
>>27242 (OP)

Pretty sure somebody already started one this week bro
I actually love the share you provided, but I anticipate a lot of brainlets malding over it
today i realized i was a brainlet

Well the share has been up long enough that I don't really care if Tara solves it and has it taken down anymore

So after plugging the qr code into a reader, while base64 decoding the resulting string, you have to remove every string of letters in any kind of enclosure, but for the equation in square brackets, you have to replace it with the solution instead of just removing it.

Most of the longer videos in the share were reups I had seen before, but there were a few great ones I had never seen, and a ton of clips that seemed like a full dump of her non-ppv onlyfans.
I shoved everything and went on the link but it says it was expired :(
I'd love to see her do a Mukbang.
mukbang sux ass

What do you mean? It’s people (mostly women, often fat women) eating obscene amounts of food. What’s not to like?
bro you were literally a month late
Oh and Tara, if you decide to pop in here and remove this thread too. Guess what? We are going to fap to you and we are going to do it for free. Get over it.
Dude, Tara isn't getting any threads removed. There's three threads because people like OP can't use a catalog. It's just condensing.
You're trying to act tough over not spending $5. Pirating isn't a personality trait, you'll be less of a loser when you learn that. It's not Tara getting threads removed it's when shit starts getting whack or there's more than 1
she's too dumb to do that, she can barely fucking run her own socials / monetize her own content by herself.
Does anyone have her lastest doctor's visit video?
I think I'm about to answer my own question, but here we go...
I get that these women mostly end up as big as they are due in no small part to their laziness, but like, some of the models that are nearing immobility who don't manage their content or social media presence, or keep up-to-date with posting when charging for a subscription service - like, what else are they doing that makes them so busy?

Eating. Constantly.
Tara's taking college courses, that much I know.

Bovine University
Their life. Friends, family, TV shows, video games, whatever they want. Just like everyone else.

I fail to understand why people think they should be pumping out content 24/7. Most of these women do this as a hobby and don't care that much about it.
People who complain about this have no life themselves so they don't understand why these women are not on the internet 24/7 like them.
Honestly dude it's more effort to pirate stuff than pay the $5 tara charges. I'm a junior dev (new graduate, literal noob) in the tech department at a non-tech company and I make that much in less than 10 minutes.

My collection of degenerate shit on my NAS at home took me way longer to accumulate.
>what else are they doing
These women are bodybuilders, dude, that in itself is a lifestyle.
The only difference is that they're adding fatinstead of muscle, but it's on purpose nevertheless and it is expensive, time-consuming and hard
No, it's not. Most massive women just snack all day instead of some bodybuilding meal plan regimen lifestyle. The majority of this is passive, and only a rare few choose to market themselves for cash.

Sounds to me like you're on the outside looking in.
Yea but a snack for these women can be a whole meal for others. My girl eats a 20 piece nugget and large fry as a snack on her way home almost every day she's only 300 I can't imagine what a 500+ woman calls a snack

It's not expensive. Obesity overwhelmingly affects poor people. It's pretty cheap to just eat garbage all day. Chips, candy bars, big bottles of soda, fast food. All inexpensive and all will make you a beluga
There's almost always a sale for returning subscriptions so if you go every other month it's $6 for two months. That's half an hour minimum wage, get water with your meal instead of soda once a month
It isn’t expensive or time consuming lmaoo it would be super easy to stop meal prepping and eat shit every day. Zero effort
Aw my dude, that's where you went wrong. Fast food gets expensive. Let me share a little something. Mine's 500, gained about 100 over the last 2 years, so I'm speaking from experience. Lol

Chips. Big ass bags of chips. Switch it up and buy a variety: tortilla, potato, taro, doesn't matter. Shit, add pretzels or cheetos in there. Chips go down easy, are pure carbs, and you don't even know you've eaten a bunch until the bag is gone. Plus, you're hungry an hour later. No one gets full on chips. No one.

Combine that with a costco or Sam's club membership. Giant family size bags of chips for half the price. Buy in bulk.

