
(251 KB, 800x1200, 269beccabae_001.jpg)
here is set 269. post more becca.

Here's a little something from me: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJbUmFuZG9tX0JlY2NhXUM5MExUWjJaRXB4VVZWYWNtRT0=
much appreciated.
Lo and behold, here's something more as a thank you:
for minutes reading the messages i thought was the same guy talking with himself...
just bumping this to see if i can get a non expired link is all
Does she seem smaller to anyone else? I don’t know what it is but she looks smaller in her current non big cutie videos than she did a bit ago.
I can see where you’re coming from
which non-bc videos? She hasn't updated her OF or posted any previews of it for months now. As for the collabs with Brianna... well, she just fucking dwarfs anyone near her.
279 anybody? Thx
So. Instead answer me, deleting my question... Great! Thanks!
I only wanted to ask, why WT download doesnt work..
Could ever get a re-up of set 269, the skinny pill surprise video?
Anyone have videos of her pussy from Only Fans? I can't find them anywhere outside of tjat censored Twitter preview.
But she's not a SSBBW...and this is the SSBBW forum.
She’s over 400lbs. That’s the SSBBW threshold.
The line for most is 350 and even that is disputed

But you can't argue with 400lbs.
Once a small fat, always a small fat

I wouldn't call anyone supersized until at least 450.
I can't believe she got rid of her beautiful hair for whatever this embarrassment is.

I had no idea such things existed considering she barely shows her tits most of the time.
Here you are: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUQ1aWNiZjJpUzU=

Some of them have her pussy, some of them are just regular clips but I couldn't be bothered sorting through them. She has one of the prettiest pussies of any BBW I've seen, I'd do anything to bury my face in it and feel those thighs pressed against the side of my head. She gets a lot of shit but I love her boyish features. Not usually a tit guy but I love the size and shape of those little cups. Sorry for the essay, I'm just getting all excited. Enjoy. :D
It appears the link died already :(
Nevermind, thank you so much! She is so beautiful and I have been masturbating to her since I was a teenager so this is so exciting.
(238 KB, 800x1200, 1306409256.jpg)
Can anybody share this set's pics!!
(156 KB, 800x1200, 1961082512.jpg) (141 KB, 800x1200, 727367881.jpg)
These pic sets also..I had em but my laptop hardrive corrupted... kindly
Yes would love these sets. I think she looks hot in all of these sets. I think no one one Ever posted anything from these sets.
yo since this threads here, has anyone ever seen any of her old pov vids, i guess they were smothering vids, i just know it was her on top pov and Ive never seen them shared on this website once.
also, everything on this thread is expired.

Yeah. No shit. Links usually get pulled down or expire within 24-48 hours.
(434 KB, 1200x1200, oh yeah.jpg)
I mean it would be cool if someone posted the video in the link
Good luck noboby likes becca anymore after she started making herself ugly on purpose.
here ya go
Is it just pictures? File sizes are small.
there was a video of luscious, do you have more of her?
Looks like her official twitter has been hacked
What was her highest weight? And when was that? It seems like she hasn’t gained in a long time …
Use the second link, I reuploaded
Anyone got this
Great job using mab rather than wetransfer fellas
Thank you but 10GB with Mab is very heavy and slow

Can u reup this 2GB Halloween content please?
OMG can we get a reup please?
Seconded. Also if anyone has any of the sets with Bri it would be appreciated.
My subscription to Her page sucks . but dont be scared of bbw cutie they do have the bbw videos way better an cheaper then Mercedes bbw
Are you able to share anything?
Does anyone have anything?
She's looking particularly lardy in her newest update
Thanks for the vid, but I was looking more for the images.

Thanks for the upload. Becca is as cute as I've always hoped!
Anyone consider importing her OF to coomer.party?
any chance for a reup?
(149 KB, 683x1024, 19.jpg) (204 KB, 688x1024, 8.jpg) (134 KB, 683x1024, 64.jpg) (88 KB, 500x750, 217.jpg)
Hi everyone,if you have this set please upload. thanks.
Does anyone have the videos that Brianna and Beccabae made together?
Yes, and a couple of others that they made together.
>>37252 to be honest I question how he did this and I am bigger than him
pathetic how?
I'm about to sub to her OF based off those last three pics posted. I mean, obv I'm an ass, but besides that?

She doesn't hide her posts on her OF, only the content of her posts. So if you look at her OF right now, you can see that she hasn't posted anything since January 31. I suggest you hold off until she becomes active again. She went MIA for a month before her last posts as well.
God the stretch marks on her back in the light are perfection. She's aways been my fav even when everyone was bitching about her hair
Shes a weirdo, grew up on myspace, 18 during tumblr years where she learned how to self diagnos herself with 800 made up mental disorders and now needs man props to tell her shes still a special artsy girl with no life skills.
Very compelling, thanks for bumping the thread with nothing I can wank to.
You know that you don’t have to engage with a fat chick’s output if you don’t like them, right? Like I’m not into most of the current Big Cuties lineup…so I don’t bother with them. This scene is so ass backwards sometimes.
I like looking at her fat body and pretty face, and her content is better than most. I'm not gonna date her, we don't work together, we're not gonna be friends. So maybe she's everything you say but it doesn't affect my interaction with her at all. Though unlike you at least she can put a proper sentence together, punctuate, and remember to turn on spellcheck.
(66 KB, 1080x1074, Screenshot_20220209-035642_Reddit.jpg)
you really got him there, maybe put a life together, go out outside and remember to get some bitches. tryna own a rando on a fetish porn board cause he aint got spellcheck. Look at ya doofus.
>you really got him there,

Likely he's beyond help, I was just letting off steam. Bottom line: If you're not into a model, just. scroll. the. fuck. on. This guy's ten-cent analysis of Becca's upbringing and life choices is cringy, stalkerish, and annoying. If a guy leaned over your shoulder while you were reading and said "why do you like that I don't it sucks" in your ear, you'd slap his face.

