
(61 KB, 545x693, 1520114206031-0.jpg)
We need Trysta. A beautiful SSBBW. I have uploaded all the content I have but I don't have everything. Let's see if we can fill in the gaps and share this lady.

Anyone have set 285?
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When Trysta is in love she eat a lot
I wish she did bette stuffing like messy or fast or like an eating contest
I added in a picset of Caitidee with Trysta as a guest. No video and I do not have any other Caitidee content so don't ask. It would be Trysta's 245 set which I don't have.
Does anybody have set 276: secret stashes? Where she hides things in her rolls
Please, somebody please have this
Thank you!! Do you happen to have the picsets for 274, 275 and 277?
Does anyone have the belly and billiards video?
I believe what you're looking for is in a link up top
Any reupload?
be sure to check the links up top, they're all still live
Anyone know what her most recent weight is?
By "most recent," how recent do you mean?
Her weight as of her latest Weight In set. The second most recent is available in the links at the top of this thread, and in that she weighs 483.
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I'm a big Trysta fan, and here's the basics on last several weigh ins. She looks great even though her weight slides up/down a bit.

450 lbs video 180
460 lbs video 225 2016
466 lbs video 267 2017
483 lbs video 290 March 2018 (peak)
474 lbs video 335 July 2020
The links in the first post have been updated and files fixed. So any sets that had missing pics or all the previous sets that were missing are there now. This brings it up to set 350.
The picset link up top has all sets up to 350 now. If it says "complete" that means it's a corrected picset.

This link is for videos 338 - 350. Should more get shared they'll go in here.
God is surely smiling upon you. Everyone salutes you
Bump for those who missed it. All links have been fixed, the missing content now added in. IF you downloaded before go back and get what you missed then. It's all up to set 350 now. Enjoy and happy holidays

This link is for videos 338 - 350. Should more get shared they'll go in here.
Can anyone re-up set 339. Looked super hot. Saw it on https://volafile.org/r/obese but the video failed to download multiple times for me :(
It's within the links...

This link is for videos 338 - 350. Should more get shared they'll go in here.

Thanks my guy. Guess I should have read the comment above lol
Trysta's discolored lower legs are such a taboo turn on.
drop googledrive or mega stock...! menz
Have you looked at the links?
is she still active? i haven't heard from her in a good while
She's still posting sets regularly, but I'm betting no one here has a sub. Personally, I don't find her later content all that appealing. The magic kind of dropped off after 250 or so, like she wasn't as into it
While her site does keep updating its like 1 per month and the last 4 months worth were shot last year.
So i guessing another B/W photo down the page soon..
Is that really the case? Crap. I really liked her but I stand by what I said... Except amend to Set 200.
Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if Trysta and BoBerry left the scene in the not-too-distant future, with the sparse Trysta updates and BoBerry's weight loss.

I love Trysta and she's one of my favorite models. I'd recommend grabbing her content ASAP if you like her.
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Well fuck, it looks like the links are down. Anyone have this set though?
Does anyone have videos for set 101 and 102?

vids 101 102 and 38

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Does anyone have any of the morphed photos from the set "Trysta in wonderland"?
Anyone got either of the two of her Burp Compilations?She has some of the sexiest burps out there.


Here's the burp compilations! I agree, they're super hot.

Does anyone have any newer stuff from her? Like after Set 336?
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Trysta's new set is out and it's got a weigh-in, is there anyone with a sub who can share the number? She's getting close to 500...
Is there a hero out there who can reveal what her latest weigh in was?
Been hearing though the fatty circles that she had WLS. Pack it up fellas.
That tracks. She's the longest running active model on the site. Couldn't last forever.
Maybe that's true, maybe it's not. But all good things must come to an end sometime. She's older than the age said on her site anyway ( probably 40 + yrs old now) and her health might be an issue for her these days. But she has always been a favorite of mine. I was always surprised she didn't get more attention around here.
I don't currently have a membership and it'll probably be a while before I'd get another so I can't provide anything more than what I had ( before some dumbass caused most of those links to go down) and it's pain to upload about 50 gigs of content. So any who had downloaded what I provided want to be cool and upload things that'd be great but I'm not uploading 50g's onto wetrans only for someone to ask 8 or 9 days later for reups. Sorry. If you want some content look through this thread and you will find a link that still works. Just look, and you'll find it.
Anyone have what her most recent weigh in was?
Had a feeling this day would come
She’s had a good run and defo in my top 10 of all time ssbbw models
I’ll upload what I have at some point in remembrance
Honestly, with her day job it wouldn't be surprising either
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Can proof be provided that she's had it? Nope? Oh well then I'm calling bullshit.
Just about every thread here gets hit with someone claiming to have heard so and so had the surgery. Never provide proof and the model continues to produce content. So I'm not buying it until her site gets retired or she posts a farewell message.
I got a question, if I pay the membership that are around 18 dollars per month, am i able to download all the vids that are in her bigcuties page?
You need a browser extension or tool but yeah.
Yes, I don't have any experience with browser extensions or tools myself. But when I had a sub last year I had access to all content.
Does anyone got links or files of trysta ,mainly her jeans revisting set?
Most of the links here are dead