Buy some soda or sweet tea while you're at it. Get the big jugs.

She wont even realize it, and neither will your wallet. You'll thank me later. Godspeed

Can’t speak to the soda part (most I know get full and bloated from it and actually prefer water) but dead on with the chips and other cheap snacky foods
Just shitty useless discussions and no content dropping, why the fuck this thread even exists?
That post is extremely easy to believe. I realize there's a lot of LARPing on this site, but the fact that you think such a mundane story is made up is pretty pitiful. It's pretty obvious that it's probably true. Save your projection for better stories.

Fuck off, then.
>>31572 Better fuck off and cum watching her videos than discuss because that's more useful than discuss about "this is why she big" "nonono this is why she big" "nononono idiot this is why she big" like if some of you are obese or have a obese gf u losers

more from Fatmisst please!
Because she's too big and fat for one.
She deserves it unlike most girls here.
I wonder how much she has to eat a day to gain weight like this.
È proprio un bel maiale

I have some content from Tara, Porcelain, Massively sweet, share it with you.
This is just one video of porcelain walking
Seriously, I need more of this chick.so fucking hot.
Lord have mercy, can you imagine how bad this girl probably reeks. By the end of the day she probably smells like moist Cheetos and barnyard. Sheeeesh. Just look at that ass pic with the skin folds and saggy belly hanging between her sausage legs.

Lousy troll, can’t stop lurking on this thread. Weak
That's hot, bro.
Hope her onlyfans stays up after she dies
Is this a fact? Because it would not surprise me at all.
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She posted it on her Instagram story. Doctors think it's an organ infection, so it's bad.
Someone should back her up on Coomer in case her site goes down
That sounds serious, hope she recovers. Even if she’s good, family may step in to stop the gaining lifestyle. Didn’t she post she used to live with family not too long ago? If she’s been able to keep it from them until now, they may learn she’s packed on a couple hundred pounds on her already super obese frame.
At risk of sounding tone-deaf, but do you know if they weighed her while there?
Remember lads, only she's allowed to lie about her medical conditions
She's 23. She certainly lived with her family until very recently.
How many women her age her size do we really have?
Cry harder that your deathfeedist fiction isn't a 100% match to reality
No you guys are idiots it’s not diabetes it’s from her cat poking her 🤬🤬🤬
Whats going on here? She Had a personality. Sehr isnt to be alive to give you pleasure and make you jerk Off. How crazy ist it to Talk her death? ! The world ist getting crazy. It seems Nobody think about the people doing her Job als Sex worker. They are all normal people that give Others the Chance to jerk Off. But they have all a private Life and should be respected.
It wasn't even mentioned and you're spazzing out about it again. Shut up about it or go and die
She doesn't even have a reason to hide these things. It's not like she's a HAES advocate or anything. She knows she's in the hospital somewhat regularly for a lot of things out of her control. Hell, she'd probably get some sort of bump in business from the ones that get off to deathfeedism if she came out and announced a diagnosis.

If someone like Ash was fervently denying she has diabetes with all of the advocacy she does, I'd be suspicious. Tara is denying it because people on this site are insisting she has it. It's wish fulfillment from you all. She could post her own blood test rests and doctor's notes and you would still say she's lying. There's no pleasing you. This is also probably why we'll never get a video themed around health problems like other USSBBWs.

Just let it go.
You people are fucking sick
She did a video adressing health just two months ago. "After doctor update" about how much she needed to loose.
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>i-it's cat scratches she d-doesn't have diabetes
>She could post her own blood test rests and doctor's notes and you would still say she's lying.
Nah that would definitely stop it
Why do you care about seeing that? She doesn't even know you exist. Ya'll sound like no life creepy ass losers.
It wouldn't. It would list a multitude of other issues, and when it shows a "suspicious" lack of diabetes in history, people like you would cry FAKE or PhOtOsHoP!!!1!

So no, it wouldn't solve anything. It's creepy af, like >>32992.
Well the only realistic way for her bloodwork to be good is by her photoshopping it
Dude just let it go.

