
(247 KB, 900x1200, gigi_promo_005.jpg) (118 KB, 688x1024, gigi.jpg)
shes hot af and I haven't seen a lot of her here
looking for sets 13, 18, 19 and 21 but anything is appreciated

some jackie and jodie vids in return:
Definetively underrated, anything from her would be very appreciated

Some Plump Princess/Foxy/Jacqulyn to give some content instead of begging, unfortunately I got nothing for Gigi


Really appreciated! I tabbed out to see the wetransfer link and you came through lmao
Can you be persuaded to share more, particularly the beach sets, and if so what would you like in return?
If you have any recent Luna that'd be amazing.
If not here's her beach/poolside sets !

If possible could you share the squashing sets! Unfortunately I have none of her but can post Ellie sets instead!
Wow, thanks for these. Do you happen to have downloaded the picture sets? I'm a great fan of pic sets and she is by far the best model Big Cuties has recruited in ages. Thanks again sir!
No worries, here's all of her squashing vids. Hope she makes more soon.


I have a few pics, but not all. I can download them all and upload it here later on in the day.
She's a one heavyweight beauty! Thank you so much! May I request videos 2, 11,17 and 23 if you have those pretty please?
Wow, I look forward to them. You're the man!
She is a dream but you are a hero.
Do we know how much she weighs? Has she done a weigh-in?
Feabie says 415 9/9/2018
Wonder how much heavier she is now
Do somebody know what happened to Gigi's sister? I don't remember her name very well but i think it was Honey-----something like that.
>>16268 - Yep I got em'
>>16279 - Weigh in included, video 17 ^^^
>>16273 - Thank you !! I've been wanting that video!
Holy shit. This is the most civil and controlled bbw chan forum i have ever seen. Props to you gentlemen for being friendly and professional.
Wouldn't be cheeky to ask for the set 6 video would it? Please.

Would it be too cheeky to ask for set 6's video?
Her most recent weigh in video showed 447.3 lbs
Not at all!
As promised !

Does anyone have any vids of her burping or just any vid with burps in it?
>>16377 if it was to choose between Naz and Gigi i think i was gonna choose Naz. Even tho Gigi is already a goddess
Wondered If you could post Ellie sets on this thread or the Ellie thread. Enjoy her content, especially the squashing videos, she makes.
Has anyone got any pics or vids of Naz? It would be interesting to compare.
any reups?
Could some kind soul upload 1, 3, 4, 14, 15, 16, 22, 24, 25, 26?
Could someone please re upload sets 9, 19, 20, 22? I didn't even realize this thread existed.
Sorry I'm a new at using this interface when it comes to replying, vs just commenting, @24e1e6 would it be possible to re up? Please and thanks ahead of time.
Bump for the reups please.
I've met her in real life, she is HUGE and has a dump truck of an ass
bump for a re-up
>>17143 her sister is just neat. I need more of her. Sad she vanished from web
Bruh ssly? No one can re up??? What do ppl want for a simple re up?
simple, share some of your vids, and not some random links :)
Damn she is so hot! I'm surprised that she isn't modeling.
Im a little late to get the links, so can anyone reup?
What was her last weigh in?
bumping this thread and calling for new videos

That's a morff, dawg.
Anyone got any more vids of her to drop?
She just did a recent weigh in, does Amy know if she broke 450?
Dunno, ask Amy

Hoping for more contributions!
Gigi is ok but her sister is retarded as fuck, one of those zodiac signs maniacs.. she thinks all virgos are the same etc. etc.

Sorry, I meant Gigi is GREAT*
>>28908 look dude, there's obviously only 12 types of people in the world, regardless of different religious or cultural backgrounds, just deal with it, don't be such a libra lololol
Already down? 😢
Anyone have pic sets past 25?
Any chance of a reupload?
What was her last weigh in?
Can you please re up these vids! Any squashing vids from her.
Anyone got her squashing videos
Has anybody got the burping se
Seconding this and also looking for sets 46 and 50.
Some earlier vids in return
link takes you to the homepage, not content. Mind resending the link?
Could you transfer through megafile?
(25 KB, 437x192, mab.jpg) (62 KB, 933x567, mab2.jpg)
with general highlighting of links, this is what:
Bumping for anything of her
Can someone please re up the squashing vids?
Need a Christmas miracle over here
y'all fucking simps don't deserve Gigi.
Merry Christmas is over, it's time for Pippin Christmas and I'm only doing this on the occasion..
Thanks man!
(73 KB, 362x502, IMG_20220101_001827.jpg)
Pocahontas of dreams. Just look that huge upper belly roll 🥰 breast that reach past the elbows. Thighs and ass, there is no one that has so thick.and still so perfect pear shape.
Bump for more content