Anybody got her latest sets? Pics + vids? Dropping 3 vids to kickstart the thread.
>>11566 Can some KING reup the picture sets.
Thanks in advance.
Reup of her burp compilations?
has anyone got other videos from her ive never seen her content before shes amazing
Someone has her last sets that she did in BC, please guys.
Im looking for her her ceo set does anyone has it?
that's the problem though, its not unusual for a model in the BBW industry to just go AWOL. we see it here all the time
True they do. But until she does so herself I'm not taking some rumor posted by an Anon as fact.
I saw some recent pics on fb. Can confirm she had WLS.
I know we're asking a lot, but come on man. One picture. Blur out other faces if you need to.

Also how many damn sets did she do before the procedure? I know BC is a drip feed but STILL.
No way !!!
She was in if the greatest
Any pics you can post ???
noooooooooooo not Trysta
Thanks for posting those. Appreciate the confirmation even if it is sad to see. At least she left us 350+ sets of content...
>>28892 this suuuuucks
Real talk? It's not like her sets were anything to write home about lately.
She was beautiful, all ussbbw at a certain age get an hour, or the time of the wls or the time of her death, they only have 2 options and she chose the first, it is very respectable, it is very sad when this happens but we must have hopes in the new models that will appear, I do not want to imagine when the time comes for roxxie, a luna, Pleasantly P., Jae, etc ...
Shes been around a loooooong time, and has never really had any controversy in the community either, shes getting older and has to look out for herself in the long run so I respect her decision.
She looks amazing for a 80 years old woman.
Fuck! FUCK! FUUUUUUUCKKKK!!!! no no no no no I want to die fuuuuck i feel like i'm going to puke why god why fuck fuck fuck i am so fucking sad god i hate this fucking world
Wait--im looking at the bigcuties twitter, and it shows one of trystas updates, it says the recent fishnet update was october 22nd! Did she recently just put this update or is it from a while ago? What if that shit is fake on the facebook page? Who knows man
yeah, no, they all tend to shoot a bunch of sets and Heather releases them slowly. there's a good chance Trysta has like 10 or more updates left.

wish her the best tho. she was a steady producer and underratedly fat as heeeelllllll for years.
I call fake on the pictures very photoshopped

omg this is so sad, I mean, why she looks like 50yrs old now?
Because she already was like, 40? She started webmodeling in 2009, so she's been doing this for 12 years. I don't know how old she was when she started but I would estimate late 20s? So if she was 28 when she started modeling she'd be 40 now. And when you lose a massive amount of weight, you age RAPIDLY.
50? I’d say 60?
Such a great loss , she was one of the most consistent creators thank god and we’ve got gigabytes of content from her

I remember I was obsessed when she first came on the scene so it’s sad to see her go
But as others have said she’s getting old and would of eventually retired anyways
While I am sad she is losing weight, she gave me many good faps over the past decade.

She had a great run. I thank her for her service.

>all ussbbw at a certain age get an hour, or the time of the wls or the time of her death, they only have 2 options and she chose the first

The realest of realtalk.

It's sad to see because she was so beautiful, but I'm not surprised and I don't blame her, especially since she has a real career outside of modeling.

