
and let's keep the bullshit fan theories to a minimum this time.
Damn, I know it’sa lot of weight and all but it’s still so hot.
It's all Kilotroll fault if we're not paying Boberry's rent, soo who is not promoting SSBBW postivity get out and touch the grass!
>>121212 (OP)
God the heavier she gets the prettier she is. I'm seriously in awe of her beauty and size. Watching her lose the weight and then gain it all back and then some was truly better than if she didn't lose the weight at all. This is the best father's day
lets be honest her boyfriend trained so well with all them trips this time around that she is at her best athletic condition she can handle another 25lb with ease and be 650 and super mobile
I hope she keep growing. She carrying it like a champ
I’d love to be optimistic like everybody and say yeah she’s gonna get to 650, but we’re forgetting she’s on her trip in Europe which theoretically she has to walk more than if she was here in the US, also at the very least she should give us an updated measurement video, and guys she’s 39, I know she has no health issues but do you really see her getting up to say let’s say 640 650?
>>121212 (OP)
How did you guys even bumplocked the other thread which wasn't even a month old? Boberryfags should touch some grass because holy shit
Because a solid third of those posts were from the last week alone, and maybe half of those were from the past 24 hours.
Will her next destination be Amsterdam?
i'm an idiot wrong link. It's the one above it that is working
Just in case. I'm making wetransfer and Mab links.
Wait. Can anyone tell me if its a bad idea or not to have multiple download links for a new clip?
What if she reaches jazz weight at 687? It will be heaven walking on earth

Sounds unrealistic for me. Even with Boberry's mobility, standing for a couple minutes would be a challenge at that weight
Does anyone have a the mega of her content?
It said the wetransfer link expired. Don't those normally last for a week?
I have a strange feeling that although she was lighter than now during her last peak weight, she looked bigger than now. Am I the only one?
that's the risk of loosing weight. One of Boberry's unique figure was that her body loiked full and strong, instead of "melting" like other models. However, since she lost almost 70 pounds got a flabbier skin and now she is joining the melting crew... That's why she looks smaller. It's a shame

She’s said she feels more mobile now than when she was just as heavy before, meaning she probably has more muscle mass. Since muscle is denser than fat she might not be quite as fat even though she’s a bit heavier. That said, I love that she feels good!
talk about a comeback, just when I thought it was Joever
Jazz is way taller though, by that point her mobility will definitely be hampered and at her age that weight range seems totally out of question health-wise, especially after she had already lost a bunch. GingerBunny seems like a safer bet to get there since she's tall, was 649 months ago, no signs of slowing down and is like 15 years younger.
There is no way she wipes her ass
It’s just like: the dream of hitting it from the back vs the reality of knowing it must reek of shit.
>!Every dream can so easy become a nightmare.!<
Can the weigh in be reposted? Thank you!
>>121301 Says folder now found :(
Telling on yourself, every SSBBW I know owns a bidet.
She’s been hoofing it all around the world for the last couple of years. That’s keeping her stamina and physical strength in a more sustainable place than being planted on a couch all day every day (common lifestyle for 600lb + by default). The fact that she’s been steadily gaining throughout speaks to her greediness being even more than most at her size. Impressive in so many ways
They either bidet, or are self-aware enough to share a couple times a day to clear the stank.
Bet it was an interesting time getting her a bridesmaids dress
Reup weigh in? Mab?
Re-up please?
Dang, imagine if she did these challenges often...
She would be pushing Echo size for sure
Kinda hope she maintains (of gains more) this weight and doesn't lose it slowly.
i just want to remind yall that end of next month or august she is going for the eurotrip so she for sure will be active visiting places so for sure she will lose some...that is just the reality

Thank you, champion of the people!
I think if the weigh ins over the years prove anything, it's just as likely she'll make up for the calories burned.
Folder not found???
bro, what the fuck, are these links really getting shot down that fast???
Given the discourse in the previous thread, it's not hard to imagine that those who wanted people to just shell out $100 are understandably pissed that this got inevitably shared and are taking it upon themselves to close any avenues of getting it for free. Not all but I'd wager some. Plus, given that this was a huge opportunity for Mary to cash in, I wouldn't be surprised if either she herself is reporting anything, or even people she has hired or asked to report them. Someone's gotta be monitoring this thread - these are Luna & Adeline levels of anti-piracy.
Someone definitely said something. Luna and Adeline level is insane. Never seen a BoBerry video be removed within hours
I keep missing the link. Upload again?
At some point Marry will have to understand that 100 USD is worth a fuck lot more in other places around the planet than it’s worth in the states!
I for my part cannot justify spending this amount when it covers a substantial part if my rent. With prices like this a) she’s basically making us beg for pirated content and b) excluding half the globe from enjoying her content.
so what’s the number?
Preach my Brother...these are big facts!!
Repost updated Boberry videos would be quite cool
It already got taken down?!?!?!
A eurotrip? Does she do squashing sessions?
People doesn't know that Boberry doesn't need that ... (>>121454) also yes she's more heavier than we thought, like if I guessed right maybe she was like this in the past but she fucked up during measures and weight (probably cause IDK the machines broke beacuse her "soft" shapes)

And that's why we love silly Boberry, her fat body is the main reason we love to hear her silly voice. Imagine if she started making ASMR and putting the microphone inside her rolls, or eating sessions while her belly is growling ... please we want that ❤!!
Shit like this is why she went to instagram. Shed rather get shat on by normies than hear this stupid shit.
Can someone reup
> A eurotrip? Does she do squashing sessions?
What are European bathrooms like for fatties? I took my girl to Asia last summer and between small bathrooms and all she was smelling like a fine wine of shit and sweat. It was marvelous.
1. She probably wants to drop some weight before the trip. I would think she is eating less to get back to 600. Then on the trip lose a few more.

2.She keeps eating and stays at 624 or gains even more.

Honestly, if you were betting wouldn’t you bet on number one?
Also, just checked her subreddit. She is reporting people who are posting the number. She's absolutely getting involved in stopping the piracy.
she better get involved in changing this out of this world prices SMH thats what she needs to do
Very small and obvious thing, but I really appreciate how boberry properly compresses her files. Her weighin was like 130mb, not a 2gb file for a 3 minute clip like Roxxie, etc.
Speak for yourself. I thought it was handbraked by someone here given how bad the quality is. It may not need to be 2gb but the 130mb version is far from "compressed properly", especially considering that it's 16min long and she's charging $100 for it.
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When you start sharing your interest and love for Boberry, here they COME the angry nazi feminists attacking you because you like her: PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD put these motherfuckers in prison!!


