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>>129447 (OP)
When is this video from? Just curious, it’s tough to tell from the angle. Other vids you can tell if it’s from when she was fat, when she moved in with Kelli and got huge, or at the end when those thighs were incredible. Thanks for sharing.

I had lots of her Clips videos then that computer and hard drive died. Sucks, since she closed the store. She had a lot of great videos.
Circa 2016 when her c4s was still open, she had some amazing clips
We need more content and pics!!!!
Wish we could get just some newish pics. Seen in a few places she's over 700 now, and I can believe it because she was one of the ones truly into it. Would just love a glimpse.
She was doxxed pretty bad, and withdrew completely from being a public person. Can't blame her on that.
Kiwifarms had a whole page slagging her. It was bad.
ugh well that sucks. I wondered why she just shut it all down like that...
>Over 700
Pics or it’s fake ;)
She doesn't appear that old
If true, she would make so damn much money with an OF. Well, even if she was back down to “only 550”, she’d make bank. Show off them enormous thighs and that belly, she left the scene right as she got beyond huge.

all of the most recent i have. anything in the 200 sets would be appreciated. i have older stuff if anyone is interested
She's not coming back. 3 years ago or so she moved completely to being a fat activist, and decided that having a past in fetish porn was a bad look to be a social warrior.
And when did he make porn? In his videos he only ate like a pig and struggled to move. Furthermore, his content became more and more boring. At the last he only talked and talked and hid her legs with horrible camera angles.
Porn can, but doesn't have to, include sex. Naked videos are porn. Both by definition, and in common understanding.


Looks here in these videos rather like 200 - 220Kg to me
Updated with vids from the 200-300s
I wish I had known how big she would get (and that she wanted to). A friend of hers offered to set me up with her 12+ years ago (we both lived in Virginia at the time). She was in the 300s at the time and at that size, wasn't really what I was looking for. If only I had had a crystal ball...

I had a holiday romance with a girl who was 420 who was the biggest girl I'd been with at the time.

5 years later and I hooked up with her at a BBW bash and she'd blown up to mid-500s and her man had fucked off. I'm surprised we didn't break the hotel bed. Shame I didn't live in London. Hindsight eh?

We always said with Kelly and Ash that she didn't look to have nor want an exit plan, now we look at her and wish she'd have continued with modelling, it would have helped her stay a bit more glamourous. Still, her gain was fucking tremendous, there are half a dozen of her videos that are in my GOAT book for nutting one off.
> 🐐
Stuck in the Hallway?

That shizzle was tremendous
The stripes video, last one where she walks in video (across a room), is my GOAT video.

And much earlier C4S vids where she describes her mom’s reaction to how much bigger she is and why she has a scooter. And another describing family at Christmas and she can barely get into the house. Those are golden for me.

Most all her walking vids are great. I like watching them in order, from slight waddle to holy hell that mass on her leg is unreal she can barely get around.
Can you remember the name or number of those videos? They sound great.
304 is the stripes walking video. It’s in the gofile above. The other two were C4S and I lost em on old hard drive. They were epic.

There’s also another C4S where phone is in shopping cart as she walks around like a CVS. You can tell she’s not acting, she is panting. Leans on cart for help. Then lady at register mentions a sale on candy bars. She says no. Then reconsiders, says life is short. Man, to be behind her in line while that plays out in public!
Where can I make a thread?

The walking in the hotel corridor video was always a fav of mine. I also liked her stairs videos too.

There's a c4s video of her walking out to the car as well where she can't shut the door. For a video that's so totally non-porn I always found it hot as fuck. It's a shame she doesn't post much now.
Anyone have that video where she fantasizes about being on top of a guy and literally smashing his pelvis yet refusing to get off til she cums?
gah I don't have it saved but someone definitely posted it fairly recently so it could pop up. one of her best vids.
Ash is one of the GOATS of feedism. One of my absolute favs. Does it suck that she doesn’t post much anymore, sure. I’m just glad she got as big as big as she did before retiring. That bottomless set for BC is spectacular. Looks likes she’s wearing a tailored bed sheet with how big she is. Christ her thigh roll was almost hanging to the ground in that. Could be the angle but still. If she is over 700 now then good for her. Always thought she would try for the 1000 lb club but sometimes plans change.
Wow I had no idea until now how hot her thoughts about fatness and feedism were. The idea of someone fascinated by the Guinness Book and daydreaming about wanting to be the fattest person—then actually stuffing yourself to become huge—so resonates with my fantasies growing up. Much respect to Ash wherever she is.
And fact that she was disappointed when she’d weigh in and “only” be 580 something. Or not much over 600. I wish she would’ve weighed in at the end of her modeling, just for curiosity sake.

She’d make a killing if she did OF.
> she fantasizes about being on top of a guy and literally smashing his pelvis
So like what happened to one of boberrys clients?
I never found any video or anything that Boberry said did anything like that, they are just rumors
Yeah I’d love for her to make a comeback on OF or something like what Boberry has. It wouldn’t even matter what she weighs now, especially if she got back into gaining. One of the best bellies ever and no one has thigh rolls like she does. Her ass shelf was epic and that waddle was incredible. I like that she got into fat liberation because honestly that’s part of the reason there are so many confident fat women and a lot more feedees who are open about wanting to gain. Ash if you’re reading, you are appreciated. Hope you’re doing well and hope you’re happy.
Testing, testing 123. Is she making a comeback?
can someone drop some ash and kellie's clips4sale store clips, i think it's no longer up there anymore.....
store was gorge us girls i suppose...
Does she still do her podcast?

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