
Has anyone ever been a better advertisement for not wifing up suburban Beckie’s? She was legit cute and pretty hot like 15 years ago.
Now she’s marginally recognizable as a female.
Is this the future of the "get rid of PE class" girl?

If she was still wearing that long ass red wig you'd be too busy cranking the hog to be whining
As dumb as this comment is, Girls like her and Jae do nothing but exist on social media and since their highschool brains have long graduated highschool they still have to adopt every terrible fashion trend and toxic activist culture that pops up because they literally have nothing else to do.
Please someone UPLOAD a Gofile link with all the BIGCUTIES videos of Beccabea please. I need all her videos please. <:(
Women are supposed to be social, this is the folly of not being in a family unit. Time, effort and focus that should be on maintaining a strong relationship with a husband and raising children is now put into dysfunctional behavior which is a burden on society. Don't forget that women can be down right wicked. They know they've made mistakes and will work hard to ensure other women make them too by trying to appear like everything is fantastic, when it aint.
I said Gofile link with all her videos, no the BIGCUTIES page.
go support her amazing legacy content jackass
i sure she sad that incel retro dudes not gonna marry her
dont relate me to him just cause he replied to me
I reckon you must be quite a hit with the ladies.
I’m perfectly fine with her face and her body rocks but I don’t know why she keeps going with the short hair. I’d almost rather she go with a buzz cut than this style.
> I’m perfectly fine with her face and her body rocks
Ok FAGGOT. She’s got smaller tits and a manlier face than half the men in /bhm/, why don’t you go simp there homoboy.

If I wanted your opinion I’d beat it out of you.
So you're a total faggot - trying to be a hard-man on the internet isn't going to fix that.

You just happen to like the way obese men look, thats cool. And you get turned on by looking at obese men. That's just kinda you're thing.

Oh…it’s cool? Like someone who couldn’t get laid in a whorehouse with a thousand dollar bill sticking out of his ear has an opinion worth listening to? You’re on the wrong thread here buddy. The dickless virgin portal is on another site.
Jesus Christ, less bitching and moaning about what you personally deem attractive and more photographs of scantily clad fat women, please.
At least fags have sex lmao, there’s not a soul on earth, male, female, or in between that would ever want to touch you
...are we sure this thread doesn't belong in /bhm/?

Yeah…we’re sure douchbag. She’s got a hole.
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Gotta say that vintage redhead Becca was her best look. She’s a lot fatter now…which is fine with me…but she needs the long red mane to really shine.
(245 KB, 1170x875, IMG_6340.jpeg)
And an arm glow up that also compares the short hair with the long red.
Becca should leave her hair alone for once
>>121624 Two simple rules for Becca.

1. Let the hair grow long
2. Keep getting fatter.
(108 KB, 800x1191, bec_prev57_both.jpg)
This set was peak becca. Look at that profile...
God they are a sexy beast. Love the take no shit attitude they are projecting here.
Disgusting dyke-larper with no tits. She is way beyond past her prime. She looks like a fat Frankenstein, like a mirror of current Ellen Page.
You’re an enormous faggot lol. Everyone shame this retard for actually using pronoun faggotry.
You said Frankenstein and I thought of lurch from the Adams family, which lead me to.. if you stuck a tash on it in that pic it'd look like Gomez Adams.
So where are the vids?
So where are the vids?
> pronoun faggotry.
Now you’re the one projecting buddy. We all know you’re cranking your hog to how goddamn handsome this one is. Open up that asshole more for me buddy, I’m coming without lube.
she looks like such an old hag now :/
ik It's lowkey breaking the rules but does anyone have her vid from set 428, the arm one?

Methinks thou doth protest too much

It’s obvious that this guy has the hots for her and she kicked him to the curb like she was taking out the garbage.
Short haired becca looks like some draco malfoy henchmen
with short hair she look like the villain in a new james bond movie. i luv it.
I said this before but its because shes never had to work or do anything except absorb social media her entire life. So she hops on every bad trend she sees which in the last decade has be woke counter culture tumblr garbage which is besically all about making yourself look as awful as possible.
Does anyone have 445 plump fiction?
I'm generally okay with her look, but yeah, she was raised by social media and it shows. Didn't she declare herself a nonbinary "Xer/Xem" whatever the fuck a while back?
> Xer/Xem
Wasn't it Xenomorph by chance?
cus she doesn't look cute like this anymore. She's a big girl, she can do whatever she wants but she looks seriously ugly now
She's beautiful, you people are cracked.
God, porn addiction makes some people weird. “This person isn’t the fantasy they present in the media they sell when they’re off the clock?! And they change over time and have personal agency and maybe even opinions I don’t like?! REEEEEEEEEE“

Cuz seriously, Becca isn’t even my usual type and she’s gorgeous.
please use correct pronouns ffs. Becca is not there same she anymore, now it's xen, xer, xero or something like that. cute face still anyway tho
I’m glad you kept it simple with your pronouns of FAG/GOT
Lads, she's not going to fuck you if you defend her honour on the internet
Jeez guys. Beccabae has changed but they are still super hot. I'd appreciate pic sets if any kind stranger has it.
I have all her pic sets and vids, too. Request a few and I'll post them.
you have her latest weigh in?
Do you have the number of it? I have all the sets and vids numbered, but I have no idea which are her weigh-ins.
I don’t know the numbers but it’s called “Worth the Weight” and it’s four from the last one she did.
Amen brother!!
The thing that kills her looks is the boy haircut. It just doesn’t work for her. With long hair she’s a total hottie…and likely to get even fatter. Even if she wore a wig it’d be better.
Could you post the videos for sets 62 and 415 please?
Great drop! Could we get 438 perhaps?
Could you post 445 plump fiction
I would very much appreciate pics and/or vids of 360 & 364 if possible.
You got the set for 450 by chance?
Could you please post sets 421, 438 and 455 ?
Don't suppose anybody has her various jogging videos? Nothing does it for me quite like seeing that belly apron of hers flop all over the place.
You got 449?

