or seeing people unable to work out magnet links
>>31320 petra used to be everywhere with other ssbbws what happened to her lol
She was outted to family and friends and decided to quit. What Brianna told me years ago.

fucking assholes. Lost a hot model who was willing to work with ssbbws
Why don't Brianna and Jae do stuff together anymore?
I don't see why Petra would care, her hairstyle and what not come off as a rebel type that wouldn't be bothered by it.
As far as I know Brianna is psychotically insane and impossible to work with so it’s probably related to that

Don’t say that… I’m just glad she’s finally stopped spoiling all of Jae’s stuff.
Is Brianna really that bad?
No its the other way around. Jae is mentally insane. Brianna would try to work with her but Jae was either too unstable or too flakey to commit. Brianna left her because it wasn't worth it
Both probably have a few screws loose, or they wouldn't be living the lives they are living.

I'm glad they do tho, so we get something to fap to.
Remember when Jae had a bad haircut?
We should have a thread just for the lore.
I like where this is going
Anyone have any of her vids?
Bri confided in me at the time, but we haven’t talked in a few years. She had the most difficult time getting Jae to film videos. Bri did a lot for Jae in the business and personal end of their relationship. And from what I could tell it took a toll on their friendship…
They both had abusive upbringings. So I’d say mental illness had a play in their relationship not working out.
You are so wrong here. I personally know both of them and I can tell you as a matter of fact that Brianna is an absolute nightmare to deal with. Jae is a kind soul that was doing the majority of the work and financial lifting, Brianna basically scammed all the money out of their C4S site and never paid Jae back.

Also, Brianna has a hog body and wouldn't be a model in any other circumstance if she wasn't 600+ pounds. Jae could be a model if she was skinny or fat.
gonna have to stop you there buddy, you are full of shit. as someone who actually know brianna personally i can tell u she is a hard working and intelligent woman. its one of the reasons why most female models still wanna work with her. She is very down to earth and and calm. go and touch grass before u talk shit to someone.
can't tell if this is really her or just good trolling
>sharing a 15 second preview from C4S
get the fuck outta here.
Maybe someone got vid where Jae fucks in black dress or something like that ? Can’t find it
This isn’t Jae or me being a troll. I’m being 100% honest here. Whoever said Brianna confided in them about Jae being a problem is full of shit. But who cares at the end of the day, right? We are all just here to get off to far girls, not talk drama 🤷🏻‍♂️
you're the shit-talker. >>32558 is the correct guy. bri is a terrible person.
am gonna be that guy, though, to ask what exactly you mean by "hog body"
he rbody is ugly and if she was skinny she wouldn't be a succesful model because her body is ugly thats what he means. im just wondering why the person claiming not to be brianna said that most female models still want to work with her even tho she hasn't worked with anyone recently and has multiple different people saying shes impossible to work with
Is this a reference I’m missing??? I don’t get the background art. Is it to a game?
Is she updating anything on her onlyfans? Dont like to subscribe if she doesnt post anything

She's pretty inactive... only some pics and a few vids every 2-3 months. Waste of potential, she's too lazy. Even her C4S is rarely updated, something like 2 vids in a year -.-
All these chicks were better off when they had subscription sites the site functions as a pimp keeping them in check
Not a lot of people will admit it (and this doesn't apply to everyone, of course) but having someone manage them usually keeps them on the ball. In Heather's case for BC, she will have them shoot sets in advance in case of illness, choosing to retire, basically any sort of hiatus to keep subscriptions active. BoBerry had plenty of shots done at her near-peak weight before the ball was dropped, Trysta is still putting out sets despite having WLS done (it was rumored but now pretty much confirmed), Sadie... put out a video of Roxxie? Whatever.