And yeah, WLS ages you 15+ years in an instant. An ex-GF of mine had it and she looks like she's pushing 60 despite being in her late 30s.
Dw guys echo is still going strong 💪
>>28981 Echo is choosing door number 2 and we should all salute her fat ass for it
I remember seeing her at a bash a few years ago and she was magnificently fat. Easily one of the biggest in the room (for her height). Happy I have that memory and hope she lives a fulfilling life going forward.
i know that feel, its so strange to look at ex that are thin and looking extremely old
Honestly WLS is extremely hard on the body and is a traumatic experience for a number of body functions. It’s not just “deflation”, the body actually does go through accelerated aging processes.
honestly, good for her. I'm glad she's getting the help she needed. I'm glad she prioritized her own life over people on the Internet with a niche fetish. This is the good ending, it would have been awful to see her die from this.

She is my favorite model of all time and I doubt that will ever change. I have everything she's ever made. It's sad to see her go but at this point, this is probably the best possible outcome. Godspeed, Trysta. It was fun.
This. She's had a good run and she's one of my favorites as well.

I hope we can all get her stuff when she finally leaves the scene as I know some BigCuties sites disappear completely.
If it indeed over then as you guys said, good for her that she's done what she needs to do. She provided lots of content through the years, she's always been my favorite.

hurry get it before it's gone

Add me to the list of ppl for whom Trysta was my fav. @Trysta if you see this, thanks so much for all the content. Scorching hot from set 1.
Did a check on them defiantly not shopped. At least not her. The faces are blurred giving some off pixels but she matches up with her backgrounds.
Big time let down that she lost all the weight but hey she’s happy well good for her I suppose and I shall unfortunately take my money elsewhere.
any recent content?
Re up please on mab
LOL anguished virgins and their rage never fails to be funny.
An all time favorite of mine from way back when she started. Hard to believe she got wls especially with the guy she was with. Anyone know if they're still together? If she had something serious and had to, I get it, but hard to believe she had to go that extreme. Imagine how she feels if the doc made her feel like she had no choice, when she really liked it, and now all of us bashing. It sucks, I hate that this happens, especially to a legend like Trysta. I'd rather he be around though, if it was something like that, just hard to trust doctors when they sometimes have their own agenda of what they think is needed and sometimes for their wallet.
Well there could be some truth in it as all the new content is at least 6 months old.
But still unconfirmed untill we see some definitive photos
Yes, doctors get kickbacks for every WLS signup they get, but that doesn’t mean it’s immoral, right? To use your voice as a doctor to encourage someone to do something they should do anyway, that they probably won’t die from, and you wind up with a nicer car in the process?
>that blue bulge
Damn, who's the friend though?
No one you'll ever meet or get to see naked
She's only had about 23 new sets go up this yr. I don't imagine there's another 25 or more to be uploaded this coming new year. So if it's over, it would seem it should be announced or whatever pretty soon.
Given the fact that she's already lost so much after WLS (and it drops off QUICK) then there can't be too much left in reserve.
>>33559 he didn't even asked for that. He just asked who she is. And I wanna know too, just seeing that ssbbw full clothed will make me cum for years
You're weird. That dude is hoping the answer is Supersized Sally and that she has gigs of content for him to wack it to.
Looking through my folder, the last set of hers I have is 350 and I got that last November. So yeah it's got to be real soon.
anyone have set 367?
Awful lot of projection goin' on here. And calling people weird for being interested in fat chicks? Do you know where you are, or what day it is?
Yes I know where I'm at and I know how weird some of you are. I am the creator of this thread and all those mega links.( all but 1 is dead nowadays) I know people like you that all it takes is a glance of a fat belly in a pic and your immediately jumping to ask... who is that? Hoping it's a content creator for you to wack off to. Yeah it's weird. So fuck off. :)
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Just bumpin'
Need the last 3 sets if anyone has them

Thank you for those! I wonder why so many sets are listed as having 50 pics but are 1 shy so often. Anyway, would you happen to have any of the sets 351 to 362? I was the originator of this thread and was going to buy another month membership near the end of this past year but with it looking like she's probably done modeling I was going to put it off until the last set went up.
yes must be the program zapping the odd pic during DL or cleanup will have to look at that next time is DL but yes im waiting for the last call
Aye, better than ending up like opor echo.
>>28892 the ssbbw biz is a young womans game, cant last forever. Your fav model will end up like this or Echo no way around it
There's a third outcome if you're into morbidity.
for some though that's the dream, and on an ssbbw board it is for some a good outcome.
Thanks man - do you have 351, 361, or 371? Want anything in return?
Thank you kindly. Seriously she was so amazingly hot.
I find it ironic that the set is growing goals when we have >>28892 as the current.
Porn is fantasy, my friend.
I have 371. I only have a few sets after set 350 because of a recent upload by a generous anon. ( sets 363 - 371 ) and as I was telling him, I'm waiting it out before buying another month membership to get everything missing.