Even just scrolling through I can see this is some weird creepy ass shit.

Like if your fetish is to be creepy deathie in here mission accomplished but gross.
I knew this kid in college that was skinnier than me. On his left arm he had a gold bracelet. We were hanging out one day he hit me up, and I noticed some strange inscriptions on the bracelet and when I asked him about it he told me this weird story about having diabetes since a teenager. The gold bracelet was a medical thing because his diabetes was that bad he needed to wear it at all times. If he didn't wear it he could die.
Go have a schizophrenic episode at an ATF office instead of here
Can someone "re-upload" her squashing vids please ?
Eyyy I made this for fatadmirermemes mocking some 300 and something pound girl trying to claim I'm 'fatphobic' (why would anyone be scared of fat).
Can someone re send the link of her squashing videos pls ?
Can someone upload her squashing vids?
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there's zero content on this thread just a bunch of fucktangular cumbrains arguing about nothing
welcome to bbwchan
>>34274 We are loyal to FatmissT, we never gonna upload a video bcuz she will be mad mad and lose weight
holy shit thanks

What's in there?
OMG now I know, but why? And why here?
Nah its legit, had a friend test it. Everything worked well for him
How do I get around MEGA'S file size limit to download these?
Wait how do we decipher the codes now its been moved?
Use multiple vpn's.
All I want is Illustrator out of it. If somebody could put it up on MAB or WeTransfer
So, is she still in the hospital/is she going to loose weight?
just missed out pls reup
What nationality is she? It’s really hard to tell.
IDR what she’s mixed with but she’s at least half black

Half black? No way. She’d be way darker than that. I’m thinking half Hispanic
next time just pay attention to genes in middle school science. one parent could be black and one could be white and they could have kids that are all along the skin tone spectrum
Idk why she’d lie about it
Better to be a mutt rather than inbred.
Look up co-dominance, the genotype of lots of African-Americans is more European than you would expect from their genotype.
*last world should be phenotype.
She’s the source bro, I asked her a couple years ago which is why I can’t remember what she was mixed with.

Stop begging and go subscribe
>>35021 Dude, she's top 1 already in Onlyfans, maybe the most successful Ssbbw out there, what the hell does it cost to share at least just 1 vid or some shit?


The Farted Hand and Fart Cake
Is this the vids of her shitting on the shark cake ?
this dude's transfer expired in 9 hours
It was from a different thread that just happened to have Tara’s content.
up again all please
I hate miscellaneous threads like that instead of just putting it in the thread for the model like am I supposed to dedicate my life to looking at every thread on this site
This is a video of Tara taking a shower, when she was able to being stand. I love how fat she looks
how 2 get bitch's this fat???
Its the creaking that really adds to it, that bath is STRAINING.
(511 KB, 464x616, beeg.PNG)
she's unable to stand? what does she weigh?

Nah she can stand still. Check her insta, it mostly stays current with her updates on OF. She hasn't done a weigh in in a long time, but she claims around 730 or so. I'd believe it, she's huge.
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Crazy to see someone's back fat resting on their ass. She's titanic.
I thought of something legit hilarious.
What if she tried to hold up a place?
What can the cops do?
Have ten brick shithouses? arrest her
They need blue team to arrest this mountain.
Not sure she would have the stamina. The cops would just have to wait a few minutes for her to need to sit down for a rest.
Anyone have this video?
Does she post regularly on her OF?
Pretty regularly. Not every DAY, but a few times a week. For $5 a month it's a bargain.
constantly on sale too if you've subbed in the past. $3 regularly

I think your scenario has awakened something in me

Like, how would you even arrest someone her size if they didn't want to cooperate?

How many people would it take to get her to the ground if she tried to hold her ground?

How many people would it take to get her off the ground if they managed to tackle her down? 600+ pounds of dead weight would require like a football team to lift off the ground.

She couldn't fit in a cop car but how on earth would they manage to get her in a truck to arrest her? If they managed to get her on a stretcher it would have collapse.

I feel like the only way to get her off the ground if she didn't cooperate would be to get a crane or something to get off the ground and into the cop truck.