Point is, Heather keeps her girls on some kind of ball. Quality control, content matter, and the insistence of having a semi-retired section despite having less than an update per year on average are other discussions, but at least there's something to be said for having a consistent update schedule to justify the price of admission.
During the hot second where we aren’t taking the routine shit out of BC, I will also add that Heather did a good job of recruiting and teaching models who otherwise wouldn’t have really made content. Sure, a lot of it is super vanilla, but honestly half the models probably wouldn’t be comfortable with much more. Those that want to take it to the next level open up a C4S or OF, and those that don’t still have content coming out.

Okay, I’m done, back to bitching
Agreed. I said this in the Jolene thread as well - people are bitching that she's not getting naked fast enough, or Sadie/BoBerry aren't showing their tits... Guys, would you have preferred nothing at all? Because girls like them would probably be doing Instagram-like content at best (remember Sadie's content from Royalty was nothing but the same ass shaking from behind the next time she puts out an "artistic" video).

It ain't the dream content, but I'd be fine with silver if gold was never in the cards.
See I’m not really a Brianna fan, but I think this is just objectively untrue lol. Sure, she’s more apple shaped than pear or hourglass. But if she was skinny, she’d be tall and thin with a pretty face. She’d totally be considered conventionally attractive. She’s maybe just one of those people who actually doesn’t carry so much extra weight that well. Not ugly.

> Sadie/BoBerry aren't showing their tits... Guys, would you have preferred nothing at all? Because girls like them would probably be doing Instagram-like content at best

This isn’t as good of a point as you think it is. You’re almost agreeing with the criticism. BoBerry’s BC content is basically the same type of shit she posts on Instagram. So…what exactly is the advantage of buying a subscription?

Sadie is a bad example too. She did that one really brutal spanking video before BC, so she’s obviously not completely vanilla without Heather.
I know you think you're being clever, but when you can show me something from Mary's Instagram that has the same effect as her, in bra & panties, pouring cake frosting into her mouth, we can talk about how her content is "basically the same".

And Sadie has nothing stopping her from doing niche videos. Honestly - she can start a clips4sale at any time if she were into this. That video's existence is baffling. The only thing I can imagine was she must have been paid a shit ton.

Yea obviously the content isn’t identical, but to me it’s close enough. She does underwear and swimsuit stuff on Insta, which is about as naked as she gets on BC. Yeah you’re right about cake frosting, and if that’s worth $20 a month to you or whatever it is, then go right ahead my man. She’s obviously one of the more popular models, so subscribers are finding value somewhere. All I’m saying is, some people don’t subscribe because they expect more from the content, and that’s fine. Telling them “yeah but it’s that or nothing” isn’t a good point.

TL;DR: if people are complaining about lack of tits on BC, then Instagram is no better or worse
Spoke with Jae today and she said she is hoping to post a weigh in on OF sometime this weekend. Looking forward to seeing what the new numbers are!

And that may be the last time you talk with her if she figures out you blabbed with the other pirates on this Chan of all places. Argh
What you guys are missing here is that regardless of weather these girls work for a webmaster or work for themselves the biggest motivation they have is to make money and if it's not there they won't put much that effort into their content, plain and simple.

The fact is most of the models that make SSBBW porn are only doing it because they don't know how to do anything else or can't do anything else, it's not because the money is great, if that were the case we see a lot more turn over but majority of the models that comprise the scene have been doing it for ten years or more.

Frankly, the one's that are making money are one's that are drawing disability checks on top of whatever their content makes.

What the fuck does any of this mean?
(45 KB, 295x289, giphy (1).gif)
You have a fetish which is based on putting their health at risk for the sake of satisfying a few perverts, and your jimmies are rustled when they show a little tiddy


I think you need to read everything again if that’s what you took from it.
>>33556 very blanketed statement, some models have "real jobs" some don't. There are definitely millionaires ssbbws in the community then also girls well below the poverty line, income depends on a billion different factors

