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You know the drill - last thread has been bumplocked, so we're moving the discussion here.

Here is here latest Livestream and a cut-off clip of her dwarfing a twin mattress. That's the latest we got available, folks. https://gofile.io/d/E5Uy5u

THE CURRENT SITUATION: It's come to light that for the first time in her career, Mary is now cracking down on people sharing her content. Anyone caught downloading and sharing her VIP content is now getting banned from her site, if they were the ones leaking it. It is unknown if this is some bit of tracking or metadata that isn't being detected by conventional methods, or if she is piecing together when PPV content is being bought and shared. As such, we're in a drought until someone discovers a workaround. So if someone asks why we're all just yapping and not sharing content, point them here.

Feel free to share theories and sperg out over the best SSBBW in the biz while we wait for someone brave enough to risk their membership for BBWchan
Thank you for sharing
Thank you very much for sharing this unknown person on the internet, you have won heaven 🤟🏽
Anyone got set 122, the one where her slim blonde friend massages her folds? Either that or that gofile link with 350+ of her bigcuties career
I can’t watch the live stream video
The live stream download isn’t working, could anyone help with that?
You need to open it with VLC
>>126929 (OP)
Thank you kind sir. Does anyone know the date/VIP update number of these 2 videos? I like keeping it in line with the naming convention of the previous ones
>>126929 (OP)
Kek she now huffs and wheezes every time while she talks, if she gains more weight we can prob see her take breathing breaks eventually. Hopefully she gains more than 650 maybe 700.
everyone holding out for the stair video ijusknowit
Excuse my ignorance, does anyone know why Mary Boverry's face is very thin for her weight? I have seen women with much less weight but with ugly faces. I always thought she has a little surgery on her jaw because of her double chin or something like that or maybe it's just genetics.
Here are the newest and most anticipated videos! I already brought you the last weigh in. You all just keep talking and don't do anything. Incredible. Hurry up, otherwise she will have the link removed again.

She is so incredibly gorgeous and such a sexy voice too. So happy she’s back up to her highest weight yet and hopefully she keeps going. I really need to see her hit the big 700. Marry me Boberry so we can make this happen.
any1 got set 122 where a slim blonde girl massages her fat? either that or the gofile link with over 300 bigcutie sets of hers
Wow, that video where he's on his back and can't fit through the door frame is incredible. Only autistic people like us who like Boberry understand this fetish. Because other people find someone like Boberry horrible and his face is very pretty.
We are autistic, because we like a fat woman who doesn't go through doors. We need to go to therapy friends
Yeah no, but fr...
Imagine telling someone how your getting of to a fully cloth Woman walking up the stairs/eating a large quantity of food/burping etc.
For me even looking at her challenge food order receipts gets the thoughts rolling just right...
I remember when I saw on Instagram that they were making memes with the viral video of her on the plane that occupied two seats, almost all of them were fatphobic and negative comments towards her. I even talked to many friends and coworkers if they all told me that she has a pretty face but they wouldn't date someone like her.
Everybody talking, talking, talking...and then you bring the goods. Much appreciation, brother.
I thought you got banned, my man. Was that all bluster?
>>126929 (OP)
Any king got a reup of the recent livestream shared?
jesus fucking christ, does she have a team to take down everything so quickly?
if you dont charge a fucking kidney for your shit no inovation content, nobody ever was going to pirate it. I mean, i like her content a long time from now but there is no way that someone do such a shit content, just walking and saying bs whule going upstairs, and expect us to not pirate it.
Well.. that link lasted about 8 hours... Thanks anyway...
If she's trying to ban fans and stalk us to prevent her content from being shared, that's just ridiculous. One can also exaggerate. If I want her content, I'll get it. Nowadays she can hardly prevent sharing. But when I read posts like the one above, I almost regret sharing.
Hate to be the guy but is there any chance of a reup? Missed it overnight
Has anyone ever thought of contacting her management to complain about these business practices? Just call up the banks front office and ask the secretary to connect you.
if 2/3 people send the files they got we can compare the hash to see if the contents are different they may be hiding data in the video itself
I appreciate your contribution all the same, my man. I'll do what I can to keep reuploading when needed when I can.

Did you purchase these or were they shared to you? Now I'm not sure she's actually banning anyone for sharing content, especially if those weigh in sales were so precious to her.
God Boberry is so hot and attractive. Her husband/boyfriend is very lucky to have her.
Damn, how those stairs are creaking under all her weight
That's just incredibly hot
Absolutely love that
Does anyone have her recent live stream?
Maybe you guys should just… I don’t know… subscribe to her? She already mentioned she’ll be cracking down on pirating so she can release a more sexy side of herself, without it being all over the internet. I mean, it’s 10 bucks. How many times have you jerked your ding dong to her? Might as well support her
> How many times have you jerked your ding dong to her? Might as well support her
If anything she should be supporting me for that. Fat women will pay your rent if you call them beautiful and she’s the size of a carnival sideshow, “take the compliment and move on with your Burger King order”.
>so she can release a more sexy side of herself

Girl hasn't even shown a nipple in her entire career and now she wants to show a "sexy side"? Just tell your family you do softcore porn, girl. This whole "I don't want people to see" schtick is old. You're the most popular SSBBW softcore porn model on the Internet by a large margin and whatever you post is getting shared. Make peace with it.