Reup of the file that recently broke the gaddam internet

I will give her credit, I appreciate all the extra effort she went to for this video — the quality lighting and framing, the explanation ahead of time, the sequencing of 3 weigh ins, the genuine reaction captured, and the time to edit it all together. Wish this was how models did it more often.
> A eurotrip? Does she do squashing sessions?
That’s be amazing. Like “dinner and a show” but it’s a “squashing and a smell”.
Bruh if I had the money I will invite her to Oktober Fest in Germany, the problem is (like in Brasil) that she will be kidnapped and destroyed in 5 minutes ... soo the only safe thing she can do is not being doxxed or stalked by psychos, because NGL Twitter and Instagram is full of predators and with Tiktok she's getting LOOOT OF WEIRD attentions!!
>She will be kidnapped and destroyed in 5 minutes
Vote AfD to deport this problem
>>in Vegas ? Danger zone
Ok since you like mocked and bullied me for all these years, saying that I'm autistic or that I need to get a life, touching grass and get my pills ... how the fuck you can explain that Mary Boberry could travel and do whatever she wants everywhere?!

You understand when I mean there are dangerous people approaching to your "fat models"?! You think some of them never got into weird shenanigans, police, drug and hospitals ... also HELLO SHE'S FROM CALIFORNIA, are you fucking dumb?!

Rich people ALWAYS attracts WEIRD PEOPLE, you never knew that?!

döp dödö döp
Thread derailed. Never takes long.
Anyone have a stash of her bigcuties videos?
Can you re up the link?
we need a reup ffs
Mary BoBerry, the SSBBWs GOAT
Sorry man could you reup this one more time, I absolutely have to see this
Can someone share the Pov vid
need a new reup please king
624, love to see it. 12 lbs in 17 days is NUTS for someone over 600 lbs (and mobile). We were lucky to get 10 lbs a year from her before. When she tries, she gains nearly a lb a day. She's been holding out on us! Envious of the parallel universe where Bo is a regular feedee/gainer. She would've been over half a ton and bedbound years ago had this gaining potential really been tapped into. Regardless, fingers crossed some of this recent binging sticks. Food addiction is a helluva drug and her frame could handle a few hundred more pounds. Literal fertility goddess. And to Bo's partner if you're reading this: let your feeder demons go wild. She needs all the encouragement and calories she can get. Once in a lifetime metabolism, bod, and appetite. Don't miss out.
Any chance of another reup?
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Imagine what was the conversation of these 2 guys after theyve seen our queen Mary XD
> magine what was the conversation of these 2 guys after theyve seen our queen Mary XD
“Well, shit it’s like going to a zoo and a carnival at the same time”
Doesn’t seem like she’s already starting to lose weight after pushing to 624 yet. Hoping she pushes and pushes to see how far she can really go.
Anyone know roughly what her measurements are at? I dont understand why they weigh themselves without also doing measurements.
how would you know, not posted since, unless I'm missing sommin
How can these files be gone so quickly?

I’ve followed Mary since her earliest days and can honestly say that new weigh-in video is the hottest thing she’s ever done. We watch her gain 72 pounds to her heaviest weight ever, from absolutely stuffing her face, and she’s freakin’ glowing and giggling with how fat she got. She seems so much happier and more mobile than her highest big cutie weigh in.
Any chance for a gofile link? Mab doesnt seem to like me today? If not thats fine. I can just wait till I get home and try it on my pc.
Imagine living your life with a camera hovering behind you like fucking Mario 64.
"Of course the fattest woman I've ever seen asks me about a restaurant"
The link doesn’t work
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Some young guys laughing at her butt in her last video
Please share the vid bro
So is there one of those big gofile archives being maintained atm? If so, can a brother get a link?
Guys, could anyone please upload the updates after the weigh in?
I can dowload the last 2 videos, but i dont know How to put it in the Gofile or Wetransferer… How i do that?
Click upload video
Does she do request videos? Also, who else wants to see Boberry do physical activities such as wrestling and lifting weights?
>Does she do request videos?
Dude, How many times are you going to ask this?
I get the feeling she thought twice about posting this because she mentioned it a few weeks ago in the livestream but didn't post it. she kind of looks uncomfortable while it happens too
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i love the fact that her face is finally getting fat again she looks so cute
Could anyone share the new updates?
>>122419 aren’t you gonna share the new video of boberry? It’s been weeks, like wtf?
This is insane to think she's back to her heaviest and surpassed it, look at that lard face.
I only remember her losing a lot and getting back to the mid 500s and everyone crying about how she's done and going to do weight loss journey. Proved everyone wrong

13 days, which it’s been a week he means. When the fuck is somebody gonna send an update on gofile?

Honestly i thought she handled the kids laughing at her really well. She even called it out in the post, saying we should make sure to watch until that part because it's funny. She must be used to the gawking, staring, and laughter. Maybe she even likes it. It's somewhere between sad and insanely hot to me that she commands the attention of everyone she sees in public.
Can anyone post all her content from after her birthday please and thank u
Can someone share these latest videos of her?
It really does look like we're back at PEAK peak BoBerry. Took a while for the face to catch up but we're back, folks.

And I honestly think it's going to stay that way. She's never really eaten to maintain her size, she's always been gaining at a constant weight. The only times she's ever lost weight are in her early 20s (which I'm assuming was an intervention before she went out into the world as an adult - being a quarter ton at 20 would have put you on the Maury Povich show at the time) and when her father died. Barring a tragic event or another intervention, I think she's going to keep getting fatter until she literally can't.
Constant RATE. Freudian slip.
I also love that!!!!!! I hope she make more videos like these! And i think she loves that
I will upload the last 3 videos of her, just wait a couple hours (6hs) until i get home
People in this thread get so excited like they've never touched or seen a fat girl lol
Well, she's not just any fat girl
My highschool gfs were fat but it was way easier back then. Now they act like theyre 10s even to people who arent into fat chicks.
Shit, I need to see people reacting to BoBerry in public. Who has that clip?
I need to see those new videos
Better to know their true character before they lose weight.
It's late at night and I'm waiting for an anonymous guy to upload 3 videos of a fat girl walking around London that I'll probably never meet in my life so I can masturbate, life is beautiful
Sadie is entertaining idea of customs again. Let’s hope Boberry does them too. Why hasn’t she? Will she?
Jodie did a holiday weight gain video, but Mary has just blown it out the water!
Bigcutie jazz too I think she is 700
She has new photos!
She's either going to let loose and gain 100 pounds or slow down and lose 100 pounds
I maintain what I said with >>122477. She's not going to diet unless something traumatic happens to her.
And not a single one of them shows ever her nip. Jokes on you SIMPs!
Where does Jodie post now?
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Can yall please put the health debate to sleep guys...in her most recent live video she told yall that before her big trip she went to the doctors to do all her check ups if it will be safe for her and the results were that she is the most healthy 600lb lady on this planet...she was born to be huge plus she is way more active this time around so yeah these just facts she can handle 650 easy this time around just sit back and enjoy the show!
She ready stated that she's not a gainer and that she wants to keep being mobile, not sure why people need to theorize or whatever. Enjoy while she's at her biggest but keep your expectations in check
> She ready stated that she's not a gainer
She’s not a feedee or a fat fetishist. She’s just a lazy millennial who loves money.
The second she’s too old to be our beastly carnival sideshow the second she gets WLS. But without fat fetishists her lifestyle would be 100% unaffordable to her.
She's not a gainer, but you guys need to realize she's been steadily gaining weight at a rate faster than feedees who label themselves as such *without trying*. The only reason she lost so much a few years back was due to a family member passing. Now? She's at a higher recorded weight AND she's more mobile.