Lol what? Name these “millionaire ssbbws”
Guys, if you see a fat girl you like just fucking bust a nut and move on. It's not interesting at all what these girls make. They are simply here to make guys pay to jerk off them. Yes some of them make content that's not interesting, but if that's not for you then move the fuck on.
transfer doesn't exist
I think i did something wrong, i downloaded everything but the image of the videos freeze at the start and the video keeps going on.
what sort of video player do you have?
VLC Media Player
I solved it.
I deleted the folder and downloaded it again.
Now it works.
guys i figured out magnet links great blessing
anyone got the recent squashing vid she did?
the torrent is still up
shit takes hours to download i just want the squashing vids
shit took hours and then gave me an error and never finished
>>30906 (OP)
she's doing a Northeastern tour coming up. anyone want a session with her, book now, ask about pricing now, and start planning your damned purchases
how do u book a session with her
i might be retarded but i'm curious. what exactly does a session entail?
First, she takes her kids and puts them in the next room. Just ignore the crying and yelling.
Then she has to sit for a good 20mins to catch her breath..
that looks sick, you got the vid?
what does a booking consist off?
she's travelling for the sessions, assnugget.

everything except putting your diamond dick in her ass. sex is extra, but if you pay for it, she does it.

you messaging her online and having the money already to pay with and being trustworthy. you've got to be able to prove you can purchase her time.
don't ever call yourself that, my guy. you're just curious
aw, thanks man.

still a little curious though, does a session without any extra just mean you like, go to her hotel room and she gives you a lap dance or jerks you off or something? and i don't even mean specifically her, i mean anyone who travels and has bookings. was always curious if it was like an in person camshow or buying a prostitute. if you have any insight, lemme know. i have no clue what a real one would look like.
id love to fuck her but theres no way my dick would work on someone her size. although iirc she and brianna sucked a guy that was small so maybe shes into that idk
you pay her for however many hours you want from her. it's sorta half and half of what you thought it was. but you can also feed her in person and lay on her naked body and things like that, and the online experience simply cannot beat that.

that's what she's got vibrators for, don't worry. i'm sure she'd try very hard to fit you in
>>30906 (OP)
Such a Session is on my Bucket List, but since iam not from her Region it will be nearly impossible for me... And alot of people got scammed by her if you pay first and she stops replying (if you can belive what people say around here). Getting squashed and face sit would be my all time wish, i mean behind the Computer screen she already looks massive, but getting it in real life is a whole another expirience...
If she wasnt that lazy i would book such a session, i can afford it and would do literally anything to meet her in person and get the full expirience myself.
Btw. Source to this?
she's not lazy, and she doesn't scam people. she makes sure once you've paid you get what you want.
So how does one get in contact to book a session?
DM her on twitter or message her on her onlyfans or snapchat. But be sure you can pay. she prizes reliability
Either way this is you Jae or someone with good expirience towards her. Anyway i would love to Pay for a Session, but where is the Source to the said >>Northeastern tour ? A picture or anything that i know where i can book?

I don't normally like to respond because largely what is said here is untrue and there's no point in defending myself because yall wouldn't believe me anyway but once you bring up my children, you've crossed a fucking line. My kids are no where near where a session occurs. They either stay with family, their fathers or with my best friend.

And no, there is no NE tour. I simply am having a session with one person who paid in full pre-covid and I'm fulfilling the services this spring and will happen to be in NE.

And I've never scammed anyone out of money, if fact I've paid people back if I can't fulfill my end of the deal in a timely manner or we work something else out.

Stop talking out of your asses.
@Jae I would love a session if you make it to the NJ area anytime soon. :)
…and this right here is business communication 101 👀
can someone send SSBBW Caitidee and Jae couch crushers
I have a tiny penis too. It actually feels really good to just say it out loud. Wow
since the "tour" jae was supposedly doing isnt true after all i guess it doesn't matter whether she's into smaller cocks or not anyway lol
>>35740 Compared to the ungodly, inhuman perfect oversized SSBBW body of this magnificent being, we ALL got tiny little Dicks xO
she ought to update more often

anyway got enough older content iguesss
Speak for yourself
Anyone have Jessica Teacakes videos?
what do you mean
Well, you see, it turns out that the real name of this model is Jessica Teacakes, and she had old YouTube videos, but for some reason those videos are no longer there and that's why I ask.
I only have 2 of them, there are more but she didn't upload a lot of videos afaik.