Now I just really want to see an USSBBW criminal stand off scenario unfold
how 2 force obsety on gfwife that she hates shes fat w/o geting arested?????
You're a fucking psychopath who deserves to be locked up
Is that the Indian mf who wants to build a feeding machine?
You can’t fucking do that and I’d recommend you break the fuck up with her until you get your head on straight
Down already :(
You can tell he's Indian because he doesn't care about consent with this
me??? im 100% usa my father come to this from india but my birth is 100% in usa soil but no i want gf ti say yes she wanna be fat she just hates it for now so how to force it to consent to be fat insted of b4 gainig to fat if it makes u feel better btw in my x wife got gastricts by pass so how to stop that to
I love this site.
I love how her belly is almost touching the floor when she bends over.
>>36109 somebody need to find out her tiktok name rn

Someone has the video from the first 2 pictures?
hell is that from?
>Force it to consent
>It refering to gf
This is not the American way. You need to use drone strikes to force her to submit, not to force her to consent. That's your problem
Heart attack before 25?
>>37629 Fingers crossed!

Has any girl ever looked more like an actual human pig?
She's really something special. She's cute, but she's also so massive it's just ... I don't know. And she's so young too. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Who says you can't put lipstick on a pig?
Seems kinda unnecessary?
appearance on my 600lb life when?
See sometimes it turns me on how huge this girl is, but sometimes I just wonder what kind of emotional problems she must have to be like 700 pounds at age what, like 23?
don't get why her thread is so toxic. Not like she's done anything like BBXXL or something like that
Same here. It's crazy about her age and weight, and the way she is eating and loving being such a fat slob. At the same time: doubt she's "stable".
Guys she's a very nice lady. If you want to get your degradation fetish on either pay for a private session or type out what gets you off...but cum before posting some pointlessly rude mess. Or at least make it hot.
100 ponds gain is 200 ponds to small she need to gain 400 pounds imhfo or more to make my dick diamonds
If someone could actually afford to take care of her and would otherwise treat her well she'd let that someone feed her to death.
>>37697 anyone wanting to talk about deathfeedism message me on discord at blubbershaker1#2274 for an invite to a new deathfeedist group
How are you going to transport them to the same location? Teleportation?
A fishing pole with a donut tied to their backs
I could have never guessed a fat woman of her size could have a concave ass but here we are
To be clear, I don’t have a degradation kink nor was I trying to degrade her. I don’t think she should feel bad about her body and I don’t think being fat is degrading. I just feel like to be so fat so young someone must have like pretty serious eating disorder and it makes me feel conflicted trying to jerk off to it lol

She might have prader willi syndrome

I would bet a significant amount of money that she does not. She’s just a food junkie

Try a different approach thinking about it. There is you, as well as millions of other people who are into fat. Why couldn't she be into fat as well? And while it takes certain dedication from her there is no requirement of having eating disorders or mental conditions to be that size.

On a numerous occasions she previously stated that she intentionally gained weight. There are pictures to prove that as well.

Thats why you probably shouldn't feel conflicted anyhow.

P.S. If you enjoy diving into ideological or moral realm of whether it is ethical to support financially or jerk-off to someone who dedicated themselves into getting fat so much that some bystanders started to believe it might cost her her life - just take it easier. People sacrificed more for a lesser things. She seems to enjoy herself as much as it is possible. And also remember that everything is a choice and not making one is also a choice.

If she could wave a magic wand and make herself skinnier or fatter which one do you think she'd choose?

These models always pay lip service to being gainers when the vast majority of them are not.
She’s not a SSBBW

Did you say that just to snag the title of "most delusional person in the thread from >>37743 ?

Because like... your comment was the dumbest thing I've seen on bbw-chan today, and I visit /booty/ sometimes so that's saying a lot
Well then what is she lol
Big-boned. Husky.
She’s got to be the only model I’ve ever seen who has rolls on her shins.
Never seen Echo? Makes Tara look anorexic.

