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Can we get a thread of girls who got WLS but bounced back? Mine is looking into gastric bypass, but I’m hoping her eating habits mitigate it. Curious to see how much a girl’s shape can change from it, too.
Who's the Blue sundress? That's a crazy body.

Reread the post you're replying to. It says right there who it is.
Destiny had WLS twice, if I remember correctly. Second time was to have a kid. Shes not the best, but she’s a lifer.

Cant easily find pics of her at her lightest and heaviest. Sorry.
if people have before + before + afters of dumpling, that would fit the bill
God her face looks rough when she’s thinner. WLS makes these women absolutely ghoulish
OP here. Bumping in hopes that there are more examples of our girls bouncing back. I love mine but don’t want to wake up next to something that’s mostly bones and loose skin.
Actual posts or attempts at discussion get taken down, but some knuckle dragging MAGA chud can spew hate speech in between insisting that some chick waffle stomps. Brilliant board.
I don’t see any mention about politics in this thread. Only you. Fuck off you stupid brainwashed faggot. Anyone who sides with any puppet politician in this fake democracy is a bitch
why the fuck are either of you bringing politics into a board about fat girls what the fuck is wrong with you schizophrenic retards what do fat bitches have to do with politics
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My wife was over 600 lbs when we started dating in 2019 (I found her on WooPlus almost two states away). She decided to have gastric bypass in 2021 as we wanted to have kids. She got down to 370 at her lowest, about a year ago. The last year she’s gained back over 80 lbs and is over 450 currently. First pics are from when she was her biggest.
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Tonight laying her giant legs on me, back up over 450
appreciate the pics homie but I do wonder if you're sharing too much of your home life with pervs online.
I'm ok with it tbh.

Keep fattening her and keep the pics flowing, thanks!
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Great pic that shows off how massive her calves still are (they were 35 inches at her biggest and are still 30)
Those legs are massive! That's a keeper

You got kids after the weight loss? Why is she gaining back?
No kids. She just has no self control and is ALWAYS hungry. Sadly she wants to start one of the new weight loss shots soon. So that might end the gain. :(
There’s always baby weight, and it’s not like she’ll be working out after the kid’s born. Keep your chin, and her chins, up.
Any wls, breast reduction, tummy tuck = dump that bitch.
don't make any rash decisions my nigga, some of them really get into perfect form after "wls"
She’s hot in each of these photos. On her biggest, she looks like Roxxie’s fatter sister.

How do you know each of her weights and calf size? Is she tracking trying to gain?

Hell, she’d make a good model!
She knows it turns me on to know how fat she is so she lets me weigh and measure her every now and then :)

She looks a bit like this girl Spooks who used to be on Feabie.
Taken last night. She’s up to 462, she eats like a whole box of cookies in bed every night and is still hungry, it’s insane.

I have been with my ssbbw girlfriend for about 2 years. I can’t post any pics and she is considering plus size modeling and it would just feel wrong . She is in low 400s very pear shaped.

🔵 She has been recently having issues with rash under her belly. I know that some of the popular Ssbbw celebrities had issues with infections and even had to go to hospital. Do you know what helps for that ?

🔵 Is is possible to have kids at this size ? We had no luck so far. Anyone else here had luck. How long have you tried.

🔵 Is there any plus size friendly doctors is the upstate NY you would recommend?

🔵 My girlfriend is interested in meeting up with other plus size girls and plus size friendly people but there does not seem to be too many events in this area. The Bash is too much about sex and dating for us from what we have heard.
I can answer the first two. My wife gets the rashes often, probably every couple weeks. I think it’s just a fact of life having that much fat overflowing on itself that it’s gonna happen now and then. She puts diaper rash cream on it and it goes away by the next day.

We’ve tried having kids for 3 years with no success.
Holy shit dude! You lucky SOB she looks like fun
I’ve tried talking her into online modeling but she thinks I’m crazy and says I’m the only one who likes her like that 😂

1 - Hard to diagnose the cause, as there are many, but there is a good chance that anti-fungal cream - e.g., clomitrazole - will do the trick this time of year. Cheap as shit on Amazon, and it works. I use it too (have little belly and get rash under it sometimes) and it is very effective.