Anyone/you have Big Booty Worship, Doggy Style Fuck in its Orginal resolution?
>>37192 lol her real name is not "Jessica Teacakes". "Teacakes" is a sort of play on her real last name, which is spelled and pronounced differently.
she had stuff on YouTube under the name BigJae or something like that. so long ago that i don't think anyone archived it. have some of those videos, but not complete.
who has a squashing jae video? I have lots of bigcutie videos, almost all of them with set photos want to exchange the squashing videos if anyone is interested can reply
what do you desire? there's a bunch of squashing videos out there
>>35664 how do you stomach being on this site and reading all the crazy shit people say and just out right make up about you? if i was a model i'd stay as far away from here as possible for my own sanity, people are ruthless on here lol
Different anon, but I would love the pregnancy squashing set with Petra. Was never shared to my knowledge
what was the name or number of the video, or could you provide like a screenshot or pic from it or of it as example
(120 KB, 719x2266, IMG_20220211_101700.jpg)
or squashing/crushing object videos, I'm bored with the bigcutie set I want to see videos of the OF especially squashing/crushing. these are all the bigcutie sets including photos and videos
Here you go
Nice, thanks:)
thank you do you still have video squashing or crush object from OF jae? I am willing to exchange with my googledrive all the bigcutie sets
excellent quality, thanks!
She massive!
can you share these sets?
That's all the squashing stuff from her onlyfans i got, not sure if there's more
This bitch is fucking hooooot so much unghhh! I love you babe I wish I could dip in it for a minute you sexy hoe get at me white girl. I'm not a brother but I'm a decent size I guess
she not gonna read your coom communique dude
what, did you think she was tiny? lol
Eat a dick four eyes. bbws don't like you because you always have some slick to say maybe try keeping it shut if you got nothing good to say or treating people kindly and with respect.
“Shut up if you got nothing good to say”
“I wish I could dip in it for a minute”
Same dude.
God I love this site, it’s like Jurassic Park but with autists instead of dinosaurs.
Yeah i remember this one, it's really a classic. I also couldn't find it anymore on my old hard drives. So thank u
Thanks a lot for these! Do you have anything else recent from her OF by chance? Would be much appreciated!
any one have links to her bigcuties content please
>>37439 booo!! get off the stage
whos got the mega folder thou
all of them if you could lol
Can I get a re up of the squashing stuff pls?
Are you that Turk that has been shitting up the internet with your shit photoshops for the past decade?
anybody up to date on her OF?
>>38388 someone has the Og image?
does she have any belly button vids
>putting some random skinny bitch in front of all that jae
Fucking ruined
Anybody knows who the others are?

Kellie Kay, BlueWaffle and Goatse
Found them through google images,
They are: Kelly Kay, Corie Elizabeth and RayaReece.
Bought this clip Ivy put up of Jae showering a while ago, unfortunately the video is heavily padded with intro / outro portions to make the length seem longer than it was:


Anyone have any recent OF stuff from this year?

corie is massive btw, probably 600, kellie slimmed down but was massive at the time, and jae needs no introduction
Idk what happened but Corie did that awkward set with Ellie and we never got anything more after that. She's got the potential to clean up - God knows she makes me want to actually attend a bash even though there's NO chance I'll get to hit that.
Truth be told, I've seen Corie at some midwest bashes and the camera does NOT do her justice. Easily bigger than Jae. She's enormous. I didnt know humans could get that fat. Easily the most attractive person there.

She probably slimmed down to have a kid since she disappeared from the scene. Overheard her talking about expecting with her friends.
I am dying to know how she is like in person, how does she move around, walk, etc?
Could you kindly re-up this one please.