>maybe put a life together, go out outside and remember to get some bitches. tryna own a rando on a fetish porn board

Yet you're here too, King, commenting on a comment just like me... Explain that to me, preferably in another comment about how I shouldn't be commenting. Do you give life coaching sessions? I feel like I can learn a lot from you, and how you use this board in such a superior way.

>cause he aint got spellcheck. Look at ya doofus.

Spellcheck is the least of it. You don't see the irony in how some dum-dum who criticizes a model's "life skills" doesn't possess a basic skill like writing? I'll wait while you google "irony."
Is there another Beccabae thread?

Why doesn't her BigCuties website work anymore?

What is her OnlyFans? (is it worth it?)
>Why doesn't her BigCuties website work anymore?
It still works, bro. Are you going through the site's home page? Last time I checked, the links she's posted on her Instagram and tumblr redirect to Sadie's page through a broken HTTPS connection and she's never bothered to update them. She used to be active on her OF but she hasn't updated that for a couple months now, and there's only a couple videos that I remember being alright, so no I wouldn't say it's worth joining.

OP here. I can't get shit to load from BigCuties.com , so I can't see any of the set previews. I just like to see how she's doing.
(65 KB, 566x566, 1426022649184.jpg)
Someone posted a big OF rip awhile back, could any kind soul reupload? I'm really hoping she gets imported to Coomer sooner or later. I'd offer something in return, but I don't have anything of Becca's right now.
I'm trying to find a specific video of Becca trying on a tight pair of jeans. This would have been about 2012-2014; she probably would've been more Pearchan than Beccabae. My searches aren't turning up shit. Anyone have what I'm looking for?
I'm trying to find a specific video of Becca trying on a tight pair of jeans. This would have been about 2012-2014; she probably would've been more Pearchan than Beccabae. My searches aren't turning up shit. Anyone have what I'm looking for?
was it a bigcuties video or something from her old clips4sale?

I'm fairly confident it was pre-BC.
I've been following becca since the pearchan days. That 2012-14 period is when she'd already been a bc model for about 2-4 years. AFAIK she never released any videos publicly before joining bigcuties.
ANYWAY, this is what I have: https://we.tl/t-G9Ts09zGqS
I love bacon or any weigh in sets before or after 2018..pic sets will also do.. because no free Becca content on the internet
Any torrent link or Google drive?
Bumping for content, ideally that OnlyFans siterip from months ago.

Oh yeah - it was definitely one of these. I'm working off a half-faded memory, so you could've shown me any one of these and I'd've said yep, that's exactly the one I was thinking of. Now I'm not sure. But it was definitely one, so I really appreciate it.
damn, Brianna is wayyy fatter than BB now
Could anyone please reupload this?
Begging for her OF stuff
Has she done any weigh-ins on her OF?
She's looking bigger, I'd love to know this too.
anyone please reupload this set
Does anyone has both parts?
Anyone have anything when she was younger and looked better in general.
(307 KB, 800x1191, 407beccabae_all.jpg)
Looking for Becca content because bigcutie membership is showing errors in my country

does anyone know her new weight
She was as high as 424 at one point. We all need to know her most recent results!
here you go lads
That link is Wacky!
Yep…the link works about as well as Becca’s diet.
Worked for me just fine. I think it's a you problem.
How did Becca get so fucking fat? When she started she was just a chubby girl with a big tummy….now she’s enormous. She claims that she’s not a feedee but it’s kind of hard to believe.
How the fuck did Becca get so fat? When she started she was just a very cute chubby girl with a big ass and tummy. If you check out her instagram there are pictures of her in a bridesmaid dress and she is enormous.
If it worked for you how did you load the link?
Where’d you find this? Is there more?
how does one use the links posted?
Forbidden knowledge QmFzZTY0
No really.
Why don't you check out the help? Maybe you can find something about weird links, or codes.
I did and they said something about b64 encoding which is Greek to me.
Her ass was never that big, and as her body grew her ass stayed the same size. Why was she ever called pearchan?
and after looking further it said that encoding is no longer necessary…so anyone still doing it is kind of a dick.

You're the one being a dick. He shared content. What have you done but whine and complain? Links still get taken down, so people are still going to encode.

You need to use thing called Google and learn a little Greek motherfucker.
Posting shit in code when it’s unnecessary is dickish. Nuff said.
So you know what it is, you know there's tools to decode it, and you're still whining?

