
Is that 2nd one foxy Roxie?
Def looks like her when she was smaller. This looks like she's on a city bike/ rental bike. Not sure that counts as a mobility scooter

Yes, but it’s a morph.
>>27515 (OP)

These are the best, even when it’s just a SSBBW who isn’t a model in public. Other things can be on a scale but opting for a scooter is a hard yes-no.

That photo of Heather she’s outgrowing the fat scooter.

I was surprised the other day when a huge SSBBW at store actually went past the scooters, she had massive legs and was huffing and puffing. Some days seems like Walmart must have a couple dozen scooters. Fattening of America, especially here in Midwest, means more SSBBW models!

Looks like a random candid, but any idea who the woman at the farmer's market is?
That's MassivelySweet
>Needs a belt to hold her belly while she's on her scooter
HOLY SHIT! That's hot!
Actually, it's because if she didn't have it she'd fall flat on her face if she stopped on her scooter. She's a big bitch and that carries momentum.

It's still super hot.
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Well today you're in luck. While browsing through an old external hd, I found some screenshots of what is probably the fattest woman I've ever seen on a scooter. I know that the quality is really bad but don't forget, these are screenshots of a video from 2005... Sadly I don't have the video anymore but to my surprise that creepy website where the video was from still exists.
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A few more pics here

IIRC there were like 4 videos of the huge lady on the scooter. I can only find 1 in my archives though I have a few other videos from the site which I've included.


000AM1.avi is what you are looking for.
I know for a fact all 4 are/was uploaded to youtube as 1 long video. Dunno what keywords to use to find it though.
The video might be long gone.

Mayra Rosales 4 years and 200lbs before it all went nuts in 2009
Well I remember seeing it on youtube this year so it's probably still out there.
Sad part is as small as she is now she doesn't need that scooter anymore
Is that Whitney Thor or w/e her name is?

Didn't know she lost weight
Whitney HAS lost weight, but that's not her. It's Xuttja Plag.
I know I'm late but really??? She was one of the best.
can't go wrong with a scoot
Who's the girl in the first picture?
Can we get the full tik tok?
whos the blond chick
I’m pretty sure that’s Aria Bombshell
Any way you have more Aria photos on a scooter? There were several iirc

Seconded anyone got this tiktok?
Scooter girls are hot. My gf is getting close to a size where using one would have been convenient, but I know she'd die from embarrassment before using one. Besides in Europe only a few shops have them.
>but I know she'd die from embarrassment before using one
but that's makes it hot
I recommend asking her how she feels on about using one and then evaluate if shed be fine with having you buy one for her (then you post a pic here then you post a pic here then you post a pic here

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