You're right about her being amazingly hot. Always surprised me she didn't get more attention around here. There's some hideous women who people beg for just because of the size of that hideous woman. Trysta has a gorgeous face to go along with an amazing body and she pretty much got ignored here. Never made sense to me.
Well when a set is made it has to have a title or theme. Not too sexy to sell a set called "I'm going to gain another 2.5lbs then go have weight loss surgery because I'm doing being so fat" So yeah as
>>36675 just said, it's all fantasy
>>36676 Seconding the fact that Trysta was an underrated beauty. There was something so unassuming and unadorned about her beauty. If Roxxie gives the softcore feedee wife fantasy, Trysta served a subtler and more realistic SSBBW housewife portrayal.
She always came across as being comfortable in her skin. Confident in how she looked.
I'm sure she's just a fun person to be around regardless of weight.
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A new weigh in?

Okay, how many of these did she have shot in advance? Since she got WLS, she would have had to lose weight prior, so are we looking at 2020 content or what?
>>38527 this may be morbid, but looking at timed-out "new weigh ins" from Trysta, which have to be a year + old, given how we all know she looks now, feels like we're looking at pictures of a person who is now dead.

That's hyperbole, but this beautiful woman doesn't exist anymore. The sweet soul in that huge soft body now resides in a deflated, loose-skinned husk.

I do genuinely wish her happiness but it's fucking *bizarre* to watch "new" content of her at/near her fattest drop now that she's well on the other side of WLS.
What was her final number before she got WLS?
You're not wrong. It's like watching a movie that premiered with someone who died during production. Only with more obesity.

Seriously, given how much weight she needed to lose for WLS, this content has to be, like 2 years old. So she may have been planning this for 3. It's such a weird boner to have.
It'd help if you can put the set number in your request. Makes it easier to find if I know what number I'm looking for.

I apologise for not putting the set number
but thank you for uploading it!
Someone have the video where she driving around thru drives and ordering food?

Threw in some others too - eating vids.
Can you re upload the trysta in wonderland set please?
Requesting any videos from sets 313-current. I can upload any sets from before that if requested.
reup picsets plz
Real talk, HOW many sets did she shoot in advance? Because if the pics from >>28892 are from October 2021, she must have gotten WLS much earlier than that. And yet there's still more sets coming...

Not saying she wouldn't do it, I'm just used to models having maybe a dozen in reserve. More just surprised we haven't heard hide nor hair of her impending retirement.
She probably banked at least a year worth of content so she could get the surgery and heal without worrying about her income.
She’s a doctor of veterinary medicine. This is a probably just fun money.
I work with cows too. Does that make me a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine? NO! So there!
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End of an era, folks. Knew it was going to happen, was just a question of when.

Sad but true.

Anyone got a recent photo of her (other than those two that got posted a few months ago showing her deflated.) It's like a car crash, I know I shouldn't look but I want to anyway...
She was one of the best and most underrated models we've had. I wish her the best going forward. One's body can only do so much then it's time to make a choice.
I'll grab up the last 30 sets sometime soon.
Honestly she just did what every model should do, at a certain point you either lose or end up like patty or even heather is getting there
Agreed. Gotta give her kudos for getting as big as she could, documenting so much of it, and then getting out before losing all quality of life.
As much as we can respect Echo for "going all the way", her life right now seems really shitty.
she also seems like she would pass any number of basic sanity tests: be approved to own a firearm, to watch peoples children, airline pilot (although I feel like they probably don't want people that weigh that much. that's like ten grand in overweight baggage fees per flight right there)
Trysta is a licensed vet, so she's pretty competent.

wife material (if not deflated)
I hate retards so much :)

Some of us humans don't know how stupid they are. It bothers me when I hear them say stupid things.
Bros, quick question: where can I download all the trysta content? I tried to access the links posted here but it doesn't take me anywhere

If I were you I'd hop over to the Gigatribe thread, a lot of those users have backlogs of all the Trysta content uploaded here

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