
(26 KB, 584x424, pf6gcsldi4351.jpg)
Yeah...that's enough of this website for today...
I have a problem
ENOUGH with the awful fake eyelashes already
gotta distract people from the beetus spots on her belly somehow
she's not gonna fuck you dude
(347 KB, 1080x1522, FDUtBmLXoAU5kEG.jfif)
ugh now she's going crazy with the filters, make it stop

What a sweet blob she is!
Why not let her explore a few things . Can't get mad at her.
There's a handful of people on this site and thread that are mad at her and make no secret of it. This whole "Eugh filter" thing is petty in comparison. Me thinks they tried to get a custom done she wasn't comfortable with and are still bitter she told them no.

She's over 700lbs and under 25, guys. I know people are getting fatter at younger ages these days, but let's appreciate what we got here.
I find her unhealthily hot. This is what I get for having a fat fetish from a young age. I hope the pig never stops gaining.
>>29089 Same. Except I hope the pig tries to stop, can't, gets even fatter, cries about it, and films it.
Pls re up
One time on her Snapchat story she was crying and eating and talking about how no one liked her and at first I thought it was a joke or maybe someone requested it but then I realized that she’s just a pathetic sad loser
I do wanna see her old pics like how she was befofe becoming a blob
Whats her snapchat?
im actually concerned about her health, her legs are really starting to get swollen, and shes also so so fat im afraid her heart might not stand it

that being said im also in to see how far she can go before having to lose weight or die.
Health issues are hot, I might actually sub to her OF if she talked about health issues and mobility
There's more than a few videos and posts like this, and she talks about it regularly even on free sites
I agree, fellow degenerate.
Is it me or she doesn't look THAT fat when she is standing?

Or maybe just seen so much fat porn that my vision is just distorted.
I 100% don’t see her ever losing weight, she seems kinda happy and dumb and from when I used to snap her she seems like she just content with never changing
She might stay at this weight for a while tho
the last time she discussed this, quite early on when she appeared she seemed to imply she's always been really fat. However that was also when she made up obviously fake / embellished stories (like how she worked at Wendy's and hooked up with all the staff lmao), so I'd take anything she claims with a huge grain of salt.
Yeah dude, I dunno what to tell you. She's absolutely fuck-off massive from every angle, one of the fattest women I've ever seen. Maybe take a detox from porn I think your brain might be broken
damn, already down
>>29646 damn she keeps getting bigger!
>>29671 Jesus Christ what a fucking butterslut hog

Tick tock, piggy
It has been months since the last uploaded share here
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alguem que queira realmente compartilhar algo novo da tara ou qualquer ssbbw 500+? tenho um conteúdo interessante com algumas ssbbw na minha pasta, se for brasileiro melhor ainda, podemos trocar conteudo, e so me responder, estou sempre por aqui.

anyone who really wants to share something new from tara or any ssbbw 500+? i have some interesting content with some ssbbw in my folder, we can exchange content.
No trading. Either you share or you don't.
Why would I share something with a worthless person like you for free? I want at least something new, if you don't have an argument to make me share something from my folder, I suggest you get out
LMAO he just said it, if you dont wanna share just don't. Nobody is gonna beg if thats what you're looking for
Fucking figures a Brazilian is going to come here and demand we do things his way. Fuck off back to your developing shithole.
take it as you please bunch of intolerant imbeciles, I was willing to share my content with anyone illiterate, but they're just arrogant assholes, and at least in my developing hole we know the minimum of geography
Leave it to a Brazilian to break the rules and act self righteous when called on it...

So tell me anon, which shantytown do you live in again?
>>30658 I've lost the count of how many times I shared stuff to trade and received jack shit after

He was only willing to share with someone who was illiterate anyway
Who is she???

here's my little collection if you've been around the thread you've probably seen them but i'm here for my homies who haven't
Can anyone share her squashing videos please ?
bump pls

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