All Echo’s leg rolls come from her thighs and calves. Tara has shin rolls
Look again. Echo has shin rolls.
This man’s right. Echo is so fat she literally doesn’t have an inch of her body that isn’t layered with folds. As huge as Tara is, Echo is so big she’s actually a blob
math isn't your strongest subject
It would be so hot to see her next to another normal sized person again. The context just makes her sexy body look even more enormous.

Yes Echo was a blob and she was without a doubt fatter than Tara but actually nobody really knows what she looks like today.

She last updated her site a year ago. By now she might have lost hundreds of pounds without anybody knowing.
Less than 9 months ago. She's still a blob. She's never going to lose weight.

Good or pleasing to a human's eyes, ears, or nose.
god why is she so hot
She's beautiful, she reminds me of the garbage pail kids collectible cards. There was one that was called Large Marge. 🤯

The Truck Driver in Pee Wees Big adventure?
Just got her onlyfans, wtf can i get this full vid?
Post when you get it pls
Ask her for the paid videos
Oh sometimes i forgot about us prices 16 dollars for 1 video xd
Does anyone have recomendetions which video to get? I can buy 1/2 and prefer health issues/ struggle or slob content (oc will share)

As far as I know, the one in >>38873 has never been posted here. Which is strange because it looks really hot
I have it. Its hot just short
Oh maybe you will know better, does she have any videos where she struggles/ out of breath?
I remember jacking off to her as a kid

I'd just play it on loop

Literally all of them
Ok so i cant buy her vid cose she doesnt answer me how to;(
It was just about a day between you talking about asking her and reporting back that she didn't answer you yet. Have a little patience. In my experiences she's been responsive.
For me it was about 4 days and I decided against it, got some of the white monsters instead

what have u done .

the cursed does walk with us
Gone already :(
lmao already gone
So FatMissT is the new Luna.
Anyone got the belly button fucking vid?
Yeah ill get it for ya tonight

also bumping for new stuff
Coomer update?
different guy here's both of em, hoping these last longer
>>41499 Thanks man, i appreciate it.
Damn nigga I like fat babes but there is such a thing too much.
Bumping for content
Already gone can you reup the fucking videos?
Tripfags are retarded
If we crave the blob we’re all retarded
That's a regular namefag, not a tripfag, newfag. Also, the videos are legitimately gone and not on coomer, so the only retarded part is the 11 days late and entitled exasperation. For the record they were gone in under a day.

[citation needed]
Oh absolutely, dude.
You both are without a doubt not breaking triple digits (in IQ).
Someone could update her coomer?
She kind of looks like she has Prader-Willi to me too
anybody know how much she weighs rn?
Lol no. She’d be 4’5”
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Why does she look so dry all over?
Probably has to do with her skin issu- I mean cat scratches
Coomer update pleas3
> Heart attack before 25?

> Fingers crossed

I genuinely don't understand how heart attacks can be hot. Someone PLEASE explain this to me.
Some people are just fucked in the head and the world would be a better place without those disgusting psychopaths.
For some people, a heart attack is the definitive proof of someone's obesity, like a medal of honor for a true blob.
It's for those into fat, not only in an aesthetical sense but in a conceptual one too.
>people attracted to physical illness should die
Don't cut yourself on that edge

The blisters are diabetes. Notice nearly every 600+lb woman has them? Brianna, Adeleine, etc. I think she'll probably need a limb amputated before she has a heart attack though.
I know I am crazy but personally I find the death feederism hot because I'm attracted to weird extremes in general like blobs and freakish qualities, and there's probably some subconscious hatred of shameless women mixed in there too. For me it's pure fantasy not IRL goals though, I'd feel too guilty for sending my wife to hell.