I don't think we're going to see another 100lbs milestone, but frankly? 650 is in play here if she keeps her current trajectory and lifestyle up. As much as she shows off being out and about, there's plenty of days I'm sure where she's just laying around stuffing her face. That short gaining stint was just icing on that cake.
This. The real hope is that her husband is long conning her and we’re gonna get to see her spiral out of control and lose most of her mobility to dat ass.
Just want to highlight that a lot of those 'feedees' aren't into it either and are literally only there to line their pockets.
See what I mean? You "gurls" compared me to those creeps ...

Also (>>122825) the woman that made this photo is bigger than me, just to tell you how lucky you need to be to encounter Boberry in a pub.
I still can't believe that weight figure, but when there is someone next to her, you can understand and understand how perfect she is. By God, that woman is beautiful and I hope she continues to gain weight with enjoyment. She looks like a very happy woman amazing rolemodel to follow in ssbbw world and I love her. love
God damn that’s a hilariously unhinged millennial. I want to be down for the humiliation kink, but she’s literally in complete denial about what an embarrassment she’s become.
If you watch that video of her crossing the bridge, she has to stop 9 times to rest. Count the number of jump cuts. Every time she stops to take a photo or say something about the scenery (steeples, boats, nettles), she’s really just taking a break. And she’s winded with each remark. All this to travel a distance of 100-150 feet.

Also, she’s basically a week’s worth of takeout from weighing as much as the 2nd heaviest Sumo wrestler of all time, despite being about 4 inches shorter.
Totally, unfit folks do that same trick all the time.

But like, still impressive someone her weight and age is walking around like that.
That’s more of a “proximity to niggers” look than an embarrassed one. In actual “holy shit” scenarios bo tends lean into it more, one step down from getting off on it.
I’d imagine deeeep proximity to brothers is a big part of her unfounded confidence. You know she got around the mall workers before she started turning tricks to afford high grade pig slop.
Heyoo guys, if you could help me find a way to buy Boberry content, I would do it. Like I’m live in Russia, so I have lots of problems with PayPal and everything like this. But I can afford all her content and continue the work of Kilotroll.
any chance of a reup on weigh in and/or other latest vids?
Yes apparently there are humans in this world that don't know human decency, it's exactly what I just said like billions of times to the mods. You always blamed and attacked me because I've ALWAYS been here watching Boberry's content, now that you see what kind of crazy SHITMONKEYS are out there you understand what I mean?!

Because YES there is people OUT THERE fucking hating you and trolling ONLY BECAUSE YOU WATCH BOBERRY on Internet, it's like you are not even allowed to have fun and watch your queen doing her stuff: why people are soo fucking hateful and jealous I don't understand.

Like what kind of delusional, psychotic fucking life do you have to attack and troll people just because they're fat?! Oh wait INTERNET allows you that?!

Ooh that's why I'm allowed to break phones on the streets and kill people, since they are fucking allowed to take photos WHO GIVES A SHIT IF I KILL THEIR FAMILIES?!

Oh yes violence is not the answer especially because you are in another country, you have no fucking idea if you go to Brazil what they are gonna do to her .. this is why I'm always aware of what kind of freaks and IMBECILES this world is making!!
I'm a Bo fan, but why are there fans who are crazy in the head?
She accepts crypto.
Shut the fuck up cunts. Enough klanposting and enough simp manifestos. Fuck me dead. Go an join a fucking student magazine if you want to write opinion pieces.
Even women with black kids (including black women) get that look. It’s universal.
She also has the background noise cranked up to eleven so you can't hear her struggle to breathe, I honestly don't see her staying this big for very long.

Any chance to edit the videos to turn down the background noise to a minimum to hear the heavy breathing?
> I honestly don't see her staying this big for very long.
She’s been this fat since Y2K. She’s gonna get WLS soon, but makeup+filters are helping people look past the wrinkly, cratered, sagging sack of butter shes become.
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yeah plus she hollywood now new nose, a1 color teeth, new lips, charging 100$ per video she dont even open doors she goes to such high end places that money got into her head bad.its good sometimes to see the reality kick in with those 3 guys laughin cause she really thinks that she is some kind of super model above the rest of the industry when in reality she is just another blob of lard + she is old with 40 round the corner
Reup? Or you cunts gonna do more yapping than fapping?
whatta bunch of idiots. If you dont like her or her content just do not follow her, How stupid is spending time writing about a thing you dont matter or dont´t like...
Nobody want your opinion.
oh well, wouldn't you haha, she's peng af
You’re retarded. Myairbridge always expires after 0.00001 seconds. Gofile doesn’t.
Not w/ Boberry content... MAB lasts it's entire 2 or 3 days. Gofile, on the other hand, is immediately shot right tf down
So im not the only one who feels like they get flashbanged everytime she smiles
[[>>122927,>>122987,>>123057]] other fucking nazi haters with mental issues that this "garbage world full of shit" decided to not rape and destroy.

(>>123068) you are right but mods are not allowed to send nuclear bombs and make those idiots exploding with rage, eating their own diarrhea on the fucking "GAMER SET" that costs 9 thousand dollars ... we are just allowed to dox them and ask directly to their mothers why they made such a fucking horrible mystake, maybe when we'll show the bloody corpses of their parents they will stop existing and breathing on this planet ONCE and for all.