This whole push to get leeches and pirates to subscribe reads as her manager pulling numbers out of thin air for how much money she's "missing out on" when she's doing LEAGUES better than every other model in the business financially. You can pretend she doesn't, but I don't see any other fatty fucking off to Europe for 8 months. What, does she want to swim in a jacuzzi filled with Dom Perignon?
Can someone post all vids from after her weight in so we can get caught up
Gotta love when coomers cry about content. Yes I jerk off to fat women porn, for free, just like 99% of you, but i don't bitch when a takedown happens.
Can anyone post all her vids from after her weight in, there the only ones I'm missing
Can anyone post all her vids from after her weight in plz
>She'll be cracking down on pirating

Tell me one good reason why that ultimately would work in accomplishing her goals. Hard to find someone relatable, when they(or their team) feels this is necessary. I genuinely think that all models should just adopt the "Zoey" method. (Apparently she's doing relatively well for herself, but I don't remember anyone being jealous.) Then we (might) be able to see Mary not just as the most successful model, with a generous income. On the other hand I've been thinking about the time she was very upset about that airplane vid circling around. I did not want to see her upset, obviously. I think that is most likely the source of her animosity towards piracy. So I can see her her point of view... sort of. Also this conversation should happen in /gen/.

Anyways, here's a couple vids that HAVE been shared, but if someone >>127053 didn't catch them here they are.
IDK how you can't regret sharing content here, watching anons get withdrawal symptoms because Mary's content doesn't get pirated the millisecond it comes out anymore is entertaining as fuck.
Fun thing is piracy is basically a hydra. The more they work to take down content quickly, the more this same content will be reuploaded and by different people, and more people will be downloading it since they know it can expire at any moment, plus with so many posts her thread is basically always on top so more visibility.
There are men who get horny with the noise of creaking stairs, others masturbate with her giant ass, others think about her beautiful feet, then there is me... who masturbates thinking about a story about me going behind Boberry while she goes up the stairs and falls on top of me... it would surely be my last day on earth
Is anyone able to post her livestream
That pool video tho. She finally showing off her nude booty. Now she needs to make pool videos like Xadrixna’s. For summertime there seems to be not as many ssbbw swimming videos as you’d expect
Facts. It’s hilarious how her and similar models say what they do isn’t porn. It is, just softcore. Diva B made a similar comment, saying she doesn’t do porn. Oh yeah, because being nude or nearly nude and getting in sexual poses isn’t porn.? lol
> say what they do isn’t porn. It is, just softcore. … being nude or nearly nude and getting in sexual poses isn’t porn.? lol
Ok Potter Stewart.
is there sb who chan reupload the las stream, I'll upload some content in advance
(470 KB, 1080x607, vlcsnap-2024-08-08-19h37m52s448.png)
Of all the stuff recently released into the public domain, the stairs vid is my all time favorite. Highly recommend. She may be overplaying being out of breath/shape/etc, but you can't fake struggling to fit through a fairly typical stairwell .

Thank you heroes of bbwchan
Her face looks... different.
Uh "Fat women will pay your rent if you call them beautiful" bruh that never happened, also if you're a chubby chaser or a stalker and you see one of them and yell like an horny animal "OMG you're soo beautifull" they will call the police and take you in prison.

Like what kind of fucking retarded mentality do you have to think THESE women pay your rent? It's the opposite THEY will make you pay THEIR RENT ... so exactly you pay for them. Are you fucking serious?!

>>127061 uh idiot, this site BBWCHAN itself is pirating ... this community is stealing content for years. What kind of delusional clown world do you live?!

You guys have developed schizophrenia and brain damage, idk what the fuck is wrong with you.
> Uh "Fat women will pay your rent if you call them beautiful" bruh that never happened
Dude I’d hate to tell you how I afforded law school. Totally happens if youre a decent catch, it never happens to short, out of shape uggos.
not to mention her ass literally taking up the entire stairwell. god damn is that top-down angle the hottest fucking thing.
Her ass used to be a lot rounder and perkier. Idk, the melted candle era kinda ruined her overall shape.
Is anyone able to share her livestream please
Boberry vs Sadie: who had/has the better booty??
Sadie is a midget. BoBerry is actually a proper human height.
Is it possible to re-up all her sets again cuz last link expired
5’2 vs 5’8, although Boberry could be taller than that. I feel like tall women intentionally lowball their height
That one is a no-brainer. Boberry for me and probably 75% of USSBBW lovers here. You have to really like that shape to go for Sadie (and I believe most of us like a more balanced distribution of fat, even if we like it a bit more in certain places - I like pears, but not THAT extreme of a pear).
>>126929 (OP)
could anyone reup the hot tub video with Kass please
a re up of the newest videos would be appreciated
any and all videos of this butterball in public please
i mean, the shape in that moment wasn't what was hot for me, it was just the fact that she's wide enough to have her ass touching both walls of the stairwell
Pretty autistic, I’d say pretty much everything in that video, especially about her, was a contributing factor in how hot it was.
Like that video she did where her TORSO filled up a doorway, before her ass even came into the equation.
Superhumanly hot girl shit I guess.
how is this related to boberry?
Sorry, could anyone reup the latest vids, please?
This fat goat always breaks my expectations with her videos, from her ass taking up two seats in London to her not being able to climb a staircase without crawling. For that reason, for me she is the BEST SSBBW of all
"pretty autistic" lol what even
Can someone re-up the stairs video please.
Could a king please reup the latest vids please?
Regarding the stair video: Can she really no longer walk upright up the stairs? Does she really have to crawl? Isn't that much more strenuous? It's crazy that she does this to herself by eating so much that she becomes so excessively fat.
No the problem is that she can't fit, she's so massive now that she ends up being wedged in places and has to put in extra effort force herself through.

(watch or grab it quick, prob won't last 24 hrs)
Nice video and thanks for sharing. But again, what’s up with Ssbbw insistency on covering up their butts in videos that focus on their butts? If it was a public place and/or didn’t focus on her ass I would get it but neither are true in this video and many others so what gives?
Probably the difference between it being an intentional sexy video and an everyday struggle video (which is hot to us)
She mentions in the video that she needed to wear the leggings in order to slide past the metal handrail that her hip/thigh was pressed a good few inches into.