Also as said it is weird, almost mystically symbolic she even has a piggish face, as if she was meant to die by hoggish gluttony

Like there are many starving in this world and the literal job of this blob whore is to waste food, essentially
You are a waste of food too.
>no u

Wow I wonder if there's a difference between a worker of average weight and a literally over quarter ton woman who can barely walk and does nothing but eat enough for several men every day
there is: she's making money off her own labor and is still fat as fuck while you're an employee wageslave. you depend on an employer for existence, she does not. congrats!
They are not "diabetes", they are however caused by a lack of circulation to the skin because of the stretching and lack of capillaries. A pressure sore or acne takes way longer to heal when you are huge because of it. Yes, people with diabetes get these. No they are not caused by it.
hope she sees this and sits on u bro
don't threaten him with a good time... damn
she brake 800 or 900 or 1000 or 1200 ponds yet
>>43476 wageslave or not depending on his age he’ll out live her by 50 years
Not a deathfeedist just pointing out the stupidity of models
Ackchually they’re from her cat
That'd be 50 years in a FEMA-camp the way things are going.
I hope she appears on my 600lb so i can see a good 40 min full body vid of her. Cuz no one posts a shit in here
Her OF is like $5 you tramp
Can anyone do a coomer update?
$3 and I'll consider it
Yup, you can only add certain sums to your wallet though, so you have toat least spend $10.
What’s all that shit on her belly?
According to her: cat scratches.

General consensus: morbid obesity issues.
Why the fuck is everyone so adamant that everyone go spend the $5 on her OF? This is a piracy point board
>>43558 because of "loyalty". All hail our queen who doesnt give a shit to us: FatmissT
She so sickly looking, I go soft everytime I look into her dying eyes
Why do most people fatter than her have less/none?

There are people fatter than her? And how many? So you can speak of "most"?
Fucking math! Really!?
Sorry comrade, this one should be more straightforward:

If you can't do that simple addition then go back to elementary school kid. You are still underage.
Likewise, This is a horror movie at this point. Shame on the people on her personal life who are faciliating this.
I did the first one fine and fair, but I shouldn't need a go to a trig class to spank my bank.
If you don’t know how to multiply by zero, you got problems my guy
This video is hot af to me
Echo, MzFluff, etc. Dead people count too.

For there to be "most" you just need 2 out of 3 or more...
She looks ready to drop dead any moment.
Horror movie is right, she looks like a literal bloated corpse lul
Echos belly isn’t big enough for those and they’re outclassed by the larger skin issues on her legs,
Mzfluff does have them but they aren’t red because of pigment similar to how black people don’t have red acne
This post was fucking fantastic, and I really appreciated it. TY
There's no multiplication in your formula lol
Just replace the whole string with 0 and you're in
Yeah thats still not multiplication, dumbass. You wrote out "1+1-2"
You are in the wrong chan, buddy.
The moment someone classifies as ssbbw, it's a highway to an early death.
Maybe /bbw/ suits you better.
Vanilla Hippo? Infinity? Celestial?

Also Echo's belly is probably like 70% as big as hers.

Why doesn't Echo have cat scratches on her legs? You're saying her other skin issues is stopping them?
It wasted 30 seconds of my time so I thought it was pretty shit.
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>>27242 (OP)
I checked in on her onlyfans, and HOLY FUCKIN SHIT

I thought the belly pics were edits. Her belly is actually that enormous?
Imagine showing that monstrosity to someone a century ago bro
Shes been looking much fatter recently. I wonder how much this hog weighs
>>27242 (OP)
My guess is she's in the 800lb range.

I wish I were still in close contact with her, but sadly no. Otherwise I'd just ask.
holy shit, dude. could you update her coomer page, or upload that to mab? that'd be awesome
If I didn't know her before she got on OF, I'd say sure

But, honestly I can't release her stuff in good conscience. Best you're getting a screenshot once in a blue moon
She recently updated on feabie after coming backing from the hospital… 705
which is the link is confuse
It's pretty fucked up how huge she is now. She's going to eat herself to death in a few years time.
Betty-Jo from My 600lb Life had similar skin-marks, but this could due to their likewise ethnic.