But ya know? This is the main reason we make AIs, to replace fucking imbeciles that are ruining this world!
I need to know if she's being whored out to elites for top $ or not. That concept is so hot to me damn
Could be. Or maybe some super rich actors etc Funny to think about now that you bring it up.
why does this thread just devolve into nonsense? every single time, always spouting bullshit
Yes she is, yes that’s her pimp. Normal men don’t wear flashy three piece suits to take a mega obese woman to eat fried food. The travel lifestyle is part of the game.
Since you mentioned sumo… would love to see Boberry do sumo wrestling or wrestling in general lol. Has no one ever asked her to do that for videos?
Boberry out here mogging men lol. I think I saw she’s listed at 5’8 but she always looked 5’10+ tbh. Would be hot to see her in high heels but idk if they could support her weight
We need some rich ass mf to pay for a sumo boberry video. It would be so fucking sexy idk why more people aren't into it
I'd love to see a video of how she fit's trough the halls in that cinema and sits in the chairs
Heck yeah, dude! Agreed and I also don’t know why more people aren’t into it. Ik some people have been dogged on for paying $100 for certain Boberry videos but if $100 is what it took to get a Boberry wrestling vid that lasts at least several minutes, I’d pay it.
Funny story here. My CEO fucked her. He’s not even into fat women too much, he pulled up her Instagram one day we were talking about funny drinking stories that got kind lewd, visiting prostitutes in Europe came up and he showed me her saying he was scheduling the fuck because he’s heard sex with a woman her size is “supposed to be the best thing ever”.

Your uncle works at Nintendo too I bet
And I'm the queen of England
People who don't have a fat fetish think women her size smell and wouldn't even dream of fucking her. We think she's hot but the average person thinks she's a fat freak.

Smells like cap.
Even those who aren't into fat women think bo is at least pretty and would definitely fuck if given the chance I guarantee it
There's this belief among Boberry fans that average people find Boberry hot too because of that one video where she told a story about that once, conveniently ignoring the fact that the dude could've simply been a closeted fat fetishist or that she was making shit up (remember people, she's selling a fantasy here). Go look at those meme videos they made of her walking inside the plane and the comments to see what they actually think
I think you're both kinda right.
While I believe BoBerry is definitely not for your average man, I think many men are just scared to come forward with their preference and would secretly like to date a woman like her. So with those men basically silent you are just left with the hurtful men in those comment sections.

This last part is just my fetish talking, but I like to imagine that some good looking rich ceo type of guy saw her at the Londoner (the fancy 5star hotel she went to for her b-day), and started contemplating his life choices. All while being stuck with his presentable young got skinny, yet basic blonde girlfriend.
Must be weird for her bf taking her out in public and quote on quote flexing Mary as his girlfriend, yet knowing probably 95% of men are disgusted by her.
Boberry has become a rich fat woman, just by watching her videos, the exotic places she visits and what she eats you realize that this is the case. To date her you have to have a lot of money, and most of us find a $100 video expensive. Then there is the other group of fans who are capable of spending what they earn in a week or month to spend one night with her, I am one of that group of fans.
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It's an old photo but... I'm always impressed by how big her thighs can get.
Yall come up with some proper schizo theory's about boberry lol
> Go look at those meme videos they made of her walking inside the plane and the comments to see what they actually think
Fat girls are like mopeds… people will clown on her boyfriend but dream about fucking her. Half of dudes smashing on feabie are fat fetishists with skinny wives.
> rich ceo type of guy saw her at the Londoner (the fancy 5star hotel she went to for her b-day), and started contemplating
I’ve personally off and on dated a big cuties model. She wasn’t a hooker, but they’re was a system of hooking up with sugar daddies, flights and hotel rooms plus gifts from admirers.
> People who don't have a fat fetish think women her size smell
She def isn’t smelling too fresh in the hot summer sun of a poorly air conditioned Europe. It’s normal and get over it.

>Fat girls are like mopeds… people will clown on her boyfriend but dream about fucking her. Half of dudes smashing on feabie are fat fetishists with skinny wives.

Guys that are secretly in to big girls will dream of that, but most guys absolutely think she's disgusting.
I get your point but there's always a bunch of semi-ironic "would" comments under the meme videos
Yeah I find it kind of sad, ya know...?
It's like all men were standing in a museum admiring artworks (women in this case), and most men would feel disgust looking at certain artworks (bbw's/ssbbw's) and failing to see their appealing appearances. And to us fellas a fully cloth BoBerry is like sex on a stick.

But all these "secret/closet FA" theories really got me wondering if anyone has studied this phenomenon with scientific methods to find out how many men would prefer a fatter partner but are afraid of societal judgement and stuff.
Is it the make up or is she aging really well/slowly?
It isn't the makeup, it's the teeth whitening and cosmetic surgery.
...to be sure.
"A woman her size" what is this?! ChatGPT allegations made with your scrotum?
>>123419) other weird shit with no sense.

>>123432 <-- you have like written these things because MEN go to museums for you? Like YOU REALLY THINK who is interested in art want to "have sex" with Boberry?!

Why I'm not surprised that all these delusional goons stand here just to say random bullshit with no fucking human sense? Ooooh because I "protect" the QUEEN?!

Wake the fuck up imbeciles, SHE DECIDED to live this way for MORE than 10 years! Who the fuck are you to come here and spread those fake bullshits?!
Can anyone post all her content from after the recent weigh in please and thank u
> SHE DECIDED to live this way for MORE than 10 years!
I mean she didn’t. She’s just an overgrown glutton with no self control. Always was. If there was a market for tall wide shouldered hookers with piles of excess skin she’d have gotten WLS.
No self control = the fuck you mean bruh?

What kind of math are you calculating?!
The nuclear code 👽 ?
Can anyone post all her content from after the recent weigh in please and thank u
She never did that before, she just simply lost weight and eaten less ... if you've seen in the last years gaining weight it's because is WHAT SHE WANTS.

Bruh stop watching those videos of "My600 lbs" getting surgeries, you understand how much weight she needs to lose in order to do that surgery?! This woman LOVES getting bigger and fatter, haven't you understood it yet after 10 years of working for BigCuties?!

All the women here in bbwchan, BigCuties and others working for porn industries & co, signed a contract to do this life every single day ... they are MODELS not just broken women, Tiktokers and Instagram losers ... they are fed up every day and paid for everything, even if you don't support them they are still richer than you and all of us (which is why they could be robbed, killed or even abused by "people" around the street).

These guys literally live on the clouds, I can't 😂🤣 fucking clowns!
I think the amount of bullshit retard talk comes to this part of the site specifically because of the lack of actual sex content from boberry. cheers to her self-awareness

im with you on this. i love the loose skin .

im always trynna get a loose skin/saggy thread started on this site.
I think there's some content from Boberry with Kass posted in August exclusive to OF that didn't get imported on Coomer nor uploaded on here, did anyone save that?
8 days and she didn’t post anything… and she is in Belgium now, what a waste of money… if she charges 10 dollars for month i expect new content every week… i will cancel my subscription
i know right? how dare she go and enjoy herself. we demand content, she's being so selfish by having personal time and not satisfying our every whim.

it's not an airport, you don;t need permission to cancel anything, just go
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that she doesn't enjoy her free time, I'm saying that if she's going to charge 10 dollars a month, she should at least care about her subscribers and have the decency to upload at least one video or photo per week, im not saying nothing strange…
By the way she cancell my subscription just now, and i pay for this month
Can someone post all her content after her weight in plz and Ty
why you think she made her own site?
When she was with BigCuties, they took $20 a month and put out three sets a month, so you're not really worse off now, especially considering inflation.
Can someone share the newest content
I wanna see Boberry wrestle another ssbbw such as Sadie
Can someone post all her content from after her weight in please
I wanna see her Facesit some thin Girl or even FlatJack, but REAL Facesitting with spread cheeks, full weight and no mercy. Wanna someone strugge and qurim under all that monstrous ass.