Her doing that same thing in only panties would be mesmerizing though.
>>127610 I agree, ssbbw s are always covering up and doing stupid shit. Loads of videos where you think, what gives? Bloke just uploaded 160 GB of such videos. Belly vids? More than enough, I don't get it. It's not even exciting.
Boberry and these other “models” are softcore pornstars. The entire purpose/only reason these women do these videos is to be intentionally sexy
Its rlly funny how she got instagram famous and normies start wtfing her videos and femcell fat activists started using her airplane video as a way to complain about society all the while not a single one of them realized it was fetish content for us.
(>>127693, >>127116) and they say it never happens, so wait you need to change your DNA and become an angry feminist to approach these women: imagine what kind of alien technology do you need to AVOID these horny motherfuckers without being cyberbullied, OOH WAIT it's because people is jealous of Boberry.

Yea guys watching Boberry became a luxury for LGBTQ psychos, probably one day people will understand what means being constantly harassed by those imbeciles!
So are you not taking your meds or is this the kind of schizophrenia that you just can’t treat?
Imagine living in a world where women are entitled to choose everything and everyone, a world where 90% of men got raped, abused and throwed inside a milkshake of tears and pain ... imagine if these women aren't happy and satisfied of having destroyed the 90% of human population with their feminist bullshit, imagine if they use their POWER to lobotomize and HIDE the bodies under pile of fat and happiness.

They said I need to take my schizo pills, but I can't imagine anymore thanks to these women .. once I saw the giant booty of Boberry I forgot everything, I forgot to eat, I forgot to breathe because the only thing in my mind was touching the grass that nobody ever touched.

Unless that grass is made of fat and cheeseburgers, in that specific case then I'm allowed to have fun and jerk off every day with my dick in my hands.
Some masturbating with their asses and others dedicating love songs to them, then we get angry when they call us autistic.
She has another new video!!!!
how much do your refresh her page daily just to beg the millisecond she posts an update?
A lot.
Anyone has any of her stuffings? Thanks in advance!
If you want stuffings, you're wrong here. Check out BBW Layla.
>>127814 Thanks I saw some online so I figured to ask here
Twin bef vid
(682 KB, 627x768, Boberry_2.png)
Sorry if this is really old. But is there more to this? Is it on Bigcuties? What set number? I know she's not going to show any private parts BUT DAMN this is still hot!
Can someone share the newest Content
Can somebody please send the Live stream and the Single Bed video. It would be greatly appreciated
Pls can reuplod somebody?
I love her hair so much. It's always so pretty

But he's not wrong though. Soft fluffy hair is one of my turn-ons. What I wouldn't do to rub my eyes in her hair. So if your gonna call anyone a dork, it will be me.
You are talking about a ssbbw and when you say soft and fluffy you are referring to her hair… yeah not my thing. I much prefer her soft and fluffy body.
Wonder if she wears a CPAP
Wonder how many women use BBWchan
It’s just crazy to me that the guy giving a hair compliment seems straighter than the poster calling him out on it.

Do you remember what set number it was? I just recently subbed to her big cuties and its a LOT to go through lol
Obviously her body is GOAT, but soft hair is a bonus. Mary has a lot of the things that I consider ideal. Pretty face, Soft hair, sweet personality, lovely voice. She is unreal in her beauty.
Anyone able to share contents after the Mary's 624 pounds weight-in?
Can someone plz send the bed and live stream videos
Anyone can share her last 2 new videos?
Can someone plz drop the newest boberry videos
Anyone can share her last 2 videos?
>>128274 I’d say, many. Girlfriends and wives of weak men. We are lurking around, reading comments, trying to finds cues of our husbands’ betrayals :) . Because, we know. We found out at some point, cried ourselves to sleep, and thought about ending things. Many times… Many such women have the body shape of Mary even - the smaller waist, the larger hips, the skinny face for their body size… you know, we’re just not at 600 lbs. Still gorgeous, young, plump, jiggly. Anyways… if you are a husband and you are scrolling on here at night or when I’m at work, there’s a grand chance this post is about you. If you are wondering if it is, it probably is. Scratch that, it really is about you. Maybe at some point you forgot to close that incognito window on your phone… or maybe that’s just a collective experience on here! You shouldn’t be here. Go make love to your wife and be grateful you still have one. And never come back here, if you want things to stay that way :) I’ll let you now in a future comment if that ever happens :) I wonder - if you are a single man crazy about Mary, and then somehow you get yourself a woman… would you still come on here? Because I personally don’t get it, enlighten me.
I love my wife and we've been together for a long time, we have children and we both work full time jobs and our schedules don't always align.
Shes an absolutely stunning BBW that I hassle constantly for sex. We both aren't always in the mood at the same time so coming on here is an alternative, it's not like I'll ever cheat. Till death do us part.
You're absolutely right, don't listen to these gooners-in-denial. I am one such husband and trying my hardest to quit, I am only here because pornography is a terrible addiction and right now it has the best of me. I'm lucky to have an incredibly understanding and supportive wife, who recognizes this affliction for what it is: a mental disease brought on and nurtured by the seediest elements of society. It prays on and weakens young men, steals precious experiences, vigor and confidence from them, and kills marriages.

Hopefully this is the last message I ever read on this board. Thank you so much for the reminder. If you're struggling, read this short book: https://read.easypeasymethod.org/

It teaches the best method available for quitting pornography. My failures are in spite of its advice, it'll probably work for you. If you don't think you have a problem with pornography, but you're reading this, then you do.