Thanks :)
Really? How tall she is? And how much do you think she weighed at her peak
> 5'8 and easily 600+
The ground shook as she walked
Ok, that's hot.
Big enough to make the ground shake, that's wild.

I wonder if she has content walking around or with a skinny girl on her OF
She's a giant sexy fairy from the Zelda universe.
(61 KB, 960x720, 1312.jpg) (77 KB, 565x958, 13133.jpg) (4.5 MB, 3194x2896, 13131.jpg)
He's not lying. Much bigger than other models.
reup this one please, anyone
her face being pretty thin still makes her look even bigger
Good lord does she make content anywhere? I remember lots of older pictures of her at bashes she’s gigantic. That’s even an understatement.
i think the only vid is with ellie
shame about the haircut. makes her look like her name is Karen
The Karen no on stands a chance against, not even the Manager
I want to talk to the manager of fatties
Do you mean Turk Benett from Daredevil?
Anyone got vids on the one in front on the left?
reup of your shopping spree?
Thank you, was missing in my Jae Collection.
Do you or anyone else have her most recent C4S clip? The bikini try on one, I don't think its been posted either. Much appreciated!
nearly a year old now though. old hat
Thats true it was never shared here. Dont got i myself, sorry

It is still the newest Jae vid on her own C4s... Every unseen/unshared vid of Jae is Gold.
Here's bikini try on

do you have onlyfansya set? I want to swap with the bigcuties set I have all the bigcutie sets
Care to share?
yes of course if you want to exchange you can contact me >> popolsu@gmail.com
American exceptionalism o7 o7 o7
i never have sucess in find a link encoded isn't expired :/
Hey can you post this
Re up the bikini video please!!
Has anyone tried to find her C4S?
Here ya go.

You can thank Coomer for that one, her OnlyFans got ripped recently. Unfortunately it's pretty shitty, big gaps between content drops and a lot of it is just 60 second soft core stuff recorded on her phone with poor lighting and angles with no makeup. She lost 20 pounds while having Covid and other illness but she's still over 600, she posted a weigh in last 4/22. Honestly people shit on her dyke haircut, but I think that was probably her peak. Besides, she was wearing a wig on top of it most of the time anyways.
Can send her newest videos.
They're on Coomer.
The coomer page is empty at least the one I have.
Maybe yours is different so Mind sending the coomer link?
Or some new videos.
Got the other coomer
Most recent Weigh in.
👍🏻 Thanks for that!
Fuck me she’s gorgeous.
I think she’d be my favourite if not for that weird phase
This take is so cold, I fell off my dinosaur while rolling my eyes
Thnks so much
Does anyone have the 600lb Bachelorette Video?
What dinosaur do you have
Anyone have last bikini try on?
6 random Bri-Jae vids:

I think the vids below haven't been posted here before, any volunteers who can share?:

Dude you're a fucking legend for that burps video
Does anyone have her c4s video ssbbw girl girl dildo and deep fingering?
>>30906 (OP)
she's posting hardcore on her OF now!
Would you reupload the burp vids please i really want to see them
Is it worth it her only fans or it that same video with the ugly SSBbw eating her out on the bed?
It wasnt a video, just a photoset
coomer update plss
can you share it?
Hi guys, anyone have the video in which pregnant jae sits on Petra? I never watched that but it looks awesome!
P. S. I'm a newbie in ssbbw world lol
could've sworn i saw it on spankbang at some point
If you can find it again and then post the link, you'll be my hero: D
Thanks a lot!! 👍
You have anything else with Petra? I love the difference between she and the SSBBWs!
(214 KB, 640x339, tSEQSaq.png)
Anyone have this video of CatiDee and Jae?
Bri & Jae first funnel YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMV2x0TkRkWlQxVnZWa2c9
Reup? Missed this thread and I love contrast content
Does anyone have the video where Jae alone squashes a skinny model named Petra? One of my favorite vids of hers and I can’t find it anywhere
Does anyone have the video where someone else uses dildos on Jae and ends it with a vibrator? Jae was bent over for almost all the video and made the hottest sounds
According to the guys over at the Juicy Jackie thread, Jae has a video of her stretching while holding a mic to her heart.
Anybody has this?
Bump for casual pics in public
except for her kid floating in the background?? we really shouldn't post things like this (to saying nothing of what she shouldn't post...)
It's weird as all fuck but it isn't something that can't be posted, it's just in the background and not in any lewd way.
You should be staring at the obese ass.
It's not a boy, it's another fat woman
It's another woman, look well. As dumb as Jae can be she wouldn't be swimming completely nude and recording a vid in front of her kids.
is this bih still claiming she non binary or some shit or was that just a phase?
Ok I see that now. 100% my bad for reacting too quickly, mods please clear away these posts if you want
Please does anybody know what I’m talking about? The video was with Jae squashing and teasing Petra on a couch. I can’t find it anywhere.
Damn. You weren't kidding.
This is the video I was looking for, thank you!
guys i have $70usd to play with, tell me who to subscribe to, but they must be nude
Brianna ssbbw, candi Shea, allison bonython come to mind
Out of curiosity, who are some of the best non-nude models (besides boberry)?
The best part of that video is the scale of everything. Jae is absolutely huge, my gawd...
Jae seems to have topped out at 600+….Caiti seems to still be getting bigger though….i see her hitting 600 too at some point
600 is pretty good tbh I top out at 170 XD
which video you referrin to here, hoss?
any have this vid to share plz?
Don't fall for it, literally no one who asked who he should sub to ever shared anything afterwards.
Try making an account, trust me.
Hey Guys! does anyone have this clip? "Asstronomy and Jae: Buried in Belly Fat"; it would be great!! thanks in advance
Does anyone have all the BC pic-sets? I'm missing a few of them.
How the fuck did Jae get so fat?
Will we ever see her butthole?
The fart guy has a new fetish?
>>50980 where can I find this clip?
it’s with a really fucking ugly chick, don’t bother
I wanna see echo spread her ass like that…

If only
If you don’t wanna share that’s fine.. I’ll buy it idc. Thanks!
When you buy it can you upload?

Here’s a win. All I ask is for the ass spreading vid link or where I can find it so I can buy it. I’ll even drop the win in here too

You got more of her getting fucked like this?
it's been dropped a bunch of times don't know why people are being so odd about it
and then here's what I have of her getting railed, non of it is new stuff

thanks, bro
jae rides. my goal in life, having 600+ lbs of luscious jigglyflesh on top of me. 15:40 is priceless. thanks again
im not seeing this vid on the list
can you reupload please? It is already taken down :(
same. good luck to you my brother

God Jae is effin hot in that vid! You really see how enormous she is when you see her waddling from the side. She still looks cute there, though some of the more recent stuff (like the pic above), she is looking a bit rough.
Fucking hot to see Jaw struggle getting in the pool! How much u wanna bet she’ll become mobile/barely mobile at all in the coming years?
Does someone fine gentleman has jae/brianna bj video?
Or any other where Jae stuff herself with food?

Best sex, best orgasm, best everything I've ever had. When I came I passed out. Highly recommend sex with a fuck whale.

The pool video stuck with me.

Jae's hesitation approaching the step. Watching her struggle while the other girl helps. Standing behind her to spot as she sits down. Leaning into her to provide support. Jae gasping out single word answers as she inches down the steps.

She's on the cusp of immobility. I bet the times she stands per day can already be counted.


Would appreciate a re-up of the 7/28 stuff

Also, I don't have anything of her stuffing specifically but I do have multiple of her eating. Including one with Pleasantly Plump and one with Leighton.