2 - Yes, you can get pregnant. We did - my wife was about 360/370 at the time, and we used IVF. (And I have heard of much bigger women getting pregnant.) Again though, you have to diagnose the problem stopping you from getting pregnant first. It is not necessarily your wife's size that is the issue - e.g., you may have low sperm count or poor motility. And there are a myriad of reasons why your wife cannot get pregnant. Being fat usually is not it, but the reason for being so big can be. E.g., PCOS can make it impossible to get pregnant and cause you to gain a lot of weight..

Cannot help you with upstate NY, but maybe look to Canada - e.g., Toronto or Ottawa, depending where in upstate you are - to see some of their events?
Well you can let her know there are people here interested in her modeling. And that’s a steady upward climb, now at 462. She’s hot!
What kind of things would you be interested in seeing? I’ll see if I can talk her into it lol
I sadly didn’t take a ton of pics of her back when she was that big…something I regret. Here’s a few, and I’ve put a few in other threads.
Her calves look a little too large, like some sort of Lymphoedema. Press them with your fingers and see if the skin bounces back out like normal or takes a minute. If it's slow, you might want to look into it.
They feel normal, I rub them every night. Just really really fucking fat…the main place she kept the weight after losing was in her legs, and arms somewhat. Now she’s gaining it back in her belly.

Everything. Or anything she feels comfortable showing. The more skin the better. She’s got a beautiful face too. You may have already posted it here so sorry for asking again but she looks tall. How tall is she?
5’9-5’10”. It’s how she was able to be pretty mobile and be over 600 lbs. I laugh when Kilotroll says without a doubt girls can’t be that big without being immobile and bed bound. Absolutely not true. But she does have some joint issues creeping up now and can’t be on her feet for very long, even after losing a lot.
Wow, thanks for sharing. She’s stunning. You’re a lucky guy.

There’s nothing better than a girl who was made by the creator with genes that literally scream out to the heavens; “I’m going to be super obese and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me.”
All like stuff you’ve shared here, whatever she’s comfortable with. Clothed photos are hot, and give good perspective. Showing off her fat arms and legs is good. Walking videos. Playing with belly. Contrast and weigh-ins. She has all of it to be a successful model, if she’s willing. If she doesn’t want to be seen then it’s all good.

But one thing is clear: she’s hot. And fact she’s gaining back is hotter.
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Another from when she was 600ish. Wearing a shirt and shorts in the pool because they didn’t have a swimsuit her size at Walmart and didn’t want to pay $100 for one from Torrid.
Damn she’s got a really pretty face even people who aren’t into big girls would agree. With her size/height and that face I bet people literally stop and stare when they see her. She commands attention it looks like
She’s literally the center of attention everywhere we go.
Gorgeous face. She’d be hot at 150 or 600.

Absolutely fucking not, I love how this thread has turned into you flexing on how amazing she is and honestly I’m here for it!
Asshley, she was super popular like 10-15 years ago.

Sorry, I didn’t intend to take over the thread lol, people kept wanting more pics 😂
She looks terrible now. Totally deflated967a15
This one’s probably my fav pic of her I have from when she was bigger. Thought I posted it here but I think it was in another thread.
You’re right, this is an excellent pic. Those legs look amazing and she’s huge. That’s emphasized by holding hands over her belly.
Nothing to apologize for. These photos and the background are great.

I can only imagine doctor’s face. “So how are you all these months after surgery?”
“I’m up 80 pounds and eat a box of cookies every night!”
Oh her doctor is not at all happy with her which is why she’s been on Zepbound for the past couple months. She thought it would control her appetite but nope still eating enough for 2-3 people, only way you can gain that much that fast at 450+ pounds.
Interesting. Well even if she does start losing weight, she’ll still have a great figure and cute face.