But I have even seen obese man with something, a little bit differently, who claimed it came from insect-bites.
Her heart putting in triple time, thing must be the size of a cantaloupe.
She lost weight, good.
Oi mate, I'm with you; she needs to drop 200 lbs.
those lesions on her stomach are very unappealing.
It always makes me sad when I see a big girls belly and she's got some big cat scratch, or scar (like purplewings massive vertical surgical scar), but the shit these massive girls get on their skin is some freaky stuff.
Why browse an ssbbw porn board if you don't like ssbbw girls?
Imagine being on an ssbbw board and thinking the girls need to lose weight to be attractive. Loser.

The bitching has gotten out of control. I'll upload a paid vid if you all can go 3 days without fucking whining over someone you were never into in the first place. Maybe you'd feel more at home in /bbw/ idk.

Moronic cunts like you are literally why the ssbbw board was separated from the bbw board

Go away. This is the wrong board for you.
You can like ssbbws while still thinking it’s unappealing for a girl to go full dumpster mode
Didn't even make it a full day. Way to go.
So much stupidity expressed in a clear, short, concise way. Congratulations, you are a full fledged idiot.
Anyone on this board that doesn't want her fatter should die.
I love that there's less replies here than before every time I come back
(723 KB, 1816x2326, 34be16d2-abe2-439c-9e8b-362d2f0adc1f.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1816x4032, 96e1364e-103b-4de0-b8ac-d6d5f9f11f82.jpg) (1.7 MB, 1816x4032, 262dfc55-f143-4930-88b2-6a0bdb752579.jpg) (860 KB, 1816x4032, 517d9396-dc60-4991-904f-3f0c136e95d8.jpg) (640 KB, 1816x2927, 9075de83-0f8d-40ec-b7bc-bfaa1733ce6c.jpg) (829 KB, 1816x2540, ea26e764-240b-465b-ac4e-055e532feaa6.jpg)
Really wish there were a zip file downloader so we don't have to download each images individually but in a full file.
BLOBZILLA fckin Love it!!
Damn, I remember awhile ago I thought she was going to blitz straight through to 800. Seems like she’s deflating.
She's been to the hospital a few times lately. You gotta admire her admiration to gain through that - it's not easy to maintain at that size.
Real talk, deflated? She's enormous! Her biggest I thought?!?
Second, how do you fuck someone her size?

In her enormous belly button
>Second, how do you fuck someone her size?
Care & Devotion followed by Love & Violence.
Her onlyfans is getting a litle boring, its a shame. Shes one of the best ssbbw out there
Anyone have the fart shark video where she sharks on a cake fart?
Shut the fuck up dude
despite her humungous size, she is very quick to take down the files
>>44530 already down so fast
Yea we have to upload to coomer
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Excuse the mobile posting, just wanna post new Tara. I swear with half of the threads I've been following, it's nice to know this hog isn't losing weight. Not by a fucking long shot. Wish she teased an ass shot tho but not complaining over blob belly.
Wish she would do more sex videos, seeing her on top of that tiny guy riding him and making him totally disapere is one of the best ssbbw videos i have ever seen in my life! (Sorry for my bad english)
Agreed - the contrast is always amazing with anyone but to have that one of the fattest? UNREAL.

Damn. This perspective shows how large her tits are. Which look tiny compared to her massive gut. She just isn’t stopping.

This pic reminds me of Ash’s set (when she was “thinner”) with Kellie Kay. Two of them in bikinis was hot. Still holding out hope Ash does another set some day.
She’s incredible.

not always the biggest fan of this country but we have to appreciate that it can produce a young girl like this
Love America got guns freedom and alive babies 🙏
>>48894 We're only getting started, brother. God willing, by the time we're through with these money-loving wh00res they won't know what hit em. They're going to be like what the? The key is patience. We must learn to walk in faith by trusting that He, the Lord Himself, will defend us from all evil, for He is righteous.
I pledge allegiance to the bag that we obtain by selling that loudpack. In Pooh Sheisty we trust, never mess with a lame baitch, never fuck with a trifling ho. As A Boogie once said, money ova everythang, and liberty and justice for all trappers around the United States.
First time I see an ankle roll like that. Instant diamond.

wtf how this bitch ANKLE overflow on to her FOOT? bruhhhhhh we aint never seen this type obesetty before. this is truly the most blessed time line big ups 🙌🙌🙌
Come on guys, anyone post some content...
Come on guys, we need some content desperately....

bruh roll ur screen up there is a photo of NEXT LEVEL KANKLE
how she can even walk? crazy
*we need some videos
America is such a peculiar place
You spelled “awesome” wrong.
the fact that the black guy behind her look almost as big as her makes me laugh

why did you have to specify black?
Why did you have to specify guy and behind her?