BUT a man can dream
I want to see how many men you gurls ever encountered in your life and threated nicely, because I start to think THIS is the reason why Boberry is on a black list of some "feminist bullshit" RIGHT GUYS?!

Also I know how you write those things because eh ehm .. we watched you ALL this time, you got me?!
For some reason she is afraid to do a full weight facesitting or squashing… maybe something terrible happend once… 👀
I hope she does, with someone skinny, it would be AMAZING
> afraid to do a full weight facesitting or squashing… maybe something terrible happend once
There was a rumour back when you could order up squashing sessions. You’d have to talk to her “management” for more specifics tho.
How much did/does it cost? If she stopped, why?
Really? She has a manager of something? How did you know this?
It’s this ongoing and baseless insinuation insinuation that she’s an escort…they’re using “manager” as a euphemism for “pimp”
can someone post new content and stop yapping plz and ty
(11 KB, 194x259, images-95.jpeg) (208 KB, 1245x1861, mary-boberry-s-new-set-254-bswdbypg2c.jpg) (26 KB, 250x375, tumblr_o1faq2CRrI1tg5yrmo1_250.jpg)
Does anyone have these please?

Also I heard about one where she is bouncing on a man while wearing an orange tee shirt.

Just to show I have something to offer, not a total beggar, here is one I have. Her being rubbed down by and sat on some skinny girl named Brittany. I don't see this one often leaked.

That vid you want is on stufferdb I think, pretty good pov view near the end but it doesnt last that long

Thank you! Found them all except for the strawberry one.

The one with the other bbw Passion is only about 2 minutes long, and doesn't have any of the squashing like in that pic I posted. Do you know if they only do that in the pictures or what?
you guys cant do shit at your own, is passionbbw

That is Passion bbw. It is up on Stufferdb like another guy said. But I don't know if its the full video because there is no squashing or laying on each other. Maybe its only in the pictures. Shes the same bbw with Boberry in those pictures I posted two posts up.

I'm guessing Passion had her own site? That's what it looks like to me but I could be wrong.
Yes, the set is from her site. You can see the logo in the bottom left corner.

Also, really puts bo' size into perspective. Absolutely engulfs a 300-350lb woman.

I can't find her website. Searched, but found nothing. I found her onlyfans and leaked on coomer, but not this.

Can someone please point me to her site if it is still up?
Okay wait, sorry. Passion's site no longer exists. I found her clips4sale and stufferdb, but none of those videos with Boberry.

Is Passion active on any social media?

So the squashing really is only in the pictures. Damn. Oh well. Thank you sir!

I'm still on the hunt for those other two. One with Boberry feeding Passion berries.

Dude you are my hero! Thank you!

But man they fucking tease too much. Show in the video what they do in the pics. Pics don't really do it for me.
(205 KB, 1200x888, IMG_6104.jpeg)
This pic alone shows just how absolutely massive Mary’s legs are. And she was 100+ lbs smaller than she is now here. Her one thigh is almost the size of a relatively large bbw (passion was over 300lbs).
Does anyone have any of her newest content?
Its been a month! Where is all the new content? I'm looking at you Halt die fresse Kilotroll!
Dude drew the line at the weigh in, and it got leaked anyway. Weird hill to die on but he more than paid his dues.
her new squashing vid looks fire! (at least the preview). someone pls share it!
I remember that she once said that she didn't dare crush someone because they could get seriously hurt.
Yes! I remember that too!
I think something happend once that she decides that…
Mary has a small spot under a tree in the corner of her yard for her many scrawny victims.
Can someone post all her content from after her recent weigh in. Those are the only ones I'm missing
Hahahaha i dont know if is that extreme but im sure that something serious happend once on a squashing session that she decides that…
She has a new video!!!!!! Anyone Can share it?
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This woman needs to test the waters of 650...she is carrying 625 like 500 she is a true Legend!
Has there been any content shared since she dropped her new weigh in? Does she look bigger, smaller, etc?
She drops a new video today, anyone can share it?
I agree. I’d love to see her push on. She’s the healthiest big girl out there. She’s just incredible.
Right, the healthiest and still the prettiest even if she's 39 yo. Long live Queen BoBerry
I’d probably sub more often if she would at least indicate whether her new posts are paid or if they come with the sub. You just don’t know unless you sign up.
Once you subscribe, you can watch the vast majority of the videos without paying anything extra.
She's traveling and not putting out much content. The kind gentleman who has contributed in the past will hopefully do so again.
i wouldnt be surprised if she would move lightly at 650 she is super mobile taveling walking 1000's of steps everyday...its easy work for her!
Idk man, some of those more recent vids that were shared? She's more mobile than most at low-mid 600s, but she's not exactly breezing by at standard fitness. Frequent breaks are needed but they're disguised with "Omg look at that isn't it pretty?" distractions

How is her site compared to her Big Cuties? Like would you say the overall quality of videos is better and worth the money more than BC, or less, or same?

And can you download videos from her vip site?
Yes! You can, if you know how
Haha, this made me rember the hack I implemented on her website.
Basically I have a custom js script run a function every second which loops over all video tags it finds on the dom and removes the stupid controllist="nodownload" property, just so I don't have to do it manually XD
She’s doing a live stream Saturday
YES!!! Who Can make it!?
I am fortunate enough to live in the same timezone as Belgium so 8pm would work great for me.
I can’t make it unfortunately
Can you share your latest video?
Wow did she make the bed crack? Can you share it?
Wow, she almost fits on a regular single bed. That's unexpected!
I honestly don't unterstand why she doesn't upload more videos like it literally takes her maybe 30 minutes max and she won't be this fat for long in my opinion. I think way more people would subscribe if she posted on a regular basis.