Peace out BBW-chan
Or maybe, just maybe it's not about that at all. Porn is healthy in moderation. Maybe some browsing on here prevents cheating. Maybe some couples watch it together. Don't make judgements on people when it clearly sounds like you've been wronged in the past and are biased. If no one is hurt, then what's the problem?
This thread is a shit show. Get back on track!
...to keep my prostate healthy.
My wife knows I’m on here and I send her posts from it and we talk about it. MShe knows 600lb women get me rock hard, unfortunately she can only give me 300lbs.
Does she do request videos?
Somebody pleases drop boberrys latest videos 🙏🙏🙏
I doubt the lesbians would want to interact with this sausage party lol
If someone were to drop the live stream and twin bed matters videos idk what I’d do

I love all of the cute little squeaks and squeals she makes, if you slow down the playback to half speed at the 1:30 mark in the twin bed vid it sounds like some kind of sexy whale call lol.
Thank you for sending the video u a real one
It's been 10 hours and it's already down.
Anyone have folder, which contained all Boberry old content?
If you told me years ago that Boberry links would get taken down in less than 12 hours I’d think you’re crazy
I believe it was taken down
I believe you should go fuck a rake
It's weird times we're living in. She genuinely didn't care about piracy before her latest weigh in.

The notion of her doing anything slightly more risque has really riled up the simps. Guys, do you really think someone who hasn't shown her nipples in her nearly 15 years of being hot online will start doing anything naughtier than she's doing now? Be serious.
>It's weird times we're living in. She genuinely didn't care about piracy before her latest weigh in.
I think she’s in it for one big score before getting WLS or Ozempic.
I mean... she's 600+ lbs and pushing 40 so I can't really blame her for wanting to live to see 60. There's a long list of girls her size that didn't make it past 50 never mind 60... so short of her being committed to the very end the only other option is to deflate... hopefully in a reasonable manner that doesn't lead to complications.

In the meantime enjoy it while it lasts, you know she is. Uploading once more for anyone who missed that 10 hour window-

I think it's gone already, unless you copied the link wrong.
Yeah she is 620+ pounds and she’s 39, idk where this goes/ when she will eventually retire, but ya gotta give her credit to an extent where, she hit 600 in probably early 2018 at 33, maintained it for like a year- 2 years, dropped down to 550, and then over the course of the last 2 years got back up to 620+ and doesn’t seem to be in a rush to lose weight but who knows, may as well enjoy it while it’s here
Anyone got the newest livestream
Im cumin on the back of my neck
She has a new car video!
(4.4 MB, 2778x1284, IMG_6210.png)
Holy shit she is massive, takes up nearly the entire front of the van!
Could we please get a re-up?
Not sharing her videos and getting banned…but honestly it’s pretty boring. This is the highlight seeing how much space she takes up, talking about needing two seat belt extenders, how she overtakes the center console plus part of the passenger seat of a 7 seat van.
Thanks for the info! But you will not get banned hahaha
You might have to share in on myairbridge I think the link will last longer on there
I’m just surprised she found a car in Europe she could actually drive. Even most SUV’s would have a center console.
the new stairs vid is actually pretty great imo, the top of stairs angle was a great touch. watching her struggle to carry that thang around >>>
Looking it up the seats of that van are 18-20” wide. Someone more autistic than me do some math or something and figure out how much space she’s taking up here. Also worth noting she said this was in June. She’s also stated she thinks she’s gained some more since her weigh in so depending on when in June this was she may be up to 20lb heavier now than in this video.
This is a minivan not a van guys citroen c4 picasso around 2014 year of make
Shit, every time I see something new from this woman I wait until someone shares her new video. Could someone explain what it is about?
No she is 150 - 170Kg and 37...
I honestly don’t know how anyone can be as stupid as you are.
This Ass Hat is obviously doing this on purpose, either he's just trolling or has some kind of degradation fetish.

All we can do is learn to ignore him just like that big Marvin Jerk that try's to scam in every thread.
guys there’s a new paid video, can anybody share it?
(177 KB, 1170x703, IMG_6640.jpeg)
For 18 dollars I think it's worth it, in the preview it looks super huge
Holy shit guys i was wrong thats the grandpicasso van!!!!
Shit like this truly shows how huge she is, I love it!
i try fatten her too 1000 labs
Does she do request videos?
It's great !!

Dude, delete your user code or smudge it. This is how they track and block accounts.
Well then she just have to get three times as big as she is currently...
Now we only need the car vid

And 1000lbs sounds like a good number but 800lbs would be great also
Why is myairbridge so slow?
Wow! Can anyone share it?
she isn't going to let randoms without subs dictate what content she makes, no.
Wow can you share it?
Can someone share livestream and car video plz
Guys we need a hero to share this clip
I'm going to sleep, wake me up when that hero arrives
Motherfucker stop promoting your shit channel here
A hero? Nope sorry ... I don't have the money to become a REAL hero, my bad!
So she’ll do request videos for people who are subbed to her, correct?
>>126929 (OP)
Its sad cause she got so much potential/genetics to be super huge and we will probably never see her at 700 jist cause her boyfriend is a travel maniac and this fatty cant get a break :// do u guys can imagine how hard it must be for her to move this much at 600lb?
Maybe he loves to see her suffer lol
Imagine his poops
Since you don't understand "her boyfriend" SHE IS MARRIED WITH FOOD, calling that guy a maniac because he puts so much effort into make her traveling is an insult: Mary Boberry is huge and wants to grow fatter because again SHE's eating MORE than before.

So yes if she won't move and don't travel, she won't eat ... you realize her stomach burns more calories than a nuclear factory, how you think she's getting fatter? Magic?!
This is the only way to make her hungry and tired.
Anyone can share her last car video?
What a nonsense: She had lost since 2020 some weight and her tummy was never very fat (similar as Plump Princess, just taller)
She is most likely in the range between 140 and 180 kilos
Somebody plz drop the recent car and livestream videos
Sadly she said that she doesn't do customs at all, because they are not worth her time/effort.
This really sucks tbh bc she's at her peak weight and doesn't do anything with it...
I'd be really interested in spending a substantial amount on a sumo wrestling custom or a really large stuffing.