You're sexist and placist!
He's probs a family member as she once mentioned beeing mixed race. Because let's face it: You wont get this fat in a "normal" family.
Idk I got like a neighbor vibe. But being mixed who even knows
Because he's black. If you tell me what's his name, I'll call him Steven or Jerry
Yes, she said her father is black. It could be
Leave it to BBWchan to pay more attention to a random guy in a video than the dancing fat chick

Never change, faggots
He looks like a Darryl
if she'd do this nude, i'd pay for that snapchat
Old ass video. We need to see her shake now!
He's her cousin
how can this being racist, fucking idiot?

Because he wrote black for no reason. If it was a white guy he wouldn’t have done that. Which means he sees people and black people. Because he’s a racist mf
>>49129 That's true it caught me off guard and I don't know when it started all of this reverse racism or whatever it's called but look the other day I saw someone get banned just for saying the letter "b". This shit is getting rediculous. It's out of hand but some boards' mods are more chill than others though
Not all the world is America. I live in a country in which 99% of people are "white" (despite I hate this classification). Seeing a black guy is like seeing someone with red hairs
I'm not white or black, I'm Italian, and your racist hypocrite country disgust me

None of this means anything, guido. You don’t get a pass for being a racist piece of shit just because there are more black people in America than their are in your country lol. What the fuck even is that logic. Keep digging, greaseball.
>>49138 Wow, you're cool dude. But honestly? I respect your opinionated statements. I share my opinions too and actually I prefer light talk and humor over serious debate or discussions anyways. It's all good in the hood.

I fucked an italian chick when I was young. I used to like them a lot but recently they seem to have gotten ugly with the generations. They are not the only ones though. A lot of these chicks are fucking busted up, I have no idea wtf is going on. I imagine italians in italy must be beautiful (in my opinion).

Italian chicks have fat asses doe
That's interesting I thought they were slender/petite. I have seen maybe one italian chick that was tall like a model and that was on tv. Tv from italy
Yes, mostly on Southern Italy
Idiot, what a way to ruin a thread with your lesbian social justice crap.
I'm black and I don't care if someone calls a black guy black, as long as it's in a respectful way. What's wrong with the black word when used properly? Are you ashamed or something? I'm not. This whole shit is dumb.
jesus what a sack of lard
Literally all of Italy. Saw some girls up north who looked like Snow White: the seven PAWGS.

Weird, those cat scratches sure aren’t healing
Old video, faggot
You should look to xfatqueenx/piggyclara
Are they Italian?
I believe she is. She’s such a sweet morsel.
Wow, what a massive obese gluttonous pig. I can't believe they could get that big.
Now, imagine obese french girls. Now thats hot to think about.
What the fuck is wrong with you faggots jerking to this whale? Come join the real party in the huge titty section without a gut the size of the titanics bow.
The website is for these whales, normie. Back to your cesspool.
Is today whale day? Why is everybody talking about whales all of a sudden?
It's summer, lots of beached whales waddling down the beaches.
being a faggot's pretty fun, one of the perks is that i don't have to mind about other folks' sexual preferences
>>49291 Are you just saying that or is that something that actually happens?
>>49295 Interesting. Are you talking about actual whales though? Or land-lobers and old fat ladies? What is a local cesspool, if you would be so kind?
you're not very young, are you?
>>49297 No and I have read these words whale and cesspool the past few days here, but there is a personal reason that I would like to know whst they are
her foot is huge
Some serious faggoty asked shit here. So from the replies you actually want and desire this. Holy fuck cannot imagine how low some will go. You literally want the u desirable.

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