
Have these ones, not very new but newer than yours. Also someone tell me if this works, first time doing it.
Like a charm. Thanks bud.
Does anyone have the most recent fat hairstylist video?
Who she shooting in the chest
Is she really massive or does she merely just give off the illusion of being huge because of the angle

I’d say shes pretty big man, looks pretty sexy
Would like to see some of her newer videos, sometimes you can find an odd video here and there on various sites like stufferdb, but for some reason a good chunk of those are always corrupt and only play for a minute or two.
Goated, bro! absolutely Goated. Thank you
Any news on cream puff yet?
Do anybody have Blob Girl Confessions
Newer vids? I thought she was out.
Do anybody have any of her new videos from clip4sale
Yeah I’ve also been looking for some of her new stuff, I love her dark content specifically.
Do anybody have any new videos
Another personal favorite, really need more videos of her

absolutely god tier drop dude, that video rocks
Does anyone have her mutual gaining video?
Just imagine how big she'd be if she got pregnant tho
That weigh in has to be fake right? No way she's 551lbs
It’s hard to gauge just how big she is the way she makes all her videos. All the same, zoomed way in and you can’t get a glimpse of her whole body. No doubt intentional.
Even with the weird camera angles,I doubt she’s even 400, let alone 500
"She is perhaps 17 kilos. I observed a woman once and was able to deduce the size of all women with 3% accuracy, visually. I now use my potato collection for reference. You are all number fetishests!!!!"
She's not far from 6ft tall. Anyone her height is going to be heavier than they look. A person with identical proportions (not BMI, bad measure for comparing across heights) at 5ft would weigh 320.

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