Jesus, you don't deserve free porn.
Like I said before…no need to learn to decode something that shouldn’t have been encoded in the first place. Does everyone have to learn software? Does it give you a aura of superiority to know how to do something that is simply technical but completely unnecessary to know?
And you're still whining over a Google search. Unbelievable. You're so entitled. I bet it pisses you off when people put attention checks in the encoded links, too.
Works on my machine.
Eating, eating, and more eating.
Because she was pear-shaped when Curvage/4chan "discovered" her over a decade ago.
We're not here to spoonfeed your lazy, entitled ass, newfag. Read the rules, google b64 if you're confused (a decoder is one of the FIRST results), and be thankful that we didn't inconvenience you more with salted links, math problems, or riddles in part of the link. Don't whine and call us dicks because you have to do the "insurmountable" task of copying and pasting a link into a decoder, decode it ONCE, and have a perfectly useable link AT NO COST to you and your two functioning braincells.
Spoonfeed? What’s so fucking difficult in posting a video? I do it all the time you entitled a-hole. Talk about a lazy fuck.
>>46779 Hey, thank you very much for the video and for keeping the thread alive.
>you entitled a-hole. Talk about a lazy fuck.
That's rich coming from a fussy, sub-80 IQ nigger like you.
Appreciate the drop amigo

Love how confused she is about how massive she's getting.
Decode once. Highlight entire decode. Right click and go to address

The OP simply copied the address rather than the code.
To this guy’s credit, I’ve been able to decode most other links, but this one is a little crazy.
The good news (for you) is that you can hide in your anonymous little bravado hole (undoubtedly your grandmother’s basement) because if you ever said shit like that in real life I’d stomp your butt into the ground until it looked like a strawberry.

lmfao. why did the other comment where I tried to warn people get deleted but this crazy comment about stomping strawberries stays up? That's why the old saying goes.... never relax
Just so we can move on, everyone who decoded knows how simple it was. People are just trolling when they say it's difficult. They don't even say what about it was difficult. Don't feed the trolls.
(134 KB, 326x52, 1418009853099.gif)
Came back to find the thread in shambles. Been lurking here for years and saw others encoding the entire time so I followed suit, didn't know that it isn't really necessary anymore.

Getting back to the spirit of the thread, here's all the picsets from BC, non-encoded this time! Hopefully it doesn't get taken down immediately. I won't be doing the videos, I don't have the time/bandwidth/storage/etc. to do all that, sorry.

picrel, were you a navy seal?
If you done that on a Lauren lush link it would be gone by now
While I prefer vids most of the time, this is still an excellent drop, thanks king.
Thanks! Do you think you could maybe upload the video for 402?
It’s not a matter of difficulty. It’s not necessary and not everyone is a tech geek. Some people are foreign affairs experts…others are architects. One doesn’t need to know how to decode shit to share the same passion and it certainly has zero to do with intelligence. That is all.
"Stomp your butt into jelly."

Dude you could be Rambo and i dont think you could put the hurt on anyone saying shit like sticking your foot up someones ass to make jelly with them.

You sound sooper gay, homosexual.

Jellys for faggots bro.
the knuckle draggers are out tonight. Why don’t you take your big talking potty mouth back to your mommy cause you’re gonna need her when I finish with you.

Maybe because I can't understand not a single word of your ooga booga. Instead of talking like a real man you hide amongst the stinky shadows, then you cry about it like a pussy when I make a joke about your bitch-like behavior. Except I don't give a fuck who you are or if you live right next door to me. No matter what you do you will forever be a nigger. And niggers gonna nig.

here, now you can all shut up and post fat chicks
damn dude thanks, i hadn't seen that one before. i think ive busted 3 times to this already
pearchan threads are shit because pearchan is shit
Hey people.
which website do you use?
I'm new to the forum. I see that the guys share part of the link but not the site
Idiots here still encode links. What you need to do is google up "base 64" copy and paste what you're finding into a decoder and you'll find the actual link in there. Might have to decode a couple of times and look to make sure there's nothing added in (like this because they do this often). Before you do anything look at the date of the post you're getting it from, if it's more than 7 days old, you're wasting your time. Ok?

I think he's just another in a long line of confused guys because people still encode these links
I love how chicks that are this obese can lose and gain 50 pounds like it’s nothing. She went through an episode…got down to 380 (she’s so unaware of how huge she is that she says that she got down to 280…she did this on a other vid a few years ago) but then she packed it all back in and then some. If she stays with that bf of hers she’s going to be 500 in the not too distant future.
Does anyone have that 40 nugget challenge part 2 set?
When was she at 430lbs?
I beg for a re-up of this wonderful video
Thank you so much hero
Becca’s arms are the real MVP
>>49071 Becca's arms came in 2nd in MVP voting behind Roxxie's arms.
Can someone please reupload the newest weight in ? Mi HD just died today

this is 100% accurate, they are 1 and 2 in the arm standings for sure

Does anybody know how to download all the pictures from her site in a comfortable way? I dont want to download every single picture on it´s own, I will upload then her stuff here?
Long ago i used this program "Bulk Image Downloader" isn't free, but got it from internet, you know, and worked well with BC
becca’s arms > roxxie’s arms
Thanks man! I don't have any suggestions about bulk downloading programs other than wget or httrack (though those two tools are best for ripping entire sites, they might work for single web pages).
Here's a Becca & Briana workout compilation in return: https://we.tl/t-f8rcdjE77q
Do you have the latest video from her site (410) by any chance?
Did you read the thread? Somone shared all the pic-sets a few posts above you. I'm willing to share ripping methods but not in a public place, I'm the Mod of the SeriouslySexySsbbw Reddit if you want to message me.
(16 KB, 112x112, 3x.png)
mf i opened this and i named those files
im downloading my on shit

Yeah it's always funny when that happens. People usually get pissed off when you rename it different, but it's like finding buried treasure.
I hate when people rename files. You end up with duplicates of the same file fucking around trying to figure out which is closer to the original.
I think that now that Becca is super happy on a solid relationship where her man adores her, she’s likely to get much bigger. Gonna pass Courtney soon…never thought that would happen.