Or she could ask her community/look at the Google forms results (she has one on her paysite about content ideas), and do a community funded custom where she would get her moneys worth before even filming one bit.
So something like "I'll do the sumo custom if you manage to donate X amount of $ before N days.
I'm the autistic guy who thinks what it must feel like to be under that huge ass when I watch videos like that, I wouldn't mind if he broke my neck.
As awesome as sumo/wrestling vid would be, I don’t see her doing one as it doesn’t fit her image. She also has a fear of injury, but I’d be more worried about the opponent!
Her just wearing the sumo underwear would be hot
Request videos aren’t necessarily customs. The distinction is customs are private/a transaction of only one person to another, while request videos can be the ideas of one person that could be seen by all the subbed people. Potentially. If she doesn’t even do that, then I think the only options besides the ones you mentioned are for the whole subbed fanbase to request that of her, or for those people to all unsub. Btw I’m with you on the sumo wrestling idea.
Wdym doesn’t fit her image? I’d say it does fit because she has more physicality than most ssbbw. She’s noticeably mobile for her size, has done several workout videos, and is huge even by ssbbw standards. Wrestling seems to be something that would be up her alley. If injury is a concern then the wrestling could occur in a body of water, or other softer surfaces than normal floor/ground. There are ways to make this work. As for who Boberry should wrestle, who would yall choose?? I want to see her wrestle Plump Princess due to similar physicality but she lives in Canada. Doesn’t Boberry live in California? Iirc, other ssbbw who live on west coast are Sadie, the Bombshells, and Randalin
She has to do a sumo custom, she's doesn't even need to do it against someone else for now she can just do the sumo workouts while wearing the outfit and train by stuffing her face.
The more she continues her VIP site and the more these requests are getting ridicolous, even if she did the Bigcutie's set while she was naked taking a shower ... she tooks like years to choose to go outside and having confrontations with fans, Boberry is the kind of human that relates more with cameras than human beings: the last time she made a squash set Mary was terrified to be touched, trust me making wrestling will be possible with other fat women ... because she's NOT that confident to do it in front of cameras with her boyfriend.
I would love to see Mary do an ASMR video. She's got a very soothing voice.
Anyone have the full vid of the car one?
Anyone still have that wandering around vid? the one with the black kids making fun of her.
…can Bo even have conventional sex anymore? She did a measurements vid with Cass in early 2023 and each thigh was 56 inches. Fast forward a year and a half later and she’s 50 pounds heavier and undoubtedly less flexible than in the yoga videos. For reference, I dated a bottom-heavy woman a little bit over 500 lbs once. It didn’t work out because the sex was just too much work. Plus, Bo can really only walk 30 seconds at a time. How long could she possibly keep her legs in the air? Just food for thought.

Calling BS, I'm pretty average down there and I have bagged some BIG bottom heavy girls and never had an issue
This is the most incel post I've seen in months
Have you heard of doggy?
Or.maybe lift some weights and get the strength to have her rest her leg on your shoulder while you plow her on her side?
Fuckin amateur hour
Well there are hundreds of videos of ssbbw getting fucked, like if someone can handle lets say Bobbi Jo, Jae, Ladybrads, or Reenaye then how tough could Mary be? Plus, looking at that yoga video she did a while back she seems fairly flexible.

Anyone still have that wandering around vid? the one with the black kids making fun of her.
Can someone share the full car vid
Bobbi and those other Mercedes models have monster butts fr. If they were prettier they’d be giving Boberry some competition but as is, face is ultimately what matters most in terms of looks, hence why Boberry is still the queen. She’s hot/pretty and has the body to go with it
This is why people go to school, instead of going to the gym you must learn how to lift the giant hips of your girlfriend: fucking hilarious!

Next time you ask me to pay at the restaurant 😂🤣 holy shit guys you're amazing!
You are right about the Mercedes models. (That plus the damn cameras clicking the whole time in videos vs. the great quality videos that Boberry puts out.) But you cannot deny that Hayley - who is younger and still getting fatter, and who I and many others find just as pretty if not prettier - is giving her a real run for her money.
I love that angle the Mercedes models often do where they lay down and point their asses up, but their butts are so big they don’t even have to arch up lol. Pear Bottom in particular has some incredible looking pics/vids in that pose. I wish Boberry would do that more often. She’s don’t it sometimes but go figure that her panties covered up her ass. That’s something else the Mercedes models do well: wear panties that don’t cover up their butts. Boberry should take some pages out of their playbooks
>you goku a restaurant and see this, what would be your honest reaction
If the foods not good I’m sure the servings are!
Try to get a table behind her. :D
My reaction would be a completely involuntary moan of lust.
(668 KB, 909x940, Picsart_24-09-02_23-20-49-410.jpg)
I was bored and edited this image of Mary to put it in perspective compared to a normal weight girl. Yes, I need new friends :(
Anyone got the full car vid
People would pay lots of $ to have sex with Boberry, or even just facesitting or squashing. I’ll take it a step lower and would even just pay for Boberry to sit on me like this, fully clothed and everything. Even just on my lap would be ok. Let’s be honest, a huge ass sitting on your lap feels more pleasurable for longer than sitting on your face does, even if the facesitting provides more instant gratification
I am married to a very large woman and when she sits on my chest she occupies everything from my neck to my crotch and the sensation you feel when your ribs bend is something crazy but exciting for me.
> People would pay lots of $ to have sex with Boberry, or even just facesitting or squashing
They did before that incident made her be more restricted and apprehensive, due to the tremendous risk of compressive trauma.
From what I understand her ass has deep pocketed investors (specifically the Saudis). They had the business and its assets insured but under very specific terms and conditions.
I wonder what bobbery must think when she reads all of your schizo comments.
If she was in the pocket of fucking Saudi Princes she wouldent have to have a pseudo porn site.