Link, still uploading: aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vRFNGUHhVZmFH

OMG I need it
bad news y’all, on OF she says she got covid bad. this might be it for our Jae.
Just saying that as ANOTHER excuse to not post content
covid strikes las vegas bbw bash!!!! dozens of fat ladies dead!!!
Guess we're gonna see how well this vaccine works... she's gonna need every bit of it
Just checked her insta story, she appears to be doing better now. Good for her
But muh narrative
You're kidding, right? It's not a vaccine, it's an experimental MRNA treatment that doesn't do shit against covid and , in fact, disables your natural immunity against it and anything else.
Aren't you supposed to be on about defending the FBI? Priorities, brother
He's not wrong
He's emphatically wrong. KYS.
If he was right then all the vaccinated would have died from this super AIDS . Areas with high vaccination rates would be nearing a population of zero.
Whos the black girl ?
He’s not wrong though. Every vaxcuck has gotten it multiple times at this point, i never got the shot and i never got sick either
America’s number one export; bullshit.
Does anyone have vids 109 and 128 from big cuties days? Thanks in advance

Can I get a reup on this bad boi

Goddamn, I forget about Jae and then holy shit I am reminded
Does anyone wanna trade some content? I have jazz, roxxie, bobberry, jae, brianna, pleasantly pump, juicy jackie, erotika, eve and adeline to exchange.
> I have jazz, roxxie, bobberry, jae, brianna, pleasantly pump, juicy jackie, erotika, eve and adeline to exchange.

So does everyone here. What do you want?
What can you offer?
What can u offer?
>What do you want?
she did a stuffing vid recently
Does anyone still have jae feeding video? I thought I had but I didn't X(
Are those special Videos she separately sold on her OF? Because they are not on her coomer, neither her Manyvids nor C4s?
The panty ripping looks dope.

both of those are on her coomer, btw. one was posted on June 15th ("I knew with my weight that wearing tights would be impossible...") and the other on July 11th ("Trying on any outfit for a photoshot is a shot in the dark..."
There are more pics of this hot gluttony orgy?
Requesting a reup, my dumbass never got around to downloading.
Is there anyone that has the pic of her on a plane in gray sweats?
(1.4 MB, 1920x1080, briannajae.png)
Not exactly what you're looking for, but pretend this is her on the way to the airport.
Gawkers across the aisle realizing her stomach is so large even with a seat belt extender, it looks like belly is eating the seat belt.
Has she done a weigh in since 624lb?

think someone shared a recent one a couple weeks back. i recall seeing like 613 but please correct me if i'm wrong
it must have taken some expert piloting to keep the plain from constantly banking to the left
Not really. Modern airliners carry how many people? 150+ for the midsize ones, and theoretically up to 800 on the A380. Think about how much weight the total passenger count is, and how much that would change by having Jae taking up two seats worth of "normal" people. It's a very small percentage and easily trimmed out, either with a little bit of roll trim or a bit of fuel transfer from left wing to right wing.
Jae weighs more than 600 pounds, so that's 2 seats of very obese 300+ pound people lol. But, point taken

It was obviously a joke my man.
Hey does anyone have the 2 jae sex videos, the dream doggy style and the one where she's in a red net shirt?
Any new content?
Jae seems to have topped out.
theres a pretty good luna and jae vid on pornhub. they pretty young and still have bodyshapes, Jae looks great, even luna.
nvm i cant fuckin find it anymore
Those Days where they both already out of this world... and now both of them are around 600 fucking pounds and i fking love it.

Strange how i view them as "small" in this old picture...