She's a great mix of a superior fat distribution/bodyshape an actually beautiful face and last, but not least a vibrant personality.

Thanks a ton! Just came back to this thread after not visiting the site for months and was able to grab some content that I didn't have. I really wish she would be consistent on OF, but I guess Bigcuties pays the bills so she'll forever be stuck there.
Can someone reupload 426? Thank you
Any new?
Anyone know what is her current weight?
Why do you ask? It is anyway fake, so make the number by yourseld, as her promoter do, if you into roleplay, just imagine this is one tone...

447 was the last one. She might have lost a few from there tho
She is so beautiful, those thighs and face. I wish she would sit on my face
Anyone got vids of her where she oes fat chat?
(142 KB, 800x1191, BeccaSet269.jpg)
Here's some clips, would someone please be able to share set 269, the one pictured here? Set 275 and anything past 400 would also be very appreciated. Thanks :D

Set 229 in this drop I've posted is a giantess clip if you're interested at all

TAG the posts you want re-upped
>>make those green u tard
I want to be yoir toilet slave! Ti eat your shit
Thanks. What’s she weighing now?

That arm video is great. Her arms are so damn huge, that overhang is unreal
@Moderator, could you delete my previous post number 129233 and this post afterwards, thanks for your support :)

She was at 447 at her latest and mentioned in one more recent vid that she may have gotten a bit fatter…but that’s just conjecture.
@can you delete these two messages including this one too, thanks
Her face looks a little bit fatter, maybe because of the short haircut now, but the body slimmer than it was once
Someone on a cool Discord server that's only for nice people who aren't shitheads and who live hot people posted this clip I asked for. :D

Enjoy, everyone! https://gofile.io/d/Z0IqZY
Apart of her upper-arms does she look her not like a BBW to me.

Similar as on her Myspace days when she faked the appearance of an average size girl.
She is possible now below 100Kg in my view.
Those pics are from over 5 years ago idiot
These with the short purple hair?
I have never seen her with such hairdoo/ colour, until few days ago...
don't engage Kilotroll
just report his post and move on
yes yes, we know. fat women don't exist in your world. fuck off already, please
Its insane to me that you can be physically ugly and not ever have to work in your entire life as long as youre a girl and bitch still needs a therapist and 3 boyfriends at the same time.
people are starving to death and cant pay rent while they break their backs at shitty factory jobs. I hope this stupid bitch kills herself.
I mean he’s got a point. She’s not attractive physically, her make up choices are not helping, her body isn’t really shaped in a very feminine or really even human manner.
Her ass used to be her best feature but years of sitting on it makes it look like the wet cardboard Costco box on my front step right now.
Yet she is flush with romantic suitors and can sell her “beauty” online for the same rate immigrant doctors get paid.
It’s not your front step. It’s mine lol.
> It’s not your front step. It’s mine lol.
What are you, Israeli?
Yes yes you are a childish idiot how does not know how fat women looks, at least can not seperate such from plump girls...

When Rebecca started on Myspace to upload photoshopped pictures, around 15 - 20 years ago, she was just chubby too
I hope you get cancer and your gets die
Dude. The whole point of this board is some people like different things than other people. You fucking idiot. If you don't find her attractive, so fucking what? What the fuck are you doing in this thread? Oh, yeah, just being a toxic asshole. Toxic anonymous asshole. Gte fucked.

You are awesome sir!

Another giantess one of her from bigcuties has her laying on a bed with a bunch of little army figures all over her body. Anyone have that one?
Hey buddy, since you have been so invested in my therapy journey, I wanted to offer some encouragement in seeking out some of your own. It's always a good idea for yourself (and the world) to work on regulating/feeling your big emotions in healthy ways instead of wishing stranger's death on the internet. I promise, it's not too late for you and it gets better 🥺💕

Also just to clear any confusion - pronouns are she/her, only been in monoam relationships other than a few months in 2019, and I'm not *currently* seeing a therapist. I *was* diagnosed autistic a couple years back and I know that makes up at least half of y'all here, so hiiiii 😎
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you recomend subbing to your OF?
What a classy way to say 'fuck you'. Good going Becca.
Actually more of a There's A Way Past "Fuck You" To "We're All Fucked Up" Which Can Finally Lead To "Dealing With My Fucked-Up-ed-ness" kind of a message.

Which, wow.
What is the link between autism and this community?
Is it just that autistic women are more likely to be massively obese?
Do you have any skills to be able to work a real job when the whore money slows down?
I don't know if she gained weight in purpose, but some kinks are more common in autistic people.
Autism is not related to weight gain. Retardation is, and checks out when you pay attention (past their looks) to the girls posted here.
Hi Becca, I think you're cool :) I made a compilation of some of your videos set to some music; it's linked here. I hope that's ok with you.

she was just in cali so deffo has money
The whore money wont ve around forever but she got them upper middle class parents who will look after her anyways.
What Autism and a self inflicted disability isn’t gonna get her hired? Can’t she just sugar baby through her 40s, 50s and 60s?
no its literally 90% of everyone posting on this chan have severe autism
I mean, obsessions with strange things is a symptom of autism, makes sense that low level autism would cause fetishes or other obsessive behaviors
Please share these videos if you have them.
I love watching her move outside.
It is a true splendor.
Jesus. Nice drop. And I see you've been dropping content allover the damn place. Thx!
Oh yes, that would be really great.
throwing their disability cheques at worthless whores.

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