I can top that, I would travel half the world just to see that ass sitting somewhere in public..
What incident? I guess I’m out of the loop. Let me guess: dude had a squashing session with her and he was lightweight? If you’re over 200lbs and work out you should be fine if an Ssbbw squashes you yes even one as big as Boberry.
How much did she/does she/would she charge for such sessions? I’d pay over $1000 for an hour tbh
In her most recent Livestream she was asked why she doesn't post squashing content and if bad experiences had anything to with it. She said the she did not have any bad experiences but rather likes to keep this type of content private because she doesn't want it online. Also denied ever doing escort or anything of that nature, so every story about her doing paid services is probably made up.
Anyone still have that wandering around vid? the one with the black kids making fun of her.
It is very dengerous!! Even more if the guy is pretty skinny… Mary is huge! I remeber back when she was active on tumblr she ask some of this questions and she answer that she was afraid to do squashing or facesitting sessions.
Also in one QA video of her in bigcuties i remeber that someone ask her if she ever injure anyone in a squashing session and she say “no, but i almost kill someone, ALMOST” and she laugh a little
She’s basing her experiences off lightweights smh. I guarantee none of the dudes she squashed weighed over 200lbs. Also did she just drop on them on some Thicaliciousent type shit, instead of ease their way into it? Well that’s possibly another problem Boberry has had with the whole experience, but that’s an easy fix
Link to the livestream? Also that’s funny/inconsistent of her consistently she has content like that from her earlier days. Similar case with Sadie where she stops doing that kinda stuff. Ik she still face sits but compare the sexual tension from her BC vids to her bbw royalty vids and the difference is night and day, literally. I guess age got to these 2 and they went soft. Idk
I just said what i remember, and i remeber very well
>She said the she did not have any bad experiences
>Also denied ever doing escort or anything of that nature

I flat out don't believe her. I genuinely think she abhors being affiliated with sex work, and being know for TOO fetish-y content or being handsomely paid for private/exclusive time with rich suitors would degrade her image, at least in her mind. No, I think she wants to deny even the notion of it so people don't get the wrong idea, but wouldn't turn down a generous enough offer for her to break her rules.

When you're rich enough, you can get anything you want, and e-girls who say no to private sessions are not excluded from the menu. And if you have to ask how much, you can't afford it.
Plz drop the newest livestream and full car video 🙏🙏🙏
(30 KB, 220x126, patience-young.gif)
...we all would appreciate Boberry's latest video, but this incessant begging is annoying.
How is she so normal for a woman over 600 pounds?
What I find funny is that fetish models like Thickalicious or Bigmommakat make their victims exploit their bodies from the inside without any mercy and Boberry is afraid of hurting someone. Likewise, Mary has much more class and is much more beautiful than the models I mentioned above.
In a world where size is quite immense,
Two groups reside, with distinct sense.
One brings joy, the other brings bane,
Both as large as a rushing train.

The good folk, they are obese,
With hearts so large, they bring such ease.
Their purpose clear, to help mankind,
Their actions gentle, thoughts so kind.

They share their wealth, they share their time,
To make the world a better place, a climb.
Their laughter echoes, it's full of glee,
They spread democracy, like a honeybee.

But then, there are those who are cruel,
Who break the rules, who play the fool.
Their size daunting, their hearts are small,
They want to see the good ones fall.

They hoard their riches, keep them tight,
In the dark corners, away from sight.
They plot and plan, with minds so sly,
To hurt and harm, and further lie.

But who will win, in this great divide?
It's up to us, in ourselves to find.
To be like the first, to rise above,
With acts of kindness, and a healthy love.

So here we stand, at a crossroads vast,
To choose our side, to cast our past.
For in the end, it's not about the size,
But the good in hearts, that truly ties.


BoBerry is an exceptional product and all others fall short in comparison.
Make a religion about it and consider Mary the devil, trust me you will find it appealing!
how someone could be so ridiculous?
Big Momma Kat was almost one and a half times as heavy as Mary Boberry.
anyone have that wandering around video, the where where the black kids make fun of her.
William Shakespeare ova here
Can somebody send the livestream or full car video
Bump we gotta see that car video
She wouldn’t ne scared to do face sitting/squashing if she actually sat on big strong dudes instead of these weak ass lil dudes she chooses for whatever reasons
Anyone have the video of her walking up the stairs? She’s wearing all black
I really like crushed can you share a picture of her actually sitting on you full weight on your chest. Whatever crush she crushes you on, I'd love it if you shared
Do you live in the Bay Area and work in tech? I’ve heard these rumors more or less for a few years.
Who’s autistic enough to ask her these questions? What's she going to say “yes I’m a hooker and Ive curb stomped a man into a coma with my ass, also I stomp waffles.”
I can. She’s done similar before.,
It’s like Boberry saying she doesn’t do porn. Straight up lie just to keep appearances… for some reason.? Thing is, who actually gets lucky enough to get private responses from Boberry about meet ups? I guess they offer over $1000 on the spot.?
>It’s like Boberry saying she doesn’t do porn. Straight up lie just to keep appearances… for some reason.?
I can understand the ones that try to pivot to weight loss influencer not wanting to be known as sex workers, especially ones intentionally weighing more than 7 bags of quickrete.
> Do you live in the Bay Area and work in tech?
Santa Cruz and I work in ad-tech, so yes.
Some of us have been expecting her to make the pivot 3 years ago - her having a YouTube channel only confirms further that she likes the attention, but when she lost weight during COVID, it would have been easier to just keep going, find sponsors, and ride that gravy train to the sunset.