i missed it. re-up?
Anyone have set 46, 50 and 51 ?
Pocahontas? She’s fucking Mexican bro
5 gigs of gigi

looking for 37 46 50 and 51
Hey can ya'll help me cus the link has parenthesis and even though I delete it, the link still doesn't work, how do I fix this?
thank you. Link works fine!
Link doesn't work for some reason, can someone pls help, I'm sorta new to this
you removing whats inside the parenthesis as well?
should become...
I don't know what to tell you other than be careful you're not removing too little or too much
Thank you friend, you helped me get it to work now, I missed out on so much shit cus I didn't know what to do with the parenthesis, you helped a lot!
Wonder why Gigi went into modeling over stardustcheetodust? Or why stardustcheetodust didn't? They're close, right?
Can we get a re-up of that link
Sisters, actually
Can someone pleaaaase reup that 5 gigs link
Any chance someone can be a hero and re-upload her burping video?
It was never uploaded
Hi all, im Looking for sets: 37, 46, 50, 51, 54 and 56. If anyone could post these it would be appreciated.
In return here is one of laylas recent OF videos and a gig re up of gigi.



If some videos are posted, i have some recent roxxie OF to sweeten the pot.
Bump for anything please
Anyone got her newer vids?
Bump for more content
Anyone got her new burrito vid or any stuffing videos ?

Some bonnie in return
why this thread been so dead :| can we please get any content ??
It's so strange how no one seems to have a sub. I thought she was a great addition to the BC lineup.
Na someone definitely does she wouldn’t be in business otherwise and she is pretty popular. Probably just ignoring this thread or being stingy
No one HERE, I should say. We're definitely not the majority of the community but even still, no one vocal has one. Maybe a lurker.
Aww yea check out all this Gigi content I got and I’m not sharing none of it, you got me! Booyah!
Aged like milk

Thanks, do you happen to have set 37 or any of her stuffing vids ? I am going to post some more older vids later when i get to my pc. Hopefully we can get this thread rolling again.

finally some content.
thank you!!!!
You are the goat man
idk what it people people are in a giving mood today

do you have that Halloween set from last year? I saw a preview on IG and it looked good. if you're looking for something lmk and I'll see what I have!
Anyone have her Picsets 25 - 35?
Does anyone have the burping set (I think 51)?
I wonder what she's going to do that's any different than at BC? I never got the impression she was actually into any of this.

I'm more just interested if this is going to be a bigger number or a "here's the REAL number - BC tampers with scales!"
....and at $17 for a 4 minute video. I don't know who put it in her head that she's hot shit, but those are BoBerry prices.
Tired of coming on this site and seeing the ugliest bitches at the top of the bump order like yall have some horrendous taste lets get some gigi here. Currently uploading some content to mab lets get the ball rolling .
Anyone got the Silk Erotica one?
Can someone reup her squashing sets i just got into ssbbw gigi i would like to see how good her videos are
Lmaoo fr we keep getting the ugly hoes instead of the cute ass ones like this one
Bbwchan needs better taste
Thank god someone feels the same, idgaf how fat she is some mfs have the worst fat distributions and end up looking like goddamn monster
Not talking abt Gigi when I say she btw just any fuckass looking model that people have terabytes of content for instead of the pretty ones for some reason

smh I come on here and see fucking trolls, people arguing about dumbass shit like lip injections or a drawing of a fucking bee at the top of the bump order. this site fell off so hard, I remember the archive days where anyone could get anything just had to have a name. or the volafile days. now you cant get shit and its just a dumpster fire half the time + all the bitches are ugly.. anyways hers that mab up-load i promised a while ago i completely forgot lmao. Heres to hoping we can get some of her newer vids posted.

Thank you sir!
Np 👍🏾 Lets keep it going
Beautiful lady, what is height?
LOL it says Ellie at the bottom!! Big Cuties is fucking up LMFAO
Her baseball set looks so hot. Any heroes happen to have it sitting around?

Felt generous. Here you go my man:
Get it while its hot as i probably wont be reupping, tired of constantly posting for no help in return.
You're a fucking legend, man.
what are you looking for in specific
Yo whats good with cc bill ? Looks like no ones gonna share here so im going to get her clips for myself but that shit wont take my cards

I've had the same issue as well. I guess they perma-banned me /shrug
How tf do you get banned ? I’ve purchased before with no problems and never done anything shady
She's really getting so fat! Anyone have her last weigh in?

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