Yes, users whining about free content is also a great reason to rename files too. Sorry it's an inconvenience.

Just sort your files by Length and typically keep the one that is bigger. Not that hard.
(147 KB, 864x1152, 410beccabae_video.jpg)
Just dropping in here again to ask if anyone has set 410. She looks fucking massive.
Wow, she's looking real fine!
(164 KB, 800x1191, A764C94B-ED66-49D2-94BE-7A22DB8DA256.jpeg)
My word, she really is looking big. She’s never had a particularly fat face, and I’m sure the angle is deceptive, but man she’s looking bigger than ever.
Yeah she's officially approaching blob territory
>>24221 Actually it is not a matter of weight but a bmi. To be qualyfied as a SSBBW she should get a bmi > 65. She's 5'6 so actually for her she is a ssbbw once she reachs 400 lbs. So... when that buddy said she wasn't a SSBBW he was RIGHT as at that time Becca had deflated herself below 370... And now she is again an SSBBW being over 430. So for me.right now she is legit an ssbbw and I agree we should change her thread to bbw if she deflates again
(6.5 MB, 498x314, maths.gif)

Seriously. Where is there a SSBBW BMI chart?

My sides.
What kind of autism is this?
No one will do this and I'm not sure anons even deserve it.
Hey, not exactly what you asked for, but there's active and accessible Mega of Becca's picsets from 1 up to 407 (with some missing inbetween, but whatevs):

What is the key ?
Well then, I am asking now!
Thank you for your offer.
? There isn't any, the folder is decrypted per default...
Empty folder, bruh.
Perhaps you're not familiar with navigating Mega.
Those photos are there (I double checked right now). On the left, there is a sidebar with all the folders listed...
Why is Juliet Summers on this thread…unless you’re suggesting that little Becca will eventually get that big
(2.1 MB, 3024x4032, 1633683813085.jpg)
Your suggestion is interesting, at the same time it would be majestic to see a Becca as big as Juliet, it would be sad because we already know how the story ends, Becca is very well as she is now, if she maintains her weight she can remain beautiful and still have a considerably long life (if you go around 70 years old), if she gets close to the 500 pound mark, the scenario starts to get worse, if she decides to go over 600 she will have to run to gain as much weight as possible before she dies, but we don't want that, right? Becca is nice, fine people and, on top of that, with an unparalleled beauty.
Coming back to your question, no, I posted the Juliet's content because I offered it as a thank you to the guy who only showed me the MEGA with the photos of most of the sets.
Are you a girl?
perhaps technology and medicine will advance to save 700 pound Becca. Who knows what tomorrow holds.
does anyone have the content OF
check coomer, it's fairly up to date
Does anybody have her last weight in ?
What’s her coomer site ?

how much does she weigh now? Can't be too far from ssbbw territory...
She weighs now 200kg

here the video and her most recent weigh in
Can you share it with wetransfer or mega please?🙏 🙏 🙏
It is a wetransfer link, just base 64 encoded ?
Thanks for the link, but I don't know how to open or download it :(
thanks bro :)
Becca’s got the best arms in the bizness.
I see Becca getting a lot bigger. She’s still in her twenties and is already 432 pounds…her bf love her at this size and you can just see how easily she piles on the pounds when she is content.
as the guy above states, Becca is only an SSBBW when she is over 400 pounds, so she lost her SSBBW when she drop all the way and now she is again there
I think SSBBW starts at 130Kg in my view.
Although Becca looks like she is below 150.

On Myspace, where she begun her career, was she known as just a little bit chubby (plump) and had photoshopped when her pictures, that people regarded her as slim model type.
You're welcome to think that's when SSBBW starts weight-wise, but you're standing alone with that number.

Omg. 130 kg is where BBW starts. Anything less, unless she’s under 150 centimeters is merely a chubster.

Nope you ought top improve your reading skills, I didn't claim this at all, I just maintained that 180Kg as begin of SSBBW is nonsense, but the BMI is rather important. With over 40 it is most likely a SSBBW, as this is obesity type 3 medical (fat-Addition).

I have read in a fat admirer website/ forum that it begin with 300lbs or 130Kg.
BBW begin with 80 or 90 kilogramme, at least in Europe, as that is Mode than Chubby/ thick, with an average female height of 1,67m.

