
(699 KB, 900x1600, jigglykitty92 - Xx62VEj.png) (1.2 MB, 900x1600, jigglykitty92 - F9pQd2C.png) (1.5 MB, 3880x5184, jihgglykitty92 v3xpiu1pffs11.jpg)
I got two jigglykitty vids (I think they came from a chans belly plopping upload in the last few days) that are new to me and they seem to be more recent.

if they are new, where is she posting stuff?

I tossed them and some others in a container for reference and enjoyment.

Who's gonna be the one to break it to poor anon here?
"they"? awesome, how many are them now? 5 or something? so many sexy girls, oulala
>>126244 (OP)
Shrunk quite a bit if they really are recent, used to be much bigger.

Also idgaf what she identities as, still fapable to me.
Transitioned, so these aren't recent, but also kept gaining
We gotta have an update of the current size
TRANSITIONED? she has mental heath issue that it! but for the blue hair i wasnt expecting something else

i guys are sick! first that ginger guy and now this? is this bbwchan or troonchan?
"troon" unironically lmao shut up faggot

also my captcha has 911 in it lol
What do you mean? She's literally a troon. Explain your lack of cognitive dissonance saying faggot while still being a soy retard.
Bruhs, why you go so deep on those fat bitches? You are not marrying them, not even talking to them, why go so deep in their personalities and personal life.

Who cares if the fat bitches are vegan, vote Trump, or want to be called they/them/she/it/that. We are here to fap to videos and pics.

The check is: Is she fat? Yes. Has an overall pleasant look? Yes. Unzip.
Any "No" just move on and check the next one.
You're literally a retard. Get over yourself.
What's funny is they get pretty mad when people mis gender them. Personally I don't care but this should be expected when you're over 500lb.
She appears a bit like Xujita and intersexual (like this tomgirl from Scotland, which was supposed to be Britains heaviest teenager).

Is this a hermaphrodit/ transgender?
guys dont give wood to this left wing lunatics!! she is at best is a woman that thinks is a men, its a mental virus she need to an insane asylum to be cured.
if i think i'm a parrot its doesnt mean i can fly!
all this is common scense!
Which tomgirl from Scotland?

Ok grandpa let's get you back to the home
im no grampa im just 26, i just have common sense
That was one 16 or 17 years old one, about 6 years or a decade ago, living with her mother possible from social bennefits.
But it was going to become a boy I suppose (or vice versa); there was a reportage on the lifstyle magazine taff
I'm jerking off to him/them, and you can't stop me
i cant but trump can see you in november!
what do you think your old crybaby loser bitch is going to do about it? I'll jerk off to blobs then too

You can do what you want but it doesn't belong on this board lol, the w in ssbbw is for women
that the point do NOT put this shit next to godess like boberry and jae make your own thread like troons or just stick in bhm or go the gay chan
I knew Jiggly back during the days of Yahoo Messenger--said she would neeeeever gain. Lol well yeah about that. Looks like she's well on her way to immobile if this keeps up.
No fucking kidding. SSBBWs suddenly becoming classified as somehow troon-adjacent is one of the worst things ever to happen to this scene.
I have over 150 IQ and an Ivy League education, Faggotimus Prime
Georgia Davis isn't and has never been a tranny. What the fuck are you on about?
Please provide a photo, screenshot, or link of this reportage
It is on Youtube: like Britains fattest teenager (or rather Großbritanniens dickster Teenager), maybe 200Kg teenager. This was just 5 - 10 minutes, as it was just one part of that daily taff episode (which should be in the name of the video too), where she/ he wore a swatshirt all day long
No it was later and one with short hair, like razored on the sides (punklike) and possibly piercings, as on the nose or mouth
Yes, but few years before (maybe 2016 or 2018), when she was not this huge and just on the verge of adult (16 - 18), was there with her mother in a clothes store and there barely fit anything, but she didn't show much skin when
Do you have video of this, especially from the showering?

She remind me a bit to Reenaye Starr, but I uncertain what the gender is in fact
Her mother literally fattened her up, as she alleged healthy food would be too expensive, as she is unemployed as well

so she made like lasagnas or potato gratins for her
That's not Georgia, but I see how you could confuse them. Thanks for the extra info so I could verify your mistake. Also, this girl was pretty hot, too, so it's appreciated. I'd like to see a video of her.
The Tomboy on the pictures (likely)

Nobody claimed it is Georgia apart you:
I addressed it as a teenager in the recent past (like 2018) from Scotland
Georgia Davis was from England or Wales as far as I know and her journey to fat camp in America was already around 2010, as far as I remember

By the way there was around 2005 another girl from England which was when a 18 years old student and was supposed to weight around 200 or 180 kilogramme, but she finally got a weight-lose surgery at that age, before she shall have been Britains heaviest teenager
But her appearence was a bit more fashioned, as she studied design (for clothes)
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Well, unless someone in the UK or so, happens to be available to watch the entire episode…or if somebody somewhere on the internet has the full episode that could be posted via gofile and such, sadly it’s very hard to find the full episode where the source of these images come from. I have never seen the full episode and even I’m curious and interested to see it.

Also, her/their name’s Amy (later AJ) Johnston.
The nude washing by the mother would be enough for me or a good start.
Also maybe of few of the other women on this series.
to save anyone else from the disappointment: there are a couple of torrents which are, it turns out, just mis-labelings of the 2022 film "Shut In"
I think that one from 2005 was just some bullshit made by sensationalist rags like the sun? At least there was one about some morbidly obese UK sisters from that time that seemed really fishy.

That being said being 180-200 kilo at 18 isn't super rare, so I can believe that part. At least in UK.
No that was a documentation on Vox, for about two hours.
Though I don't know if the number was exactly or just for sensation made, but she got a gastric bypass at the end of it.
Although Great Britain had the highest obesity rate in Europe, particular for youth people (school students), I think it is rare, apart of like Mexico, American Samoa, Nauru and other Pazific islands (maybe Tonga).
In some countries is it enough to get invited as talk show guest, even in US TV.

This what I meant was maintained in stones, like 40 to 50 (but that was on Georgia Davis too)
The male Brita may be in average fatter than the women.

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