
>>129163 (OP)
Anyone have her stuffing boxes of takeout vid at her heaviest? Think it was called Hungry hungry Adeline.
>>129163 (OP)
Damn, didn't realize she'd made a sex vid. It was boring as hell but hey, appreciate the share.
BEST SSBBW HANDS DOWN need more video of her especially at peak weight
jfc her getting stuck in that bath is so ridiculously hot even if she does put it on for show a little bit its clear how much effort it would take for her to get out of there
She was cute in the vid with the green hair but now shes just kindof scary and gross.
She seemed to have lost weight
Her wolfing down the cake at her peak weight is one of my all time favorite vids. Any model.
>>129163 (OP)
The sex vid in the pool is pretty boring but my god the site of her huge floppy tits and inner thigh rolls flopping about has me diamonds.
The post date cake stuffing is also hot as hell
Anyone have any of her burger stuffing vids?
Need more adeline folks
Goated drops
Anyone have her belly button videos by any chance?
Anyone have her weigh in at her heaviest.
here is a quick re upload of my original post as well as some extra's from the people who also shared.


again, if someone has more please share!
She was never going to stay in this forever - my guess is she's going to model and do fetish work until something stable comes along in a therapy or psych job and then quietly retire. She's already lost a lot of weight in anticipation.

>Close one chapter
>And open a new one in grad school
Grad school.

Like, she says it, bro.

Not found. What was it? Re up?
I'm guessing she takes online classes? Hard to imagine her waddling into a lecture hall.
extremely curious wtf she is studying like she wasn't on the verge of losing all mobility a couple years ago
I know right? She’s teetering on the verge of immobility, but hey she’s got a degree!
anyone have the “out of breath waddles” video?

>namedropping Jung in your graduation post after finally graduating at 35

God it’s so funny when these bitches try to act like they’re intelligent
Re upload pleasee
Imagine being a psych ward and hiring a mentally ill woman who let her boyfriend try to kill her with food. It’s begging for a lawsuit after she falls on some crippled child and crushes him to death.
Lmao well, she may not crush a child or she may, but regardless she is not a mentally stable adult who I would trust to be my counselor. I mean, she used to (probably still does on occasion) get zooted on xanax and gorge herself on fast food. So much so that she got really close to not being able to stand. Not the best look for a psychiatrist
I'm just a little baffled by her choice in career. It comes from a good place, but anyone who willingly gained to 700lbs and did sex work off of it is going to be more of a subject of study than most who would make use of her psych services.

I don't want to admonish her for having an ambition outside of eating herself to death but surely that's going to be the elephant in the room when being considered to work in a practice. I know she's purged her presence from the Internet a few times but some things linger. Guess that's why she looks smaller with every post on Instagram.
lotta seething here. Try bettering yourself instead of being mad that this woman's more intelligent than you are.

Good for her. She has a lot of options for social work and counseling career paths that don't necessarily need in-person meetings to be successful. I wish her the best.
b-b-but she was supposed to just keep getting fatter and fatter forever because that is both possible and realistic, and definitely wouldnt have ended in her just dying or having to lose anyway. Won't anyone PLEASE think of these guys penises ? If a number on a scale isn't going up, neither are their genitals, WHERE are her PRIORITIES
Best comment ever 😂 seriously though, I don’t think people realize how hard it is to live at that size.
Right? As discussed above on this thread, she wasn’t dating a feeder, she wasn’t trying to gain—she is “just really good at obesity” (which is my new favorite line lol)

A lot of people become therapists because they’ve experienced it working on themselves personally—after going through a ton of shit themselves.
I literally just think it’s funny dude she can do whatever she wants and I will always appreciate the years of nuts busted to her. However in a vacuum, the pseudo intellectual schtick coming from a human blob who thinks she should be counseling people on how to improve their lives is just objectively humorous
>lotta seething here. Try bettering yourself instead of being mad that this woman's more intelligent than you are.
Woman gets a cupcake degree in a joke science. Retarded Simps act like she’s Rosalina Franklin.
Let’s be honest, no model who gets above 600 pounds and loses it after age 30 can ever get healthy enough to live a normal life or work a normal job.
It’s cute she got a degree and is quoting a marginally scientific Nazi who stole many of his ideas from a sexual victim of his (Sabina Spielrein).