These Numbers here are often fantasies of pupertary boys which mastrubate on it.
Molly-Tiziana was with 130Kg a pretty sexy SSBBW in my view, with a läge double-belly and fat-chin/ face. She is around 1,70m I think.
thank you so much friend :)
(777 KB, 900x2200, 1654789686948.png)
Boy, I wouldn't mind getting taken down and ground-grappled by all of that

damn I missed it. I'll have to be more vigilant for a reup if anybody wants to do that
Any chance of a reup?
That blocky ass I is looking a little uneven compared sith her belly. She could do her figure a favor and even it out by working in some squats between stuffing her face. If her ticker can handle it, big if when your pushing 30 and past 400lbs. But it would help round her out, otherwise I think she's just going to become more shapeless and blobular as she packs on weight. Whoever's feeding her should put her on a regimen. Nothing to be done about her tits of course, no far girl consolation prize for her, lol.
LOL yeah, squats would help round out the ass of a 400 lb woman... Hope you're not a personal trainer, though that would be par for the course. As with all women, her fat distribution is what it is. You couldn't even do enough lipo on her belly to even it out without killing her.
When she started out as "Pearchan" her whole thing was cute face and big ass but as she got bigger over time her ass stayed the exact same size and everything else got loose and blobby.
the ass of someone who sits on it and eats all day every day
that ass pure beauty perfection
Gorgeous with no makeup
(832 KB, 2640x1488, cust2.jpg) (866 KB, 2640x1488, cust1.jpg)
I'm curious is she makes a ton of money off of customs or her BF just makes enough money to support them both. She only posts like twice a month on her BigCuties and once every 2 months on her OnlyFans, and I don't see how that can bring in very much income. I'm also surprised I've never seen any of her custom content leak. Is there anything else out there?
There's rarely custom content leaked because people pay good money to keep them private. I have a few custom clips from other models and they're for my eyes only.

Her tits are among the best. Having a girl gain lovely weight and her tits staying reasonable small size is a hard to hit jackpot.
That's her superiority.
And what's your problem with her ass? It's big enough to be lovely, balanced with the belly and everything.

Shape-wise Becca is a true gem, an icon to behold.
(198 KB, 864x1152, 420becca_all.jpg)
She's looking absolutely fucking enormous in this new vid, I can easily see her passing 500 within a year
Sexiest arms on the business.
not really but opinions are always subjective here. theres people who post pics of grody old women on here calling them sexy and beautiful so I really dont know what the standard is around here other than if it has fat on it.
Silly argument either way. 99% of men are 100% disgusted by any woman with a BMI over 40, whatever the proportions.
Does anyone has this set?
(420 KB, 1073x1604, 8AFF2CF3-D83B-430D-A5FF-8525447AF8C3.jpeg)
Becca has achieved proper fat girl status…look at that fat girl face and those arms…she’s definitely closing in on 450 and she seems unlikely to stop.

Her cheeks and chin look so round nowadays and it´s extremely sexy
I gotta say I admire every inch of this woman. Face, tits, butt, feet, legs, belly, fupa. Even her hands are perfect.
smh no love for them upper arms? sheeit
anyone in the know can plainly see becca is super cute and goddess level effortless casual fat glam. nothing more we fans could ask for except her to eat more ice cream and stuff like that
It's amazing how absolutely blob like she's become.
Cindy G but with an attractive face. I'll take it.
her coomer hasn’t been updated since July. Now that is a crime.

She doesn't hide her posts on onlyfans, only the content. So just go there and scroll down. You will see that she's made LITERALLY two posts since her coomer was updated. One in July and one in October. That's the real crime.
Well she is obviously busy getting fatter and lazier.
>I don't like canckles
I love her cankles…and all the rest.

Her legs are perfect now.
I hate those bones that stick out down there. Such a relief to see a gem like Becca that has those properly concealed.

Becca's legs are among the very best on the scene now.
Was looking at some early Pearchan pics….she has really gotten ridiculously obese. I never would have guessed she’d get this big based upon her early days.
Thats what makes this Fetish so fucking awesome... Just look at her now im 2022 and how muc fucking PURE FAT she gained. Let that sink in!
that’s what a million slices of pizza does to a cute chubby girl’s figure.
probably less than a million
Does anyone have Beccabae set 176? With her and Sasha together?
She really is becoming a cute CindyG
I don't see it tbh
becca's a total original
She was an original…the more they blobout the more they look the same.
>>65226 You keep using that word and I don't think you know what it means.
(181 KB, 800x1191, 424beccabae_all.jpg)
looks a bit deflated again in this new set
lmao huh? she looks fatter than ever
i’ll bet if she hops on the scale right now she’s mid 440s
It's a shame that Heather posts her sets out of order and sometimes months after they were originally shot. You can tell by her hairstyles and where they're shot
(330 KB, 1169x1760, C5E5C3B9-A268-4779-A7B5-FA351767E5FF.jpeg)
It’s December 1941. The Japs have just bombed Pearl Harbor and you’re being loaded onto a transport ship bound for Midway. In your shirt pocket is a picture of your sweetie. It’s a bit naughty for the time but it’s for your eyes only.
Fucking fuck, go be a gay weirdo loser somewhere else.
(392 KB, 1169x1725, 671A0CD0-DD7E-466D-A812-D70815129CEE.jpeg)
Finally after four long years at war, Truman drops two big ones on the Japs and you’re sent home. Your sweetie is waiting for you and she promises to wear something that will make you remember the picture that she gave you, the one that you’ve carried in your pocket these many days. You open the door to the house and she calls to you to come into the bedroom. You’re already hard as you rush to the bedroom…and then you see this.
This man wishes he was a genius so fucking bad
If you’re in this site you are by definition a weirdo loser. Not gay mind you, just a fucking weirdo loser. You are too. Embrace it punk.
You. Are. Out. Of. Your. Fucking. Mind. Btw, I'm not a virgin either, and I won't tell you how old I was the first time I had sex because it'll only fuel your hatred. So shocking. He loves fat girls. Fucking dweeb. In my day nerds got pussy and smoked weed. You're an amateur.
The guy is posting farting videos of MEN not women in a section for BBWS.
The mods don’t like you posting videos of ssbbw in the big bootie sec. I think men fart videos are more way off course.
Looking huge as ever in her latest vid!
Hopefully there's a coming "New Year, New Weight" set in the pipeline.

