
(192 KB, 800x1191, 190echo_all.jpg) (822 KB, 1918x1079, Screenshot_20240429_114624_YouTube.jpg)
Isn't it interesting how some people, like Echo, can eat themselves into physical immobility and beyond with very few skin problems, but others can get that big and their skin is all but destroyed. Just an observation I've made. I wonder what the difference is, if it's genetic, mobility based (echo can at least stand up for a few moments at a time), or if it involves the actual type of nutrient overload leading to the obesity.
>> nutrient overload
Go outside, touch some grass
This is going to blow your mind, but it has a lot to do with…skin care.
Its called photo shop lol, look at sadies pictures vs her videos for example. All her pics she looks all smooth and white, but in her videos shes get varicose veins all over.
Come bro are u really that dense
I get what you tryin to say
But it’s a well known fact big cuties especially airbrush and photoshop a lot of the blemishes and bad spots out
Dense is me not seeing this bullshit years sooner
>>116581 (OP)
In what universe does Echo not have skin problems? Have you not seen the massive bandages on her legs that are highly visible in many of her sets and videos?
In what world right. Lol

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