Also can anybody share the new video?
I’m generally a belly guy but Mary is in a class of her own. Absolutely gorgeous and heavier than she has ever been. True wife goals.
This girl is so rich, that money or number of subscribers doesn't concern her. She makes the vids and pics just for her own pleasure.
Since anybody will not share the video at leats can say what did she says in the video? Or what happend on it? ☺️
how can i share a vid without the risk of getting busted? She uses those identification codes on the bottom right corner, right?
Post it on Gofile, also don't think she checks bbwchan like other models.
Pleae share it! I share many times, nothing bad will happen
She just claimed on her Livestream that the person who shared her weigh in was banned within an hour of posting...so I'm personally not sharing
That was probably some retard who posted it to YouTube, she only copystrikes those ones she doesn't know about bbwchan.
Yeah Boberry is now banning people who share her content, so it’s pay or be banned
Of course she and her security team know about bbwchan - you think all the bbw models haven’t shared with each other that this place exists and is full of people stealing their content? How dumb do you have to be to think that - like you’re in some digital camo invisible to all the content creators having their shit ripped. Lol
Only caught part way through, but did she calculate how heavy she would need to be before she couldn’t climb stairs?
She said something like 100lbs, but the calculations sounded very rough to me at least.

Also straight up asked her about the escort rumors later on, which she just laughed at...so there you go I guess.
Another question I just couldn't restrain myself form asking was, if she would ever be open to filming a (sumo) wrestling vid. She said that she'd be open to try it IRL, but probably wouldn't post a video, so that's a no right there....
i know this is a dumb question, but i genuinely have no idea how the process works. how are they finding out who shares, it is as simple as checking which users like screenrecord the videos or?
Given that you can hear both her knees pop when she steps on the scale at the end of her latest weigh in video, I'd say she's already at the point where going up or down stairs is sketchy at best, she's been over 500 lbs the majority of her adult life so it's only a matter of time before one if not both her knees blow and Mary finds herself in a similar situation that Adeline was in but worse since it will most likely happen while she's traveling and she'll have to deal with doctors and nurses, some of whom might not speak english, who might not treat her as well as medical professionals in the united states would.

Also there is a good chance this would happen while she's out and about and even though Mary has gone through public humiliation before, having firefighters called in to help pick her up, all the onlookers making remarks and filming her, is a level of humiliation I don't think she could handle.
What did she say in the livestream???
Did she broke anything latly? Any happend in public? Some stories so far? Public transport or hotels stories? I want to know!
First of all she hasn't been to Italy, but just to the UK, Scotland, Belgium and the Netherlands.

So I might have forgotten some things already but here's what I got:
- She is scared of braking those free floating toilets you've got over here in Europe, so she has been putting like stacks of books under some of them to minimize the risk (which their hopefully isn't any to start with..?)
- she checked into a hotel and got shown to her room by a skinny blond female hotel employee. She did ask for an elevator, but it turns out the weight limit was only 200lg or 3 people, so she had to tell the employee. Employee was really nice about it though.
- she is going to post another stair video soon. Apparently the staircase was really narrow and the steps where huge, so that sounds like will be fun to watch

If anyone else got something to add/correct please feel free to do so ;)
Can we at least get some information on what's happening in the vid?
Ist it related to the pic somebody posted above?
Is it good or just some one minute shot without anything special about it?
Honestly, I'm curious about this too. We've been able to avoid the whole issue so far with the videos not having the tags if you manage to download direct, but is she tracking website metrics now?
Why don't you just open a video editing software and spend a few minutes removing the what ever it is from the video?
Thanks for the info!!!! Hero!
What exactly happend to the skinny blonde employee? Im curious about that and all the elevador thing
It's either metadata embedded in the video file or it's some sort of flag with your site data when you try to download. Either we need to test it or this might be it.
Nothing really happened after that.
She just informed the hotel staff that she was over the weight limit and had to walk the stairs.
She also said that she didn't check for elevator availability before booking because she was just staying their 3 days. So she was already prepared for potentially no elevator. Also said that it was probably the first time that had happened to the employee which I find hot to think about. Just a 620+lbs woman testing hitting hard mechanical weight limits is just super hot to me.

She also said that she might have gained a little bit of weight, since she has been eating a lot these last few days and indulging in things like cheese and waffles.
Addition: Just the thought of some engineer designing this by today's standards narrow and low weight capacity elevator, some decades ago, thinking it would be impossible for a single person, let alone for a 5ft 8 woman to exceed the weight limit...
Very much appreciated, good samaritan!

Jesus Christ tho... did Mary shoot this w/ a fuckin potato?! And she literally does absolutely nothing but talk for damn near an hour until about the last 5mins... truly hope this didn't cost ya anything besides the sub, Anon-bro.

Complaints aside... Mary is looking damn good even as she ages. And that chest of hers sits nicer & nicer each update. And I can only imagine how much more prominent her double belly is slowly becoming...
Hero! Thanks a lot! But the video is broken, can you try to share it again?
The universe will reward you
btw... not trying to be that guy but, could you possibly also share this: >>125466

please & thank you 😊
Thank you so much for your reply! I get really turned on by the whole situation with the elevator and the skinny hotel employee, just imagining that she's never seen such a huge woman in her life.
And about the elevator, it is impressive that no engineer of the hotel would have imagined that such a giant woman could exist so that she could not bear the weight limit
Forgeret, i just dowloaded ☺️
Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!
Literally posted today but it already says folder not found. How??
Reup pls
just saying, the guy you responded to was asking if she's broken anything lately, not saying she was in italy lol
Stop using gofile for boberry ffs. The links are always down in a matter of hours if not minutes.
Literally never - she'll only sext with you if you pay heavily in advance on her site.
Could you reupload it again? It’s down
Can anyone share this video?
Can anyone upload all her content from after her weigh in plz and thank u cuz everyone just be yappin
Where’d you hear this? I thought she heavily scaled back the sex working years ago
Base64. copy the "code", paste, decode
The fucking questions lmao
HERO! Thank you!!!!!!!
The video ends there?
can't get the link when I decode
Just to say, I do remember in the old set 295 that she was indeed scared of breaking beds ... I know that she lost weight and her body is not the same as before, by the way you think that Mary getting heavier as she is right now needs like supports under the mattress?!

I feel like she looks more wobbly and soft then before, maybe she was pretty heavy in the past and some areas of her belly and fat distribution were more dense ... but in terms of weight the bedroom can handle better her now or it was better before?! I feel like before at her highest she was VERY DANGEROUS, now it's more soft spots and fat covering pillows.

Which is why Eve and Jae broken beds very easily cause their height and not just their weight.
anyone else please ignore this code - just some idiot playing around

Can someone send the code already decoded please?
can someone reup the livestream?
Following the Generous German Era we have now entered the Boberry Drought Era where screen recorded content is sporadically leaked which you might manage to download if you solved the encoded parable within 5 minutes of it being posted. We get the heroes we deserve.