Didn't think anyone was dumb enough to put shitty music over a facesitting vid but here we are
(721 KB, 2585x1836, ass.jpg)

Thank you so much for this. Imagine ass that ass in your face!
Girl got big.

Can I get a reup on this?
She looks even bigger in her lates pics..she’s really filling out.

She’s a big boy
(2.3 MB, 498x249, 188.gif)

Oh for Christ sake!
Beca being among the most feline, gentle and plushy girls out there and people like you keep repeating this boy nonsense.
Short hair is okay for a girl. She could shave her head bald and still be just as feline and attractive as before.
Does anyone have this video? please
Is autocorrect making you talk about cats?
I’d love to see a comp picture of there in that dress now that she’s gotten really fat.
she so fine. different from a cat though.
Was her highest recorded weight the 433 weigh in? Or has she put out something newer?
433 was her latest although she looks like she’s continued to grow. I’m thinking she’s in the 440s at this point.

Do you believe this?
She appears not like a SSBBW, but as a normal BBW and was original just plump (did on Myspace some Photoshop edit, that she was regarded as a random beauty/ model, before it was found out that she tricked).
She is obviously much lighter than the fantasie-number, like Lailani and Plump Princess, below 150Kg at least.

Are you high? Look at her cankles. There is no way she is 150kg. My ex was 440 pounds so I should know what that looks like. Becca is definitely 430+
She has Lipodemia so there is that to consider.
How come every obese 400 pounder claims to have lipedema? It’s not lipedema honey….it’s the ring dings.
In other words….her legs are exactly as fat as one would expect on a woman who has eaten herself up to 433 pounds.
Veelyn was a favorite…Her shape is super hot, It’s a shame that she retired.
Who will you trick here?
You are not smart enough for this fraud to me, as I have enough experiences to know how women of that weight really look.
There is no way that she weights more than 160Kg!
She lied first when she pretended to be a slim model/girl. Therefore it is no suprise when she now is lying to be fatter than she is, since maybe 5 or 6 years. That might be almost similar to Geparke (but not so extreme and many lies), even the body build.
Bro think he the weight gain warden
I love her red hair phase…it’s interesting to see her together with Veelyn who was bigger than her at that time…now she’s bigger than Veelyn.
It’s so hot when the “little sister” gets bigger than her fat older sister.
Thank you! Do you have the photo sets as well?
(377 KB, 709x1480, Screenshot_20230128-143310_Samsung Internet.jpg)
Just popping in to leave this here so you will maybe humble yourself.
Also, I never photoshopped my photos in the Pearchan days. People just didn't understand the concept of a fat girl having a slim face (not that I have one anymore 😂)

Anyway, howdy boys, hope you're doing well and stuff
I am indeed, which was interesting to me as well considering she's also like 5'10" or so. Got a good 60lbs on her now 😂
Nah, it's speculated that 10%+ of women have lipedema. Lipedema also generally can make you more susceptible to weight gain and when it's left untreated for long enough, it progresses into lipo lymphedema. Pretty much everyone with cankles/huge calves is going to have that (or just lymphedema) because it's not a typical place to swell or gain weight otherwise. There are examples of people like Marilyn or Ellie who pretty clearly don't have it in their limbs despite being very fat as well.

Also, I prefer Twinkies.
Since you're here, I figured I'd let you know that I think you would be even more spectacular at 500 lbs. Just saying...
If twinkies are the cause for your gains I’ve got to admit that they’re a gift from the almighty.
would you ever consider a redux of the red hair period? I loved that color on you.
I didn't know Becca was Canadian
Becca is one of the most beloved bbw on the scene. She’s such a hottie and her transformation is jaw dropping.
Just fornthe record, this troll comments on everyone's threads about weight lies. Fuck him, even among a community of scum we want him gone but apparently Noone knows how to ban him
It is well known that the pictures were photoshopped and common sense (on Myspace or Pinterest, maybe Facebook too),,as there were in some the body visible.
So not so clever try of you, to expect we are more dumb than you...
Wait your name is actually Rebecca in real life?
Why the fuck would you use your real name to model? That’s insane!
Also we’re all super glad you broke up with your soyboy ex husband. I swear he sucked out the hotness of any of the vids you included him in

Why do you keep posting these same 3 pics? This is second time if not the third.
Well as youself are the trolls and you are naiv as fuck if you really believe these abstract (astronomic) numbers!

For the record, she was the first which mentioned Photoshop here in this subject (before I did)...
So this appears suspciousin my view.
By the way you just have to google a little bit before 2010 (maybe to 2008) her name to find out what is the truth, ... if you really want to know it (you continue to live in your fantasy).

As I maintained before approxiametely 85% of these fat-fetish models are faking the number of weight (and maybe 5% of them are really into this fetish).
>>70477 Okay, but why do you care and why does it matter?

Because I don't like to be tricked and some (if not most) people/ boys on here can not really estimate the physique/ proptions (shape of bodies) and they just get cheated by buying contend for something what is not real (but they don't check/ get it). But also because of the few women which are honest, like Ellie, which claims still to weight just 199Kg (but with one enormous, huge giant-tummy), though she was few years ago on 187, but this doesn't matter (I can trust her number).
Some frauds are pretty obvious as Plump Princess and Lailani.