Plenty of people who study and practice psych are/were fucked in the head themselves, it's what spurs them to study it and work with others with mental health issues.
That’s what I’m saying, if she was really smart she wouldn’t think Jung quotes are deep
Lol I love how everyone is mad, saying how dare we expect her to just keep gaining and that we should be happy that she’s choosing to better herself. I am happy for her, I don’t expect her to stay barely mobile and do nothing else with her life. She can do anything she wants to do, I just think it’s really funny that a xanax taking, barely mobile due to sheer gluttony woman is going for psych. I certainly wouldn’t want my psychiatrist to be so obviously a major addict would feel like I should be counseling her lol
Not to get too far off topic, but these links (which have been great - Thank you so much) seem to suddenly be getting shut down. Not even sure what was in the last two posted links.
> everyone is mad
No one here is mad, we’re just mean spirited bullies who feel big by making fun of people who are easy to pick on.
A professional consumer whose celebrating “having sat through undergraduate psych classes” as if it’s some form of self-actualization rather than job-training for a job she will never work (professionally glamorizing self harm is probably disqualifying).
Plus it’s a dumb quote, the greatest privilege isn’t self actualization, it’s what follows after self-actualization: helping people, producing valuable work, having a family and caring of the next generation, being a benefit to your family and community.
No number of remote community college courses can help her be anything past but deadweight on her boyfreind, family, my tax dollars, and the medical establishment. She’s an utter waste of a human life, that’s kinda the only reason why we’ve ever jacked off to her.
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Hey buckos, can we please just recognize that you're bitching and arguing about some fat gal's education? It's shit that will never impact your life and which doesn't ultimately fucking matter on a fat woman porn sharing board?
I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but can you please STFU if you have nothing to contribute other than criticism of her education? It's retarded. She did a thing that has zero impact on our ability to pirate and share her content, and ya'll are getting philosophical about it and ripping apart the wording of a post she made to celebrate something that she should have the rightful expectation to celebrate. It's dumb, it collectively makes us look dumb, and as stated, it's retarded.
based. It blows my mind how these yuppie larva constantly do it but then again its probably the only place they get attention and feel relevant. Its so fuckn weird.
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I’m sorry to continue arguing over nothing important when we’re all here just to jerk off to fat ladies, but the idea that Jung sexually abused his patient mostly comes from two sources, a fictional memoir and a discredited hit piece. Even Jung’s critics deny the sexual assault stuff. And calling him a Nazi is a pretty big fucking hyperbole too. I’d explain here but I’m pretty sure everybody’s already sick of my autistic rant. Again, sorry fellas.
All yall motherfuckers need therapy
Not that anyone seems to care, but just saying the links are now disappearing in record time. No idea what they even were. But do go on with your conversation. .
>he’s only kinda a Nazi and maybe a rapist
Ok boomer 🍉 ✌️
Wow pally, still saying ok boomer? What is this, 5 years ago? Ah, who gives a fuck, none of this matters. It’s kinda fun tho.

For the rest of your post, I’d change “maybe” to “probably not” since while it can’t be disproven outright given all parties involved are dead, it’s more than likely that never happened.

As for the Nazi thing, there’s an article on Google written by a Jewish PhD about the claims and even it concludes he wasn’t one.

A’ight, I’m going to bed. This thread has probably ran its course unfortunately. There’s still another up that basically serves the same purpose though.
Yeah probably. Given it’s a fat fetish board, I’m sure we’re all more than a little fucked in the head.
About a week ago I dreamed about having Adeline as my therapist, and then broke some rule and couldn’t see her anymore, which was shockingly traumatic.
>I dreamed about having Adeline as my therapist, and then broke some rule and couldn’t see her anymore, which was shockingly traumatic.
This is either some da Vinci level trolling or I’m reading way too deeply into the parallels to Jung retold thru Freud speak.
Hey didn’t that before pic get deleted when someone posted it years ago?
All Golefile links down.

What would I even do with therapy? "Hey doc, I jerk off to fat girls" ?
Can someone please repost the sex vid? Thanks.

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