PS: she hasn't uploaded the stream yet
She is still scared about it. In one of her Europe vids she showed a stack of books reinforcing a bed.
Any chance of a reup of the most recent live?
>>126043 Is it possible to reup pls thx
>>126043 it expired, someone can reupload?
She has a new stairs video!
> Will Boberry ever have a page like this?
No but if you DM her management and have the bona fides Ives heard it’s doable.
(95 KB, 937x703, MaryBo.jpg)
in her recent live she said that she feels a bit bigger since her weigh in...fingers crossed that she will reach 650 she is really close to it and she looks bomb doing it!
Can you share her last video?
Anyone can share her last video?
Can please someone share her newest content please guys
Bruh if she gets wider and fatter, imagine traveling around with 100/150 lbs of pure fat jiggling everywhere ... can you understand that Boberry is becoming a massive blob of gelatine? I think she needs to burn calories down, lose some weight and maybe LATER regaining ... if she gains ALL that fat now, she won't be able to walk anymore, she's already struggling in the bed or finding restaurant for her size .. I guess she could reach 660 or 670, but it doesn't seem very practical to move around.
thats like 20lb away from now and she moves like a champ as today so i dont think that it would make such a big difference for her 650 sounds realistic for her to be super puffy but mobile at the same time
Anyone able to upload her new stuff?
Do you have the video of this? If you do, then send it.
She claimed in her livestream that she doesn’t actually feel the extra weight she’s put on, and that she still think she can walk at 700lbs. Gotta love her confidence sometimes.
Can we please get a re-up of her recent updates
(776 KB, 2412x1084, Screenshot_20240803-212944.png)
Y'all should watch the stair video then. I mean don't get me wrong it was hot AF as I'm very much into the struggle, but taking ~2.5mins to walk up like at max. 15 steps and walking on all fours during half ot is not the picture of perfect mobility. Granted the staircase was very narrow and step, but still...
You really gotta factor in that at like 500lbs, shit slows down FAST for these girls. The fact that she is even willing to walk around or even entertain the notion of stairs is commendable.
>>126460 maybe you can share the video please
Wait, which video or update is this?
reup on anything new?
The latest one
Tbh I don't think she has much of a choice here, as when she would stop being active shit would go down fast and she does not seem like the type to accept nearing immobility
I will require video evidence to believe something so ludicrous
Can you share it? Please!
its on her website feel free to check it out...and since she is banning people sharing her content i highly doubt it that somebdoy will risk it for less than 10$
>>126476 Why is her content still on YouTube for over a month when she banning people. I mean it's easy to found
The WHOLE point of this site is to share content with others
Fair enough. Please, go ahead!
Please share the stair video i need it!!
She's already done that, she's lost weight and gained it back. Right now she's the same weight as she was a few years ago. She's old, and the older she gets the harder it will be to stay mobile. If she wants to gain, right now is the best time.
She could be exaggerating the struggle just a bit for the views. Not completely, but maybe a little.
Are you gonna send the video or what? Come on, dude.
No, I thought me not sharing it in the first place already implied that...
So here's the deal:
a) I ain't risking shit for a 10$ subscription
and more importantly
b) the video feels like a very rare special glimpse in to her day to day struggle and I wouldn't want to be the reason the clip gets leaked and ends up on national television. Sort of like a sequel to her girl too fat to fly demand free second seat on airplane.
Can we have a reup of the recent videos? Thank you in advance guys
Bro please no video from this thread has landed on TV
Just search "fat girl airplane" on YouTube and see for yourself. She even said that she had to talk to people about her shit being leaked before they found out online.

Also turns out my subscription ran out just today.
Bbw Chan in 2020: here's the new video guys let me know if you need anything else🗿
Bbw Chan in 2024: guys do you realize this video could go on National Television 🤓
Bro that's a clip from her own tik tok
Yeah, bc it was already trending online, so she decided to out herself and tried to make the best of the situation.
Come on we need just one hero
U mean a fool who will risk his lifetime access to his favourite model library...shit aint happening and yall roaches need to step it up its only 9.99 jackie charges 19.99 and posts nothing smh
Who is the Evidence that she had ban people on her site is anyone her who is banned on her side?
Could not have said it any better myself.
She was the first and only model I ever subscribed to, so yeah ain't risking shit.
She also said tht she scared of her vids being leaked which is why she sometimes doesn't even dre to post too personal content, so I don't want to be in the way of anything.
She said that her team is working on taking down content (which you can see the effects of with the gofile links getting taken down in mere hours) and has already named some people for sharing her weigh in.

Then upload to something more secure like bunkrr, dunbass.

This an anonymous board. If you have content, post it and stop being a little pussy.
It doesnt have to be the one who is subscribed, the same that shares the video. Just share it with another anon of this page and the other one have to post the video here
Have you ever questioned why you are posting on this board, let alone frequenting it? The whole purpose of bbw-chan is to share pics and videos of obese women. There's a reason it's setup as an image board.

What are you adding to your life by being here?
How does she know who shared her weigh in?
She probably had something imbedded in the videos on her website like a user id which you can trace back.

We are all here to share and pirate porn, dude.

Stop being a white knight pussy.
It doesnt have to be the one who is subscribed, the same that shares the video. Just share it with another anon of this page and the other one have to post the video here
Her “manager” is on this board as a mod. He’s the guy pretending Mary isn’t doing sex work, jus Instagram modeling.
>turns sketchy stairs into a little hike
Based and best girl pilled
$10? yall said the weigh in alone was $100
Look, don’t be a pussy. This is a sharing content. Share it or fuck off.
This is the biggest bullshit I've ever read in my life... so what the fuck are you here for?
It's very irritating, this guy is a little retarded I think
The guy refusing to share is starting to remind me of Kilotroll lol
Someone post an mail accont or something and then the one who is subscribed to her page has to share the video with him and then, to whom it was shared have to upload the viode to mab/wetransfer/mega and share the link!!!
theres no risk in doing like that i think
anons when in need of content :
please someone share pics/video 🥺
anons when someone posts content :
thank You King ! ❤️🗿 You dropped this 👑
anons when someone openly refuses to share :
share it of fuck off faggot 😡😡😡😡😡
If you homos aren't in favour of sharing content then why are here at all? Either stop being such absolute pussies or fuck off to curvage or feabie, no one cares for your prententious moral grandstanding here.
Dude, as the others said. Send the video.
Other thing that you can do is upload the video in a random thread of other model

Why would your idea be of any use? If the videos are in fact marked, any in-between steps will do nothing to prevent Boberry from tracking them to the customer who shared them in the first place.