When Rebecca first alleged to be a normal size/ slim girl, when she was teenager (maybe 15 - 19) and it was found out that she was chubby or plump, there came up a real shitstorm, but she was lucky that social media had not so much developed as now (was just the beginning of Web2.0, now have we Web3.0 or Web4.0)
>>70486 Ok. I won't ask you to become a better eriter, so can you please write the same thing again but more concise?
Can you show some of the fat German women you've been with that your estimates are based on? really curious. And note how you believe Ellie's weight is legit, who has most of her weight in her belly and are sceptic of the weights Courney and Becca show who are leg-heavy. We really need a medical professional like skellybro to school you on how pears have higher weight ceilings than apples.
I thought you were referring to the ginger Libertarian dude but they're still together lmao.
I had mentioned one who was shown here and was on webcams (she was partly in Florida or somewhere else too of USA, but met her in Leipzig), named Viola Tittenfee (which means she has very large breasts, but she has a nice belly too), but I think she has a piercing on her clitoris and was smelling to urine there strongly to me.

Another one which I met once (in Mannheim) was Molly-Tiziana, which was in some reality formats and a talkshow (Britt - Talk am Nachmittag, Pures Leben and Frauentausch as Sandra) on Sat1 and RTL2, around one decade ago.
I met another SSBBW from Dortmund who was guest on Britt too, which wore a transparent necligee (maybe two times), but she had likely not her own teeth in the mouth, although she liked tounage-kisses most.

I met one SSBBW which much bigger legs/ thighs than these two in Magdeburg (which is half Persian, just 1,48m tall, but now just around thirty), which has elephantiasis, but weights around 170kg according to her (when was it maybe 150).
But in Hamburg I had one with Yugoslavian heritage, which had around the same height as Mary Boberry, but a giant belly, like Ellie and a huge arse. She told me, that her boyfriend stick several times a knife in her tummy (therefore were there big scares) and the doctor told her, if she wouldn't be that fat, then she would have died. But she was when even not that big than when she met me.At that time she weighted 180Kg, but was two times the size of Plump Princess and Becca. I meet also a Maroccanian woman in Cologne twice, which was the first time over 200Kg (the second maybe 140) and one close to Dortmund which weighted over 200, which looked like the Austrian Cindy the first time (the second had she shrinked down a lot too, but told me that she was the first not 180Kg, it was the highest possible number in the profile, but 206).
Another one, who was friend of Viola but older and more pear shapped from Leiozig claimed that she weighted 190Kg. She told me there is a statue maybe in Barcelona or California, which looked like her (maybe a Venus) and the architect was supposed to build it after her, as she got invited to that.

So I have some experiences which all shapes of BBWs, including different SSBBWs.
Had in 2021 another one with almost 170Kg, tall like a man, which I met three times, which is from Leipzig too.
I guess I had in the range of 170 - 220 kilogramme maybe around 10 women, with which I slept, few of these several times.
By the way have neither Rebecca nor Courtney that extra large thighs; I have had much bigger once, including the rest of the lower body, like that half-Persian, but also that with the 190Kg, who is almost 1,80m tall.

Though Tiziana weighted just 130Kg, but she had a pretty big soft and fluffy double-belly, like Bonita (Prescilla) at her peak, almost like Victoria and bigger than Destiny, but she has a shorter height.
Why are you guys seriously considering what this fucking troll is saying … com on man this is worse than the infinite looping of “bump”
I'm trying to imagine the scenario as you were wooing and bedding these ladies so I wrote a short play. The cast is you, Kraut Autist (KA), and Frau X (FX), who is a BBW above or below 170kg, known in physics as "The Autist Mean."

FX: "Hi, so nice to meet you."

KA: "And you. I love naming German cities and the women I slept with there. Many of whom weighed less than 170kg, some more. How much do you weigh?"

FX: "That's rather forward, even for a German!"

KA: "It's important."

FX: "180kg...? What's in the suitcase?"

KA: "My scale. Do you mind?"

FX: "We're in a bar."

KA: "So? If I am to sleep with you I must know your weight. I despise women who lie about their weight."

FX: "Well, okay..."

KA: "Aha! 166kg. So you have been untruthful."

FX: "Yeah, sorry. I had the flu last month."

KA: "Cunt. Get out of my sight."

Das ende
(16 KB, 282x244, 2023-02-01 11_02_39-Window.jpg)
if this was le reddit you'd be getting my eternium, good sir. LARPing in this place matches only the thirst for vagene coming from the subcontinent. the hun provenance in this case is just an icing on the cake. don't be stupid, be a smarty, come on join the....
7 trolls. Count them.
And to think I was pleased to see the Becca thread on page one.
(1.3 MB, 3264x1836, cute.jpg)
can we make a separate thread for useless chatting? Geez...
Are you 15 years old? I have to be quick, that you caretaker don't catch you and put you back in the cell, of your psychiatric hospital.
But at least you have a lot of (free) time, as you proved!
Ich habe dich gewarnt, ich veröffentliche nächste Woche deine Anschrift und deinen Realnamen, wenn du nicht deinen gesamten Onlineinhalt löschst.
Vielleicht komme ich auch bei dir vorbei...
Maybe more, maybe less (if one has several identities here)...
>>70689 Several identities or if the identity is not identified. But that's not their only blind spot!
It is obvious that neither Plump Princess nor Becca are SSBBWs, but just BBWs (therefore the nick of the first, which says it all).
Jacquline and Luna were already fatter
in 2010 (or 2008) than these others are now.