I love this fetish
I'm really curious when she'll need the third seat too.
That’s why I posted it. Id love to see them all Collab again but I feel they’re all to queeny now to do that sort of thing.
Just giving a fair warning to anyone who orders custom content from her. I would wait to pay until after she has confirmed (with a screenshot or something) that she has actually filmed your custom.
we have hit “peak Jae”
>>63317 yeah when was the last time two legends even collabed anymore
Anyone have igornight sex tape with jae?
Can someone update her coomer?
>>65902 igornight is one lucky fucker jae, kasstheblast, and kellie kay. Legendary shit
It's not really luck when your paying the women to fuck you and you split the sales, not slamming the guy or anything but it's just business at the end of the day.
>>66604 Yeah, like you ever got married because a hoe loved you. Stfu and let me fuck and mind your own fucking business
Jeez, like I said I wasn't slamming the guy and good for him all round, you do know Jae's been turning tricks for awhile right? No need for insults man.
>>66604 he's lucky to have that as a job? his business is fucking hot fat girls what do you do where thats not lucky

Lol stfu. Why are you simping for that bald mf? You got a hard on for him?
>>66960 "Haha you think fucking fat bitches for a job is cool you're so gay" - you typing that out lmfaoooooo
if it pays well then fine, but as somebody who's relatively young(barely legal for this type of stuff) I have my sights set higher than a prostitute/male pornstar
(18 KB, 300x315, oldyoung.webp)
Oh my the Childs among us tztztz
If you lived when i started discovering this fetish, you would love to either Fuck all those hot SSBBW or get fucked by some dick/money
Does anyone have breaking bed of Jae pls ?
Anyone got any of her stuff with Brianna or even some Jae burping vids

Here’s some stuff with them separately and a variety of other models
You're in your lucky day Dave, I got a vid of Jae and Brianna burping together. Wish somebody had the other burping vids of them together.

Not the best of quality tho, sorry bout that:
>as somebody who's
God you're such a faggot go back to watching mr beast
estoy actualmente aqui donde muchos se pasan videos de modelos ssbbw mediante myairbridge.com peroyo no se como se usa
She added a new vid to her OF as my sub expired, guessing it's one of those "new content incoming 30s vids". Can anyone verify?
i need a ahero ineed tholding out for tonigh and he gotta be fats with poistng the nrw sexy ssbbw videos i need a HEEROOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!
I need all nutters in North America to die as soon as possible. Thanks.
Yo no hablo paella jajajajajaja
Intenta hablar en ingles XD casi todos aqui son de habla inglesa, en todo caso si hay gente de habla hispana pero somos muy pocos
So? Latinos nutters too.
You're going to trh to tell me that latinos don't do the same evil that nutters do? Get the fuck over yourself
All I know is Jae takes fucking forever to film videos so I can see Brianna who appears really punctual with her vids having issues with that.
Remember when jar tried to do a clips4sale and update it every month?
Can sombody please upload all her stuffing videos?
no fucking cap. She's basically one of those cycle memes "i was away for X reason > i'm bettter now > MIA" and she always ends back up on MIA lol
her lives on OF are FIRE. noone else can compete

But those don't get saved, right?
no, they all do. you're missin out
They do some (maybe all?) of them are over on coomer
does anyone have the set where she talks about what she thinks triggered her desire to become fat when she was a teenager? I think she talked about a guy who dated her mother and told her that bigger women were beautiful or something like that
u remmber wha she looked like n it?
I think she had her hair blonde, ponytail and sitting on her bed
Remember when she had that dumb short hair and claimed to be nonbinary? Lol
>>30906 (OP)
In generall its a HUGE loss that shes so much AFk these days... She got so much potential... sad
could someone share her BC vids #301 & #303?
She's a retard. I expect that kind of bullshit from an edgy teen but from a grown woman it's a massive red flag that says "I'm an annoying BPD cunt". Maybe some self diagnosed ADHD in there too. That's all the rage with these types atm
She was legitimately hot when she was younger but like most women her brain stayed in highschool and lives on social media so she was Definitely gonna end up with a bluehair phase just for trendiness sake.
Can anyone reup the vids from here?

You speak as if there is an alternate trajectory for a woman with so little self control that she would eat herself up to 600+. infantile behavior goes with the territory.
Does anybody have her vlog videos from back when she had a YouTube Channel? Also does anyone have that one burping vid she did on onlyfans
u mind reuping?
(1.8 MB, 1896x916, jae.PNG)
Anyone able to share this one?

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