Her opening up a VIP site and doing more adventurous content than at BigCuties makes me think she's not going to pivot. Frankly if she does and tries to bury her past, we have over a DAY'S worth of content to dredge up for her. Say she never liked being fat and hated eating? We have HOURS of footage of her stuffing her face and looking like she's reached Nirvana. To anyone else, it's sex content and they won't make the distinction between that and someone doing porn. The arbitrary lines she has are hers to make, but to say they're for appearances and to keep up the illusion she's not a porn star is misguided at best.
I'd probably think
"Damn she's fat as hell."
Then I'd eat my food.
Does anyone have his new video?
Has anyone here answered your messages? I want to know not to waste time on your site
I don't know how long she stay in France but we are extremely judgmental about the look and the body. I wouldnt be surprise if she end up in a viral vidéo
I imagine she's probably just in wine country away from the masses. Genuinely don't think she would go to Paris or anything.
She is intelligent, she does not publish on her social networks that she is somewhere until a few hours and days have passed, I saw in some of her comments that she had in Bilbao and no one found out
No doubt because if she posted something at the moment of being there, some crazed fan would drop everything to see her.
Anyone still have that wandering around vid? the one with the black kids making fun of her.

When was this? And do you have more description than that?
nope, that video doesn't exist anymore.
Isn’t it odd that despite her fame for the last decade she has never appeared in any candids or pics with fans despite living in and around major global cities? I would have thought at this point the European tabloids or someone on Reddit would have spotted her.
No, but shes the only person Ive seen multiple people doing double takes at her during her public vids. Whats actually weird is that she's been extremely well known and popular among the culture since for almost two decades and then decided to get instagram famous fewer than 4 years ago which resulted in an a tidal wave of normies mocking her and femcel activists using her airplane video as an example to complain about society while completely oblivious that it was fat fetish content.
I remember one day looking for Torrid clothes for my wife on Instagram was when I met her, then her content caught my attention and I still follow her to this day. I like her style and the way she dresses for her big size, not like most SSBBW
It IS kind of interesting that we don't have some kind of candid shot of her at a bar or restaurant or outside or something. Maybe people recording others in public isn't as in style these days.
Somebody plz send the car and livestream video
her style, hoodies and parachite jeans.takes real big artistic brain to throw that together.
to be fair, you don't really see candids of other ssbbws either.
sheesh is it really so hard for her to post a photo or something for her members. its been like 2 weeks since the last update ://
Plz drop the livestream or car video
(95 KB, 391x695, bo.jpg)
yeah a 13sec one of her holding her phone camera like a selfie after 2 weeks of drought. amazing content! :///
Ouch, thats dissapointing
Ah yes, the old “wi-fi is terrible in Europe” excuse….kinda laughable
i was thinking the same thing especially in those high end places shes been traveling to lmao SMH!!!
And the worst part is that she only promised to upload pictures from the trip, so we might not even get a single new video... :/
Every basic data plan would have been adequate for just uploading a couple pics.
Yeah i miss her dinner content from her Mexico trip the 1st video is one of her greatest ever where she waddles the stairs the streets she pigs out then waddles back while being stuffed through the streets, stairs etc amazing content!
I seriously don’t know how you guys still support/follow her. I’ve never been a fan since I prefer girls who struggle with their size more so I honestly just don’t see the appeal. Especially after seeing what she posts, just Instagram level content you have to pay for.
Sha has new pics and videos!
Could we please get a reup of it's not too much trouble? Thanks for ya time, bro.
which vid is the left from?
Could I get a re-upload of some of the videos from this thread please? Such as the weigh-in video and the stairs video, for example? I'm sorry to ask, I know they've been re-uploaded many times, but I came to the thread late. I will re-upload them a few times if I'm able to snag them before they're taken down.
I was surprised that in Hayley's thread she said that Mary crushes her clients until they leave them in a coma, that it's all in her confession video, does anyone know if it's true? I highly doubt it
What in the actual duck are you talking about??
What confession video?!
Who would have ever though MBB would be doing a confessional this hot and dirty??
Can someone plz drop the newest videos
go away you little turd
It would not surprise me…
What’s up with never actually being able to click on YouTube links on this site?
Anyone has her last photos and videos that she post?
No hotlinks means no traffic control leads.
is there no actual video of her talking about putting people in a coma?
(382 KB, 2400x3000, Mary (2).jpg)
This might be her best photo ever and its is just a preview of a set coming in near future! Super HoT!!
Someone have the new video of boberry?
Damn if you aren't 100% correct! I hope that woman keeps getting bigger and making incredible content like this.
I would love to see the reaction to her if she went to one of those incredibly poor countries where people are starving. I know this is sick of me, but I wonder how they would react to someone who has so overconsumed the food that they cannot get that she has reached such titanic proportions.
Everyone knows that we are autistic, but let's try to hide it friend
Fuck you insecure ableist faggot
I have the same fetish, she has yo go to India or some poor african country
You are insecure, you must even be a virgin.
..supposed to encourage the kind gentleman who has shared content in the past to do so again?
does anyone have the livestream that would be willing to share it?
>Her hair
God damn that's fucking hot.
Oh and her body too, I guess.
She has a lot of new content!!
She would do a livestream today!!!
shit i missed it i bought her undies for 350
smelled like garlic and eggs
but i freaked out because she lives in california and i thought oh shit she might have aides
most people in california have aides and i didnt want to have aides so... i washed the underwear before putting them in my mouth or deeply smelling them...thats the whole point of buying used underwear to taste and smell the woman you admire
but after i washed them i learned they could fit around my wide screen tv.

but yeah i asked her if she has aides and she blocked me

which is understandable its just a racist stereotype i have toward Californians.
i just think theyre gross diseased people
shes a cute one but i could not unlearn my prejudice and disgust towards her kind...the californians
its not a stereotype is the truth! who knew that having a huge amount of gays freaks putting dicks in others guys asshole was a bad idea
You ever look back on what you write and think "Are they going to believe this?"