By the way I didn't repeat that I met Miss Stacie (one of the first 3 Bigcuties) around Eastern 2019 in Heilbronn. She was with 200Kg too big to fit into jacuzzy or in the shower.
She had no navel, but a huge tummy.
Around that time I also met one SSBBW with Arabian heritage (a milf) which had not only a large belly and thick thighs, but also a cute double-chin. She was with 155kg when narrowly immobile. She was a journalist/ photographer (told me that she interviewed Regina Halmich, the first female German boxing world champion, which is from Karlsruhe, in 1995 or 1996).

I had also one with arpjnd 180Kg in Berlin in 2016, which has a huge belly and arse, but injuries (wounds) on the skin there.
There others there were about 120Kg or just 90 - 100 kilogramme and often African or Latin American.
I’ve browsed this website since 2014 and I swear to god, the collective IQ of this website has dropped 70 points since then.
Two women that are 400+ pounds aren’t SSBBWs? I’m surprised your head hasnt caved in from all the empty space inside of it
We both know, they never weight that...

If you really don't, then you have to learn a lot (or will always get tricked).
She’s been over 300 pounds since obama’s first term and she’s grown significantly since then. You’re just a fucking schizo dude
(49 KB, 300x307, thumb_reason-to-only-show-your-face-shipmentoffail-com-face-only-53052927.png)
>She appears not like a SSBBW, but as a normal BBW and was original just plump (did on Myspace some Photoshop edit, that she was regarded as a random beauty/ model, before it was found out that she tricked).

My dude, that is a direct quote from you up there, that I replied to. Exhibit A shown below, where photo was saved and then cropped by the person posting it, acting as though I had cropped it. That point in time was when I was just learning about fat admirers/fat positivity, so I was posting my shit in Curvage all the time and it got taken from there. Ironically, there was never even any Photoshop used from 4chan, it was just simple cropping or putting my selfies next to full body photos.

I sincerely do hope you're trolling though and you're not delusional enough to think that your own anecdotal 'evidence' is enough to dismiss actual notes from my doctor's visit. I haven't been 315lbs since I started at Bigcuties over a decade ago.
(5.8 MB, 5184x3456, IMG_3925.JPG)
Even in this example you gave it's clear you do not understand how proportions work. If Ellie is 438 lbs, then she weighs slightly more than me. She is also several inches shorter, and if you compare our arms and legs there is a massive difference in size that would even out the overall weight being close. You could literally just take the weight from her belly and redistribute to legs and arms and get a similar size and shape to mine.

Also, I think you missed the part where I got posted on 4chan every day and scrutinized every day for months due to not yet having a fat face.

Anyway, to make up for clogging up the feed arguing with idiocy, here are some photos of my lil chubby body.
Man, if only

If it weren't for the horribly annoying upkeep that comes with red hair, I'd go back to it in a heartbeat. It's my favorite too

tbf, I made that name when I was like 16 or 17 and didn't realize how fucked up/creepy the world could be.
(5.9 MB, 5184x3456, IMG_4050.JPG)
ope, I meant to upload more than one picture in the last reply, but it'll only let me do one at a time.
I love Becca. She’s such a babe and a nice person too.
As I maintained before most people refered to your pictures as a bad example for getting tricked by editing (Photoshop among others), even if you may have used a different programme instead (like Coral or Free Hand/ Pagemaker). At that time was you probably below 100Kg, as it is over a decade ago, when you was under 20.

But I always estimated that you weight not higher than 160Kg, so your number would fit to this, when it is the current weight.
But you speculate in the inexperience of the boys here in women, that they trust this.
It is a open secret that on Bigcuties were alleged higher numbers too, as Heather pretend to me before 2010, that she would be as heavy as Summer was when and bigger than Candy Godiva. But she was at that time barely a SSBBW herself.

Plump Princess, Raini and Lailani on the other hands are most likely below 150Kg and never weighted more.

Geparke for instance shall have had now a gastric-surgery and her whore-mother Schwester Ewa pretend that she weighted 190Kg (but it were maybe 119 kilos).

It's Becca, it's all about the tats.
stop wasting your time arguing wth trolls lol
The only saving grace of this thread is that Becca made an appearance and put that troll’s head in the dumpster where it belongs. If we can now get back to Becca and her 425 pound body we will all be better off.
The only reason I want Russia to be victorious in Ukraine is so they'll keep pushing into Europe, reconquer Germany and kill this autistic kraut motherfucker.
That is rather not save, as this was possible not Becca, but a fake/ guy who just played games with us/ you...
Well if things went different you would be in a concetration camp now...

Someone here pretended to be Becca, sent pictures of Kass and nobody imagined that we got catfished...
I don't know about Science. It doesn't interest me the way pussy interests me. I exist mostly to germinate beautiful girls' eggs.

Wtf dude? kraut's delicious. Am I the only straight dude in this whole fucking site?
(167 KB, 572x1457, 5D20FC39-3EF0-44CE-A022-54F5184FE16D.jpeg)
I want to see Becca redo this photo set…red hair and all. I’m thinking that she’s piled on a good 70 pounds since this pic was taken.

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