Plus I've already made my mind up about not sharing any of her paysite content
...wouldn't just deleting the metadata solve our problems?
(161 KB, 1139x1490, 1.jpg)
There is no identifying metadata in the videos. She can simply say she is banning people who share her content - without actually doing it. That seems to be effective.
It leads me to believe either there is a limited number of people buying her PPV content and she & her team are able to piece together who leaks based on timing and frequency OR the admin of the site can see who is accessing downloads by user ID. But in that case she would also be banning anyone who evades her website's scripts and downloads anyway.

If the first theory is correct, then anyone who is inclined to share should wait a while after they've purchased to throw the smoke off. If the second is correct, then no one is safe unless they do screenshots instead. So we're back to square one.
Just upload the stuff to pixeldrain
Well, she banned me once even though I deleted the metadata, so there's that.
What did you share and how did that go down?

I can't imagine the non-PPV stuff is being monitored that closely but if I'm wrong we're at an impasse.
Set up alias email address, fund with alt from new wallet. When banned, repeat.
There is no way to record the screen or something instead of downloading the video from the page?
Pls someone can reupload pls?
If the latter is correct, the best thing to do is flood it by having many people download it. Probably tough to organise though.
i just got word that she is officially dropping a sex tape this christmas
Yeah okay

And she's also intentionally gaining to immobility
Why would you want the girl known for her mobility to be immobile? You're phrasing that like a good thing when it's just sad
she plans to get bigger?

She isn't purposefully gaining at this point, she did before the weigh-in to hit her goal but now she is just enjoying herself on vacation and it sounds like she has unintentionally gained a bit more.

As for her mobility, there is something hot about seeing someone who was the exception to the rule finally succumb to it. But i think her overall mobility is fine. She just had a hard time with awkward stairs that her body literally got stuck in in certain spots.

I'm half her weight and stairs suck for me. I can only imagine how hard i'd have it if i were over 600 lbs.
My dad works at the same VC bank as her pimp and both of these options are on the table if the FED doesn’t lower the rate on reserves in September.
I can't believe I'd cheer on the government to act against their best interests just for some blob's sex tape.

But I fucking would.
I am sure she didn’t gain. She would be doing another weigh in to make more money
Is it just me or does she not show her butt enough and when she does it’s covered up? Like, she could twerk, bounce around on something (yeah the one she has made like that she was wearing pants), clench those cheeks, put her ass up in air, etc like I’m still salty she collabed with Sadie and both their asses were so covered up h they might as well have been wearing pants smh
Shieeet frfr
Just watched her exercise video and she was doing a pretty great job of throwing it around tho
>she could twerk

No negro-posting, please.
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Is anybody gonna send these videos or just talking? Share some shit, damn
She's at her peak weight and it's impossible to get the videos, feeling edged so hard man.
She’s an absolute smoke show. I hope she continues to add more pounds. She has such a unique shape
its super easy to get them...subscribe :)
Mind if I ask you how does it feel in terms of hunger? Because I could never imagine when you like "follow that diet", when you gain weight and you keep eating and eating ... how does it feel?

Just like the idea of Boberry trying hard to gain 50/100 lbs of weight is insane, not only because she's already big and very fat .. but because you must eat like a fucking bear or even bigger proportions.
Whenever BoBerry isn't on a diet (which frankly I would love to know what she actually had both times she lost a noticeable amount of weight), she is literally eating everything she wants. If it sounds good, she wants it. Portion sizes aren't a factor. She will sit down at a restaurant and order multiple entries as if it was a tasting menu. I know she tends to have a richer taste, but if she did a food tour of the American South, there's no doubt in my mind she would gain a pound a day EASILY. The UK as a base of operations for her European stay is quite possibly the best result we could have hoped for.

She's so casually gluttonous it's astounding and the hottest thing ever. I don't think she could ever eat to stabilize her size - her weight is in such constant flux because it's either eat anything and everything or slamming on the brakes due to something out of her control.
Around the time she did her lowest weigh in at 550, she mentioned grief counseling after her father's passing and how the counselor encouraged her to "get out more (or something like that)". So I believe that:
a) she did the opposite of eating her emotions
b) she did start being mor active
c) she did start traveling a lot more; with this sort of motto of "I've been at 500-600+lbs for a while now and probably am going to stay like this for a long time, so might as well start enjoying life more, since who knows how long I have left".
and possibly
d) her father's death might have been weight related so sort of a health scare.

But if there was no health scare involved I honestly don't really think that she went on any planned diet/weight loss journey.

Another theory I had back then after watching BigCuties set #298 'Breakfast binge' was about the newly spotted apple watch around her wrist, but since she kept it ever since and clearly has just been having like crazy recently I doubt that it played a huge role in her weight loss back then.
Uh .. you're literally describing the metabolism and the "probabilities" of Mary to gain or lose weight, which is not what I asked.
I said <how does it feel in terms of hunger? Because I could never imagine when you like "follow that diet", when you gain weight and you keep eating and eating ... how does it feel?> so yea ... I asked how YOU feel when you est like that.

Because if I can understand your feelings maaybe I can understand how Mary Boberry feels, but I tell you it's just YOU ... I never being fat enough to become the same size of Boberry, I don't know it.
Go ahead and try for yourself:

I've actually thought about recreating such a day of eating, but:
a) It's hella expensive
b) I probably wouldn't even make it half way (btw. I'm 5ft 8 ~135lbs)
c) I don't live in England/London so I'd have to remake or substitute a lot of dishes

But that is only half the truth bc. she probably is way more used to eating like this (as she demonstrated for 10 straight days), and wouldn't feel half as bad as a "normal" person attempting her diet out of the blue.
Oh, yeah if anyone attempts a full day of eating like BoBerry: Please report back with your findings ;)

I've eaten more than the amount shown on that spreadsheet, and roughly the same stuff. It's not hard. I eat about 4000kcal a day anyway, so 7000 isn't anything dramatic.

I'm male,though, sorry to disappoint.
I'm not paying for porn, that's gay.
Does any1 have that gofile link with her entire bigcuties career leaked on it, from vid 1 to 300?
Set 122 where she gets massages by a skinny cute blondie is the one I'm after in particular
Are these (>>126878,>>126892) "people" even fans of Boberry, why the F-word they stay here?!

Also I made the question to (>>126711) this person, of course if you weight 135 lbs you can't eat like her every day ... which is why I asked that specific question. But hey, there are sooo many people here having schizophrenia acting like the main protagonist ... that I wonder if you ever traveled around to seek fat women like Mary Boberry in your life.

Or nah, I think you guys are just bunch of pathetic losers XD
If you search on Google, "Boberry Erome" they show up all their videos, even those from BC and those on their page
We've reached the thread limit and have been bumplocked.

New thread here >>126929 (Cross-thread)

Go set your bookmarks and let this one die out

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