Listen to that voice louder next time.

I need proof she actually sells her panties cause that sounds like absolute bs.
Anyone can share her last content?
ROFL! Nah, just have sick fantasies.
Why don't you just delete this thread? No more content, just begging, whining, and weird stuff. Hopefully, a new thread will start with content and in the meantime the incels will get discouraged and go away.
Sounds like something the Saudi backers of her waffle scented panties startup would say
Could someone tell me what their live video is about, I missed it.
Thanks for her livestream. She doesn’t get up and show her body. Just close ups and stitting. One shot that’s in a mirror but she is sill sitting. I
Wondering if it’s hard for her to get up or if she hiding how large she is with close ups like most ssbbw?
>>130943 any way this could get reupped in mp4 format? wmv isnt compatible with my computer
Are you able to upload it to a mab link, the gofile link isn’t working for me
already down... i hate to say it but only MAB links are acceptable for Boberry content nowadays since she seems to have a dedicated dick(s) getting links taken down
I just posted that I did it myself.
(119 KB, 929x699, mb3.jpg) (66 KB, 437x697, mb4.jpg)
Good lord how gorgous she is!! Lets hope we will se a 650+ Lbs Bo in the future!
She looks bigger! Can anyone re up??
Her neck will disappear in no time if she keeps gaining like this.
Reup pls
boys, if anyone could upload the stream again, i’m sorry i missed it
What a great livestream. Don’t know if she’ll ever address the comatose client comment in more detail or not next time.
Yes, please post the stream again. Sorry.
Gofile please 🙏
I try but I have to sleep sometime
Anyone have her full car vid. Please and thanks
>keep checking from time to time
lol as if we don't already do that. I've check checked multiple times a day for weeks, got tired and checked only once yesterday. Then of course between then and this post something new is shared and i missed it.
btw not complaining, just meant that you either get lucky and see it in time or it's long gone by the time you do.
She has a new video!!!
If she continues at her current rate I think we’ll see a 650lb Boberry by the end of the year. She looks gigantic at the moment, and shows no signs of slowing down.
To think that before many videos of her were shared in this thread, now they are not
Someone drop the newest boberry content please 🙏🙏
(81 KB, 387x699, mb.jpg)
Shes so beautiful!
I made an edit that removes the hour of facecam talking and just plays the part where she shows her body: https://gofile.io/d/0tYRjJ
Best looking ssbbw/ussbbw in the game.
Now that’s a waddle. It’s pretty impressive she moves so graciously at this size. She looks incredible, and I can’t believe she’s managing to gain all this weight in Europe. She needs to take a six-month vacation to Mississippi and see what happens.
Is it possible to upload this video please?
could you upload this again? it says folder not found
Please upload it to MAB... Gofile gets shot down too quickly
Can you re up???? Please
I don't think she's a fan of southern slop.
During the livestream she said that she definitely feels fatter and her jeans feel tighter. Lucky she's got a bigger pair at her friend's apartment in London.
Pls reupload on mab, gofile gets taken down pretty quickly...
Re up using MAB please
She looks incredible, i'd love to see her hit 650+.
Thanks so much for the upload, could we get this one? It looks better than the livestream
Anyone can share her last 8 post? I didin’t see anything of those! Please
Why do these videos in these links disappear in less than a day?
Damn. It takes a serious food addiction to gain weight in Europe, where every city is walkable and the food is actually healthy. That's impressive
And money. She has everything delivered to her door and it’s not McDonald’s quality cheap fast food.
can anybody share the latest livestream via MAB?
In her latest Livestreams she said that she has a guy that checks for stolen content for her online. So probably a guy who checks if their are any new gofile/mab links and reports them for copyright infringement.

She also claims to have banned some people who shared her weigh in, so she probably has implemented some security measures which allow her to track the exact user who bought and shared the clip.
Also on a random note:
If the copyright guy knows her personally he probably has a good laugh every now and again about the utter BS theories/claims some people share about BoBerry on here...lol

I mean each video i watch on her site has its own generated code on it, it seems. I would imagine you'd have to remove that to share it without getting caught.
Blah blah blah this site its to share content.
Can't believe I have missed every drop, if sb can reup, I'll be uploading some vids in a little.
I'll believe it when I see it. her ego is as over inflated as she was at 600lbs
Obviously fake news. She a) would probably never do this in a million years but more importantly b) she posted this exact picture as a sneak peak on her paysite the other day.

So just a normal video and a couple pictures trying some french pastries.
This is not her posting it. So no.
Anyone have the newest livestream and confessional livestream?
Just imagine being a short af (maybe 4'6" max 80lbs soaking wet ) Japanese male undergraduate in Japan and Boberry, your ever flirtatious childhood e-bestie from the States becomes your foreign exchange roommate...
Correct. Some freak posing as her online trying to sell content.
So when are yall gonna unsubscribe? Imagine all her fans do that. She’d have to make better videos at that point. Too many mid vids lately
Does anyone have the full car vid? Please and thank you.
More subs = more food budget
I want this chick gorging NONSTOP
Anyone can share her last 8 post?
Would you rather her gain weight but make mid/trash vids or lose weight and make good/great vids? I choose the second option. A woman can only get so fat before she loses her shape and just becomes blob. Boberry always had slim face for how fat she was. Same with OG Plump Princess. That’s why they were 2 of the hottest ssbbw.
Tbh I don't think the unsubscribe plan would work one bit. First all not all people would actually follow suit as many of her subscribers probably aren't even active on here, and secondly she either wouldn't care even worse would stop content production all together.

Content is definitely not her only source of income and she seems to have some money saved. So she just does this to finance fun stuff like the Europe trip.
I feel like you disagree with your own point. If Boberry's face continues to be slim for how big she is, then isn't she hotter the bigger she gets?

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