But man, if she could keep past 450 onto 500, she’ll be even hotter.
Agreed, I dream about that every day. She knows I like her fatter, so I think subconsciously it’s why she’s been eating so much. So who knows what’ll happen.
I should also mention, we’re headed to Lane Bryant after work to get her new pants because she’s sized out of 28’s (biggest they carry at almost anywhere not a plus size store). So I’m hoping she’s figuring out she’s not losing weight anytime soon.

Oh don’t apologise! Just tell her this is one more person who’d simp for her for a modest fee
That right there could be an OF update. Video describing needing to go up a size, trying on old and new clothes. You are lucky!
My wife is about 350 and we had two kids no problem, she's also pear shaped. Good luck anon!
Second Question, let her Slim down to have childs, it's easy 🙏🏿
TLDR: yes weight affects fertility, please have a real doctor look at that rash.

With regards to having kids; its well known that being overweight (especially at that size) has a very large impact on fertility. It can also negatively impact pregnancy, I personally know a woman who developed heart problems and had to have an abortion due in large part to her weight. Of course it can work out for some people but IMO it isnt worth the risk. If you really care about having children. Losing weight is a must.

In general please just talk to a doctor. Both about the rash and about having kids. "bbw-chan" is not the right place to be looking for medical advice. Having an awkward conversation with a doctor is a small price to pay for her health and well-being.

Again please just talk to a real doctor.
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I feel like many of you on this thread are invested so I’ll keep posting her here. We went to a baseball game - something that she was able to do much easier when she had been down at 370. She now just BARELY can squeeze herself into a seat, and has to turn herself toward me so as to not take up half the aisle. Thought the pics were a good visual.

Also, after going to Lane Bryant she discovered she’s now in 32 for jeans (which they had one pair, it’s normally a special order) and 52D for bras.
Thank you! She’s gorgeous.
Is she in shorts or a skirt? Man she is crammed in there, and that belly is so tall when seated. You are one lucky dude.

What does she think of you posting here? And guys finding her attractive?
I think it’s called a skort…essentially a skirt over shorts.

She’s definitely intrigued at the attention she’s been getting, she had no idea so many guys found huge obese girls hot 😂
Ok, I was thinking at any size a skirt would be brave, but might risk exposing a bit much at size 32. But skirt + shorts prevents that.
And not just huge obese girls hot, but find her incredibly attractive. Very pretty face when she was 370 and 600+. Hope this isn’t too direct.
Nah don’t worry about being too direct. Now I just have to convince her to make legit content. Not sure how far she’d be willing to take it.
Well these real-world photos are great, keep em coming. And let her know she has fans on here, she is hot.
I never bothered to look up her Insta until now. Man she looks good. There are plenty of posts after surgery where she talks bad about who she was earlier. Guess she grew out of that view. She looks great, hope she keeps gaining.

Where are those short vids from?
There's something about everyday photos of a big gal that come across even better than content damn, thnx for sharing, keep 'em coming if you like!
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Candid car photo tonight. Ordering half of the McDonald’s menu (all seriousness, a Big Mac, Double Quarter Pounder, two McDoubles, 20 pc chicken McNuggets, large fry and large sweet tea). I honestly don’t know how she’s able to eat that much after having WLS, it’s amazing how much the stomach stretches.
Also, note the stomach firmly pressed into the steering wheel with the seat all the way back. And how giant her arms are getting again. LOVE IT 🥰

Does she play up how much she ordered or just quietly play off eating that much? And that’s no small vehicle, either. She’s hot.
Also those new size 32 jeans look good.
It’s nowhere what she used to eat before she had the surgery. I honestly think she has no concept how much a normal size person typically eats. 🤣 and yes, we have a Dodge Durango so giant 3 row SUV
That’s crazy this is less than she used to eat. Just eating a lot would be one thing, but she is also classically beautiful. That combined with being huge is rare. And those arms! You’ve hit the jackpot.

Nice job sneaking a candid, does she know?
This particular pic no.
You wouldn’t believe me if I told you how much she regularly ate pre surgery.
Well, we’ll keep 🤫.

And any other candids you’d like to pass along, haha. But seriously, a vid of her just like she was, ordering and driving, makes quality OF material, if she ever did that.

But for now, a few photos and tales about her are great. You are living the dream!

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